- Automatic view pause/resumes are changed with stop/start for better data consistency.
- Added the config interface 'experimental' to group experimental features.
- Added a flag (enablePreviousNameRecording) to add previous event and view names as segmentation. (Experimental!)
- Added a flag (enableVisibilityTracking) to add app visibility info to views and events. (Experimental!)
- Added Content feature methods:
- enterContentZone, to start Content checks (Experimental!)
- exitContentZone, to stop Content checks (Experimental!)
- Mitigated an issue in the upload plugin that prevented the upload of a symbol file
! Minor breaking change ! Unsupported types for user properties will now be omitted, they won't be converted to strings.
Added support for mixed type of immutable lists, arrays to client given segmentations and user properties.
Added array, list and JSONArray support to the user properties.
Mitigated issues where:
- session was ending with device ID change without merge, when consent was not required and manual session control was enabled.
- session was not starting after device ID change without merge, when consent was not required and automatic sessions were enabled.
! Minor breaking change ! User properties will now be automatically saved under the following conditions:
- When an event is recorded
- During an internal timer tick
- Upon flushing the event queue
Added support for array, List and JSONArray to all user given segmentations. They will support only mutable and ummutable versions of the primitive types. Which are:
- String, Integer, int, Boolean, bool, Float, float, Double, double, Long, long
- Keep in mind that float array will be converted to the double array by the JSONArray
Mitigated an issue where remote config values caching was changing by device id change, not anymore. It is linked to the configuration "enableRemoteConfigValueCaching" now.
Mitigated an issue related to the device ID by creating an internal migration.
Resolved a problem where revoked consents were sent after changes without merging.
Fixed a bug that caused the device ID to be incorrectly set after changes with merging.
Mitigated an issue where on consent revoke, remote config values were cleared, not anymore.
Change device id with merge not reporting session duration anymore.
! Minor breaking change ! Mitigated an issue where internal SDK limits did not apply
Added support for Feedback Widget terms and conditions
Added a new function "setID(newDeviceId)" which internally handles merge/non-merge selection while changing the device ID
Mitigated an issue where the session duration could have been calculated wrongly after a device ID change without merge
Mitigated an issue where a session could have continued after a device ID change without merge
! Minor breaking change ! If a manual session is already started, it will not be possible to call "BeginSession" without stopping the previous one
! Minor breaking change ! If a manual session has not been started, it will not be possible to call "UpdateSession"
! Minor breaking change ! If a manual session has not been started, it will not be possible to call "EndSession"
! Minor breaking change ! Setting for enabling/disabling for native crash dumps will be always enabled
Added an extended way of crash filtering
Added SDK internal limits configuration interface
Deprecated the following calls from "CountlyConfig":
- "setMaxSegmentationValues(maxSegmentationValues)" instead use "sdkInternalLimits.setMaxSegmentationValues(maxSegmentationValues)"
- "setMaxBreadcrumbCount(maxBreadcrumbCount)" instead use "sdkInternalLimits.setMaxBreadcrumbCount(maxBreadcrumbCount)"
- "setCrashFilterCallback(crashFilterCallback)" instead use "crashes.setGlobalCrashFilterCallback(globalCrashFilterCallback)"
- "enableCrashReporting()" instead use "crashes.enableCrashReporting()"
- "setCustomCrashSegment(crashSegmentation)" instead use "crashes.setCustomCrashSegmentation(crashSegmentation)"
- "setRecordAllThreadsWithCrash()" instead use "crashes.enableRecordAllThreadsWithCrash()"
- "checkForNativeCrashDumps(checkForDumps)", it will be removed in the future, there is no replacement
- Added a new metric for detecting whether or not a device has a hinge
! Minor breaking change ! Tracking of foreground and background reporting for APM is now disabled by default
Added a way to enable tracking of foreground and background reporting for APM
Fixed a bug where sending a local picture with checksum was not possible
Deprecated the following calls from "Apm" interface:
- "triggerBackground"
- "triggerForeground"
Deprecated following functions from "CountlyConfig":
- "setRecordAppStartTime(recordAppStartTime)" instead use "apm.enableAppStartTimeTracking()"
- "setAppStartTimestampOverride(appStartTimestampOverride)" instead use "apm.setAppStartTimestampOverride(appStartTimestampOverride)"
- "enableManualAppLoadedTrigger()" instead use "apm.enableManualAppLoadedTrigger()"
- "enableManualForegroundBackgroundTriggerAPM()" will be deleted in the future
- Mitigated a rare issue related to handling request headers
- Added 'addSegmentationToViewWithID' method for adding segmentation to an ongoing view
- Added 'addSegmentationToViewWithName' method for adding segmentation to an ongoing view
- Mitigated an issue where the device ID was changed after exiting an AB experiment
Added a config method to set a time limit after which the requests would be removed if not sent to the server: 'setRequestDropAgeHours'
Added a call to enroll users to A/B tests when getting a remote config value: 'getValueAndEnroll'
Added a call to enroll users to A/B tests when getting all remote config values: 'getAllValuesAndEnroll'
Adding app version to every request
Fixed crash for SDK34 BroadcastReceivers, now declared broadcast receiver not exported if API is 34 and up.
Mitigated an issue where users could not enroll to an A/B tests if enrollment request has failed
Mitigated an issue where users could not exit from A/B tests if removal request has failed
- Fixed APM bug where automatic foreground, background tracking would track wrong if the SDK was not initialized while the app was not in the foreground
- Adding an additional testing call for retrieving AB test experiment information
! Minor breaking change ! Manual view recording calls are now ignored when in automatic view recording mode.
! Minor breaking change ! If a manual session is already started, it will not be possible to call "BeginSession" without stopping the previous one
! Minor breaking change ! If a manual session has not been started, it will not be possible to call "UpdateSession"
! Minor breaking change ! If a manual session has not been started, it will not be possible to call "EndSession"
! Minor breaking change ! If Application class is provided, the SDK will use the Application Activity lifecycle callbacks to react to "onStart", "onStop" and "onConfigurationChanged" callbacks. The manual calls will be ignored.
Adding remaining request queue size information to every request
Adding SDK health check requests after init
Added protection for updating the push token. The same value can't be sent within 10 minutes it was sent last time.
View duration moved from segmentation to the event body
Added support for recording multiple views at the same time
First view flag is now reset when a session ends and not when a session starts
Push messaging mode is not reported anymore. Related calls have been deprecated.
Deprecated the following calls:
- Countly.sharedInstance().views().recordView(viewName)
- Countly.sharedInstance().views().recordView(viewName, viewSegmentation)
- Countly.sharedInstance().views().isAutomaticViewTrackingEnabled()
Deprecated the init time configuration of 'setViewTracking(enable)'. Introduced replacement 'enableAutomaticViewTracking()'
Deprecated the init time configuration of 'setAutoTrackingUseShortName(enable)'. Introduced replacement 'enableAutomaticViewShortNames()'
Deprecated the init time configuration of 'setAutomaticViewSegmentation(segmentation)'. Introduced replacement 'setGlobalViewSegmentation(segmentation)'
Deprecated the init time configuration of 'setAutoTrackingExceptions(exceptions)'. Introduced replacement 'setAutomaticViewTrackingExclusions(exclusions)'
!! Major breaking change !! Automatically downloaded remote config values will no longer be automatically enrolled in their AB tests.
! Minor breaking change ! Remote config will now return previously downloaded values when remote-config consent is not given
Introduced a new set of remote config methods
Deprecated old remote config methods
Fixed bug where recording views would force send all stored events
Fixed bug where exiting temporary ID mode would create unintended requests
Removed the deprecated enum "DeviceId.Type"
Removed the deprecated value "ADVERTISING_ID" from the enum "DeviceIdType"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.changeDeviceIdWithoutMerge(type, deviceID)"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.changeDeviceIdWithMerge(deviceID)"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.getDeviceID()"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.getDeviceIDType()"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.enableTemporaryIdMode()"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.onCreate(activity)"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.isHttpPostForced()"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.isDeviceAppCrawler()"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.ifShouldIgnoreCrawlers()"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.flushRequestQueues()"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.doStoredRequests()"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.requestQueueOverwriteAppKeys()"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.requestQueueEraseAppKeysRequests()"
Removed the deprecated function "CountlyConfig.setRemoteConfigAutomaticDownload(enabled, callback)"
Removed the deprecated user profile interface accessed on "Countly.userData"
- Added server side configuration functionality. This is an experimental feature.
- Default max segmentation value count changed from 30 to 100
- Fixing bug that prevented device ID to be changed when there is no consent given
- Added "previous event ID" logic for non-internal events
- Deprecated the init time configuration of 'setEnableAttribution'
- Session update interval upper limit (10 minutes) has been lifted
- Fixed a bug where metric override values were not applying to crash metrics
- Fixed a bug where crash metrics sent the "manufacturer" value under the wrong key
- Fixed a bug where orientation events would have the same view ID as the previous view event
- Fixed a bug where automatic view tracking reported view duration with a duration of "0"
- Fixed a bug where view ID's were being reported incorrectly
- Fixed a race condition bug where a recorded event would have the wrong user properties in the drill database on the server. Now event queue is emptied (formed into a request) before recording any user profile changes.
- Events are now recorded with an internal ID.
- Added a variant of "esWriteCachesToPersistence" that has a callback to indicate if any writes were performed
- When calling "esWriteCachesToPersistence", no write to storage is performed if the same data would be written
- Expanded feedback widget functionality. Added ability to use rating widgets.
- Added functionality to access tags for feedback widgets.
- Fixed a bug that would throw a null pointer exception when calling "CountlyPush.displayNotification " and CountlyPush was not initialized
- Fixed a bug that would throw a null pointer exception when calling "CountlyPush.onTokenRefresh" and CountlyPush was not initialized
Fatal crash reports will now be written in sync mode to shared preferences
Added explicit storage mode where the event queue and request queue are not written to persistent storage until a signal is given
Added mitigations for rare crashes while updating remote config values
Adding a init time cleanup procedure to remove any leftover temporary id requests
Removed the deprecated "disableLocation" method
Removed the deprecated "setLocation" method
- Added CountlyConfigPush object which is used during CountlyPush init.
- Added a way to add allowed package names for push notification intent security.
- Added a way to add allowed class names for push notification intent security.
- Added ability to record direct requests.
- Fixed bug that would be opening two intents for MainActivity when clicking on a push notification with a deep-link.
- Fixed notification trampoline restrictions in Android 12 using reverse activity trampolining implementation.
- Adding a call to provide user properties during initialization.
- Fixed bug that caused crashes when migrating from older versions that don't have a device ID type stored. When migrating from no device ID and no type, SDK will fall back to a generated ID. When migrating from device ID and no type, SDK will set id type to 'DEVELOPER_SUPPLIED' if a custom ID was provided during init. Otherwise the new type will be 'OPEN_UDID'. Adding handling for additional edge cases.
- Made 'ModuleDeviceId' public so that it would eliminate access issues for kotlin projects.
!! Major breaking change !! Deprecating "ADVERTISING_ID" as device ID generation strategy. SDK will fall back to 'OPEN_UDID'. All "ADVERTISING_ID" device ID's will have their type changed to "OPEN_UDID". If the device will have a "null" device ID, a random one will be generated.
!! Major breaking change !! Changing device ID without merging will now clear all consent. It has to be given again after this operation.
!! Major breaking change !! Entering temporary ID mode will now clear all consent. It has to be given again after this operation.
! Minor breaking change ! Feedback widget callback has an additional callback. This will cause a compilation error that is trivial to fix by adding the override for the missing call.
! Minor breaking change ! Automatic "AdvertisingId" attribution has been removed from the SDK. A call is added for recording provided attribution values.
! Minor breaking change ! Automatic install referrer attribution in play stores has been removed. A call is added for recording such provided values.
! Minor breaking change ! Orientation tracking is now enabled by default. Can be turned off during init.
! Minor breaking change ! A few internal SDK limits are now introduced. The following limits are adjustable at initialization:
- Maximum amount of provided segmentation in now 30 entries by default.
- Maximum amount of breadcrumbs that can be recorded at once is now 100 by default.
Device ID can now be changed when no consent is given
Push notification now display/use the sent badge number. It's visualization depends on the launcher.
Added new calls to report attribution.
When recording internal events with 'recordEvent', the respective feature consent will now be checked instead of the 'events' consent.
Consent changes will now send the whole consent state and not just the "delta"
Deprecated old user profile calls. Introduced a new API by which to change them.
Added platform information to push actioned events
Fixed bug where, on the start of a new session, the first view was not identified correctly
Fixed bug where the rating widget callback would not be called when the widget is closed and there is no error
Fixed potential deadlock issue
Removed the deprecated "init" methods
Removed the deprecated "recordEvent" methods
Removed the deprecated "changeDeviceId" methods
Removed the deprecated "setViewTracking" method
Removed the deprecated "isViewTrackingEnabled" method
Removed the deprecated "recordView" methods
Removed the deprecated "setCustomCrashSegments" method
Removed the deprecated "addCrashBreadcrumb" method
Removed the deprecated "recordHandledException" methods
Removed the deprecated "recordUnhandledException" methods
Removed the deprecated "enableCrashReporting" method
Removed the deprecated "startEvent" method
Removed the deprecated "endEvent" methods
Removed the deprecated "setDisableUpdateSessionRequests" method
Removed the deprecated "enableParameterTamperingProtection" method
Removed the deprecated "enablePublicKeyPinning" method
Removed the deprecated "enableCertificatePinning" method
Removed the deprecated "setPushIntentAddMetadata" method
Removed the deprecated "setEnableAttribution" method
Removed the deprecated "setEventQueueSizeToSend" method
Removed the deprecated "setStarRatingDialogTexts" method
Removed the deprecated "setIfStarRatingShownAutomatically" method
Removed the deprecated "setStarRatingDisableAskingForEachAppVersion" method
Removed the deprecated "setAutomaticStarRatingSessionLimit" method
Removed the deprecated "getAutomaticStarRatingSessionLimit" method
Removed the deprecated "getStarRatingsCurrentVersionsSessionCount" method
Removed the deprecated "clearAutomaticStarRatingSessionCount" method
Removed the deprecated "setIfStarRatingDialogIsCancellable" method
Removed the deprecated "setHttpPostForced" method
Removed the deprecated "setShouldIgnoreCrawlers" method
Removed the deprecated "addAppCrawlerName" method
Removed the deprecated "setRequiresConsent" method
Removed the deprecated "createFeatureGroup" method
Removed the deprecated "setConsentFeatureGroup" method
Removed the deprecated "setConsent" method
Removed the deprecated "giveConsent" method
Removed the deprecated "removeConsent" method
Removed the deprecated "removeConsentAll" method
Removed the deprecated "getConsent" method
Removed the deprecated "checkAllConsent" method
Removed the deprecated "showFeedbackPopup" method
Removed the deprecated "setRemoteConfigAutomaticDownload" method
Removed the deprecated "remoteConfigUpdate" method
Removed the deprecated "updateRemoteConfigForKeysOnly" method
Removed the deprecated "updateRemoteConfigExceptKeys" method
Removed the deprecated "getRemoteConfigValueForKey" method
Removed the deprecated "remoteConfigClearValues" method
Removed the deprecated "addCustomNetworkRequestHeaders" method
Removed the deprecated "setLoggingEnabled" method
- Fixed bug due to "CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS" permission denial
- Adding an init time configuration option to set the maximum request queue size
- Updating the "compileSdkVersion" and "targetSdkVersion" to "31".
- Updating the "buildToolsVersion" to "31.0.0".
- Fixed a bug where events would be sent with a larger delay if SDK callbacks are not called
- Fixed a bug where "platform" and "app_version" were provided incorectly when retrieving the feedback widget data
- Fixed bug that would close manually recorded views early when automatic view recording is disabled
- Moving a push related broadcast receiver decleration to the manifest to comply with 'PendingIntent' checks
- Fixed issue with star rating lowest allowed value. Changing it from 0 to 1.
- Fixed bug that would prevent certain codepath to be executed if the Application class was not provided during init.
- Added additional protections in remote config logic to protect against rare crashes
- Increasing default event threshold to 100.
- Printing approximate data usage in logs when sending requests
- Minor tweaks. Changes related to publishing to MavenCentral
- Adding metric for the device manufacturer.
- Fixing potential issues by sending all available events before the "end session" request
- Fixed init time bug where the context from the provided application class was not used.
- Fixed init time bug which happened when location was disabled during init.
- Added option to enable additional push redirection protections
- Added a way to retrieve feedback widget data and manually report them
- Fixed bug where network request were retried too soon after a failed request
- Removed thrown exceptions in places where that is possible
- Added SDK log listener
- Refactored all logs to use the new logging mechanism
- Fixed bug where manual session control calls were working even when not enabled
- Lessened push notification security restrictions
- Added a default way to acquire app start timestamp for APM
- Added a way to override the current app start timestamp for APM
- Added manual trigger for when app has finished loading for APM
- Added manual foreground/background triggers for APM
!! Consent change !! To record orientation you now need to give "user" consent
!! Consent change !! To use remote config, you now need to give "remote-config" consent
!! Push breaking changes !! Due to a security vulnerability the following permission need to be added to your app manifest: ' ' To make these breaking changes noticable, the broadcast listener id 'NOTIFICATION_BROADCAST' has been replaced with 'SECURE_NOTIFICATION_BROADCAST'
Added survey, nps feature
Added retries to push media download
Added call that removes all server requests that don't have the currently set appKey
Added call that updates all server requests so that all of them have the currently set appKey
Update breakpad for native exception catching
Symbol upload tool now sends the used breakpad version
Reworked openID device ID to not be a separate service
Sending device type (phone, tablet, tv) as part of metrics
Reworked location data persistence and when it is sent. It's recommended to recheck your app to see if it's still behaving as expected.
Deprecated CountlyConfig constructor that takes 'Context'. Added new constructor that also takes the Application class instead of 'Context'
Initialising the SDK without providing the application class is not deprecated
Fixed a push consent edge case bug where it would have been counted when set in the past
Fixed a push consent bug where 'anyConsent' would have returned true when no consent would have been set
Fixed a bug regarding temporary ID mode transitioning device ID's which would merge it to the previous value
Fixed init time openUDID bug which made it less persistent than required
Fixed potential multithreaded synchronization issues
Fixed location url encoding bug
Fixed init issue where the device ID was not saved and could be changed by changing it's value during next init
- Replacing sha-1 hash with sha-256 hash for requests.
- Adding apm calls for cancelTrace, cancelAllTraces, recordNetworkTrace
- Adding option to use Huawei push notifications
- making tweaks to APM key validation logic
- Adding metric override feature
- Adding functionality to override SDK name and SDK version strings
- Fixed an issue in the network request retry logic
- Removed requirement for any consent to be set before device ID can be changed.
- Mitigating issue which would happen if push token is refreshed before SDK is initialized.
- Fixed the sending of empty event collections in cases where event sending was forced.
- Adding fallback cache to CountlyPush for cases where the SDK is not initialised
- Fixed bug which happened when consent was required but no consent was provided during init
- Fixed bug where data was not removed from the URL in case of forced http POST
- Fixed HTTP post issue with remote config and rating widget
- Changing permissions for modules so that they are accessible from kotlin
- Adding functionality for filtering crashes
- Adding functionality to set segmentation for automatic and manual views
- Adding functionality to ignore activities for automatic view tracking
- Adding functionality to track orientation changes
- Adding call to manually record user rating without showing any UI
- Adding call to record an event with a given timestamp
- Adding call to cancel a timed event
- Adding manual session control
- Adding option to set tamper protection salt in config object
- Adding calls to give and remove consent to all features at the same time
- Adding a way to change the session update timer interval
- Adding call to set notification accent color
- Adding APM functionality to record app start time
- Adding APM functionality to record custom traces
- Adding APM functionality to record network request traces
- Adding APM functionality to record app time spent in foreground and background
- Adding remote config call to get all saved values
- Moving crash, event, view, rating related calls to a separate modules
- Deprecating functions that are being put into modules
- Migrated to AndroidX
- Improved internal time management which fixes inconsistencies that could arrise on day changes
- Fixed a bug where deep links from notifications did not include the sent message as part of the intent
- Removing deprecated "addCrashLog" call
- Removing deprecated "logException" call
- Removing deprecated "setCustomUserData" call
- Removing deprecated "setUserData" call
- Fixed a bug that did not add the link to the push dialog button.
- Fixed a bug that did not add links to push buttons.
- Applying null pointer exception mitigations to immediate request maker.
- Adding feature to flush all requests in the queue
- Adding CountlyConfig object which is used during init
- Added call to try to complete stored requests
- Merging Push module with SDK module
- Fixing a potential 'null' bug for push
- Fixing a consent bug which disabled features when consent was not enabled
- Fixed a race condition bug when sending push token to server
- Fixed remote config bug during init when no device ID was available
- Fixed bug with events not using the provided event duration.
- Fixing issue that automated star rating session count was not cleared when changing device ID
- Removing GCM push support
- Adding support for native crash handling and symbolication
- Fixing bug with location data not being erased during begin_session
- Fix potential issue with push Activity
- fixing endEvent bug that ignores provided "count" and "sum" values
- Added remote config
- Star rating requests now use the same urlConnection as other requests
- Added functionality for adding custom header key/value pairs to every request
- Fixed bug with events getting unrelated segmentation fields added
- Added flags to push action intent
- Refactored push URL action handling
- Added functionality for webView user rating popup dialog
- Added call for recording unhandled exceptions
- Added 10 second delay before merging device Id's
- Added functionality for sending integers and doubles with segmentation, instead of just strings
- Added call to record exception with a throwable
- Improved Countly SDK logging messages
- SDK now tries to send messages in it's timer event when in the background
- Limited the size of crash logs to 10k characters
- Limited the size of breadcrumbs to 1000 characters
- Limited the amount of breadcrumbs to 1000 entries. If a newer one is added, the oldest one is discarded
- Fixed a deviceId changing related bug
- Fixed a bug for setting push consent before init
- Added functionality for GDPR (giving and removing consent for features)
- Added separate module for FCM push notifications
- Fixing a crash in messaging because of null context
- Fixing small push notification accent color bug
- Properly deleting cached location data
- Improving debug and log messages
- Changes made how location data is passed and handled
- Adding option to disable sending of location data (it can be reenabled later)
- Adding option to add a large icon and accent color to push notifications
- Adding option to add meta information to push notification intents
- Adding option to override the icon for push notifications
- Adding additional calls for manipulating the star rating dialog
- Fixed app crawler filtering & ANR if substantially changing device date back in time
- Added Rich Push Notifications support (attachments and custom action buttons)
- Added functionality to ignore app crawlers
- Added calls to retrieve device ID and ID type
- Added call see if onStart has been called at least once
- Adding certificate pinning in addition to public key pinning
- Changing automatic star rating default behaviour (disabling it)
- Removing Context as a needed field from some function calls
- Added additional meta data to each API request
- Added support for the star rating plugin
- Added option to force HTTP POST for all requests
- Added support for optional parameters during initialization
- Views support
- User data part updated
- Lowering required API level back to 9
- Bug fixes:
- Incorrect handling of empty review message #50
- Change GCM registration ID whenever sender ID changed #51
- Bug fixes & other improvements
- Attribution analytics
- Crash reports