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Overview of tool chain
What happens where, where can I jump in?
get a first intuition about the building blocks of ContentMine
learn about the different steps of content mining
learn about the source of papers and facts
learn about intermediaries like scholarly.html and CProject/CTree
learn how this leads to the outcome of content mining: a fact in context
opening, reading and interpreting the intermediaries of ContentMine
7min presentation
7min looking at publisher APIs and scope of data sources
7min looking at CProject/CTree
7min looking at a fulltext.xml / scholarly.html
7min looking at facts in context
10min reserve for questions
slides [LINK]
a precompiled dataset with ami-plugins run
links and documentation to 2-3 publisher APIs (EUPMC, ...)
an example CProject/CTree
an example fact + surrounding context
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