Releases: scikit-hep/coffea
Releases · scikit-hep/coffea
Updated JEC and Type 1 MET uncertainties
Updated JetTransformer with extended capabilities:
- Calculates type1 met uncertainties
- Calculates jes uncertainies by individual source
Spark executor + flake8
Adds a simple interface for using spark resources, enforces conformity with flake8.
Backwards incompatible histogram changes
v0.4.0 rachet version
re-sync versions and tags
Wherein Lindsey remembers to be fastidious about version numbers....
Accumulator fix
Wherein Nick learns about literals in python.
Processing Framework Ideas / multiprocessing & spark compatibility
Also includes numba update to lumisection processing.
v0.2.5: Merge pull request #63 from CoffeaTeam/topic_housekeeping
Reduce numba requirement and move numba into util
Plotting Enhancements / Bugfixes
v0.2.4 rachet version up
Improvements for python3
Merge pull request #55 from CoffeaTeam/topic_python3_pain Make things better in python3 by quite a lot.
Update uproot-methods
Merge pull request #54 from CoffeaTeam/topic_uproot_methods_order Update to uproot-methods 0.4.3