The redis cluster can be managed through a cluster management class. It can for example be used to query the cluster for the current slots or the nodes setup.
The following methods is implemented:
- info
- slots
- nodes
The following methods is not yet implemented:
- addslots
- count_failure_reports
- countkeysinslot
- delslots
- failover
- forget
- getkeysinslot
- keyslot
- meet
- replicate
- reset
- saveconfig
- set_config_epoch
- setslot
- slaves
>>> from rediscluster.cluster_mgt import RedisClusterMgt
>>> startup_nodes = [{"host": "", "port": "7000"}]
>>> r = RedisClusterMgt(startup_nodes)
>>> r.slots()
{'slave': defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {'': [[0L, 5460L]], '': [[10923L, 16383L]], '': [[5461L, 10922L]]}), 'master': defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {'': [[10923L, 16383L]], '': [[5461L, 10922L]], '': [[0L, 5460L]]})}