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Releases: ComPWA/tensorwaves

TensorWaves 0.4.4

08 Apr 10:24
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See all documentation for this version here.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Default weights in ChiSquared are now computed from observed_values (#421)

🔨 Internal maintenance

📝 Documentation

TensorWaves 0.4.3

10 Mar 12:55
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See all documentation for this version here.

🔨 Internal maintenance

  • TensorWaves can now be installed with AmpForm v0.13.x (#419)

TensorWaves 0.4.2

03 Mar 10:58
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See all documentation for this version here.

💡 New features

  • Added minuit_modifier constructor argument (#399)

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Speed-up prepare_caching() with sympy.Basic.xreplace (#403)

🔨 Internal maintenance

Added support for AmpForm v0.12.3 (#406)

AmpForm v0.12.3 introduces a small change through ComPWA/ampform#211: BoostZ etc becomes BoostZMatrix. This needs to be fixed in the TensorFlow printer.

Added support for AmpForm v0.12.4 (#417)

Added TensorFlow printer instructions for _BoostZMatrixImplementation etc. See release notes AmpForm v0.12.4.

Switched to new import attrs API (#414)

See import attrs and attrs TNG.

📝 Documentation

Added notebook button for Deepnote (#400)

Closes ComPWA/policy#43


Usage notebooks now show how to get a Hesse from FitResult.specifics (#401)

Also fixes a small bug: callbacks that write to disk skip writing when computing the Hesse.

Preview here.

Improved docstrings of prepare_caching() and create_cached_function() (#403)

Improved the docstrings of both functions, preview here.

Code examples now automatically to APIs as if it's an IDE (#405)
Second level in left sidebar is unfolded by default (#407)

Links to graphviz's API are now also embedded correctly. Follow-up to #405.

Added Hypothesis and utterances overlay (#409)

Closes ComPWA/

Preview here.

Explained how to pin dependencies with Conda (#411)

Rewrote the installation page a bit so that it's clearer how to pin all dependencies with Conda. Preview here.

Illustrated how to use create_cached_function() in PWA notebook (#412)

Added an example of how to use create_cached_function() in combination with an Estimator. Preview here.

Added instructions how to install from Git repository with optional dependencies (#413)

Added an additional install example that shows how to install a specific branch or tag with pip from Git with optional dependencies. Preview here.

🖱️ Developer Experience

Change upgrade cron job to bi-weekly (#398 and #408)

Automated changes by create-pull-request GitHub action

Add notebook button for Deepnote (#400)

Closes ComPWA/policy#43


Type aliases in API are now abbreviated (#404)

See ComPWA/ampform#207

Compare API v0.4.1 and preview of this PR.

Installed jupyterlab-myst (#405)

See jupyterlab-myst

Tests can now be run with specific versions of dependencies (#410 and #416)

Adds a workflow_dispatch with inputs that allows running all tests manually with the latest version of AmpForm installed.



TensorWaves 0.4.1

07 Jan 17:18
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See all documentation for this version here.

💡 New features

Implemented create_cached_function() (#397)

Closes #358

Expression tree optimizations sketched here have been bundled in a new function create_cached_function(). A usage notebook can be previewed here.

⚠️ Interface

TensorFlow has become an optional dependency (#394)

All computational backends are now optional dependencies (apart from NumPy). So for instance, to install TensorWaves with JAX, run:

pip install tensorwaves[jax]

To do amplitude analysis, install with:

pip install tensorwaves[jax,pwa]

🐛 Bug fixes

Progress bar of domain generator is hidden in IntensityDistributionGenerator (#396)

Closes #395

import ampform
import qrules
from ampform.dynamics.builder import create_relativistic_breit_wigner_with_ff
from import (
from import SympyDataTransformer
from tensorwaves.function.sympy import create_parametrized_function

reaction = qrules.generate_transitions(
    final_state=["gamma", "pi0", "pi0"],
    allowed_interaction_types=["strong", "EM"],

builder = ampform.get_builder(reaction)
resonances = reaction.get_intermediate_particles()
for p in resonances:
    builder.set_dynamics(, create_relativistic_breit_wigner_with_ff)
model = builder.formulate()

intensity = create_parametrized_function(
helicity_transformer = SympyDataTransformer.from_sympy(
    model.kinematic_variables, backend="jax"

phsp_generator = TFPhaseSpaceGenerator(
    final_state_masses={i: p.mass for i, p in reaction.final_state.items()},
data_generator = IntensityDistributionGenerator(
rng = TFUniformRealNumberGenerator(seed=0)
phsp_momenta = phsp_generator.generate(1_000_000, rng)
data_momenta = data_generator.generate(100_000, rng)


🖱️ Developer Experience

Increased test coverage (#393)
  • Wrote some additional tests for the tensorwaves.function module
  • TYPE_CHECKING is now ignored in test coverage

TensorWaves 0.4.0

04 Jan 12:43
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See all documentation for this specific version here.

TensorWaves v0.4 has a more general interface than v0.3. Major changes are the removal of the Model interface (#357) and generalization of the data module (#392). This affects the way in which computational backend functions are created and the way in which hit-and-miss distributions are generated.

Some examples of syntax changes for an AmpForm HelicityModel (model):

v0.4.x (new)

# create function and data transformer
from tensorwaves.function.sympy import create_parametrized_function

intensity = create_parametrized_function(
helicity_transformer = SympyDataTransformer.from_sympy(
    model.kinematic_variables, backend="numpy"

# generate data
from import (

phsp_generator = TFPhaseSpaceGenerator(
    final_state_masses={0: 0.0, 1: 0.135, 2: 0.135},
data_generator = IntensityDistributionGenerator(
rng = TFUniformRealNumberGenerator(seed=0)
phsp = phsp_generator.generate(100_000, rng)
data = data_generator.generate(10_000, rng)

Note that this works for general SymPy expressions: there is no AmpForm dependency. See this page.

v0.3.x (old)

from tensorwaves.model import LambdifiedFunction, SympyModel

# create function and data transformer
sympy_model = SympyModel(
intensity = LambdifiedFunction(sympy_model, backend="jax")
helicity_transformer = HelicityTransformer(model.adapter)

# generate data
from import TFUniformRealNumberGenerator, generate_data, generate_phsp
from import HelicityTransformer

rng = TFUniformRealNumberGenerator(seed=0)
phsp = generate_phsp(
    final_state_masses={0: 0.0, 1: 0.135, 2: 0.135},
data = generate_data(
    final_state_masses={0: 0.0, 1: 0.135, 2: 0.135},

💡 New features

Implemented chi-squared estimator (#387)

Also includes improvements to the documentation of estimator module.

Implemented get_source_code function (#378)

Closes #323

  • Added a convenience function tensorwaves.function.get_source_code()
  • Added read-only properties function and argument_order to ParametrizedBackendFunction (parallels attrs-decorated PositionalArgumentFunction class).
  • PositionalArgumentFunction is now used internally in ParametrizedBackendFunction (simplifies its __call__() method).
  • Symbols are not force-dummified anymore if use_cse=False
SciPy now works with TF (#360)
Import optimizers directly from the tensorwaves.optimizer module (#360)

It's now possible to do

from tensorwaves.optimizer import Minuit2

instead of

from tensorwaves.optimizer.minuit import Minuit2

⚠️ Interface

Adapted implementation to AmpForm v0.12.x (#345)

Adapts the data module implementation so that it can work with AmpForm v0.12.x. Closes ComPWA/ampform#182.

Some major changes:

  • Keys in a DataSample are now str only, not int. This means that momentum samples have keys "p0", "p1", etc. instead of 0, 1. This is in accordance with the Symbol names used in AmpForm's HelicityModel.kinematic_variables.
  • Added a function create_function() that creates a PositionalArgumentFunction. This is a Function without parameters (compare ParametrizedFunction). The function and related class is used in the DataTransformer implementation, which doesn't need parameters.
  • Data conversion can now be done with different back-ends.
Removed Model interface (#357)

This PR removes the Model interface and related implementations. The interface was introduced with the idea to implement different types of expression trees later on (see ADR-001), but this seems to be a premature optimisation. For now, the Function interface suffices: Function instances can be created through specific functions.

Some major changes:

  • The Model interface and its implementation SympyModel have been removed
  • tensorwaves.model has been renamed to tensorwaves.function
  • There is no way to use performance_optimize() (for now—see #358)

This means that the workflow becomes:

# helicity_model: ampform.helicity.HelicityModel
function = create_parametrized_function(

instead of

model = SympyModel(
function = LambdifiedFunction(model, backend="numpy")
Created ParametrizedFunction interface (#353)

The existing Function interface has too many responsibilities: it (1) converts a DataSample to an array or tensor and (2) distinguishes parameter variables from domain variables. This worked fine so far, because Function was only used when optimizing, where you need to tweak those parameters. In #345 though, we need to a Function that only does (1), for the conversion of one DataSample (four-momenta) to another DataSample (kinematic variables) with different back-ends.

This PR creates a new ParametrizedFunction interface that does (1) and (2) and a 'bare' Function interface that does only (1). The input and output types of the Function interface are generic, so that it can be used in different types of function-like interfaces.

Related changes:

  • Renamed LambdifiedFunction to ParametrizedBackendFunction.
  • DataTransformer.transform() has become a __call__ and DataTransformer derives from Function.
  • Estimator also derives from Function: it computes an estimator value for a set of parameters.
Generalized data generation interface (#392)

Large refactoring of the data module with the aim to generalize its hit-and-miss mechanisms to general domain DataSample types.

Interface changes

  • Removed generate_data() and generate_phsp() façade functions. The new way to generate phase space and hit-and-miss data samples is:

    from import IntensityDistributionGenerator
    from import TFPhaseSpaceGenerator
    from import TFUniformRealNumberGenerator
    # intensity: Function
    # helicity_transformer: SympyDataTransformer
    rng = TFUniformRealNumberGenerator(seed=0)
    phsp_generator = TFPhaseSpaceGenerator(
        final_state_masses={0: 0.0, 1: 0.135, 2: 0.135},
    data_generator = IntensityDistributionGenerator(
    phsp = phsp_generator.generate(100_000, rng)
    data = data_generator.generate(10_000, rng)
  • UniformRealNumberGenerator -> RealNumberGenerator

  • PhaseSpaceGenerator -> DataGenerator

  • PhaseSpaceGenerator.setup() has been merged into the constructor (DataGenerator.__init__()) and removed from the interface.

  • Split old TFPhaseSpaceGenerator into an unweighted TFPhaseSpaceGenerator (implements DataGenerator) and a TFWeightedPhaseSpaceGenerator (implements WeightedDataGenerator). TFPhaseSpaceGenerator can be used instead of the old generate_phsp() function.

  • Collected RNGs under a new sub-module data.rng

New features

  • New interface: DataGenerator, which does not generate weights as opposed to FourMomentumGenerator.
  • IntensityDistributionGenerator, which should be used instead of generate_data()
  • IdentityTransformer, which is just the identity implementation of a DataTransformer.
  • NumpyUniformRNG
Simplified public backend signatures (#362)

Only accepts a single str now.

🐛 Bug fixes

Latest function call number is now also stored in Loadable callbacks (#360)
CSVSummary writes estimator value as float (#360)
use_cse argument is now correctly forwarded (#375)

Fix-up to #374

Additional fixes:

  • Enforce specifying use_cse argument in hidden funct...
Read more

TensorWaves 0.3.7

07 Dec 20:38
Choose a tag to compare

See all documentation for this version here.

💡 New features

Optimizer and Estimator type are now written to callback output (#364)

CSVSummary was writing "estimator_type" incorrectly (it was writing the optimizer type). This PR fixes that and adds the optimizer type as an additional entry, also to YAMLSummary.

Lambdify with common sub-expressions (#374)

See cse argument in sympy.lambdify(). This fixes #345 (comment).

Note that lambdified source code becomes significantly smaller in larger expressions. Finding common sub-expressions has a small hit in performance when lambdifying, but in larger expressions, this is overcome by the fact that the output source code is smaller.

⚠️ Interface

Sympy implementation is now isolated in a sub-module (#344)

Extracted all SymPy functionality under tensorwaves.model into a separate sub-module tensorwaves.model.sympy.

Removed doit call from SympyModel (#347)

Closes #280

This means that doit() has to be called on the expression first.

🐛 Bug fixes

Correct estimator value is now written to callback output (#364)

CSVSummary was writing "estimator_type" incorrectly (it was writing the optimizer type). This PR fixes that and adds the optimizer type as an additional entry, also to YAMLSummary.

ComplexSqrt can now lambdified to TensorFlow as well (#365)

JAX and TensorFlow printing is forwarded to the NumPy printer, but with jax.numpy and tensorflow.experimental.numpy as Printer._module respectively.

Other improvements:

  • Extended tests for find_function and wrote a test for lambdifying AmpForm's ComplexSqrt
  • Allow getting tensorflow.Tensor with find_function
  • Moved _backend module to function, because function is most related to back-ends.

🔨 Internal maintenance

Swapped optimized_lambdify() implementation (#348)

Closes #322

The role of _backend_lambdify and _sympy_lambdify is now swapped:

  • _backend_lambdify is now purely a wrapper around sympy.lambdify.
  • _sympy_lambdify offers a switch between _backend_lambdify and optimized_lambdify.

These functions will change further in #292, but this is PR focuses only on the problem describe din #322.

Unit tests and integration tests are now split (#349)

All tests that require AmpForm have been seperated from proper unit tests (that require no additional dependencies). The folder structure under tests is now:

├── integration
└── unit

Additional improvements:

  • Fixtures for the AmpForm tests have been parametrized:
    • qrules.ReactionInfo is parametrized with the canonica-helicity and helicity formalism.
    • SympyModel is constructed with and without max_complexity argument in the constructor, so that optimized_lambdify is tested as well.
  • Improved error message of LambdifiedFunction.update_parameters: over-defined parameters were computed incorrectly. In addition, the error message now prints the expected parameters.
  • Callbacks can now take pathlib.Path (previously only str). This makes it possible to convert the output_dir fixture into a Path as well.
Backend handling is now isolated in a sub-module (#350)

#344 created a module tensorwaves.model.backend with the intention to collect functions that handle back-ends. This PR moves _find_function_in_backend (which was under tensorwaves.estimator) there as well, moves the module to the top, and hides it altogether, as these functions are implementation details.

Add unit tests for optimized_lambdify (#351)

Additional fixes:

  • The faster-lambdify notebook was failing due to the interface change introduced by #348. This was not noticed, because the %%time statement in the cell makes the error code of that cell return 'success'. The error has been fixed and a hidden test cell has been added to prevent such failures in the future.
  • optimized_lambdify now directly calls _backend_lambdify is max_complexity is higher than the number of nodes in the expression.
Callback output is written to separate files in the tests (#352)

Integration tests have become unstable since #349, see e.g., because the callback output is written to the same file when using optimized_lambdify / _backend_lambdify.

Added unit tests for fast optimize (#360)

Closes #135

Adds a test under the tests/unit folder that fits a small model with all back-ends and optimizers plus a unit test for generate_data. This also helped fishing out some bugs (see commit history).

Other improvements:

  • Import optimizers directly from the tensorwaves.optimizer module, e.g.:
      from tensorwaves.optimizer import Minuit2
    instead of
      from tensorwaves.optimizer.minuit import Minuit2
  • CSVSummary writes estimator value as float (was complex by mistake)
  • Latest function call number is also stored in Loadable callbacks.
  • Scipy now works with TF
Importing tensorwaves is now about 8x as fast (#363)

Import expensive modules inline to speed up importing tensorwaves. This makes import tensorwaves (and collecting tests) about 8x as fast. Profiling done with tuna as follows (see stackoverflow):

python3 -X importtime -c "import tensorwaves" 2> tw.log && tuna tw.log
Callbacks are now not run during optimize() if unspecified (#366)

Previously, if no callback was specified in the optimizer constructor, an empty CallbackList would be created and on_optimize_end etc were always called. This is (theoretically) slower.

Some other improvements:

Generalized SymPy printer implementation (#371)

📝 Documentation

Added API links to FitResult.specifics (#356)

Added links to the 'fit result' objects in the iminuit and SciPy APIs.

🖱️ Developer Experience

Pytest on GitHub Actions is now stable (#355)

Fix-up to #349

Writing with a callback in a pytest fixture and then loading it back in a test led to instable CI. This PR should fix that.

Notebooks can now be run with pytest (#359)

Switch from pytest-notebook to nbmake. Now it's again possible to run specific notebooks from the terminal with e.g.:

pytest --nbmake docs/usage/basics.ipynb

Other small fixes:

  • Avoid fast_lambdify() in Jupyter notebooks to speed up docs workflow.
  • Cast to tuple in ParametrizedBackendFunction.
Merge test jobs on GitHub Actions (#367)

Reorganise GitHub Action workflow for pytest. Extracted from #366 in order to identify potential performance issues. Notebooks slow after the changes introduced in #366, which may be caused by the changes to the callbacks.

Other changes;

  • Treat warnings raised under pytest as errors.
  • Renamed tox job for testing notebooks to nb.
Reduced dependencies in style requirements (#369)

Should speed up pre-commit job.

Pytest collect is now faster (#370)

Import expensive modules in the tests inline so that pytest --collect-only is faster.

TensorWaves 0.3.4

05 Nov 15:04
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See all documentation for this version here.

🔨 Internal maintenance

Narrowed down type hints (#332)
TF2.7 is now supported (#338)

📝 Documentation

Added back analytic continuation notebook (#312)
Added Zenodo DOI badge (#326)

Zenodo DOI

Added Conda install instructions and Conda badge (#333)

Anaconda-Server Badge

Links to Binder and Colab now point to the branch that corresponds to the version of the documentation (#339)
  • docs: pin more intersphinx pages
  • fix: correct intersphinx links that were not previously checked
  • fix: exclude version 'module' from API
  • fix: move docstrings from init to class definition
  • refactor: get intersphinx version through function
  • style: capitalize global vars that are no Sphinx options
Intersphinx pages now link to the pinned versions of dependency websites (#339)

🖱️ Developer Experience

Embeded Zenodo metadata (#329)
Fixed comment syntax in .flake8 (#334)

The .flake8 config file was using not using the same comment style as described in
Consequence not all errors were identified anymore.

Removed redundant metadata from notebooks (#337 and #340)

TensorWaves 0.3.3

24 Sep 13:41
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See all documentation for this version here.

Release for first Zenodo DOI
Zenodo DOI

💡 New features

Upgraded to TensorFlow v2.6 (#320)

📝 Documentation

Documentation pages are wider (#316)

See ComPWA/ampform#104

Embeded GPLv3+ license file (#318)

Some platforms like Zenodo and conda-forge require the license file to be packaged.

Extended package description in README (#319)
Added package description for PyPI (#324)

Closes ComPWA/

Automated changes by create-pull-request GitHub action

🔨 Internal maintenance

Removed mdit-py-plugins version limit (#313)

See ComPWA/ampform#147

🖱️ Developer Experience

Switched to where possible (#321)

See ComPWA/qrules#87

Note #309 (comment). This comment is still relevant.

TensorWaves 0.3.2

30 Aug 15:44
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See all documentation for this version here.

🐛 Bug fixes

Now using syntax for setting pip version constraints (#311)

Fix-up to #310

resulted in version conflicts downstream. AmpForm is now also correctly updated: 626abe1.

TensorWaves 0.3.1

30 Aug 13:12
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See all documentation for this version here.

🔨 Internal maintenance

Allow installing AmpForm v0.11.x (#310)

See AmpForm v0.11.0 and v0.11.1

📝 Documentation

Refer to compwa-org for contributing (#309)

See ComPWA/PWA-pages#111