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[Bug]: Open in mask editor Unable to load image #1387
Does the problem occur if you disable your custom nodes using the There is probably a conflict with one of them. |
A chrome extension has been found to be causing this problem |
yes,run “python main.py --disable-all-custom-nodes”, the problem still exists. |
I have no chrome extension. |
Frontend Version
[ComfyUI v0.2.6-2-gdaa1565]
[ComfyUI_frontend v1.3.26]
System Information
Python Version
3.11.9 (tags/v3.11.9:de54cf5, Apr 2 2024, 10:12:12) [MSC v.1938 64 bit (AMD64)]
Embedded Python
Pytorch Version
ComfyUI\main.py --windows-standalone-build --listen
RAM Total
47.84 GB
RAM Free
29.20 GB
Expected Behavior
Right click on the image and open it in the mask editor to edit the mask
Actual Behavior
The image is not loading into the editor
Steps to Reproduce
Just load the image and open it in the editor
Debug Logs
Browser Logs
→ running MPA content script, version: 10.4.2
Content App init
Running on
ComfyUI Front-end version: 1.3.26
GraphView-C4blCugc.js:464 Uncaught (in promise)
Image URL being set: https://pos.baidu.com/dcsm?conwid=240&conhei=350&rdid=6818871&dc=3&di=u6818871&s1=2839721755&dtm=HTML_POST
pos.baidu.com/dcsm?conwid=240&conhei=350&rdid=6818871&dc=3&di=u6818871&s1=2839721755&dtm=HTML_POST:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT Unchecked runtime.lastError: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received Unchecked runtime.lastError: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received Unchecked runtime.lastError: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received Unchecked runtime.lastError: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received
:8188/extensions/dzNodes/dz_DZ_widgets.js:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Error loading extension /extensions/dzNodes/dz_debug.js
(匿名) @ index-BHayQCxv.js:78109
Extension pysssss.SnapToGrid is disabled.
Extension pysssss.Locking is disabled.
Image URL being set: 
KJNodes - Overriding pysssss.FaviconStatus
init @ browserstatus.js:49
[mtb] - Aborting the loading of mtb's imageFeed in favor of pysssss.ImageFeed
init @ imageFeed.js:87
:8188/api/DZ/debug:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Error calling extension 'DZ.widgets' method 'init' Object Object Object
(匿名) @ index-BHayQCxv.js:77068
Latest release version: v0.46.0
Unhandled message: {"type": "crystools.monitor", "data": {"cpu_utilization": 7.2, "ram_total": 51372503040, "ram_used": 19160276992, "ram_used_percent": 37.3, "hdd_total": 2000379965440, "hdd_used": 1491015184384, "hdd_used_percent": 74.5, "device_type": "cuda", "gpus": [{"gpu_utilization": 34, "gpu_temperature": 38, "vram_total": 17171480576, "vram_used": 1268015104, "vram_used_percent": 7.384424996946751}]}}
(匿名) @ index-BHayQCxv.js:21396 [GroupMarkerNotSet(crbug.com/242999)!:A07089013C640000]Automatic fallback to software WebGL has been deprecated. Please use the --enable-unsafe-swiftshader flag to opt in to lower security guarantees for trusted content.
Image URL being set: 
nodeType.comfyClass 3DImage
Empty components: policy ignored
[rgthree] Blocked extension 'efficiency.widgethider' method 'nodeCreated' for rgthree-nodes because: Overrides value getter before widget getter is prepared. Can be lifted if/when jags111/efficiency-nodes-comfyui#203 is pulled.
(匿名) @ rgthree.js:272
Error calling extension 'AIGODLIKE.Translation' method 'nodeCreated' Object Object Object
(匿名) @ index-BHayQCxv.js:77068
Create DeepTranslatorTextNode: DeepTranslatorTextNode_0
Create DeepTranslatorTextNode: DeepTranslatorTextNode_1
Image URL being set:
Image URL being set:
Image URL being set:
Image URL being set:
Image URL being set:
Image URL being set:
Image URL being set:
Image URL being set:
JDCN Load Image Extension Loaded
Image URL being set: 
[🐍 pysssss] Skipping LinkRenderMode as core extension found
Error calling extension 'AIGODLIKE.Translation' method 'setup' Object Object Object
(匿名) @ index-BHayQCxv.js:77068
extras_node.js:717 Uncaught (in promise)
:8188/api/DZ/debug:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 405 (Method Not Allowed)
:8188/extensions/ComfyUI-Custom-Scripts/js/assets/favicon-active.user.ico:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
:8188/api/pysssss/autocomplete:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
:8188/extensions/ComfyUI-Custom-Scripts/js/assets/favicon.user.ico:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
view:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
view:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Link 1102 is funky... target 788 does not exist, but origin 10 does.
Link 1101 is funky... target 786 does not exist, but origin 10 does.
Link 929 is funky... target 589 does not exist, but origin 153 does.
Link 914 is funky... target 589 does not exist, but origin 153 does.
Link 899 is funky... target 694 does not exist, but origin 10 does.
Link 876 is funky... target 342 does not exist, but origin 10 does.
Link 521 is funky... target 413 does not exist, but origin 10 does.
1267 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1267 and 10 target node doesn't have 1267.
1266 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 153 doesn't have 1266 and 153 target node doesn't have 1266.
link_fixer.js:240 1265 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1265 and 10 target node doesn't have 1265.
link_fixer.js:240 1264 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 153 doesn't have 1264 and 153 target node doesn't have 1264.
link_fixer.js:240 1263 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1263 and 10 target node doesn't have 1263.
link_fixer.js:240 1262 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1262 and 10 target node doesn't have 1262.
link_fixer.js:240 1261 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1261 and 10 target node doesn't have 1261.
link_fixer.js:240 1260 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1260 and 10 target node doesn't have 1260.
link_fixer.js:240 1259 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 153 doesn't have 1259 and 153 target node doesn't have 1259.
link_fixer.js:240 1258 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1258 and 10 target node doesn't have 1258.
link_fixer.js:240 1254 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 153 doesn't have 1254 and 153 target node doesn't have 1254.
link_fixer.js:240 1253 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1253 and 10 target node doesn't have 1253.
link_fixer.js:240 1252 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1252 and 10 target node doesn't have 1252.
link_fixer.js:240 1251 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1251 and 10 target node doesn't have 1251.
link_fixer.js:240 1250 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1250 and 10 target node doesn't have 1250.
link_fixer.js:240 1249 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 153 doesn't have 1249 and 153 target node doesn't have 1249.
link_fixer.js:240 1248 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1248 and 10 target node doesn't have 1248.
link_fixer.js:240 1240 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1240 and 10 target node doesn't have 1240.
link_fixer.js:240 1239 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1239 and 10 target node doesn't have 1239.
link_fixer.js:240 1238 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1238 and 10 target node doesn't have 1238.
link_fixer.js:240 1237 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1237 and 10 target node doesn't have 1237.
link_fixer.js:240 1236 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 153 doesn't have 1236 and 153 target node doesn't have 1236.
link_fixer.js:240 1235 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1235 and 10 target node doesn't have 1235.
link_fixer.js:240 1226 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1226 and 10 target node doesn't have 1226.
link_fixer.js:240 1225 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1225 and 10 target node doesn't have 1225.
link_fixer.js:240 1224 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 153 doesn't have 1224 and 153 target node doesn't have 1224.
link_fixer.js:240 1223 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1223 and 10 target node doesn't have 1223.
link_fixer.js:240 1211 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 153 doesn't have 1211 and 153 target node doesn't have 1211.
link_fixer.js:240 1210 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1210 and 10 target node doesn't have 1210.
link_fixer.js:240 1209 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1209 and 10 target node doesn't have 1209.
link_fixer.js:240 1208 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1208 and 10 target node doesn't have 1208.
link_fixer.js:240 1207 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1207 and 10 target node doesn't have 1207.
link_fixer.js:240 1206 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 153 doesn't have 1206 and 153 target node doesn't have 1206.
link_fixer.js:240 1205 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1205 and 10 target node doesn't have 1205.
link_fixer.js:240 1192 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1192 and 10 target node doesn't have 1192.
link_fixer.js:240 1191 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 153 doesn't have 1191 and 153 target node doesn't have 1191.
link_fixer.js:240 1190 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1190 and 10 target node doesn't have 1190.
link_fixer.js:240 1146 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1146 and 10 target node doesn't have 1146.
link_fixer.js:240 1145 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1145 and 10 target node doesn't have 1145.
link_fixer.js:240 1144 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1144 and 10 target node doesn't have 1144.
link_fixer.js:240 1143 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1143 and 10 target node doesn't have 1143.
link_fixer.js:240 1102 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1102 and 10 target node is removed.
link_fixer.js:240 1101 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1101 and 10 target node is removed.
link_fixer.js:240 1100 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1100 and 10 target node doesn't have 1100.
link_fixer.js:240 1099 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1099 and 10 target node doesn't have 1099.
link_fixer.js:240 1098 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1098 and 10 target node doesn't have 1098.
link_fixer.js:240 1097 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1097 and 10 target node doesn't have 1097.
link_fixer.js:240 1096 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1096 and 10 target node doesn't have 1096.
link_fixer.js:240 1095 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 153 doesn't have 1095 and 153 target node doesn't have 1095.
link_fixer.js:240 1094 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 1094 and 10 target node doesn't have 1094.
link_fixer.js:240 966 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 966 and 10 target node doesn't have 966.
link_fixer.js:240 965 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 965 and 10 target node doesn't have 965.
link_fixer.js:240 964 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 964 and 10 target node doesn't have 964.
link_fixer.js:240 963 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 963 and 10 target node doesn't have 963.
link_fixer.js:240 929 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 153 doesn't have 929 and 153 target node is removed.
link_fixer.js:240 928 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 928 and 10 target node doesn't have 928.
link_fixer.js:240 914 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 153 doesn't have 914 and 153 target node is removed.
link_fixer.js:240 913 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 913 and 10 target node doesn't have 913.
link_fixer.js:240 899 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 899 and 10 target node is removed.
link_fixer.js:240 898 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 898 and 10 target node doesn't have 898.
link_fixer.js:240 876 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 876 and 10 target node is removed.
link_fixer.js:240 875 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 875 and 10 target node doesn't have 875.
link_fixer.js:240 796 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 796 and 10 target node doesn't have 796.
link_fixer.js:240 795 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 795 and 10 target node doesn't have 795.
link_fixer.js:240 794 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 794 and 10 target node doesn't have 794.
link_fixer.js:240 793 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 793 and 10 target node doesn't have 793.
link_fixer.js:240 765 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 765 and 10 target node doesn't have 765.
link_fixer.js:240 764 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 764 and 10 target node doesn't have 764.
link_fixer.js:240 733 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 733 and 10 target node doesn't have 733.
link_fixer.js:240 726 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 726 and 10 target node doesn't have 726.
link_fixer.js:240 725 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 725 and 10 target node doesn't have 725.
link_fixer.js:240 724 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 724 and 10 target node doesn't have 724.
link_fixer.js:240 721 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 721 and 10 target node doesn't have 721.
link_fixer.js:240 720 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 720 and 10 target node doesn't have 720.
link_fixer.js:240 719 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 719 and 10 target node doesn't have 719.
link_fixer.js:240 718 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 718 and 10 target node doesn't have 718.
link_fixer.js:240 717 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 717 and 10 target node doesn't have 717.
link_fixer.js:240 706 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 706 and 10 target node doesn't have 706.
link_fixer.js:240 672 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 672 and 10 target node doesn't have 672.
link_fixer.js:240 671 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 671 and 10 target node doesn't have 671.
link_fixer.js:240 571 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 571 and 10 target node doesn't have 571.
link_fixer.js:240 570 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 570 and 10 target node doesn't have 570.
link_fixer.js:240 569 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 569 and 10 target node doesn't have 569.
link_fixer.js:240 568 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 568 and 10 target node doesn't have 568.
link_fixer.js:240 565 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 565 and 10 target node doesn't have 565.
link_fixer.js:240 549 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 549 and 10 target node doesn't have 549.
link_fixer.js:240 531 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 531 and 10 target node doesn't have 531.
link_fixer.js:240 524 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 524 and 10 target node doesn't have 524.
link_fixer.js:240 521 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 521 and 10 target node is removed.
link_fixer.js:240 520 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 520 and 10 target node doesn't have 520.
link_fixer.js:240 469 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 469 and 10 target node doesn't have 469.
link_fixer.js:240 468 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 468 and 10 target node doesn't have 468.
link_fixer.js:240 449 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 449 and 10 target node doesn't have 449.
link_fixer.js:240 440 is def invalid; BOTH origin node 10 doesn't have 440 and 10 target node doesn't have 440.
link_fixer.js:275 Would make no node link patches, and 94 stale link removals.
rgthree.js:522 [rgthree] The workflow you've loaded has corrupt linking data. Open to try to fix.
(匿名) @ rgthree.js:522
seedGen.js:88 Uncaught (in promise) undefined
reroute.js:75 Uncaught (in promise) undefined
inspector.js:7 Image URL being set:
inspector.js:7 Image URL being set:
inspector.js:7 Image URL being set:
inspector.js:7 Image URL being set:
inspector.js:7 Image URL being set: Uncaught (in promise) Error: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received
inspector.js:7 Image URL being set:
inspector.js:7 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: url.startsWith is not a function
at _w_closet (inspector.js:7:1421)
at Image.set [as src] (inspector.js:7:3628)
at maskeditor.ts:45:11
at new Promise ()
at loadImage (maskeditor.ts:38:10)
at MaskEditorDialog.setImages (maskeditor.ts:537:28)
at MaskEditorDialog.show (maskeditor.ts:493:16)
at ComfyApp.open_maskeditor (maskeditor.ts:1151:13)
at HTMLDivElement.callback (app.ts:612:24)
at object. (use_everywhere_utilities.js:259:19)
inspector.js:7 Image URL being set:
inspector.js:7 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: url.startsWith is not a function
at _w_closet (inspector.js:7:1421)
at Image.set [as src] (inspector.js:7:3628)
at maskeditor.ts:45:11
at new Promise ()
at loadImage (maskeditor.ts:38:10)
at MaskEditorDialog.setImages (maskeditor.ts:537:28)
at MaskEditorDialog.show (maskeditor.ts:493:16)
at ComfyApp.open_maskeditor (maskeditor.ts:1151:13)
at HTMLDivElement.callback (app.ts:612:24)
at object. (use_everywhere_utilities.js:259:19)
_w_closet @ inspector.js:7
set @ inspector.js:7
(匿名) @ maskeditor.ts:45
loadImage @ maskeditor.ts:38
setImages @ maskeditor.ts:537
show @ maskeditor.ts:493
ComfyApp.open_maskeditor @ maskeditor.ts:1151
callback @ app.ts:612
object. @ use_everywhere_utilities.js:259
l @ extensions-LpJhrTUa.js:1
web-client-content-script.js:2 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Could not find identifiable element
at web-client-content-script.js:2:353706
at Array.map ()
at web-client-content-script.js:2:353651
at f (web-client-content-script.js:2:196974)
at Generator. (web-client-content-script.js:2:198311)
at Generator.next (web-client-content-script.js:2:197337)
at u (web-client-content-script.js:2:203989)
at a (web-client-content-script.js:2:204192)
(匿名) @ web-client-content-script.js:2
(匿名) @ web-client-content-script.js:2
f @ web-client-content-script.js:2
(匿名) @ web-client-content-script.js:2
(匿名) @ web-client-content-script.js:2
u @ web-client-content-script.js:2
a @ web-client-content-script.js:2
显示另外 7 个框架
web-client-content-script.js:2 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Could not find identifiable element
at web-client-content-script.js:2:353706
at Array.map ()
at web-client-content-script.js:2:353651
at f (web-client-content-script.js:2:196974)
at Generator. (web-client-content-script.js:2:198311)
at Generator.next (web-client-content-script.js:2:197337)
at u (web-client-content-script.js:2:203989)
at a (web-client-content-script.js:2:204192)
(匿名) @ web-client-content-script.js:2
(匿名) @ web-client-content-script.js:2
f @ web-client-content-script.js:2
(匿名) @ web-client-content-script.js:2
(匿名) @ web-client-content-script.js:2
u @ web-client-content-script.js:2
a @ web-client-content-script.js:2
显示另外 7 个框架
web-client-content-script.js:2 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Could not find identifiable element
at web-client-content-script.js:2:353706
at Array.map ()
at web-client-content-script.js:2:353651
at f (web-client-content-script.js:2:196974)
at Generator. (web-client-content-script.js:2:198311)
at Generator.next (web-client-content-script.js:2:197337)
at u (web-client-content-script.js:2:203989)
at a (web-client-content-script.js:2:204192)
inspector.js:7 Image URL being set:
inspector.js:7 Image URL being set:
inspector.js:7 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: url.startsWith is not a function
at _w_closet (inspector.js:7:1421)
at Image.set [as src] (inspector.js:7:3628)
at maskeditor.ts:45:11
at new Promise ()
at loadImage (maskeditor.ts:38:10)
at MaskEditorDialog.setImages (maskeditor.ts:537:28)
at MaskEditorDialog.show (maskeditor.ts:493:16)
at ComfyApp.open_maskeditor (maskeditor.ts:1151:13)
at HTMLDivElement.callback (app.ts:612:24)
at object. (use_everywhere_utilities.js:259:19)
_w_closet @ inspector.js:7
set @ inspector.js:7
(匿名) @ maskeditor.ts:45
loadImage @ maskeditor.ts:38
setImages @ maskeditor.ts:537
show @ maskeditor.ts:493
ComfyApp.open_maskeditor @ maskeditor.ts:1151
callback @ app.ts:612
object. @ use_everywhere_utilities.js:259
l @ extensions-LpJhrTUa.js:1
await in l
ComfyApp.open_maskeditor @ maskeditor.ts:1151
callback @ app.ts:612
object. @ use_everywhere_utilities.js:259
l @ extensions-LpJhrTUa.js:1
Setting JSON
"AGL.Locale": "zh-CN",
"Comfy.InvertMenuScrolling": false,
"Comfy.CustomColorPalettes": {
"obsidian": {
"version": 105,
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"name": "Obsidian",
"colors": {
"node_slot": {
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"CLIP_VISION_OUTPUT": "#ad7452",
"IMAGE": "#64B5F6",
"LATENT": "#FF9CF9",
"MASK": "#81C784",
"MODEL": "#B39DDB",
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"DEFAULT_SHADOW_COLOR": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
"WIDGET_BGCOLOR": "#242427",
"WIDGET_TEXT_COLOR": "#d4d4d8",
"LINK_COLOR": "#9A9",
"comfy_base": {
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"comfy-input-bg": "#262626",
"input-text": "#ddd",
"descrip-text": "#999",
"drag-text": "#ccc",
"error-text": "#ff4444",
"border-color": "#29292c",
"tr-even-bg-color": "rgba(28,28,28,.9)",
"tr-odd-bg-color": "rgba(19,19,19,.9)"
"obsidian_dark": {
"version": 105,
"id": "obsidian_dark",
"name": "Obsidian Dark",
"colors": {
"node_slot": {
"CLIP": "#FFD500",
"CLIP_VISION_OUTPUT": "#ad7452",
"IMAGE": "#64B5F6",
"LATENT": "#FF9CF9",
"MASK": "#81C784",
"MODEL": "#B39DDB",
"VAE": "#FF6E6E",
"TAESD": "#DCC274",
"PIPE_LINE": "#7737AA",
"PIPE_LINE_SDXL": "#7737AA",
"INT": "#29699C",
"X_Y": "#38291f",
"XYPLOT": "#74DA5D",
"LORA_STACK": "#94dccd",
"CONTROL_NET_STACK": "#94dccd"
"litegraph_base": {
"BACKGROUND_IMAGE": "",
"NODE_TITLE_COLOR": "#d4d4d8",
"NODE_TEXT_COLOR": "#ffffff",
"NODE_DEFAULT_COLOR": "#09090b",
"NODE_DEFAULT_BGCOLOR": "rgba(24,24,27,.9)",
"NODE_DEFAULT_BOXCOLOR": "rgba(255,255,255,.75)",
"DEFAULT_SHADOW_COLOR": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
"WIDGET_BGCOLOR": "#242427",
"WIDGET_TEXT_COLOR": "#d4d4d8",
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