- [Facebook] Product Generalist (i.e. solving a business case study)
- How to design the friends you may know feature -- how to recommend friends;
- How can we tell if two users on Instagram are best friends
- How would you build a model to decide what to show a user and how would you evaluate its success
- How would you create a model to find bad sellers on marketplace?
- [Facebook] Coding Exercise (in SQL): joins (LEFT, RIGHT, UNION), group by, date manipulation
- [Facebook] Quantitative Analysis
- How to test out the assumptions; how to decide next steps if the metrics shows only positive signals in certain features
- How can you tell if your model is working?
- [Facebook] Applied Data (stats questions): AB Testing
- Coding Interview:
- [Data Structure] Difference Stack vs Queue, Dequeue Implementation, Linked List Reversal
- [Easy] Reverse a linked list, Convert decimal to hexadecimal without using built-in methods (str, int etc.), pairs of number that sum up to K
- [Medium] Verify binary search tree
- [Hard] Min edit distance
- Techinical Interview:
- Fundamental ML questions:
- Non-deep and deep methods
- Basic ML models or algorithms: Formula for gradient descent, Linear an Non-Linear classifiers, K-means, Random forest, Clustering Nearest neighbors. Decision Tree
- Basic DL: Explain how CNN works, Recurrent neural network
- Metric Understanding: ROC
- What is overfitting?
- Difference between Bagging and Boosting
- Regularization: Diff of L1 and L2 regularization
- System Design:
- How to search efficiently
- Given salaries of people from ten professions and salary of a new people. Design an algorithm to predict the profession of this new people.
- Case Study:
- How would you apply A/B testing on food odering service
- How surge pricing works for both customers and drivers
- Implement Huffman code for a given English sentence
- Fundamental ML questions:
- Interview with Hiring Manager: explain your Machine learning projects
General mobility industry and economics oriented questions
How surge pricing work for both customers and drivers?
Formula for gradient decent
Supervised and unsupervised ML methods, detailed question about different classification and clustering algos
What is overfitting and how you deal with it
How to solve the issue if the features are highly correlated?
What is a good way to detect anomalies?
What's the ROC Curve? What does an ROC curve plot?
What's the difference between bagging and boosting?
How do you find out average number of bookings for a given day. What factors do you think will play a crucial role?
How do you thing grab can implement surge pricing concept different than that to Uber. What factors do you think will play a role here ?
Given the following data:
date STRING date of the search,
search_id INT the unique identifier of each search,
user_id INT the unique identifier of the searcher,
age_group STRING ('<30', '30-50', '50+'),
search_query STRING the text of the search query
Sample Rows:
date | search_id | user_id | age_group | search_query
'2020-01-01' | 101 | 9991 | '<30' | 'justin bieber'
'2020-01-01' | 102 | 9991 | '<30' | 'menlo park'
'2020-01-01' | 103 | 5555 | '30-50' | 'john'
'2020-01-01' | 104 | 1234 | '50+' | 'funny cats'
date STRING date of the search action,
search_id INT the unique identifier of each search,
result_id INT the unique identifier of the result,
result_type STRING (page, event, group, person, post, etc.),
clicked BOOLEAN did the user click on the result?
Sample Rows:
date | search_id | result_id | result_type | clicked
'2020-01-01' | 101 | 1001 | 'page' | TRUE
'2020-01-01' | 101 | 1002 | 'event' | FALSE
'2020-01-01' | 101 | 1003 | 'event' | FALSE
'2020-01-01' | 101 | 1004 | 'group' | FALSE
Over the last 7 days, how many users made more than 10 searches?
You notice that the number of users that clicked on a search result
about a Facebook Event increased 10% week-over-week. How would you
investigate? How do you decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing?
The Events team wants to up-rank Events such that they show up higher
in Search. How would you determine if this is a good idea or not?