# install dependencies
$ npm install -g yarn
$ yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev
# build for production
$ yarn build
$ yarn test:unit
# TODO: setup e2e tests, run all tests together
# check for linting errors
$ yarn lint
# autofix linting errors
$ yarn lintfix
# set version prefix
yarn config set version-tag-prefix "v"
# set version explicitly
yarn version --new-version <version>
# bump minor version
yarn version --minor
# find issues in dependencies
yarn audit
# update dependencies
yarn upgrade
add the following files
- src/cocktails/$name.md
- src/.vuepress/public/images/$name
- add jpg to src/.vuepress/ingredients/name
- add entry into src/ingredients/README.md
- ensure there are 2 spaces after image and links
- ensure ingredient is added to frontmatter at top