The overlays, bots and chat manager you see on my screen were all coded live on stream!
They are not immediately usable by non-technical people, but if you have node.js installed and know how to clone a repo, you might be able to get them running yourself.
I'm currently in the process of making these things more easily accessible / usable by non-technical people.
- Drop Game Overlay
- Stream Alerts / Notifications Overlay
- Twitch Team Shoutout Bot
- Chat Controlled 8-bit LED
- Chat Manager v1 (Deprecated)
- Chat Manager V2 + SproutKit
- Source code:
- Currently depends on the outdated live-chat-manager backend mentioned below
This game was coded live on stream and was inspired by the PenguinDrop game created by Instafluff. I decided to make my own version with a Garden theme!
- Creating initial version:
- (I added the garden theme off stream)
- Creating a christmas themed drop game:
I used to use the default stream labs notification overlay, but there were a few things I didn't like about it:
- Did not differentiate between gifted subs and regular subs
- Large amounts of gift subs were announced one after another
- Bits notifications did not display the users message
The stream alerts overlay I use now was initially created by a moderator of the stream MurdocTurner. He sent me the code, and I began to modify it from there.
- Updating the initial version created by Murdoc:
- More updates:
Source code:
A bot that detects when a team member has entered the chat and sends a shout out message. See the README for how to set this up locally.
- Creating the bot:
- Source code:
- Currently depends on the outdated live-chat-manager backend mentioned below
This is the 8 LEDs you see on my screen that can be controlled by twitch chat!
- Creating the 8-bit LED:
- Backend / Frontend Source Code:
- This backend is still in use by the Drop game, but will be entirely replaced / removed soon
- Electron Source Code:
- No longer in use
The chat manager was initially created back in the days of YouTube only streaming. It allowed me to keep track of my place in chat and read / acknowledge every single chat message that came through. My channel has grown, and the chat manager has grown with it. I can no longer acknowledge every single message, but my chat manager helps me keep things organized.
- Creating the initial app (YouTube chat only):
- Making updates to the app (YouTube chat only):
- Adding Twitch chat:
- Converting the chat manager to an Electron app:
- Back End Source Code:
- Front End Source Code:
After I moved to twitch only live streaming, I decided to re-write my chat manager from scratch. Mainly because I no longer needed to wrestle with YouTube APIs, and could focus solely on Twitch APIs. I also wanted to move the codebase towards a state of eventually being usable by other streamers. The code base is not there yet, but I've made progress!
The sproutkit repo contains the source code for my intro / getting started screen overlay, the "pixel house" chat overlay, and the electron chat window you see on my screen.
- The backend was coded off stream.
- Creating SproutKit Components Part 1:
- Working on SproutKit Components Part 2:
- Working on SproutKit Components Part 3: