Basic OS & Networking:
- LPIC-1 Jadi training materials
- The Linux Command Line 2nd ed.
- Linux Bible 10th Ed. (Must-read for beginners as a reference book)
- Network+ Study guide. (Must-read for beginners.)
- Security+ Study guide. Basic intro to security.
- MCSA Windows 10 Study Guide
- MCSA Networking With Win Server 2016
- Microsoft Security-101 Free Courses Great source for learning basic but good-to-know theoretical topics
Basic Programming (for security): [Python recommended]
- BlackHat Python 2nd Edition (Updated for Python 3)
- BlackHat Python (Must-read for beginners, Python 2)
- GrayHat Python
- Shell Programming & Bash Scripting
- Black Hat Go
- Effective C (Great & light book to start with C)
- Gray Hat C#
- Violent Python (Not covering Python3)
- Windows Internals Series (Advanced, needs development skills. Reference book)
- *OS Internals [Mac/iOS] (Advanced, needs development skills, Reference book)
- Computer Science fundamentals free courses (Free online equivalent of CS bachelor degree!)
- (similar to above)
- BlackHat Rust
Basic Hacking/Pentest/Exploitation:
- Penetration Testing: A Hands-On Introduction to Hacking
- Breaking into infosec
- GrayHat Hacking 5th edition
- Attacking Network Protocols
- Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition Lighter book compared to shellcoders Handbook
- Red Team Field Manual (2014)
- Advanced Penetration Testing(2015, Case & story driven guide into pen-tests)
- The Hackers Playbook 2 (2015)
- The Hackers Playbook 3 (2018)
- Hands on Hacking (2020)
- The Shellcoder's Handbook (Old but gold. Exploitation techniques are obsolete. Gives insight)
Network & VoIP: [Most of these are old books, but protocols age well!]
- Hacking Exposed Cisco (2005. Old but still relevant & gold)
- Hacking Exposed VoIP (2006, Old but still relevant)
- Hacking Exposed UC & VoIP (2013, more up2date of previous book)
- Hacking Exposed Wireless 3rd Ed. (2015, slightly outdated but still good overview)
- Security Testing with Raspberry Pi(2020)
- Web Application Hackers Handbook 2nd Edition
- Browser Hackers Handbook
- Tangled Web
- Silence on the Wire: A Field Guide to Passive Reconnaissance and Indirect Attacks
- Real World Bug Hunting -Web Application Security: Exploitation and Countermeasures for Modern Web Applications
- JavaScript For Hackers
Mobile (applications):
- Android Hackers Handbook
- Android Security Internals
- iOS Application Security
- iOS Hackers Handbook
- Mobile Application Hackers Handbook
- FRIDA Handbook must-read
Code Audit:
- The Art of Software Security Assessment: Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities
- Art of Software Security Testing, The: Identifying Software Security Flaws
- OWASP Core Review Guide v2
- Modern Memory Safety: C/C++ Vulnerability Discovery, Exploitation, Hardening (Training Material)
- (reference of common dangerous APIs in different languages)
- LiveOverflow YouTube channel (live code audit videos), great resource!
- SCI CERT Coding Standards
- C Traps & Pitfalls
- Vulnerabilities 1001: C-Family Software Implementation Vulnerabilities
- list of ALL tools (most suck!)
- FindSecurityBugs Java Bugs Patterns
- Recurity Labs Code Audit Training
- Learn about SemGrep and how to write queries for it!
- Learn about CodeQL and how to write queries for it!
- Practical Reverse Engineering: x86, x64, ARM, Windows Kernel, Reversing Tools, ...
- Practical Binary Analysis: Build Your Own Linux Tools for Binary Instrumentation, ...
- The IDA Pro Book, 2nd Edition
- The Ghidra Book (upcoming)
- Getting Started with Ghidra
- Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering
- Reverse Engineering for Beginners ( great free reference)
- Best Assembly reference (free) book
- Ghidra Software Reverse Engineering for Beginners
Malware :
- Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
- Malware Data Science
- Rootkits & Bootkits
- The Art of Memory Forensics
- The Art of Mac Malware: Analysis
- Evading EDR: The Definitive Guide to Defeating Endpoint Detection Systems
- Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery (old but still relevant)
- Fuzzing for Software Security Testing and Quality Assurance, Second Edition
- (list of fuzzing books, papers, resources)
- (good academic papers list)
- Brandon Falk (Lots of podcasts and live sessions about advanced fuzzing)
Hardware :
Cloud :
- How to Hack Like a Ghost
- Pentesting Azure Applications
- Advanced Penetration Testing: Hacking Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
- Mastering Cloud Penetration Testing
- AWS Penetration Testing
- Hands-On AWS Penetration Testing with Kali
- Penetration Testing Azure for Ethical Hackers
- Hacking Kubernets, Threat Driven Analysis
- Cloud Penetration Testing for Red Teamers: Learn how to effectively pentest AWS, Azure, and GCP applications
- Building and Automating Penetration Testing Labs in the Cloud: Set up cost-effective hacking environments for learning cloud security on AWS, Azure, and GCP
Radio / SDR: