Generated using AWS CLI command: aws s3 ls
- 2017-09-13 11:19:25 mousebrainatlas-data
- 2018-06-26 18:09:52 mousebrainatlas-data-alexn
- 2017-08-14 12:23:57 mousebrainatlas-rawdata
- 2018-06-26 18:34:38 mousebrainatlas-rawdata-alexn
- 2017-05-16 15:59:36 mousebrainatlas-scripts
- 2018-07-10 20:10:09 mousebraindata-open
- 2017-05-10 17:30:28 yoav-seed-backup
aws ls s3://mousebrainatlas-data/
- CSHL_annotation_viz/
- CSHL_cells_v2/
- CSHL_classifiers/
- CSHL_data_processed/
- CSHL_labelings_thalamus/
- CSHL_labelings_v3/
- CSHL_meshes/
- CSHL_patch_features/
- CSHL_patch_locations/
- CSHL_patch_scores/
- CSHL_registration_parameters/
- CSHL_registration_visualization/
- CSHL_registration_visualization_atlasV5/
- CSHL_registration_viz_juxtaposed/
- CSHL_scoremap_viz/
- CSHL_scoremap_viz_grid/
- CSHL_scoremaps/
- CSHL_simple_global_registration/
- CSHL_volumes/ the location of the information about the shape of the structures.
- The directory Yoav used to create a 3D visualization of the atlas: CSHL_volumes/atlasV7/atlasV7_10.0um_scoreVolume/score_volumes/
- Dropbox/
- HRNTS2017/
- LGN3Datlas/
- blob_matching_atlas/
- image_examples/
- image_examples_raw/
- lauren_data/
- mxnet_models/
- raw_image_histograms/
- raw_image_histograms_fullImage/
- raw_image_histograms_log/
- raw_image_histograms_log_fullImage/
- stacy_data/
- training_examples/
- CSHL_data Yoav: I don't see this subdirectory of mousebrainatlas-data. Here is the output of a current ls (7/21)
- MD### '###' is a 3 digit brain designation
- *_lossless.jp2
- *.lossy.jp2
- *.tif
- *.png
- MD### '###' is a 3 digit brain designation
*_lossless.jp2 is the only file that is NOT a thumbnail. Everything else is downsized.
A lot of stuff here, will take a while.