We are going to assume that you have the plugin installed already, if you don't you should do that first. Once that is done navigate to plugins/ObbyLang/scripts
and create a file named test.js
listener.register(owner, (event) => {
const player = event.getPlayer();
player.sendMessage("Hello World!");
}, "BlockPlaceEvent");ja
command.register(owner, (sender, cmd, label, args) => {
sender.sendMessage("Hello World!");
}, "test");j
The base command for ObbyLang is /obbylang or /ol. Below you will find the usage of the ObbyLang commands.
/obbylang - Shows the help map
/obbylang reload <script> - Reloads a script with the specified name
/obbylang unload <script> - Unloads a script, will be loaded on next restart
/obbyland disable <script> - Disabled a script, renames it to scriptname.js.dis
/obbylang enable <script> - Enables a previously disabled script