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Manual Testing


Links & Buttons

Component Function Work as Intended? Fix
CodeSonia logo Takes user to homepage Yes N/A
Navbar: Home Takes the user back to the Homepage Yes N/A
Navbar: About Takes the user to the About section Yes N/A
Navbar: Skills Takes the user to the Skills section Yes N/A
Navbar: Portfolio Takes the user to the Portfolio section Yes N/A
Navbar: Projects Takes the user to the Projects section Yes N/A
Navbar: Experience Takes the user to the Experience section Yes N/A
Navbar: Education Takes the user to the Education section Yes N/A
Navbar: Contact Takes the user to the Contact section Yes N/A
Home: Dark mode button Enables users to toggle off and on selecting their preference Yes N/A
Home: Social Media Links - GitHub Allows the user to view CodeSonnia's GitHub account on a new tab Yes N/A
Home: Social Media Links - LinkedIn Allows the user to view CodeSonnia's LinkedIn account on a new tab Yes N/A
Home: Social Media Links - Instagram Allows the user to view CodeSonnia's Instagram account on a new tab Yes N/A
Home: Social Media Links - Facebook Allows the user to view CodeSonnia's GitHub account on a new tab Yes N/A
Home: Download CV Button Enables the user to view a traditional form of CV in a new tab Yes N/A
Home: Hire Me Button Allows the user to contact CodeSonia via contact form Yes N/A
About: Get in touch link Allows the user to contact CodeSonia via contact form Yes N/A
About: Mobile Number Allows the user to click on the mobile number to easily call CodeSonia Yes N/A
About: Email Enables the user to quickly email CodeSonia by being a clickable link Yes N/A
Projects: CV Project - External Link Button Allowing the user to view a live link of project in a new tab Yes N/A
Projects: CV Project - GitHub Button Enables the user to view CodeSonia's GitHub repo of the project Yes N/A
Projects: Whiskey Drop - External Link Button Allowing the user to view a live link of project in a new tab Yes N/A
Projects: Whiskey Drop - GitHub Button Enables the user to view CodeSonia's GitHub repo of the project Yes N/A
Projects: Love Running - External Link Button Allowing the user to view a live link of project in a new tab Yes N/A
Projects: Love Running - GitHub Button Enables the user to view CodeSonia's GitHub repo of the project Yes N/A
Projects: Candy Museum - External Link Button Allowing the user to view a live link of project in a new tab Yes N/A
Projects: Candy Museum - GitHub Button Enables the user to view CodeSonia's GitHub repo of the project Yes N/A
Experience: DWP - Read More Button Allows the user to toggle read more or read less of experience section Yes N/A
Experience: Netcom Training - Read More Button Allows the user to toggle read more or read less of experience section Yes N/A
Experience: Latham's Hardware - Read More Button Allows the user to toggle read more or read less of experience section Yes N/A
Experience: School of Code - Read More Button Allows the user to toggle read more or read less of experience section Yes N/A
Experience: WMGC - Read More Button Allows the user to toggle read more or read less of experience section Yes N/A
Experience: Tulip ltd. - Read More Button Allows the user to toggle read more or read less of experience section Yes N/A
Education: Code Institute - Read More Button Allows the user to toggle read more or read less of experience section Yes N/A
Education: Aston University - Read More Button Allows the user to toggle read more or read less of experience section Yes N/A
Contact: Email link Enabling the user to use a clickable link to send an email as an alternative to filling out a form Yes N/A
Education: Send Message Button Once user fills out required form inputs, it allows the user to send the message Yes N/A
Footer: Find Me On Social Buttons Social Media Links link to external tab Yes N/A
Footer: View CV User can view a traditional format of CodeSonia's CV Yes N/A

Hover/Underline Effects

Component Function Work as Intended? Fix
Navbar: Home When user hovers on Home on navbar, an underline appears Yes N/A
Navbar: About When user hovers on About on navbar, an underline appears Yes N/A
Navbar: Skills When user hovers on Skills on navbar, an underline appears Yes N/A
Navbar: Portfolio When user hovers on Portfolio on navbar, an underline appears Yes N/A
Navbar: Projects When user hovers on Projects on navbar, an underline appears Yes N/A
Navbar: Experience When user hovers on Experience on navbar, an underline appears Yes N/A
Navbar: Education When user hovers on Education on navbar, an underline appears Yes N/A
Navbar: Contact When user hovers on Home on navbar, an underline appears Yes N/A
Home: Flip Animation Flip animation on home landing page element to entice user's interest Yes N/A
Home: Social Media Icons When a user hovers over social media icons it turns to a pink color Yes N/A
Home: Download CV button When a user hovers over Download CV Button user it turns to a pink color Yes N/A
Home: Hire Me button When a user hovers over Hire Me button, the background color changes similar to Download CV Yes N/A
About: Get In touch link When a user hovers over the Get in Touch link, it changes color Yes N/A
Home: Personal details - Mobile & Email When a user hovers over the mobile number and email an underline appears, informing users that it is a clickable element Yes N/A
Skills: Tech Skills Progress Bars When a user hovers over the progress bars it expands slightly Yes N/A
Skills: Strengths When a user hovers over the strengths it bounces up slightly Yes N/A
Portfolio: Images When a user hovers over the image, it grows/expands to reinforce messaging Yes N/A
Project: Images When a user hovers over the project images, it grows/expands to entice user's interest Yes N/A
Project: Buttons When a user hovers over the GitHub & external link button, it changes to a pink color and takes 1second Yes N/A
Contact: email link When a user hovers the clickable email element, it changes color Yes N/A
Contact: form When a user is typing their details on the form, a pink border comes alive, to show user where/highlighting when typing Yes N/A
Contact: Send Message button When a user hovers the send message button, it changes color Yes N/A
Footer: Social Media Icons When a user hovers the send message button, it changes color Yes N/A

Micro Animation

Component Function Work as Intended? Fix
Navbar: Home On mobile, the hamburger icon animates Yes N/A


Testing User Stories

Please note, alot of the user stories overlap.

  1. User Goal 1

As a recruiter/collaborator, I want to learn about the developer and who this person is beside the technical skills and view if they also have the right soft skills to assess if they can fit within the team.

User Goal 1

  1. User Goal 2

As a recruiter/collaborator, I expect to be able to quickly get in contact via an easy to use contact form so that I can build a relationship or present any job opportunities at hand.

User Goal 1

  1. User Goal 3

As a recruiter/collaborator, I want to be able to connect to the developer using LinkedIn or social media channels to keep up to date with the developer's work history or any changes.

  • Users are able to view the social media links once they visit the landing page

User Goal 3 - social media icons

  • Once a user clicks on the button or hovers over, the color/state changes to provide feedback

User Goal 3 - button feedback

-Once clicked, users will be directed to an external link

User Goal 3 - button feedback

-Users are able to quickly view LinkedIn User Goal 3 - LinkedIn

  1. User Goal 4

As a recruiter/collaborator, I want to access CodeSonia's background and work history and overview of CodeSonia's competencies, technical & soft skills.

User Goal 4

  1. User Goal 5

As a recruiter/collaborator, I want to see a word or PDF format of the CV so that I can assess the candidate's work history and skills to ascertain if they are the right person for the job and pass their details and link the portfolio to my clients.

User Goal 5 - download CV button

User Goal 5 - CV external

  1. User Goal 6

As a product owner, I want to humanise my brand and showcase who CodeSonia is by providing an image, contact information, and a story to increase CodeSonia’s brand awareness.

The logo and main image brings CodeSonia to life and provides distinguish branding:

User Goal 6 - Logo & homepage

The contact image humanises CodeSonia by showing her in a work environment

User Goal 6 - contact

  1. User Goal 7

As a product owner, I want users to quickly identify what page of the website they are on and can easily navigate from one section to another section without any hassle = ensure positive user journey at all touchpoints!.

Users are able to navigate easily using the hamburger icon/navigation as well as identifying each section with clear headings:

User Goal 7


Component Function Work as Intended? Fix
Text Should be clear, concise and visible on mobile, tablet and desktop devices Yes N/A
Layout Layout should be easily organised with logical hierarchy and elements are not overcrowded Yes N/A
Images Images should not appear distorted or pixelated and maintain it's aspect ratio Yes N/A
Functionality Functionality should be maintained on all screen sizes Yes N/A