pastry is a command line tool to paste files to pastemyst
you can find the source here:
you can download the binaries from the release page on the github repo: pastry/releases
download from cli on linux:
after downloading just extract the archive file, and place it in some directory thats in your path
there is also a package for arch on the aur: pastry-aur
to build from source you will need dmd and dub, then just run dub build
create a paste from files and/or directories
pastry file1.txt file2.txt someDir/
set title
pastry file1.txt -t "paste title"
set language of all files
pastry file1 -l markdown
set expires in
pastry file1 -e oneHour
setting the default expires in time, this value will be used when you dont specify the --expires|-e
pastry --set-default-expires oneDay
setting the language to be used for files without an extension, default is plaintext
pastry --set-no-extension markdown
set the token, you can get your token on your pastemyst profile settings page. once you set the token you can create private pastes, and all pastes you make will show on your profile
pastry --set-token <YOUR_TOKEN>
# create private paste
pastry file1.txt -p