This document contains instructions only to get a fully working development environment for
running this repo. For pre-requisites (e.g. pyenv
install instructions) plus details on what's
being installed and why, please see docs/
We assume the following are installed and configured:
# Get the repo
git clone ${REPO_GIT_URL}
# Install Python
pyenv install $(cat .python-version)
pyenv shell $(cat .python-version)
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install virtualenvwrapper
pyenv virtualenvwrapper
# Setup the virtualenv
mkvirtualenv -p python$(cat .python-version) $(cat .venv)
python -V
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
# Install dependencies with Poetry
poetry self update
poetry install --no-root --sync
# Create templated .env for storing secrets
cp .env.template .env
direnv allow
# Create and audit secrets baseline
# N.B. Adjust the exclusions here depending on your needs (check .pre-commit-config.yaml)
detect-secrets --verbose scan \
--exclude-files 'poetry\.lock' \
--exclude-files '\.secrets\.baseline' \
--exclude-files '\.env\.template' \
--exclude-files '.ipynb' \
--exclude-secrets 'password|ENTER_PASSWORD_HERE|INSERT_API_KEY_HERE' \
--exclude-lines 'integrity=*sha' \
> .secrets.baseline
detect-secrets audit .secrets.baseline
Please check docs/ for further instructions.