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84 lines (63 loc) · 3.38 KB

Contrast Assess Policy as Code

Script to help output Contrast Assess rules in JSON or YAML. Rule defaults and application overrides are both written to disk.

Rule configuration is retrieved from Contrast only, changes to the output contents will not be reflected back in Contrast.


  • Python 3.10 (other versions may work but are untested)
  • Ability to install Python libraries from requirements.txt


You can run this script locally with a Python install, or, in a container with the provided Dockerfile

Container use


docker run -it --env-file=contrast.env -v $PWD/output:/usr/src/app/output <...args...>

Local build

docker build . --tag contrast-policy-as-code # Build the container
docker run -it --env-file=contrast.env -v $PWD/output:/usr/src/app/output contrast-policy-as-code <...args...> # Run the container

Local use

Use of a virtual environment is encouraged

python3 -m venv venv # Create the virtual environment
. venv/bin/activate # Activate the virtual environment
pip3 install -r requirements.txt # Install dependencies
. contrast.env # Setup environment
python3 <args> # Run script

Connection and Authentication

The script requires the following environment variables to be defined:

  • CONTRAST__API__URL - the URL to your Contast instance, e.g.: https://contrast_instance.your_domain.tld/Contrast
  • CONTRAST__API__API_KEY - an API key with permission to access that instance
  • CONTRAST__API__AUTH_HEADER - authorization header for a user with permission to access that instance (base 64 of username:service_key)
  • CONTRAST_ORG_ID - organization ID - may also be passed with the -o command line argument

There are also the following optional environment variables:

  • INSECURE_SKIP_CERT_VALIDATION - set to true or 1 to skip TLS certificate validation on network requests
  • HTTP_PROXY - set to your proxy URL if a proxy is needed to reach Contrast


Full usage information:

usage: [-h] [-f FOLDER] [-t {JSON,YAML}] -o ORG_ID

Export Assess policy defaults and overrides.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FOLDER, --folder FOLDER
                        Output folder.
  -t {JSON,YAML}, --type {JSON,YAML}
                        Output type.
  -o ORG_ID, --org-id ORG_ID, --organization-id ORG_ID
                        ID of the organization to retrieve Assess policy from.


Examples of the output - in both YAML and JSON - can be seen in the demo_output folder.

The top-level defaults.[json|yaml] file lists the organization policy for each rule across the 3 environments.

The overrides folder contains a file for each rule where an application has overridden the defaults, providing detail on the application and environment overrides in place.

Development Setup

Various tools enforce code standards, and are run as a pre-commit hook. This must be setup before committing changes with the following commands:

python3 -m venv venv # setup a virtual environment
. venv/bin/activate # activate the virtual environment
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt # install development dependencies (will also include app dependencies)
pre-commit install # setup the pre-commit hook which handles formatting