If you followed the example then translations will be automatically loaded from the database for the current locale configured in the listener.
$post = $em->find('BlogPost', 1);
$post->getTitle(); // Title in English
To access translations in different locales, simply get them from the relation. Translations are indexed by locale.
// Direct access
$post->getTranslations()->get('de')->getTitle(); // Title in German
// Via the translate() helper from the example
$post->translate('fr')->getTitle(); // Title in French
Translations are plain related entities. You can query them directly.
// Search posts by title
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
->from('BlogPost', p)
->join('p.translations', 'pt', 'pt.locale = :locale')
->where('pt.title = :title');
$posts = $qb->getQuery()
'locale' => 'nl',
'title' => 'Dutch title',
Normally when you call getTranslations() or translate() on an entity, the database is queried. But you can fetch-load translations just like any other entity:
// Fetch-load a single locale
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
$qb->select('p', 'pt')
->from('BlogPost', p)
->join('p.translations', 'pt', 'pt.locale = :locale');
$posts = $qb->getQuery()
->setParameter('locale', 'en')
// Fetch-load all locales
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
$qb->select('p', 'pt')
->from('BlogPost', p)
->join('p.translations', 'pt');
$posts = $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
You can implement fallback translations yourself in your entity models. To enable this, you can create
a property tagged with the FallbackLocale
annotation. This property will be filled with the fallback locale
configured in the translatable listener. Example:
// BlogPost.php
class BlogPost extends AbstractTranslatable
// Mappings
// ...
* @Prezent\FallbackLocale
private $fallbackLocale;
* Translation helper method that uses a fallback locale
public function translate($locale = null)
if (null === $locale) {
$locale = $this->currentLocale;
if (!$locale) {
throw new \RuntimeException('No locale has been set and currentLocale is empty');
if ($this->currentTranslation && $this->currentTranslation->getLocale() === $locale) {
return $this->currentTranslation;
if (!$translation = $this->translations->get($locale)) {
if (!$translation = $this->translations->get($this->fallbackLocale)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('No translation in current or fallback locale');
$this->currentTranslation = $translation;
return $translation;
// Your controller
$post = $em->find('BlogPost', 1);
$post->getTitle(); // Title in French, or English if French is not available