diff --git a/include/picongpu/param/atomicPhysics.param b/include/picongpu/param/atomicPhysics.param
index d2478cc4b8..9b101afadc 100644
--- a/include/picongpu/param/atomicPhysics.param
+++ b/include/picongpu/param/atomicPhysics.param
@@ -32,27 +32,38 @@
namespace picongpu::atomicPhysics
- // configuration of electron ElectronHistogram
- //{
+ //! configuration of electron ElectronHistogram
+ //!@{
struct MaxEnergyParam
- // eV
+ // unit: eV
static constexpr float_X maxEnergy = float_X(1e7);
using ElectronHistogram = particles::atomicPhysics::electronDistribution::LogSpaceHistogram<
- 100u, // T_numberBins
+ // T_numberBins
+ 100u,
- //}
+ //!@}
//! atomicPhysics rate solver settings
struct RateSolverParam
- // atomicPhysics timeStepLength sub-stepping of numerical limit
+ /** atomicPhysics factor between actual timeStepLength in atomicPhysics sub-stepping of numerical limit
+ *
+ * @attention must be <= 1, otherwise solver is numerical unstable
+ */
static constexpr float_X timeStepAlpha = 0.3_X;
- // which probability approximation to use for the acceptance step
- using ProbabilityApproximationFunctor
- = picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::ExponentialApproximationProbability;
+ /** maximum number of atomicPhysics sub-steps per PIC time step
+ *
+ * all rates above timeStepAlpha / maximumNumberSubStepsPerPICTimeStep will be solved in
+ * rate fix point(equilibirium) approximation only.
+ *
+ * @attention This limit is currently only enforced for field ionization transitions! If the number of
+ * sub-steps required by collisional processes is higher than the limit set, AtomicPhysics will perform more
+ * subs-steps than set here.
+ */
+ static constexpr uint32_t maximumNumberSubStepsPerPICTimeStep = 200u;
/** atomicConfigNumber definition for argon ions
diff --git a/include/picongpu/param/atomicPhysics_Debug.param b/include/picongpu/param/atomicPhysics_Debug.param
index baaf8cf8a1..4d556dbb5f 100644
--- a/include/picongpu/param/atomicPhysics_Debug.param
+++ b/include/picongpu/param/atomicPhysics_Debug.param
@@ -140,8 +140,16 @@ namespace picongpu::atomicPhysics::debug
//! @attention performance relevant
+ //! @attention performance relevant
} // namespace kernel::chooseTransition
+ namespace kernel::chooseInstantTransition
+ {
+ //! @attention performance relevant
+ } // namespace kernel::chooseInstantTransition
namespace kernel::recordSuggestedChanges
//! @attention only useful if using serial backend, no output unless compiling for cpu backend
diff --git a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/InstantTransitionRateLimit.hpp b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/InstantTransitionRateLimit.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..323fdbfe0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/InstantTransitionRateLimit.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* Copyright 2024 Brian Marre
+ *
+ * This file is part of PIConGPU.
+ *
+ * PIConGPU is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * PIConGPU is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with PIConGPU.
+ * If not, see .
+ */
+#pragma once
+// need unit system and normalization
+#include "picongpu/defines.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/param.hpp"
+namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics
+ struct InstantTransitionRateLimit
+ {
+ /** get maximum of total state loss rate for inclusion in the time dependent rate equation solver
+ *
+ * @tparam T_ReturnType type and precision to use in the result
+ */
+ template
+ static constexpr T_ReturnType get()
+ {
+ using picongpu::atomicPhysics::RateSolverParam;
+ // unit: unitless * unitless / unit_time = 1/unit_time
+ return static_cast(
+ RateSolverParam::timeStepAlpha * float_X(RateSolverParam::maximumNumberSubStepsPerPICTimeStep))
+ / picongpu::sim.pic.getDt();
+ }
+ };
+} // namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics
diff --git a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/CalculateStepLength.kernel b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/CalculateStepLength.kernel
index b594fa2e8d..417992c45d 100644
--- a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/CalculateStepLength.kernel
+++ b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/CalculateStepLength.kernel
@@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::kernel
// 1/sim.unit.time()
float_X lossRateState = 0._X;
- if(rateCacheLossRate == 0._X)
+ if((rateCacheLossRate <= 0._X))
- // no loss state, for example completely ionized state, set to neutral element
- // 1/sim.unit.time()
+ /* no loss state, for example completely ionized state, set to neutral element
+ * unit: 1/unit_time() */
lossRateState = picongpu::atomicPhysics::RateSolverParam::timeStepAlpha / sim.pic.getDt();
@@ -112,13 +112,16 @@ namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::kernel
lossRateState = picongpu::atomicPhysics::RateSolverParam::timeStepAlpha / sim.pic.getDt();
+ // all state with field ionization loss rates above the limit have already been processed
// 1/(1/sim.unit.time()) = sim.unit.time()
float_X const speciesStateLimitTimeStep = 1._X / (lossRateState);
- // sim.unit.time()
+ // unit: unit_time
- &timeStep, // sim.unit.time()
+ // unit: unit_time
+ &timeStep,
speciesStateLimitTimeStep * picongpu::atomicPhysics::RateSolverParam::timeStepAlpha,
diff --git a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/CheckForFieldEnergyOverSubscription.kernel b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/CheckForFieldEnergyOverSubscription.kernel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a53c4d13cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/CheckForFieldEnergyOverSubscription.kernel
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+/* Copyright 2024 Brian Marre
+ *
+ * This file is part of PIConGPU.
+ *
+ * PIConGPU is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * PIConGPU is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with PIConGPU.
+ * If not, see .
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "picongpu/defines.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/ConvertEnum.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/KernelIndexation.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/CalculateRejectionProbability.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/localHelperFields/RejectionProbabilityCache_Cell.hpp"
+namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::kernel
+ /** check all cells for overSubscription
+ *
+ * checks each superCell cell for fieldEnergyUse > fieldEnergy,
+ * if yes mark cell as oversubscribed and stores rejection probability in rejection probability cache
+ *
+ * @tparam T_numberAtomicPhysicsIonSpecies specialization template parameter used to prevent compilation of all
+ * atomicPhysics kernels if no atomic physics species is present.
+ */
+ template
+ struct CheckForFieldEnergyOverSubscriptionKernel
+ {
+ using VectorIdx = DataSpace;
+ /** call operator
+ *
+ * called by CheckForOverSubscription atomic physics sub-stage
+ *
+ * @param worker object containing the device and block information, passed by PMACC_KERNEL call
+ * @param areMapping mapping of blockIndex to block superCell index
+ * @param rngFactory factory for uniformly distributed random number generator
+ * @param eFieldBox deviceDataBox giving access to eField values for all local superCells
+ * @param fieldEnergyUseCacheBox deviceDataBox giving access to the field energy use cache for each local
+ * superCell
+ * @param sharedResourcesOverSubscribedBox deviceDataBox giving access to the local shared resources over
+ * subscription switch for each local superCell
+ * @param rejectionProbabilityCacheCellBox deviceDataBox giving access to localRejectionProbabilityCache for
+ * all cells of all local superCells
+ */
+ template<
+ typename T_Worker,
+ typename T_AreaMapping,
+ typename T_TimeRemainingBox,
+ typename T_EFieldBox,
+ typename T_FieldEnergyUseCacheBox,
+ typename T_SharedRessourcesOverSubscribedBox,
+ typename T_RejectionProbabilityCacheCellDataBox>
+ HDINLINE void operator()(
+ T_Worker const& worker,
+ T_AreaMapping const areaMapping,
+ T_TimeRemainingBox const timeRemainingBox,
+ T_EFieldBox const eFieldBox,
+ T_FieldEnergyUseCacheBox const fieldEnergyUseCacheBox,
+ T_SharedRessourcesOverSubscribedBox sharedResourcesOverSubscribedBox,
+ T_RejectionProbabilityCacheCellDataBox rejectionProbabilityCacheCellBox) const
+ {
+ auto const superCellIdx = KernelIndexation::getSuperCellIndex(worker, areaMapping);
+ auto const superCellFieldIdx
+ = KernelIndexation::getSuperCellFieldIndexFromSuperCellIndex(areaMapping, superCellIdx);
+ auto const timeRemaining = timeRemainingBox(superCellFieldIdx);
+ if(timeRemaining <= 0._X)
+ return;
+ using FieldEnergyCache = typename T_FieldEnergyUseCacheBox::ValueType;
+ particles::atomicPhysics::localHelperFields::RejectionProbabilityCache_Cell&
+ rejectionProbabilityCacheCell
+ = rejectionProbabilityCacheCellBox(superCellFieldIdx);
+ FieldEnergyCache const& eFieldEnergyUseCache = fieldEnergyUseCacheBox(superCellFieldIdx);
+ VectorIdx const superCellCellOffset = superCellIdx * picongpu::SuperCellSize::toRT();
+ bool sharedResourcesOverSubscribed = false;
+ auto forEachCell = pmacc::lockstep::makeForEach(worker);
+ forEachCell(
+ [&worker,
+ &superCellCellOffset,
+ &eFieldBox,
+ &eFieldEnergyUseCache,
+ &rejectionProbabilityCacheCell,
+ &sharedResourcesOverSubscribed](uint32_t const linearCellIndex)
+ {
+ if(CalculateRejectionProbability::ofCell(
+ linearCellIndex,
+ superCellCellOffset,
+ eFieldBox,
+ eFieldEnergyUseCache,
+ rejectionProbabilityCacheCell))
+ sharedResourcesOverSubscribed = true;
+ });
+ uint32_t& flagField = sharedResourcesOverSubscribedBox(superCellFieldIdx);
+ // write out flag setting to device memory
+ alpaka::atomicOr(
+ worker.getAcc(),
+ &flagField,
+ u32(sharedResourcesOverSubscribed),
+ ::alpaka::hierarchy::Threads{});
+ }
+ };
+} // namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::kernel
diff --git a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/ChooseInstantNonReversibleTransition.kernel b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/ChooseInstantNonReversibleTransition.kernel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..086d9aefae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/ChooseInstantNonReversibleTransition.kernel
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+/* Copyright 2024 Brian Marre
+ *
+ * This file is part of PIConGPU.
+ *
+ * PIConGPU is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * PIConGPU is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with PIConGPU.
+ * If not, see .
+ */
+#pragma once
+// need simulation.param for normalisation and units, memory.param for SuperCellSize and dim.param for simDim
+#include "picongpu/defines.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/CheckSetOfAtomicDataBoxes.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/ConvertEnum.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/EFieldCache.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/InstantTransitionRateLimit.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/KernelIndexation.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/MinimumAndMaximumEFieldNormOfSuperCell.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/enums/ADKLaserPolarization.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/enums/ProcessClass.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/enums/TransitionDirection.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/rateCalculation/BoundFreeFieldTransitionRates.hpp"
+namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::kernel
+ namespace s_enums = picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::enums;
+ template
+ struct ChooseInstantNonReversibleTransitionKernel
+ {
+ using VectorIdx = pmacc::DataSpace;
+ /** call operator
+ *
+ * called by ChooseInstantNonReversibleTransition atomic physics sub-stage
+ *
+ * @param worker object containing the device and block information, passed by PMACC_KERNEL call
+ * @param areaMapping mapping of blockIndex to block superCell index
+ * @param rngFactoryFloat factory for uniformly distributed random number generator, for float_X [0,1)
+ * @param chargeStateBox deviceDataBox giving access to charge state property data
+ * @param atomicStateBox deviceDataBox giving access to atomic state property data
+ * @param transitionBox deviceDataBox giving access to bound free transition data
+ * @param numberTransitionsBox deviceDataBox giving access to the number of
+ * bound-free transitions for each atomic state
+ * @param startIndexBox deviceDataBox giving access to the start index of each
+ * @param timeRemainingBox deviceDataBox giving access to the local time remaining of all local superCells
+ * @param eFieldBox deviceDataBox giving access to the device local E-Field values
+ * @param ionBox deviceDataBox giving access to the ion frames of all device local superCells
+ * @param ipdInput everything required by T_IPDModel to calculate the IonizationPotentialDepression,
+ * passed by T_IPDModel::callKernelWithIPDInput
+ *
+ * @attention assumes that the accepted ion attribute of the species has been reset before the kernel call
+ * @attention assumes that the foundUnbound-field has been reset before the kernel call
+ */
+ template<
+ typename T_Worker,
+ typename T_AreaMapping,
+ typename T_RngGeneratorFactoryFloat,
+ typename T_LocalTimeRemainingBox,
+ typename T_FoundUnboundBox,
+ typename T_ChargeStateDataDataBox,
+ typename T_AtomicStateDataDataBox,
+ typename T_AtomicStateBoundFreeStartIndexBlockDataBox,
+ typename T_AtomicStateBoundFreeNumberTransitionsDataBox,
+ typename T_BoundFreeTransitionDataBox,
+ typename T_EFieldDataBox,
+ typename T_IonBox,
+ typename... T_IPDInput>
+ HDINLINE void operator()(
+ T_Worker const& worker,
+ T_AreaMapping const areaMapping,
+ T_RngGeneratorFactoryFloat rngFactoryFloat,
+ T_ChargeStateDataDataBox const chargeStateBox,
+ T_AtomicStateDataDataBox const atomicStateBox,
+ T_AtomicStateBoundFreeStartIndexBlockDataBox const startIndexBox,
+ T_AtomicStateBoundFreeNumberTransitionsDataBox const numberTransitionsBox,
+ T_BoundFreeTransitionDataBox const transitionBox,
+ T_LocalTimeRemainingBox const timeRemainingBox,
+ T_FoundUnboundBox foundUnboundBox,
+ T_EFieldDataBox const eFieldBox,
+ T_IonBox ionBox,
+ T_IPDInput const... ipdInput) const
+ {
+ PMACC_CASSERT(CheckSetOfAtomicDataBoxes::areBoundFreeAndDirection<
+ s_enums::TransitionDirection::upward,
+ T_AtomicStateBoundFreeStartIndexBlockDataBox,
+ T_AtomicStateBoundFreeNumberTransitionsDataBox,
+ T_BoundFreeTransitionDataBox>());
+ VectorIdx const superCellIdx = KernelIndexation::getSuperCellIndex(worker, areaMapping);
+ VectorIdx const superCellFieldIdx
+ = KernelIndexation::getSuperCellFieldIndexFromSuperCellIndex(areaMapping, superCellIdx);
+ auto const timeRemaining = timeRemainingBox(superCellFieldIdx);
+ auto forEachLocalIonBoxEntry = pmacc::particles::algorithm::acc::makeForEach(worker, ionBox, superCellIdx);
+ if((timeRemaining <= 0._X) || (!forEachLocalIonBoxEntry.hasParticles()))
+ return;
+ // create cache for which states to apply kernel to
+ PMACC_SMEM(worker, stateHasInstantNonReversibleTransition, memory::Array);
+ // unit: unit_eField
+ PMACC_SMEM(worker, minEFieldNormSuperCell, typename T_EFieldDataBox::ValueType::type);
+ // unit: unit_eField
+ PMACC_SMEM(worker, maxEFieldNormSuperCell, typename T_EFieldDataBox::ValueType::type);
+ // init shared memory
+ //!@{
+ /// @todo write variant using the eField cache to find minimum and maximum using, Brian Marre, 2024
+ MinimumAndMaximumEFieldNormOfSuperCell::find(
+ worker,
+ superCellIdx,
+ eFieldBox,
+ minEFieldNormSuperCell,
+ maxEFieldNormSuperCell);
+ auto forEachAtomicState = pmacc::lockstep::makeForEach(worker);
+ forEachAtomicState([&stateHasInstantNonReversibleTransition](uint32_t const stateCollectionIndex)
+ { stateHasInstantNonReversibleTransition[stateCollectionIndex] = false; });
+ worker.sync();
+ //!@}
+ // check presence of atomic states
+ forEachLocalIonBoxEntry(
+ [&stateHasInstantNonReversibleTransition](T_Worker const& worker, auto& ion)
+ {
+ uint32_t const stateCollectionIndex = ion[atomicStateCollectionIndex_];
+ stateHasInstantNonReversibleTransition[stateCollectionIndex] = true;
+ });
+ worker.sync();
+ float_X const ionizationPotentialDepression
+ = T_IPDModel::template calculateIPD(
+ superCellFieldIdx,
+ ipdInput...);
+ // mask states with maximum total loss rate below rate limit
+ forEachAtomicState(
+ [&ionizationPotentialDepression,
+ &minEFieldNormSuperCell,
+ &maxEFieldNormSuperCell,
+ &stateHasInstantNonReversibleTransition,
+ &numberTransitionsBox,
+ &startIndexBox,
+ &chargeStateBox,
+ &atomicStateBox,
+ &transitionBox](uint32_t const stateCollectionIndex)
+ {
+ // check if atomic state present at all
+ if(!stateHasInstantNonReversibleTransition[stateCollectionIndex])
+ return;
+ uint32_t const numberTransitionsUp
+ = numberTransitionsBox.numberOfTransitionsUp(stateCollectionIndex);
+ uint32_t const offset = startIndexBox.startIndexBlockTransitionsUp(stateCollectionIndex);
+ // unit: 1/unit_time
+ float_64 sumRateTransitions = 0.0;
+ for(uint32_t transitionID = u32(0u); transitionID < numberTransitionsUp; ++transitionID)
+ {
+ uint32_t const transitionCollectionIndex = offset + transitionID;
+ // unit: 1/unit_time
+ sumRateTransitions
+ += atomicPhysics::rateCalculation::BoundFreeFieldTransitionRates::
+ template maximumRateADKFieldIonization(
+ minEFieldNormSuperCell,
+ maxEFieldNormSuperCell,
+ ionizationPotentialDepression,
+ transitionCollectionIndex,
+ chargeStateBox,
+ atomicStateBox,
+ transitionBox);
+ }
+ // unit: 1/unit_time
+ constexpr auto rateLimit = InstantTransitionRateLimit::get();
+ if(sumRateTransitions <= rateLimit)
+ stateHasInstantNonReversibleTransition[stateCollectionIndex] = false;
+ });
+ // no need to snyc threads since we will sync after filling eField cache anyway
+ auto eFieldCache = EFieldCache::get<__COUNTER__>(worker, superCellIdx, eFieldBox);
+ worker.sync();
+ auto rngGeneratorFloat = rngFactoryFloat(worker, superCellFieldIdx);
+ bool foundInstantTransitionIon = false;
+ // choose instant transition for each particle in state with total transition rate above limit
+ forEachLocalIonBoxEntry(
+ [&stateHasInstantNonReversibleTransition,
+ &foundInstantTransitionIon,
+ &ionizationPotentialDepression,
+ &eFieldCache,
+ &rngGeneratorFloat,
+ &numberTransitionsBox,
+ &startIndexBox,
+ &chargeStateBox,
+ &atomicStateBox,
+ &transitionBox](T_Worker const& worker, auto& ion)
+ {
+ auto const stateCollectionIndex = ion[atomicStateCollectionIndex_];
+ auto const linearCellIndex = ion[localCellIdx_];
+ if(!stateHasInstantNonReversibleTransition[stateCollectionIndex])
+ return;
+ VectorIdx const localCellIndex
+ = pmacc::math::mapToND(picongpu::SuperCellSize::toRT(), static_cast(linearCellIndex));
+ // unit: unit_eField
+ float_X const eFieldNormCell = pmacc::math::l2norm(eFieldCache(localCellIndex));
+ uint32_t const numberTransitions
+ = numberTransitionsBox.numberOfTransitionsUp(stateCollectionIndex);
+ uint32_t const startIndexTransitionBlock
+ = startIndexBox.startIndexBlockTransitionsUp(stateCollectionIndex);
+ float_X const r = rngGeneratorFloat();
+ float_64 particleTotalTransitionRate = 0.;
+ for(uint32_t transitionID = 0u; transitionID < numberTransitions; ++transitionID)
+ {
+ uint32_t const transitionCollectionIndex = transitionID + startIndexTransitionBlock;
+ auto const transitionRate
+ = atomicPhysics::rateCalculation::BoundFreeFieldTransitionRates::
+ template rateADKFieldIonization(
+ eFieldNormCell,
+ ionizationPotentialDepression,
+ transitionCollectionIndex,
+ chargeStateBox,
+ atomicStateBox,
+ transitionBox);
+ if constexpr(picongpu::atomicPhysics::debug::kernel::chooseInstantTransition::
+ if(transitionRate < 0._X)
+ printf("atomicPhysics ERROR: encountered infinite transition rate in "
+ "ChooseInstantTransition kernel");
+ // unit: 1/unit_time
+ particleTotalTransitionRate += transitionRate;
+ }
+ constexpr auto rateLimit = InstantTransitionRateLimit::get();
+ bool const particleTotalLossRateBelowRateLimit = (particleTotalTransitionRate <= rateLimit);
+ if(particleTotalLossRateBelowRateLimit)
+ return;
+ foundInstantTransitionIon = true;
+ // choose transition for instant transition ion
+ float_X cumSum = 0._X;
+ for(uint32_t transitionID = 0u; transitionID < numberTransitions; ++transitionID)
+ {
+ uint32_t const transitionCollectionIndex = transitionID + startIndexTransitionBlock;
+ // unit: 1/unit_time
+ cumSum += static_cast(
+ atomicPhysics::rateCalculation::BoundFreeFieldTransitionRates::
+ template rateADKFieldIonization(
+ eFieldNormCell,
+ ionizationPotentialDepression,
+ transitionCollectionIndex,
+ chargeStateBox,
+ atomicStateBox,
+ transitionBox)
+ / particleTotalTransitionRate);
+ // inclusive limit, to make sure that r==1 is assigned a transition
+ if(r <= cumSum)
+ {
+ // found chosen transition
+ ion[processClass_] = u8(s_enums::ProcessClass::fieldIonization);
+ ion[transitionIndex_] = transitionCollectionIndex;
+ /* field ionizations are not bin based therefore we do not set a bin, and old values are
+ * ignored */
+ // we set the accepted flag to allow easy resource use accounting in a later kernel call
+ ion[accepted_] = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ alpaka::atomicOr(
+ worker.getAcc(),
+ &foundUnboundBox(superCellFieldIdx),
+ u32(foundInstantTransitionIon),
+ ::alpaka::hierarchy::Threads{});
+ }
+ };
+} // namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::kernel
diff --git a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/ChooseTransitionGroup.kernel b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/ChooseTransitionGroup.kernel
index 0a1c4abb13..b4177c2a84 100644
--- a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/ChooseTransitionGroup.kernel
+++ b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/ChooseTransitionGroup.kernel
@@ -164,7 +164,6 @@ namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::kernel
if(r < cumSum)
// only in between storage
- // printf("ID: %lu, %i\n", ion[particleId_], chooseTransitionGroupID);
ion[transitionIndex_] = chooseTransitionGroupID;
diff --git a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/ChooseTransition_FieldBoundFree.kernel b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/ChooseTransition_FieldBoundFree.kernel
index 2e8b930ac1..e004b23e96 100644
--- a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/ChooseTransition_FieldBoundFree.kernel
+++ b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/ChooseTransition_FieldBoundFree.kernel
@@ -183,6 +183,12 @@ namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::kernel
+ if constexpr(picongpu::atomicPhysics::debug::kernel::chooseTransition::
+ if(rateTransition < 0._X)
+ printf("atomicPhysics ERROR: encountered infinite transition rate in non instant "
+ "transition ion");
cumSum += rateTransition
/ rateCache.rate(
diff --git a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/FillRateCache_BoundFree.kernel b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/FillRateCache_BoundFree.kernel
index f558358ffa..87effe911b 100644
--- a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/FillRateCache_BoundFree.kernel
+++ b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/FillRateCache_BoundFree.kernel
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "picongpu/defines.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/CheckSetOfAtomicDataBoxes.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/ConvertEnum.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/InstantTransitionRateLimit.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/KernelIndexation.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/MinimumAndMaximumEFieldNormOfSuperCell.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/electronDistribution/CachedHistogram.hpp"
@@ -231,9 +232,8 @@ namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::kernel
uint32_t const transitionCollectionIndex = offset + transitionID;
- // unit: 1/unit_time
- sumRateTransitions
- += atomicPhysics::rateCalculation::BoundFreeFieldTransitionRates::
+ auto const transitionRate
+ = atomicPhysics::rateCalculation::BoundFreeFieldTransitionRates::
template maximumRateADKFieldIonization(
@@ -242,6 +242,23 @@ namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::kernel
+ if(transitionRate > 0._X)
+ {
+ // unit: 1/unit_time
+ sumRateTransitions += transitionRate;
+ }
+ }
+ /* all particles with rates above the instant transition limit are processed in the
+ * chooseInstantRateTransitions kernel therefore the remaining particles always have a state loss
+ * rate limit below or equal to the limit*/
+ constexpr auto instantTransitionRateLimit = InstantTransitionRateLimit::get();
+ bool const stateWithInstantTransitions = (sumRateTransitions > instantTransitionRateLimit);
+ if(stateWithInstantTransitions)
+ {
+ sumRateTransitions = instantTransitionRateLimit;
rateCache.template add(
diff --git a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/RecordSuggestedFieldEnergyUse.kernel b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/RecordSuggestedFieldEnergyUse.kernel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37577b54dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/RecordSuggestedFieldEnergyUse.kernel
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+/* Copyright 2024 Brian Marre
+ *
+ * This file is part of PIConGPU.
+ *
+ * PIConGPU is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * PIConGPU is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with PIConGPU.
+ * If not, see .
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "picongpu/defines.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/DeltaEnergyTransition.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/KernelIndexation.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/enums/IsProcess.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/enums/ProcessClassGroup.hpp"
+namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::kernel
+ /** record used electric field energy from a cell for each accepted transition
+ *
+ * @tparam T_IPDModel ionization potential depression model to use
+ */
+ template
+ struct RecordSuggestedFieldEnergyUseKernel
+ {
+ /** call operator
+ *
+ * called by RecordSuggestedFieldEnergyUsed atomic physics sub-stage
+ *
+ * @param worker object containing the device and block information, passed by PMACC_KERNEL call
+ * @param areaMapping mapping of blockIndex to block superCell index
+ * @param chargeStateBox deviceDataBox giving access to charge state property data
+ * @param atomicStateBox deviceDataBox giving access to atomic state property data
+ * @param boundFreeTransitionBox deviceDataBox giving access to bound free transition data
+ * @param timeRemainingBox deviceDataBox giving access to the local time remaining of all local superCells
+ * @param fieldEnergyUseCacheBox deviceDataBox giving access to the local field energy use of all cells of all
+ * local superCells
+ * @param ionBox deviceDataBox giving access to the particle frames of all local superCells
+ * @param ipdInput everything required by T_IPDModel to calculate the IonizationPotentialDepression,
+ * passed by T_IPDModel::callKernelWithIPDInput
+ */
+ template<
+ typename T_Worker,
+ typename T_AreaMapping,
+ typename T_ChargeStateDataDataBox,
+ typename T_AtomicStateDataDataBox,
+ typename T_BoundFreeTransitionDataBox,
+ typename T_LocalTimeRemainingBox,
+ typename T_FieldEnergyUseCacheBox,
+ typename T_IonBox,
+ typename... T_IPDInput>
+ HDINLINE void operator()(
+ T_Worker const& worker,
+ T_AreaMapping const areaMapping,
+ T_ChargeStateDataDataBox const chargeStateBox,
+ T_AtomicStateDataDataBox const atomicStateBox,
+ T_BoundFreeTransitionDataBox const boundFreeTransitionBox,
+ T_LocalTimeRemainingBox const timeRemainingBox,
+ T_FieldEnergyUseCacheBox fieldEnergyUseCacheBox,
+ T_IonBox const ionBox,
+ T_IPDInput const... ipdInput) const
+ {
+ auto const superCellIdx = KernelIndexation::getSuperCellIndex(worker, areaMapping);
+ auto const superCellFieldIdx
+ = KernelIndexation::getSuperCellFieldIndexFromSuperCellIndex(areaMapping, superCellIdx);
+ auto const timeRemaining = timeRemainingBox(superCellFieldIdx);
+ auto forEachLocalIonBoxEntry = pmacc::particles::algorithm::acc::makeForEach(worker, ionBox, superCellIdx);
+ // end kernel if no particles or superCell already finished
+ if((timeRemaining <= 0._X) || (!forEachLocalIonBoxEntry.hasParticles()))
+ return;
+ auto& fieldEnergyUseCache = fieldEnergyUseCacheBox(superCellFieldIdx);
+ float_X const ionizationPotentialDepression
+ = T_IPDModel::template calculateIPD(
+ superCellFieldIdx,
+ ipdInput...);
+ forEachLocalIonBoxEntry(
+ [&](T_Worker const& worker, auto& ion)
+ {
+ if(!ion[accepted_])
+ return;
+ auto const weight = ion[weighting_];
+ uint32_t const linearCellIdx = ion[localCellIdx_];
+ uint32_t const transitionCollectionIndex = ion[transitionIndex_];
+ // eV, weighted
+ float_X const energyUsed = DeltaEnergyTransition::get(
+ transitionCollectionIndex,
+ atomicStateBox,
+ boundFreeTransitionBox,
+ ionizationPotentialDepression,
+ chargeStateBox)
+ * weight;
+ // uses atomics
+ fieldEnergyUseCache.add(worker, linearCellIdx, energyUsed);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+} // namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::kernel
diff --git a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/UpdateIonAtomicState.kernel b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/UpdateIonAtomicState.kernel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8191f30cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/UpdateIonAtomicState.kernel
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+/* Copyright 2024 Brian Marre
+ *
+ * This file is part of PIConGPU.
+ *
+ * PIConGPU is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * PIConGPU is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with PIConGPU.
+ * If not, see .
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "picongpu/defines.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/CheckSetOfAtomicDataBoxes.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/ConvertEnum.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/KernelIndexation.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/SetAtomicState.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/enums/ProcessClass.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/enums/TransitionDirection.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/ionizationPotentialDepression/PassIPDInputs.hpp"
+namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::kernel
+ namespace s_enums = picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::enums;
+ /** update atomic state of ions according to their accepted transition, do nothing if the ion did not accept an
+ * transition
+ *
+ * @note This kernel differs from the RecordChanges kernel by not assuming that all ions accepted a transition.
+ * @note This kernel is intended for updating the ion atomic state after accepting an instant transition.
+ */
+ template
+ struct UpdateIonAtomicStateKernel
+ {
+ using VectorIdx = pmacc::DataSpace;
+ /** call operator
+ *
+ * called by UpdateIons atomicPhysics sub-stage for each active processClass
+ *
+ * @param worker object containing the device and block information, passed by PMACC_KERNEL call
+ * @param areaMapping mapping of blockIndex to block superCell index
+ * @param timeRemainingBox deviceDataBox giving access to the local time remaining of all local super
+ * cells
+ * @param ionBox deviceDataBox giving access to the particle frames of all local superCells
+ * @param atomicStateBox deviceDataBox giving access to atomic state property data
+ * @param transitionBox deviceDataBox giving access to transition property data,
+ */
+ template<
+ typename T_Worker,
+ typename T_AreaMapping,
+ typename T_LocalTimeRemainingBox,
+ typename T_IonBox,
+ typename T_AtomicStateDataBox,
+ typename T_TransitionDataBox>
+ HDINLINE void operator()(
+ T_Worker const& worker,
+ T_AreaMapping const areaMapping,
+ T_LocalTimeRemainingBox const timeRemainingBox,
+ T_IonBox ionBox,
+ T_AtomicStateDataBox const atomicStateBox,
+ T_TransitionDataBox const transitionBox) const
+ {
+ PMACC_CASSERT(CheckSetOfAtomicDataBoxes::
+ transitionDataBoxMatchesProcessClass());
+ VectorIdx const superCellIdx = KernelIndexation::getSuperCellIndex(worker, areaMapping);
+ VectorIdx const superCellFieldIdx
+ = KernelIndexation::getSuperCellFieldIndexFromSuperCellIndex(areaMapping, superCellIdx);
+ auto const timeRemaining = timeRemainingBox(superCellFieldIdx);
+ auto forEachLocalIonBoxEntry = pmacc::particles::algorithm::acc::makeForEach(worker, ionBox, superCellIdx);
+ bool const superCellAlreadyFinished = (timeRemaining <= 0._X);
+ bool const superCellHasIons = forEachLocalIonBoxEntry.hasParticles();
+ if(superCellAlreadyFinished || !superCellHasIons)
+ return;
+ forEachLocalIonBoxEntry(
+ [&atomicStateBox, &transitionBox](T_Worker const& worker, auto& ion)
+ {
+ bool const accepted = ion[accepted_];
+ uint32_t const transitionIndex = ion[transitionIndex_];
+ uint8_t const processClass = ion[processClass_];
+ bool const acceptedProcessClassTransition = (processClass != u8(T_ProcessClass));
+ // skip ions without accepted instant transition
+ if(!accepted || !acceptedProcessClassTransition)
+ return;
+ uint32_t const newAtomicStateCollectionIndex
+ = transitionBox.upperStateCollectionIndex(transitionIndex);
+ picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::SetAtomicState::op(
+ atomicStateBox,
+ ion,
+ newAtomicStateCollectionIndex);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+} // namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::kernel
diff --git a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/rateCalculation/BoundFreeFieldTransitionRates.hpp b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/rateCalculation/BoundFreeFieldTransitionRates.hpp
index acb2b5961f..fe80bb43ec 100644
--- a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/rateCalculation/BoundFreeFieldTransitionRates.hpp
+++ b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/rateCalculation/BoundFreeFieldTransitionRates.hpp
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
/** @file implements calculation of rates for bound-free field ionization atomic physics transitions
@@ -125,6 +126,8 @@ namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::rateCalculation
* @param Z screenedCharge for ionization electron, e
* @param nEff effective principal quantum number, unitless
* @param eFieldNorm_AU norm of the E-Field strength, in sim.atomicUnit.eField()
+ *
+ * @returns -1. if the result is larger than the maximum representable value of T_ReturnType, unit: 1/unit_time
HDINLINE static float_X rateFormula(float_X const Z, float_X const nEff, float_X const eFieldNorm_AU)
@@ -138,12 +141,18 @@ namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::rateCalculation
constexpr T_ReturnType pi = pmacc::math::Pi::value;
+ float_64 subTerm = pmacc::math::cPow(dFromADK, 2u)
+ * math::exp(float_64(-2._X * ZCubed / (3._X * nEffCubed * eFieldNorm_AU)));
+ // explicitly deal with overflows
+ constexpr auto maxValueT_Return = std::numeric_limits::max();
+ if(subTerm > maxValueT_Return)
+ subTerm = -1.;
// 1/sim.atomicUnit.time()
T_ReturnType rateADK_AU = eFieldNorm_AU
/ (static_cast(8.) * pi * static_cast(Z))
- * static_cast(
- pmacc::math::cPow(dFromADK, 2u)
- * math::exp(float_64(-2._X * ZCubed / (3._X * nEffCubed * eFieldNorm_AU))));
+ * static_cast(subTerm);
// factor from averaging over one laser cycle with LINEAR polarization
if constexpr(
@@ -175,7 +184,7 @@ namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::rateCalculation
* @param atomicStateDataBox access to atomic state property data
* @param boundBoundTransitionDataBox access to bound-bound transition data
- * @return unit: 1/picongpu::sim.unit.time()
+ * @returns -1. if the result is larger than the maximum representable value of T_ReturnType, unit: 1/unit_time
typename T_ReturnType,
@@ -221,7 +230,7 @@ namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::rateCalculation
* @param atomicStateDataBox access to atomic state property data
* @param boundBoundTransitionDataBox access to bound-bound transition data
- * @return unit: 1/picongpu::sim.unit.time()
+ * @returns -1. if the result is larger than the maximum representable value of T_ReturnType, unit: 1/unit_time
typename T_ReturnType,
diff --git a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/CheckForFieldEnergyOverSubscription.hpp b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/CheckForFieldEnergyOverSubscription.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc00408b51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/CheckForFieldEnergyOverSubscription.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+/* Copyright 2024 Brian Marre
+ *
+ * This file is part of PIConGPU.
+ *
+ * PIConGPU is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * PIConGPU is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with PIConGPU.
+ * If not, see .
+ */
+/** @file check for overSubscription of cells and calculate rejectionProbability for each*/
+#pragma once
+// need picongpu::atomicPhysics::ElectronHistogram from atomicPhysics.param
+#include "picongpu/defines.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/fields/FieldE.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/electronDistribution/LocalHistogramField.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/CheckForFieldEnergyOverSubscription.kernel"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/localHelperFields/FieldEnergyUseCacheField.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/localHelperFields/RejectionProbabilityCacheField_Cell.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/localHelperFields/SharedResourcesOverSubscribedField.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/localHelperFields/TimeRemainingField.hpp"
+namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::stage
+ /** CheckForAndRejectOversubscription atomic physics sub-stage
+ *
+ * check each histogram bin for deltaWeight > weight0, if yes mark bin as over subscribed
+ *
+ * @tparam T_numberAtomicPhysicsIonSpecies specialization template parameter used to prevent compilation of all
+ * atomicPhysics kernels if no atomic physics species is present.
+ */
+ template
+ struct CheckForFieldEnergyOverSubscription
+ {
+ //! call of kernel for every superCell
+ HINLINE void operator()(picongpu::MappingDesc const mappingDesc) const
+ {
+ // full local domain, no guards
+ pmacc::AreaMapping mapper(mappingDesc);
+ pmacc::DataConnector& dc = pmacc::Environment<>::get().DataConnector();
+ auto& timeRemainingField = *dc.get<
+ picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::localHelperFields::TimeRemainingField>(
+ "TimeRemainingField");
+ auto& sharedResourcesOverSubscribedField
+ = *dc.get>("SharedResourcesOverSubscribedField");
+ auto& rejectionProbabilityCacheField_Cell
+ = *dc.get>("RejectionProbabilityCacheField_Cell");
+ auto& eField = *dc.get(FieldE::getName());
+ using FieldEnergyUseCacheField
+ = picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::localHelperFields::FieldEnergyUseCacheField<
+ picongpu::MappingDesc>;
+ auto& fieldEnergyUseCacheField = *dc.get("FieldEnergyUseCacheField");
+ // macro for call of kernel for every superCell, see pull request #4321
+ picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::kernel::CheckForFieldEnergyOverSubscriptionKernel<
+ T_numberAtomicPhysicsIonSpecies>())
+ .template config(mapper.getGridDim())(
+ mapper,
+ timeRemainingField.getDeviceDataBox(),
+ eField.getDeviceDataBox(),
+ fieldEnergyUseCacheField.getDeviceDataBox(),
+ sharedResourcesOverSubscribedField.getDeviceDataBox(),
+ rejectionProbabilityCacheField_Cell.getDeviceDataBox());
+ /// @todo implement photon histogram, Brian Marre, 2023
+ }
+ };
+ //! specialization for no atomicPhysics ion species
+ template<>
+ struct CheckForFieldEnergyOverSubscription<0u>
+ {
+ //! call of kernel for every superCell
+ HINLINE void operator()(picongpu::MappingDesc const mappingDesc) const
+ {
+ }
+ };
+} // namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::stage
diff --git a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/ChooseInstantTransition.hpp b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/ChooseInstantTransition.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95ec8a1fa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/ChooseInstantTransition.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+/* Copyright 2024 Brian Marre
+ *
+ * This file is part of PIConGPU.
+ *
+ * PIConGPU is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * PIConGPU is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with PIConGPU.
+ * If not, see .
+ */
+/** @file ChooseInstantTransition sub-stage of the atomicPhyiscs stage
+ *
+ * Selects one transition for all ions with a state loss rate above the instantaneous transition limit
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "picongpu/defines.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/fields/FieldE.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/atomicData/AtomicData.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/ChooseInstantNonReversibleTransition.kernel"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/localHelperFields/FoundUnboundIonField.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/localHelperFields/TimeRemainingField.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/param.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/traits/GetAtomicDataType.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/traits/GetNumberAtomicStates.hpp"
+namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::stage
+ namespace s_enums = picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::enums;
+ /** ChooseInstantTransition atomic physics sub-stage
+ *
+ * @tparam T_IonSpecies ion species type
+ *
+ * @todo implement reversible instant transitions, Brian Marre, 2024
+ *
+ * @attention assumes that the flag accepted of all macro ions of T_IonSpecies has been reset before calling this
+ * stage
+ * @attention assumes that the foundUnboundIonField has been reset before calling this stage
+ */
+ template
+ struct ChooseInstantTransition
+ {
+ // might be alias, from here on out no more
+ //! resolved type of alias T_IonSpecies
+ using IonSpecies = pmacc::particles::meta::FindByNameOrType_t;
+ // ionization potential depression model to use
+ using IPDModel = picongpu::atomicPhysics::IPDModel;
+ using DistributionFloat = pmacc::random::distributions::Uniform;
+ using RngFactoryFloat = particles::functor::misc::Rng;
+ //! call of kernel for every superCell
+ HINLINE void operator()(
+ [[maybe_unused]] picongpu::MappingDesc const mappingDesc,
+ [[maybe_unused]] uint32_t const currentStep) const
+ {
+ using AtomicDataType = typename picongpu::traits::GetAtomicDataType::type;
+ if constexpr(AtomicDataType::switchFieldIonization)
+ {
+ // full local domain, no guards
+ pmacc::AreaMapping mapper(mappingDesc);
+ pmacc::DataConnector& dc = pmacc::Environment<>::get().DataConnector();
+ auto& timeRemainingField
+ = *dc.get>(
+ "TimeRemainingField");
+ auto& foundUnboundIonField = *dc.get<
+ particles::atomicPhysics::localHelperFields::FoundUnboundIonField>(
+ "FoundUnboundIonField");
+ auto& eField = *dc.get(FieldE::getName());
+ auto& ions = *dc.get(IonSpecies::FrameType::getName());
+ RngFactoryFloat rngFactoryFloat = RngFactoryFloat{currentStep};
+ constexpr uint32_t numberAtomicStatesOfSpecies
+ = picongpu::traits::GetNumberAtomicStates::value;
+ using ChooseInstantNonReversibleTransition = kernel::ChooseInstantNonReversibleTransitionKernel<
+ IPDModel,
+ numberAtomicStatesOfSpecies,
+ AtomicDataType::ADKLaserPolarization>;
+ /// @todo implement iteration to capture field strength decrease, Brian Marre, 2024
+ auto& atomicData = *dc.get(IonSpecies::FrameType::getName() + "_atomicData");
+ IPDModel::template callKernelWithIPDInput<
+ ChooseInstantNonReversibleTransition,
+ IonSpecies::FrameType::frameSize>(
+ dc,
+ mapper,
+ rngFactoryFloat,
+ atomicData.template getChargeStateDataDataBox(),
+ atomicData.template getAtomicStateDataDataBox(),
+ atomicData.template getBoundFreeStartIndexBlockDataBox(),
+ atomicData.template getBoundFreeNumberTransitionsDataBox(),
+ atomicData
+ .template getBoundFreeTransitionDataBox(),
+ timeRemainingField.getDeviceDataBox(),
+ foundUnboundIonField.getDeviceDataBox(),
+ eField.getDeviceDataBox(),
+ ions.getDeviceParticlesBox());
+ }
+ }
+ };
+} // namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::stage
diff --git a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/RecordSuggestedFieldEnergyUse.hpp b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/RecordSuggestedFieldEnergyUse.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d331c6511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/RecordSuggestedFieldEnergyUse.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/* Copyright 2024 Brian Marre
+ *
+ * This file is part of PIConGPU.
+ *
+ * PIConGPU is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * PIConGPU is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with PIConGPU.
+ * If not, see .
+ */
+//! @file record all accepted transition's suggested changes
+#pragma once
+#include "picongpu/defines.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/enums/TransitionOrdering.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/RecordSuggestedFieldEnergyUse.kernel"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/localHelperFields/FieldEnergyUseCacheField.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/localHelperFields/TimeRemainingField.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/param.hpp"
+namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::stage
+ /** atomicPhysics sub-stage recording for every accepted transition shared physics
+ * resource usage
+ *
+ * for example the histogram in weight usage of a collisional ionization,
+ * but not the ionization macro electron spawn, since that is not a shared resource.
+ *
+ * @attention assumes that the ChooseTransition, ExtractTransitionCollectionIndex
+ * and AcceptTransitionTest stages have been executed previously in the current
+ * atomicPhysics time step.
+ *
+ * @tparam T_IonSpecies ion species type
+ */
+ template
+ struct RecordSuggestedFieldEnergyUse
+ {
+ // might be alias, from here on out no more
+ //! resolved type of alias T_IonSpecies
+ using IonSpecies = pmacc::particles::meta::FindByNameOrType_t;
+ //! call of kernel for every superCell
+ HINLINE void operator()(picongpu::MappingDesc const mappingDesc) const
+ {
+ // full local domain, no guards
+ pmacc::AreaMapping mapper(mappingDesc);
+ pmacc::DataConnector& dc = pmacc::Environment<>::get().DataConnector();
+ using AtomicDataType = typename picongpu::traits::GetAtomicDataType::type;
+ auto& atomicData = *dc.get(IonSpecies::FrameType::getName() + "_atomicData");
+ auto& timeRemainingField = *dc.get<
+ picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::localHelperFields::TimeRemainingField>(
+ "TimeRemainingField");
+ auto& fieldEnergyUseCacheField = *dc.get<
+ particles::atomicPhysics::localHelperFields::FieldEnergyUseCacheField>(
+ "FieldEnergyUseCacheField");
+ auto& ions = *dc.get(IonSpecies::FrameType::getName());
+ using IPDModel = picongpu::atomicPhysics::IPDModel;
+ IPDModel::template callKernelWithIPDInput<
+ particles::atomicPhysics::kernel::RecordSuggestedFieldEnergyUseKernel,
+ IonSpecies::FrameType::frameSize>(
+ dc,
+ mapper,
+ atomicData.template getChargeStateDataDataBox(),
+ atomicData.template getAtomicStateDataDataBox(),
+ atomicData.template getBoundFreeTransitionDataBox<
+ false,
+ picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::enums::TransitionOrdering::byLowerState>(),
+ timeRemainingField.getDeviceDataBox(),
+ fieldEnergyUseCacheField.getDeviceDataBox(),
+ ions.getDeviceParticlesBox());
+ }
+ };
+} // namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::stage
diff --git a/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/UpdateIonAtomicState.hpp b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/UpdateIonAtomicState.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..765d822962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/UpdateIonAtomicState.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+/* Copyright 2023-2024 Brian Marre
+ *
+ * This file is part of PIConGPU.
+ *
+ * PIConGPU is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * PIConGPU is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with PIConGPU.
+ * If not, see .
+ */
+//! @file record all ion transitions' delta energy
+#pragma once
+#include "picongpu/defines.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/electronDistribution/LocalHistogramField.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/enums/ProcessClass.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/kernel/UpdateIonAtomicState.kernel"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/localHelperFields/TimeRemainingField.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/param.hpp"
+namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::stage
+ /** atomicPhysics sub-stage updating atomic state according to accepted transitions, does nothing for ions which
+ * did not accept a transition
+ *
+ * @tparam T_IonSpecies ion species type
+ */
+ template
+ struct UpdateIonAtomicState
+ {
+ // might be alias, from here on out no more
+ //! resolved type of alias T_IonSpecies
+ using IonSpecies = pmacc::particles::meta::FindByNameOrType_t;
+ //! call of kernel for every superCell
+ HINLINE void operator()(picongpu::MappingDesc const mappingDesc) const
+ {
+ using AtomicDataType = typename picongpu::traits::GetAtomicDataType::type;
+ if constexpr(AtomicDataType::switchFieldIonization)
+ {
+ // full local domain, no guards
+ pmacc::AreaMapping mapper(mappingDesc);
+ pmacc::DataConnector& dc = pmacc::Environment<>::get().DataConnector();
+ auto& timeRemainingField
+ = *dc.get>(
+ "TimeRemainingField");
+ auto& ions = *dc.get(IonSpecies::FrameType::getName());
+ auto& atomicData = *dc.get(IonSpecies::FrameType::getName() + "_atomicData");
+ namespace s_enums = particles::atomicPhysics::enums;
+ using UpdateIonAtomicState_fieldIonization
+ = picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::kernel::UpdateIonAtomicStateKernel<
+ s_enums::ProcessClass::fieldIonization>;
+ PMACC_LOCKSTEP_KERNEL(UpdateIonAtomicState_fieldIonization())
+ .config(mapper.getGridDim(), ions)(
+ mapper,
+ timeRemainingField.getDeviceDataBox(),
+ ions.getDeviceParticlesBox(),
+ atomicData.template getAtomicStateDataDataBox(),
+ atomicData.template getBoundFreeTransitionDataBox<
+ false,
+ s_enums::TransitionOrdering::byLowerState>());
+ }
+ }
+ };
+} // namespace picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::stage
diff --git a/include/picongpu/simulation/stage/AtomicPhysics.x.cpp b/include/picongpu/simulation/stage/AtomicPhysics.x.cpp
index 77a1d82acf..d8ac5756ef 100644
--- a/include/picongpu/simulation/stage/AtomicPhysics.x.cpp
+++ b/include/picongpu/simulation/stage/AtomicPhysics.x.cpp
@@ -30,8 +30,10 @@
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/param.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/BinElectrons.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/CalculateStepLength.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/CheckForFieldEnergyOverSubscription.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/CheckForOverSubscription.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/CheckPresence.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/ChooseInstantTransition.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/ChooseTransition.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/ChooseTransitionGroup.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/DecelerateElectrons.hpp"
@@ -40,6 +42,7 @@
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/LoadAtomicInputData.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/RecordChanges.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/RecordSuggestedChanges.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/RecordSuggestedFieldEnergyUse.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/ResetAcceptedStatus.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/ResetRateCache.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/ResetSharedResources.hpp"
@@ -47,6 +50,7 @@
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/RollForOverSubscription.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/SpawnIonizationElectrons.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/UpdateElectricField.hpp"
+#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/UpdateIonAtomicState.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/stage/UpdateTimeRemaining.hpp"
#include "picongpu/particles/filter/filter.hpp"
@@ -77,7 +81,8 @@ namespace picongpu::simulation::stage
- RejectOverSubscription
+ RejectOverSubscription,
+ ApplyInstantTransitions
} // namespace enums
@@ -108,7 +113,6 @@ namespace picongpu::simulation::stage
uint32_t T_numberAtomicPhysicsIonSpecies>
struct AtomicPhysics
- private:
// linearized dataBox of SuperCellField
using LinearizedBox = DataBoxDim1Access;
@@ -132,6 +136,7 @@ namespace picongpu::simulation::stage
using IPDIonSpecies = MakeSeq_t;
+ private:
//! debug print to console
@@ -230,14 +235,6 @@ namespace picongpu::simulation::stage
- //! set timeRemaining to PIC-time step
- HINLINE static void setTimeRemaining()
- {
- pmacc::DataConnector& dc = pmacc::Environment<>::get().DataConnector();
- auto& localTimeRemainingField = *dc.get("TimeRemainingField");
- localTimeRemainingField.getDeviceBuffer().setValue(picongpu::sim.pic.getDt()); // sim.unit.time()
- }
//! reset the histogram on device side
HINLINE static void resetElectronEnergyHistogram()
@@ -249,14 +246,20 @@ namespace picongpu::simulation::stage
//! reset foundUnboundIonField on device side
- HINLINE static void resetFoundUnboundIon()
+ template
+ HINLINE static void resetFoundUnboundIon(T_FoundUnboundIonField& foundUnboundIonField)
- pmacc::DataConnector& dc = pmacc::Environment<>::get().DataConnector();
- auto& foundUnboundIonField = *dc.get("FoundUnboundIonField");
- HINLINE static void resetAcceptStatus(picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc)
+ //! reset SharedResourcesOverSubscribedField on device side
+ HINLINE static void resetSharedResourceOverSubscribed(picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc)
+ {
+ picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::stage::ResetSharedResources{}(
+ mappingDesc);
+ };
+ HINLINE static void resetAcceptedStatus(picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc)
// particle[accepted_] = false, in each macro ion
using ForEachIonSpeciesResetAcceptedStatus = pmacc::meta::ForEach<
@@ -265,6 +268,30 @@ namespace picongpu::simulation::stage
+ //! reset each superCell's time step
+ HINLINE static void resetTimeStep(picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc)
+ {
+ // timeStep = timeRemaining
+ picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::stage::ResetTimeStepField()(
+ mappingDesc);
+ }
+ //! reset each superCell's rate cache
+ HINLINE static void resetRateCache()
+ {
+ using ForEachIonSpeciesResetRateCache = pmacc::meta::
+ ForEach>;
+ ForEachIonSpeciesResetRateCache{}();
+ }
+ //! set timeRemaining to PIC-time step
+ HINLINE static void setTimeRemaining()
+ {
+ pmacc::DataConnector& dc = pmacc::Environment<>::get().DataConnector();
+ auto& localTimeRemainingField = *dc.get("TimeRemainingField");
+ localTimeRemainingField.getDeviceBuffer().setValue(picongpu::sim.pic.getDt()); // sim.unit.time()
+ }
HINLINE static void debugForceConstantElectronTemperature([[maybe_unused]] uint32_t const currentStep)
if constexpr(debug::scFlyComparison::FORCE_CONSTANT_ELECTRON_TEMPERATURE)
@@ -296,22 +323,6 @@ namespace picongpu::simulation::stage
- //! reset each superCell's time step
- HINLINE static void resetTimeStep(picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc)
- {
- // timeStep = timeRemaining
- picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::stage::ResetTimeStepField()(
- mappingDesc);
- }
- //! reset each superCell's rate cache
- HINLINE static void resetRateCache()
- {
- using ForEachIonSpeciesResetRateCache = pmacc::meta::
- ForEach>;
- ForEachIonSpeciesResetRateCache{}();
- }
//! check which atomic states are actually present in each superCell
HINLINE static void checkPresence(picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc)
@@ -344,9 +355,9 @@ namespace picongpu::simulation::stage
+ //! randomly roll transition for each not yet accepted macro ion
HINLINE static void chooseTransition(picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc, uint32_t const currentStep)
- // randomly roll transition for each not yet accepted macro ion
using ForEachIonSpeciesChooseTransitionGroup = pmacc::meta::ForEach<
@@ -358,18 +369,36 @@ namespace picongpu::simulation::stage
ForEachIonSpeciesChooseTransition{}(mappingDesc, currentStep);
+ //! randomly roll transition for each macro ion with an instant transition
+ HINLINE static void chooseInstantTransition(
+ picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc,
+ uint32_t const currentStep)
+ {
+ using ForEachIonSpeciesChooseInstantTransition = pmacc::meta::ForEach<
+ AtomicPhysicsIonSpecies,
+ picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::stage::ChooseInstantTransition>;
+ ForEachIonSpeciesChooseInstantTransition{}(mappingDesc, currentStep);
+ }
//! record all shared resources usage by accepted transitions
HINLINE static void recordSuggestedChanges(picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc)
- picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::stage::ResetSharedResources{}(
- mappingDesc);
using ForEachIonSpeciesRecordSuggestedChanges = pmacc::meta::ForEach<
- // check if an electron histogram bin () is over subscription --> superCellOversubScriptionField
+ //! record all shared resources usage by accepted transitions
+ HINLINE static void recordSuggestedFieldEnergyUse(picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc)
+ {
+ using ForEachIonSpeciesRecordSuggestedFieldEnergyUse = pmacc::meta::ForEach<
+ AtomicPhysicsIonSpecies,
+ particles::atomicPhysics::stage::RecordSuggestedFieldEnergyUse>;
+ ForEachIonSpeciesRecordSuggestedFieldEnergyUse{}(mappingDesc);
+ }
+ // check if an electron histogram bin or cell's electric field is over subscribed
enums::Loop T_Loop,
typename T_SuperCellSharedResourcesOverSubscriptionField,
@@ -379,32 +408,74 @@ namespace picongpu::simulation::stage
T_SuperCellSharedResourcesOverSubscriptionField& perSuperCellSharedResourcesOverSubscriptionField,
T_DeviceReduce& deviceReduce)
- DataSpace const fieldGridLayoutOverSubscription
- = perSuperCellSharedResourcesOverSubscriptionField.getGridLayout().sizeWithoutGuardND();
+ resetSharedResourceOverSubscribed(mappingDesc);
+ DataSpace const fieldGridLayoutOverSubscription
+ = perSuperCellSharedResourcesOverSubscriptionField.getGridLayout().sizeWithoutGuardND();
auto linearizedOverSubscribedBox = LinearizedBox(
- bool isOverSubscribed = static_cast(deviceReduce(
+ bool const isOverSubscribed = static_cast(deviceReduce(
// debug only
- std::string message;
if constexpr(debugPrintActive())
+ std::string message;
message += "[histogram oversubscribed?]: ";
message += (isOverSubscribed ? "true" : "false");
+ printHistogramToConsole(mappingDesc, message);
+ printFieldEnergyUseCacheToConsole(mappingDesc);
+ printOverSubscriptionFieldToConsole(mappingDesc);
+ printRejectionProbabilityCacheToConsole(mappingDesc);
+ }
+ // check whether a least one histogram is oversubscribed
+ return isOverSubscribed;
+ }
+ // check if a cell's electric field is over subscribed
+ template<
+ enums::Loop T_Loop,
+ typename T_SuperCellSharedResourcesOverSubscriptionField,
+ typename T_DeviceReduce>
+ HINLINE static bool isElectricFieldOverSubscribed(
+ picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc,
+ T_SuperCellSharedResourcesOverSubscriptionField& perSuperCellSharedResourcesOverSubscriptionField,
+ T_DeviceReduce& deviceReduce)
+ {
+ resetSharedResourceOverSubscribed(mappingDesc);
+ picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::stage::CheckForFieldEnergyOverSubscription<
+ T_numberAtomicPhysicsIonSpecies>{}(mappingDesc);
+ DataSpace const fieldGridLayoutOverSubscription
+ = perSuperCellSharedResourcesOverSubscriptionField.getGridLayout().sizeWithoutGuardND();
+ auto linearizedOverSubscribedBox = LinearizedBox(
+ perSuperCellSharedResourcesOverSubscriptionField.getDeviceDataBox(),
+ fieldGridLayoutOverSubscription);
+ bool const isOverSubscribed = static_cast(deviceReduce(
+ pmacc::math::operation::Or(),
+ linearizedOverSubscribedBox,
+ fieldGridLayoutOverSubscription.productOfComponents()));
+ // debug only
+ if constexpr(debugPrintActive())
+ {
+ std::string message = "[histogram oversubscribed?]: ";
+ message += (isOverSubscribed ? "true" : "false");
+ printHistogramToConsole(mappingDesc, message);
+ printFieldEnergyUseCacheToConsole(mappingDesc);
+ printOverSubscriptionFieldToConsole(mappingDesc);
+ printRejectionProbabilityCacheToConsole(mappingDesc);
- printHistogramToConsole(mappingDesc, message);
- printFieldEnergyUseCacheToConsole(mappingDesc);
- printOverSubscriptionFieldToConsole(mappingDesc);
- printRejectionProbabilityCacheToConsole(mappingDesc);
// check whether a least one histogram is oversubscribed
return isOverSubscribed;
@@ -423,7 +494,8 @@ namespace picongpu::simulation::stage
/** update atomic state and accumulate delta energy for delta energy histogram
* @note may already update the atomic state since the following kernels DecelerateElectrons and
- * SpawnIonizationElectrons only use the transitionIndex particle attribute */
+ * SpawnIonizationElectrons only use the transitionIndex particle attribute
+ */
HINLINE static void recordChanges(picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc)
using ForEachIonSpeciesRecordChanges = pmacc::meta::
@@ -431,6 +503,25 @@ namespace picongpu::simulation::stage
+ //! update atomic state of all ions having accepted an instant transition
+ HINLINE static void updateIonAtomicState(picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc)
+ {
+ using ForEachIonSpeciesUpdateAtomicState = pmacc::meta::ForEach<
+ AtomicPhysicsIonSpecies,
+ particles::atomicPhysics::stage::UpdateIonAtomicState>;
+ ForEachIonSpeciesUpdateAtomicState{}(mappingDesc);
+ }
+ HINLINE static void spawnIonizationElectrons(
+ picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc,
+ uint32_t const currentStep)
+ {
+ using ForEachIonSpeciesSpawnIonizationElectrons = pmacc::meta::ForEach<
+ AtomicPhysicsIonSpecies,
+ particles::atomicPhysics::stage::SpawnIonizationElectrons>;
+ ForEachIonSpeciesSpawnIonizationElectrons{}(mappingDesc, currentStep);
+ }
HINLINE static void updateElectrons(picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc, uint32_t const currentStep)
/** @note DecelerateElectrons must be called before SpawnIonizationElectrons such that we only
@@ -440,10 +531,7 @@ namespace picongpu::simulation::stage
- using ForEachIonSpeciesSpawnIonizationElectrons = pmacc::meta::ForEach<
- AtomicPhysicsIonSpecies,
- particles::atomicPhysics::stage::SpawnIonizationElectrons>;
- ForEachIonSpeciesSpawnIonizationElectrons{}(mappingDesc, currentStep);
+ spawnIonizationElectrons(mappingDesc, currentStep);
HINLINE static void updateElectricField(picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc)
@@ -453,7 +541,7 @@ namespace picongpu::simulation::stage
- HINLINE static void doIPDIonization(
+ HINLINE static void applyIPDIonization(
picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc,
uint32_t const currentStep,
T_DeviceReduce& deviceReduce)
@@ -468,7 +556,7 @@ namespace picongpu::simulation::stage
bool foundUnbound = true;
- resetFoundUnboundIon();
+ resetFoundUnboundIon(foundUnboundIonField);
calculateIPDInput(mappingDesc, currentStep);
picongpu::atomicPhysics::IPDModel::template applyIPDIonization(
@@ -486,6 +574,63 @@ namespace picongpu::simulation::stage
+ template
+ HINLINE static void applyInstantTransitions(
+ picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc,
+ uint32_t const currentStep,
+ T_DeviceReduce& deviceLocalReduce)
+ {
+ pmacc::DataConnector& dc = pmacc::Environment<>::get().DataConnector();
+ /// @todo pass instead of duplicating code from applyIPDIonization?, Brian Marre, 2024
+ auto& foundUnboundIonField = *dc.get("FoundUnboundIonField");
+ DataSpace const fieldGridLayoutFoundUnbound
+ = foundUnboundIonField.getGridLayout().sizeWithoutGuardND();
+ auto& perSuperCellSharedResourcesOverSubscribedField
+ = *dc.get("SharedResourcesOverSubscribedField");
+ // instant Transition loop, ends when no ion in state with instant transition anymore
+ bool foundInstantTransitionIon;
+ do
+ {
+ resetFoundUnboundIon(foundUnboundIonField);
+ chooseInstantTransition(mappingDesc, currentStep);
+ recordSuggestedFieldEnergyUse(mappingDesc);
+ bool isFieldOverSubscribed = isElectricFieldOverSubscribed(
+ mappingDesc,
+ perSuperCellSharedResourcesOverSubscribedField,
+ deviceLocalReduce);
+ while(isFieldOverSubscribed)
+ {
+ // at least one cell's field energy over-subscribed
+ randomlyRejectTransitionFromOverSubscribedResources(mappingDesc, currentStep);
+ recordSuggestedFieldEnergyUse(mappingDesc);
+ isFieldOverSubscribed = isElectricFieldOverSubscribed(
+ mappingDesc,
+ perSuperCellSharedResourcesOverSubscribedField,
+ deviceLocalReduce);
+ } // end remove over subscription loop
+ updateIonAtomicState(mappingDesc);
+ spawnIonizationElectrons(mappingDesc, currentStep);
+ updateElectricField(mappingDesc);
+ auto linearizedFoundUnboundIonBox = LinearizedBox(
+ foundUnboundIonField.getDeviceDataBox(),
+ fieldGridLayoutFoundUnbound);
+ foundInstantTransitionIon = static_cast(deviceLocalReduce(
+ pmacc::math::operation::Or(),
+ linearizedFoundUnboundIonBox,
+ fieldGridLayoutFoundUnbound.productOfComponents()));
+ } // end instant transition loop
+ while(foundInstantTransitionIon);
+ }
HINLINE static void updateTimeRemaining(picongpu::MappingDesc const& mappingDesc)
// timeRemaining -= timeStep
@@ -539,10 +684,12 @@ namespace picongpu::simulation::stage
bool isSubSteppingComplete = false;
- resetAcceptStatus(mappingDesc);
+ resetAcceptedStatus(mappingDesc);
- doIPDIonization(mappingDesc, currentStep, deviceLocalReduce);
+ applyIPDIonization(mappingDesc, currentStep, deviceLocalReduce);
+ applyInstantTransitions(mappingDesc, currentStep, deviceLocalReduce);
+ resetAcceptedStatus(mappingDesc);
@@ -591,7 +738,7 @@ namespace picongpu::simulation::stage
} // end atomicPhysics sub-stepping loop
// ensure no unbound states are visible to the rest of the loop
- doIPDIonization(mappingDesc, currentStep, deviceLocalReduce);
+ applyIPDIonization(mappingDesc, currentStep, deviceLocalReduce);
diff --git a/share/picongpu/examples/AtomicPhysics/include/picongpu/param/atomicPhysics.param b/share/picongpu/examples/AtomicPhysics/include/picongpu/param/atomicPhysics.param
index a94701a36e..42614d3c03 100644
--- a/share/picongpu/examples/AtomicPhysics/include/picongpu/param/atomicPhysics.param
+++ b/share/picongpu/examples/AtomicPhysics/include/picongpu/param/atomicPhysics.param
@@ -45,16 +45,25 @@ namespace picongpu::atomicPhysics
- // atomicPhysics rate solver settings
+ //! atomicPhysics rate solver settings
struct RateSolverParam
- // atomicPhysics timeStepLength sub-stepping of numerical limit
+ /** atomicPhysics factor between actual timeStepLength in atomicPhysics sub-stepping of numerical limit
+ *
+ * @attention must be <= 1, otherwise solver is numerical unstable
+ */
static constexpr float_X timeStepAlpha = 0.1_X;
- // which probability approximation to use for the acceptance step
- using ProbabilityApproximationFunctor
- = picongpu::particles::atomicPhysics::ExponentialApproximationProbability;
+ /** maximum number of atomicPhysics sub-steps per PIC time step
+ *
+ * all rates above timeStepAlpha / maximumNumberSubStepsPerPICTimeStep will be solved in
+ * rate fix point(equilibirium) approximation only.
+ *
+ * @attention This limit is currently only enforced for field ionization transitions! If the number of
+ * sub-steps required by collisional processes is higher than the limit set AtomicPhysics will perform more
+ * subs-steps than set here.
+ */
+ static constexpr uint32_t maximumNumberSubStepsPerPICTimeStep = 200u;
/** atomicConfigNumber definition for argon ions
diff --git a/share/picongpu/examples/AtomicPhysics/include/picongpu/param/atomicPhysics_Debug.param b/share/picongpu/examples/AtomicPhysics/include/picongpu/param/atomicPhysics_Debug.param
index 5e76b6f641..0dc2832316 100644
--- a/share/picongpu/examples/AtomicPhysics/include/picongpu/param/atomicPhysics_Debug.param
+++ b/share/picongpu/examples/AtomicPhysics/include/picongpu/param/atomicPhysics_Debug.param
@@ -139,8 +139,16 @@ namespace picongpu::atomicPhysics::debug
//! @attention performance relevant
+ //! @attention performance relevant
} // namespace kernel::chooseTransition
+ namespace kernel::chooseInstantTransition
+ {
+ //! @attention performance relevant
+ } // namespace kernel::chooseInstantTransition
namespace kernel::recordSuggestedChanges
//! @attention only useful if using serial backend, no output unless compiling for cpu backend