Releases: Codestar/codestar-framework
Releases · Codestar/codestar-framework
- Added: Framework fields support for predefined customizer sections.
- Fixed: Metabox save php notices when using "serialize" and "unserialize" in same time.
- Fixed: Multiple instances save data issue.
- Fixed: Spacing field all_icon parameter.
- Fixed: Admin options show in customizer parameter "show_in_customizer".
- Improved: Media field specific type of uploads.
- Improved: Spacing and dimensions fields unit parameter.
- Improved: "empty_message" parameter for checkbox, radio and select fields.
- Added: Framework wrapper classname param as "class" for override css styles.
- Added: Checkbox and Radio field group option like Select field group.
- Added: Attachment post type metabox support.
- Fixed: Auto-filled issue for framework search input.
- Fixed: Spacing field refresh issue in Customizer.
- Fixed: Radio field checked issue in category id select.
- Fixed: Metabox single option save issue.
- Fixed: Metabox wp editor loaded issue.
- Improved: Dependency hide/show for a text field after the value is written.
- Improved: Dependency parameter for multiple conditions.
- Added: Profile Options Framework (bonus).
- Added: Media field fallback function for easy migration from v1.x to v2.x.
- Fixed: A minor PHP notice in the Shortcode Generate Framework.
- Improved: Link Color field output for given array elements.
- Improved: Elementor integration for Shortcode Generate Framework.
- Improved: Backup field UI fallback in the Customize Framework.
- Improved: Global dependency controls.
- Added: Default values from a external array as optional for all frameworks.
- Added: Widget Title sync support in Widgets Framework.
- Added: WP Roles select field options.
- Fixed: Initialization issue inside after_theme_setup action.
- Fixed: Backup export button issue.
- Fixed: WP Media uploaded item selected issue.
- Improved: Reset and Import UI messages in the Customize Framework.
- Improved: Translation .POT file.
- Improved: Global dependency controls.
- Added: Dependency controls for among separate sections fields.
- Added: Border field new border style properties.
- Added: Taxonomy Framework section title param.
- Fixed: Metabox section title issue.
- Fixed: Typography refresh issue in Customizer.
- Fixed: Group and Repeater fields without title parameter.
- Fixed: Color field default issue in Background, Typography, Border fields.
- Fixed: RevSlider CodeMirror conflict.
- Fixed: Shortcode Generate Framework Group/Repeater nested issue.
- Added: Dark and Light themes.
- Added: New params to change on/off texts for Switcher field.
- Added: Shortcode generate framework support for Elementor text editor.
- Fixed: Sortable and Sorter fields ordering save issue in Customizer.
- Fixed: Radio, Button Set and Image Select fields issue in Group field.
- Fixed: Color picker default/clear button issue in Customizer.
- Improved: RTL style of framework.
- Improved: Media and Upload fields remove buttons.
- Improved: Framework style css.
- Changed: Backup field data type "json" instead of "serialize".
- Added: Widget Options Framework (bonus).
- Added: Nested Group support.
- Added: Nested Repeater support.
- Added: Spanish Translation po/mo.
- Added: Date range "from" and "to" for Date field.
- Added: New param "empty_message" if options not provided for Select, Checkbox, Radio.
- Fixed: Metabox framework php notices in 404 page etc.
- Fixed: WP Editor field save issue.
- Improved: Validate email function.
- Improved: Group field arguments.
- Improved: Font-Awesome library.
- Added: Page Templates "default" option for spesific metabox hide/show.
- Added: Post Formats "default" option for spesific metabox hide/show.
- Added: Only allow number inputs for Spacing, Dimensions, Border, Slider, Spinner, Typography etc.
- Added: ChosenJS custom options support and improved width and css style.
- Fixed: Taxonomy framework jquery triggers. It was not working again after saving. It fixed now.
- Fixed: Code Editor style issue for used inside Group/Repeater.
- Fixed: Sortable field sortby issue.
- Fixed: Options panel show in customizer option.
- Fixed: Media field URL show/hide option issue.
- Improved: Typography, Color, Spinner, Date, Chosen, Slider fields for used inside Group/Repeater.
- Improved: All fields javascript triggers for more performance.
- Improved: Customizer Framework field dependency feature.
- Improved: Customizer Framework field styles.
- Added: WP Editor AJAX support for Group Field, Repeater Field and Everywhere.
- Added: Custom palette colors option for Color Picker.
- Added: Override files feature again.
- Added: Validate URL function callback.
- Fixed: Group field save issue.
- Fixed: Multiple given post formats metabox hide/show issue.
- Fixed: Minor bugs.