diff --git a/docs/developers/useful-info.md b/docs/developers/useful-info.md index 0798eecc6..7424c422b 100644 --- a/docs/developers/useful-info.md +++ b/docs/developers/useful-info.md @@ -143,6 +143,13 @@ If you want to drip Goerli ETH directly to Linea, you can use the [Infura Linea Native token 0xcAA61BCAe7D37Fe9C33c0D8671448254eef44D63 Connext + + + WETH + - + - + 0x2C1b868d6596a18e32E61B901E4060C872647b6C + - diff --git a/docs/use-linea/explore/use-battlemon.md b/docs/use-linea/explore/use-battlemon.md index 1ae075948..55f2b4f28 100644 --- a/docs/use-linea/explore/use-battlemon.md +++ b/docs/use-linea/explore/use-battlemon.md @@ -46,8 +46,16 @@ Go to https://battlemon.com/city/mint and mint your NFT: "Key-pass" ![minKeyPass](https://github.com/d-lol-b/doc.zk-evm/assets/78548938/75807067-1f64-4068-949e-b48c1711be9c) +<<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD https://github.com/d-lol-b/doc.zk-evm/assets/78548938/add34943-da71-41a9-9bad-22c1e947a898 ======= + 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+azuredeploy +backport +backticks +bartosz +Battlemon +beforeinstallprompt +besu +bhatt +Blish +blockheader +blocklist +blockperiod +blockperiodseconds +blockquotes +Blockscout +bluecircle +bootnode +bootnodes +bridgable +browserslist +browserstack +buble +builtins +bytecode +caabernathy +cacheable +Cakeshop +callouts +callstack +camelcase +candillon +cdabcdab +cdpath +Celer +cena +certfile +chaindata +chainlist +changefreq +chedeau +cheng +claimMessage +clément +clientcert +clientkey +clonable +clsx +Сode +Codefi +codegen +codeql +codesandbox +codespaces +Coinflipcanada +collateralization +collateralized +commitlint +configfile +Conflator +consen +consensys +containerd +contravariance +corejs +corsdomain +crawlable +creativecommons +Cristiano +csapo +cssnano +csvg +customizability +dabit +daishi +Datadir +datagit +datas +dbaeumer +décembre +dedup +deduplicated +Defi +Degen +Degenreborn +déja +delisted +deps +devcontainers +devnet +devs +devspace +devto +discport +divio +dmitry +docgen +Dockerhub +docsearch +docsify +docu +docusuarus +docz +doesn +dogfood +dogfooding +dojocat +dumpconfig +dyte +EACCES +easyops +EBSCSI +EIPs +eksctl +Elon +embeddable +emitcheckpoints +emjlin +Emscripten +endhint +endi +endilie +endiliey +enode +enodes +ENS +ENSIP +entrypoints +envr +epochlength +errnametoolong +esbenp +esbuild +eslintcache +estree +Ethash +ethclient +etherbase +ethersproject +ethsigner +ethsignerdata +EUROE +evaluable +EVMs +execa +Extc +externalwaiting +failfast +FAUCETME +fbid +février +fienny +filebeat +flac +fluvi +Fluvi +fluvi_wallet +fluviwallet +fontawesome +foofoo +formik +fouc +foundryup +freezerdb +frens +froms +fromscratchistanbul +frontpage +funboxteam +gabrielcsapo +Galxe +gameplay +gantt +gaslessly +gcmode +gcnodes +gcsize +gctime +genkey +getopts +gitgraph +gitpod +globbing +globby +gnark +gnark-crypto +goquorum +goss +goyal +gradlew +Groth +gruntfuggly +gtag +hackathon +hackathons +hahaha +hamel +hardcoding +hasura +hdwallet +heavener +héctor +héllô +helloworld +Helmfile +heuristical +hideable +HIDS +hola +Holdem +horiz +hostman +hostnames +hoverable +husain +Hyperledger +iamserviceaccount +ianad +IBFT +idempotency +idriss +immer +immutabilitythreshold +infima +inlines +inproc +insecureskipverify +intelli +interactiveness +interpolatable +investec +IPFS +jakepartusch +jamstack +janvier +javadoc +jdbc +jfernandes +jmarcey +Jmeter +jodyheavener +joshcena +jscodeshift +jssdk +kaszubowski +katex +kato +keccak +keyfile +keyscan +keytar +keytool +keyvault +Khartes +kinsta +knapen +koyeb +kubeconfig +kubenet +kubernetes +Kulechov +lamana +leaderboard +Lenster +lifecycles +lifescore +lightchaindata +lighthouserc +linea +Lineaster +linenums +linkify +litepaper +livenodes +livesize +localizable +localverify +longpaths +lorber +lowercased +lqip +lunrjs +mainnets +mainpage +mapbox +marcey +marocchino +massoud +mathjax +maxlynch +maxpeers +maxresdefault +mdast +mdxa +mdxast +mdxhast +medomain +meeet +Mélen +mendi +meotherdomain +merkle +merkleroot +Metabridge +metadatum +MetalSwap +metamaskwallet +metastring +metaverse +metrica +metricbeat +metrika +microdata +middlewares +minerthreads +minifier +mintable +mintings +MITM +mixhash +mkcert +mkdir +mkdirs +mkdocs +moesif +msapplication +Multicall +Multichain +multikey +multitenancy +mycomputer +mydirectory +mypath +mysecretfile +nabors +nakagawa +nand +Narendra +navigations +navlink +netrc +netrestrict +networkid +newnode +nextra +ngryman +nisarag +nodekey +nodekeyhex +nodekeys +nodiscover +noflash +noicon +noindex +nojekyll +nomicfoundation +nomiclabs +noninteractive +noobys +Noobysswap +noreply +nousb +npmjs +npmrc +nprogress +ntfs +nuxt +o’shannessy +omitempty +onboarded +openapi +opensearch +opensearchdescription +opensource +optimizt +optind +ORGADMIN +orta +outerbounds +overrideable +Packshield +pageview +palenight +paletton +palo +paraiso +passwordfile +patchwallet +pathinfo +pathnames +paularmstrong +pbcopy +pcss +peaceiris +permissioned +permissioning +permissionless +permissionlessly +petstore +philpl +photoshop +Pico +picocolors +picomatch +Pimlico +playbtn +pluggable +plushie +plushies +pnpm +POAP +Postbot +Postbots +posthog +pprof +preactjs +preauthenticated +precache +precached +precaching +preconfigured +preconnect +Predeploy +prefetch +prefetching +preloads +prepended +preprocess +preprocessors +prerendered +prerendering +Presale +PREVRANDAO +println +prismjs +privacymarker +privatefor +privatefrom +profilo +Promtail +protobuf +protobuffet +prpl +prvakia +pubkey +publickey +puppeth +pyltsyn +qbds +QBFT +qdacczyfhkyi +qdata +qjpuv +qlight +qlighttokenmanager +qnode +qovery +qpeers +quasis +quddus +quddús +querystring +Quickstart +quickwit +quorumengineering +quotify +rachelnabors +raftblocktime +raftdnsenable +raftjoinexisting +raftport +ramón +RANDAO +rawkey +reactjs +rearchitecture +recrawl +redcircle +redirections +redoc +redocly +redocusaurus +redwoodjs +refactorings +Regenesis +regexes +rehype +releaserc +remotekey +reponame +reqs +requesttimeout +requesttimeoutseconds +requireindex +resyncs +retrocompatibility +retrocompatible +revertreason +rmiz +roadmap +rocketvalidator +rollup +rollups +Ronaldo +rootca +rpcapi +rpcprefix +rtcts +rtlcss +Samina +samzkback +saurus +scaleway +Scry +searchbar +sebastien +sébastien +sebastienlorber +SECP +sensical +serializers +serviceaccounts +setaf +setext +Shamir +shiki +showinfo +sida +Sidechain +sidechains +simen +simplestorage +skipverify +slorber +sluggified +sluggifies +sluggify +smartcard +snapshotx +solana +Soulbound +sourcify +spâce +Stablecoins +stackblitz +stackblitzrc +Stani +statefulset +stationx +storepass +storeraw +storetype +Streamr +strikethrough +strikethroughs +struct +styl +stylelint +stylelintignore +stylelintrc +SUBADMIN +subdir +sublabel +sublicensable +sublist +subpage +subroute +subroutes +subsetting +subsubcategory +subsubfolder +subsubsection +subsubsubfolder +sucipto +supabase +sushiswap +svgr +swizzlable +syncmode +Tatarot +tbnb +teik +teku +templating +terroirs +thanos +therox +thirdweb +timelock +Tokenomics +Tomestone +toolset +toplevel +TPMs +transifex +transpiles +treeified +treeifies +treeify +treosh +triaging +truffledashboard +trustlessness +Truststore +tses +twoslash +txnode +txpool +typechain +typecheck +typechecks +typedoc +typesense +Ultiverse +Uncollateralize +undergreen +unflat +unist +unlinkable +unlisteds +unlocalized +unmatch +unnormalized +unoptimized +unprefixed +unswizzle +unversioned +upcheck +upgr +upvotes +urlset +userland +validatorcontractaddress +validatorselectionmode +vannicatte +Velocore +vercel +verifymethod +vetter +vfile +vhosts +vicenti +vieira +viet +viewports +vinnik +vitalik +Viti +vitidiary +vjeux +Vyper +wagmi +Waitlist +waivable +walkthrough +wcag +webfactory +webp +webpackbar +wolcott +WORKDIR +writeups +wsapi +xclip +xplorer +xsoar +yacop +yangshun +yangshunz +yourcode +yrbjp +Yuhu +zhou +zkevm +zkvotev +zonic +zoomable +zpaoAave +ABDK +abernathyca +accountkey +addpeer +ADMINORG +adriaan +agan +AIGC +airdrop +Alertmanager +Alethio +alexandratran +alexbdebrie +alexey +algoliasearch +alloc +allowedfutureblocktime +amarok +anonymized +anshul +août +apetimism +apfs +apos +appinstalled +applanga +architecting +arithmetization +Arithmetization +Arweave +astro +atrule +Atticc +autoconverted +autogen +autogenerating +autohide +AVAX +azuredeploy +backport +backticks +bartosz +Battlemon +beforeinstallprompt +besu +bhatt +Blish +blockheader +blocklist +blockperiod +blockperiodseconds +blockquotes +Blockscout +bluecircle +bootnode +bootnodes +bridgable +browserslist +browserstack +buble +builtins +bytecode +caabernathy +cacheable +Cakeshop +callouts +callstack +camelcase +candillon +cdabcdab +cdpath +Celer +cena +certfile +chaindata +chainlist +changefreq +chedeau +cheng +claimMessage +clément +clientcert +clientkey +clonable +clsx +Codefi +codegen +codeql +codesandbox +codespaces +Coinflipcanada +collateralization +collateralized +commitlint +configfile +Conflator +consen +consensys +containerd +contravariance +corejs +corsdomain +crawlable +creativecommons +Cristiano +csapo +cssnano +csvg +customizability +dabit +daishi +Datadir +datagit +datas +dbaeumer +décembre +dedup +deduplicated +Defi +Degen +Degenreborn +déja +delisted +deps +devcontainers +devnet +devs +devspace +devto +discport +divio +dmitry +docgen +Dockerhub +docsearch +docsify +docu +docusuarus +docz +doesn +dogfood +dogfooding +dojocat +dumpconfig +dyte +EACCES +easyops +EBSCSI +EIPs +eksctl +Elon +embeddable +emitcheckpoints +emjlin +Emscripten +endhint +endi +endilie +endiliey +enode +enodes +ENS +ENSIP +entrypoints +envr +epochlength +errnametoolong +esbenp +esbuild +eslintcache +estree +Ethash +ethclient +etherbase +ethersproject +ethsigner +ethsignerdata +EUROE +evaluable +EVMs +execa +Extc +externalwaiting +failfast +FAUCETME +fbid +février +fienny +filebeat +flac +fontawesome +foofoo +formik +fouc +foundryup +freezerdb +frens +froms +fromscratchistanbul +frontpage +funboxteam +gabrielcsapo +Galxe +gameplay +gantt +gcmode +gcnodes +gcsize +gctime +genkey +getopts +gitgraph +gitpod +globbing +globby +gnark +gnark-crypto +goquorum +goss +goyal +gradlew +Groth +gruntfuggly +gtag +hackathon +hackathons +hahaha +hamel +hardcoding +hasura +hdwallet +heavener +héctor +héllô +helloworld +Helmfile +heuristical +hideable +HIDS +hola +Holdem +horiz +hostman +hostnames +hoverable +husain +Hyperledger +iamserviceaccount +ianad +IBFT +idempotency +idriss +immer +immutabilitythreshold +infima +inlines +inproc +insecureskipverify +intelli +interactiveness +interpolatable +investec +IPFS +jakepartusch +jamstack +janvier +javadoc +jdbc +jfernandes +jmarcey +Jmeter +jodyheavener +joshcena +jscodeshift +jssdk +kaszubowski +katex +kato +keccak +keyfile +keyscan +keytar +keytool +keyvault +Khartes +kinsta +knapen +koyeb +kubeconfig +kubenet +kubernetes +Kulechov +lamana +leaderboard +Lenster +lifecycles +lifescore +lightchaindata +lighthouserc +linea +Lineaster +linenums +linkify +litepaper +livenodes +livesize +localizable +localverify +longpaths +lorber +lowercased +lqip +lunrjs +mainnets +mainpage +mapbox +marcey +marocchino +massoud +mathjax +maxlynch +maxpeers +maxresdefault +mdast +mdxa +mdxast +mdxhast +medomain +meeet +Mélen +meotherdomain +merkle +merkleroot +Metabridge +metadatum +metamaskwallet +metastring +metaverse +metrica +metricbeat +metrika +microdata +middlewares +minerthreads +minifier +mintable +mintings +MITM +mixhash +mkcert +mkdir +mkdirs +mkdocs +moesif +msapplication +Multicall +Multichain +multikey +multitenancy +mycomputer +mydirectory +mypath +mysecretfile +nabors +nakagawa +nand +Narendra +navigations +navlink +netrc +netrestrict +networkid +newnode +nextra +ngryman +nisarag +nodekey +nodekeyhex +nodekeys +nodiscover +noflash +noicon +noindex +nojekyll +nomicfoundation +nomiclabs +noninteractive +noreply +nousb +npmjs +npmrc +nprogress +ntfs +nuxt +o’shannessy +omitempty +onboarded +openapi +opensearch +opensearchdescription +opensource +optimizt +optind +ORGADMIN +orta +outerbounds +overrideable +Packshield +pageview +palenight +paletton +palo +paraiso +passwordfile +patchwallet +pathinfo +pathnames +paularmstrong +pbcopy +pcss +peaceiris +permissioned +permissioning +permissionless +permissionlessly +petstore +philpl +photoshop +Pico +picocolors +picomatch +Pimlico +playbtn +pluggable +plushie +plushies +pnpm +POAP +Postbot +Postbots +posthog +pprof +preactjs +preauthenticated +precache +precached +precaching +preconfigured +preconnect +Predeploy +prefetch +prefetching +preloads +prepended +preprocess +preprocessors +prerendered +prerendering +Presale +PREVRANDAO +println +prismjs +privacymarker +privatefor +privatefrom +profilo +Promtail +protobuf +protobuffet +prpl +prvakia +pubkey +publickey +puppeth +pyltsyn +qbds +QBFT +qdacczyfhkyi +qdata +qjpuv +qlight +qlighttokenmanager +qnode +qovery +qpeers +quasis +quddus +quddús +querystring +Quickstart +quickwit +quorumengineering +quotify +rachelnabors +raftblocktime +raftdnsenable +raftjoinexisting +raftport +ramón +RANDAO +rawkey +reactjs +rearchitecture +recrawl +redcircle +redirections +redoc +redocly +redocusaurus +redwoodjs +refactorings +Regenesis +regexes +rehype +releaserc +remotekey +reponame +reqs +requesttimeout +requesttimeoutseconds +requireindex +resyncs +retrocompatibility +retrocompatible +revertreason +rmiz +roadmap +rocketvalidator +rollup +rollups +Ronaldo +rootca +rpcapi +rpcprefix +rtcts +rtlcss +Samina +samzkback +saurus +scaleway +Scry +searchbar +sebastien +sébastien +sebastienlorber +SECP +sensical +serializers +serviceaccounts +setaf +setext +Shamir +shiki +showinfo +sida +Sidechain +sidechains +simen +simplestorage +skipverify +slorber +sluggified +sluggifies +sluggify +smartcard +snapshotx +solana +Soulbound +sourcify +spâce +Stablecoins +stackblitz +stackblitzrc +Stani +statefulset +stationx +storepass +storeraw +storetype +Streamr +strikethrough +strikethroughs +struct +styl +stylelint +stylelintignore +stylelintrc +SUBADMIN +subdir +sublabel +sublicensable +sublist +subpage +subroute +subroutes +subsetting +subsubcategory +subsubfolder +subsubsection +subsubsubfolder +sucipto +supabase +sushiswap +svgr +swizzlable +syncmode +Tatarot +tbnb +teik +teku +templating +terroirs +thanos +therox +thirdweb +timelock +Tokenomics +Tomestone +toolset +toplevel +TPMs +transifex +transpiles +treeified +treeifies +treeify +treosh +triaging +truffledashboard +trustlessness +Truststore +tses +twoslash +txnode +txpool +typechain +typecheck +typechecks +typedoc +typesense +Ultiverse +Uncollateralize +undergreen +unflat +unist +unlinkable +unlisteds +unlocalized +unmatch +unnormalized +unoptimized +unprefixed +unswizzle +unversioned +upcheck +upgr +upvotes +urlset +userland +validatorcontractaddress +validatorselectionmode +vannicatte +vercel +verifymethod +vetter +vfile +vhosts +vicenti +vieira +viet +viewports +vinnik +vitalik +Viti +vitidiary +vjeux +Vyper +wagmi +Waitlist +waivable +walkthrough +wcag +webfactory +webp +webpackbar +wolcott +WORKDIR +writeups +wsapi +xclip +xplorer +xsoar +yacop +yangshun +yangshunz +yourcode +yrbjp +Yuhu +zhou +zkevm +zkvotev +zonic +zoomable +<<<<<<< HEAD +zpao +frens +fren +Fren +Сode + +redocly +mycomputer +divio +ethsigner +keyfile +passwordfile +SECP +mypath +mysecretfile +keyvault +multikey +ethsignerdata +Hyperledger +Quickstart +keccak +hostnames +medomain +meotherdomain +Truststore +fontawesome +upcheck +linenums +consensys +Datadir +mydirectory +keytool +storetype +storepass +Pico +gradlew +goquorum +EACCES +corsdomain +vhosts +networkid +emitcheckpoints +syncmode +nodiscover +permissioning +Cakeshop +IBFT +Codefi +Alethio +ADMINORG +ORGADMIN +Emscripten +WORKDIR +hdwallet +bootnode +bootnodes +enode +enodes +newnode +nodekey +accountkey +pubkey +discport +raftport +permissioned +bytecode +simplestorage +privatefrom +privatefor +merkle +merkleroot +helloworld +nodiscover +raftjoinexisting +skipverify +txpool +blockperiod +QBFT +nousb +minerthreads +minerthreads +fromscratchistanbul +lightchaindata +livesize +livenodes +gctime +gcsize +chaindata +raftblocktime +Extc +jfernandes +gcnodes +txnode +blockscout +Blockscout +requesttimeoutseconds +epochlength +blockperiodseconds +metricbeat +filebeat +azuredeploy +kubenet +serviceaccounts +iamserviceaccount +EBSCSI +eksctl +statefulset +configfile +nodekeys +quorumengineering +Ethash +Alertmanager +kubeconfig +containerd +Helmfile +jdbc +smartcard +alloc +genkey +nodekeyhex +rawkey +Vyper +freezerdb +gcmode +immutabilitythreshold +rpcprefix +undergreen +Dockerhub +pprof +Promtail +revertreason +multitenancy +preauthenticated +insecureskipverify +ethclient +SUBADMIN +addpeer +qdata +omitempty +alexandratran +allowedfutureblocktime +requesttimeout +rpcapi +wsapi +dumpconfig +qlighttokenmanager +foofoo +maxpeers +Qlight +qlight +resyncs +clientkey +clientcert +certfile +rootca +upgr +remotekey +mixhash +Predeploy +raftdnsenable +querystring +validatorcontractaddress +validatorselectionmode +blockheader +puppeth +TPMs +MITM +HIDS +qnode +qpeers +Jmeter +storeraw +privacymarker +publickey +localverify +inproc +Etherbase +etherbase +EIPs +envr +netrestrict +zkevm +waitlist +Waitlist +rollups +yrbjp +PREVRANDAO +RANDAO +Pimlico +thirdweb +sushiswap +amarok +samzkback +zkvotev +Multicall +wagmi +apetimism +zonic +thirdweb +IPFS +Mélen +clonable +embeddable +conflator +Conflator +Postbot +Postbots +permissionlessly +redcircle +bluecircle +tatarot +Tatarot +Scry +fren +Lineaster +Lenster +frens +======= +zpao +>>>>>>> main