#Challenge Map:#
- ✅ Challenge is fully QA'd and ready to ship
- 📘 Challenge has been reviewed and is ready for QA
- 📝 Challenge is fully written
- ✏️ Challenge is being written
###React Challenges:###
Introducing JSX Elements
- ✅ 📘 1: Create a Simple JSX element
- ✅ 📘 2: Create a Complex JSX Element
- ✅ 📘 3: Add Comments in JSX (may need to revise test for comment)
- ✅ 📘 4: Render HTML Elements to the DOM
- ✅ 📘 5: Define an HTML Class in JSX
- ✅ 📘 6: Learn About Self-Closing JSX Tags
Introducing React/Components
- ✅ 📘 7: Create a Stateless Functional Component (introduce ES6 arrow syntax here?)
- ✅ 📘 8: Create a Component with React
- ✅ 📘 9: Create a Component with Composition
- ✅ 📘 10: Use React to Render Nested Components
- ✅ 📘 11: Compose React Components
- ✅ 📘 12: Render a Class Component to the DOM
- ✅ 📘 13: Write a React Component from Scratch
- ✅ 📘 14: Pass a String to a Functional Component
- ✅ 📘 15: Pass an Array as Props
- ✅ 📘 16: Use Default Props
- ✅ 📘 17: Override Default Props (cannot check
on child) - ✅ 📘 18: Use PropTypes to Define the Props You Expect (regex
test forpropTypes
) - ✅ 📘 19: Access Props Using this.props
- ✅ 📘 20: Using Props with Stateless Functional Components (regex
test forpropTypes
- ✅ 📘 21: Create a Stateful Component
- ✅ 📘 22: Render State in the UI
- ✅ 📘 23: Render State in the UI Another Way
- ✅ 📘 24: Set State with this.setState
- ✅ 📘 25: Bind 'this' to a Class Method
- ✅ 📘 26: Bind 'this' with an ES6 Arrow Function
- ✅ 📘 27: Use State to Toggle an Element
- ✅ 📘 28: Write a Simple Counter
- ✅ 📘 29: Create a Controlled Input
- ✅ 📘 30: Create a Controlled Form
- ✅ 📘 31: Pass State as Props to Child Components
- ✅ 📘 32: Pass a Callback as Props
Component Lifecycle
- ✅ 📘 33: Use the Lifecycle Method componentWillMount
- ✅ 📘 34: Use the Lifecycle Method componentDidMount
- ✅ 📘 35: Add Event Listeners is the explanation correct?
- ✅ 📘 36: Manage Updates with Lifecycle Methods
- ✅ 📘 37: Optimize Re-Renders with shouldComponentUpdate
Advanced Rendering
- ✅ 📘 38: Introducing Inline Styles
- ✅ 📘 39: Add Inline Styles in React
- ✅ 📘 40: Use Advanced JavaScript in React Render Method
- ✅ 📘 41: Render with an If/Else Condition
- ✅ 📘 42: Use && for a More Concise Conditional
- ✅ 📘 43: Return null to Prevent Rendering
- ✅ 📘 44: Use a Ternary Expression for Conditional Rendering
- ✅ 📘 45: Render Conditionally from Props
- 📝 46: Change Inline CSS Conditionally Based on Component State
- ✅ 📘 47: Use Array.map() to Dynamically Render Elements
- 📘 48: Give Sibling Elements a Unique Key Attribute
- ✅ 📘 49: Use Array.filter() to Dynamically Filter an Array
- ✅ 📘 50: Render React on the Server with renderToString
###Redux Challenges:###
Basic Redux: Store, Actions, & Reducers
- 📘 1: Create a Redux Store
- 📘 2: Get the State of the Redux Store
- 📘 3: Define a Redux Action
- 📘 4: Define an Action Creator
- 📘 5: Dispatch an Action Event
- 📘 6: Handle an Action in the Store
- 📘 7: Use a Switch Statement to Handle Multiple Actions
- 📘 8: Use const for Action Types
- 📘 9: Register a Store Listener
- 📘 10: Combine Multiple Reducers
- 📘 11: Send Action Data to the Store
- 📘 12: Use Middleware to Handle Asynchronous Actions (Async testing... hacked with regex of course)
- 📘 13: Write a Counter with Redux
Enforcing State Immutability
- 📘 14: Never Mutate State
- 📘 15: Use the Spread Operator on Arrays
- 📘 16: Remove an Item from an Array
- 📘 17: Copy an Object with Object.assign
- 📘 18: Use the ES6 Spread Operator with Objects
###React-Redux Challenges:###
to Manage a List of Messages- 📘 1: Getting Started with React Redux
- 📘 2: Manage State Locally First
- 📘 3: Extract State Logic to Redux
- 📘 4: Use Provider to Connect Redux to React
- 📘 5: Map State to Props
- 📘 6: Map Dispatch to Props
- 📘 7: Connect Redux to React
- 📘 8: Connect Redux to our Messages App
- 📘 9: Extract Local State into Redux
- 📘 10: Moving Forward From Here