Prepping for substrate wallet tracking
Prepping for substrate wallet tracking
removing GetExtraLabels message (was needed when I had to declare lab…
removing GetExtraLabels message (was needed when I had to declare lab…
Exposing metrics on mist endpoint
Exposing metrics on mist endpoint
migrating from prometheus.erl to Themis ... ?
migrating from prometheus.erl to Themis ... ?
ok I think we have messy but functional label handling.
ok I think we have messy but functional label handling.
handling optional labels. Now must rework blockchain messages.
handling optional labels. Now must rework blockchain messages.
I think ima redo all this
I think ima redo all this
documentation, comments and tiny bit of refacto
documentation, comments and tiny bit of refacto
commenting & documenting
commenting & documenting
I'm getting good at the whole ERL supervision thing
I'm getting good at the whole ERL supervision thing
and now we have an actor spec
and now we have an actor spec
gon start using my EVM_Gleam library
gon start using my EVM_Gleam library