diff --git a/Docs/Migration-INI.md b/Docs/Migration-INI.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6fddab930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Docs/Migration-INI.md
@@ -0,0 +1,962 @@
+# Migrating from older versions - INI configuration
+Migrating to client version [][client] from pre-
+This guide uses [YR mod base][mod_base] configuration as an example by migrating from commit [`6ce7db7`](https://github.com/Starkku/cncnet-client-mod-base/commit/6ce7db7fd753df329fb435c3aa5ba90505e5f3a2) to [`34efc04`](https://github.com/Starkku/cncnet-client-mod-base/commit/34efc0454c64e4af28e8177e63f3d9546cbbc6fb). The majority of changes also applies to non-YR client configurations.
+It is **highly recommended** to make a complete backup of your game/mod before starting.
+## Edit `ClientDefinitions.ini`
+The way the client is launched on Unix systems has changed.
+1. Add `[Settings]->UnixLauncherExe=YRLauncher.sh` (script file name can be anything)
+2. Create `YRLauncher.sh` in game directory:
+cd "$(dirname "$0")"
+dotnet Resources/BinariesNET8/UniversalGL/clientogl.dll "$@"
+3. **OPTIONAL** Add these entries in `[Settings]` (fill with your required/forbidden mod files):
+; Comma-separated list of files required to run the game / mod that are not included in the installation.
+; Comma-separated list of files that cannot be present to run the game / mod without problems.
+## Add `GameLobbyBase.ini`
+Unlike in previous versions, skirmish and multiplayer lobbies share a common, abstract base layout. This file is the base layout of all game lobbies (skirmish, LAN, CnCNet). **Game options have been moved from `GameOptions.ini` to this file**.
+See example configuration below or in [YR mod base][mod_base]:
+Click to show file content
+PlayerOptionLocationX=12 ; def=25
+PlayerOptionLocationY=25 ; def=24
+PlayerOptionVerticalMargin=9 ; def=12
+PlayerOptionHorizontalMargin=5 ; def=3
+PlayerOptionCaptionLocationY=6 ; def=6
+PlayerNameWidth=127 ; def=136
+SideWidth=120 ; def=91
+ColorWidth=80 ; def=79
+StartWidth=50 ; def=49
+TeamWidth=50 ; def=46
+; controls
+Text=Players; in the game its Players, makes more sense than Name actually, eh
+$Width=getWidth($ParentControl) - (getX($Self) + (getWidth(MapPreviewBox) + LOBBY_EMPTY_SPACE_SIDES + LOBBY_PANEL_SPACING))
+$Height=getBottom(MapPreviewBox) - getY($Self)
+$X=getRight(lbMapList) - getWidth($Self)
+$Y=getY(lbMapList) - getHeight($Self) - EMPTY_SPACE_TOP
+Text=Game mode:
+$X=getX(ddGameMode) - getWidth($Self) - LABEL_SPACING
+$Y=getY(ddGameMode) + 1
+Text=Launch Game
+$Y=getHeight($ParentControl) - getHeight($Self) - EMPTY_SPACE_BOTTOM
+Text=Pick Random Map
+$Y=getY(btnLaunchGame) - getHeight($Self) - LOBBY_PANEL_SPACING
+Suggestion=Search map...
+$Width=getRight(lbMapList) - getRight(btnPickRandomMap) - LOBBY_PANEL_SPACING
+$X=getRight(btnPickRandomMap) + LOBBY_PANEL_SPACING
+$Y=getY(btnPickRandomMap) ; + 1
+$X=getWidth($ParentControl) - getWidth($Self) - LOBBY_EMPTY_SPACE_SIDES
+$Y=getBottom(MapPreviewBox) + LABEL_SPACING
+$Y=getBottom(lblMapName) + LABEL_SPACING
+$Y=getBottom(lblGameMode) + LABEL_SPACING
+Text=Leave Game
+$X=getWidth($ParentControl) - getWidth($Self) - LOBBY_EMPTY_SPACE_SIDES
+$Width=getWidth($ParentControl) - (getX($Self) + (getWidth(GameOptionsPanel) + LOBBY_EMPTY_SPACE_SIDES + LOBBY_PANEL_SPACING))
+$X=getRight(PlayerOptionsPanel) - getWidth($Self)
+$X=getWidth($ParentControl) - getWidth($Self)
+$X=getWidth($ParentControl) - getWidth($Self) - LOBBY_EMPTY_SPACE_SIDES
+; Left column checkboxes
+; Right column checkboxes
+; Dropdowns
+; $CC-GODD03=cmbGameSpeedCap:GameLobbyDropDown ; different in MP and SP
+$X=getWidth($ParentControl) - getWidth($Self)
+; LEFT Column Checkboxes
+Text=Short Game
+ToolTip=Players win when all enemy buildings are destroyed.
+Text=MCV Repacks
+ToolTip=Players have the ability to move their command center after it's deployed.
+$Y=getBottom(chkShortGame) + GAME_OPTION_ROW_SPACING
+ToolTip=Allow superweapons to be built.
+$Y=getBottom(chkRedeplMCV) + GAME_OPTION_ROW_SPACING
+Text=Crates Appear
+ToolTip=Random power-up crates will appear.
+$Y=getBottom(chkSuperWeapons) + GAME_OPTION_ROW_SPACING
+Text=Build Off Allies
+ToolTip=Allow players to build near their allies' Construction Yards.
+$Y=getBottom(chkCrates) + GAME_OPTION_ROW_SPACING
+Text=Multi Engineer
+ToolTip=Capturing structures requires 3 Engineers instead of 1.
+$Y=getBottom(chkBuildOffAlly) + GAME_OPTION_ROW_SPACING
+; Right Column Checkboxes
+Text=Ingame Allying
+CustomIniPath=INI/Game Options/AlliesAllowed.ini
+ToolTip=Players can form and break alliances in game.
+Text=Stolen Tech
+CustomIniPath=INI/Game Options/StolenTech.ini
+ToolTip=Allow infiltration of battle labs for stolen tech infantry.
+$Y=getBottom(chkIngameAllying) + GAME_OPTION_ROW_SPACING
+Text=Naval Combat
+CustomIniPath=INI/Game Options/NavalCombat.ini
+ToolTip=Allow shipyards and naval units to be built.
+$Y=getBottom(chkStolenTech) + GAME_OPTION_ROW_SPACING
+Text=Destroyable Bridges
+CustomIniPath=INI/Game Options/DestroyableBridges.ini
+ToolTip=Allow bridges to be destroyed by conventional weapons & force firing.
+$Y=getBottom(chkNavalCombat) + GAME_OPTION_ROW_SPACING
+Text=Brutal AI
+CustomIniPath=INI/Game Options/BrutalAI.ini
+ToolTip=Makes the AI harder across all levels.
+$Y=getBottom(chkDestroyableBridges) + GAME_OPTION_ROW_SPACING
+Text=No Spawn Previews
+CustomIniPath=INI/Game Options/NoSpawnPreview.ini
+ToolTip=Do not display players' starting locations in loading screen map preview.
+$Y=getBottom(chkBrutalAI) + GAME_OPTION_ROW_SPACING
+; Dropdowns
+OptionName=Starting Credits
+ToolTip=Changes how many credits players start with.
+$Y=getHeight($ParentControl) - (getHeight($Self) + EMPTY_SPACE_BOTTOM)
+Text=Game Speed:
+$Y=getY(cmbGameSpeedCapPlaceholder) - LABEL_SPACING - DEFAULT_LBL_HEIGHT
+; not actually a control in this file, used for inheritance
+OptionName=Game Speed
+; Items= ...
+ToolTip=Changes game speed cap.
+Text=Tech Level:
+OptionName=Tech Level
+ToolTip=Changes maximum tech level for all players.
+Text=Starting Units:
+OptionName=Starting Units
+ToolTip=Changes how many infantry units players start with.
+; Window Border Sides
+; Window Border Corners
+### Port custom game options
+If your game/mod has custom game options, you have to port them yourself. To add controls in the game options panel, add `$CC-GO` prefixed list entries in `[GameOptionsPanel]`, then create their own sections.
+Example option in `GameOptions.ini` in previous versions:
+Text=My New Option
+CustomIniPath=INI/Game Options/MyNewOption.ini
+ToolTip=Enable this new option.
+Example option in `GameLobbyBase.ini` in the new version:
+Text=My New Option
+CustomIniPath=INI/Game Options/MyNewOption.ini
+ToolTip=Enable this new option.
+Location=1126,79 ; $X and $Y are recommended instead
+## Edit `SkirmishLobby.ini`
+This file extends the game lobby base with skirmish-specific controls. **Remove (or port) previous content of this file.** If you have a modified `[SkirmishLobby]` section in `GameOptions.ini`, move it here instead of using the example one below. Remove `CheckBoxes`,`DropDowns` and`Labels` entries; if you have custom game options, see section [Port custom game options](#port-custom-game-options) on how to port them.
+Items=Fastest (MAX),Faster (60 FPS),Fast (30 FPS),Medium (20 FPS),Slow (15 FPS),Slower (12 FPS),Slowest (10 FPS)
+## Edit `MultiplayerGameLobby.ini`
+This file extends the game lobby base with multiplayer-specific controls, such as the chat box and lock and ready buttons. **Remove (or port) previous content of this file.** If you have a modified `[MultiplayerGameLobby]` section in `GameOptions.ini`, move it here instead of using the example one below. Remove `CheckBoxes`,`DropDowns` and`Labels` entries; if you have custom game options, see section [Port custom game options](#port-custom-game-options) on how to port them.
+Click to show file content
+PlayerOptionLocationY=25 ; def=24
+PlayerOptionVerticalMargin=9 ; def=12
+PlayerOptionHorizontalMargin=5 ; def=3
+PlayerOptionCaptionLocationY=6 ; def=6
+PlayerNameWidth=135 ; def=136
+SideWidth=110 ; def=91
+ColorWidth=80 ; def=79
+StartWidth=45 ; def=49
+TeamWidth=35 ; def=46
+; controls
+$Y=getBottom(lbMapList) + LOBBY_PANEL_SPACING
+$X=getRight(btnPickRandomMap) + LOBBY_PANEL_SPACING
+$Y=getBottom(btnPickRandomMap) + LOBBY_PANEL_SPACING
+$Height=getBottom(MapPreviewBox) - (getBottom(btnPickRandomMap) + LOBBY_PANEL_SPACING)
+$Height=getBottom(MapPreviewBox) - getY($Self)
+Suggestion=Type here to chat...
+$Y=getBottom(MapPreviewBox) + LOBBY_PANEL_SPACING
+$X=getRight(btnLaunchGame) + LOBBY_PANEL_SPACING
+$X=getRight(btnLaunchGame) + LOBBY_PANEL_SPACING
+$Y=getY(btnLaunchGame) + 2
+Items=Fastest (60 FPS),Faster (45 FPS),Fast (30 FPS),Medium (20 FPS),Slow (15 FPS),Slower (12 FPS),Slowest (10 FPS)
+## Create `CnCNetGameLobby.ini`
+This file extends the multiplayer game lobby with CnCNet-specific controls, like the change tunnel button. **Remove (or port) previous content of this file.**
+Text=Change Tunnel
+$X=getX(btnLeaveGame) - getWidth($Self) - LOBBY_PANEL_SPACING
+## Create `LANGameLobby.ini`
+This stub file can extend the multiplayer lobby with LAN-specifc controls. **Remove (or port) previous content of this file.**
+## Edit `GameOptions.ini`
+After adding all game lobby options to `GameLobbyBase.ini`, remove them here. Remove `[SkirmishLobby]` and `[MultiplayerGameLobby]` sections, too.
+## Edit `GenericWindow.ini`
+Replace `[SkirmishLobby]` and `[MultiplayerGameLobby]` with this:
+## Edit `GlobalThemeSettings.ini`
+This file now also contains the `ParserConstants` section, which lists user-defined constants used for positioning controls within panels and windows. **Without this section, the client will crash with new `GameLobbyBase.ini` layout**.
+Add the following:
+## Create `ManualUpdateQueryWindow.ini`
+It is now possible to force a manual query for game/mod updates, which displays a new window.
+## Edit `OptionsWindow.ini`
+New checkboxes have been added in the options window.
+1. Add sections:
+Text=Disable private message pop-ups
+Text=Only receive game invitations@from friends
+2. **OPTIONAL** Add sections:
+Text=Enable DDWrapper for map editor
+ToolTip=Enables DirectDraw wrapper & emulation for map editor.@Turning this option on can help if you are encountering problems with editor viewport not displaying or being laggy.
+EnabledFile0=Resources/Compatibility/DLL/ddwrapper.dll,Map Editor/ddraw32.dll,OverwriteOnMismatch
+EnabledFile1=Resources/Compatibility/Configs/aqrit.cfg,Map Editor/aqrit.cfg,KeepChanges
+3. **OPTIONAL (YR+Phobos)** Add sections:
+; Only available with Phobos
+Location=24,151, ;12,151
+Text=Sidebar Tooltip Descriptions
+ToolTip=Enables additional information in sidebar tooltips.
+Text=Mass Selection Filtering
+ToolTip=If enabled, non-combat units are not selected if mass-selecting together with combat units.
+Text=Show Building Placement Preview
+ToolTip=If enabled, shows a preview image of the building when placing it.
+## Create new `PlayerExtraOptionsPanel.ini`
+A new panel that allows for convenient match setup has been added in the game lobby.
+## Appendix
+For completion's sake, below are additional steps required for a complete migration (beyond INI changes) to client version [][client] from pre-
+### Update client binary files
+1. Replace `clientdx.exe`, `clientogl.exe` and `clientxna.exe` in `Resources` with new files. Compiled `.pdb` and `.config` files are optional.
+2. Replace contents of `Resources/Binaries` with new files. This directory contains the .NET Framework 4.8 version of the client.
+3. **OPTIONAL** Copy contents of downloaded `BinariesNET8` into a new directory `Resources/BinariesNET8`. This directory contains the .NET 8 version of the client that enabled experimental cross-platform Unix support.
+The `Resources` directory should look like this (omitting configuration files and assets):
+/Resources # override the `Resources` folder to update the client binaries
+├── Binaries # this folder contains partial .NET 4.8 client files
+├── BinariesNET8 # this folder contains .NET 8.0 client files, where modders can either delete it, or keep it for an experimental cross-platform support
+├── clientdx.exe # .NET 4.8 client main executable
+├── clientdx.exe.config # distributed along with `.exe` file. Can be removed but it is better to keep it.
+├── clientdx.pdb # .pdb file contains debug symbols. It can be either deleted or retained.
+├── clientogl.exe # .NET 4.8 client main executable
+├── clientogl.exe.config # same as above
+├── clientogl.pdb # same as above
+├── clientxna.exe # .NET 4.8 client main executable
+├── clientxna.exe.config # same as above
+└── clientxna.pdb # same as above
+### Update the client launcher
+The client launcher (that resides in the game directory) has been updated. You can replace the old one with version [2.0.7](https://github.com/CnCNet/dta-mg-client-launcher/releases/tag/v2.0.7). Remember to rename it from `CncNetLauncherStub.exe` to your launcher name, i.e. `YRLauncher.exe`, `MentalOmegaLauncher.exe`. Rename the `.config` file appropriately, i.e. `YRLauncher.exe.config`, `MentalOmegaLauncher.exe.config`.
+### Update the second-stage updater
+The second-stage updater (formerly `clientupdt.dat`) has been reworked. The new version [1.0.16](https://github.com/CnCNet/cncnet-client-updater/releases/tag/v1.0.16) should be placed in new directory `Resources/Updater`. The new version has two variants, for .NET Framework 4.8 (`SecondStageUpdater.exe`) and for .NET 8.0 (`SecondStageUpdater.dll`). If you want to use the .NET 8.0 client, you should include the .NET 8.0 updater.
+The `Updater` directory should look like this:
+├── Rampastring.Tools.dll # common dependencies of .NET 4.8/.NET 8.0 second-stage updater
+├── SecondStageUpdater.dll # .NET 8.0 second-stage updater
+├── SecondStageUpdater.exe # .NET 4.8 second-stage updater
+├── SecondStageUpdater.exe.config # .NET 4.8 second-stage updater
+└── SecondStageUpdater.runtimeconfig.json # .NET 8.0 second-stage updater
+The old updater will still work, but is no longer maintained.
+### Add new assets
+Every file here can be placed either in `Resources` or in theme directories:
+- `favActive.png` and `favInactive.png`, 21x21 pixels
+- `optionsButton.png`, `optionsButton_c.png`, `optionsButtonActive.png`, `optionsButtonActive_c.png`, `optionsButtonClose.png` and `optionsButtonClose_c.png`, 18x18 pixels
+- `questionMark.png` and `questionMark_c.png`, 18x18 pixels
+- `sortAlphaAsc.png`, `sortAlphaDesc.png` and `sortAlphaNone.png`, 21x21 pixels
+- `statusAI.png`, `statusClear.png`, `statusEmpty.png`, `statusError.png`, `statusInProgress.png`, `statusOk.png`, `statusUnavailable.png`, `statusWarning.png`, 21x21 pixels
+You can find example assets in the [YR mod base][mod_base].
+[client]: https://github.com/CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client/releases/tag/
+[mod_base]: https://github.com/Starkku/cncnet-client-mod-base
diff --git a/Docs/Migration.md b/Docs/Migration.md
index 4734fed6c..5ad4a7f6d 100644
--- a/Docs/Migration.md
+++ b/Docs/Migration.md
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Migrating from older versions
-- The [Tiberian Sun Client v6 Changes](https://github.com/CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client/pull/275) breaks compatibility. You need to reimplement the ini files for `SkirmishLobby`, `LANLobby`, and `CnCNetLobby` with the new `INItializableWindow` format. Also, add the `[$ExtraControls]` section in `GenericWindow.ini` file if you rely on `[ExtraControls]`. Define constants in `[ParserConstants]` section in `DTACnCNetClient.ini` file, which might be used from the `INItializableWindow` configuration.
+- The [Tiberian Sun Client v6 Changes](https://github.com/CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client/pull/275) breaks compatibility. You need to reimplement the ini files for `SkirmishLobby`, `LANLobby`, and `CnCNetLobby` with the new `INItializableWindow` format. Also, add the `[$ExtraControls]` section in `GenericWindow.ini` file if you rely on `[ExtraControls]`. Define constants in `[ParserConstants]` section in `DTACnCNetClient.ini` file, which might be used from the `INItializableWindow` configuration. See [this guide](/Docs/Migration-INI.md) for details.
- The new [player status indicators feature](https://github.com/CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client/pull/251) replaces the old "player is ready" indicators in game lobby. This requires:
- renaming `PlayerReadyBox*` tags into `PlayerStatusIndicator*` (which now have default values of `0` and `0` instead of `7` and `4` for `X` and `Y` respectively);