- Fix missing AutoService annotation in Forge Netowrk Handler
- Fix Night config hanging the server on shutdown
- Add
entity condition.
- Fix NeoForge Missing AccessTransformer
- 1.21.1?!?!?!?!
- Add announcement config to post the message within 5 minutes in a user's chat. (Tracked per client.)
- Run Announcement Info getter off main thread and in the background executor (prevents game hang if json does not exist online).
- Remove Imgui
- Add announcement widget
- Move Project to Arch Loom
- Remove unused libraries
- Remove use of Regutils
- Major Breaking API changes due to package restructuring
- Allow the ability to set a custom easeInCirc blending function exponent. For BWG's Dead Sea rocks.
- Fix a crash with mixin where we were referencing MC classes in the Mixin plugin.
- Code base cleanup.
- Fix Codec comments in delegated DynamicOps
- Fix Crashing when running on MacOS
- Remove Everything Trees use new Oh The Trees You'll Grow mod. https://github.com/CorgiTaco/Oh-The-Trees-Youll-Grow
- Update Included Jankson to 1.2.3
- Update included toml to 3.6.7
- Update included RegUtils to 1.20.1
- Add
/corgilib place_all
command. - Add ImGui.
- Fix
hPct calculation in RenderUtils.
- Fix RenderType in RenderUtils.
- Improve Draw Ring method.
- Add Render Utils
- Add the ability to register packets under other name spaces in a reverse compatible way.
- Update to 1.20.1
- Update to 1.19.4
- Update to 1.19.3.
- Clean up message when config reading fails.
- Use delegate's
- Better checks and exceptions for
- Add to leave positions even if the leaves in question do not have a distance state property in
- Don't use replaceable check when filling logs, check if the block at the position cannot occlude instead in
- Don't use ground filter when filling logs, check if the block at the position is replaceable instead in
- Fix additional blocks placed from NBT positions in
- Only post process if the placed state has distance property in
- Allow the ability to place additional blocks from the NBT in
- Don't fill logs under for Yellow wool in
- Change chunk storage format to our own compound tag to easily isolate our chunk tag data.
- Use moving position when checking for ground instead of constantly checking the same position.
- Don't use heightmap to determine if the trunk is on the ground.
- Water log leaves placed in water by
- Actually add scheduled random ticks to
- Don't random tick in
- Add schedule random ticks system to update grass blocks under logs.
- Try and fix ticking dirt blocks under filled logs.
- Invert check for ground when filling logs under for trees.
- Use BlockPredicates to determine whether we've hit ground and to determine whether leaves can place at a position.
- Get logs from the trunk palette correctly.
- Store leaves & log targets in a ObjectOpenHashSet in
- Add the ability to have several leaves & log targets in
- Fix StructureBoxEditor
- Add ability to edit structure boxes with a golden axe. Use LEFT_CTRL + SCROLL_WHEEL when to move the box in that direction, use LEFT_SHIFT + SCROLL_WHEEL to inflate the box in that direction.
- Place leaves on trunks.
- Fix canopy anchor pos.
- Add the ability to use yellow wool to anchor canopies from trunks.
- Switch to Access Transformers/Wideners.
- Use correct
/corgilib worldregistryexport
command data export path. - Fix
mixin being called exclusively on clients. Fixes servers crashing.
- Fix & optimize
/corgilib worldRegistryExport
- Register
condition. - Better registry ID for
- Prevent duplicate initializations on fabric.
- Relocate Jankson on forge build.
- Allow CorgiLib Fabric to be initialized from elsewhere.
- Clean up network package.
- First Release.