diff --git a/data/parsed_data.json b/data/parsed_data.json index f6c5995..511b6e1 100644 --- a/data/parsed_data.json +++ b/data/parsed_data.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -[{"name": "updateSuppressionCrashFix", "description": "Stop update suppression from crashing the server", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "CrazyHPi/Az-Carpet-Addon", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, AZ"], "validators": []}, {"name": "anvilCrushStone", "description": "Falling anvils crush stony types", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["cobblestone -> gravel -> sand"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, ANVIL, SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "anvilCrushIce", "description": "Falling anvils crush ice", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["frosted ice -> ice -> packed ice -> blue ice"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, ANVIL, SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "anvilFallingDamage", "description": "Falling anvils take damage", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, ANVIL, SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagerLockTrades", "description": "Villager lock trades.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["this can permanently alter the behaviour of any villages traded with while this rule was activated"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, EXPERIMENTAL, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noFireDamage", "description": "Players don't get hurt by fire", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["specifically applies to fire"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL, DAMAGE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noKinecticDamage", "description": "Players don't get hurt by flying into walls", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL, DAMAGE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noExplosionDamage", "description": "Players don't get hurt by explosions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL, DAMAGE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "printDeathCoords", "description": "Print coordinates in player death messages", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "compostRottenFlesh", "description": "Compostable rotten flesh", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["REQUIRES_RELOAD"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "compostPoisonousPotatoes", "description": "Compostable poisonous potatoes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["REQUIRES_RELOAD"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "clickThroughItemFrame", "description": "Click through item frames that are invisible and fixed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shiftClickItemFrameInvisible", "description": "Shift + use (right mouse) makes item frames invisible and fixed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, CREATIVE, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "anvilTooExpensive", "description": "Disable 'too expensive' on anvils", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["the UI will still show the error"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL, ANVIL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "axesAreWeapons", "description": "Treat axes as weapons (e.g. allow looting in survival)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noPortalTicking", "description": "Zombified piglin no long spawn in nether portals", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "keepXP", "description": "Keep experience points on death", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "nonOPWhereIs", "description": "Enable /where{is,ami}, /imhere, /{he,she}is for non operators", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "canLeashVillager", "description": "Villagers can be leashed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "signalCommand", "description": "Enables /signal command to get a container with comparator value.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, CREATIVE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ipCommand", "description": "Enables /ip command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hostCommand", "description": "Enables /host command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "alertCommand", "description": "Enables /alert command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "zombifiedPiglinDropsGoldenApple", "description": "Zombified piglin drops enchanted golden apple.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableLightingFire", "description": "Disable lighting fire.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "elderGuardianSpawnOnThunder", "description": "When storm the elder guardian can spawn.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "botsLoadChunks", "description": "Can disable bots load new chunks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "isHalloween", "description": "It's halloween for mobs.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, CREATIVE, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "batsSayUwUOnDeath", "description": "Bats say uwu on death.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "isJohanPto", "description": "Sends the message 'johan pto' every 20 minutes.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "discountMessage", "description": "Sends the averroes hosting discount message every 20 minutes.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION-CARPET"], "validators": []}, {"name": "language", "description": "Sets the language for carpet", "type": "String", "value": "en_us", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["en_us", "fr_fr", "es_ar", "pt_br", "zh_cn", "zh_tw"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "carpetCommandPermissionLevel", "description": "Carpet command permission level. can only be set via .conf file", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "2", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["This setting can only be set by admins with op level 4"]}, {"name": "superSecretSetting", "description": "Gbhs sgnf sadsgras fhskdpri!!!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ctrlQCraftingFix", "description": "Dropping entire stacks works also from on the crafting ui result slot", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "persistentParrots", "description": "Parrots don't get of your shoulders until you receive proper damage", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xpNoCooldown", "description": "Players absorb xp instantly, without delay", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackableShulkerBoxes", "description": "Empty shulker boxes can stack when thrown on the ground.", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["false", "true", "16"], "extras": [".. or when manipulated inside the inventories"], "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": ["Value must either be true, false, or a number between 2-64"]}, {"name": "explosionNoBlockDamage", "description": "Explosions won't destroy blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, TNT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xpFromExplosions", "description": "Experience will drop from all experience barring blocks with any explosion type", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntPrimerMomentumRemoved", "description": "Removes random tnt momentum when primed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, TNT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedTNT", "description": "Tnt causes less lag when exploding in the same spot and in liquids", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["TNT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntRandomRange", "description": "Sets the tnt random explosion range to a fixed value", "type": "double", "value": "-1", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["-1"], "extras": ["Set to -1 for default behavior", ")"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["TNT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hardcodeTNTangle", "description": "Sets the horizontal random angle on tnt for debugging of tnt contraptions", "type": "double", "value": "-1.0D", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["-1"], "extras": ["Set to -1 for default behavior", ")"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["TNT"], "validators": ["Must be between 0 and 2pi, or -1"]}, {"name": "mergeTNT", "description": "Merges stationary primed tnt entities", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["TNT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fastRedstoneDust", "description": "Lag optimizations for redstone dust", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["by Theosib", ".. also fixes some locational behaviours or vanilla redstone MC-11193", "so behaviour of locational vanilla contraptions is not guaranteed"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "huskSpawningInTemples", "description": "Only husks spawn in desert temples", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerSpawningInEndCities", "description": "Shulkers will respawn in end cities", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "piglinsSpawningInBastions", "description": "Piglins will respawn in bastion remnants", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Includes piglins"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntDoNotUpdate", "description": "Tnt doesn't update when placed against a power source", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, TNT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "antiCheatDisabled", "description": "Prevents players from rubberbanding when moving too fast", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["... or being kicked out for 'flying'", "Puts more trust in clients positioning", "Increases player allowed mining distance to 32 blocks"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "quasiConnectivity", "description": "Pistons, droppers, and dispensers check for power to the block(s) above them.", "type": "int", "value": "1", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Defines the range at which pistons, droppers, and dispensers check for 'quasi power'."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "flippinCactus", "description": "Players can flip and rotate blocks when holding cactus", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Doesn't cause block updates when rotated/flipped", "Applies to pistons, observers, droppers, repeaters, stairs, glazed terracotta etc..."], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperCounters", "description": "Hoppers pointing to wool will count items passing through them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Enables /counter command, and actions while placing red and green carpets on wool blocks", "Use /counter reset to reset the counter, and /counter to query", "In survival, place green carpet on same color wool to query, red to reset the counters", "Counters are global and shared between players, 16 channels available", "Items counted are destroyed, count up to one stack per tick per hopper"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["COMMAND, CREATIVE, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableAmethyst", "description": "Allows budding amethyst blocks to be moved", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Allow for them to be moved by pistons", "as well as adds extra drop when mining with silk touch pickaxe"], "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableSponges", "description": "Guardians turn into elder guardian when struck by lightning", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableBlockEntities", "description": "Pistons can push block entities, like hoppers, chests etc.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chainStone", "description": "Chains will stick to each other on the long ends", "type": "ChainStoneMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "stick_to_all"], "extras": ["and will stick to other blocks that connect to them directly.", "With stick_to_all: it will stick even if not visually connected"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "desertShrubs", "description": "Saplings turn into dead shrubs in hot climates and no water access", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "silverFishDropGravel", "description": "Silverfish drop a gravel item when breaking out of a block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "summonNaturalLightning", "description": "Summoning a lightning bolt has all the side effects of natural lightning", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSpawn", "description": "Enables /spawn command for spawn tracking", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandTick", "description": "Enables /tick command to control game clocks", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandProfile", "description": "Enables /profile command to monitor game performance", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": ["subset of /tick command capabilities"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "perfPermissionLevel", "description": "Required permission level for /perf command", "type": "int", "value": "4", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["2", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandLog", "description": "Enables /log command to monitor events via chat and overlays", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "defaultLoggers", "description": "Sets these loggers in their default configurations for all new players", "type": "String", "value": "none", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["none", "tps", "mobcaps,tps"], "extras": ["use csv"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandDistance", "description": "Enables /distance command to measure in game distance between points", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": ["Also enables brown carpet placement action if 'carpets' rule is turned on as well"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandInfo", "description": "Enables /info command for blocks", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": ["Also enables gray carpet placement action", "if 'carpets' rule is turned on as well"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPerimeterInfo", "description": "Enables /perimeterinfo command", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": ["... that scans the area around the block for potential spawnable spots"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandDraw", "description": "Enables /draw commands", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": ["... allows for drawing simple shapes or", "other shapes which are sorta difficult to do normally"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandScript", "description": "Enables /script command", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["An in-game scripting API for Scarpet programming language"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["COMMAND, SCARPET"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandScriptACE", "description": "Enables restrictions for arbitrary code execution with scarpet", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": ["Users that don't have this permission level", "won't be able to load apps or /script run.", "It is also the permission level apps will", "have when running commands with run()"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["SCARPET"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scriptsAutoload", "description": "Scarpet script from world files will autoload on server/world start", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["if /script is enabled"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["SCARPET"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scriptsDebugging", "description": "Enables scripts debugging messages in system log", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["SCARPET"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scriptsOptimization", "description": "Enables scripts optimization", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["SCARPET"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scriptsAppStore", "description": "Location of the online repository of scarpet apps", "type": "String", "value": "gnembon/scarpet/contents/programs", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": null, "extras": ["set to 'none' to disable.", "Point to any github repo with scarpet apps", "using //contents/"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["SCARPET"], "validators": ["Appstore link should point to a valid github repository"]}, {"name": "commandPlayer", "description": "Enables /player command to control/spawn players", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "allowSpawningOfflinePlayers", "description": "Spawn offline players in online mode if online-mode player with specified name does not exist", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "allowListingFakePlayers", "description": "Allows listing fake players on the multiplayer screen", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandTrackAI", "description": "Allows to track mobs ai via /track command", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "carpets", "description": "Placing carpets may issue carpet commands for non-op players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "missingTools", "description": "Glass can be broken faster with pickaxes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fillUpdates", "description": "Fill/clone/setblock and structure blocks cause block updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "interactionUpdates", "description": "Placing blocks cause block updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "liquidDamageDisabled", "description": "Disables breaking of blocks caused by flowing liquids", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "smoothClientAnimations", "description": "Smooth client animations with low tps settings", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["works only in SP"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, SURVIVAL, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pushLimit", "description": "Customizable piston push limit", "type": "int", "value": 12, "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["10", "12", "14", "100"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 1 to 1024"]}, {"name": "railPowerLimit", "description": "Customizable powered rail power range", "type": "int", "value": "9", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["9", "15", "30"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 1 to 1024"]}, {"name": "forceloadLimit", "description": "Customizable forceload chunk limit", "type": "int", "value": "256", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["256"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 1 to 20M"]}, {"name": "maxEntityCollisions", "description": "Customizable maximal entity collision limits, 0 for no limits", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "1", "20"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pingPlayerListLimit", "description": "Customizable server list ping (multiplayer menu) playerlist sample limit", "type": "int", "value": "12", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "12", "20", "40"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "customMOTD", "description": "Sets a different motd message on client trying to connect to the server", "type": "String", "value": "_", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["_"], "extras": ["use '_' to use the startup setting from server.properties"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "rotatorBlock", "description": "Cactus in dispensers rotates blocks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Rotates block anti-clockwise if possible"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "viewDistance", "description": "Changes the view distance of the server.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "12", "16", "32"], "extras": ["Set to 0 to not override the value in server settings."], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 (use server settings) to 32"]}, {"name": "simulationDistance", "description": "Changes the simulation distance of the server.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "12", "16", "32"], "extras": ["Set to 0 to not override the value in server settings."], "branches": ["1.18.2", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 (use server settings) to 32"]}, {"name": "renewableCoral", "description": "Coral structures will grow with bonemeal from coral plants", "type": "RenewableCoralMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "expanded", "true"], "extras": ["Expanded also allows growing from coral fans for sustainable farming outside of warm oceans"], "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableBlackstone", "description": "Nether basalt generator without soul sand below", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [".. will convert into blackstone instead"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableDeepslate", "description": "Lava and water generate deepslate and cobbled deepslate instead below y0", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "placementRotationFix", "description": "Fixes block placement rotation issue when player rotates quickly while placing blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lagFreeSpawning", "description": "Spawning requires much less cpu and memory", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "moreBlueSkulls", "description": "Increases for testing purposes number of blue skulls shot by the wither", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fogOff", "description": "Removes fog from client in the nether and the end", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Improves visibility"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeNoClip", "description": "Creative no clip", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["On servers it needs to be set on both", "client and server to function properly.", "Has no effect when set on the server only", "Can allow to phase through walls", "if only set on the carpet client side", "but requires some trapdoor magic to", "allow the player to enter blocks"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeFlySpeed", "description": "Creative flying speed multiplier", "type": "double", "value": "1.0", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": null, "extras": ["Purely client side setting, meaning that", "having it set on the decicated server has no effect", "but this also means it will work on vanilla servers as well"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeFlyDrag", "description": "Creative air drag", "type": "double", "value": "0.09", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": null, "extras": ["Increased drag will slow down your flight", "So need to adjust speed accordingly", "With 1.0 drag, using speed of 11 seems to matching vanilla speeds.", "Purely client side setting, meaning that", "having it set on the decicated server has no effect", "but this also means it will work on vanilla servers as well"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cleanLogs", "description": "Removes obnoxious messages from the logs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Doesn't display 'Maximum sound pool size 247 reached'", "Which is normal with decent farms and contraptions"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "structureBlockLimit", "description": "Customizable structure block limit of each axis", "type": "int", "value": 48, "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["48", "96", "192", "256"], "extras": ["WARNING: Needs to be permanent for correct loading.", "Setting 'structureBlockIgnored' to air is recommended", "when saving massive structures.", "Required on client of player editing the Structure Block.", "'structureBlockOutlineDistance' may be required for", "correct rendering of long structures."], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You have to choose a value greater or equal to 48"]}, {"name": "structureBlockIgnored", "description": "Changes the block ignored by the structure block", "type": "String", "value": "minecraft:structure_void", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["minecraft:structure_void", "minecraft:air"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "structureBlockOutlineDistance", "description": "Customizable structure block outline render distance", "type": "int", "value": "96", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["96", "192", "2048"], "extras": ["Required on client to work properly"], "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lightningKillsDropsFix", "description": "Lightning kills the items that drop when lightning kills an entity", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Setting to true will prevent lightning from killing drops", "Fixes [MC-206922](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-206922)."], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "updateSuppressionBlock", "description": "Placing an activator rail on top of a barrier block will fill the neighbor updater stack when the rail turns off.", "type": "int", "value": "-1", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["-1", "0", "10", "50"], "extras": ["The integer entered is the amount of updates that should be left in the stack", "-1 turns it off"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["This value represents the amount of updates required before the logger logs them. Must be -1 or larger"]}, {"name": "creativePlayersLoadChunks", "description": "Creative players load chunks, or they don't! just like spectators!", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Toggling behaves exactly as if the player is in spectator mode and toggling the gamerule spectatorsGenerateChunks."], "branches": ["1.18.2", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sculkSensorRange", "description": "Customizable sculk sensor range", "type": "int", "value": "8", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["8", "16", "32"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 1 to 1024"]}, {"name": "tickSyncedWorldBorders", "description": "Makes world borders move based on in game time instead of real time", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This has the effect that when the tick rate changes the world border speed also changes proportional to it"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "thickFungusGrowth", "description": "Allows to grow nether fungi with 3x3 base with bonemeal", "type": "FungusGrowthMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "random", "all"], "extras": ["Setting to 'all' will make all nether fungi grow into 3x3 trees", "Setting to 'random' will make 6% of all nether fungi grow into 3x3 trees", "(this being consistent with worldgen)"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "portalCreativeDelay", "description": "Amount of delay ticks to use a nether portal in creative", "type": "int", "value": "1", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["1", "40", "80", "72000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 1 to 72000"]}, {"name": "portalSurvivalDelay", "description": "Amount of delay ticks to use a nether portal in survival", "type": "int", "value": "80", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["1", "40", "80", "72000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 1 to 72000"]}, {"name": "combineXPOrbs", "description": "Xp orbs combine with other into bigger orbs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackableShulkerBoxes", "description": "Empty shulker boxes can stack to 64 when dropped on the ground", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["To move them around between inventories"], "branches": ["1.16.5"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "quasiConnectivity", "description": "Pistons, droppers and dispensers react if block above them is powered", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chainStone", "description": "Chains will stick to each other on the long ends", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "stick_to_all"], "extras": ["and will stick to other blocks that connect to them directly.", "With stick_to_all: it will stick even if not visually connected"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fillLimit", "description": "Customizable fill/clone volume limit", "type": "int", "value": "32768", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["32768", "250000", "1000000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 1 to 20M"]}, {"name": "onePlayerSleeping", "description": "One player is required on the server to cause night to pass", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnChunksSize", "description": "Changes size of spawn chunks", "type": "int", "value": "11", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "11"], "extras": ["Defines new radius", "setting it to 0 - disables spawn chunks"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lightEngineMaxBatchSize", "description": "Changes maximum light tasks batch size", "type": "int", "value": "5", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["5", "50", "100", "200"], "extras": ["Allows for a higher light suppression tolerance", "setting it to 5 - Default limit defined by the game"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableCoral", "description": "Coral structures will grow with bonemeal from coral plants", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "leadFix", "description": "Fixes leads breaking/becoming invisible in unloaded chunks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["You may still get visibly broken leash links on the client side"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "flatWorldStructureSpawning", "description": "Allows structure mobs to spawn in flat worlds", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "extremeBehaviours", "description": "Edge cases are as frequent as common cases, for testing only!!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Velocities of items from dispensers, blaze projectiles, fireworks", "Directions of fireballs, wither skulls, fishing bobbers", "items dropped from blocks and inventories, llamas spit, triggered trap horses", "Damage dealt with projectiles", "Blaze aggro sensitivity", "Mobs spawned follow range"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "structureBlockOutlineDistance", "description": "Customizable structure block outline render distance", "type": "double", "value": "96d", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["96", "192", "2048"], "extras": ["Required on client to work properly"], "branches": ["1.16.5"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "updateSuppressionBlock", "description": "Placing an activator rail on top of a barrier block will update suppress when the rail turns off.", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["false", "true", "1", "6"], "extras": ["Entering an integer will make the update suppression block auto-reset", "Integer entered is the delay in ticks for it to reset"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE", "EXTRAS"], "validators": ["Cannot be negative, can be true, false, or # > 0"]}, {"name": "updateSuppressionCrashFix", "description": "Fixes update suppression causing server crashes.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fixUnderwaterHoe", "description": "If this is enabled you can hoe dirt with water on top.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.15.2"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE", "CARPETADDONS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackingSplashPotions", "description": "Combines the duration of splash potions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.2", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL", "CARPETADDONS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oldFlintAndSteelBehavior", "description": "Backports 1.12 flint and steel behavior. flint and steel can be used for updating observers / buds", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.2", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETADDONS", "FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "instantPotions", "description": "Instant potions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.2", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETADDONS", "FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackingPotions", "description": "Combines the duration of potions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.2", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL", "CARPETADDONS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "keepProjectilesTicked", "description": "Projectiles are ticked the whole time - projectile loading chunks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.15.2"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL", "CARPETADDONS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "carefulBreak", "description": "Places the mined block in the player inventory when sneaking", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.2", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETADDONS", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "projectileRaycastLength", "description": "Changes the distance projectiles check for collisions. if set to 0 all blocks to the destination will be checked which is the vanilla behaviour.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "100", "200"], "extras": ["This reduces lag for fast projectiles. In 1.12 the value was 200."], "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETADDONS", "EXPERIMENTAL,OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "donkeyDupeFeature", "description": "Enables old donkey / llama dupe bug.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL,FEATURE", "CARPETADDONS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "keepEnderPearlsTicked", "description": "Projectiles are ticked the whole time - projectile loading chunks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETADDONS", "FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "witherskullchance", "description": "Chance of shooting a blue skull for withers", "type": "double", "value": "0.001", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "0.001", "1"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.16.5", "1.18.2"], "categories": ["DRC,EXPERIMENTAL,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableiceforming", "description": "Disable ice forming", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.16.5", "1.18.2"], "categories": ["DRC,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disablesnowforming", "description": "Disable snow forming", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.16.5", "1.18.2"], "categories": ["DRC,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntExplosionPower", "description": "Modify the explosion power of tnt", "type": "double", "value": "4.0F", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "4.0"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.16.5", "1.18.2"], "categories": ["DRC,EXPERIMENTAL,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntFuseTime", "description": "Modify the fuse time of tnt", "type": "double", "value": "80", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "80"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.16.5", "1.18.2"], "categories": ["DRC,EXPERIMENTAL,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableVillagerJockey", "description": "Disable villager jockeys", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.16.5", "1.18.2"], "categories": ["DRC,EXPERIMENTAL,SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "locateplayer", "description": "Locate players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.16.5", "1.18.2"], "categories": ["DRC,SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "glowSquidRestriction", "description": "Set the spawning restriction of glow squid in 1.18 the same as 1.17", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["The spawning of glow squid will be under y=30", "with no light and with blocks contains Tag'base_stone_overwolrd' 5 blocks under it."], "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.18.2"], "categories": ["DRC,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "forceExpMerge", "description": "Forcing the experience orb to merge together instead of being restricted by rules", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If false, only the experience orb with same amount of experience will merge", "when there are 40+ number of experience orb.", "If true, the experience orb will merge together when in touch", "Player can also absorb the merged experience orb at once"], "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.18.2"], "categories": ["DRC,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "glowGlowBerries", "description": "Glow after eating glow berries", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Add glow effect to players after eating glow berries"], "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.18.2"], "categories": ["DRC,FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tellweather", "description": "Show weather in command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Show the weather in text form in the command line,available when cheating is disabled"], "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.18.2"], "categories": ["DRC,SURVIVAL,COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "highlightEntity", "description": "Highlight entities", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.18.2"], "categories": ["DRC,EXPERIMENTAL,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easierAxolotlFeed", "description": "Use the worldspawn rule in 1.17-", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.18.2"], "categories": ["DRC,SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blueAxolotlChance", "description": "Chance of breeding a blue axolotl", "type": "double", "value": "0.000833", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "0.000833", "1"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.18.2"], "categories": ["DRC,EXPERIMENTAL,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "multiplePlayerSpawning", "description": "Spawn multiple fake players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.18.2"], "categories": ["DRC,SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scaffoldingDistance", "description": "Max distance for scaffolding.", "type": "int", "value": "7", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": false, "options": ["2", "3", "5", "7"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXTRA"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 7"]}, {"name": "pistonRedirectsRedstone", "description": "Pistons and sticky pistons redirect redstone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["When retracting, they will blink visually", "but that's only to minimize changes required for it to work"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "updateSuppressionCrashFix", "description": "Fixes updates suppression causing server crashes.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, EXTRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "autoCraftingDropper", "description": "Auto-crafting dropper", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If a dropper points into a crafting table and contains a valid 3x3 crafting recipe, firing that", "dropper will cause it to craft (drop as item) that recipe.", "Overrides comparators so they indicate number of filled slots instead.", "Also makes hoppers, droppers and dispensers input max 1 item per slot."], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, EXTRA, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispenserPlacesBlocks", "description": "Dispensers can place blocks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, EXTRA, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "variableWoodDelays", "description": "Variable delays on wooden components (buttons, pressure plates).", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "comparatorReadsClock", "description": "Allows comparators to read the daytime instead of the rotation of clocks in item frames.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE,EXTRA,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "comparatorBetterItemFrames", "description": "Allows comparators to see item frames that are horizontal in front of them and on top the the block in front of them", "type": "ComparatorOptions", "value": "VANILLA", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": ["vanilla", "behind", "lenient", "extended"], "extras": ["Behind: Allows comparators to detect item frames in the block behind them", "Lenient: Allows comparators to detect any item frames within the block behind a full block", "Extended: Allows comparators to detect item frames on a full block behind the comparator"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE,EXTRA,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperMinecart8gtCooldown", "description": "Makes hopper minecarts have an 8gt cooldown like hoppers.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,FEATURE,EXTRA,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperMinecartItemTransfer", "description": "Allows hopper minecarts to transfer items into containers below them.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, FEATURE, EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,FEATURE,EXTRA,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPing", "description": "Enables `/ping` for players to get their ping.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["COMMAND, EXTRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersFillMinecarts", "description": "Minecarts can be filled with hoppers, chests, tnt and furnace.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, EXTRA, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "clericsFarmWarts", "description": "Clerics can warm nether farts.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This will also allow them to pick up wart items, as well as pathfind to soulsand."], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableIce", "description": "Multiple ice crushed by falling anvils make denser ice.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["frosted turns into normal"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersPlayRecords", "description": "Dispensers can play records if there's a jukebox in front of them.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If a record already exists in the jukebox"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "accurateBlockPlacement", "description": "Client can provide alternative block placement.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersToggleThings", "description": "Dispensers containing a stick can toggle things.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Works with buttons, redstone, noteblocks, comparators, repeaters", "daylight detectors, etc."], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersTillSoil", "description": "Dispensers with hoes can till soil.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersFeedAnimals", "description": "Dispensers can feed animals.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disablePlayerCollision", "description": "Disables player entity collision.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, CREATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableLava", "description": "Obsidian surrounded by 6 lava sources has a chance of converting to lava.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Credits: Skyrising", ")"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doubleRetraction", "description": "Re-adds 1.8 double retraction to pistons.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Gives pistons the ability to double retract without side effects.", "Fixes [MC-88959](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-88959)."], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockStateSyncing", "description": "Fixes block states in f3 debug mode not updating for some blocks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["May cause increased network traffic.", "Works with cactus, sugar cane, saplings, hoppers, dispensers and droppers."], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableSand", "description": "Cobblestone crushed by falling anvils makes sand.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dragonEggBedrockBreaking", "description": "Reintroduce the dragon egg bedrock breaking bug from 1.12.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fireChargeConvertsToNetherrack", "description": "Fire charges from dispensers convert cobblestone to netherrack.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Credits: Skyrising", ")"], "branches": ["1.16.5"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chickenShearing", "description": "Chickens can be sheared to get feathers. beware! every time u shear a chicken, it gets damaged!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Baby chickens can't be sheared.", ")"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE", "EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobInFireConvertsSandToSoulsand", "description": "If a living entity dies on sand with fire on top the sand will convert into soul sand.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "flowerPotChunkLoading", "description": "Placing a wither rose in a flowerpot will load that chunk.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If u enable the rule the already existing chunks with flowerpots won't be loaded.", "Also disabling the carpet rule won't remove the loaded chunks, u need to manually unload them using the /forceload command.", "All the loaded chunks can be seen using `/forceload query`"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reloadSuffocationFix", "description": "Won't let mobs glitch into blocks when reloaded.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Can cause slight differences in mobs behaviour.", "Fixes [MC-2025](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-2025)."], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersMilkCows", "description": "Dispensers with empty buckets can milk cows and get stew from mooshrooms with bowls.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "repeaterPriorityFix", "description": "Quick pulses won't get lost in repeater setups.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Probably brings back pre 1.8 behaviour.", "Fixes [MC-54711](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-54711)."], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "straySpawningInIgloos", "description": "Only strays spawn in igloos.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXTRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableWitherSkeletons", "description": "Skeletons turn into wither skeletons when struck by lightning.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXTRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creeperSpawningInJungleTemples", "description": "Only creepers spawn in jungle temples.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXTRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "y0DragonEggBedrockBreaking", "description": "Let dragon eggs break y0 bedrock.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Requires dragonEggBedrockBreaking to be set to true."], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, EXTRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spiderJockeysDropGapples", "description": "Gives spider jockeys a specified chance to drop enchanted golden apples.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "50", "100"], "extras": ["0 is the default setting"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 100"]}, {"name": "dragonsBreathConvertsCobbleToEndstone", "description": "Dragon's breath from dispensers convert cobblestone to end stone.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxSpongeSuck", "description": "Maximum water sucking for sponge.", "type": "int", "value": "64", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": false, "options": ["64"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXTRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxSpongeRange", "description": "Maximum offset limit for sponge.", "type": "int", "value": "7", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": false, "options": ["7"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXTRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "emptyShulkerBoxStackAlways", "description": "Empty shulker boxes will always stack, even inside inventories.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderPearlChunkLoading", "description": "Allow horizontally moving ender pearls to load chunks as entity ticking.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXTRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "betterBonemeal", "description": "Bonemeal can be used to grow sugarcane, cactus and lily pads.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXTRA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersCarvePumpkins", "description": "Dispensers containing shears can carve pumpkins.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blazeMeal", "description": "Blaze powder fertilizes netherwart.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Via dispenser or player right click actions."], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableNetherrack", "description": "Fire charges from dispensers convert cobblestone to netherrack.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Credits: Skyrising", ")"], "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersMilkAnimals", "description": "Dispensers with empty buckets can milk cows/mooshrooms/goats, and get mushroom/suspicious stew from mooshrooms with bowls.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableEndstone", "description": "Dragon's breath from dispensers convert cobblestone to end stone.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersStripBlocks", "description": "Dispensers with axes can strip blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Can strip logs"], "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersUseCauldrons", "description": "Dispensers can empty/fill cauldrons with buckets or bottles, and undye leather armor/shulker boxes/banners", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersPotPlants", "description": "Dispensers can put flowers in flower pots", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1", "master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "crystalExplodeOnExplodedFix", "description": "End crystals now explode when damaged from explosions. end crystal chaining", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-118429](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-118429)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeUpdateFix", "description": "Makes it so that sponges give block updates when absorbing water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-220636](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-220636)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperUpdateFix", "description": "Makes it so that hoppers give block updates when placed while powered", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVOONJ1OY44"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "observerUpdateFix", "description": "Make it so that observers give block updates when retracted and immediately repowered", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-136566](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-136566)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stringTagExploitFix", "description": "Fixes stringtag exploits due to stringtag writeutf() not respecting readutf() limits causing crashes internally", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes ChunkRegen & [MC-134892](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-134892)"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,CRASHFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA", "BUGFIX,CRASHFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA,DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockCollisionCheckFix", "description": "Fixes incorrect block collision checks for players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-123364](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-123364)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fallingBlockDuplicationFix", "description": "Fixes falling blocks duping using the end portal", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DUPE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX,DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockUpdateOrderFix", "description": "Fixes the issue where block updates are inconsistent due to directionality", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Warning! This changes how block updates are done and could effect some contraptions", "Fixes [MC-161402](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-161402)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "comparatorUpdateFix", "description": "Fixes the issue where comparators don't always get updated correctly", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-120986](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-120986)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "updateSuppressionFix", "description": "Prevents update suppression from working. when the stack is reached, the following updates are moved to the next tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,CRASHFIX,RECOMMENDED,DUPE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,CRASHFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "incorrectBounceLogicFix", "description": "Fixes some entities not bouncing on slime blocks and getting stuck", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-216985](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-216985)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "incorrectBubbleColumnLogicFix", "description": "Fixes some entities getting stuck in bubble columns", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-207866](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207866)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "directionalBlockSlowdownFix", "description": "Fixes movement slowdown being calculated based on last block in search. uses the slowest value instead", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-202654](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-202654)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX", "BUGFIX, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "catsBreakLeadsDuringGiftFix", "description": "Fixes cats sometimes breaking there leads after giving a gift", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-202607](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-202607)"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "petsBreakLeadsDuringReloadFix", "description": "Fixes leashed pets teleporting to the player when reloaded", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-173303](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-173303)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanDontUpdateOnPlaceFix", "description": "Fixes enderman not updating the block they place correctly", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-183054](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-183054)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanUselessMinecartTeleportingFix", "description": "Fixes enderman constantly trying to teleport when in a minecart under daylight", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-227008](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-227008)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,VANILLA", "BUGFIX, VANILLA", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "railInvalidUpdateOnPushFix", "description": "Fixes rails updating other rails before checking if they are in a valid location", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-174864](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-174864)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "railMissingUpdateOnPushFix", "description": "Fixes rails not updating other rails on being moved, allowing for invalid states", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Prevents redstone budding from working", "Fixes [MC-123311](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-123311)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "railMissingUpdateAfterPushFix", "description": "Fixes rails not updating other rails after being moved", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-96224](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-96224)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endVoidRingsFix", "description": "Fixes the bug which causes there to be void rings (empty chunks) in the end", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-159283](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-159283)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX, OPTIMIZATION", "BUGFIX,OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mountingFlyingTooLongFix", "description": "Fixes getting kicked for flying too long when jumping and riding an entity", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-98727](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-98727)"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sleepingDelaysFallDamageFix", "description": "Fixes fall damage being delayed by sleeping, fall damage will be removed instead", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-19830](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-19830)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntCantUseNetherPortalsFix", "description": "Fixes tnt entity not being able to go through nether portals", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-8983](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-8983)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fallingBlocksCantUseNetherPortalsFix", "description": "Fixes falling blocks not being able to go through nether portals", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-9644](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-9644)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnChunkEntitiesUnloadingFix", "description": "Fixes spawn chunks not ticking entities and block entities if no player online", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-59134](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-59134)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,VANILLA", "BUGFIX, VANILLA", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "repairCostItemNotStackingFix", "description": "Fixes named blocks not stacking due to useless repaircost tag", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-197473](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-197473)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "drownedEnchantedTridentsFix", "description": "Makes enchantments work on tridents thrown by drowned", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-127321](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-127321)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerBlockCollisionUsingCenterFix", "description": "Fixes multiple bugs related to effects happening only when player center in block instead of hitbox", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-1133](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-1133)"], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "witchHutsSpawnIncorrectCatFix", "description": "Fixes incorrect cat types spawning inside swamp huts", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-147659](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-147659)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,WONTFIX,VANILLA", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED, WONTFIX, VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hardcodedSeaLevelFix", "description": "Fixes incorrect sea level height being used when datapacks change the sea height", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-226687](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-226687)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fishingOutsideWaterFix", "description": "Fixes being able to fish outside of water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-175544](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-175544)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "giveCommandDupeFix", "description": "Fixes being able to dupe items using the /give command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-120507](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-120507)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED, DUPE", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,DUPE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xpOrbCollisionFix", "description": "Fixes experience orbs acting as if flowing lava is a full block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-226961](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-226961)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "conversionFix", "description": "Fixes mob multiple different mob conversions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-88967](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-88967)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "explosionBreaksItemFrameInWaterFix", "description": "Fixes explosions being able to destroy item frames in water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-3697](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-3697)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movingBlocksDestroyPathFix", "description": "Fixes moving blocks from destroying path blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-161026](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-161026)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "witherGolemSpawningFix", "description": "Fixes withers and golems not spawning due to replaceable blocks being in the way", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-60792](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-60792)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,INTENDED,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,INTENDED,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, INTENDED, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "illegalBreakingFix", "description": "Fixes breaking blocks that should not be able to be broken using headless pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Illegal blocks are any blocks that have a hardness value of -1.0F", "Fixes [MC-188220](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-188220)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "headlessPistonFix", "description": "Fixes being able to make and use headless pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-27056](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-27056)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sleepingResetsRainFix", "description": "Fixes the rain timer being reset whenever players sleep", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-63340](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-63340)"], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sleepingResetsThunderFix", "description": "Fixes the thunder timer being reset whenever players sleep", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-222596](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-222596)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "incorrectExplosionExposureFix", "description": "Fixes incorrect explosion exposure calculations", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-232355](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-232355)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED, VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "nbtDataDupeFix", "description": "Fixes /data duping inventories when modifying entity data", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-112826](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-112826)"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA,DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "duplicateBlockUpdatesFix", "description": "Fixes some redstone components send duplicated block updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-231071](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-231071)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL, RECOMMENDED, VANILLA, OPTIMIZATION", "BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA,OPTIMIZATION", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "trapdoorMissingUpdateFix", "description": "Fixes some blocks not popping off when a trapdoor opens", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-157300](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-157300)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "uselessDetectorRailUpdateFix", "description": "Fixes the detector rail giving useless comparator updates on entity collision", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beeStuckInVoidFix", "description": "Fixes bees getting stuck in the void due to gravity being disabled", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-167279](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-167279)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beeDupeFix", "description": "Fixes bees duplicating while trying to load a beehive/beenest in unloaded chunks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-234471](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-234471)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL,DUPE", "BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL, DUPE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "invulnerableEndCrystalFix", "description": "Fixes being able to make permanent invulnerable end crystals", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sculkSensorPrecisionLossFix", "description": "Fixes signal strength being inaccurate and skipping odd signal strengths due to precision loss with distance", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-218222](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-218222)"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creeperPortalFuseResetsFix", "description": "Fixes creepers resetting there fuse duration when travelling through a nether portal after being ignited by flint & steel", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-234754](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-234754)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "soulSpeedIncorrectDamageFix", "description": "Fixes soul speed enchantment from damaging boots when riding a vehicle", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-200991](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-200991)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endCrystalPlacingTooEarlyFix", "description": "Fixes placing end crystals too early doesn't resummon the ender dragon", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-215763](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-215763)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "respawnDragonWithoutAllEndCrystalsFix", "description": "Fixes being able to respawn the ender dragon using only 2 ender crystals instead of the intended 4", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-102774](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-102774)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "treeTrunkLogicFix", "description": "Fixes trees considering the bottom block as a trunk and modifying leaves because of it", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "uselessSelfBlockUpdateFix", "description": "Fixes blocks using updateneighbors() on blocks next to them, making itself get a block update even though it does not accept block updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED, VANILLA, OPTIMIZATION", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA,OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntMinecartExplodesTwiceFix", "description": "Fixes tnt minecarts being able to explode twice, killing their own drops", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "breakAnythingDoorGoalFix", "description": "Fixes zombies & vindicators being able to break any block where a door was", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blackstoneButtonBreakSpeedFix", "description": "Fixes blackstone buttons taking longer then other buttons to break", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-199752](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-199752)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "transparentBlocksNegateEnchantingFix", "description": "Fixes transparent blocks placed between bookshelves and enchanting tables negating bonuses received", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-2474](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-2474)"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chestUsablePastWorldBorderFix", "description": "Fixes chests being accessible outside the world border by placing a chest near it, simply by preventing chests from merging at the world border", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-67844](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-67844)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bedsCanBeInWorldBorderFix", "description": "Fixes being able to place half beds outside of the world border", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-117800](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-117800)"], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemFramePlaysSoundOnReadFix", "description": "Fixes item frames playing a sound when they are read from nbt", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-123450](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-123450)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,VANILLA", "BUGFIX, VANILLA", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "incorrectNbtChecks", "description": "Fixes commands not allowing all nbt tags to work correctly", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-112257](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-112257)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, VANILLA, RECOMMENDED, CREATIVE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,VANILLA,RECOMMENDED,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endPortalRemovesEffectsFix", "description": "Fixes the end portal removing your status effects when going from the overworld to the end", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-6431](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-6431)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "inconsistentRedstoneTorchFix", "description": "Fixes burnt-out redstone torches having inconsistent behavior for turning on again", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-120938](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-120938)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "foxesDropItemsWithLootOffFix", "description": "Fixes gamerule domobloot not effecting foxes from dropping their items", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-153010](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-153010)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "missingStructureCorruptionFix", "description": "Fixes saved worlds corrupting due to missing structures", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-194811](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-194811)"], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,CRASHFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "instantFluidFlowingFix", "description": "Fixes fluids being able to instantly flow!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-215636](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-215636)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "swapGeneralItemDupeFix", "description": "Fixes general item dupe using shadowitems. this stops shadow items from being created!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "saferItemTransfers", "description": "Changes the code to use less copy calls, and instead pass references when possible", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED, DUPE", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,DUPE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sculkSensorBiasFix", "description": "Fixes the sculk sensor have a directional bias with wool occlusion", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-207289](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207289)"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "breakSwapGeneralItemDupeFix", "description": "Fixes general item dupe using ", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED, DUPE", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,DUPE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beeNotLeavingHiveFix", "description": "Fixes bees not leaving the hive in the end & nether due to weather conditions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-168329](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-168329)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hangingEntityTriggersTrapsFix", "description": "Fixes item frames & paintings being able to interact with pressure plates & tripwire hooks, causing them to not de-power", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-82055](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-82055)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "boatsTakeFallDamageFix", "description": "Fixes boats breaking and giving fall damage under certain circumstances", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-119369](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-119369)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "boatsDontTakeFallDamageFix", "description": "Fixes boats not being destroyed by fall damage", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-98160](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-98160)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedPoweredRails", "description": "Makes rails faster by removing most updates on themselves, duplicate updates, and doing rail search internally", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This probobly changes some rail behavior although so far does not seem to do so. Does change amount of block updates tho"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,OPTIMIZATION", "OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "unstackableJukeboxFix", "description": "Fixes jukebox item stacks setting nbt and not stacking with others after placing", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-216362](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-216362)"], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedTicketManager", "description": "Initial made for lithium, although was not exactly vanilla behavior. this is a very small optimization!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,OPTIMIZATION", "OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "buriedTreasureAlwaysCenterFix", "description": "Fixes buried treasure always generating in the center of a chunk", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-227443](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-227443)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reinforcementsOnlySpawnZombiesFix", "description": "Fixes reinforcements only spawn zombies", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-14800](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-14800)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "incorrectFallDamageFix", "description": "Fixes incorrect fall distance calculations causing fall distance to build up over time on leads", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-14167](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-14167)"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voidKillsloyaltyTridentsFix", "description": "Fixes the void killing loyalty tridents, even though they should come back to the player", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-125755](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-125755)"], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,INTENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanLowerPiercingFix", "description": "Fixes piercing projectiles lowering there projectile when 'hitting' an enderman", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-145557](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-145557)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "projectileNotDetectedOnPlaceFix", "description": "Fixes placing a button/pressure plate inside of a projectile not activating it", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-209284](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-209284)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "arrowEffectsBypassTotemsFix", "description": "Fixes arrows of harming bypassing totems of undying", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-206307](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-206307)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oldTargetBlockPermanentlyPowered", "description": "Re-introduces target blocks being permanently powered when moved by pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Backports [MC-173244](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-173244)"], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oldLightningRodPermanentlyPowered", "description": "Re-introduces lightning rods being permanently powered when moved by pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Backports [MC-203718](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-203718)"], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oldPortalGeneralItemDupe", "description": "Re-introduces general item dupe using dolphins, and some other dimension change dupes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oldFlintAndSteelBehavior", "description": "Re-introduces 1.12 flint and steel behavior. flint and steel can be used for updating observers / buds", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Backports [MC-4923](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-4923)"], "branches": ["1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oldDonkeyRidingDupe", "description": "Re-introduces multiplayer donkey/llama dupe bug based on disconnecting while riding donkey/llama", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Backports [MC-181241](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-181241) from 18w05a", "This has not been tested in 1.17 and may not work!"], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,BACKPORT,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lightningKillsDropsFix", "description": "Lightning kills the items that drop when lightning kills an entity", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Setting to true will prevent lightning from killing drops", "Fixes [MC-206922](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-206922)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doubleRetraction", "description": "Re-adds 1.8 double retraction to pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Gives pistons the ability to double retract without side effects", "Fixes [MC-88959](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-88959)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES, BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "repeaterPriorityFix", "description": "Quick pulses won't get lost in repeater setups", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Probably brings back pre 1.8 behaviour.", "Fixes [MC-54711](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-54711)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "railDuplicationFix", "description": "Fixes rails duplicating", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DUPE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX,DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pistonDupingFix", "description": "Disable tnt, carpet and part of rail dupers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Attachment block update based dupers will do nothing and redstone component update based dupers can no longer keep their duped block", "Implementation by Carpet-TIS-Addition - Dupe bad dig good"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DUPE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX,DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "carpetFixesPreset", "description": "This rule allows you to change all carpet-fixes rules at the same time!", "type": "PresetSettings", "value": "CUSTOM", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": ["vanilla", "backport", "crashfix", "stability", "notbackports", "all", "custom"], "extras": ["Vanilla: All rules set to there default value", "CrashFix: Only rules that fix Crashes are enabled", "Stability: Rules that make the game stable", "All: Enable all rules", "Custom: Default (Does not change commands)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES"], "validators": []}, {"name": "worldgenIncorrectOrderFix", "description": "Fixes world modifying tasks to be before decorations [lakes]", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Warning! This is extremely unstable and modifies vanilla mechanics. Should be enabled before stating the server!", "Fixes [MC-610](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-610)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chunkRegenFix", "description": "Fixes chunk regen due to stringtag writeutf() not respecting readutf() limits", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes ChunkRegen & [MC-134892](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-134892)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,CRASHFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "zombiePiglinTracingFix", "description": "Tracing the target to another dimension does not stop checking for visibility, so that many unnecessary chunks are loaded", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-202249](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-202249)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,CRASHFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "targetBlockPermanentlyPoweredFix", "description": "Fixes target blocks being permanently powered when moved by pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-173244](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-173244)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "portalGeneralItemDupeFix", "description": "Fixes general item dupe using dolphins, and some other dimension change dupes", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerTeleportFix", "description": "Shulkers do not teleport correctly when going through a portal.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixed [MC-139265](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-139265)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "drownedMemoryLeakFix", "description": "Fixes drowned navigation causing memory leak/performance degradation", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixed [MC-202246](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-202246)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BACKPORT,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerBoxItemsDropContents", "description": "Backport dropping the contents of a shulker box item when its item entity is destroyed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixed [MC-176615](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-176615)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "donkeyRidingDupeFix", "description": "Re-introduces multiplayer donkey/llama dupe bug based on disconnecting while riding donkey/llama", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixed [MC-181241](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-181241)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "targetBlockUpdateFix", "description": "Fixes target blocks not giving shape updates when retracted and immediately repowered", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "extendedBlockUpdateOrderFix", "description": "Changes block updates that go 2 blocks out, so they have the same block update order", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Changes extended block update order from YZX to XZY", "Warning! This changes how some block updates are done and could effect some contraptions"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "entityBlockCollisionUsingCenterFix", "description": "Fixes multiple bugs related to effects happening only when the entity center is in the block instead of hitbox", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-1133](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-1133)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "foxesDisregardPowderSnowFix", "description": "Fixes foxes not respecting powder snow as a snow like block, therefore powder snow would not have the same effect as snow does", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-230660](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-230660)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voidKillsLoyaltyTridentsFix", "description": "Fixes the void killing loyalty tridents, even though they should come back to the player", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-125755](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-125755)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, INTENDED", "BUGFIX,INTENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobsConvertingWithoutBlocksFix", "description": "Fixes mobs continuing to convert even if the block is no longer there", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-227250](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-227250)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobsIgnoreOwnerOnPickupFix", "description": "Fixes mobs ignoring 'owner' when picking up loot", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-120578](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-120578)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "redstoneComponentUpdateOrderOnBreakFix", "description": "Fixes redstone torch/repeater/comparator update order when being broken, causing incorrect update order", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-157644](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-157644)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fallingBlockTeleportingFix", "description": "Fixes falling blocks not behaving as expected when being teleported", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-151488](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-151488)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "velocitySeparateAxisCancellingFix", "description": "Fixes player velocity on x and z axis being cancelled separately at low values", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-241951](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-241951)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "BUGFIX, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "armorStandMissingFunctionalityFix", "description": "Fixes armorstands losing functionality due to 'optimizations'", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["The marker tag will still prevent interaction though", "[MC-244956](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-244956)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanTeleportWithoutAIFix", "description": "Fixes enderman teleporting when they have the noai tag", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-65668](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-65668)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,WONTFIX", "BUGFIX, WONTFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "redstoneRedirectionMissingUpdateFix", "description": "Fixes redstone redirection missing updates on redirecting", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-3703](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-3703)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pistonsPushWaterloggedBlocksFix", "description": "Fixes being able to push waterlogged blocks while retaining the waterlogged state using a short pulse", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-130183](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-130183)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tileDropsAffectedByFloatingPointFix", "description": "Fixes tile drops at the world border spawning at the wrong location", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Relates to [MC-4](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-4)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "entityRandomCrackingFix", "description": "Fixes players being able to crack there player seed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This makes it so random is shared between all entities. Which is a good performance boost", "recommended that you set this on permanently, and restart the server for best results"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "worldBorderCollisionRoundingFix", "description": "Fixes world border collision rounding to blocks for entity collisions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-88482](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-88482)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, INTENDED", "BUGFIX,INTENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "detectorRailOffsetUpdateFix", "description": "Fixes comparator signal ending prematurely due to offset block updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-247420](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-247420)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "placeBlocksOutsideWorldBorderFix", "description": "Fixes being able to place blocks outside of the world border", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-63578](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-63578)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "incorrectPistonWorldBorderCheckFix", "description": "Fixes pistons being able to push blocks outside of the world border", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-82010](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-82010)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "explosionsBypassWorldBorderFix", "description": "Fixes explosions being able to destroy blocks outside of the world border", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-54606](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-54606)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerStepEventFix", "description": "Fixes players sending the step event before the hit_ground event", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-247417](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-247417)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "projectileMissingOcclusionFix", "description": "Fixes projectiles sending the projectile_land event when landing on a vibration occluding block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-208771](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-208771)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "boatMissingOcclusionFix", "description": "Fixes boats sending the splash event when ridden over a vibration occluding block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-208597](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-208597)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnEggOffsetEventFix", "description": "Fixes spawn eggs having an offset game event when spawning an entity", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-247643](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-247643)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnEggMissingOcclusionFix", "description": "Fixes spawning entities using spawn eggs on vibration occluding blocks not occluding", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-247645](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-247645)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, INTENDED", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnEggMissingEventFix", "description": "Fixes spawning entities using spawn eggs on entities not creating entity_place game event", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-214472](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-214472)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "minecartMissingOcclusionFix", "description": "Fixes minecarts sending the entity_place event when placed on a vibration occluding block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-213823](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-213823)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagerDiscountIgnoresOfflinePlayersFix", "description": "Fixes villagers not giving a discount if you log out while they are being cured", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-247647](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-247647)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "foxesGoToOriginDuringThunderFix", "description": "Fixes foxes pathfinding to origin (0,0) during a thunderstorm", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-179916](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-179916)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagerToWitchBedOccupiedFix", "description": "Fixes villagers converting to witches while sleeping, not changing the bed occupancy", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-167242](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-167242)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reloadUpdateOrderFix", "description": "Fixes reload update order for tile entities", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes instant wires randomly breaking - Effective after chunk reload.", "Fixes [MC-89146](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-89146)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pistonReloadInconsistencyFix", "description": "Fixes piston lastprogress not being set correctly", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Related to [MC-89146](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-89146)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, NBT", "BUGFIX,NBT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "armorStandNegateLavaDamageFix", "description": "Fixes armor stands not taking damage in lava", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-199210](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-199210)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "armorStandNegateCactusDamageFix", "description": "Fixes armor stands not being damaged by cactus", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-224420](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-224420)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "armorStandNegateAnvilDamageFix", "description": "Fixes armor stands not being damaged by anvils", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-203302](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-203302)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tripwireNotDisarmingFix", "description": "Fixes tripwires not being disarmed correctly", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-129055](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-129055)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "powderedSnowOpacityFix", "description": "Fixes powder snow letting light pass through it", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-205044](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-205044)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, INTENDED", "BUGFIX,INTENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "invisibleHopperFix", "description": "Fixes hoppers being invisible when placed next to a powered block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["It fixes clients not being able to see the hopper"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, CLIENT, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "velocityNotCancelledFix", "description": "Fixes jumping always favors x axis, and having z collision restoring x velocity", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-146854](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-146854)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blueWitherSkullNotSavedFix", "description": "Fixes wither skull projectiles not saving if its charged/blue in there nbt", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-81656](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-81656)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, NBT", "BUGFIX,NBT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "incorrectBlockPosDistanceFix", "description": "Fixes blockpos distance calculations being offset, resulting in them being directional & incorrect", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-248225](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-248225)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tagKeyMemoryLeakFix", "description": "Fixes a memory leak within the new tagkey system", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-248621](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-248621)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,CRASHFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "nocomExploitFix", "description": "Prevents the nocom exploit from being able to crash the server", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["There is a fabric mod that is able to do this in vanilla!"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, CRASHFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,CRASHFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "structureManagerCantLoadSnbtFix", "description": "Fixes the structure manager not being able to load snbt versions of nbt files", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This makes it possible for structure blocks to load snbt files also.", "Should not be used in survival or for datapacks, since its slower than nbt"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, CREATIVE", "BUGFIX,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stepAndDestroyBlockGoalUsesOriginFix", "description": "Fixes the stepanddestroyblockgoal using the origin without first checking if its valid", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperMinecartSlowerAtOriginFix", "description": "Fixes hopper minecarts being 4x slower at [0,0,0]", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "nonSolidBlocksBreakCactusIfPushedFix", "description": "Fixes cactus breaking when moving a non-solid block next to them with a piston", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-160095](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-160095)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobsSpawnOnMovingPistonsFix", "description": "Fixes mobs being able to spawn on moving pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "geodeLavalogFix", "description": "Fixes an edge case within geodes where it will waterlog a block next to lava, due to missing fluid check", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "crossDimensionTeleportLosesStatsFix", "description": "Fixes client stats being lost when teleporting between dimensions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-124177](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-124177)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "inhabitedTimeFix", "description": "Fixes inhabitedtime not always updating in some chunks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-127407](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-127407)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableCoralFanFix", "description": "Fixes coral being movable. controversial fix - if you don't like it, don't use it xd", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-133541](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-133541)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "potionEffectsAffectDeadEntitiesFix", "description": "Fixes dying entities being affected by splash potion effects and area effect clouds", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-114761](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-114761)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chorusFruitFallDamageFix", "description": "Fixes chorus fruits item not resetting fall damage on teleport", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-112133](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-112133)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "comparatorSkipsBlockedChestFix", "description": "Fixes comparators being unable to get the signal strength from a blocked chest", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-100302](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-100302)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "brewingResetsOnUnloadFix", "description": "Fixes brewing stands resetting there brewtime when being unloaded", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-26304](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-26304)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntExtendedHitboxClipFix", "description": "Fixes tnt being created in extended hitboxes causing tnt to clip through them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-12730](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-12730)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntMinecartTerribleCollisionFix", "description": "Fixes tnt minecarts blowing up when basically turning any rail while next to a block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-7464](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-7464)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tridentFallingDamageFix", "description": "Fixes tridents not dealing damage after having been in a block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-130151](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-130151)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "daylightSensorPlacementFix", "description": "Fixes daylight sensors not setting there power state when placed by a player", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-156867](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-156867)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "comparatorTransparencyFix", "description": "Fixes comparators not being able to get containers through opaque full blocks like pistons & observers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, PARITY", "BUGFIX,PARITY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanAvoidProjectilesInVehicleFix", "description": "Fixes enderman doing teleporting effects and sounds and avoiding projectiles while in a vehicle", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-183446](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-183446)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanPainfulTeleportFix", "description": "Fixes enderman teleporting away during damage, making other damage systems believe the enderman got hurt. such as wither skulls applying wither", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-186119](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-186119)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "badVillagerPyrotechnicsFix", "description": "Fixes villagers being hurt by there own fireworks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-195326](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-195326)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "projectileGoalTargetsDeadEntitiesFix", "description": "Fixes the projectileattackgoal targetting dead entities", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-165516](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-165516)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderDragonDoesntDropBlocksFix", "description": "Fixes the enderdragon not dropping the blocks it breaks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-220519](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-220519)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnInsideGatewayFix", "description": "Fixes the end gateway teleport check using blocks that should be invalid as valid for teleporting", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-193421](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-193421)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sweepingIgnoresFireAspectFix", "description": "Fixes sweeping edge not applying fire aspect", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-93669](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-93669)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "snowGolemAttackCreepersFix", "description": "Fixes snow golem attacking creepers, resulting in there death", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-73964](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-73964)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerBoxMissingUpdateFix", "description": "Fixes shulker box missing a block update", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-190815](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-190815)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "viewerCountNegativesFix", "description": "Fixes the viewer count for some inventories (chest, ender chest, barrel) being able to go into the negatives", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-229680](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-229680)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bedTeleportExploitFix", "description": "Fixes a 8x teleport exploit using beds", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "recordWorldEventFix", "description": "Fixes record world events being sent at the wrong time, causing multiple disks to play at the same time", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-112245](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-112245)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dripstoneSkipsEntityCheckFix", "description": "Fixes pointed dripstone skipping the entity check", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-206599](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-206599)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doubleBlocksSkipEntityCheckFix", "description": "Fixes double blocks like beds & doors from skipping the entity check", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-123619](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-123619)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "selfHarmFix", "description": "Fixes mobs attacking themselves. self-harm should not be taught to kids ;)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-110386](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-110386)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobsAttackThroughBlocksFix", "description": "Fixes mobs being able to hit entities through blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This might have an impact on performance, although shouldn't be that bad", "[MC-2310](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-2310)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beesFearRainFix", "description": "Fixes bees being able to feel none-existing rain", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-178119](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-178119)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "convertConvertingZombieVillagersFix", "description": "Fixes being able to start the conversion of zombie villagers while they are already converting", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-166984](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-166984)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pistonsPushTooFarFix", "description": "Fixes pistons pushing entities too far due to the offset", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beesDropLikeBouldersFix", "description": "Fixes bees just not flying when spawning due to navigation not being set", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-190042](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-190042)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "followParentGoalBreaksMovementFix", "description": "Fixes the follow parent goal not setting the movement control, causing babies to move incorrectly", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-149838](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-149838)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "leashKnotNotUpdatingOnBreakFix", "description": "Fixes leash not updating when mobs break there leashes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-16663](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-16663)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bucketableMobsNotDetachingLeashesFix", "description": "Fixes leashes not being detached on mobs being put in a bucket. so you don't get your leash back", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-229057](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-229057)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "snowmanCreateSnowWhileFloatingFix", "description": "Fixes snowman creating snow while not touching the ground", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-214344](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-214344)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sheepEatGrassThroughBlocksFix", "description": "Fixes sheep being able to eat grass through full blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-76490](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-76490)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ocelotsAndCatsTryToFleeInVehicleFix", "description": "Fixes ocelots and cats trying to flee from the player while being stuck in a vehicle like a boat", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-53721](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-53721)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeEnchantingCostsExperienceFix", "description": "Fixes enchanting in creative mode still deducting experience", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-12656](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-12656)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, CREATIVE", "BUGFIX,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "boatsCreatedTooHighFix", "description": "Fixes boats created from dispensers spawning more then half a block higher then the water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "boatsStuckInDispensersFix", "description": "Fixes boats getting created within the dispenser that created them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-1310](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-1310)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "armorStandsCantRideVehiclesFix", "description": "Fixes armor stands not being able to ride vehicles", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-90923](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-90923)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "markerArmorStandsTriggerBlocksFix", "description": "Fixes marker armor stands being able to trigger traps such as pressure plates, and string", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-135809](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-135809)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "markerArmorStandsCreateBubblesFix", "description": "Fixes marker armor stands creating bubbles in water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-78314](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-78314)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beaconsAlwaysPlaySoundOnBreakFix", "description": "Fixes beacons always playing the depowering sound when broken even if it was not powered", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-153086](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-153086)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fallingBlockDamageIsOffsetFix", "description": "Fixes falling block damage bounding box being offset", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-203302](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-203302)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hungerGoesDownInPeacefulFix", "description": "Fixes hunger depleting in peaceful mode", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-31819](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-31819)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beesSwimInWaterAndDieFix", "description": "Fixes bees trying to swim in water causing them to die", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Bees must be reloaded for the fix to take place", "[MC-190261](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-190261)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hoppersSelectMinecartsRandomlyFix", "description": "Fixes hoppers choosing a random minecart, resulting in slower item transfers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-124099](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-124099)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "jukeboxDiscItemOffsetOnBreakFix", "description": "Fixes jukebox not spawning disc in the center of the block when broken", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-166032](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-166032)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "deathTimeCorruptsMobsFix", "description": "Fixes mobs with a deathtime higher then 19 causing entities to never die", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-84873](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-84873)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "witchAndCatSpawnMergedFix", "description": "Fixes witches & cats spawning inside of each other, by shifting the cat over by another block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-163503](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-163503)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "iceWaterSkipsWaterloggedFix", "description": "Fixes ice not turning to water when broken by a player if the block below is waterlogged", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-206185](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-206185)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "duplicateEntityUUIDFix", "description": "Fixes entities created with duplicate uuid's", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-137370](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-137370)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "giantTreesHaveExtraLogFix", "description": "Fixes giant trees creating an extra single log at the top corner", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cantJumpOffBlockWhenSneakingFix", "description": "Fixes players unable to jump off the edge of blocks while sneaking and having a block above them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-197647](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-197647)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "projectileKeepsVelocityFix", "description": "Fixes projectiles keeping there velocity", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-198908](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-198908)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doorBreakNotStoppedOnDeathFix", "description": "Fixes breakdoorgoal not stopping on entity death, leading to cracks that stay for a while", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-185597](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-185597)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shipwreckChunkBorderIssuesFix", "description": "Fixes shipwrecks having different block palettes and heights between chunk borders", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-131745](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-131745)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noteBlockNotPoweredOnPlaceFix", "description": "Fixes note blocks not setting there powered state when placed by a player", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "zeroDamageHurtsWolvesFix", "description": "Fixes wolves getting hurt from damage that should not hurt, such as snowballs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-72151](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-72151)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "absorptionStaysWithoutHeartsFix", "description": "Fixes absorption effect not going away even after the absorption hearts are gone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-202432](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-202432)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "brokenHiddenStatusEffectFix", "description": "Fixes broken status effect logic resulting in hidden status effects not running onremove() or", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-182497](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-182497)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "powderSnowOnlySlowIfFeetInBlockFix", "description": "Fixes powder snow only slowing down players when there feet are in the block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-205242](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-205242)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lavaCalculatesWrongFireStateFix", "description": "Fixes lava creating fire with incorrect block states", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-250048](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-250048)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voidTradingFix", "description": "Fixes void trading", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["The ability to trade with a villager in unloaded chunks allowing for infinite trading"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tradeDemandDecreasesIndefinitelyFix", "description": "Fixes villager trade demand decreases indefinitely", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-163962](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-163962)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "unableToModifyPlayerDataFix", "description": "Fixes not being able to use /data on players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-122102](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-122102)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL, INTENDED", "BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL,INTENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "wrongPressurePlateHitboxFix", "description": "Fixes the pressure plate hitbox not matching the model", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-248753](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-248753)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "merchantTradePacketExceptionFix", "description": "Fixes an arrayindexoutofboundsexception error within the merchant trade packet", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-200000](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-200000)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "eatCakeFromAllSidesFix", "description": "Fixes cakes being eaten from all sides", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-249685](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-249685)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "missingObserverUpdatesFix", "description": "Fixes some events / actions not triggering observers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-107664](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-107664)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pistonUpdateOrderIsLocationalFix", "description": "Fixes pistons pulling/pushing blocks using a hashmap causing order to be locational", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-233420](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-233420)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "slowedEntityGoalsFix", "description": "Fixes an optimization in 1.18 changing the behaviour of many goals even though mojang said it would change nothing", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This bug results in many goals being slower"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "entityGrowingUpCollisionClippingFix", "description": "Fixes entities growing up still clipping through walls if they have a collision above them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Suggested fix by __MethodZz__ from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tg5eQk6P-NQ"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noAIStriderGetsColdFix", "description": "Fixes striders with noai still getting cold", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-176081](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-176081)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobsTargetDeadEntitiesFix", "description": "Fixes mobs that fight as a group targeting dead entities, leading to many bugs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-183990](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-183990)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "frictionlessEntitiesFix", "description": "Fixes frictionless goats, currently requires to be modified per mob", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-228273](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-228273)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "obsidianPlatformDestroysBlocksFix", "description": "Fixes the end obsidian platform breaking blocks above the platform every time you travel to the end", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-902](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-902)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "grindstonesNotMovableFix", "description": "Fixes grindstones not being movable", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-140498](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-140498)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "depthStriderSlowsRiptideFix", "description": "Fixes depth strider slowing down riptide, causing riptide to be slower in water and messing up the launching", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-136249](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-136249)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, CLIENT", "BUGFIX,CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "teleportPastWorldBorderFix", "description": "Fixes enderman, chorus fruit, and some other teleports from teleporting past the world border", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-106416](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-106416)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "grassSnowLayersFix", "description": "Fixes grass turning to dirt if more then 1 snow layer is on top of it.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-150654](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-150654)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lavaIgnoresBubbleColumnFix", "description": "Fixes lava not being able to convert bubble columns to stone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-137713](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-137713)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "directionalMinecartCollisionFix", "description": "Fixes minecart colliding when standing still", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-14850](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-14850)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "minecartWontBounceFix", "description": "Fixes minecart not bouncing from any transparent block with a full face", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-6311](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-6311)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "detectorRailDetectsTooEarlyFix", "description": "Fixes detector rails detecting the minecarts to early and causing minecarts to go in the wrong direction", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-868](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-868)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "detectorRailsDontPowerDiagonallyFix", "description": "Fixes detector rails not powering powered rails diagonally", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-3430](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-3430)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reinforcementsSpawnOffCenteredFix", "description": "Fixes zombie type reinforcements spawning off centered instead of centered on a block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-114016](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-114016)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "turtleEggWrongCollisionCheckFix", "description": "Fixes being able to step on turtle eggs without colliding with the collision shape", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-132187](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-132187)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pointedDripstoneWrongCollisionFix", "description": "Fixes being hurt by pointed dripstone when landing on the block above", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-248947](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-248947)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bedLandingWrongCollisionFix", "description": "Fixes being able to land on a trapdoor on top of a bed and get less fall damage even though you haven't touched the bed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-248947](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-248947)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "paletteCopyDataCorruptionFix", "description": "Fixes palette copy() using the same `listener` which can cause data corruption", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Warning! Some mods might actually use this bug as part of there design. Use this to test if your mod is affected!", "[MC-251664](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-251664)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, MODDED", "BUGFIX,MODDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pistonsPushEntitiesBehindThemFix", "description": "Fixes pistons pushing entities behind it, which was the original cause of the item frame dupe", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This only fixes modded pistons that use different speeds!"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, MODDED", "BUGFIX,MODDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tallGrassWaterWontSpreadFix", "description": "Fixes tall grass not spreading water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-130890](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-130890)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedRounding", "description": "Changes math.round to a faster implementation. although it does not give the exact same results", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This does not affect many things and will most likely be unnoticeable. It is ~1.28x faster"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedHypot", "description": "Changes mathhelper.hypot to a faster implementation. it gives nearly perfectly accurate results", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Currently only effect chunks blending so will likely be unnoticeable. It is ~1.6x faster", "recommended that you set this on permanently, and restart the server for best results"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedRandom", "description": "Changes many of the main random() calls to use xoroshiro128++ instead", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This will break anything related to random, technically still possible to crack*", "recommended that you set this on permanently, and restart the server for best results"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedBiomeAccess", "description": "Optimized the getbiome call to be 25% - 75% faster", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This is a fully vanilla optimization. This can optimize the client also"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["OPTIMIZATION, VANILLA, CLIENT, RECOMMENDED", "OPTIMIZATION,VANILLA,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedRecipeManager", "description": "Optimized the recipemanager getfirstmatch call to be up to 3x faster", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This is a fully vanilla optimization. Improves: [Blast]Furnace/Campfire/Smoker/Stonecutter/Crafting/Sheep Color Choosing", "This was mostly made for the auto crafting table, since the performance boost is much more visible while using that mod"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["OPTIMIZATION, VANILLA, CLIENT, RECOMMENDED", "OPTIMIZATION,VANILLA,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedFurnaces", "description": "Optimized the furnace code drastically. improving expensive checks, and expensive recipe lookups", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This is a fully vanilla optimization. Improves: Furnace, Blast Furnace, Smoker, & any furnace extension", "This is incredibly visible in modded scenarios"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["OPTIMIZATION,VANILLA,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stringDupeFix", "description": "Fixes a string dupe using water & tripwire hooks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-59471](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-59471)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DUPE", "BUGFIX,DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tripwireHookDupeFix", "description": "Fixes a tripwire hook dupe using doors & trapdoors", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DUPE", "BUGFIX,DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "horseDupeFix", "description": "Fixes a donkey/llama/horse dupe that is possible by using a client-side mod", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceTargetBlockPermanentlyPowered", "description": "Re-introduces target blocks being permanently powered when moved by pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Reverts [MC-173244](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-173244)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceLightningRodPermanentlyPowered", "description": "Re-introduces lightning rods being permanently powered when moved by pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Reverts [MC-203718](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-203718)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroducePortalGeneralItemDupe", "description": "Re-introduces general item dupe using dolphins, and some other dimension change dupes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE,DUPE", "REINTRODUCE, DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceFlintAndSteelBehavior", "description": "Re-introduces 1.12 flint and steel behavior. flint and steel can be used for updating observers / buds", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Reverts [MC-4923](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-4923)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceDonkeyRidingDupe", "description": "Re-introduces multiplayer donkey/llama dupe bug based on disconnecting while riding donkey/llama", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Reverts [MC-181241](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-181241) from 18w05a", "This has not been tested in 1.18 and may not work!"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE, EXPERIMENTAL, DUPE", "REINTRODUCE,EXPERIMENTAL,DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceItemShadowing", "description": "Re-introduces item shadowing!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[PR0CESS's Video](https://youtu.be/i8_FPyn20ns)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE,DUPE", "REINTRODUCE, DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceZeroTickFarms", "description": "Re-introduces zero tick farms", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Reverts [MC-113809](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-113809)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceOnlyAutoSaveSaving", "description": "Re-introduces only saving during autosaves instead of any time", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Reverts 'saving chunks whenever there is time spare to reduce autosave spikes' from 20w12a", "This makes your hard drive work overtime, so people with slow drives might suffer from this. This fixes that!"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceVeryAggressiveSaving", "description": "Re-introduces very aggressive saving by removing the chunk save cooldown that was added in 22w05a", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["For obvious reasons, this does not work when `reIntroduceOnlyAutoSaveSaving` is enabled"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceFallingBlockEntityPhase", "description": "Re-introduces falling blocks giving block updates during the entity phase changed in 22w03a", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroducePistonTranslocation", "description": "Re-introduces piston translocation from 1.10", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceProperGoalTimings", "description": "Re-introduces or better said, reverts an optimization made in 21w39a that broken many entity goal", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Technically this was an optimization so enabling this rule will most likely come at a performance cost!"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxChunksSavedPerAutoSave", "description": "Allows you to change the max amount of chunks that can save per autosave", "type": "int", "value": "200", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": ["300", "200", "100", "50"], "extras": ["If your server has large lag spikes due to chunk saving"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED,OPTIMIZATION", "ADVANCED, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxChunksSavedPerTick", "description": "Allows you to change the max amount of chunks that can save per tick for the 1.18 chunk saving system", "type": "int", "value": "20", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": ["100", "50", "20", "10"], "extras": ["This is for the system which just attempt to save chunks every tick. Max chunks saved per tick"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED,OPTIMIZATION", "ADVANCED, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "delayBetweenAutoSaves", "description": "Allows you to change the delay between autosaves in ticks", "type": "int", "value": "6000", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": ["12000", "6000", "3600", "1200"], "extras": ["Shortening this number will make your server save more often which will also spread the load on the server"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED,OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxTickLatency", "description": "Allows you to change max tick delay before a task is cancelled", "type": "int", "value": "3", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": ["12", "6", "3", "1"], "extras": ["Lower value raises the task leniency. Basically lower number means higher chance of success"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "statusUpdateDelay", "description": "Allows you to change how long the server player list wait before updating", "type": "long", "value": "5000000000L", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": ["60000000000", "10000000000", "5000000000", "1000000000"], "extras": ["delay is in nanoseconds. Default is 5 seconds (5000000000) [1m,10s,5s,1s]"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "toggleOnlineMode", "description": "Allows you to toggle onlinemode without needing to restart the server", "type": "boolean", "value": "isOnlineMode()", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED,EXPERIMENTAL", "ADVANCED, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "togglePreventProxyConnections", "description": "Allows you to toggle preventing proxy connections without needing to restart the server", "type": "boolean", "value": "shouldPreventProxyConnections()", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED,EXPERIMENTAL", "ADVANCED, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "togglePvpEnabled", "description": "Allows you to toggle pvpenabled without needing to restart the server", "type": "boolean", "value": "isPvpEnabled()", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED", "ADVANCED, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "toggleFlightEnabled", "description": "Allows you to toggle flightenabled without needing to restart the server", "type": "boolean", "value": "isFlightEnabled()", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED", "ADVANCED, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "toggleEnforceWhitelist", "description": "Allows you to toggle enforcing the whitelist without needing to restart the server", "type": "boolean", "value": "isEnforceWhitelist()", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED", "ADVANCED, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chunkSaveCooldownDelay", "description": "Allows you to change the chunk save cooldown added in 22w05a", "type": "int", "value": "10000", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": ["120000", "60000", "10000", "1000", "0"], "extras": ["Set to 10s by default, this is the delay between chunks aggressively saving", "If your server has large lag spikes due to chunk saving, you can raise this number.", "For obvious reasons, this rule is disabled when `reIntroduceVeryAggressiveSaving` is enabled"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED,OPTIMIZATION", "ADVANCED, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "parityRandomBlockUpdates", "description": "Makes block update order random", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["PARITY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "parityMovableLightBlocks", "description": "Allows pistons to push and pull light blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["PARITY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "parityTerribleComparators", "description": "Comparators no longer output level 15 if the full block its reading from is powered if there is a container behind it", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Relates to [MC-64394](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-64394)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["PARITY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "announceAdvancements", "description": "Announce advancements", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether advancements should be announced in chat"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, CHAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandBlockOutput", "description": "Broadcast command block output", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether command blocks should notify admins when they perform commands"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, CHAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableElytraMovementCheck", "description": "Disable elytra movement check", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the server should skip checking player speed when the player is wearing elytra. Often helps with jittering due to lag in multiplayer"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableRaids", "description": "Disable raids", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether raids are disabled"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doDaylightCycle", "description": "Advance time of day", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the daylight cycle and moon phases progress"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, WORLD_UPDATES"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doEntityDrops", "description": "Drop entity equipment", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Controls drops from minecarts (including inventories)"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, DROPS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doFireTick", "description": "Update fire", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether fire should spread and naturally extinguish"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, WORLD_UPDATES"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doImmediateRespawn", "description": "Respawn immediately", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Players respawn immediately without showing the death screen"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doInsomnia", "description": "Spawn phantoms", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether phantoms can spawn in the nighttime"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, SPAWNING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doLimitedCrafting", "description": "Require recipe for crafting", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If enabled"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doMobLoot", "description": "Drop mob loot", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Controls resource drops from mobs"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, DROPS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doMobSpawning", "description": "Spawn mobs", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Some entities might have seperate rules. Does not affect monster spawners"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, SPAWNING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doPatrolSpawning", "description": "Spawn pillager patrols", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether pillager patrols can spawn"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, SPAWNING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doTileDrops", "description": "Drop blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Controls resource drops from blocks"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, DROPS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doTraderSpawning", "description": "Spawn wandering traders", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether wandering traders can spawn"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, SPAWNING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doWeatherCycle", "description": "Update weather", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the weather can change naturally. The `/weather` command can still change weather"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, WORLD_UPDATES"], "validators": []}, {"name": "drowningDamage", "description": "Deal drowning damage", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the player should take damage when drowning"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fallDamage", "description": "Deal fall damage", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the player should take fall damage"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fireDamage", "description": "Deal fire damage", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the player should take damage in fire"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "forgiveDeadPlayers", "description": "Forgive dead players", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Angered neutral mobs stop being angry when the targeted player dies nearby"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "freezeDamage", "description": "Deal freeze damage", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the player should take damage when inside powder snow"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "keepInventory", "description": "Keep inventory after death", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the player should keep items and experience in their inventory after death"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "logAdminCommands", "description": "Broadcast admin commands", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether to log admin commands to server log"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, CHAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxCommandChainLength", "description": "Command chain size limit", "type": "int", "value": "65536", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": false, "options": ["65536"], "extras": ["The maximum length of a chain of commands that can be executed during one tick. Applies to command blocks and functions"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, MISC"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxEntityCramming", "description": "Entity cramming threshold", "type": "int", "value": "24", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "12", "24", "100"], "extras": ["The maximum number of pushable entities a mob or player can push, before taking 3 suffocation damage per half-second.", "Setting to 0 or lower disables the rule.", "Damage affects survival-mode or adventure-mode players, and all mobs but bats. Pushable entities include non-spectator-mode players, any mob except bats, as well as boats and minecarts."], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobGriefing", "description": "Allow destructive mob actions", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether creepers, zombies, endermen, ghasts, withers, ender dragons, rabbits, sheep, villagers, silverfish, snow golems, and end crystals should be able to change blocks and whether mobs can pick up items, which also disables bartering", "This also affects the capability of zombie-like creatures like zombified piglins and drowned to pathfind to turtle eggs"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "naturalRegeneration", "description": "Regenerate health", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the player can regenerate health naturally if their hunger is full enough", "Doesn't affect external healing, such as golden apples, the Regeneration effect, etc."], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playersSleepingPercentage", "description": "Sleep percentage", "type": "int", "value": "100", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "25", "50", "75", "100"], "extras": ["The percentage of players who must be sleeping to skip the night"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "randomTickSpeed", "description": "Random tick speed rate", "type": "int", "value": "3", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "3", "30", "300", "3000", "4096"], "extras": ["How often a random block tick occurs (such as plant growth, leaf decay, etc.) per chunk section per game tick", "0 and negative values disables random ticks, higher numbers increase random ticks", "Setting to a high integer results in high speeds of decay and growth", "Numbers over 4096 make plant growth or leaf decay instantaneous"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, WORLD_UPDATES"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reducedDebugInfo", "description": "Reduce debug info", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Limits contents of debug screen"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, MISC"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sendCommandFeedback", "description": "Send command feedback", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the feedback from commands executed by a player should show up in chat", "Also affects the default behavior of whether command blocks store their output text"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, CHAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "showDeathMessages", "description": "Show death messages", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether death messages are put into chat when a player dies", "Also affects whether a message is sent to the pet's owner when the pet dies"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, CHAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnRadius", "description": "Respawn location radius", "type": "int", "value": "10", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "1", "5", "10", "50"], "extras": ["The number of blocks outward from the world spawn coordinates that a player spawns in when first joining a server or when dying without a personal spawnpoint"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spectatorsGenerateChunks", "description": "Allow spectators to generate terrain", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether players in spectator mode can generate chunks"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "universalAnger", "description": "Universal anger", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Angered neutral mobs attack any nearby player"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPlayerMe", "description": "Deopped players can do /player on themselves", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["and you can create Fake Player on themselves", "If commandPlayer is set to False you can't create Fake Player on themselves"], "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableOPsCommandFeedback", "description": "Disable command feedback for ops level 1.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "placeablePlants", "description": "Allows to place plants on all blocks with flat top surface.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "treecapitator", "description": "Allows to mine an entire tree mining a single block if using a treecapitator axe.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ropes", "description": "Allows to leash a rope beetween two fences.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lastDeathCompass", "description": "Allows to right click a compass to make it point towards the last death point.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "floatingLadders", "description": "Allows to place ladders under other ladders.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagerLeash", "description": "Allows to leash villagers.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sitAnywhere", "description": "Allows to place saddles on the ground.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dragonEggRespawns", "description": "Ender dragon always spawns a new dragon egg.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "graves", "description": "Create personal graves when the player dies.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "silkyBlockstates", "description": "Allows to mine a block keeping the blockstate if using a silky blocstate tool.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "betterItemFrames", "description": "Right clicking with a phantom membrane or glass pane on an item frame will make it invisible or fixed.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "horseStats", "description": "Right clicking while sneaking on a horse/donkey/mule, will display the stats of the mob in the chat.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "colorableShulkers", "description": "Allows to dye shulkers.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandStats", "description": "Allows to have access to the /stats command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandTimebar", "description": "Allows to have access to the /timebar command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "specialNameTags", "description": "Adds many special name tags.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["'freeze'"], "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandWaystone", "description": "Allows to have access to the /waystone command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSkull", "description": "Allows to have access to the /skull command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "prunedPlants", "description": "Allows to prune plants with shears.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "moreWanderingTrades", "description": "Adds more trades to the wandering trader.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Mini Blocks"], "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reviveCoral", "description": "Allow to revive dead coral with water bottle", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "locatePlayer", "description": "Allow you to locate player.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "crumbleConcrete", "description": "Allow you to transform concrete to concrete powder filling a glass bottle", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "betterArmorStands", "description": "Drop items to armor stands to apply them some proprieties.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableCobwebs", "description": "Allows to craft cobwebs.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableColoredBlocks", "description": "Allows to use colored blocks to craft other color variants.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableCorals", "description": "Allows to craft coral blocks with 4 coral fans and corals.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableDeadBushes", "description": "Allows to smelt saplings to get dead bushes.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableElytra", "description": "Allows to craft elytras.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableIce", "description": "Allows to craft ice from packed ice.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableLargeFern", "description": "Allows to craft large ferns.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableNetherWarts", "description": "Allows to craft nether warts from nether warts block.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftablePackedIce", "description": "Allows to craft packed ice from blue ice.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftablePlayerHead", "description": "Allows to craft player head from any kind of head.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableQuartz", "description": "Allows to craft quartz from any kind of quartz block.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableShulkerShells", "description": "Allows to craft shulker shells from turle shells and popped chorus fruits.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableStrippedWood", "description": "Allows to craft stripped woods/hyphaes from logs/steams.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableTallGrass", "description": "Allows to craft tall grass.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanNoGrief", "description": "Reduced the blocks that an enderman can hold.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Podzol"], "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, DATAPACK", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "quartzCraftingCompatibility", "description": "Adds crafting compatibility with all types of quartz block.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stonecutterQuartz", "description": "Adds stonecutter craftings for all types of quartz block.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "redSandstoneCraftingCompatibility", "description": "Adds crafting compatibility with all types of red sandstone.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stonecutterRedSandstone", "description": "Adds stonecutter craftings for all types of red sandstone.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableRedSand", "description": "Allows to craft red sand from red sandstone.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sandstoneCraftingCompatibility", "description": "Adds crafting compatibility with all types of sandstone.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stonecutterSandstone", "description": "Adds stonecutter craftings for all types of sandstone.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableSand", "description": "Allows to craft red sand from sandstone.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "slabToBlockCrafing", "description": "Allows to use 2 slabs to craft the block back.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stonecutterStone", "description": "Adds stonecutter craftings for all variants of stone.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stonecutterWood", "description": "Adds stonecutter craftings for all types of wooden block.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableBricks", "description": "Adds reverse crafting of prismarine, prismarine bricks, bricks and nether bricks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fastRedstoneCrafting", "description": "Adds fast crafting for dispenser and repeater.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "huskDropsSand", "description": "Husks drop sand on death.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.X", "1.18.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, DATAPACK", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "accurateBlockPlacement", "description": "Client can provide alternative block placement.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["From Gnembon's Carpet Extra"], "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["EXTRA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "carefulBreak", "description": "Places the mined block in the player inventory when sneaking", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, ADDONS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockStateSyncing", "description": "Fixes block states in f3 debug mode not updating for some blocks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["May cause increased network traffic.", "Works with cactus, sugar cane, saplings, hoppers, dispensers and droppers.", "From Gnembon's Carpet Extra"], "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandLocatePlayer", "description": "Allow you to locate player", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandLookme", "description": "Adds the /lookme command to rotate entities", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSwapitem", "description": "Allows to have access to the /swapitem command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableAmethysts", "description": "Allows to craft amethyst clusters from amethyst block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableBarrier", "description": "Allows to craft barrier block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableDeepslateOres", "description": "You can craft deepslate ore in smithing table", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableLight", "description": "Allows to craft light block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableRootedDirt", "description": "Allows to craft rooted dirt", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableSculkSensor", "description": "Allow to craft sculk sensor with endeperals and observers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableTuffAndCalcite", "description": "Allows to craft tuff and calite", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "coarseDirtCraftingCompatibility", "description": "Adds crafting compatibility for coarse dirt with all dirts type", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "slabToBlockCrafting", "description": "Allows to use 2 slabs to craft the block back", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "unpackableIce", "description": "Allow to unpack packedice & blueice using the stonecutter", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "armorStandEditor", "description": "Allows armorstand editing with hoe", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dynamicLight", "description": "Holding a light source will light around the player", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lavaSponges", "description": "Sponges work on lava too, but they will burn", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pillagerLeash", "description": "Allows to tie pillager with empty hands", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "repairableAnvil", "description": "Allow to repair anvil with iron ingot", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeSqueeze", "description": "Allow to squeeze and wet sponge on cauldron", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "anvilRepairCostLimit", "description": "Allows to choose the anvil repair cost limit", "type": "int", "value": "40", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": false, "options": ["40", "1024", "24791"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 1 to 32767"]}, {"name": "ghastNoGrief", "description": "Ghasts will no grief the world", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "illusionersSpawnInRaids", "description": "Allows illusioners to spawn in raids (it needs restart to turn it off)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "zombieHorseSpawning", "description": "Zombie horses can spawn in the world", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "halloween"], "extras": ["With halloween: it will spawn only during Halloween"], "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "protectionStacking", "description": "Allows to stack multiple protection types", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "redcraft", "description": "Portals in redcraft2 area will link to redcraft2 dimensions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableSporeblossom", "description": "Allows to use bonemeal on spore blossoms", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "rawOreBlockSmelting", "description": "Allo to smelt and blast raw ore block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowItemMode", "description": "Shadow items action over unloading ( unlink is default vanilla )", "type": "Mode", "value": "UNLINK", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": ["unlink", "persist", "vanish"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.20", "1.18", "1.16.5", "1.19"], "categories": ["SHADOW, BUGFIX", "SHADOW, EXPERIMENTAL, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowItemIdSize", "description": "Shadow items id length", "type": "int", "value": "5", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.20", "1.18", "1.16.5", "1.19"], "categories": ["SHADOW_ITEMS", "SHADOW, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowItemTooltip", "description": "Show shadow items id in item names", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "master"], "categories": ["SHADOW, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowItemInventoryFragilityFix", "description": "Prevent unlinking shadow items on base inventory movements", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "master"], "categories": ["SHADOW, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowItemTransferFragilityFix", "description": "Prevent unlinking shadow items on hopper-dropper item transfers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "master"], "categories": ["SHADOW, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowItemUpdateFix", "description": "Shadow items will produce inventory updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "master"], "categories": ["SHADOW, BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowItemPreventCombine", "description": "Prevent merging any shadow item on base inventory movements", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "master"], "categories": ["SHADOW, OPTIMIZATION, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowItemUseFix", "description": "Prevents desync betwen client and server when using a fast refilling shadow stack", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20", "1.18", "1.19", "master"], "categories": ["SHADOW, OPTIMIZATION, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "wanderingTraderSkyBlockTrades", "description": "Add trades to the wandering trader for skyblock", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lightningElectrifiesVines", "description": "Lightning striking glowstone with attached vines converts them to glow lichen", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableBuddingAmethysts", "description": "Surrounding lava by calcite and smooth basalt forms budding amethysts", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "gatewaysSpawnChorus", "description": "Chorus plants generate with end gateways in void", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableHeartsOfTheSea", "description": "Dolphins can find a heart of the sea when given fish", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableDragonHeads", "description": "Ender dragons killed by charged creepers drop their heads", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerSpawning", "description": "Shulkers spawn on obsidian pillar when ender dragon is re-killed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableDiamonds", "description": "An anvil falling on a full stack of coal blocks compacts it into a diamond", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "rammingWart", "description": "A goat ramming a nether wart block will break it apart", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "foxesSpawnWithBerries", "description": "A spawned fox has a chance to hold berries", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "usefulComposters", "description": "Composters create sand, red sand, and dirt depending on biome", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "redstone"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "generateEndPortals", "description": "Generates end portals", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["GENERATION", "SKYBLOCK, GENERATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "generateSilverfishSpawners", "description": "Generates silverfish spawners", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["GENERATION", "SKYBLOCK, GENERATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "generateMagmaCubeSpawners", "description": "Generates magma cube spawners", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["GENERATION", "SKYBLOCK, GENERATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "generateRandomEndGateways", "description": "Generate random end gateways", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["GENERATION", "SKYBLOCK, GENERATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lavaFromWanderingTrader", "description": "Lets the wandering trader sell lava, the old method", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["FEATURE, WANDERING_TRADER", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "poisonousPotatoesConvertSpiders", "description": "Spiders convert into cave spiders when given poisonous potatoes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "saplingsDieOnSand", "description": "Saplings on sand eventually turn into dead bushes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockIllegalUsername", "description": "Verify username using online mode rules.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["PROTOCOL", "TCTC, TCTC_MISC, TCTC_PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandFix", "description": "Enables /fix command to fix chunk data.", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_COMMAND", "COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandFreecam", "description": "Enables /freecam command to toggle your camera mode.", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_COMMAND", "COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandGC", "description": "Enables /gc command to allow you to force gc with jvm.", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_COMMAND", "COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandHere", "description": "Enables /here command to allow you to share your location with other players.", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_COMMAND", "COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandOperator", "description": "Enables /operator command to allow you to change the player's permission level.", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_COMMAND", "COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cameraModeDisableSpectatePlayers", "description": "Disables players in /c from spectating other players.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "TCTC, TCTC_FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableIllegalChatCharacterCheck", "description": "Allows you to use characters such as subsections in the game.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_CLIENT, TCTC_EXPERIMENTAL, TCTC_MISC", "MISC"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderPlatform", "description": "Is obsidian platform generated in the end.", "type": "EnderPlatformOptions", "value": "PLAYER", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["all", "none", "player"], "extras": ["all - Generate ender platform when all entities are transferred to the_end dimension.", "none - Ender platform will not be generated anyway.", "player - Ender platform is generated only when the player entity teleports to the_end dimension."], "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["WORLD_GENERATE", "TCTC, TCTC_FEATURE, TCTC_WORLD_GENERATE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endGatewayChunkLoader", "description": "When the entity passes through the ender gateway, the target chunk will be loaded for 15 seconds like nether portal.", "type": "EndGatewayChunkLoaderOptions", "value": "OFF", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["all", "except_player", "item_only", "off"], "extras": ["all - Give the target chunk a load ticket when all entities through the ender gateway.", "except_player - Give the target chunk a load ticket when all entities except the player through the ender gateway.", "item_only - Give the target chunk a load ticket when the player entities except the player through the ender gateway.", "off - Vanilla action."], "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "TCTC, TCTC_FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fireworkSpeedupCoefficient", "description": "Controlling the acceleration coefficient of a firework rocket.", "type": "double", "value": "1.5D", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["1.25", "1.5"], "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_CLIENT, TCTC_FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "freecamRestoreLocation", "description": "Return to the starting position when you have finished spectating.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_MISC", "MISC"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hereGlowTime", "description": "Time highlighted when using here command shared coordinates.", "type": "int", "value": "15", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "15"], "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_MISC", "MISC"], "validators": []}, {"name": "illegalPistonActionFix", "description": "Fix headless pistons to destroy blocks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "TCTC, TCTC_FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerStats", "description": "Control of player and bot statistics.", "type": "PlayerStatsOptions", "value": "BOTH", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["bot", "both", "none", "player"], "extras": ["bot - Only bots are allowed to gain stats.", "both - Both bots and players are allowed to gain stats.", "none - No one allowed to gain stats.", "player - Only players are allowed to gain stats."], "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "TCTC, TCTC_FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerBoxDupeFix", "description": "Taking items from a shulker box while destroying it will result in item duplication.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "updateSuppressionCrashFix", "description": "Fix updates suppression causing server crashes.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voidTradeFix", "description": "Once the villager entity is unloaded, the trading interface will be closed.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voxelMapWorldName", "description": "Send voxelmap world information packets to client.", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["#none", "creative", "mirror", "survival"], "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["PROTOCOL", "TCTC, TCTC_PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "wetSpongeAbsorbLava", "description": "Wet sponges will be able to absorb lava.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_EXPERIMENTAL, TCTC_FEATURE", "FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "wetSpongeAbsorbLavaLimit", "description": "Maximum offset limit for wet sponge.", "type": "int", "value": "32", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_EXPERIMENTAL, TCTC_FEATURE", "FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "wetSpongeAbsorbLavaRange", "description": "Maximum lava sucking for wet sponge.", "type": "int", "value": "3", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_EXPERIMENTAL, TCTC_FEATURE", "FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xaeroMapWorldName", "description": "Send xaeromap world information packets to client.", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["#none", "creative", "mirror", "survival"], "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.19-snapshot", "dev", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.15.2"], "categories": ["PROTOCOL", "TCTC, TCTC_PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerNamePrefixLimit", "description": "Prevent players from using /player to summon fake player whose names don't contain the prefix", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "DGBCraft/Carpet-DGBCraft", "strict": true, "options": ["fake_player_name_no_prefix", "bot_", "bot."], "extras": ["Using the specified prefix is good for the server to manage fake players"], "branches": ["1.16.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["FAKE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "permissionLevelSeed", "description": "Modify permission level of /seed command", "type": "String", "value": "2", "repo": "DGBCraft/Carpet-DGBCraft", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": ["This rule does not affect the single player world"], "branches": ["1.16.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sleepIgnoreFaker", "description": "Ignore fake players when skipping the night by sleeping", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DGBCraft/Carpet-DGBCraft", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL", "FAKE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netheritePickaxeInstantMineDeepslate", "description": "Deepslate can be instant mined with netherite pickaxe", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "ChronosServer/chronos-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL", "CHRONOS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSidebar", "description": "Enables players without op to change what objective is being displayed, and query a player's objectives", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "ChronosServer/chronos-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Players with OP level 1 can also freeze or unfreeze an objective, which will stop scores for an objective from increasing"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL", "CHRONOS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandGoal", "description": "Set a goal for a scoreboard objective to complete.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "ChronosServer/chronos-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This goal is for individual players and is not persistent between logins"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL", "CHRONOS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "totalScore", "description": "Display total score on the sidebar", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "ChronosServer/chronos-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL", "CHRONOS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bedrockBrokenStatistics", "description": "Player's bedrock \"mined\" statistic is increased when a bedrock block is broken 2 game ticks after a piston is placed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "ChronosServer/chronos-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL", "CHRONOS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endGatewayCooldown", "description": "Toggle for end gateway cooldown.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, ENDSETTINGSCATEGORY, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endMainIslandStructureGen", "description": "Toggle for the main end island structure generation, turns off portal, egg, obsidian pillars, gateways and crystals.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, ENDSETTINGSCATEGORY, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noObsidianPlatform", "description": "Toggle for end obsidian platform generation excluding players.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, ENDSETTINGSCATEGORY, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "forceLoadEnderPearls", "description": "Prevents ender pearls from getting deleted when they move into unloaded chunks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This also means that ender pearls load chunks", "Merged with keepEnderPearlsTicked from carpet-addons by whoImT"], "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY,SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "logTNTMomentum", "description": "Debug tnt momentum transfer to enderpearls in console.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, CREATIVE, CANNONSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ftlTNT", "description": "Tnt optimized for large amounts in cannons.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, OPTIMIZATION, CANNONSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "projectileRaycastLength", "description": "Changes the distance projectiles check for collisions. if set to 0 all blocks to the destination will be checked which is the vanilla behaviour.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "200"], "extras": ["This reduces lag for fast projectiles. In 1.12 the value was 200."], "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETADDONS", "EXPERIMENTAL,OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": ["You must choose a value greater or equal to 0"]}, {"name": "commandLocation", "description": "Enables /location command to know where is a player.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSignal", "description": "Enables /signal command to get a container with comparator value.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, CREATIVE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandEnderchest", "description": "Enables /enderchest command to open the enderchest of a player.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, FEATURE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandTotal", "description": "Enables /total command to know the total sum of a scoreboard.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandComputation", "description": "Enables /computation command to test redstone contraptions.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandBatch", "description": "Enables /batch command to execute commands multiple times.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "filterBotsInScores", "description": "Bots don't appear on scoreboards and do not count in the total.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, SCOREBOARDSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "totalScore", "description": "The scoreboard total appears on the scoreboard.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, SCOREBOARDSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "phantomsCapped", "description": "Prevents phantoms from spawning if mobcap is full", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY,SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "forceShulkerTeleport", "description": "Force shulkers to teleport when stay in invalid positions.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, ENDSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, ENTITYSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "seaLevelFishes", "description": "Fishes only can spawn between y:45 and y:63, both excluded.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, BUGFIX, ENTITYSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "antiEnderGriefExceptMelon", "description": "When true turns off endermen griefing...except melons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, ENTITYSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "llamaDupeExploit", "description": "Enables old donkey / llama dupe bug.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, ENTITYSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oldFlintAndSteelBehavior", "description": "Backports 1.12 flint and steel behavior. flint and steel can be used for updating observers / buds.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, PLAYERTWEAKSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "carefulBreak", "description": "Places the mined block in the player inventory when sneaking.", "type": "String", "value": "never", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["never", "always", "sneaking", "no-sneaking"], "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, PLAYERTWEAKSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oreUpdateSuppressor", "description": "Emerald ore acts as an update suppressor.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerInception", "description": "Enable the possibility to store shulkerboxes inside shulkerboxes.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, PLAYERTWEAKSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "teleportToPoiWithoutPortals", "description": "Re-adds teleporting to portal pois without portal blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Update suppressor go brrr"], "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY,SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "broadcastToAll", "description": "Broadcasts all op messages to everyone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cakeAlwaysEat", "description": "Allows you to always eat cake", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cameraModeRestoreLocation", "description": "Restores player location back to original location in survival, similar to the cs script by kdender", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": ["Saves location even after server restart"], "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cameraModeSurvivalRestrictions", "description": "Ports cameramodesurvivalrestrictions from carpet 1.12 into commandcameramode", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": ["Does not allow you to use /cs if you are in danger"], "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cameraModeTeleportBlacklist", "description": "Prevents players from teleporting to players in spectator", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "combinePotionDuration", "description": "Combines the duration of potions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandCameraMode", "description": "Survival friendly spectator mode, puts the player in and out of spectator mode", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": ["Allows for saving location after server reset using rule cameraModeRestoreLocation and adds functionality for cameraModeSurvivalRestrictions"], "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, EXPERIMENTAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandDefuse", "description": "Enables /defuse to be used to stop any tnt from exploding within a given range", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": ["Usage: /defuse (Range)"], "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandDimensions", "description": "Allows the player to teleport to different dimensions with a simple command", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": ["It will teleport you to specified location"], "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandEnderChest", "description": "Allows you to open your enderchest with /enderchest", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandExtinguish", "description": "Allows /extinguish to be used to extinguish the player", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandFly", "description": "Toggles the ability to fly while in survival mode", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": ["Using this also disables fall damage"], "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandGM", "description": "Allows /gmc, /gms, /gmsp, and /gma to be used", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandGod", "description": "Toggles invulnerability", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": ["Can be buggy if used while in creative mode"], "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandHat", "description": "Allows you to equip items to your head slot using /hat", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandHeal", "description": "Allows /heal to be used to heal and feed the player", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandLagSpike", "description": "Allows you to simulate a lag spike using /lagspike", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandMods", "description": "Allows you to do /mods, it lists all the mods running on the server", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandMore", "description": "Allows /more to be used to give a full stack of whatever item the player is holding", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandNear", "description": "Lists other players near you", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandNightVision", "description": "Toggles night vision", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPlayerFake", "description": "This allows you to spawn a fake player that doesn't load chunks (they appear on tab list and you are able to teleport to them)", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPublicKick", "description": "Allows anyone to use the /kick command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPublicOp", "description": "Allows anyone to use the /op command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPublicSaveAll", "description": "Allows all players to use the command /save-all", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPublicScoreboard", "description": "Allows anyone to use the /scoreboard command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPublicViewDistance", "description": "Allows all players to change view distance", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandRegion", "description": "Allows you see what region you are in and teleport to a region", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandRename", "description": "Allows you to rename items with a command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandRepair", "description": "Allows /repair to be used to repair any item the player is holding", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandStrength", "description": "Toggles strength", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSwitchDimensions", "description": "Allows the player to teleport between the nether and overworld at equivalent coords", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandTop", "description": "Teleports the player up", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandWarp", "description": "Allows players to warp using /setwarp and /warp", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": ["You are only able to set one warp which will be removed after server restart"], "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandWorkbench", "description": "Allows you to open a crafting table with /workbench", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "editableSigns", "description": "Allows your to edit a sign after its places by right clicking it while sneaking", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "essentialCarefulBreak", "description": "Mining blocks while crouching will put mined blocks striaght into your inventory, this does not work with carpet-addons installed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": ["Same as wholmT's implementation in carpetAddons but works with stackable shulkers"], "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hostileMobsSpawnInCompleteDarkness", "description": "Only allows hostile mobs to spawn in complete darkness (1.18)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "infiniteItems", "description": "This allows for survival players to have infinite blocks, food, and enderpearls", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, CREATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "minecartBoosting", "description": "Reimplements minecart boosting", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reloadFakePlayerActions", "description": "Automatically reloads the fake players actions after server restart", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reloadFakePlayers", "description": "Automatically respawns fake players on server restart", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "removeItemEntitiesAfterThreshold", "description": "Removes all item entities after set amount of item entities is reached in a world, set to 0 to disable", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "200", "500", "1000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, CREATIVE, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "removeWarnMismatchBlockPos", "description": "Removes the warning 'mismatch in destroy block pos...' in console and logs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "removeWarnRemovedEntity", "description": "Removes the warning 'fetching packet for removed entity...' in console and logs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "removeXpEntitiesAfterThreshold", "description": "Removes all xp entities after set amount of xp entities is reached in a world, set to 0 to disable", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "100", "250", "500"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, CREATIVE, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerSception", "description": "Allows you to put shulker boxes inside of other shulkers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spectatorPotionNoCountdown", "description": "Stops potion effects from ticking when in spectator", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackableShulkerComparatorOverloadFix", "description": "Fixes stacked shulkers overloading comparators", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackableShulkersInPlayerInventories", "description": "Shulker boxes stack in player inventories", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": ["Enable tweakEmptyShulkerBoxesStack in tweakeroo on the client"], "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackableShulkersWithItems", "description": "Shulker boxes stack with items inside will stack with other shulkers with the same items", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": ["This rule requires stackableShulkersInPlayerInventories to be enabled"], "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandBackup", "description": "", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true", "ops"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.17.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "essentialCarefulDrop", "description": "Killing mobs while crouching will put dropped items straight into your inventory", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": ["requires players to subscribe to carefuldrop"], "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.17.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerDropInventoryOnKill", "description": "Automatically drop the fake player inventory on kill", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.17.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "gameRuleNonOp", "description": "Allows non-op players to change game rules from the client", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.17.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "gameRuleSync", "description": "Syncs the game rules with the client", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": ["Essential Client is required to change the rules on the client"], "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.17.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxChatLength", "description": "Changes the max chat length limit, you need essentialclient for this to work, setting this rule below 256 may cause issues", "type": "int", "value": "256", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": false, "options": ["256", "1024"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.17.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "deepslateInstaminable", "description": null, "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["HOST, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endstoneInstaminable", "description": null, "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["HOST, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanNoGrief", "description": null, "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["HOST, SURVIVAL, CREATIVE, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagersNoGenerateGolems", "description": null, "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["HOST, SURVIVAL, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackeableTotems", "description": null, "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["HOST, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackeableTotemsSize", "description": null, "type": "int", "value": "16", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["16", "64", "8"], "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["HOST, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "isHalloween", "description": null, "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["HOST, CREATIVE, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL", "HOST, BASTION, CREATIVE, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderPearlsNoCooldown", "description": null, "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["HOST, CREATIVE, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "squidsNoSpawn", "description": null, "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["HOST, CREATIVE, FEATURE, COPRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "carefulBreak", "description": null, "type": "String", "value": "never", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["never", "always", "sneaking", "no-sneaking"], "extras": null, "branches": ["main", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, HOST", "EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, HOST"], "validators": []}, {"name": "deepSlateInstaminable", "description": "Deepslate have the same hardness that stone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["HOST, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endStonelessHardness", "description": "Endstone have the same hardness that stone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["HOST, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandInteraction", "description": "Enables /interaction command for controlling the effects of players on the environment", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "lntricate1/intricarpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["COMMAND", "INTRICARPET"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedTNTEdgeCases", "description": "Enables edge case fixes in optimizedtnt, at the cost of a bit less optimization", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "lntricate1/intricarpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["COMMAND", "INTRICARPET"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fungusRandomTickGrow", "description": "Makes crimson fungus and nyliem fungus grow based on random ticks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Crec0/JankAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.1", "main", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["JANK, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "harvestableTallGrassFern", "description": "Makes tall grass and large fern harvestable with shears", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Crec0/JankAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.1", "main", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["JANK, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "instamineDeepslate", "description": "Make deepslate instaminable", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Crec0/JankAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.1", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["JANK, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableEnderChest", "description": "Make enderchests movable", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Crec0/JankAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.1", "main", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["JANK, SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableEndPortalFrame", "description": "Make end portal frames movable", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Crec0/JankAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.1", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["JANK, SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackableFreshBows", "description": "Make fresh bows stack to 64", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Crec0/JankAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.1", "main", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["JANK, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPortalMonitor", "description": "Enables /portalactivity command to monitor portal usages within last x ticks", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Crec0/JankAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "true", "false"], "extras": ["Time it monitors is set by /carpet portalActivityMoniterTime "], "branches": ["1.18.1", "main", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["JANK, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sidebarCommand", "description": "Enables players without op to change what objective is being displayed, and query a player's objectives", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "LiteTechMC/litetech-additions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Players with OP level 1 can also freeze or unfreeze an objective, which will stop scores for an objective from increasing"], "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["LITETECH, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "goalCommand", "description": "Set a goal for a scoreboard objective to complete.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "LiteTechMC/litetech-additions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This goal is for individual players and is not persistent between logins"], "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["LITETECH, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "betterOPCommand", "description": "Allows you to set op level when oping players.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "LiteTechMC/litetech-additions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["LITETECH, SURVIVAL, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "seedPermissionLevel", "description": "Permission level required for the seed command", "type": "int", "value": "2", "repo": "LiteTechMC/litetech-additions", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["LITETECH, SURVIVAL"], "validators": ["Choose a value between 0 to 4"]}, {"name": "teamPermissionLevel", "description": "Permission level required for the teams command", "type": "int", "value": "2", "repo": "LiteTechMC/litetech-additions", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["LITETECH, SURVIVAL"], "validators": ["Choose a value between 0 to 4"]}, {"name": "defaultOpLevel", "description": "The op level used by default when op-ing a player", "type": "int", "value": "-1", "repo": "LiteTechMC/litetech-additions", "strict": true, "options": ["-1", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": ["-1 will use the default"], "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["LITETECH, CREATIVE"], "validators": ["Choose a value between 1 to 4 (or -1)"]}, {"name": "totalScore", "description": "Display total score on the sidebar", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "LiteTechMC/litetech-additions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["LITETECH, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bedrockBrokenStatistics", "description": "Player's bedrock \"mined\" statistic is increased when a bedrock block is broken 2 game ticks after a piston is placed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "LiteTechMC/litetech-additions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["LITETECH, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "drownedTridentNBTFix", "description": "Allows trident enchantments to work for drowned", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "LiteTechMC/litetech-additions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["LITETECH, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "teleportToPoiWithoutPortals", "description": "Re-adds teleporting to portal pois without portal blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Update suppressor go brrr"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "forceLoadEnderPearls", "description": "Prevents ender pearls from getting deleted when they move into unloaded chunks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This also means that ender pearls load chunks", "Merged with keepEnderPearlsTicked from carpet-addons by whoImT"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "drownedUseEnchantedTridents", "description": "Allows tridents thrown by drowned to use the enchantments on the trident held by said drowned", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voidedLoyaltyTridentsReturn", "description": "Backports returning loyalty tridents to their owner when thrown into the void", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["From Combat Test 4"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, BACKPORT, COMBAT, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "impalingAffectsMobsInWater", "description": "Backports applying the impaling enchantment on any mob that is in water or rain", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["From Combat Test 4"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, BACKPORT, COMBAT, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerBoxItemsDropContents", "description": "Backports dropping the contents of a shulker box item when its item entity is destroyed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["From 1.17"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, BACKPORT, V1_17, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeOneHitKill", "description": "Allows players in creative mode to kill entities in one hit", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If the player is sneaking, other entities around the target get killed too"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "phantomsCapped", "description": "Prevents phantoms from spawning if mobcap is full", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "capIgnoresDeathAnimation", "description": "Mobs in death animation do not count towards the mob cap", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Might be a bit janky"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "filterBotsInScores", "description": "Bots don't appear on scoreboards and do not count in the total if they're not in a team", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Normal players need to be in a team!", "Based on code by JohanVonElectrum"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "totalScore", "description": "The scoreboard total appears on the scoreboard", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Based on code by JohanVonElectrum"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersShootTridents", "description": "Dispensers can shoot tridents", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Backported from Combat Test 4", "I know bedrock has this too, but we don't talk about bedrock"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["BACKPORT, DISPENSER, COMBAT, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doOverspawning", "description": "Reimplements mob overspawning", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["From 1.15.2"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "anvilColorFormatting", "description": "Allows the use of spigot formatting inside of anvils", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Enable and use the /colors command to see formatting codes you can use", "Based on code by Super-Santa, from FX's WeirdAddons"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandColors", "description": "Enables the /colors command", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "true", "false"], "extras": ["Use this command to see formatting codes you can use", "From FX's WeirdAddons"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["COMMAND, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chunkRegenFix", "description": "Fixes chunk regen due to nbtstring writeutf() not respecting readutf() limits", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["From FX's Carpet-Fixes", "Fixes ChunkRegen & [MC-134892](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-134892)"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxHostileSpawnLightLevel", "description": "Adjusts the maximum light level general hostile mobs can spawn in", "type": "int", "value": "7", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "7", "15"], "extras": ["When maxHostileSpawnLightLevel < 7, block light level is used to determine whether the position", "+", "is considered \\\"dark\\\" or not, while leaving spawn chances at and below the maximum light level intact", "When maxHostileSpawnLightLevel > 7, the upper bound of the random integer generator is increased", "+", "in order to accommodate for higher light levels, thereby affecting mob spawning chances at light", "+", "levels > 0 and <= 7, most likely increasing mob spawning chances over vanilla"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, LUNAAR"], "validators": ["You must choose a light level from 0 to 15"]}, {"name": "disableSlimeSpawning", "description": "Slimes can eat shit", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSeed", "description": "Permission level required to use /seed", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creeperBlockDamage", "description": "Set creeper explosion block damage type, regardless of mobgriefing gamerule", "type": "BlockBreakingType", "value": "DEFAULT", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": ["default", "none", "break", "destroy"], "extras": ["default: uses default explosion", "none: no blocks broken", "break: all broken blocks are dropped (like tnt)", "destroy: broken blocks are sometimes dropped (like default creepers)"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "deathItemsDespawnMinutes", "description": "How many minutes it takes for a player's items to despawn after death", "type": "int", "value": "5", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": false, "options": ["5", "10", "15", "30", "-1"], "extras": ["-1 for infinte"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableBlazeFire", "description": "Disable fires made from blaze fireballs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableGhastFire", "description": "Disable random fire from ghast fireballs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersCureVillagers", "description": "Dispensers feed golden apples to zombie villagers with weakness", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Note: dispensers curing a villager does not lower the", "villager's prices due to gossips being player-specific"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersDyeMobs", "description": "Dispensers can dye sheep (and shulkers if dyeableshulkers is enabled)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersNameMobs", "description": "Dispensers use name tags on mobs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersRepairGolems", "description": "Dispensers can repair iron golems with iron ingots", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersUseCauldrons", "description": "Dispensers use cauldrons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["When facing into a cauldron, dispensers can", "fill/empty buckets and bottles, remove layers", "from banners, and undye leather armor or shulker boxes"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dragonBlockDamage", "description": "Set dragon block damage breaking type, regardless of mobgriefing gamerule", "type": "BlockBreakingType", "value": "DEFAULT", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": ["default", "none", "break", "destroy"], "extras": ["default: default block breaking", "none: no blocks are broken", "break: broken blocks are dropped", "destroy: broken blocks are destroyed and not dropped"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dyeableShulkers", "description": "Shulkers can be dyed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ghastBlockDamage", "description": "Set ghast explosion block damage type, regardless of mobgriefing gamerule", "type": "BlockBreakingType", "value": "DEFAULT", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": ["default", "none", "break", "destroy"], "extras": ["default: uses default explosion", "none: no blocks broken", "break: all broken blocks are dropped (like tnt)", "destroy: broken blocks are sometimes dropped (like default creepers)"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "infinityMendingStacking", "description": "Allows infinity and mending to stack on bows", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Like 1.9-1.11"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxPlayerXpDrop", "description": "Maximum amount of xp players drop on death", "type": "int", "value": "100", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "100", "1000", "10000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobsDropNametag", "description": "Named mobs drop their name tag on death", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "morePaveableBlocks", "description": "More dirt-like blocks can be made into path blocks (from 1.17)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "moveableWaterloggedBlocks", "description": "Waterlogged blocks stay waterlogged when moved with a piston", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noFeatherFallingTrample", "description": "Prevents farmland from being trampled if you have feather falling on", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noRepairCost", "description": "No additional cost for using an item in an anvil multiple times", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "phantomSpawningTime", "description": "Amount of ticks before phantoms start having a chance to spawn", "type": "int", "value": "72000", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": false, "options": ["72000", "360000", "720000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "protectionStacking", "description": "Allows all the different protection types to stack on the same piece of armor", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Like enchanting from 1.14-1.14.2"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "quickHarvesting", "description": "Right click crops with a hoe to harvest and replant", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "removableCurses", "description": "Curses are also removed when using grindstones or repair crafting", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableDragonEgg", "description": "Dragon eggs will always be placed on the portal after defeating the dragon", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shaveSnowLayers", "description": "Snow layers can be shaved, removing one layer when right clicked with a shovel", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Works with silk touch as well"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerCloning", "description": "1.17 shulker cloning", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["A shulker hitting a shulker with a shulker bullet can make a new shulker", "Feature from 20w45a, subject to change"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerPortalFix", "description": "Shulker portal teleportation fix", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes MC-139265 / MC-168900, which makes shulkers use portals correctly now", "and fixes MC-183884 which makes shulkers able to be next to each other without teleporting", "(well, probably at least)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "slimeLooting", "description": "Bigger slimes spawn more smaller slimes when killed with looting", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Additional slimes can be up to as many levels of looting as you have (up to +3 with looting 3"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "vexesNerf", "description": "Vexes will start to die after the evoker that summoned them dies", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagersExplodeBeds", "description": "Villagers cause explosions when trying to use beds in the nether or end, like players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["But why?", "Idk"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "allChargedCreeperHeadsDrop", "description": "All mobs killed by a charged creeper drop their head instead of only one", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "completeDarknessSpawning", "description": "Mobs require complete darkness (light level 0) to spawn", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["From 1.18. May change."], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersBucketMobs", "description": "Dispensers can pick up bucketable mobs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lightningGlowifiesSquids", "description": "Squids struck by lightning convert to glow squids", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL", "MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobItemPickup", "description": "Overwrites random default pickup chance when mob spawns", "type": "ItemPickupType", "value": "DEFAULT", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": ["default", "always", "never"], "extras": ["Only zombie and skeleton type mobs are affected", "default: uses default pickup", "always: mobs pick up items", "never: mobs don't pick up items"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noVillagerWitchConversion", "description": "Villagers don't convert to witches when struck by lightning", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableRawOres", "description": "An anvil landing on iron/gold/copper blocks turns them into the raw ore block version", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagersAlwaysConvert", "description": "Villagers will always convert to zombie villagers when killed by a zombie, even on easy and normal", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dyeableShearedSheep", "description": "Sheared sheep can be dyed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endstoneInstamine", "description": "Endstone can be instamined", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "CSClub05/moistcraft-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL", "MOISTCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandWhitelist", "description": "Lets non ops whitelist", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "CSClub05/moistcraft-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["COMMAND", "MOISTCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pcaSyncProtocol", "description": "Support sync entity and blockentity from server", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["PCA, PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pcaSyncPlayerEntity", "description": "Which player entity can be sync", "type": "PCA_SYNC_PLAYER_ENTITY_OPTIONS", "value": "OPS", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["NOBODY: nobody will be sync", "BOT: carpet bot will be sync", "OPS: carpet bot will be sync, and op can sync everyone's player entity data.", "OPS_AND_SELF: carpet bot and self data will be sync, and op can sync everyone's player entity data.", "EVERYONE: everyone's player entity will be sync"], "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["PCA, PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "emptyShulkerBoxStack", "description": "Empty shulker boxes stack", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["empty shulker boxes can stack in a player's inventory or hand", "empty shulker boxes will not stack in other inventories, such as chests or hoppers"], "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, NEED_CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerRenewable", "description": "Shulker boxes are renewable; 1.17 feature (backported)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.15.x"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerBoxQuickUnpack", "description": "Shulker box items will now drop their items when destroyed; 1.17 feature (backported)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.15.x"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "railNoBrokenByFluid", "description": "Rail no broken by fluid; 1.17 feature (backported)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.15.x"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "useDyeOnShulkerBox", "description": "Dyes can be used on shulker boxes, empty potion will clean color", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "flippingTotemOfUndying", "description": "Players can flip and rotate blocks when holding totem of undying", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Doesn't cause block updates when rotated/flipped", "When Totem Of Undying in main hand,offhand is empty will flip block", "When Totem Of Undying in main hand,offhand is not empty, will place flipped block"], "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnYMax", "description": "Spawn y max, 114514 to close", "type": "int", "value": "114514", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnYMin", "description": "Spawn y min, 114514 to close", "type": "int", "value": "114514", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnBiome", "description": "Spawn biome", "type": "PCA_SPAWN_BIOME", "value": "DEFAULT", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "quickLeafDecay", "description": "Quick leaf decay", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "gravestone", "description": "Place gravestone after player dead.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xaeroWorldName", "description": "Set xaero world name to sync word id to xaerominimap, \"#none\" is disable.", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": false, "options": ["xaeroworldnamenone"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["PCA, PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagersAttractedByEmeraldBlock", "description": "Villagers are attracted by emerald block.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "superLead", "description": "Leash villagers and mobs by lead.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, NEED_CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "avoidAnvilTooExpensive", "description": "Allow anvil level cost above 40 (if the client is not installed mod, it will be too expensive but can be used in practice).", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, NEED_CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "powerfulBoneMeal", "description": "Allow use bone meal in cactus, sugar cane, chorus flower.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sleepingDuringTheDay", "description": "World will switch to night when player sleep during the day.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispenserFixIronGolem", "description": "Dispenser can fix iron golem.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispenserCollectXp", "description": "Dispenser use bottle to collect xp.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerOperationLimiter", "description": "One tick player can place 2 block, insta break 1 block, can't do it at the same tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerSit", "description": "Player can sit down when fast sneak 3 times.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "autoTrade", "description": "Use dispenser to auto trade with villager", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If EMERALD_BLOCK under the dispenser, it will trade once", "If DIAMOND_BLOCK under the dispenser, it will trade all", "Trade offer depend on redstone power."], "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "forceRestock", "description": "Use spectral arrow to shoot villager to force restock.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "potionRecycle", "description": "Dispenser can clear potion tocauldron.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "trackItemPickupByPlayer", "description": "When item pick up by player, item will freeze.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativePlayerNoDirectKillArmorStand", "description": "Creative player no direct kill armorstand.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pcaDebug", "description": "Pcadebug mode", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.15.x", "1.17.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["PCA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableNetheriteEquip", "description": "Only in nether, throw the diamond equipment with 1 durability to lava fluid to get netherite equipment.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.18.x", "1.17.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "invertControlsDirection", "description": "Invert controls direction", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "McDevTeam/purple-fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PURPLE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "microphoneEmitVibration", "description": "Microphone emit vibration sensibility", "type": "double", "value": "-1", "repo": "McDevTeam/purple-fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["-1 disabled"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PURPLE, CLIENT"], "validators": ["From 0.00 to 1.00, except for -1"]}, {"name": "microphoneNoiseLogger", "description": "Microphone noise will be shown in actionbar", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "McDevTeam/purple-fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PURPLE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "solidCollisionEntity", "description": "Entities will have a solid collision, like shulkers and boats", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "McDevTeam/purple-fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PURPLE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "upsideDownEntities", "description": "All entities will be rendered upside-down, like dinnerbone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "McDevTeam/purple-fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PURPLE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "anvilledBlueIce", "description": "Custom amount of packed ice crushed by falling anvils make one blue ice.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "4", "9"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, RUG"], "validators": ["From [QuickCarpet](https://github.com/QuickCarpet/QuickCarpet)", "You must choose a value from 0 to 32"]}, {"name": "anvilledIce", "description": "Custom amount of frosted ice crushed by falling anvils make one ice. allows for new type of ice farm.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "4", "9"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, RUG"], "validators": ["From [QuickCarpet](https://github.com/QuickCarpet/QuickCarpet)", "You must choose a value from 0 to 32"]}, {"name": "anvilledPackedIce", "description": "Custom amount of ice crushed by falling anvils make one packed ice.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "4", "9"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, RUG"], "validators": ["From [QuickCarpet](https://github.com/QuickCarpet/QuickCarpet)", "You must choose a value from 0 to 32"]}, {"name": "zombifiedPiglinsSpawningInPortals", "description": "Allows zombified piglins to spawn inside nether portals", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oldFishingLoot", "description": "Reverts the fishing loot to how it was before 1.16", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noCreeperGriefing", "description": "Prevents creepers from destroying blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noEndermanGriefing", "description": "Prevents endermen from picking up and placing blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noGhastGriefing", "description": "Prevents ghasts from destroying blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerHeadDrops", "description": "Players drop their head", "type": "String", "value": "off", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["off", "on_death", "on_killed_by_player"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["Idea from [VanillaTweaks](https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/datapacks/)"]}, {"name": "dragonDrops", "description": "Ender dragon drops selected item(s) when killed", "type": "String", "value": "none", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["none", "dragon_egg", "elytra", "dragon_head", "dragon_egg,elytra", "dragon_egg,dragon_head", "elytra,dragon_head", "all"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": ["Idea from [VanillaTweaks](https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/datapacks/)"]}, {"name": "strictShulkerShells", "description": "Shulkers always drop a given amount of shulker shells when killed", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "1", "2"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["Idea from [VanillaTweaks](https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/datapacks/)", "You must choose a value from 0 to 4"]}, {"name": "silenceMobs", "description": "Mobs named with 'silence_me' stop making noise", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["Idea from [VanillaTweaks](https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/datapacks/)"]}, {"name": "zeroTickPlants", "description": "Brings back the ability to force grow certain plants using 0-ticks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "newShulkerBehavior", "description": "Makes shulkers behave like in the current 1.17 snapshots", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Shulkers hit by a shulker bullet have a chance to spawn a new shulker and teleport"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "concreteConvertOnCauldron", "description": "Concrete powder converts to concrete blocks when on top of a filled cauldron", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyHarvesting", "description": "Right clicking on fully grown crops harvests and immediately replants it", "type": "String", "value": "off", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["off", "normal", "require_hoe"], "extras": ["Works on: Wheat"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "edibleNetheriteScraps", "description": "Makes netherite scraps edible, because, let's be honest, they kinda look like chocolate", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Works server side only"], "branches": ["1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CLIENT, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "peacefulHunger", "description": "Players do not lose any hunger like in peaceful mode", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["Suggestion by [real_zockerhopper](https://www.curseforge.com/members/real_zockerhopper)"]}, {"name": "foodInstantHeal", "description": "Food heals hearts not hunger like in the first mc versions and naturalregeneration is off", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Recommended using with peacefulHunger"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["Suggestion by [real_zockerhopper](https://www.curseforge.com/members/real_zockerhopper)"]}, {"name": "lilyPadsOnCauldron", "description": "Lily pads can be placed on cauldrons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stonecutterDamage", "description": "How much damage stonecutters deal when stepping on them", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "3", "4", "5"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 10"]}, {"name": "enderPearlDamage", "description": "Amount of damage dealt by ender pearls", "type": "int", "value": "5", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "2", "3", "5"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 10"]}, {"name": "edibleSlimeBalls", "description": "Slime balls are edible and give jump boost and slowness", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Works server side only"], "branches": ["1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CLIENT, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reachDistance", "description": "Reach in which you can place and break blocks. value will be 0.5 higher in creative", "type": "double", "value": "4.5", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0.0", "4.5", "5.0", "10.0"], "extras": ["Mod needed on server and client for this feature to work"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, CREATIVE, CLIENT, RUG"], "validators": ["Is disabled when [reach-entity-attributes](https://github.com/JamiesWhiteShirt/reach-entity-attributes) or [Pehkui](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pehkui) is installed", "You must choose a value from 0 to 100"]}, {"name": "edibleGoldIngots", "description": "Butter is finally edible. keep in mind 250g of pure butter are not that healthy", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Works server side only"], "branches": ["1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CLIENT, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cactusFurnaceXp", "description": "Amount of xp a cactus smelted in a furnace gives", "type": "double", "value": "1.0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0.1", "0.2", "0.5", "1.0"], "extras": ["1 XP per Cactus seems to be a bug"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 1"]}, {"name": "silkTouchFarmland", "description": "Mining farmland with a silk touch tool will drop itself", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "silkTouchPathBlocks", "description": "Mining path blocks with a silk touch tool will drop itself", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "silkTouchSpawners", "description": "Mining spawners with a silk touch tool will drop itself", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "edibleMagmaCream", "description": "Magma cream is edible and gives 10 seconds of fire resistance", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Works server side only"], "branches": ["1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CLIENT, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyDispenserCrafting", "description": "Dispensers can be crafted in full stacks with a dropper plus the raw materials of a bow", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["Idea from [VanillaTweaks](https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/crafting-tweaks/)"]}, {"name": "easyBoneBlockCrafting", "description": "Bone blocks can be crafted out of bones", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "moreBarkCrafting", "description": "Crafting logs to wood gives 4 instead of 3", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableNotchApple", "description": "Enchanted golden apples can be crafted with 8 gold blocks again", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "unpackableQuartz", "description": "Quartz blocks can be crafted into set amount of quartz", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "4"], "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 9"]}, {"name": "unpackableWool", "description": "White wool blocks can be crafted into set amount of string", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "4"], "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 9"]}, {"name": "unpackableNetherWart", "description": "Nether wart blocks can be crafted into set amount of nether warts", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "9"], "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 9"]}, {"name": "easyRepeaterCrafting", "description": "Repeaters can be crafted with the raw materials for redstone torches", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableNameTags", "description": "Name tags can be crafted with paper and iron or string or both", "type": "String", "value": "off", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["off", "with_iron", "with_string", "with_both"], "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyMinecartsCrafting", "description": "The special minecarts can be crafted like normal minecarts with the matching block in the middle", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyChestCrafting", "description": "Chests can be crafted out of logs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyStickCrafting", "description": "Sticks can be crafted out of logs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shapelessCrafting", "description": "Bread, paper and shulker boxes can be crafted in a 2x2 field", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["Idea from [VanillaTweaks](https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/crafting-tweaks/)"]}, {"name": "powderToGlassSmelting", "description": "Concrete powder can be smelted to glass of the corresponding color", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["Idea from [VanillaTweaks](https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/crafting-tweaks/)"]}, {"name": "universalDyeing", "description": "Allows to dye already dyed things and clean glass, glass panes and terracotta with a water bucket in the crafting table", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["Idea from [VanillaTweaks](https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/crafting-tweaks/)"]}, {"name": "unpackableIce", "description": "Blue ice and packed ice can be crafted into set amount of packed ice and normal ice accordingly", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "3", "4", "9"], "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 9"]}, {"name": "craftableCobwebs", "description": "Cobwebs can be crafted with 5 strings in a cross pattern or with a 3x3 full area", "type": "String", "value": "off", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["off", "cross", "full"], "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyTrappedChestCrafting", "description": "Trapped chests can be crafted out of logs and a tripwire hook", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "infinityNeedsArrow", "description": "A bow enchanted with infinity needs the player to have an arrow in his inventory", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, BUGFIX, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "longerRepeaters", "description": "Repeaters on top of redstone blocks multiply their delay by set amount", "type": "int", "value": "1", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "redstoneLampTurnOffDelay", "description": "Delay in game ticks for redstone lamps to turn off", "type": "int", "value": "4", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "4", "8"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 8"]}, {"name": "craftableHorseArmor", "description": "Horse armor can be crafted in vanilla_style (h-shape), with_saddle (like in vanillatweaks) or with armor_pieces", "type": "String", "value": "off", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["off", "vanilla_style", "with_saddle", "armor_pieces"], "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "woodcutting", "description": "The stonecutter can be used for all wood types", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "honeyCombStickiness", "description": "Honey comb only sticks to selected blocks", "type": "String", "value": "both", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["both", "honey", "slime", "none"], "extras": ["Will render Ghost Blocks on the Client when mod is only Server Side"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, CLIENT, FEATURE, RUG"], "validators": ["[Idea from DragonEggBedrockBreaking#0034](https://discord.com/channels/211786369951989762/573613501164159016/816793720011358208) on the [SciCraft Discord](https://discord.gg/scicraft)"]}, {"name": "dragonEggConvertsCobbleToEndstone", "description": "Dragon eggs will convert cobble under them to endstone either on set event", "type": "String", "value": "off", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["off", "on_teleport", "on_landing", "both"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderPearlWaterDrag", "description": "How fast thrown ender pearls can travel under water. 0.99 is the default for above water and for tridents", "type": "double", "value": "0.8", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0.8", "0.9", "0.99"], "extras": ["Thrown Pearl will stutter on client when mod is only on server"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, CLIENT, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0.5 to 0.99"]}, {"name": "kelpBlockHardness", "description": "How long kelp blocks take to mine in survival", "type": "double", "value": "0.5", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0.0", "0.25", "0.5"], "extras": ["Any value other than 0 will behave like 0.5 for clients without this mod"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, CLIENT, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 0.5"]}, {"name": "campSleeping", "description": "Allows players to sleep in a bed without setting their spawn point by entering while sneaking. requires the main hand to be empty", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "snowballWaterDrag", "description": "How fast thrown snowballs can travel under water. 0.99 is the default for above water and for tridents", "type": "double", "value": "0.8", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0.8", "0.9", "0.99"], "extras": ["Thrown Snowball will stutter on client when mod is only on server"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, CLIENT, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0.5 to 0.99"]}, {"name": "eggWaterDrag", "description": "How fast thrown eggs can travel under water. 0.99 is the default for above water and for tridents", "type": "double", "value": "0.8", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0.8", "0.9", "0.99"], "extras": ["Thrown Egg will stutter on client when mod is only on server"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, CLIENT, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0.5 to 0.99"]}, {"name": "dragonXpDrop", "description": "Amount of xp dropped by later dragons. the first dragon always drops 12000", "type": "int", "value": "500", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["500", "1200", "12000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["[Idea from Neubulae](https://github.com/gnembon/carpet-extra/issues/171)", "You must choose a value from 0 to 12000"]}, {"name": "moreFortressSpawningBlocks", "description": "What blocks fortress mobs can spawn on inside the bigger bounding box", "type": "String", "value": "off", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["off", "more", "all"], "extras": ["off: nether bricks only / more: (red)"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, RUG"], "validators": ["[Idea from DragonEggBedrockBreaking](https://github.com/gnembon/carpet-extra/issues/182)"]}, {"name": "easyBlueIceCrafting", "description": "Blue ice can be crafted from ice and blue dye", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "slimeChunkPercentage", "description": "The percentage of chunks that are slime chinks", "type": "int", "value": "10", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "10", "50", "100"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, RUG"], "validators": ["[Idea from Philipp766](https://github.com/gnembon/carpet-extra/issues/161)", "You must choose a value from 0 to 100 that is a multiple of 10"]}, {"name": "maxBannerLayers", "description": "Maximum number of layers, that can be applied to a banner", "type": "int", "value": "6", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["3", "6", "10", "12"], "extras": ["This only works for clients with this mod installed and the Banner tooltips never show more than 6 layers"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, SURVIVAL, CLIENT, CRAFTING, RUG"], "validators": ["[Idea from SouthernPixel](https://github.com/gnembon/carpet-extra/issues/111)", "You must choose a value from 3 to 16"]}, {"name": "commandSlimeChunk", "description": "A command that shows if the current chunk is a slime chunk based on the set slimechunkpercentage", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["COMMAND, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tallPlantNoUpdate", "description": "Tall plants do not update blocks around the top part if the bottom half got broken", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Old Bug: MC-31038"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, RUG"], "validators": ["[Idea from DragonEggBedrockBreaking](https://github.com/gnembon/carpet-extra/issues/185)"]}, {"name": "commandFrame", "description": "A command that makes the nearest item frame in a 5 block radius around the player, that holds an item, invisible or visible", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["COMMAND, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSkull", "description": "A command that gives the executing player the player head of the selected player", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["COMMAND, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netherrackGeneration", "description": "Netherrack is generated instead of cobblestone if a magma block is below", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "basaltToBlackstoneConversion", "description": "Basalt converts to blackstone if next to both lava and water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "infiniteLavaSources", "description": "Lava creates infinite sources like water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "basaltToLavaConversion", "description": "Basalt converts to a lava source when placed (or moved) next to a lava source, flowing lava and a magma block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSudo", "description": "A command that executes the exact input as the selected player", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This is not just an alias for /execute"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["COMMAND, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endCrystalPlacementRestriction", "description": "End crystals can only be placed on obsidian and bedrock blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "concreteMixing", "description": "Sand falling on gravel (or the other way around) with a concrete block below will blend to concrete powder colored like the concrete block below", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["In combination with cobbleCrushing and gravelCrushing allows for an automatic Concrete generator"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cobbleCrushing", "description": "Cobblestone crushed by a falling anvil will convert into gravel", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Carpet-Extra's renewableSand is prioritized over this"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "gravelCrushing", "description": "Gravel crushed by a falling anvil will convert into sand", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPeek", "description": "A command that shows the inventory or ender chest of the specified player", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["COMMAND, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagersAlwaysConvert", "description": "Villagers killed by zombies will always convert to zombie villagers regardless of difficulty", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blastFurnaceStone", "description": "Cobblestone to stone to smooth stone can be smelted in a blast furnace", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["[Suggestion from Philipp766](https://github.com/RubixDev/Rug/issues/15)"]}, {"name": "blastFurnaceGlass", "description": "Sand and red sand can be smelted to glass blocks in a blast furnace", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blastFurnaceSmoothSandStone", "description": "Sandstone and red sandstone can be smelted to the smooth variant in a blast furnace", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blastFurnaceNetherBrick", "description": "Netherrack can be smelted to nether brick in a blast furnace", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blastFurnaceSmoothQuartz", "description": "Quartz blocks can be smelted to smooth quartz in a blast furnace", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blastFurnaceGlazedTerracotta", "description": "Dyed terracotta can be smelted to the corresponding glazed terracotta in a blast furnace", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "smokerGreenDye", "description": "Cacti can be cooked into green dye in a smoker. xp override of cactusfurnacexp still applies", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "smokerLimeDye", "description": "Sea pickles can be cooked into lime dye in a smoker", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagersDropEmeralds", "description": "Villagers drop between 1 and x emeralds on death, where x is the given number", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "1", "3"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 5"]}, {"name": "commandMaxEffect", "description": "A command to quickly give the player the specified effect for infinite time and at max level", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This is basically just an alias for: `/effect give @s 999999 255 true`"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["COMMAND, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandMods", "description": "A command listing all mods installed on the server", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.16", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["COMMAND, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "silkTouchBuddingAmethysts", "description": "Mining budding amethysts with a silk touch tool will drop itself", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stalagmiteSteppingDamage", "description": "Pointed dripstones (stalagmites) deal damage when standing on them. sneaking prevents this", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "2", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 10"]}, {"name": "unpackableAmethysts", "description": "Amethyst blocks can be crafted into set amount of amethyst shards", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "4"], "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["Idea from [NAPPUS](https://github.com/MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons/issues/79)", "You must choose a value from 0 to 9"]}, {"name": "tameCatsWithCookedFish", "description": "Cats can also be tamed with cooked cod and salmon, not just with raw", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemFramesActivatePressurePlates", "description": "Item frames inside wooden pressure plates hold them down", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderEyeDropChance", "description": "The chance of ender eyes dropping when thrown", "type": "int", "value": "80", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "50", "80", "100"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.19", "1.17"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 100"]}, {"name": "wanderingTraderAlert", "description": "Make alert when wandering trader is coming", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "HuajiMURsMC/SkyBlockHelper", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["SKYBLOCK_HELPER, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "wanderingTraderLog", "description": "Make log when wandering trader is coming", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "HuajiMURsMC/SkyBlockHelper", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["SKYBLOCK_HELPER, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "vanillaPistonAnimations", "description": "Tells carpet clients the game isn't frozen, allowing piston animations to play immediately", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "chiraagChakravarthy/SubTick", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["SUBTICK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "losslessBedrockBreaking", "description": "Changes one line of code that makes lossless bedrock breaking possible again (barely)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "chiraagChakravarthy/SubTick", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["SUBTICK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "skipInvalidEvents", "description": "Skip stepping over events executed on the wrong block", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "chiraagChakravarthy/SubTick", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["SUBTICK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersPickUpFish", "description": "Lets dispensers pick up fish using water buckets.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "enjarai/swaggy-carpet-addon", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SWAGGY", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersPickUpBothFishAndWater", "description": "Lets dispensers pick up fish and water at the same time using an empty bucket.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "enjarai/swaggy-carpet-addon", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SWAGGY", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "catSpawnChance", "description": "Sets chance cat will spawn in a village", "type": "int", "value": "100", "repo": "totorewa/totos-carpet-tweaks", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "25", "50", "75", "100"], "extras": null, "branches": ["mc1.17.x", "mc1.18.x", "mc1.19.x", "mc1.16.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, TOTO"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 100"]}, {"name": "noPiglinGuarding", "description": "Stops piglins angering when a block they guard is interacted with or broken", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "totorewa/totos-carpet-tweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["mc1.17.x", "mc1.18.x", "mc1.19.x", "mc1.16.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, TOTO"], "validators": []}, {"name": "returnSpectators", "description": "Prevent players from teleporting when using spectator mode by returning them to their previous survival position", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "totorewa/totos-carpet-tweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["mc1.17.x", "mc1.18.x", "mc1.19.x", "mc1.16.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, TOTO"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sharedVillagerDiscounts", "description": "Major positive reputation is shared amongst all players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "totorewa/totos-carpet-tweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["mc1.17.x", "mc1.18.x", "mc1.19.x", "mc1.16.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, TOTO"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerBulletsSpawnShulkers", "description": "Adds shulker spawning from the caves & cliffs 1.17 update", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "totorewa/totos-carpet-tweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["mc1.16.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, TOTO"], "validators": []}, {"name": "visibleSpectators", "description": "Makes spectators visible to non-spectator players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "totorewa/totos-carpet-tweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["mc1.17.x", "mc1.18.x", "mc1.19.x", "mc1.16.x"], "categories": ["TOTOS-TWEAKS", "TOTO, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandToggleSpectator", "description": "Enables /ts command to toggle spectator mode", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "totorewa/totos-carpet-tweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["mc1.17.x", "mc1.18.x", "mc1.19.x", "mc1.16.x"], "categories": ["COMMAND, TOTO"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandWeird", "description": "Enables the /weird command", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": ["The /weird command allows for chunk monitoring as well as other weird additions that need more arguments then a carpet rule"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "observerDelay", "description": "Change the delay length of observers (how long it takes to turn on)", "type": "int", "value": "2", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": false, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "observerPulse", "description": "Change the pulse length of observers (how long it stays on)", "type": "int", "value": "2", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": false, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "anvilColorFormatting", "description": "Allows the use of spigot formatting inside of anvils", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["To see formatting codes use /weird color"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fastPistons", "description": "Pistons will extend and retract with 1 tick of delay", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableMovingPiston", "description": "Makes moving_piston (b36) movable. requires movableblockentities to be on. very unstable and made for the fun of proving it can be done!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": ["MovableBlockEntities must be enabled to use this"]}, {"name": "blockUpdateHell", "description": "Basically all setblock calls will use this number", "type": "int", "value": "-2", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": false, "options": null, "extras": ["Custom block updates from: -1 to 127 | use -2 to disable"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from -2 to 127"]}, {"name": "spongeEverything", "description": "Makes it so that sponges can absorb all blocks :}", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeLimit", "description": "Change the max amount of that a sponge can absorb", "type": "int", "value": "64", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": false, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeLava", "description": "The sponge now absorbs lava instead of water, you happy now?", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeInfinite", "description": "Removes all restrictions that sponges have", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["You can still change the spongeLimit to avoid crashing. spongeLimit is ignored if its the default value!"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeFaster", "description": "Modify sponges so that the blocks they remove don't create blockupdates", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Only noticeable when using spongeInfinite"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeCeption", "description": "Sponge, sponges itself", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeReusable", "description": "Sponge does not become wet when used", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If spongeCeption is enabled"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeAbsorbsExplosions", "description": "Sponge will prevent block explosion damage if its in the tnt list of blocks to break", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enchantmentOverride", "description": "Allows you to enchant past the highest vanilla enchant limit using /enchant", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Also makes it so every enchantment works on all items"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "uncappedTridentSpeed", "description": "Makes it so that tridents can move just as fast as they usually do on the y-axis on the x & z axis", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "executeBlockLimit", "description": "Customizable execute volume limit", "type": "int", "value": "32768", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": false, "options": ["32768", "250000", "1000000"], "extras": ["It's weird cause nobody knows this limit exists xD"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 1 to 20M"]}, {"name": "scaffoldingBreaking", "description": "Scaffolding breaking rules. change how scaffolding breaks", "type": "String", "value": "break", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["break", "float", "gravity"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "instantLiquidFlow", "description": "Instant-liquid flow in 1.16, basically instant tile ticks but for liquids", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fastLiquidFlow", "description": "Makes all liquid ticks happen within the next tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fastTileTicks", "description": "Makes all tile ticks happen within the next tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "instantTileTick", "description": "Re-implementing instant tile ticks into 1.16. although it's more of an imitation", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "instantTileTickMechanic", "description": "A game mechanic for instant tick ticks. requires a lit redstone lamp to be moved in border chunks surrounded by ticking chunks", "type": "InstantTileTickEnum", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true", "crashfix", "vanilla", "vanillacrashfix"], "extras": ["Also makes it so that instantTileTick crashes the server when generating new chunks", "vanilla makes it so that instantLiquidFlow works with instantTileTicks like its does in 1.12"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "instantFall", "description": "Re-implementing instant fall into 1.16, what could possibly go wrong", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "instantFallMechanic", "description": "A game mechanic for instant fall. requires a lit redstone lamp to be moved in border chunks surrounded by border chunks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Also makes it so that instantFall turns off when generating new chunks."], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "preventBreaking", "description": "Prevents all players from breaking blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "permaloader", "description": "This is a joke, it actually just prevents all chunks from being unloaded ;)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blueSkullTesting", "description": "Makes it so blue skulls from wither always spawn to test if your wither based farm will break", "type": "blueSkullTest", "value": "VANILLA", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["vanilla", "entity", "passive", "all"], "extras": ["Entity: Makes it so skulls have a 100% chance of spawning when wither is targeting an entity", "Passive: Makes it so theres 100% chance of blue skulls spawning passively"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockTransparency", "description": "Makes all the blocks in the game act like transparent blocks!", "type": "BlockTransparencyEnum", "value": "NORMAL", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["normal", "solid", "transparent", "inverse"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "worldborderSpecial", "description": "Everything works the same past the world border", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "catOnChestBypass", "description": "Makes it so that cats on chests do not prevent the chest from opening", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "totallyLegitElytra", "description": "Elytra won't take damage from flight", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Requested by Pixeils"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "breakableDragonEgg", "description": "Allows the dragon egg to be mined", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dragonAlwaysDropsEgg", "description": "Ender dragon always drops a dragon egg when killed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerCancer", "description": "Shulkers can become cancer, just place a bunch of shulkers next to each other!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "featherFallingPlus", "description": "Feather falling prevents trampling crops", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD, CREATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "accurateEntityPositions", "description": "Will send an entity position packet for every tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["May cause severe network lag if too many entities are loaded"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fallingBlockMechanic", "description": "A mechanic to make any block a falling block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If a LIT lamp is moved under a beacon which has a fallingBlock above it"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD, CREATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableEntityInterpolation", "description": "Disabled client-side entity interpolation", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD, CREATIVE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyWither", "description": "Makes the wither act as if the difficulty is easy", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemShadowingMechanic", "description": "Mechanic to create shadow items without a suppressor", "type": "itemShadowingMechanics", "value": "OFF", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["off", "lightning", "spectral"], "extras": ["Lightning Mechanic: Lightning hitting an item frame on an inventory", "+", "will create a shadow item of the item in the frame and put it in the inventory.", "Spectral Mechanic: Shooting an item frame on an inventory with a burning spectral arrow", "+", "will create a shadow item of the item in the frame and put it in the inventory.", "Do this twice!"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xpbeacons", "description": null, "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "FracturedCode/XpBeacons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["XPBEACONSCATEGORY, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "onlyUpdateWarn", "description": "Only show the version of johan carpet addon only when there is an update.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endGatewayCooldown", "description": "Toggle for end gateway cooldown.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, ENDSETTINGSCATEGORY, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endMainIslandStructureGen", "description": "Toggle for the main end island structure generation, turns off portal, egg, obsidian pillars, gateways and crystals.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, ENDSETTINGSCATEGORY, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noObsidianPlatform", "description": "Toggle for end obsidian platform generation excluding players.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, ENDSETTINGSCATEGORY, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "keepProjectilesTicked", "description": "Toggle for projectiles are ticked the whole time.", "type": "String", "value": "default", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["default", "all", "player-only", "enderpearls"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "logTNTMomentum", "description": "Debug tnt momentum transfer to enderpearls in console.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ftlTNT", "description": "Tnt optimized for large amounts in cannons.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperLoading", "description": "Hopper entity processing chunk loading.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandLocation", "description": "Enables /location command to know where is a player.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSignal", "description": "Enables /signal command to get a container with comparator value.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, CREATIVE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandEnderchest", "description": "Enables /enderchest command to open the enderchest of a player.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, FEATURE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandTotal", "description": "Enables /total command to know the total sum of a scoreboard.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandComputation", "description": "Enables /computation command to test redstone contraptions.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandBatch", "description": "Enables /batch command to execute commands multiple times.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandItem", "description": "Enables /item command to get item data.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "filterBotsInScores", "description": "Bots don't appear on scoreboards and do not count in the total.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "totalScore", "description": "The scoreboard total appears on the scoreboard.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "forceShulkerTeleport", "description": "Force shulkers to teleport when stay in invalid positions.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, ENDSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "seaLevelFishes", "description": "Fishes only can spawn between y:45 and y:63, both excluded.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ancientBartering", "description": "Gives piglins a specified chance to drop ancient debris.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "50", "100"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 100"]}, {"name": "maxHeightmap", "description": "Set the max value possible for heightmap. use at your own risk!", "type": "int", "value": "255", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": false, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL, OPTIMIZATION, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "llamaDupeExploit", "description": "Enables old donkey / llama dupe bug.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oldFlintAndSteelBehavior", "description": "Backports 1.12 flint and steel behavior. flint and steel can be used for updating observers / buds.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "carefulBreak", "description": "Places the mined block in the player inventory when sneaking.", "type": "String", "value": "never", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["never", "always", "sneaking", "no-sneaking"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oreUpdateSuppressor", "description": "Emerald ore acts as an update suppressor.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, CREATIVE, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerInception", "description": "Enable the possibility to store shulkerboxes inside shulkerboxes.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "compatibleEnchantments", "description": "Disable enchantment compatibility checks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT, ENCHANTMENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableEnchantmentCap", "description": "Disable enchantment max level cap.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT, ENCHANTMENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableAnvilXpLimit", "description": "Disable anvil max xp cap.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT, ENCHANTMENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "infiniteTrades", "description": "Makes merchant offers unlimited.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "allStackable", "description": "All items have 64 stack size.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bucketSponge", "description": "Using a bucket renamed to \"sponge\" removes fluids in the area.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lavaSponge", "description": "Sponges remove lava too.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xpBarMending", "description": "Sneak to repair items with your stored xp.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeKill", "description": "Insta-kill entities when you are in creative mode.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, CREATIVE, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerInsert", "description": "Items are stored directly inside shulkers in inventory when players collect them.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemFrameDelay", "description": "Item frame reset delay.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "3", "6", "22"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mineStones", "description": "Blocks of stone material can be broken faster with netherite pickaxe.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "zeroTickFarms", "description": "Bring back zero tick plant farms.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16", "1.18-dev", "master"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerFireDrops", "description": "Shulkerboxes drop their contents when burned.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "magmaBlockDamage", "description": ".", "type": "String", "value": "always", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["always", "only-mobs", "never"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.18-dev"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandCs", "description": "Enables /cs command to get into spectator mode and return to previous location when you disable it.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18-dev"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "customStackSize", "description": "All items have a custom stack size, set it to 0 to disable.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18-dev"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "drownedDropTrident", "description": "If drowned have a trident, it will have a chance of 100% of droping it.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18-dev"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "comparatorReadThroughOthers", "description": "Comparators can read through pistons and chains", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "11-90-an/suscarpetaddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SUS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemDespawnTimeLength", "description": "Adjustable item despawn time", "type": "int", "value": "6000", "repo": "11-90-an/suscarpetaddons", "strict": false, "options": ["6000", "12000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SUS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableRedstoneStuff", "description": "Redstone dust, redstone torches, repeaters and comparators can be moved now", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "11-90-an/suscarpetaddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SUS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "FarmableClay", "description": "Lets dispensers convert dirt into clay with water bottles", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RLLD576/Rober-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["ROBER", "DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "SleepingDelay", "description": "Sets the game-ticks of delay when you sleep in a bed (vanilla is 100)", "type": "int", "value": "100", "repo": "RLLD576/Rober-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["ROBER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ThunderWarn", "description": "The amount of ticks before thunderstorm that are needed for the mod to warn you about it", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RLLD576/Rober-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["ROBER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "OldFallingBehavior", "description": "Reintroduce the 1.12 falling block behavior", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RLLD576/Rober-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["ROBER", "FALLING-BLOCK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "FallingBlockDieAge", "description": "Age in gameticks at which falling blocks die, -1 for infinity. (vanilla is 600)", "type": "int", "value": "600", "repo": "RLLD576/Rober-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["ROBER", "FALLING-BLOCK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "FallingBlockNoFrictionWithWalls", "description": "Falling blocks over walls would not have friction with the floor as in 1.12", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RLLD576/Rober-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.2", "1.18", "1.17"], "categories": ["ROBER", "FALLING-BLOCK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "KeepInventoryResetXP", "description": "If using keep inventory gamerule, the player xp wil be reset on death (vanilla if keep inventory off)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RLLD576/Rober-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["ROBER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "SendSetRespawnFeedback", "description": "Send feedback to the player of the action of the rule sleepinbedsetrespawn", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RLLD576/Rober-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["ROBER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "SleepInBedSetsRespawn", "description": "Sleeping you will only set respawn when trying to sleep in a bed", "type": "String", "value": "always", "repo": "RLLD576/Rober-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["never", "sneaking", "no-sneaking", "always"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["ROBER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "alwaysPickFlowersFromPots", "description": "Right-clicking on a flowerpot containing a flower will always put the flower into your inventory.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableMobSpawningInEnd", "description": "Disables mobs from spawning in the end.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableMobSpawningInNether", "description": "Disables mobs from spawning in the nether.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableMobSpawningInOverworld", "description": "Disables mobs from spawning in the overworld.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disablePhantomSpawningForCreativePlayers", "description": "Phantoms will no longer spawn for creative players.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, FEATURE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disablePhantomSpawningInMushroomFields", "description": "Phantoms will no longer spawn around a player that is in a mushroom fields biome.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersPlaceEyesOfEnder", "description": "Dispensers can place eyes of ender into end portal frames.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DISPENSER, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersRemoveEyesOfEnder", "description": "Dispensers can remove eyes of ender from full end portal frames. any connecting end portals will", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, DISPENSER, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dropAllXpOnPlayerDeath", "description": "When a player dies, all of their xp will be dropped.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dropEyesOfEnderFromEndPortalFrame", "description": "A full end portal frame will drop an eye of ender when right clicked by a player, turning into an", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermenSpawnOnlyInTheEnd", "description": "Disables endermen from spawning in the overworld and nether, only allowing them to spawn in the end.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableEmptyEndPortalFrames", "description": "Allows empty end portal frames to be moved.nthe `drop_as_items_on_explosion` option will allow end", "type": "MovableBlockOptions", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "drop_as_item_on_explosion"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableSpawners", "description": "Allows spawners to be moved.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netheriteAxeInstantMineWood", "description": "A netherite axe with efficiency v combined with the haste ii status effect will instant mine wood and", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netheritePickaxeInstantMineBlueIce", "description": "A netherite pickaxe with efficiency v combined with the haste ii status effect will instant mine blue", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netheritePickaxeInstantMineCobblestone", "description": "A netherite pickaxe with efficiency v combined with the haste ii status effect will instant mine", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netheritePickaxeInstantMineDeepslate", "description": "A netherite pickaxe with efficiency v combined with the haste ii status effect will instant mine", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netheritePickaxeInstantMineEndStone", "description": "A netherite pickaxe with efficiency v combined with the haste ii status effect will instant mine end", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netheritePickaxeInstantMineNetherBricks", "description": "A netherite pickaxe with efficiency v combined with the haste ii status effect will instant mine", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "passiveEndermen", "description": "Endermen will not be provoked by the player when attacked or looked at. they will still be provoked by other mobs.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pickFlowersFromPots", "description": "Right-clicking on a flowerpot with a flower in it will put the flower into your inventory", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "portalSpectatorDelay", "description": "Amount of delay ticks to use a nether portal in spectator mode. requires the `spectatorplayersuseportals` rule to be enabled.", "type": "int", "value": "1", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": false, "options": ["1", "40", "80", "72000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["SPECTATOR, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "replaceableFlowers", "description": "Placing blocks on flowers will replace them like grass.", "type": "ReplaceableFlowersOptions", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "one_tall_flowers", "all_flowers"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "replaceFlowersInPots", "description": "When right clicking a flower pot with a pottable item, it will replace the item that already was in the pot.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND", "FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnEggsSpawnMobsWithNoAI", "description": "A spawn egg will spawn a mob with no ai.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, CREATIVE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spectatorPlayersUsePortals", "description": "Spectator players can go through nether portals, end portals and end gateways.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["SPECTATOR, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stonecuttersDoDamage", "description": "When a stonecutter is powered by redstone, it will damage entities standing on top of it.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": false, "options": ["-1", "0", "1", "2"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xpBubbleColumnInteraction", "description": "Bubble columns will push or pull xp orb entities like with other entities and items.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.17.1", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativePlayerOneHitKill", "description": "Allows players in creative mode to kill entities in one hit. this only works on non-player entities.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.18.2", "1.19.4", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, CREATIVE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "phantomsObeyHostileMobCap", "description": "Phantoms will no longer spawn if the hostile mobcap is full. this is per player.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.18.2", "1.19.4", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "autoCraftingTable", "description": "Converts the vanilla crafting tables into carpet's auto-crafting table", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-autoCraftingTable", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE", "EXTRAS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersPlaceBoatsOnIce", "description": "Dispensers can place boats on ice", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fallingBlockDispensers", "description": "Dispensers/Droppers with a block in front of them when powered will turn that block into a falling block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["dispenser & dropper give the same velocity to the falling block like they do in 22w13oneblockatatime"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xpPerSculkCatalyst", "description": "Sets the amount of xp dropped when breaking a sculk catalyst.", "type": "int", "value": "5", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": false, "options": ["5", "10", "20"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanDontTakeExplosionDamageFix", "description": "Fixes the endermen not being able to take damage from wither and tnt explosions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "allayStuckInVoidFix", "description": "Fixes allays getting stuck in the void due to gravity being disabled", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spectatorAdvancementGrantingFix", "description": "Fixes advancement criteria being granted to players in Spectator mode", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oresDontDropXpWhenBlownUpFix", "description": "Fixes ore blocks not dropping experience when blown up - sculk use the same block as ores", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "boatTooFarFromDispenserFix", "description": "Fixes boats getting created 1/16th of a block too far from the dispenser that created them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderpearlClipFix", "description": "Fixes enderpearls allowing you to clip through blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "wardenEatsArmorFix", "description": "Fixes the warden being able to consume armor dispensed onto it", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endCrystalsOnPushDontSummonDragonFix", "description": "Fixes end crystals not attempting to respawn the dragon when being pushed by a piston", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sitGoalAlwaysResettingFix", "description": "Fixes the SitGoal continuously restarting if the owner is offline, instead of doing the checks normally", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, MODDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "simulatedOutOfMemoryCrashFix", "description": "Fixes crashes caused by `debugSimulatedOutOfMemory`", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "someUpdatesDontCatchExceptionsFix", "description": "Fixes crashes caused by block updates using the SixWayEntry update. Currently only useful for OOM!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fallingBlocksCantReuseGatewaysFix", "description": "Fixes falling blocks only being able to use end gateways once", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagersDontReleaseMemoryFix", "description": "Fixes villagers not releasing there tickets & positional memories when changing dimension, causing them to attempt to pathfind to them causing insane lag", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, CRASHFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "structuresIgnorePassengersFix", "description": "Fixes structure blocks not being able to save entities with passengers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedNeighborUpdater", "description": "A memory efficient implementation of the new NeighborUpdater", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["OPTIMIZATION, VANILLA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lecternBlockDupeFix", "description": "Fixes a lectern block dupe, it just dupes the lectern block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceInstantBlockUpdates", "description": "Re-introduces instant block updates which changed in 22w11a", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceTrapdoorUpdateSkipping", "description": "Re-introduces compact update skippers using trapdoors", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "updateSuppressionCrashFix", "description": "No longer fixes an actual crash, the crash is only possible if you use: `reIntroduceInstantBlockUpdates`", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "debugStackDepth", "description": "Placing turtle eggs on a barrier block will make it output the current stack depth on shape updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["DEBUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "debugStackTrace", "description": "Placing turtle eggs on a jigsaw block will make it output the current stack trace on shape updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["DEBUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "debugSimulatedOutOfMemory", "description": "A jigsaw block with a lightning rod ontop of itself will make it throw a real out of memory exception when receiving a block update", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["DEBUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cycleVillagerTrades", "description": "Auto-cycle villager trades every time the trade menu is opened", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kosma/carpet-flying", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["(equivalent of breaking and replacing the workstation).", "Allows Trade Cycling Mod-like behavior in vanilla client."], "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "displayNamesOnPlayerList", "description": "Show server-side displayNames on player list.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kosma/carpet-flying", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Required for player list manipulation rules to work."], "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "displayNameCarpetBot", "description": "Display \"[bot] next to Carpet bot names\".", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kosma/carpet-flying", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "displayNameVanillaTweaksAFK", "description": "Display \"[afk] next to AFK player names\".", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kosma/carpet-flying", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Requires corresponding Vanilla Tweaks datapack."], "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderDragonNoGriefing", "description": "Prevent Ender Dragon from breaking any blocks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kosma/carpet-flying", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disablePlayerSpawnCommand", "description": "Disable Carpet's /player spawn command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kosma/carpet-flying", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Prevents players from abusing it to teleport around."], "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockExplosionDropDecay", "description": "In block interaction explosions, some blocks won't drop their loot", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Some of the drops from blocks destroyed by explosions caused by block interactions are lost in the explosion."], "branches": ["1.20", "1.19"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, DROPS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandModificationBlockLimit", "description": "Command Modification Block Limit", "type": "int", "value": "32768", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": false, "options": ["32768", "1000000", "2147483647"], "extras": ["Number of blocks that can be changed at once by one command, such as fill or clone."], "branches": ["1.20", "1.19"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, MISC"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doVinesSpread", "description": "Vines spread", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Controls whether or not the Vines block spreads randomly to adjacent blocks. Does not affect other type of vine blocks such as Weeping Vines, Twisting Vines, etc."], "branches": ["1.20", "1.19"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, WORLD_UPDATES"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doWardenSpawning", "description": "Spawn wardens", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether wardens can spawn"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.19"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, SPAWNING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "globalSoundEvents", "description": "Global sound events", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["When certain game events happen, like a boss spawning, the sound is heard everywhere."], "branches": ["1.20", "1.19"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, MISC"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lavaSourceConversion", "description": "Lava converts to source", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["When flowing lava is surrounded on two sides by lava sources it converts into a source."], "branches": ["1.20", "1.19"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, WORLD_UPDATES"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobExplosionDropDecay", "description": "In mob explosions, some blocks won't drop their loot", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Some of the drops from blocks destroyed by explosions caused by mobs are lost in the explosion."], "branches": ["1.20", "1.19"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, DROPS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "snowAccumulationHeight", "description": "Snow accumulation height", "type": "int", "value": "1", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "1", "8"], "extras": ["When it snows, layers of snow form on the ground up to at most this number of layers."], "branches": ["1.20", "1.19"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, WORLD_UPDATES"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntExplosionDropDecay", "description": "In TNT explosions, some blocks won't drop their loot", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Some of the drops from blocks destroyed by explosions caused by TNT are lost in the explosion."], "branches": ["1.20", "1.19"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, DROPS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "waterSourceConversion", "description": "Water converts to source", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["When flowing water is surrounded on two sides by water sources it converts into a source."], "branches": ["1.20", "1.19"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, WORLD_UPDATES"], "validators": []}, {"name": "generateAncientCityPortals", "description": "Generates Ancient City portal frames in a SkyBlock world", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["GENERATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tallFlowersFromWanderingTrader", "description": "Allows the Wandering Trader to sell tall flowers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE, WANDERING_TRADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerSpawnsOnDragonKill", "description": "Makes a Shulker spawn on the Bedrock Pillar when the End Dragon is re-killed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "foxesSpawnWithSweetBerriesChance", "description": "Probability that Foxes spawn with Sweet Berries", "type": "double", "value": "0d", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "0.2", "1"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableEchoShards", "description": "Makes Creatures with Echolocation (Bats and Dolphins) drop Echo Shards when killed by a Warden's Sonic Boom attack", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "allayableVexes", "description": "Allows Vexes to turn into Allays when played the correct Note Block sequence", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "coralErosion", "description": "Makes Dead Coral erode into Sand when Water flows out of it", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hugeMushroomsSpreadMycelium", "description": "Makes Mushrooms spread Mycelium onto dirt-like blocks nearby when Bonemealed into Huge Mushrooms", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableNetherrack", "description": "Makes Netherrack or Nylium generate around Nether Portals that generate midair", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["What generates depends on the biome, with Nyliums generating in their respective forests and Netherrack elsewhere"], "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableDeepslate", "description": "Allows Thick Potions to convert Stone into Deepslate, either by right-clicking or using a splash potion", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "no_splash"], "extras": ["With no_splash: splash potion conversion is disabled."], "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableSwiftSneak", "description": "Allows Enchanting Tables near Wardens to enchant with Swift Sneak", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxWanderingTraderSpawnChance", "description": "Max Wandering Trader spawn chance", "type": "double", "value": "0.075", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": false, "options": ["0.075", "0.2", "1"], "extras": ["This starts at 0.025 and increases by 0.025 each time a trader spawn fails until the max chance is reached."], "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["WANDERING_TRADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "wanderingTraderSpawnRate", "description": "How often the Wandering Trader attempts to spawn in ticks", "type": "int", "value": "24000", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": false, "options": ["6000", "24000", "72000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["WANDERING_TRADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "botTabListNamePrefix", "description": "Add a prefix to the Bot in the TabList, using & instead of \u00a7 to format the text.", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["#none", "[bot]"], "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "botTabListNameSuffix", "description": "Add a suffix to the Bot in the TabList, using & instead of \u00a7 to format the text.", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["#none", "[fake]"], "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableParticlesPackets", "description": "Disable particle packet sending to reduce bandwidth usage.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["MISC"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispenserCollectExperience", "description": "Dispenser firing glass bottles at players will convert to experience bottles.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noteBlockChunkLoader", "description": "When the note block is activated, if the top is obsidian and the bottom is emerald ore, it gives the block a load ticket equivalent to the nether portal.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "opLevelBelowSelf", "description": "Operators can only grant the same or lower permissions to other players than themselves.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voidDevouringBehavior", "description": "The action that will occur when the player falls into the void.", "type": "VoidDevouringBehaviorOptions", "value": "VANILLA", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["instant_death", "teleport_to_spawn", "teleport_to_spawn_cost_totem", "teleport_to_spawn_cost_totem_or_death", "vanilla"], "extras": ["instant_death - Dies immediately when entering the void.", "teleport_to_spawn - Teleport to the player's spawn point when entering the void, or to the world spawn point if it does not exist.", "teleport_to_spawn_cost_totem - Teleport to the player's spawn point when entering the void, or to the world spawn point if it does not exist. This action consumes a totem, and if the player does not hold a totem they will receive void damage.", "teleport_to_spawn_cost_totem_or_death - Teleport to the player's spawn point when entering the void, or to the world spawn point if it does not exist. This action consumes a totem, and if the player does not hold a totem they will die immediately.", "vanilla - Vanilla behaviour."], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableOpsBypassWhitelist", "description": "Disable OPs bypass whitelist.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["ADMINISTRATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "opsMonitorWhitelist", "description": "Enable whitelist when all OPs are offline.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["ADMINISTRATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "alwaysRefreshResourcePack", "description": "(cursed impl) Always re-download server resource pack.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["ADMINISTRATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hideServerBrand", "description": "Hide server brand.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["ADMINISTRATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandMods", "description": "Enables /mods command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandHome", "description": "Enables /home command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "invulnerableAreImmuneToCreativePlayers", "description": "Prevents creative players from attacking invulnerable mobs.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableBlockTrampling", "description": "Disable turtle egg and farmland trampling.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["GAMEMECHANICS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noteBlocksPlayOnLanding", "description": "Note blocks play on landing (Fabrication port).", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FABRICATION, GAME_MECHANICS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noteBlocksTuneWithSticks", "description": "Tune note blocks with sticks (Fabrication port).", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FABRICATION, GAME_MECHANICS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noteBlocksTuneBackwards", "description": "Tune note blocks backwards when sneaking (Fabrication port).", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FABRICATION, GAME_MECHANICS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableMessageCooldown", "description": "Disable chat anti-spam (TIS Additions port).", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["TIS_ADDITIONS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableCreativeItemDropCooldown", "description": "Disable creative item drop cooldown (TIS Additions port).", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["TIS_ADDITIONS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enchantCommandDisableRestrictions", "description": "Disable enchant command restrictions (TIS Additions port).", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["TISADDITIONSPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sendServerDebugInfo", "description": "Send server debug info.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sendServerDebugInfoDistance", "description": "Send server debug info distance.", "type": "double", "value": "256.0", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sendServerDebugInfoUnlimitedDistance", "description": "Send server debug info from unlimited distance.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creepersDropBlocks", "description": "Creepers drop all exploded blocks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["GAMEMECHANICS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creepersHealthExplosionStrength", "description": "Creepers explosion strength is affected by their health.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["GAMEMECHANICS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersDuplicateAllays", "description": "Dispensers duplicate dancing allays with amethyst shards", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "echoShardsEnableShriekers", "description": "Using an echo shard on a sculk shrieker allows it to summon wardens", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fasterOxidation", "description": "Blocks oxidize much faster when touching water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noCreeperBlockBreaking", "description": "Disables creeper explosion block breaking", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noGhastBlockBreaking", "description": "Disables ghast fireball explosion block breaking", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noSnowGolemMelting", "description": "Prevents Snow Golems from melting in hot biomes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowSuppressionGeneration", "description": "Reintroduce pre 1.19 shadow item generation by update suppression", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["DISCLAIMER: this will not reintroduce old update suppression"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.19"], "categories": ["SHADOW, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowCraftingGeneration", "description": "Introduce a crafting recipe to create new Shadow Items", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["combine any item stack and a EnderChest to generate a new shadow stack", "the operation will consume 1 item from each component", "WARNING: do not move the items with SHIFT", "WARNING: do not close the GUI with a shadow stack in the crafting grid"], "branches": ["1.20", "1.19"], "categories": ["SHADOW, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableTuff", "description": "Craft tuff from andesite and cobblestone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, CRAFTING, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "missingCobbleRecipes", "description": "Adds missing recipes for allowing blackstone and cobbled deepslate in place of cobblestone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, CRAFTING, BUGFIX, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "splashOxidize", "description": "Copper blocks oxidize one stage when hit with a water bottle", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sculkBlocksAlwaysDropXp", "description": "Sculk blocks always drop XP when destroyed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Allows for fully automatic XP farms without a wither"], "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, TNT, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "snowMelting", "description": "Whether snow can melt", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "waterInNether", "description": "Allow water placing and ice melting in ultrawarm dimensions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "accurateAzaleaLeafDistribution", "description": "The distribution of azalea leaf types matches the azalea bush the tree is grown from", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["These features are controlled through doormat/worldgen/configured_feature/azalea_tree_many_flowers.json and azalea_tree_no_flowers.json respectively."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "alwaysHalloween", "description": "Mobs will always have a chance to wear carved pumpkins, regardless of the time of year", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This also affects bat spawning rates."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "azaleaLeavesGrowFlowers", "description": "Azalea leaves grow flowers when fertilized", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beaconsHealPets", "description": "Beacons with their secondary effect set to regeneration can heal nearby tamed mobs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "barrelItemDumping", "description": "Barrels facing down will eject all of their contained items when opened", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "basaltGenProduct", "description": "The block produced when lava flows between soul soil and blue ice", "type": "String", "value": "minecraft:basalt", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["minecraft:basalt"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, APRIL_FOOLS, EXPERIMENTAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockFallingDelay", "description": "The time it takes for gravity-affected blocks to fall after receiving a shape update, in ticks", "type": "int", "value": "2", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["2"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "biomeDependentDungeonMobs", "description": "The mobs that spawn inside dungeons will represent the biome the dungeon generated in", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Zombies get replaced by husks in warm biomes, and skeletons get replaced by strays in cold biomes and bogged in swamp biomes.", "This will not affect previously-generated chunks, so if you intend to feature this modification on a long-term survival world, it's best to enable the setting right away."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "campfireRespawning", "description": "Lit campfires can be set as respawn points when clicking on them with an empty hand, while sneaking", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Regular campfires will extinguish every time you respawn next to them, while soul campfire flames persist."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chiseledBookshelfFullnessSignal", "description": "Comparators measure the number of books in chiseled bookshelves instead of the last slot interacted with", "type": "ChiseledBookshelfFullnessSignalMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["\"Lerped\" interpolates from 1 to 15, instead of outputting the exact number."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cobblestoneGenProduct", "description": "The block produced when flowing lava meets water", "type": "String", "value": "minecraft:cobblestone", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["minecraft:cobblestone"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, APRIL_FOOLS, EXPERIMENTAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "compactBannerTooltips", "description": "Compacts the tooltips of banners by listing their patterns as a cycling carousel", "type": "CarouselTooltipsMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["For more information, check the designated Github wiki page!"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CLIENT, TOOLTIP, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "compactEnchantTooltips", "description": "Compacts the tooltips of enchantments by listing them as a cycling carousel", "type": "CarouselTooltipsMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["For more information, check the designated Github wiki page!"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CLIENT, TOOLTIP, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "compactPotTooltips", "description": "Compacts the tooltips of decorated pots by grouping like sherds together", "type": "CompactPotTooltipsMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["\"Ignore bricks\" removes bricks from the tooltips entirely.", "For more information, check the designated Github wiki page!"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CLIENT, TOOLTIP, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "compactTemplateTooltips", "description": "Compacts the tooltips of smithing templates by removing the \"Applies to\" and \"Ingredients\" text", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["For more information, check the designated Github wiki page!"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CLIENT, TOOLTIP, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "compactTrimTooltips", "description": "Compacts the tooltips of armor trims to a single line", "type": "CompactTrimTooltipsMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["\"No material\" removes the material text but leaves the color formatting.", "For more information, check the designated Github wiki page!"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CLIENT, TOOLTIP, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "comparatorsReadThroughChains", "description": "Comparators can read through chains, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "comparatorsReadThroughPaths", "description": "Comparators can read through dirt paths, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "comparatorsReadThroughPistons", "description": "Comparators can read through pistons, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "composterSideInputs", "description": "Items can be inserted into composters from all 6 sides instead of just the top, via hoppers and droppers.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "consistentExplosionImmunity", "description": "Explosion-immune blocks also apply this property to their dropped item counterparts", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Though marked as \"Works As Intended\", this rule technically fixes this bug: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-212764"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, BUGFIX, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "consistentWaterlogPushing", "description": "Blocks will always conserve their waterlogged state upon being pushed by a piston, regardless of the length of the pulse", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Despite the intentional behavior clearly being for the water to vanish, this rule partly satisfies this open report: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-130202"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "copperBulbOxidationSignal", "description": "Comparators reading from copper bulbs output a signal strength based on the oxidation stage, instead of a binary output", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "crafterSignalLerping", "description": "Comparators output a signal strength from 1 to 15 instead of 1 to 9 when reading from crafters", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cryingObsidianPortalFrames", "description": "Crying obsidian can be used in the frames of nether portals", "type": "CryingObsidianPortalFramesMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["\"Convert\" will cause the obsidian in portal frames to slowly convert into crying obsidian"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "deepslateDungeons", "description": "Dungeons that generate below y = 0 will be made of cobbled deepslate instead of cobblestone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This will not affect previously-generated chunks, so if you intend to feature this modification on a long-term survival world, it's best to enable the setting right away."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableArmadilloShedding", "description": "Disables armadillos randomly shedding their scutes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableBedTooFarWarning", "description": "Allows players to sleep when they are more than 3 blocks away from the bed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableBedUnsafeWarning", "description": "Allows players to sleep when there are nearby monsters", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableDragonEggTeleportation", "description": "Disables dragon eggs teleporting when clicking on them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableEndGatewayCrossing", "description": "Disables travelling through end gateways", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableEndPortalCrossing", "description": "Disables travelling through end portals", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableMaceKnockback", "description": "Disables maces knocking back entities upon a successful hit", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableNetherPortalCrossing", "description": "Disables travelling through nether portals", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disablePetAttacking", "description": "Disables players harming tamed mobs", "type": "DisablePetAttackingMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["\"Owned\" allows players to hit pets that aren't their own."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disablePiglinBlockGuarding", "description": "Disables aggravating nearby piglins by interacting with certain blocks", "type": "DisablePiglinBlockGuardingMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["\"Open\" allows players to open containers without being attacked.", "\"Sneaking\" allows players to break containers safely while sneaking."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disablePrematureBlockFalling", "description": "Disables shape updates scheduling gravity-affected blocks to fall even when they aren't able to", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, OPTIMIZATION, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableShulkerReproduction", "description": "Disables shulkers duplicating when hit by bullets", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Intended to be used in tandem with carpet's shulkerSpawningInEndCities."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableWaterMiningSlowdown", "description": "Disables the mining speed debuff when submerged in water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersBuryItems", "description": "Allows dispensers to bury custom item stacks inside sand or gravel, turning them into suspicious blocks which players can brush", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["DISPENSER, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dragonEggFallingDelay", "description": "The time it takes for dragon eggs to fall after receiving a shape update, in ticks", "type": "int", "value": "5", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["5"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endExitIgnoreLeaves", "description": "Players teleporting back to spawn from the end dimension will ignore leaves when deciding where to land, just like other entities", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endPlatformSillyString", "description": "Removes the extra setBlock() call that prevents string-based generation suppression being usable on the end platform", "type": "EndPlatformSillyStringMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["\"No drops\" prevents the intersecting blocks from dropping as items, for the most part restoring pre-1.21 behavior."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["RETRO, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "expandedFenceConnectivity", "description": "Allows fences to connect to walls and glass panes", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fastLeafDecayingChance", "description": "The chance per gametick of leaves decaying when their supporting logs are removed", "type": "double", "value": "0.0", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["0.0", "0.075"], "extras": ["0 restores vanilla randomTick behavior, and 0.075 is the value that matches the behavior of Vanilla Tweaks' datapack."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fireAspectLighting", "description": "Items enchanted with fire aspect can be used to light campfires, candles and TNT, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "forceGrassSpreading", "description": "Grass and mycelium can instantly spread to adjacent dirt, when the dirt is fertilized with bonemeal", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This behaves the same as nylium in vanilla."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "grassAgingChance", "description": "The chance per randomTick of a grass block growing short and tall grass naturally", "type": "double", "value": "0.0", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["0.0", "0.002", "1.0"], "extras": ["0 restores vanilla grass block behavior, i.e. not growing any short or tall grass naturally."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "growableSwampOakTrees", "description": "Oak saplings grow into swamp oaks in swamp biomes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "highlightSleepDeprivers", "description": "Clicking a bed applies the glowing effect to monsters that are actively preventing sleep", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperTransferTime", "description": "The time it takes for a hopper to transfer an item, in ticks", "type": "int", "value": "8", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["8"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, APRIL_FOOLS, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "huskWashing", "description": "Adult husks drop 1-3 sand when converting into zombies", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "incrediblySecretSetting", "description": "\u00a7kblblblbllblblbblblblblblblbl\u00a7r :3", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "insomniaDayCount", "description": "The number of sleepless nights after which phantoms can spawn around the player", "type": "int", "value": "3", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["3", "7"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemMagnetRange", "description": "The range at which items will slowly gravitate towards the player", "type": "double", "value": "0.0", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["0.0"], "extras": ["This is different from the item pickup range!"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemMagnetVelocity", "description": "The velocity at which items will gravitate towards the player in x / (the distance from the item to the player in blocks)^2", "type": "double", "value": "0.2", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["0.2", "0.5", "1.0"], "extras": ["This requires that itemMagnetRange is set above 0."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "jukeboxDiscProgressSignal", "description": "Comparators reading from jukeboxes output a signal strength based on how much of the music disc has been played, instead of the disc index", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lavaFlowSpeedDefault", "description": "The time it takes for lava to flow one block in the overworld or end, in ticks.", "type": "int", "value": "30", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["30"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lavaFlowSpeedNether", "description": "The time it takes for lava to flow one block in the nether, in ticks.", "type": "int", "value": "10", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["10"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lazyLoadedShearSuppression", "description": "Mobs in lazy chunks can be sheared without updating, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "leavesNoCollision", "description": "Disables the tangibility of leaves, making it easier to traverse areas with lots of trees", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxSugarcaneGrowthHeight", "description": "The maximum height sugarcane can grow to in blocks", "type": "int", "value": "3", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["3"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "moreTimeArgumentUnits", "description": "Adds minute (m), hour (h) and week (w) units to time arguments in commands", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableEnchantingTables", "description": "Enchanting tables can be pushed with pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Requires that movableBlockEntities is enabled."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableEnderChests", "description": "Ender chests can be pushed with pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Requires that movableBlockEntities is enabled."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mossSpreadToCobblestone", "description": "Moss can convert nearby cobblestone to mossy cobblestone when fertilized", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This feature is controlled through doormat/worldgen/configured_feature/mossy_cobblestone_patch.json."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mossSpreadToStoneBricks", "description": "Moss can convert nearby stone bricks to mossy stone bricks when fertilized", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This feature is controlled through doormat/worldgen/configured_feature/mossy_stone_bricks_patch.json."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "openDoubleDoors", "description": "Doors connected via opposite hinges pair their open or close state changes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "obsidianGenProduct", "description": "The block produced when water meets still lava", "type": "String", "value": "minecraft:obsidian", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["minecraft:obsidian"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, APRIL_FOOLS, EXPERIMENTAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "peacefulMonsterSpawning", "description": "Hostile mobs can passively spawn in peaceful mode", "type": "PeacefulMonsterSpawningMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["For more information, check the designated Github wiki page!"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "persistentRespawnAnchorCharge", "description": "Disables respawn anchor charges decrementing when the player respawns.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "phantomMinSpawnAltitude", "description": "The minimum y height the player needs to be standing at in order to spawn phantoms", "type": "int", "value": "63", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["63", "127", "255"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pistonMovementTime", "description": "The time it takes for a piston to fully extend or retract, in ticks", "type": "int", "value": "2", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["2"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playersDropAllXp", "description": "Players drop all of their XP on death instead of a capped amount", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "portalForceTicking", "description": "Nether portal blocks randomTick when lit, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "powderSnowPortalBreaking", "description": "Powder snow can be used to break nether portals, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "propagulePropagation", "description": "Mangrove propagules actually propagate, falling from trees and planting themselves automatically", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "qcSuppressor", "description": "Emerald ore breaks the quasi-connection between components and power sources", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ravagersStompPlants", "description": "Ravagers can break plants, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ravagersStompSnow", "description": "Ravagers can break snow layers, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reachAroundBridging", "description": "Blocks can be placed by aiming in front of the block you're standing on, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CLIENT, PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "redstoneOpensBarrels", "description": "Powering barrels with redstone forces them open", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnersGenerateCobwebs", "description": "Cave spider spawners generate cobwebs between nearby solid faces each spawn cycle", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["For more information, check the designated Github wiki page!"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableGildedBlackstone", "description": "The chance per randomTick of blackstone adjacent to underwater magma blocks becoming gilded", "type": "double", "value": "0.0", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["0.0", "0.001", "1.0"], "extras": ["0 restores vanilla behavior, i.e. never becoming gilded."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableSporeBlossoms", "description": "Spore blossoms generate underneath fertilized moss blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "retroRepeaterDelay", "description": "Repeaters have delays of 2, 4, 10 and 14 ticks respectively, like they did during development of beta 1.3", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["RETRO, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "safeSand", "description": "Floating gravity-affected blocks are stable until receiving an update from the underside, preventing cave-ins and quicksand", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sculkCatalystXpCount", "description": "The amount of XP dropped from mining a sculk catalyst", "type": "int", "value": "5", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["5", "20"], "extras": ["20 is the value that matches the behavior from before 1.19.1pre6."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["RETRO, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sneakingRandomTickChance", "description": "The chance each time you sneak for a nearby block to get randomTicked", "type": "double", "value": "0.0", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["0.0", "0.5", "1.0"], "extras": ["0 restores vanilla behavior, i.e. not accelerating growth by sneaking."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "softInversion", "description": "Redstone torches placed on the sides of pistons deactivate when the piston extends, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "snowFormsUnderLeaves", "description": "Snow layers accumulate under leaves instead of on top during snowstorms.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "solidEntityCollision", "description": "Living entities can be collided with like boats", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["APRIL_FOOLS, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "solidHoney", "description": "Honey blocks behave like solid blocks, like they do in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sporeBlossomDuplication", "description": "Spore blossoms drop themselves when fertilized, the same way tall flowers do", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stickyPillarBlocks", "description": "Pillar blocks like logs and bone blocks stick to each other based on the axis direction when moved", "type": "CarpetSettings.ChainStoneMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["\"Stick to all\" causes them to connect to each other regardless of axis direction."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stickyStickyPistons", "description": "Sticky pistons act like directional slime blocks", "type": "CarpetSettings.ChainStoneMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["\"Stick to all\" causes them to stick omnidirectionally like normal slime blocks."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, APRIL_FOOLS, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stoneGenProduct", "description": "The block produced when lava flows on top of water", "type": "String", "value": "minecraft:stone", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["minecraft:stone"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, APRIL_FOOLS, EXPERIMENTAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "suspiciousLootAmountFix", "description": "Item stacks buried in suspicious sand or gravel drop their expected amount when brushed instead of a random number between 10-30", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This rule fixes this bug: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-260225"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "suspiciousLootDropPosFix", "description": "Brushing suspicious sand or gravel aligns the dropped loot against the block face", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This rule fixes this bug: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272398"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "torchBurnoutFlickerAmount", "description": "The number of times a redstone torch must flicker within the allocated timespan in order to burn out", "type": "int", "value": "8", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["8"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "torchBurnoutTime", "description": "The allocated time a torch has to reach its flicker count in order to burn out, in ticks", "type": "int", "value": "60", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["60", "40"], "extras": ["40 is the value that matches Bedrock Edition's behavior, assuming the default flicker amount value"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "trialSpawnerEntityRequirement", "description": "The types of entities to check around the trial spawner before spawning mobs", "type": "TrialSpawnerEntityRequirementMode", "value": "SURVIVAL_PLAYERS", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagersAlwaysInheritBiome", "description": "Baby villagers will always assume the clothing of the biome they're born in", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Intended to be used in tandem with the in-built trade rebalance experimental toggle."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "waterFlowSpeed", "description": "The time it takes for water to flow one block, in ticks.", "type": "int", "value": "5", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["5"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "woolDesertPyramids", "description": "The terracotta details on desert pyramids will be made of wool instead, like before 1.8", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This will not affect previously-generated chunks, so if you intend to feature this modification on a long-term survival world, it's best to enable the setting right away."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["RETRO, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "zoglinPortalSpawnChance", "description": "The chance of a zoglin spawning inside a nether portal instead of a zombified piglin", "type": "double", "value": "0.0", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["0.0", "0.1", "1.0"], "extras": ["0 restores vanilla behavior, i.e. never spawning zoglins."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandQC", "description": "Enables /quasiconnectivity command to toggle quasi-power capability for individual redstone components", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["COMMAND, TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandDelay", "description": "Enables /delay command to change the delay of individual redstone components", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["COMMAND, TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandUpdateType", "description": "Enables /updatetype command to change the updates individual redstone components emit when changing state", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["COMMAND, TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandTickPriority", "description": "Enables /tickpriority command to change the tick priority of the scheduled block ticks sent by individual redstone components", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["COMMAND, TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandRandomTick", "description": "Enables /randomtick command to forcibly send randomTicks to the specified block position", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["COMMAND, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stonecuttersDoDamage", "description": "When a stonecutter is powered by redstone, it will damage entities standing on top of it.", "type": "float", "value": "0.0f", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": false, "options": ["-1", "0", "1", "2"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.4", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandItemShadowing", "description": "Enable /itemshadowing command to create a shadow of the item in the main hand", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "setBedrockHardness", "description": "Set the hardness of bedrock", "type": "float", "value": "-1F", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["ORG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bindingCurseInvalidation", "description": "Enable player to take off armors with binding curse enchantments", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableOpenOrWaterDetection", "description": "Disable detection of open water in fishing, thus allowing fishing for treasures in any water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sculkShriekerCanSummon", "description": "Enable sculk shrieker placed by player to summon warden", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeImmuneKill", "description": "Make player in creative mode immune to /kill command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemNeverDespawn", "description": "Disable the despawning of items", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "flyingUseOnBlockFirework", "description": "Limit fire rocket only to be used when flying", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "staringEndermanNotAngry", "description": "Disable enderman getting angry when player stares at them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "farmlandPreventStepping", "description": "Prevent farmland from being trampled", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxBlockPlaceDistance", "description": "Set the maximum block placement distance", "type": "double", "value": "-1", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Also works for blocks breaking and interaction"], "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "simpleUpdateSkipper", "description": "Backport update skipper before 1.20-pre2 by disconnecting the redstone wire and prevent comparator dropping over tripdoors", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "channelingIgnoreWeather", "description": "Ignore the weather condition when using channeling enchantment", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "notDamageEnderPearl", "description": "Disable the falling damage when using ender pearl", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "protectionEnchantmentCompatible", "description": "Allow all protection enchantments to be compatible", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableDamageImmunity", "description": "Disable the immunity after sustaining damage", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hayBlockCompleteOffsetFall", "description": "Disable the falling damage when landing on hay block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blueIceCanSpawn", "description": "Prevent mobs from naturally spawning on blue ice", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableBatCanSpawn", "description": "Prevent bats from naturally spawning", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "turtleEggFastHatch", "description": "Make turtle eggs always crack when random ticked, rather than cracking with a 1/500 chance", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "openShulkerBoxForcibly", "description": "Allow players to open the shulker box forcibly, even for those boxes blocked by a solid blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagerInfiniteTrade", "description": "Allow infinitely trading with villagers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fireworkRocketUseCooldown", "description": "Add a cooldown for using firework rocket", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "riptideIgnoreWeather", "description": "Ignore the weather condition when using riptide enchantment", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disablePiglinZombify", "description": "Prevent piglins from zombifying", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableVillagerWitch", "description": "Prevent villagers from turning into witches", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableIronGolemAttackPlayer", "description": "Prevent iron golems from attacking players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pickaxeMinedBedrock", "description": "Make bedrock mineable with pickaxe", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagerHeal", "description": "Heal villagers for 1 health every 4 seconds", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerHeal", "description": "Heal fake players for 1 health every 2 seconds", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "damageEnchantmentCompatible", "description": "Allow all damage enchantments to be compatible", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPlayerTools", "description": "Enable /playertools command for fake player manipulation", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxBlockPlaceDistanceReferToEntity", "description": "Make entities within maxBlockPlaceDistance reachable", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableSwiftSneak", "description": "Librarian can sell enchantment book of swift sneak now", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "knockbackStick", "description": "Enable knockback stick, i.e. stick with knockback enchantment", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableRespawnBlocksExplode", "description": "Disable the explosion of respawn blocks, e.g. beds or respawn anchors", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "CCEUpdateSuppression", "description": "By naming a shulker box with a specified name, an \"ClassCastException\"-based update suppressor can be created", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "openSeedPermissions", "description": "Allow players without permission to use /seed command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSendMessage", "description": "Enable /sendMessage command for sending copiable message or urls", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "openCarpetPermissions", "description": "Allow /carpet in command singleplayer game", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "openGameRulePermissions", "description": "Allow players without permission to use /gamerule command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "openVillagerInventory", "description": "Allow to open villager inventory when sneaking", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "peacefulCreeper", "description": "Creeper will not attack player", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandXpTransfer", "description": "Enable /xpTransfer to transfer experience between players", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSpectator", "description": "Enable /spectator to switch between spectator and survival mode", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandFinder", "description": "Enable /finder command to search for blocks or items in certain ranges", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandKillMe", "description": "Enable /killme command to kill the player itself", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandLocations", "description": "Enable /locations command for location marker management", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "healthNotFullCanEat", "description": "You can eat food when full if your health is not full and saturation level less than 5", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "canMineSpawner", "description": "Make spawner mineable with silk touch tools", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerSpawnNoKnockback", "description": "Remove the knockback, burning time and falling distance when fake players respawning", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "canActivatesObserver", "description": "Enable flint and steel used to directly activate observers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableOutOfOrderChatCheck", "description": "Disable the checking for order of chat packages", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableWaterFreezes", "description": "Disable water freezing in cold biomes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerCraftKeepItem", "description": "Keep at least one item in inventory for each from recipes when fake players crafting items, unless it is an unstackable item", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Also works for fake players trading"], "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandParticleLine", "description": "Enable /particleLine command to draw a line connecting two points with particle effects", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableMobPeacefulDespawn", "description": "Keep entities with \"PersistenceRequired\" tag (With naming, etc.) from despawning in peaceful mode", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "climbingBoat", "description": "Enable boat drove by player to climb up one block high", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reusableSmithingTemplate", "description": "Disable the consumption of smithing template when smithing", "type": "ReusableSmithingTemplate", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["false: Disable this rule", "true: All smithing templates will not consumed", "upgrade: Only netherite upgrade smithing template are preserved"], "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "openTpPermissions", "description": "Allow players without permission to use /tp command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "softDeepslate", "description": "Set the hardness of deepslate and its variants to be the same as stone or cobblestone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "softObsidian", "description": "Set the hardness of obsidian to be the same as end stone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "softOres", "description": "Set the hardness of ores to be the same as the corresponding stone, deepslate or end stone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "betterTotemOfUndying", "description": "Undying Totem could function as long as it is in the inventory", "type": "BetterTotemOfUndying", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["fasle: Disable this rule", "shulker_box: Function as if undying totem is in the inventory, including in shulker box", "true: Function as if undying totem is in the inventory, but excluding those in shulker box"], "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPlayerAction", "description": "Enable /playerAction command to allow fake players to automatically perform some actions", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerCraftPickItemFromShulkerBox", "description": "Enable fake players to pick items from shulker boxes when crafting", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "customPiglinBarteringTime", "description": "Customize the time required for piglin bartering", "type": "long", "value": "-1", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "quickSettingFakePlayerCraft", "description": "Open the fake player crafting GUI directly by right-clicking the fake player with a workbench in mainhand, requiring the player to have the permission to execute the /playerAction command", "type": "QuickSettingFakePlayerCraft", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["false: Disable this rule", "sneaking: Only when sneaking", "true: Can always open"], "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "wetSpongeImmediatelyDry", "description": "Wet sponge can be dried immediately", "type": "WetSpongeImmediatelyDry", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["false: Disable this rule (Dried immediately only in nether as in vanilla)", "arid: Any arid biomes (biomes that have no rain)", "all: Dried immediately in any biomes", "disable: Wet sponge will not dried immediately even in nether"], "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerKeepInventory", "description": "Keep inventories and experience when fake player dies", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandCreeper", "description": "Enable /creeper command to make a creeper explosion around the specified player. The explosion only damages entities, and cause no block damages", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandRuleSearch", "description": "Enable /ruleSearch to search for carpet rules with the specified string in the translated name", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "superChargedCreeper", "description": "Drop a head for each entity when killed by a charged creeper", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerDropHead", "description": "Player drops head when killed by a charged creeper", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beaconRangeExpand", "description": "Extend range of beacon to specified distance", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["The value could be negative to shrink the range"], "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beaconWorldHeight", "description": "Set the vertical range of beacon to the entire world height", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobWhetherOrNotCanPickItem", "description": "Set whether items could be picked up by mobs", "type": "MobWhetherOrNotCanPickItem", "value": "VANILLA", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["no: No mobs can pick up items", "vanilla: Vanilla behaviour", "yes: Any mobs can pick up items", "yes_only_hostile: Any hostile mobs can pick up items, while others keep vanilla behaviour", "no_only_hostile: Any hostile mobs cannot pick up items, while others keep vanilla behaviour"], "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "canHighlightBlockPos", "description": "Add a button for highlight path point on the right of block position text. Requiring OMMC as a client-side mod", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPlayerManager", "description": "Enable /playerManager command to manage fake players login", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockDropsDirectlyEnterInventory", "description": "Item dropping from mining will directly enter the player's inventory", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "turtleEggFastMine", "description": "Player can mine multiple turtle eggs at once", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandNavigate", "description": "Enable /navigate command to guide players to a specific location", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerDropsNotDespawning", "description": "Set the Age of player drops to -32768 to prevent them from despawning", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerMaxCraftCount", "description": "Customize the maximizing crafting count of fake players in one game tick", "type": "int", "value": "3", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["1", "3", "5", "-1"], "extras": ["-1 represents no limit"], "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandMail", "description": "Enable the /mail command to ship items to other players", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "suppressionMismatchInDestroyBlockPosWarn", "description": "To prevent the warning \"Mismatch in destroy block pos: {} {}\" from being output in the log", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerSpawnMemoryLeakFix", "description": "Fix memory leak issue caused by spawning fake player when fabric api is installed simultaneously", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.21", "1.20.4"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "canHighlightBlockPos", "description": "Add a button for highlight path point on the right of block position text", "type": "CanHighlightBlockPos", "value": "DEFAULT", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["false: Disable this rule", "ommc: Highlight waypoint using OMMC", "default: Highlight waypoint using CarpetOrgAddition"], "branches": ["1.21"], "categories": ["CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "syncNavigateWaypoint", "description": "When enabled, the waypoint position of the current navigator can be rendered on the client side", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.21"], "categories": ["CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerBoxStackable", "description": "Allow empty shulker box to stack up to 64", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This will not changing the behavior of hopper, dropper, crafter, and comparator", "When Lithium is installed at the same time, this rule is not compatible with features such as hopper counters"], "branches": ["1.21"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxBlockPlaceDistanceSyncClient", "description": "Whether it is allowed to change the distance of the client block placement", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.21"], "categories": ["CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "Hopper Shulker Box Stacking", "description": "Controls whenever hopper transfers should stack shulkers in containers.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kikugie/stackable-shulkers-fix", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "Overstacked Shulker Signal Strength", "description": "Makes stacked shulkers create stronger comparator output, also known as OSS/HSS.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "kikugie/stackable-shulkers-fix", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "Sync Stacked Shulker Count", "description": "Fixes displayed shulker amount on vanilla clients. See issue #1899 in Carpet's repo.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kikugie/stackable-shulkers-fix", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "Legacy Shulker Item Merging", "description": "Enables the shulker box item merging logic Carpet used prior to the 1.20.5 update.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kikugie/stackable-shulkers-fix", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "Hoppers Collect Single Shulkers", "description": "Makes hoppers pick up single shulkers from a stack entity.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kikugie/stackable-shulkers-fix", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "Hopper Minecarts Collect Single Shulkers", "description": "Makes hopper minecarts pick up single shulkers from a stack entity.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kikugie/stackable-shulkers-fix", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "Overstacked Minecart Slowdown", "description": "Disables additional slowdown caused by overstacked shulker boxes when set to false.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "kikugie/stackable-shulkers-fix", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "antiSpamDisabled", "description": "Disable spamming checks on players, including: chat message cooldown, creative item drop cooldown", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockEventPacketRange", "description": "Set the range where player will receive a block event packet after a block event fires successfully", "type": "double", "value": "64.0D", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "16", "64", "128"], "extras": ["For piston the packet is used to render the piston movement animation. Decrease it to reduce client's lag"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockPlacementIgnoreEntity", "description": "Disable entity collision check before block placement, aka you can place blocks inside entities", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Works with creative mode players only"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "breedingCooldownDisabled", "description": "Remove breeding cooldown of all kinds of mobs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cauldronBlockItemInteractFix", "description": "Make player be able to place block against cauldron block with any filled level", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Affected Minecraft <= 1.16.x. This annoying behavior is already been fixed in 1.17+"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chatMessageLengthLimitUnlocked", "description": "Unlock the chat message / command string length limit", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["The limit will be raised from 256 to 32000", "Carpet TIS Addition is required to be installed on the client"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chunkUpdatePacketThreshold", "description": "The threshold which the game will just send an chunk data packet if the amount of block changes is more than it", "type": "int", "value": "64", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["64", "4096", "65536"], "extras": ["Increasing this value might reduce network bandwidth usage, and boost client's fps if there are lots of tile entities in a chunk section with a lot of block changes", "Set it to really high to simulate 1.16+ behavior, which is no chunk packet but only multiple block change packet", "This rule is only available in <1.16"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, OPTIMIZATION, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chunkTickSpeed", "description": "Modify how often the chunk tick occurs per chunk per game tick", "type": "int", "value": "1", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "1", "10", "100", "1000"], "extras": ["The default value is 1. Set it to 0 to disables chunk ticks", "Affected game phases: thunder, ice and snow, randomtick", "With a value of n, in every chunk every game tick, climate things will tick n times, and randomtick will tick n * randomTickSpeed times per chunk section"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "clientSettingsLostOnRespawnFix", "description": "Fixed stored client settings are not migrated from the old player entity during player respawn or entering end portal in the end", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["So mods relies on client settings are always able to work correctly, e.g. serverside translation of this mod and worldedit mod"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandLifeTime", "description": "Enables /lifetime command to track entity lifetime and so on", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Useful for mob farm debugging etc."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandManipulate", "description": "Enables /manipulate command for world related manipulation command", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandRaid", "description": "Enables /raid command for raid listing and tracking", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandRaycast", "description": "Enables /raycast command for debugging raycast", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandRefresh", "description": "Enables /refresh command for synchronizing your client to the server", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandRemoveEntity", "description": "Enables /removeentity command for directly erase target entities from the world", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSleep", "description": "Enables /sleep command for creating lag", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSpeedTest", "description": "Enables /speedtest command for network speed test", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["You can change the maximum allowed test size with rule speedTestCommandMaxTestSize"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND, TISCM_PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeInstantTame", "description": "Let create player tame animals instantly", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Affects cat, wolf, parrot and horse-like animals"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeNetherWaterPlacement", "description": "Allow creative players place water via water bucket in nether", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Technically this rule applies to all ultrawarm dimensions"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeNoItemCooldown", "description": "Remove the cooldown of items used by the creative players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["e.g. the 20gt cooldown after throwing an ender pearl"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeOpenContainerForcibly", "description": "Allow creative players to open a container even if the container is blocked. e.g. for shulker box", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "debugNbtQueryNoPermission", "description": "Remove the permission requirement for the debug nbt request of client's F3+I action", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["In vanilla, the request needs permission level 2 at least", "Carpet TIS Addition is required to be installed on the client"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "deobfuscateCrashReportStackTrace", "description": "Deobfuscate stack traces in crash report", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispenserNoItemCost", "description": "Dispensers and droppers execute without having the itemstack inside decreased", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Either dropping and using items do not cost, but dropper transferring item still costs"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, DISPENSER, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersFireDragonBreath", "description": "Dispenser can fire dragon breath bottle to create a dragon breath effect cloud", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enchantCommandNoRestriction", "description": "Remove all enchantment restriction checks inside /enchant command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endPortalOpenedSoundDisabled", "description": "Disable the sound emitted when opening an end portal", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "entityBrainMemoryUnfreedFix", "description": "Fix brain memory of living entity staying unfreed after the entity has been removed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This could lead to a memory leak if living entities remember other and then get removed continuously and create an endless memory chain in their brains", "Fixed MC-260605, using the same fix that Mojang implemented in 1.19.4-pre3"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "entityInstantDeathRemoval", "description": "Remove the 20gt delay before living entity removal after death", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["When enabled, living entities will despawn immediately after their death"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "entityMomentumLoss", "description": "Set it to false to disable entity axis momentum cancellation if it's above 10m/gt when being loaded from disk", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "entityPlacementIgnoreCollision", "description": "Disable block and entity collision check during entity placement with items", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Affected items: armorstand, end crystal, all kinds of boat", "Spawn egg items are not affected"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "entityTrackerDistance", "description": "The maximum horizontal chebyshev distance (in chunks) for the server to sync entities information to the client", "type": "int", "value": "-1", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-1", "16", "64"], "extras": ["Basically this works as a \"entity view distance\", but will still be limited to the server view distance", "Set it to a value not less than the server view distance to make the server sync all entities within the view distance to the client", "Set it to a non-positive value to use vanilla logic", "Requires chunk reloading to set the new rule value to entities"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "entityTrackerInterval", "description": "The time interval (in gametick) for the server to sync entities information to the client", "type": "int", "value": "-1", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-1", "1"], "extras": ["With a small number e.g. 1, entity information will be synced to the client every 1 gametick, resulting in less-likely client-side entity desync", "Set it to a non-positive value to use vanilla logic", "Requires chunk reloading to set the new rule value to entities"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "explosionNoEntityInfluence", "description": "Explosions won't affect any entity", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Influences here include damage, acceleration etc."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "explosionPacketRange", "description": "Set the range where player will receive an explosion packet when an explosion happens", "type": "double", "value": "64.0D", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "16", "64", "128", "2048"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "failSoftBlockStateParsing", "description": "Ignore invalid property keys/values in block state arguments used in e.g. /setblock command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["In vanilla invalid property keys/values cause command failure when parsing, this rule suppresses that", "Useful during cross-version litematica schematic pasting etc."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerNamePrefix", "description": "Add a name prefix for fake players spawned with /player command", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["fakeplayernamenoextra", "bot_"], "extras": ["Set it to #none to stop adding a prefix", "Which can prevent summoning fake player with illegal names and make player list look nicer"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CARPET_MOD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerNameSuffix", "description": "Add a name suffix for fake players spawned with /player command", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["fakeplayernamenoextra", "_fake"], "extras": ["Set it to #none to stop adding a suffix"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CARPET_MOD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerTicksLikeRealPlayer", "description": "Adjust the game phase where carpet's fake player logic and /player action packs are ticked, to make their behavior as close to real players as possible", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Adjustments, before -> after:", "1. Fake player entity-related ticking: Entity Phase -> Network Phase", "2. /player command action packs: Entity Phase -> Asynchronous Task Phase"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CARPET_MOD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerRemoteSpawning", "description": "The permission requirement for spawning remotely a fake player with /player command", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Here \"remotely\" means spawning a fake player at more than 16m away, or in other dimension"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CARPET_MOD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "farmlandTrampledDisabled", "description": "Disable farmland being able to be trampled into dirt by mobs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fillCommandModeEnhance", "description": "Enhance modes in the /fill command", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Add softreplace mode: Keep the block state of the original block as much as possible. You can use it to replace block type of stairs / slabs etc."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fluidDestructionDisabled", "description": "Disable block destruction by fluid flowing", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fluid will just simple stopped at the state before destroying the block", "It's useful to prevent liquid from accidentally flooding your redstone wiring in creative"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperCountersUnlimitedSpeed", "description": "Make hopper pointing towards wool has infinity speed to suck in or transfer items with no cooldown", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Only works when hopperCounters option in Carpet Mod is on"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE, CARPET_MOD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperNoItemCost", "description": "Hopper with wool block on top outputs item infinitely without having its item decreased", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["You can use the /scounter command or subscribe to the scounter logger to track the amount of the output items", "This rule is also the switch of the /scounter command"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperXpCounters", "description": "Make hopper counters be able to count experience amount from XP orbs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["When enabled, hopper counters will be able to \"absorb\" XP orbs and count their XP values", "You can use the /xcounter command or subscribe to the xcounter logger to see the XP counter results", "This rule is also the switch of the /xcounter command"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "HUDLoggerUpdateInterval", "description": "Overwrite HUD loggers update interval (gametick)", "type": "int", "value": "20", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["1", "5", "20", "100"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CARPET_MOD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "instantCommandBlock", "description": "Make command blocks on redstone ores execute command instantly instead of scheduling a 1gt delay TileTick event for execution", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Only affects normal command blocks"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemEntitySkipMovementDisabled", "description": "Removed the movement skipping mechanism when ticking of item entity", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Brings back <=1.13 item entity behavior, where item entities with low velocity on ground still tick movement every gt instead of every 4gt", "Useful when you require precise item entity movement timing", "Breaks related redstone devices, e.g. 2no2name's wireless redstone"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "keepMobInLazyChunks", "description": "The mobs in lazy chunks will not despawn", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This option only have effects between Minecraft 1.15 and 1.16"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "largeBarrel", "description": "The best storage block ever: Large barrel", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Two adjacent barrel blocks with their bottom side facing towards each other create a large barrel", "The behavior and logic of large barrel is just like large chest"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lifeTimeTrackerConsidersMobcap", "description": "Strategy for lifetime tracker to deal with mob that doesn't count towards mobcap", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["true: Don't track mobs that don't count towards mobcap, and treat mobs as removal as soon as they don't affect mobcap e.g. right when they pick up some items. Good for mob farm designing", "false: Tracks everything it can track and mark mobs as removal when they actually get removed. Good for raid testing Good for raid testing or non-mobfarms"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lightEngineMaxBatchSize", "description": "Changes maximum light tasks batch size", "type": "int", "value": "5", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["5", "50", "100", "200"], "extras": ["Allows for a higher light suppression tolerance", "Setting it to 5 - Default limit defined by the game"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lightQueueLoggerSamplingDuration", "description": "The sampling duration of light queue logger in game tick", "type": "int", "value": "60", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["1", "20", "60", "100", "6000"], "extras": ["Affects all data except the queue size displayed in the logger"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lightUpdates", "description": "Pause or disable light updates", "type": "LightUpdateOptions", "value": "ON", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["on", "suppressed", "ignored", "off"], "extras": ["If set to suppressed, no light update can be executed which simulates light suppressor", "If set to ignored, no light update can be scheduled. It's useful for creating light errors", "If set to off, no light update can be scheduled or executed", "[WARNING] If set to suppressed or off, new chunks cannot be loaded. Then if the server tries to load chunk for player movement or whatever reason the server will be stuck forever"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "loggerMovement", "description": "The switch / permission requirement of movement logger", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, LOGGER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "manipulateBlockLimit", "description": "The maximum amount of affected block of the /manipulate block commands", "type": "int", "value": "1000000", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["1000", "1000000", "1000000000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "microTiming", "description": "Enable the function of MicroTick logger", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Log and display redstone components actions, block updates and stacktrace with dye item", "Use /log microTiming to start logging", "Might impact the server performance when it's on", "See description of rule microTimingDyeMarker for instructions of dye markers", "[deprecated] Use wool blocks and end rods to mark blocks that need to be logged", "[deprecated] End rods will detect block updates and redstone components will show their actions", "[deprecated] - Observer, Piston, EndRod: pointing towards wool", "[deprecated] - Repeater, Comparator, Rail, Button, etc.: placed on wool", "[deprecated] Beside that, a universal block actions logging method is using EndRod on wool block to point on the block you want to log", "[deprecated] Check rule microTimingTarget to see how to switch logging method"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "microTimingDyeMarker", "description": "Allow player to right click with dye item to mark a block to be logged by microTiming logger", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true", "clear"], "extras": ["You need to subscribe to microTiming logger for marking or displaying blocks", "Right click with the same dye to switch the marker to end rod mode with which block update information will be logged additionally. Right click again to remove the marker", "Right click a marker with slime ball item to make it movable. It will move to the corresponding new position when the attaching block is moved by a piston", "Use `/carpet microTimingDyeMarker clear` to remove all markers", "You can create a named marker by using a renamed dye item. Marker name will be shown in logging message as well", "You can see boxes at marked blocks with fabric-carpet installed on your client. With carpet-tis-addition installed the marker name could also be seen through blocks"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "microTimingTarget", "description": "Modify the way to specify events to be logged in microTiming logger. Events labelled with dye marker are always logged", "type": "MicroTimingTarget", "value": "MARKER_ONLY", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["labelled: Logs events labelled with wool. Deprecated", "in_range: Logs events within 32m of any player. Deprecated", "all: Logs every event. Use with caution. Deprecated", "marker_only: Logs event labelled with dye marker only. Use it with rule microTimingDyeMarker"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "microTimingTickDivision", "description": "Determine the way to divide game ticks", "type": "TickDivision", "value": "WORLD_TIMER", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["world_timer: Divides at Overworld timer increment", "player_action: Divides at the beginning of player action"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "minecartFullDropBackport", "description": "Backport the feature from Minecraft 1.19+ that minecart entity drops the full cart item on destroy", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Only works in Minecraft < 1.19"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE, PORTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "minecartPlaceableOnGround", "description": "Make minecart being able to be placed directly on ground without rails, like boat", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "minecartTakePassengerMinVelocity", "description": "Determine the minimum required horizontal velocity (m/gt) for a minecart to pick up nearby entity as its passenger", "type": "double", "value": "0.1D", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "0.1", "nan"], "extras": ["Set it to 0 to let minecart always take passenger no matter how fast it is, just like a boat", "Set it to NaN to let minecart never takes passenger"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobcapsDisplayIgnoreMisc", "description": "Ignore mob type \"misc\" in carpet mobcaps displays", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Since it's useless: Nothing in misc category spawns, and it's ignored when calculating mobcap", "Affects mobcaps logger and /spawn mobcap command"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CARPET_MOD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "naturalSpawningUse13Heightmap", "description": "Change the upper limit of the Y value during the initial coordinate selection in natural mob spawning, to the highest block that blocks light at that XZ position", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Basically, this rule reverts the use of the heightmap during natural spawning back to version 1.13 and earlier", "Note: This will slightly increase lag during the natual spawning phase", "See also: rule naturalSpawningUse13HeightmapExtra"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE, PORTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "naturalSpawningUse13HeightmapExtra", "description": "Ignore piston block, slime block, honey block when calculating the modified heightmap in rule naturalSpawningUse13Heightmap", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["It's designed to keep the behavior unchanged from pre-1.13, but might introduce some unintended usage abuse"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE, PORTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netherPortalMaxSize", "description": "Modify the maximum size limit of the nether portal", "type": "int", "value": "21", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["21", "64", "128", "384"], "extras": ["Use with caution If you set it to a large value"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oakBalloonPercent", "description": "The chance for oak sapling top grow into a balloon oak (fancy_oak) in percent", "type": "int", "value": "-1", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-1", "0", "50", "100"], "extras": ["e.g. 0 means no balloon oak, 50 means 50% balloon oak, 100 means always balloon oak", "Set it to -1 to disable the rule and use vanilla logic (10% balloon oak)"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "obsidianPlatformBlockBreakerBackport", "description": "Backport the feature from Minecraft 1.21+ that the creation of the obsidian platform in the end dimension can break existing blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Notes: block iterating order for obsidian platform creation for normal entity in vanilla [1.16, 1.21) is different from mc1.21+"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE, PORTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "observerNoDetection", "description": "Stop observer from scheduling tile tick event after it receives a state update", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Basically this rule disables the detection functionality of observers"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "opPlayerNoCheat", "description": "Disable some command to prevent accidentally cheating", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Affects command list: /gamemode, /tp, /teleport, /give, /setblock, /summon"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedFastEntityMovement", "description": "Optimize fast entity movement by only checking block collisions on current moving axis", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Inspired by the fastMovingEntityOptimization rule in carpetmod112", "Use with rule optimizedTNT to greatly improve performance in cannons"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, OPTIMIZATION, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedHardHitBoxEntityCollision", "description": "Optimize entity colliding with entities with hard hit box", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["It uses an extra separate list to store entities, that have a hard hit box including boat and shulker, in a chunk", "It reduces quite a lot of unnecessary iterating when an entity is moving and trying to search entities with hard hit box on the way,since the world is always not filled with boats and shulkers", "Enable it before loading the chunk to make it work. ~20% performance boost in portal mob farms", "Might not work with other mods that add new entities", "Known conflicted mods: async"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, OPTIMIZATION, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedTNTHighPriority", "description": "Use a Mixin injection with higher priority for carpet rule optimizedTNT", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["So the rule optimizedTNT can overwrite lithium's explosion optimization", "Of course rule optimizedTNT needs to be on for it to work"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, OPTIMIZATION, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "poiUpdates", "description": "Whether block changes will cause POI to updates or not", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Set it to false to disable POI updates"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "persistentLoggerSubscription", "description": "Remember the subscribed loggers as well as logging options of the player during server restart", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Only applies carpet's defaultLoggers rule at someone's first login", "Logger subscriptions are saved in config/carpettisaddition/logger_subscriptions.json"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CARPET_MOD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "preciseEntityPlacement", "description": "When placing / summoning entity with item, place the entity at the exact position of player's cursor target position", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Affected items: Spawn eggs, armorstand, ender crystal"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "railDupingFix", "description": "Disable rail duping using old school pushing lit powered or activator rail method", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "redstoneDustRandomUpdateOrder", "description": "Randomize the order for redstone dust to emit block updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["It's useful to test if your contraption is locational or not", "Does not work with rule fastRedstoneDust"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableDragonEgg", "description": "Make dragon egg renewable", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["When a dragon egg is in dragon breath effect cloud it has a possibility to absorb the effect cloud and \"summon\" a new dragon egg", "Use with rule \"dispensersFireDragonBreath\" for more ease"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableDragonHead", "description": "Ender dragon killed by charged creeper will drop dragon head", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableElytra", "description": "Phantom killed by shulker will drops an elytra with given possibility", "type": "double", "value": "0.0D", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "0.2", "1"], "extras": ["Set it to 0 to disable"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "repeaterHalfDelay", "description": "Halve the delay of redstone repeaters upon a redstone ore", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["The delay will change from 2, 4, 6 or 8 game tick instead of 1, 2, 3 or 4 game tick"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sandDupingFix", "description": "Disable sand and other gravity block duping using end portal", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Gravity block includes sand, anvil, dragon egg and so on", "In sand dupers sand will only get teleported to the other dimension"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerBoxContentDropBackport", "description": "Backport the feature that item entity of skulker box drops all of its contents when the item entity is damaged to die", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This feature is introduced to vanilla Minecraft in mc1.17"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE, PORTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "snowMeltMinLightLevel", "description": "The minimum light level allowed for snow to melt", "type": "int", "value": "12", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "10", "12"], "extras": ["In vanilla the value is 12, which means snow will melt when the light level >=12 when random ticked", "Set it to 0 to melt all annoying snow on your builds", "Set it to the same level as the minimum light level for snow to not fall on block (light level 10) to easily test if your build is snow-proof with light or not", "You can modify gamerule randomTickSpeed to speed up the melting progress, or modify carpet rule chunkTickSpeed to speed up the snowfall progress"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnBabyProbably", "description": "When spawning mobs, if baby variant exists, spawn the baby variant with given probably", "type": "double", "value": "-1", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-1", "0", "0.5", "1"], "extras": ["Set it to -1 to disable the rule and use vanilla logic"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnJockeyProbably", "description": "When spawning mobs, if jockey variant exists, spawn the jockey variant with given probably", "type": "double", "value": "-1", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-1", "0", "0.5", "1"], "extras": ["Affected jockeys: chicken jockey, spider jockey, strider jockey", "For striders, the spawn ratio between zombified piglin and baby strider is still 1:3", "Set it to -1 to disable the rule and use vanilla logic"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "speedTestCommandMaxTestSize", "description": "The max test size in MiB when using the /speedtest command for network speed test", "type": "int", "value": "10", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["10", "100", "1024", "10240"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stopCommandDoubleConfirmation", "description": "Add a double confirmation for /stop command to prevent stopping server accidentally", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["You need to enter /stop twice within 1 minute to stop the server", "This mechanics only works for players"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "structureBlockDoNotPreserveFluid", "description": "Structure block do not preserve existed fluid when placing waterlogged-able blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Has a side effect of suppressing bug MC-130584 happening"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "structureBlockLimit", "description": "Overwrite the size limit of structure block", "type": "int", "value": "32", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["32", "64", "96", "127"], "extras": ["Relative position might display wrongly on client side if it's larger than 32"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "structureBlockOutlineDistance", "description": "Customizable Structure Block outline render distance", "type": "double", "value": "96.0D", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["96", "192", "2048"], "extras": ["Required on client to work properly"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "synchronizedLightThread", "description": "Synchronize lighting thread with the server thread", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["so the light thread will not lag behind the main thread and get desynchronized", "The server will wait until all lighting tasks to be done at the beginning of each world ticking", "With this rule you can safely /tick warp without potential light suppression or lighting desynchronization"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "syncServerMsptMetricsData", "description": "Sync server's mspt metrics data to the client, so players can see that in the debug screen with F3 + ALT", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Carpet TIS Addition is required to be installed on the client"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, TISCM_PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tileTickLimit", "description": "Modify the limit of executed tile tick events per game tick", "type": "int", "value": "65536", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["1024", "65536", "2147483647"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tiscmNetworkProtocol", "description": "The switch of the TISCM network protocol", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, TISCM_PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntDupingFix", "description": "Disable TNT, carpet and part of rail dupers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Attachment block update based dupers will do nothing and redstone component update based dupers can no longer keep their duped block", "Dupe bad dig good"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntFuseDuration", "description": "Overwrite the default fuse duration of TNT", "type": "int", "value": "80", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "80", "32767"], "extras": ["This might also affect the fuse duration of TNT ignited in explosion"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntIgnoreRedstoneSignal", "description": "Prevent TNT blocks from being ignited from redstone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["You can still use explosion etc. to ignite a tnt"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tooledTNT", "description": "Tools on the player's main hand is applied to item dropping during the explosion caused by the player", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["So you can ignite TNT to harvest blocks that require specific tool or enchantment as long as you are holding the right tool", "For example, you can harvest ice with silk touch pickaxe, or harvest grass with shears", "It also works for any other living entities beside player", "Technically this rule applies the main hand item of the causing entity onto the loot table builder during the explosion"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "totallyNoBlockUpdate", "description": "Disable all block updates and state updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "toughWitherRose", "description": "Birth from death, wither rose is tough enough to be planted on any surface", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This rule removes all placement requirement of wither rose block, which means you're able to place wither rose at anywhere", "It's useful when you want to play around with update suppressed wither roses for wither skeleton farms"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "turtleEggTrampledDisabled", "description": "Disable turtle egg trampled to broken", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ultraSecretSetting", "description": "qOf DSh hwg ORRWHW Cb", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "undeadDontBurnInSunlight", "description": "Prevent undead creatures burning in sunlight", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Their helmets will still get damaged in sunlight though"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "updateSuppressionSimulator", "description": "Activator / Powered rail on a lapis ore simulates an update suppressor", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true", "stackoverflowerror", "outofmemoryerror", "classcastexception", "illegalargumentexception"], "extras": ["Right before a powered activator / powered rail on a lapis ore setting its powered state to false, throw the given JVM throwable", "false: rule disabled; true: rule enable and use StackOverflowError; others: feature enable and use given throwable"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "violentNetherPortalCreation", "description": "Allows nether portal creation to ignore blocks already inside the frame, directly forcefully open the nether portal", "type": "ViolentNetherPortalCreationOptions", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "replaceable", "all"], "extras": ["false: Rule disabled. The vanilla behavior", "replaceable: Only allow ignoring replaceable blocks (e.g., fluids, grass)", "all: Allow ignoring any blocks except obsidian. Obsidian cannot be ignored due to how portal frame is calculated", "Notes: The forceful block replacements will cause no block updates, just like what vanilla does"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "visualizeProjectileLoggerEnabled", "description": "Enable visualize projectile logger", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Try /log projectiles visualize"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voidDamageAmount", "description": "Modify the amount of void damage", "type": "double", "value": "4.0", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "4", "1000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voidDamageIgnorePlayer", "description": "Prevent players from taking void damage", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["false", "true", "creative", "spectator", "creative,spectator"], "extras": ["Completely harmless void for players, yay!", "If the rule value is set to a comma-separated game mode list, then only players in these game modes are immutable to void damage"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voidRelatedAltitude", "description": "Modify the related altitude between the bottom of the world and the void where entities will receive void damages", "type": "double", "value": "-64.0D", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-64", "-512", "-4096"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "witherSpawnedSoundDisabled", "description": "Disable the wither spawned sound emitted when a wither fully reset its health after summoned", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xpTrackingDistance", "description": "Overwrite the tracking distance of xp orb", "type": "double", "value": "8.0F", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "1", "8", "32"], "extras": ["Change it to 0 to disable tracking"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "yeetUpdateSuppressionCrash", "description": "Prevent the server from crashing due to StackOverflowError, OutOfMemoryError or ClassCastException", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Do the same thing as fabric carpet's updateSuppressionCrashFix rule, but with more information"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "customVersion", "description": "Set a custom version on client trying to connect to the server", "type": "String", "value": "_", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["_"], "extras": ["Use '_' to disable"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cobwebSlowdownSpeed", "description": "Overwrite the slowdown speed of cobwebs", "type": "double", "value": "0.05000000074505806D", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0.05000000074505806"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerNameSuggestions", "description": "Overwrite the player list suggested when using /player command", "type": "String", "value": "Steve,Alex", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["steve,alex", "steve,alex,bot_loader", "bot_loader"], "extras": ["Use ',' to split each name"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerCommandNoControlSelf", "description": "Players can't control themselves using /player command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "flippinCactusSound", "description": "Play 'BLOCK_DISPENSER_LAUNCH' sound when using cactus to flip block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "editableSign", "description": "Use a sign block with main hand empty when you are sneaking to reopen the sign editor", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This rule only affects Minecraft < 1.20. Sign editing is supported in vanilla after 1.20"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, EXPERIMENTAL, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobBlackList", "description": "Stop some mobs from spawning", "type": "String", "value": "_", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["_", "zombie", "skeleton", "zombie,skeleton"], "extras": ["Use ',' to split each mob", "Set rule 'mobSpawningRestrictionMode' to 'blacklist' to enable", "Set rule 'mobSpawningRestrictionMode' to 'none' to disable"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobWhiteList", "description": "Only allow some mobs to spawn", "type": "String", "value": "_", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["_", "zombie", "skeleton", "zombie,skeleton"], "extras": ["Use ',' to split each mob", "Set rule 'mobSpawningRestrictionMode' to 'whitelist' to enable", "Set rule 'mobSpawningRestrictionMode' to 'none' to disable"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobSpawningRestrictionMode", "description": "Modify the way to restrict mob spawning", "type": "String", "value": "none", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["none", "whitelist", "blacklist"], "extras": ["none: Disable mob spawning restriction", "whitelist: Only mobs defined in rule 'mobWhiteList' can spawn in the world. Rule 'mobBlackList' will be ignored", "blacklist: Mobs defined in rule 'mobBlackList' cannot spawn in the world. Rule 'mobWhiteList' will be ignored"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creeperDropCompletely", "description": "Creeper explosions will have a 100% drop rate", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creeperIgnitedByFire", "description": "Creepers can be ignited when they are on fire", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pistonBedrockBreakingFix", "description": "Fix bedrock breaking with head-less piston", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Technically piston heads will not remove any block other than itself"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockEventChunkLoading", "description": "Block event can load 3x3 chunks for 8gt", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mendableIronGolem", "description": "Use an iron ingot at an iron golem to mend it (+25 Health)", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Only works in 1.14"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE, PORTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mendableSnowGolem", "description": "Use a snowball at a snow golem or hit a snow golem with a snowball to mend it (+1 Health)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeDryInNether", "description": "Wet sponge will transform to sponge immediately when placing in the nether", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Only works in 1.14"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE, PORTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "magmaBlockDamageItem", "description": "Items on magma block get damages", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "functionalSpongeItem", "description": "Sponge items do water clearance and dry in the nether after 60gt", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerPrefixRestriction", "description": "/player command will only be able to spawn fake players with the given prefix", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["#none", "bot_"], "extras": ["Set to '#none' to disable"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, SURVIVAL, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerSuffixRestriction", "description": "Player command will only be able to spawn fake players with the given suffix", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["#none", "_fake"], "extras": ["Set to '#none' to disable"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, SURVIVAL, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "infiniteWaterDisabled", "description": "Infinite water will not form", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableSoulSand", "description": "A sand turn into a soul sand when a mob suffered in it", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "containerDropInventoryDisabled", "description": "Containers such as chests and barrels won't drop their inventories when being broke", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endLightningRod", "description": "End rods will act like lightning rod in 1.17", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Lightning will NOT naturally spawn on end rods, but it will when end rods are hit by a trident with the Channeling enchantment", "This rule only affects Minecraft < 1.17. Use vanilla lightning rod in 1.17+ instead"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "undeadImmuneToSunlight", "description": "Undead will not burn in sunlight", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If a undead is equipped with a helmet, the helmet will not be damaged"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "unbreakableHelmetInSunlight", "description": "Helmet equipped by an undead will not be damaged by sunlight", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobAlwaysPickUpLoot", "description": "Zombies and skeletons and their variants will always be able to pick up loot like other mobs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersNotAffectPlayers", "description": "Dispensers will not dispense armor to players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "icaSyncProtocol", "description": "A protocol to sync server data to client mods", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stopFreezing", "description": "Stop generating ice at any biome", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xpCounter", "description": "A tool like 'hopperCounter' to use players as xp counters", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Enables '/xpcounter' command", "Use '/xpcounter reset' to reset a player's counter", "Use '/xpcounter ' to query a player's counter", "Use '/log xpcounter ' to subscribe xp counters"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE, FEATURE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "strictBlockPlacement", "description": "Player will not be able to do block placement on air (prevents litematica easyPlaceMode)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermitesInconsistencyFix", "description": "Endermen will be hostile to endermites spawned by spawn eggs or /summon command (fixes MC-53518)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This rule is only available in <1.17 since MC-53518 got fixed in 20w46a"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandReplaceProperties", "description": "Enables /replaceproperties command for easily replacing properties of all blocks in a range", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnEggSpawnWithMinecart", "description": "When using a spawn egg on a rail, the spawned entity will be placed in a minecart on the rail.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "superBow", "description": "Enabling making super bows with both infinite and mending enchants", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scheduledRandomTickCactus", "description": "Make cactus accepts scheduled tick as random tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scheduledRandomTickBamboo", "description": "Make bamboo accepts scheduled tick as random tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scheduledRandomTickChorusFlower", "description": "Make chorus flower accepts scheduled tick as random tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scheduledRandomTickSugarCane", "description": "Make sugar cane accepts scheduled tick as random tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scheduledRandomTickStem", "description": "Make stems accepts scheduled tick as random tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scheduledRandomTickAllPlants", "description": "Make all plants accepts scheduled tick as random tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedDragonRespawn", "description": "Optimize dragon respawning", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netherWaterPlacement", "description": "Players can use water buckets to place water in nether", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blowUpEverything", "description": "Set all blocks BlastResistance to 0", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, TNT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sharedVillagerDiscounts", "description": "Share villagers discount to all players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePeace", "description": "Simulation fake Peace, You can customize the dimensions in which it works, or you can customize the combination and use \",\" to separate", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["false", "true", "minecraft:overworld", "minecraft:the_end", "minecraft:the_nether", "minecraft:the_end,minecraft:the_nether"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "extinguishedCampfire", "description": "The campfire is extinguished when the player places it", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "safeFlight", "description": "players don't get hurt by flying into walls", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "customBlockUpdateSuppressor", "description": "Customize a block to be an update suppressor (Not all blocks can be set as update suppressor)", "type": "String", "value": "none", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["none", "minecraft:bone_block", "minecraft:diamond_ore", "minecraft:magma_block"], "extras": ["Command format:", "/carpet customBlockUpdateSuppressor minecraft:BlockName", "Use the following command to control whether the \"amsUpdateSuppressionCrashFix\" rule is automatically enabled when this rule is enabled: ", "/amsUpdateSuppressionCrashFixForceMode true/false"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "infiniteTrades", "description": "Prevents villager trades from locking up", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "invulnerable", "description": "Players will be protected from all damage except Void Damage", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeOneHitKill", "description": "Allows players in Creative mode to kill entities in one hit, If the player is sneaking, other entities around the target get killed too", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "largeEnderChest", "description": "Doubles the size of your EnderChest", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bambooModelNoOffset", "description": "The block model of bamboo will not generate offset", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bambooCollisionBoxDisabled", "description": "Allow players to pass through bamboo", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "campfireSmokeParticleDisabled", "description": "Disable campfire smoke particles", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "antiFireTotem", "description": "Totem will not be destroyed by flames and magma", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemAntiExplosion", "description": "Dropped items will not be destroyed by explosions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, TNT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeShulkerBoxDropsDisabled", "description": "Breaking a shulker box with items in creative mode will not cause drops", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bedRockFlying", "description": "Flight in creative mode is consistent with the bedrock version", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerHitLevitationDisabled", "description": "When hit by a shulker, the player only takes damage and does not gain the levitation effect", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "immuneShulkerBullet", "description": "Players are now completely immune to bullets fired by shulkers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blueSkullController", "description": "Control the probability of wither and emitting blue skull", "type": "blueSkullProbability", "value": "VANILLA", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["vanilla", "surely", "never"], "extras": ["[SURELY] - Always shoot blue skulls", "[NEVER] - Never shoot blue skull", "[VANILLA] - VANILLA"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanTeleportRandomlyDisabled", "description": "Random teleportation by Enderman is prohibited", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fasterMovement", "description": "Five gears are provided to allow players to move faster", "type": "String", "value": "VANILLA", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["vanilla", "\u2170", "\u2171", "\u2172", "\u2173", "\u2174"], "extras": ["You can use fasterMovementController rule to control in which dimensions this rule is effective. By default, it is effective in all dimensions."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fasterMovementController", "description": "Used to control in which dimensions fasterMovement rule is effective.", "type": "fasterMovementDimension", "value": "ALL", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["overworld", "nether", "end", "all"], "extras": ["[overworld] - Only effective in the Overworld", "[nether] - Only effective in the Nether", "[end] - Only effective in the End", "[all] - Effective in all dimensions"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyWitherSkeletonSkullDrop", "description": "100% Wither Skeleton Skull Drop", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandAnvilInteractionDisabled", "description": "Players cannot open the UI of the Anvil", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": ["Command: /anvilInteractionDisabled true/false"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "preventAdministratorCheat", "description": "Disable some command to prevent accidentally cheating", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Affects command list: ", "/gamemode, /tp, /teleport, /give, /setblock, /summon, /difficulty, /kill, /time, /weather, /fill, /setblock, /enchant, /experience, /advancement, /effect, /data, /defaultgamemode, /gamerule"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "amsUpdateSuppressionCrashFix", "description": "Prevent update suppression from causing server crashes, while providing the coordinates and dimensions where the update suppression occurred", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true", "silence"], "extras": ["[false] - Disable rule", "[true] - Enable rule", "[silence] - Enable but no send server messages", "Use the following command to control whether it is forcibly enabled when \"customBlockUpdateSuppressor\" is enabled, with a permission level of 2:", "/amsUpdateSuppressionCrashFixForceMode true/false"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ghastFireballExplosionDamageSourceFix", "description": "Fix MC-193297 that the large fireball does not create explosion with correct damage source", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cakeBlockDropOnBreak", "description": "When the cake is destroyed, it can drop cake (the cake will only drop when it is intact)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noCakeEating", "description": "Players are not allowed to consume cake", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "redstoneComponentSound", "description": "When players right-click on the redstone component, it will emit a sound", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Affected components: ", "daylight detector, redstone dust, repeater"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "largeShulkerBox", "description": "Doubles the size of your ShulkerBox", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["To use this rule, please follow the steps below:", "1 - To ensure that no shulker boxes are loaded", "2 - Enter the command: /carpet setDefault largeShulkerBox true, to turn on the rule", "3 - Restart the server/single-player world", "4 - Disabling the rule follows the same process"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxPlayerBlockInteractionRange", "description": "Change the maximum block interaction distance allowed by the server, set to \"-1\" to disable this rule", "type": "double", "value": "-1.0D", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-1"], "extras": ["The range of values: 0 - 512", "When Minecraft >= 1.20.5, you can use the rule \"maxPlayerBlockInteractionRangeScope\" to modify its scope", "Changing a value in global mode requires the player to re-enter the game"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxPlayerEntityInteractionRange", "description": "Change the maximum entity interaction distance allowed by the server, set to \"-1\" to disable this rule", "type": "double", "value": "-1.0D", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-1"], "extras": ["The range of values: 0 - 512", "When Minecraft >= 1.20.5, you can use the rule \"maxPlayerEntityInteractionRangeScope\" to modify its scope", "Changing a value in global mode requires the player to re-enter the game"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxClientInteractionReachDistance", "description": "Change the maximum interaction distance allowed by the client, set to \"-1\" to disable this rule", "type": "double", "value": "-1.0D", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-1"], "extras": ["The range of values: 0 - 512", "Need to disable the tweakBlockReachOverride feature in Tweakeroo"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandCustomMovableBlock", "description": "Customize the non-pushable block to make it pushable (Container blocks are not supported, and if you need to push containers, you can use Carpet's movableBlockEntities rule)", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": ["After enabling the rules, use the /customMovableBlock help command to view the usage instructions"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyMaxLevelBeacon", "description": "Activate full-level beacon with just one base block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandCustomBlockBlastResistance", "description": "Use commands to customize the explosion resistance of any block (this rule will not take effect when the enhancedWorldEater rule is enabled)", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": ["After enabling the rules, use the /customBlockBlastResistance help command to view the usage instructions"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, TNT, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "regeneratingDragonEgg", "description": "Every time a player defeats the Ender Dragon, a dragon egg will be generated", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["For Dnsolx eggs"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enhancedWorldEater", "description": "Make way for the WorldEater by customizing the explosion resistance of the blocks listed below (this rule will override the commandCustomBlockBlastResistance rule when enabled)", "type": "double", "value": "-1.0D", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-1"], "extras": ["Block list:", "Blocks with blast resistance < 17.0F, Bedrock, Anvil, End Portal Frame, End Portal, End Gateway"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, TNT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sneakToEditSign", "description": "Players can sneak with empty hands to edit already placed signs by using the interact key", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["In Minecraft >= 1.20, the behavior is such that players must sneak in order to edit a sign"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fancyFakePlayerName", "description": "Add green prefixes and suffixes to the fake player summoned by the carpet mod, the prefix doesn't need to be input when using the command, but the suffix is indeed present", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["false", "bot", "fake_player"], "extras": ["Note: This rule will create a team named with the value you input", "Example\uff1a1024_byteeeee -> [bot] 1024_byteeeee_bot"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerNoScoreboardCounter", "description": "The scoreboard will hide the fake player", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noFamilyPlanning", "description": "Allow players to continuously feed animals to breed them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperSuctionDisabled", "description": "The hopper will not suck in items", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noEnchantedGoldenAppleEating", "description": "Prevent players from accidentally eating Enchanted Golden Apples", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "useItemCooldownDisabled", "description": "Remove cooldown time for using items", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "flippinCactusSoundEffect", "description": "When the flippinCactus rule is enabled in the Carpet Mod, using the cactus will produce sound effects (providing five different sound options, Setting it to 0 disables the sound effects)", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "undyingCoral", "description": "Prevent coral blocks and coral fans from dying", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderDragonNoDestroyBlock", "description": "Make the Ender Dragon unable to destroy any blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyCompost", "description": "Make every composting successful", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyMineDragonEgg", "description": "Makes the dragon egg not teleport, Players can mine dragon eggs to collect them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "breedableParrots", "description": "Customize a food to feed the parrots and breed them (You can also feed them with stones if you really want to)", "type": "String", "value": "none", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["none", "apple", "stone"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "kirinArm", "description": "Allowing players to instantly mine all mineable blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sensibleEnderman", "description": "Make Endermen only pick up watermelons and pumpkins", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanPickUpDisabled", "description": "Preventing Endermen from picking up blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mitePearl", "description": "Using an Ender Pearl each time will spawn an Endermite", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderPearlSoundEffect", "description": "A sound effect will be played when the player uses an ender pearl for teleportation", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandHere", "description": "Use the \"/here\" command to send the current dimension, coordinates, and corresponding overworld/nether coordinates of your current location and give oneself a 30s glowing effect", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandWhere", "description": "Use the \"/where\" command to get the specified player's dimension, coordinates, and corresponding Overworld/Nether coordinates and give the target player a 30s glowing effect", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerPickUpController", "description": "Two modes are provided to control whether fake player can pick up items", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["mainhandonly", "nopickup", "false"], "extras": ["[MainHandOnly] - Only the main hand can pick up items", "[NoPickUp] - Unable to pick up items at all", "[false] - Disable rule"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sneakToEatCake", "description": "Players can only eat cake while sneaking", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPlayerLeader", "description": "Designate one or more players as guides, granting them a glowing effect", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": ["After enabling the rules, use the /leader help command to view the usage instructions"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPacketInternetGroper", "description": "player can use the \"ping\" command in the game", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": ["After enabling the rules, use the /ping help command to view the usage instructions"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerNoNetherPortalTeleport", "description": "Players cannot teleport through nether portals", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "infiniteDurability", "description": "Use items without losing durability", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "preventEndSpikeRespawn", "description": "Prevent end spikes (obsidian spikes in the_end) from spawning", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "keependcrystal"], "extras": ["[true] - Prohibited from generating", "[false] - Disable Rule", "[keepEndCrystal] - Preserve crystal generation"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "welcomeMessage", "description": "When players join the server, send them a custom message (Use json files to customize messages)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["json location:", "[ save path ]/carpetamsaddition/welcomeMessage.json"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandGetSaveSize", "description": "Use the \"/getSaveSize\" command to get the current save size", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "carpetAlwaysSetDefault", "description": "Whenever you set the carpet rule, it will be automatically set to the default value", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fertilizableSmallFlower", "description": "Allow small flowers such as dandelion can also be ripened by bone meal", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "safePointedDripstone", "description": "When players land on pointed dripstone, they do not take additional damage from it", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pointedDripstoneCollisionBoxDisabled", "description": "Allow players to pass through pointed dripstone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "foliageGenerateDisabled", "description": "The foliage will not generate in any way", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandGetSystemInfo", "description": "Use the \"/getSystemInfo\" command to get the system information of the server", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ironGolemNoDropFlower", "description": "Iron golems will not drop flowers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandGoto", "description": "Use the \"/goto\" command to teleport to the specified dimension and coordinates", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": ["When no coordinates are specified, it will teleport to the corresponding coordinates of the current player location"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sendPlayerDeathLocation", "description": "When a player dies, a message with their death coordinates and dimension will be broadcasted", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "all", "realplayeronly", "fakeplayeronly"], "extras": ["[false] - Disable rule", "[all] - Always send messages", "[realPlayerOnly] - Messages will only be sent when real players die", "[fakePlayerOnly] - Messages will only be sent when fake players die"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "perfectInvisibility", "description": "When the player is invisible, they will be completely hidden from mobs, even when wearing a full set of armor", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sneakInvisibility", "description": "When the player is sneak, they will be completely hidden from mobs, even when wearing a full set of armor", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandCustomCommandPermissionLevel", "description": "Customize the permission level of any commands", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": ["After enabling the rules, use the /customCommandPermissionLevel command to view the usage instructions"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerGolem", "description": "A shulker can be summoned by placing a carved pumpkin on the shulker box", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "headHunter", "description": "When a player dies, they will drop their own skull", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandGetPlayerSkull", "description": "Use the \"/getPlayerSkull\" command to get a online player skull", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "quickVillagerLevelUp", "description": "Each time the trading screen is opened, the villager will level up", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableNetheriteScrap", "description": "Customize the drop rate of netherite scrap from zombified piglin", "type": "double", "value": "0.0D", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0.0", "0.01", "0.1", "1.0"], "extras": ["The range of values: 0 - 1"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "softDeepslate", "description": "Change the hardness of deepslate to stone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Requires client support"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "softObsidian", "description": "Change the hardness of obsidian and crying obsidian to end stone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Requires client support"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerInteractLikeClient", "description": "Fix some cases that fake player interact differently from the client", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "strongLeash", "description": "The leash will not break due to excessive distance", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "superZombieDoctor", "description": "Players can use a Weakness Potion + Golden Apple to instantly convert a Zombie Villager into a Villager", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerUseOfflinePlayerUUID", "description": "Let fake players use offline UUIDs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "superLeash", "description": "Villagers and monsters can be leashed as well", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fullMoonEveryDay", "description": "Full moon every day", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyRefreshTrades", "description": "When a villager has not made a deal with the player before, each time the trade screen is opened, the content sold by the villager will be refreshed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["When the player is holding an emerald block in their main hand, the refresh will not be triggered"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "jebSheepDropRandomColorWool", "description": "When a sheep is named jeb_, shearing its wool will drop wool of a random color", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cryingObsidianNetherPortal", "description": "Nether portals can be constructed using crying obsidian", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "furnaceSmeltingTimeController", "description": "The time required to control the smelting of items in the furnace (unit: Tick)", "type": "int", "value": "-1", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerDefaultSurvivalMode", "description": "When summoning fake players, they are default to survival mode anyway", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noteBlockChunkLoader", "description": "Load nearby 3x3 chunks for 15 seconds when a note block is triggered, You can use the rules of blockChunkLoaderTimeController and blockChunkLoaderRangeController to control their loading time and range", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["bone_block", "wither_skeleton_skull", "note_block", "false"], "extras": ["[bone_block] - When bone_block is on the note_block", "[wither_skeleton_skull] - When wither_skeleton_skull is on the note_block, either placed on the note block or hanging on the wall", "[note_block] - Only note_block", "[false] - Disable rule", "Due to after 300 ticks without any players in the current dimension on the server, Minecraft will stop entities updates, hoppers in chunks loaded by this rule will cease to function whenever there are no players in the current dimension.", "You can enable the blockChunkLoaderKeepWorldTickUpdate or keepWorldTickUpdate rules to solve this issue."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, AMS_CHUNKLOADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pistonBlockChunkLoader", "description": "Load nearby 3x3 chunks for 15 seconds when a piston is triggered (Centered on the piston head), You can use the rules of blockChunkLoaderTimeController and blockChunkLoaderRangeController to control their loading time and range", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["bone_block", "bedrock", "all", "false"], "extras": ["[bone_block] - When bone_block is on the piston", "[bedrock] - When bedrock is under the piston", "[all] - When bone_block is on the piston or bedrock is under the piston", "[false] - Disable rule", "Due to after 300 ticks without any players in the current dimension on the server, Minecraft will stop entities updates, hoppers in chunks loaded by this rule will cease to function whenever there are no players in the current dimension.", "You can enable the blockChunkLoaderKeepWorldTickUpdate or keepWorldTickUpdate rules to solve this issue."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, AMS_CHUNKLOADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bellBlockChunkLoader", "description": "Load nearby 3x3 chunks for 15 seconds when a bell is triggered, You can use the rules of blockChunkLoaderTimeController and blockChunkLoaderRangeController to control their loading time and range", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Due to after 300 ticks without any players in the current dimension on the server, Minecraft will stop entities updates, hoppers in chunks loaded by this rule will cease to function whenever there are no players in the current dimension.", "You can enable the blockChunkLoaderKeepWorldTickUpdate or keepWorldTickUpdate rules to solve this issue."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, AMS_CHUNKLOADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockChunkLoaderKeepWorldTickUpdate", "description": "After 300 ticks without any players in the current dimension on the server, Minecraft will stop entities updates, This rule will allow the following rules to bypass this restriction when they are loaded", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Affected rules: ", "noteBlockChunkLoader, pistonBlockChunkLoader, bellBlockChunkLoader"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, AMS_CHUNKLOADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "keepWorldTickUpdate", "description": "After 300 ticks without any players in the current dimension on the server, Minecraft will stop entities updates, This rule will bypass this restriction", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, AMS_CHUNKLOADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockChunkLoaderTimeController", "description": "Used to control the loading time of block loader series rules (need restart server)", "type": "int", "value": "300", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["300"], "extras": ["Affected rules: ", "noteBlockChunkLoader, pistonBlockChunkLoader, bellBlockChunkLoader"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, AMS_CHUNKLOADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockChunkLoaderRangeController", "description": "Used to control the loading range of block loader series rules (need restart server)", "type": "int", "value": "3", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["3"], "extras": ["Affected rules: ", "noteBlockChunkLoader, pistonBlockChunkLoader, bellBlockChunkLoader"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, AMS_CHUNKLOADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPlayerChunkLoadController", "description": "Control chunk loading for players at any gamemodes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Command:", "/playerChunkLoading true/false"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, COMMAND, AMS_CHUNKLOADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableEnchantedGoldenApples", "description": "Enchanted Golden Apples can be crafted with 8 Gold Blocks again", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, CRAFTING, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableBundle", "description": "Crafted bundle in minecraft 1.17/1.18/1.19", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, CRAFTING, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableSculkSensor", "description": "Crafted sculk_sensor in minecraft 1.17/1.18", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, CRAFTING, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "betterCraftableBoneBlock", "description": "Use nine bones to crafted three bone_blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, CRAFTING, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableElytra", "description": "Add elytra recipes in minecraft", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, CRAFTING, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "betterCraftableDispenser", "description": "Better craftable dispenser", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, CRAFTING, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "betterCraftablePolishedBlackStoneButton", "description": "Use deepslate to crafted polished_blackstone_button in minecraft", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, CRAFTING, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "rottenFleshBurnedIntoLeather", "description": "Rotten flesh can be burned into leather in a furnace", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, CRAFTING, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}] \ No newline at end of file +[{"name": "updateSuppressionCrashFix", "description": "Stop update suppression from crashing the server", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "CrazyHPi/Az-Carpet-Addon", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, AZ"], "validators": []}, {"name": "anvilCrushStone", "description": "Falling anvils crush stony types", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["cobblestone -> gravel -> sand"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, ANVIL, SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "anvilCrushIce", "description": "Falling anvils crush ice", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["frosted ice -> ice -> packed ice -> blue ice"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, ANVIL, SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "anvilFallingDamage", "description": "Falling anvils take damage", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, ANVIL, SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagerLockTrades", "description": "Villager lock trades.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["this can permanently alter the behaviour of any villages traded with while this rule was activated"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, EXPERIMENTAL, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noFireDamage", "description": "Players don't get hurt by fire", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["specifically applies to fire"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL, DAMAGE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noKinecticDamage", "description": "Players don't get hurt by flying into walls", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL, DAMAGE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noExplosionDamage", "description": "Players don't get hurt by explosions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL, DAMAGE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "printDeathCoords", "description": "Print coordinates in player death messages", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "compostRottenFlesh", "description": "Compostable rotten flesh", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["REQUIRES_RELOAD"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "compostPoisonousPotatoes", "description": "Compostable poisonous potatoes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["REQUIRES_RELOAD"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "clickThroughItemFrame", "description": "Click through item frames that are invisible and fixed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shiftClickItemFrameInvisible", "description": "Shift + use (right mouse) makes item frames invisible and fixed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, CREATIVE, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "anvilTooExpensive", "description": "Disable 'too expensive' on anvils", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["the UI will still show the error"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL, ANVIL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "axesAreWeapons", "description": "Treat axes as weapons (e.g. allow looting in survival)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noPortalTicking", "description": "Zombified piglin no long spawn in nether portals", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "keepXP", "description": "Keep experience points on death", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "nonOPWhereIs", "description": "Enable /where{is,ami}, /imhere, /{he,she}is for non operators", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "canLeashVillager", "description": "Villagers can be leashed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ma_124/mc-anvil-crush", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["MA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "signalCommand", "description": "Enables /signal command to get a container with comparator value.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, CREATIVE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ipCommand", "description": "Enables /ip command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hostCommand", "description": "Enables /host command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "alertCommand", "description": "Enables /alert command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "zombifiedPiglinDropsGoldenApple", "description": "Zombified piglin drops enchanted golden apple.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableLightingFire", "description": "Disable lighting fire.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "elderGuardianSpawnOnThunder", "description": "When storm the elder guardian can spawn.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "botsLoadChunks", "description": "Can disable bots load new chunks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "isHalloween", "description": "It's halloween for mobs.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, CREATIVE, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "batsSayUwUOnDeath", "description": "Bats say uwu on death.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "isJohanPto", "description": "Sends the message 'johan pto' every 20 minutes.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "discountMessage", "description": "Sends the averroes hosting discount message every 20 minutes.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Bastion-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BASTION-CARPET"], "validators": []}, {"name": "language", "description": "Sets the language for carpet", "type": "String", "value": "en_us", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["en_us", "fr_fr", "es_ar", "pt_br", "zh_cn", "zh_tw"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "carpetCommandPermissionLevel", "description": "Carpet command permission level. can only be set via .conf file", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "2", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["This setting can only be set by admins with op level 4"]}, {"name": "superSecretSetting", "description": "Gbhs sgnf sadsgras fhskdpri!!!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ctrlQCraftingFix", "description": "Dropping entire stacks works also from on the crafting ui result slot", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "persistentParrots", "description": "Parrots don't get of your shoulders until you receive proper damage", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xpNoCooldown", "description": "Players absorb xp instantly, without delay", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackableShulkerBoxes", "description": "Empty shulker boxes can stack when thrown on the ground.", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["false", "true", "16"], "extras": [".. or when manipulated inside the inventories"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": ["Value must either be true, false, or a number between 2-64"]}, {"name": "explosionNoBlockDamage", "description": "Explosions won't destroy blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, TNT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xpFromExplosions", "description": "Experience will drop from all experience barring blocks with any explosion type", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntPrimerMomentumRemoved", "description": "Removes random tnt momentum when primed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, TNT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedTNT", "description": "Tnt causes less lag when exploding in the same spot and in liquids", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["TNT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntRandomRange", "description": "Sets the tnt random explosion range to a fixed value", "type": "double", "value": "-1", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["-1"], "extras": ["Set to -1 for default behavior", ")"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["TNT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hardcodeTNTangle", "description": "Sets the horizontal random angle on tnt for debugging of tnt contraptions", "type": "double", "value": "-1.0D", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["-1"], "extras": ["Set to -1 for default behavior", ")"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["TNT"], "validators": ["Must be between 0 and 2pi, or -1"]}, {"name": "mergeTNT", "description": "Merges stationary primed tnt entities", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["TNT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fastRedstoneDust", "description": "Lag optimizations for redstone dust", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["by Theosib", ".. also fixes some locational behaviours or vanilla redstone MC-11193", "so behaviour of locational vanilla contraptions is not guaranteed"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "huskSpawningInTemples", "description": "Only husks spawn in desert temples", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerSpawningInEndCities", "description": "Shulkers will respawn in end cities", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "piglinsSpawningInBastions", "description": "Piglins will respawn in bastion remnants", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Includes piglins"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntDoNotUpdate", "description": "Tnt doesn't update when placed against a power source", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, TNT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "antiCheatDisabled", "description": "Prevents players from rubberbanding when moving too fast", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["... or being kicked out for 'flying'", "Puts more trust in clients positioning", "Increases player allowed mining distance to 32 blocks"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "quasiConnectivity", "description": "Pistons, droppers, and dispensers check for power to the block(s) above them.", "type": "int", "value": "1", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Defines the range at which pistons, droppers, and dispensers check for 'quasi power'."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "flippinCactus", "description": "Players can flip and rotate blocks when holding cactus", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Doesn't cause block updates when rotated/flipped", "Applies to pistons, observers, droppers, repeaters, stairs, glazed terracotta etc..."], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperCounters", "description": "Hoppers pointing to wool will count items passing through them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Enables /counter command, and actions while placing red and green carpets on wool blocks", "Use /counter reset to reset the counter, and /counter to query", "In survival, place green carpet on same color wool to query, red to reset the counters", "Counters are global and shared between players, 16 channels available", "Items counted are destroyed, count up to one stack per tick per hopper"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND, CREATIVE, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableAmethyst", "description": "Allows budding amethyst blocks to be moved", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Allow for them to be moved by pistons", "as well as adds extra drop when mining with silk touch pickaxe"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableSponges", "description": "Guardians turn into elder guardian when struck by lightning", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableBlockEntities", "description": "Pistons can push block entities, like hoppers, chests etc.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chainStone", "description": "Chains will stick to each other on the long ends", "type": "ChainStoneMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "stick_to_all"], "extras": ["and will stick to other blocks that connect to them directly.", "With stick_to_all: it will stick even if not visually connected"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "desertShrubs", "description": "Saplings turn into dead shrubs in hot climates and no water access", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "silverFishDropGravel", "description": "Silverfish drop a gravel item when breaking out of a block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "summonNaturalLightning", "description": "Summoning a lightning bolt has all the side effects of natural lightning", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSpawn", "description": "Enables /spawn command for spawn tracking", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandTick", "description": "Enables /tick command to control game clocks", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandProfile", "description": "Enables /profile command to monitor game performance", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": ["subset of /tick command capabilities"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "perfPermissionLevel", "description": "Required permission level for /perf command", "type": "int", "value": "4", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["2", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandLog", "description": "Enables /log command to monitor events via chat and overlays", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "defaultLoggers", "description": "Sets these loggers in their default configurations for all new players", "type": "String", "value": "none", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["none", "tps", "mobcaps,tps"], "extras": ["use csv"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandDistance", "description": "Enables /distance command to measure in game distance between points", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": ["Also enables brown carpet placement action if 'carpets' rule is turned on as well"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandInfo", "description": "Enables /info command for blocks", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": ["Also enables gray carpet placement action", "if 'carpets' rule is turned on as well"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPerimeterInfo", "description": "Enables /perimeterinfo command", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": ["... that scans the area around the block for potential spawnable spots"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandDraw", "description": "Enables /draw commands", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": ["... allows for drawing simple shapes or", "other shapes which are sorta difficult to do normally"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandScript", "description": "Enables /script command", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["An in-game scripting API for Scarpet programming language"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND, SCARPET"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandScriptACE", "description": "Enables restrictions for arbitrary code execution with scarpet", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": ["Users that don't have this permission level", "won't be able to load apps or /script run.", "It is also the permission level apps will", "have when running commands with run()"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SCARPET"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scriptsAutoload", "description": "Scarpet script from world files will autoload on server/world start", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["if /script is enabled"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SCARPET"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scriptsDebugging", "description": "Enables scripts debugging messages in system log", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SCARPET"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scriptsOptimization", "description": "Enables scripts optimization", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SCARPET"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scriptsAppStore", "description": "Location of the online repository of scarpet apps", "type": "String", "value": "gnembon/scarpet/contents/programs", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": null, "extras": ["set to 'none' to disable.", "Point to any github repo with scarpet apps", "using //contents/"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SCARPET"], "validators": ["Appstore link should point to a valid github repository"]}, {"name": "commandPlayer", "description": "Enables /player command to control/spawn players", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "allowSpawningOfflinePlayers", "description": "Spawn offline players in online mode if online-mode player with specified name does not exist", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "allowListingFakePlayers", "description": "Allows listing fake players on the multiplayer screen", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandTrackAI", "description": "Allows to track mobs ai via /track command", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "carpets", "description": "Placing carpets may issue carpet commands for non-op players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "missingTools", "description": "Glass can be broken faster with pickaxes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fillUpdates", "description": "Fill/clone/setblock and structure blocks cause block updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "interactionUpdates", "description": "Placing blocks cause block updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "liquidDamageDisabled", "description": "Disables breaking of blocks caused by flowing liquids", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "smoothClientAnimations", "description": "Smooth client animations with low tps settings", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["works only in SP"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, SURVIVAL, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pushLimit", "description": "Customizable piston push limit", "type": "int", "value": 12, "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["10", "12", "14", "100"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 1 to 1024"]}, {"name": "railPowerLimit", "description": "Customizable powered rail power range", "type": "int", "value": "9", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["9", "15", "30"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 1 to 1024"]}, {"name": "forceloadLimit", "description": "Customizable forceload chunk limit", "type": "int", "value": "256", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["256"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 1 to 20M"]}, {"name": "maxEntityCollisions", "description": "Customizable maximal entity collision limits, 0 for no limits", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "1", "20"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pingPlayerListLimit", "description": "Customizable server list ping (multiplayer menu) playerlist sample limit", "type": "int", "value": "12", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "12", "20", "40"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "customMOTD", "description": "Sets a different motd message on client trying to connect to the server", "type": "String", "value": "_", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["_"], "extras": ["use '_' to use the startup setting from server.properties"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "rotatorBlock", "description": "Cactus in dispensers rotates blocks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Rotates block anti-clockwise if possible"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "viewDistance", "description": "Changes the view distance of the server.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "12", "16", "32"], "extras": ["Set to 0 to not override the value in server settings."], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 (use server settings) to 32"]}, {"name": "simulationDistance", "description": "Changes the simulation distance of the server.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "12", "16", "32"], "extras": ["Set to 0 to not override the value in server settings."], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 (use server settings) to 32"]}, {"name": "renewableCoral", "description": "Coral structures will grow with bonemeal from coral plants", "type": "RenewableCoralMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "expanded", "true"], "extras": ["Expanded also allows growing from coral fans for sustainable farming outside of warm oceans"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableBlackstone", "description": "Nether basalt generator without soul sand below", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [".. will convert into blackstone instead"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableDeepslate", "description": "Lava and water generate deepslate and cobbled deepslate instead below y0", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "placementRotationFix", "description": "Fixes block placement rotation issue when player rotates quickly while placing blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lagFreeSpawning", "description": "Spawning requires much less cpu and memory", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "moreBlueSkulls", "description": "Increases for testing purposes number of blue skulls shot by the wither", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fogOff", "description": "Removes fog from client in the nether and the end", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Improves visibility"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeNoClip", "description": "Creative no clip", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["On servers it needs to be set on both", "client and server to function properly.", "Has no effect when set on the server only", "Can allow to phase through walls", "if only set on the carpet client side", "but requires some trapdoor magic to", "allow the player to enter blocks"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeFlySpeed", "description": "Creative flying speed multiplier", "type": "double", "value": "1.0", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": null, "extras": ["Purely client side setting, meaning that", "having it set on the decicated server has no effect", "but this also means it will work on vanilla servers as well"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeFlyDrag", "description": "Creative air drag", "type": "double", "value": "0.09", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": null, "extras": ["Increased drag will slow down your flight", "So need to adjust speed accordingly", "With 1.0 drag, using speed of 11 seems to matching vanilla speeds.", "Purely client side setting, meaning that", "having it set on the decicated server has no effect", "but this also means it will work on vanilla servers as well"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cleanLogs", "description": "Removes obnoxious messages from the logs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Doesn't display 'Maximum sound pool size 247 reached'", "Which is normal with decent farms and contraptions"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "structureBlockLimit", "description": "Customizable structure block limit of each axis", "type": "int", "value": 48, "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["48", "96", "192", "256"], "extras": ["WARNING: Needs to be permanent for correct loading.", "Setting 'structureBlockIgnored' to air is recommended", "when saving massive structures.", "Required on client of player editing the Structure Block.", "'structureBlockOutlineDistance' may be required for", "correct rendering of long structures."], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You have to choose a value greater or equal to 48"]}, {"name": "structureBlockIgnored", "description": "Changes the block ignored by the structure block", "type": "String", "value": "minecraft:structure_void", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["minecraft:structure_void", "minecraft:air"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "structureBlockOutlineDistance", "description": "Customizable structure block outline render distance", "type": "int", "value": "96", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["96", "192", "2048"], "extras": ["Required on client to work properly"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lightningKillsDropsFix", "description": "Lightning kills the items that drop when lightning kills an entity", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Setting to true will prevent lightning from killing drops", "Fixes [MC-206922](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-206922)."], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "updateSuppressionBlock", "description": "Placing an activator rail on top of a barrier block will fill the neighbor updater stack when the rail turns off.", "type": "int", "value": "-1", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["-1", "0", "10", "50"], "extras": ["The integer entered is the amount of updates that should be left in the stack", "-1 turns it off"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["This value represents the amount of updates required before the logger logs them. Must be -1 or larger"]}, {"name": "creativePlayersLoadChunks", "description": "Creative players load chunks, or they don't! just like spectators!", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Toggling behaves exactly as if the player is in spectator mode and toggling the gamerule spectatorsGenerateChunks."], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sculkSensorRange", "description": "Customizable sculk sensor range", "type": "int", "value": "8", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["8", "16", "32"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 1 to 1024"]}, {"name": "tickSyncedWorldBorders", "description": "Makes world borders move based on in game time instead of real time", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This has the effect that when the tick rate changes the world border speed also changes proportional to it"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "thickFungusGrowth", "description": "Allows to grow nether fungi with 3x3 base with bonemeal", "type": "FungusGrowthMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "random", "all"], "extras": ["Setting to 'all' will make all nether fungi grow into 3x3 trees", "Setting to 'random' will make 6% of all nether fungi grow into 3x3 trees", "(this being consistent with worldgen)"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "portalCreativeDelay", "description": "Amount of delay ticks to use a nether portal in creative", "type": "int", "value": "1", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["1", "40", "80", "72000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 1 to 72000"]}, {"name": "portalSurvivalDelay", "description": "Amount of delay ticks to use a nether portal in survival", "type": "int", "value": "80", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["1", "40", "80", "72000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 1 to 72000"]}, {"name": "combineXPOrbs", "description": "Xp orbs combine with other into bigger orbs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackableShulkerBoxes", "description": "Empty shulker boxes can stack to 64 when dropped on the ground", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["To move them around between inventories"], "branches": ["1.16.5"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "quasiConnectivity", "description": "Pistons, droppers and dispensers react if block above them is powered", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chainStone", "description": "Chains will stick to each other on the long ends", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "stick_to_all"], "extras": ["and will stick to other blocks that connect to them directly.", "With stick_to_all: it will stick even if not visually connected"], "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fillLimit", "description": "Customizable fill/clone volume limit", "type": "int", "value": "32768", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["32768", "250000", "1000000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 1 to 20M"]}, {"name": "onePlayerSleeping", "description": "One player is required on the server to cause night to pass", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnChunksSize", "description": "Changes size of spawn chunks", "type": "int", "value": "11", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "11"], "extras": ["Defines new radius", "setting it to 0 - disables spawn chunks"], "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lightEngineMaxBatchSize", "description": "Changes maximum light tasks batch size", "type": "int", "value": "5", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["5", "50", "100", "200"], "extras": ["Allows for a higher light suppression tolerance", "setting it to 5 - Default limit defined by the game"], "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableCoral", "description": "Coral structures will grow with bonemeal from coral plants", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "leadFix", "description": "Fixes leads breaking/becoming invisible in unloaded chunks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["You may still get visibly broken leash links on the client side"], "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "flatWorldStructureSpawning", "description": "Allows structure mobs to spawn in flat worlds", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "extremeBehaviours", "description": "Edge cases are as frequent as common cases, for testing only!!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Velocities of items from dispensers, blaze projectiles, fireworks", "Directions of fireballs, wither skulls, fishing bobbers", "items dropped from blocks and inventories, llamas spit, triggered trap horses", "Damage dealt with projectiles", "Blaze aggro sensitivity", "Mobs spawned follow range"], "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "structureBlockOutlineDistance", "description": "Customizable structure block outline render distance", "type": "double", "value": "96d", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["96", "192", "2048"], "extras": ["Required on client to work properly"], "branches": ["1.16.5"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "updateSuppressionBlock", "description": "Placing an activator rail on top of a barrier block will update suppress when the rail turns off.", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["false", "true", "1", "6"], "extras": ["Entering an integer will make the update suppression block auto-reset", "Integer entered is the delay in ticks for it to reset"], "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE", "EXTRAS"], "validators": ["Cannot be negative, can be true, false, or # > 0"]}, {"name": "updateSuppressionCrashFix", "description": "Fixes update suppression causing server crashes.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fixUnderwaterHoe", "description": "If this is enabled you can hoe dirt with water on top.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.15.2"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE", "CARPETADDONS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackingSplashPotions", "description": "Combines the duration of splash potions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.15.2", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL", "CARPETADDONS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oldFlintAndSteelBehavior", "description": "Backports 1.12 flint and steel behavior. flint and steel can be used for updating observers / buds", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.15.2", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL", "CARPETADDONS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "instantPotions", "description": "Instant potions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.15.2", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL", "CARPETADDONS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackingPotions", "description": "Combines the duration of potions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.15.2", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL", "CARPETADDONS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "keepProjectilesTicked", "description": "Projectiles are ticked the whole time - projectile loading chunks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.15.2"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL", "CARPETADDONS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "carefulBreak", "description": "Places the mined block in the player inventory when sneaking", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.15.2", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["CARPETADDONS", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "projectileRaycastLength", "description": "Changes the distance projectiles check for collisions. if set to 0 all blocks to the destination will be checked which is the vanilla behaviour.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "100", "200"], "extras": ["This reduces lag for fast projectiles. In 1.12 the value was 200."], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["CARPETADDONS", "EXPERIMENTAL,OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "donkeyDupeFeature", "description": "Enables old donkey / llama dupe bug.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL,FEATURE", "CARPETADDONS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "keepEnderPearlsTicked", "description": "Projectiles are ticked the whole time - projectile loading chunks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "whoImT/carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["CARPETADDONS", "FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "witherskullchance", "description": "Chance of shooting a blue skull for withers", "type": "double", "value": "0.001", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "0.001", "1"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.19.2", "1.16.5"], "categories": ["DRC,EXPERIMENTAL,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableiceforming", "description": "Disable ice forming", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.19.2", "1.16.5"], "categories": ["DRC,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disablesnowforming", "description": "Disable snow forming", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.19.2", "1.16.5"], "categories": ["DRC,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntExplosionPower", "description": "Modify the explosion power of tnt", "type": "double", "value": "4.0F", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "4.0"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.19.2", "1.16.5"], "categories": ["DRC,EXPERIMENTAL,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntFuseTime", "description": "Modify the fuse time of tnt", "type": "double", "value": "80", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "80"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.19.2", "1.16.5"], "categories": ["DRC,EXPERIMENTAL,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableVillagerJockey", "description": "Disable villager jockeys", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.19.2", "1.16.5"], "categories": ["DRC,EXPERIMENTAL,SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "locateplayer", "description": "Locate players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.19.2", "1.16.5"], "categories": ["DRC,SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "glowSquidRestriction", "description": "Set the spawning restriction of glow squid in 1.18 the same as 1.17", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["The spawning of glow squid will be under y=30", "with no light and with blocks contains Tag'base_stone_overwolrd' 5 blocks under it."], "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.19.2"], "categories": ["DRC,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "forceExpMerge", "description": "Forcing the experience orb to merge together instead of being restricted by rules", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If false, only the experience orb with same amount of experience will merge", "when there are 40+ number of experience orb.", "If true, the experience orb will merge together when in touch", "Player can also absorb the merged experience orb at once"], "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.19.2"], "categories": ["DRC,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "glowGlowBerries", "description": "Glow after eating glow berries", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Add glow effect to players after eating glow berries"], "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.19.2"], "categories": ["DRC,FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tellweather", "description": "Show weather in command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Show the weather in text form in the command line,available when cheating is disabled"], "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.19.2"], "categories": ["DRC,SURVIVAL,COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "highlightEntity", "description": "Highlight entities", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.19.2"], "categories": ["DRC,EXPERIMENTAL,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easierAxolotlFeed", "description": "Use the worldspawn rule in 1.17-", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.19.2"], "categories": ["DRC,SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blueAxolotlChance", "description": "Chance of breeding a blue axolotl", "type": "double", "value": "0.000833", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "0.000833", "1"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.19.2"], "categories": ["DRC,EXPERIMENTAL,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "multiplePlayerSpawning", "description": "Spawn multiple fake players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DreamRealmCraft/carpet-DRC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.19.2"], "categories": ["DRC,SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scaffoldingDistance", "description": "Max distance for scaffolding.", "type": "int", "value": "7", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": false, "options": ["2", "3", "5", "7"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXTRA"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 7"]}, {"name": "pistonRedirectsRedstone", "description": "Pistons and sticky pistons redirect redstone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["When retracting, they will blink visually", "but that's only to minimize changes required for it to work"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "updateSuppressionCrashFix", "description": "Fixes updates suppression causing server crashes.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, EXTRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "autoCraftingDropper", "description": "Auto-crafting dropper", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If a dropper points into a crafting table and contains a valid 3x3 crafting recipe, firing that", "dropper will cause it to craft (drop as item) that recipe.", "Overrides comparators so they indicate number of filled slots instead.", "Also makes hoppers, droppers and dispensers input max 1 item per slot."], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, EXTRA, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispenserPlacesBlocks", "description": "Dispensers can place blocks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, EXTRA, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "variableWoodDelays", "description": "Variable delays on wooden components (buttons, pressure plates).", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "comparatorReadsClock", "description": "Allows comparators to read the daytime instead of the rotation of clocks in item frames.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE,EXTRA,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "comparatorBetterItemFrames", "description": "Allows comparators to see item frames that are horizontal in front of them and on top the the block in front of them", "type": "ComparatorOptions", "value": "VANILLA", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": ["vanilla", "behind", "lenient", "extended"], "extras": ["Behind: Allows comparators to detect item frames in the block behind them", "Lenient: Allows comparators to detect any item frames within the block behind a full block", "Extended: Allows comparators to detect item frames on a full block behind the comparator"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE,EXTRA,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperMinecart8gtCooldown", "description": "Makes hopper minecarts have an 8gt cooldown like hoppers.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,FEATURE,EXTRA,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperMinecartItemTransfer", "description": "Allows hopper minecarts to transfer items into containers below them.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,FEATURE,EXTRA,EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX, FEATURE, EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPing", "description": "Enables `/ping` for players to get their ping.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["COMMAND, EXTRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersFillMinecarts", "description": "Minecarts can be filled with hoppers, chests, tnt and furnace.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, EXTRA, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "clericsFarmWarts", "description": "Clerics can warm nether farts.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This will also allow them to pick up wart items, as well as pathfind to soulsand."], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableIce", "description": "Multiple ice crushed by falling anvils make denser ice.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["frosted turns into normal"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersPlayRecords", "description": "Dispensers can play records if there's a jukebox in front of them.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If a record already exists in the jukebox"], "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "accurateBlockPlacement", "description": "Client can provide alternative block placement.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersToggleThings", "description": "Dispensers containing a stick can toggle things.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Works with buttons, redstone, noteblocks, comparators, repeaters", "daylight detectors, etc."], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersTillSoil", "description": "Dispensers with hoes can till soil.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersFeedAnimals", "description": "Dispensers can feed animals.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disablePlayerCollision", "description": "Disables player entity collision.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, CREATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableLava", "description": "Obsidian surrounded by 6 lava sources has a chance of converting to lava.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Credits: Skyrising", ")"], "branches": ["1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doubleRetraction", "description": "Re-adds 1.8 double retraction to pistons.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Gives pistons the ability to double retract without side effects.", "Fixes [MC-88959](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-88959)."], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockStateSyncing", "description": "Fixes block states in f3 debug mode not updating for some blocks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["May cause increased network traffic.", "Works with cactus, sugar cane, saplings, hoppers, dispensers and droppers."], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableSand", "description": "Cobblestone crushed by falling anvils makes sand.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dragonEggBedrockBreaking", "description": "Reintroduce the dragon egg bedrock breaking bug from 1.12.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fireChargeConvertsToNetherrack", "description": "Fire charges from dispensers convert cobblestone to netherrack.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Credits: Skyrising", ")"], "branches": ["1.16.5"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chickenShearing", "description": "Chickens can be sheared to get feathers. beware! every time u shear a chicken, it gets damaged!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Baby chickens can't be sheared.", ")"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER", "EXTRA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobInFireConvertsSandToSoulsand", "description": "If a living entity dies on sand with fire on top the sand will convert into soul sand.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "flowerPotChunkLoading", "description": "Placing a wither rose in a flowerpot will load that chunk.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If u enable the rule the already existing chunks with flowerpots won't be loaded.", "Also disabling the carpet rule won't remove the loaded chunks, u need to manually unload them using the /forceload command.", "All the loaded chunks can be seen using `/forceload query`"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reloadSuffocationFix", "description": "Won't let mobs glitch into blocks when reloaded.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Can cause slight differences in mobs behaviour.", "Fixes [MC-2025](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-2025)."], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersMilkCows", "description": "Dispensers with empty buckets can milk cows and get stew from mooshrooms with bowls.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "repeaterPriorityFix", "description": "Quick pulses won't get lost in repeater setups.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Probably brings back pre 1.8 behaviour.", "Fixes [MC-54711](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-54711)."], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "straySpawningInIgloos", "description": "Only strays spawn in igloos.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXTRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableWitherSkeletons", "description": "Skeletons turn into wither skeletons when struck by lightning.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXTRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creeperSpawningInJungleTemples", "description": "Only creepers spawn in jungle temples.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXTRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "y0DragonEggBedrockBreaking", "description": "Let dragon eggs break y0 bedrock.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Requires dragonEggBedrockBreaking to be set to true."], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, EXTRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spiderJockeysDropGapples", "description": "Gives spider jockeys a specified chance to drop enchanted golden apples.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "50", "100"], "extras": ["0 is the default setting"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 100"]}, {"name": "dragonsBreathConvertsCobbleToEndstone", "description": "Dragon's breath from dispensers convert cobblestone to end stone.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.5"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxSpongeSuck", "description": "Maximum water sucking for sponge.", "type": "int", "value": "64", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": false, "options": ["64"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXTRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxSpongeRange", "description": "Maximum offset limit for sponge.", "type": "int", "value": "7", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": false, "options": ["7"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXTRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "emptyShulkerBoxStackAlways", "description": "Empty shulker boxes will always stack, even inside inventories.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderPearlChunkLoading", "description": "Allow horizontally moving ender pearls to load chunks as entity ticking.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXTRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "betterBonemeal", "description": "Bonemeal can be used to grow sugarcane, cactus and lily pads.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXTRA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersCarvePumpkins", "description": "Dispensers containing shears can carve pumpkins.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blazeMeal", "description": "Blaze powder fertilizes netherwart.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Via dispenser or player right click actions."], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.16.5", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableNetherrack", "description": "Fire charges from dispensers convert cobblestone to netherrack.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Credits: Skyrising", ")"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersMilkAnimals", "description": "Dispensers with empty buckets can milk cows/mooshrooms/goats, and get mushroom/suspicious stew from mooshrooms with bowls.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableEndstone", "description": "Dragon's breath from dispensers convert cobblestone to end stone.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersStripBlocks", "description": "Dispensers with axes can strip blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Can strip logs"], "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersUseCauldrons", "description": "Dispensers can empty/fill cauldrons with buckets or bottles, and undye leather armor/shulker boxes/banners", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersPotPlants", "description": "Dispensers can put flowers in flower pots", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "crystalExplodeOnExplodedFix", "description": "End crystals now explode when damaged from explosions. end crystal chaining", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-118429](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-118429)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeUpdateFix", "description": "Makes it so that sponges give block updates when absorbing water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-220636](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-220636)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperUpdateFix", "description": "Makes it so that hoppers give block updates when placed while powered", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVOONJ1OY44"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "observerUpdateFix", "description": "Make it so that observers give block updates when retracted and immediately repowered", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-136566](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-136566)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stringTagExploitFix", "description": "Fixes stringtag exploits due to stringtag writeutf() not respecting readutf() limits causing crashes internally", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes ChunkRegen & [MC-134892](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-134892)"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,CRASHFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA,DUPE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,CRASHFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockCollisionCheckFix", "description": "Fixes incorrect block collision checks for players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-123364](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-123364)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fallingBlockDuplicationFix", "description": "Fixes falling blocks duping using the end portal", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DUPE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX,DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockUpdateOrderFix", "description": "Fixes the issue where block updates are inconsistent due to directionality", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Warning! This changes how block updates are done and could effect some contraptions", "Fixes [MC-161402](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-161402)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "comparatorUpdateFix", "description": "Fixes the issue where comparators don't always get updated correctly", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-120986](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-120986)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "updateSuppressionFix", "description": "Prevents update suppression from working. when the stack is reached, the following updates are moved to the next tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,CRASHFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,CRASHFIX,RECOMMENDED,DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "incorrectBounceLogicFix", "description": "Fixes some entities not bouncing on slime blocks and getting stuck", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-216985](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-216985)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "incorrectBubbleColumnLogicFix", "description": "Fixes some entities getting stuck in bubble columns", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-207866](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207866)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "directionalBlockSlowdownFix", "description": "Fixes movement slowdown being calculated based on last block in search. uses the slowest value instead", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-202654](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-202654)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "BUGFIX, CLIENT", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "catsBreakLeadsDuringGiftFix", "description": "Fixes cats sometimes breaking there leads after giving a gift", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-202607](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-202607)"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "petsBreakLeadsDuringReloadFix", "description": "Fixes leashed pets teleporting to the player when reloaded", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-173303](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-173303)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanDontUpdateOnPlaceFix", "description": "Fixes enderman not updating the block they place correctly", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-183054](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-183054)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanUselessMinecartTeleportingFix", "description": "Fixes enderman constantly trying to teleport when in a minecart under daylight", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-227008](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-227008)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,VANILLA", "BUGFIX, VANILLA", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "railInvalidUpdateOnPushFix", "description": "Fixes rails updating other rails before checking if they are in a valid location", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-174864](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-174864)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "railMissingUpdateOnPushFix", "description": "Fixes rails not updating other rails on being moved, allowing for invalid states", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Prevents redstone budding from working", "Fixes [MC-123311](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-123311)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "railMissingUpdateAfterPushFix", "description": "Fixes rails not updating other rails after being moved", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-96224](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-96224)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endVoidRingsFix", "description": "Fixes the bug which causes there to be void rings (empty chunks) in the end", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-159283](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-159283)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,OPTIMIZATION", "BUGFIX, OPTIMIZATION", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mountingFlyingTooLongFix", "description": "Fixes getting kicked for flying too long when jumping and riding an entity", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-98727](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-98727)"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sleepingDelaysFallDamageFix", "description": "Fixes fall damage being delayed by sleeping, fall damage will be removed instead", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-19830](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-19830)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntCantUseNetherPortalsFix", "description": "Fixes tnt entity not being able to go through nether portals", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-8983](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-8983)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fallingBlocksCantUseNetherPortalsFix", "description": "Fixes falling blocks not being able to go through nether portals", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-9644](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-9644)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnChunkEntitiesUnloadingFix", "description": "Fixes spawn chunks not ticking entities and block entities if no player online", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-59134](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-59134)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX,VANILLA", "BUGFIX, VANILLA", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "repairCostItemNotStackingFix", "description": "Fixes named blocks not stacking due to useless repaircost tag", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-197473](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-197473)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "drownedEnchantedTridentsFix", "description": "Makes enchantments work on tridents thrown by drowned", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-127321](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-127321)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerBlockCollisionUsingCenterFix", "description": "Fixes multiple bugs related to effects happening only when player center in block instead of hitbox", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-1133](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-1133)"], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "witchHutsSpawnIncorrectCatFix", "description": "Fixes incorrect cat types spawning inside swamp huts", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-147659](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-147659)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,WONTFIX,VANILLA", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED, WONTFIX, VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hardcodedSeaLevelFix", "description": "Fixes incorrect sea level height being used when datapacks change the sea height", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-226687](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-226687)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fishingOutsideWaterFix", "description": "Fixes being able to fish outside of water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-175544](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-175544)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "giveCommandDupeFix", "description": "Fixes being able to dupe items using the /give command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-120507](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-120507)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED, DUPE", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,DUPE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xpOrbCollisionFix", "description": "Fixes experience orbs acting as if flowing lava is a full block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-226961](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-226961)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "conversionFix", "description": "Fixes mob multiple different mob conversions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-88967](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-88967)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "explosionBreaksItemFrameInWaterFix", "description": "Fixes explosions being able to destroy item frames in water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-3697](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-3697)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movingBlocksDestroyPathFix", "description": "Fixes moving blocks from destroying path blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-161026](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-161026)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "witherGolemSpawningFix", "description": "Fixes withers and golems not spawning due to replaceable blocks being in the way", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-60792](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-60792)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, INTENDED, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,INTENDED,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,INTENDED,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "illegalBreakingFix", "description": "Fixes breaking blocks that should not be able to be broken using headless pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Illegal blocks are any blocks that have a hardness value of -1.0F", "Fixes [MC-188220](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-188220)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "headlessPistonFix", "description": "Fixes being able to make and use headless pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-27056](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-27056)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sleepingResetsRainFix", "description": "Fixes the rain timer being reset whenever players sleep", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-63340](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-63340)"], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sleepingResetsThunderFix", "description": "Fixes the thunder timer being reset whenever players sleep", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-222596](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-222596)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "incorrectExplosionExposureFix", "description": "Fixes incorrect explosion exposure calculations", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-232355](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-232355)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED, VANILLA", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "nbtDataDupeFix", "description": "Fixes /data duping inventories when modifying entity data", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-112826](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-112826)"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA,DUPE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "duplicateBlockUpdatesFix", "description": "Fixes some redstone components send duplicated block updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-231071](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-231071)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA,OPTIMIZATION", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA", "BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL, RECOMMENDED, VANILLA, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "trapdoorMissingUpdateFix", "description": "Fixes some blocks not popping off when a trapdoor opens", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-157300](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-157300)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "uselessDetectorRailUpdateFix", "description": "Fixes the detector rail giving useless comparator updates on entity collision", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beeStuckInVoidFix", "description": "Fixes bees getting stuck in the void due to gravity being disabled", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-167279](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-167279)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beeDupeFix", "description": "Fixes bees duplicating while trying to load a beehive/beenest in unloaded chunks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-234471](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-234471)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL, DUPE", "BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL,DUPE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "invulnerableEndCrystalFix", "description": "Fixes being able to make permanent invulnerable end crystals", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sculkSensorPrecisionLossFix", "description": "Fixes signal strength being inaccurate and skipping odd signal strengths due to precision loss with distance", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-218222](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-218222)"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creeperPortalFuseResetsFix", "description": "Fixes creepers resetting there fuse duration when travelling through a nether portal after being ignited by flint & steel", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-234754](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-234754)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "soulSpeedIncorrectDamageFix", "description": "Fixes soul speed enchantment from damaging boots when riding a vehicle", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-200991](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-200991)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endCrystalPlacingTooEarlyFix", "description": "Fixes placing end crystals too early doesn't resummon the ender dragon", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-215763](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-215763)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "respawnDragonWithoutAllEndCrystalsFix", "description": "Fixes being able to respawn the ender dragon using only 2 ender crystals instead of the intended 4", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-102774](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-102774)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "treeTrunkLogicFix", "description": "Fixes trees considering the bottom block as a trunk and modifying leaves because of it", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "uselessSelfBlockUpdateFix", "description": "Fixes blocks using updateneighbors() on blocks next to them, making itself get a block update even though it does not accept block updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA,OPTIMIZATION", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA", "BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED, VANILLA, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntMinecartExplodesTwiceFix", "description": "Fixes tnt minecarts being able to explode twice, killing their own drops", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "breakAnythingDoorGoalFix", "description": "Fixes zombies & vindicators being able to break any block where a door was", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blackstoneButtonBreakSpeedFix", "description": "Fixes blackstone buttons taking longer then other buttons to break", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-199752](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-199752)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "transparentBlocksNegateEnchantingFix", "description": "Fixes transparent blocks placed between bookshelves and enchanting tables negating bonuses received", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-2474](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-2474)"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chestUsablePastWorldBorderFix", "description": "Fixes chests being accessible outside the world border by placing a chest near it, simply by preventing chests from merging at the world border", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-67844](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-67844)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bedsCanBeInWorldBorderFix", "description": "Fixes being able to place half beds outside of the world border", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-117800](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-117800)"], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemFramePlaysSoundOnReadFix", "description": "Fixes item frames playing a sound when they are read from nbt", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-123450](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-123450)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,VANILLA", "BUGFIX, VANILLA", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "incorrectNbtChecks", "description": "Fixes commands not allowing all nbt tags to work correctly", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-112257](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-112257)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,VANILLA,RECOMMENDED,CREATIVE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX, VANILLA, RECOMMENDED, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endPortalRemovesEffectsFix", "description": "Fixes the end portal removing your status effects when going from the overworld to the end", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-6431](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-6431)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "inconsistentRedstoneTorchFix", "description": "Fixes burnt-out redstone torches having inconsistent behavior for turning on again", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-120938](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-120938)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "foxesDropItemsWithLootOffFix", "description": "Fixes gamerule domobloot not effecting foxes from dropping their items", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-153010](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-153010)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "missingStructureCorruptionFix", "description": "Fixes saved worlds corrupting due to missing structures", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-194811](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-194811)"], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,CRASHFIX,RECOMMENDED,VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "instantFluidFlowingFix", "description": "Fixes fluids being able to instantly flow!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-215636](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-215636)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "swapGeneralItemDupeFix", "description": "Fixes general item dupe using shadowitems. this stops shadow items from being created!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "saferItemTransfers", "description": "Changes the code to use less copy calls, and instead pass references when possible", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED, DUPE", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,DUPE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sculkSensorBiasFix", "description": "Fixes the sculk sensor have a directional bias with wool occlusion", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-207289](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207289)"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "breakSwapGeneralItemDupeFix", "description": "Fixes general item dupe using ", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED, DUPE", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED,DUPE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beeNotLeavingHiveFix", "description": "Fixes bees not leaving the hive in the end & nether due to weather conditions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-168329](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-168329)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hangingEntityTriggersTrapsFix", "description": "Fixes item frames & paintings being able to interact with pressure plates & tripwire hooks, causing them to not de-power", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-82055](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-82055)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "boatsTakeFallDamageFix", "description": "Fixes boats breaking and giving fall damage under certain circumstances", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-119369](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-119369)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "boatsDontTakeFallDamageFix", "description": "Fixes boats not being destroyed by fall damage", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-98160](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-98160)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedPoweredRails", "description": "Makes rails faster by removing most updates on themselves, duplicate updates, and doing rail search internally", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This probobly changes some rail behavior although so far does not seem to do so. Does change amount of block updates tho"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,OPTIMIZATION", "OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "unstackableJukeboxFix", "description": "Fixes jukebox item stacks setting nbt and not stacking with others after placing", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-216362](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-216362)"], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedTicketManager", "description": "Initial made for lithium, although was not exactly vanilla behavior. this is a very small optimization!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,OPTIMIZATION", "OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "buriedTreasureAlwaysCenterFix", "description": "Fixes buried treasure always generating in the center of a chunk", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-227443](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-227443)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reinforcementsOnlySpawnZombiesFix", "description": "Fixes reinforcements only spawn zombies", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-14800](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-14800)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "incorrectFallDamageFix", "description": "Fixes incorrect fall distance calculations causing fall distance to build up over time on leads", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-14167](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-14167)"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voidKillsloyaltyTridentsFix", "description": "Fixes the void killing loyalty tridents, even though they should come back to the player", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-125755](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-125755)"], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,INTENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanLowerPiercingFix", "description": "Fixes piercing projectiles lowering there projectile when 'hitting' an enderman", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-145557](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-145557)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "projectileNotDetectedOnPlaceFix", "description": "Fixes placing a button/pressure plate inside of a projectile not activating it", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-209284](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-209284)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "arrowEffectsBypassTotemsFix", "description": "Fixes arrows of harming bypassing totems of undying", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-206307](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-206307)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oldTargetBlockPermanentlyPowered", "description": "Re-introduces target blocks being permanently powered when moved by pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Backports [MC-173244](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-173244)"], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oldLightningRodPermanentlyPowered", "description": "Re-introduces lightning rods being permanently powered when moved by pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Backports [MC-203718](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-203718)"], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oldPortalGeneralItemDupe", "description": "Re-introduces general item dupe using dolphins, and some other dimension change dupes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oldFlintAndSteelBehavior", "description": "Re-introduces 1.12 flint and steel behavior. flint and steel can be used for updating observers / buds", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Backports [MC-4923](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-4923)"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oldDonkeyRidingDupe", "description": "Re-introduces multiplayer donkey/llama dupe bug based on disconnecting while riding donkey/llama", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Backports [MC-181241](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-181241) from 18w05a", "This has not been tested in 1.17 and may not work!"], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,BACKPORT,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lightningKillsDropsFix", "description": "Lightning kills the items that drop when lightning kills an entity", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Setting to true will prevent lightning from killing drops", "Fixes [MC-206922](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-206922)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doubleRetraction", "description": "Re-adds 1.8 double retraction to pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Gives pistons the ability to double retract without side effects", "Fixes [MC-88959](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-88959)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL", "CARPETFIXES, BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "repeaterPriorityFix", "description": "Quick pulses won't get lost in repeater setups", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Probably brings back pre 1.8 behaviour.", "Fixes [MC-54711](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-54711)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "CARPETFIXES, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "railDuplicationFix", "description": "Fixes rails duplicating", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DUPE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX,DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pistonDupingFix", "description": "Disable tnt, carpet and part of rail dupers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Attachment block update based dupers will do nothing and redstone component update based dupers can no longer keep their duped block", "Implementation by Carpet-TIS-Addition - Dupe bad dig good"], "branches": ["dev", "1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DUPE", "CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX", "BUGFIX,DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "carpetFixesPreset", "description": "This rule allows you to change all carpet-fixes rules at the same time!", "type": "PresetSettings", "value": "CUSTOM", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": ["vanilla", "backport", "crashfix", "stability", "notbackports", "all", "custom"], "extras": ["Vanilla: All rules set to there default value", "CrashFix: Only rules that fix Crashes are enabled", "Stability: Rules that make the game stable", "All: Enable all rules", "Custom: Default (Does not change commands)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES"], "validators": []}, {"name": "worldgenIncorrectOrderFix", "description": "Fixes world modifying tasks to be before decorations [lakes]", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Warning! This is extremely unstable and modifies vanilla mechanics. Should be enabled before stating the server!", "Fixes [MC-610](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-610)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chunkRegenFix", "description": "Fixes chunk regen due to stringtag writeutf() not respecting readutf() limits", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes ChunkRegen & [MC-134892](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-134892)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,CRASHFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "zombiePiglinTracingFix", "description": "Tracing the target to another dimension does not stop checking for visibility, so that many unnecessary chunks are loaded", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-202249](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-202249)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,CRASHFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "targetBlockPermanentlyPoweredFix", "description": "Fixes target blocks being permanently powered when moved by pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes [MC-173244](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-173244)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "portalGeneralItemDupeFix", "description": "Fixes general item dupe using dolphins, and some other dimension change dupes", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerTeleportFix", "description": "Shulkers do not teleport correctly when going through a portal.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixed [MC-139265](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-139265)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "drownedMemoryLeakFix", "description": "Fixes drowned navigation causing memory leak/performance degradation", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixed [MC-202246](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-202246)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BACKPORT,BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerBoxItemsDropContents", "description": "Backport dropping the contents of a shulker box item when its item entity is destroyed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixed [MC-176615](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-176615)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "donkeyRidingDupeFix", "description": "Re-introduces multiplayer donkey/llama dupe bug based on disconnecting while riding donkey/llama", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixed [MC-181241](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-181241)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["CARPETFIXES,BUGFIX,BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "targetBlockUpdateFix", "description": "Fixes target blocks not giving shape updates when retracted and immediately repowered", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "extendedBlockUpdateOrderFix", "description": "Changes block updates that go 2 blocks out, so they have the same block update order", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Changes extended block update order from YZX to XZY", "Warning! This changes how some block updates are done and could effect some contraptions"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "entityBlockCollisionUsingCenterFix", "description": "Fixes multiple bugs related to effects happening only when the entity center is in the block instead of hitbox", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-1133](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-1133)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "foxesDisregardPowderSnowFix", "description": "Fixes foxes not respecting powder snow as a snow like block, therefore powder snow would not have the same effect as snow does", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-230660](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-230660)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voidKillsLoyaltyTridentsFix", "description": "Fixes the void killing loyalty tridents, even though they should come back to the player", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-125755](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-125755)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, INTENDED", "BUGFIX,INTENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobsConvertingWithoutBlocksFix", "description": "Fixes mobs continuing to convert even if the block is no longer there", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-227250](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-227250)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobsIgnoreOwnerOnPickupFix", "description": "Fixes mobs ignoring 'owner' when picking up loot", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-120578](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-120578)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "redstoneComponentUpdateOrderOnBreakFix", "description": "Fixes redstone torch/repeater/comparator update order when being broken, causing incorrect update order", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-157644](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-157644)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fallingBlockTeleportingFix", "description": "Fixes falling blocks not behaving as expected when being teleported", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-151488](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-151488)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "velocitySeparateAxisCancellingFix", "description": "Fixes player velocity on x and z axis being cancelled separately at low values", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-241951](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-241951)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX", "BUGFIX, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "armorStandMissingFunctionalityFix", "description": "Fixes armorstands losing functionality due to 'optimizations'", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["The marker tag will still prevent interaction though", "[MC-244956](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-244956)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanTeleportWithoutAIFix", "description": "Fixes enderman teleporting when they have the noai tag", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-65668](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-65668)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, WONTFIX", "BUGFIX,WONTFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "redstoneRedirectionMissingUpdateFix", "description": "Fixes redstone redirection missing updates on redirecting", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-3703](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-3703)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pistonsPushWaterloggedBlocksFix", "description": "Fixes being able to push waterlogged blocks while retaining the waterlogged state using a short pulse", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-130183](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-130183)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tileDropsAffectedByFloatingPointFix", "description": "Fixes tile drops at the world border spawning at the wrong location", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Relates to [MC-4](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-4)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "entityRandomCrackingFix", "description": "Fixes players being able to crack there player seed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This makes it so random is shared between all entities. Which is a good performance boost", "recommended that you set this on permanently, and restart the server for best results"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "worldBorderCollisionRoundingFix", "description": "Fixes world border collision rounding to blocks for entity collisions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-88482](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-88482)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, INTENDED", "BUGFIX,INTENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "detectorRailOffsetUpdateFix", "description": "Fixes comparator signal ending prematurely due to offset block updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-247420](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-247420)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "placeBlocksOutsideWorldBorderFix", "description": "Fixes being able to place blocks outside of the world border", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-63578](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-63578)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "incorrectPistonWorldBorderCheckFix", "description": "Fixes pistons being able to push blocks outside of the world border", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-82010](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-82010)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "explosionsBypassWorldBorderFix", "description": "Fixes explosions being able to destroy blocks outside of the world border", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-54606](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-54606)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerStepEventFix", "description": "Fixes players sending the step event before the hit_ground event", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-247417](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-247417)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "projectileMissingOcclusionFix", "description": "Fixes projectiles sending the projectile_land event when landing on a vibration occluding block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-208771](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-208771)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "boatMissingOcclusionFix", "description": "Fixes boats sending the splash event when ridden over a vibration occluding block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-208597](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-208597)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnEggOffsetEventFix", "description": "Fixes spawn eggs having an offset game event when spawning an entity", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-247643](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-247643)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnEggMissingOcclusionFix", "description": "Fixes spawning entities using spawn eggs on vibration occluding blocks not occluding", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-247645](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-247645)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, INTENDED", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnEggMissingEventFix", "description": "Fixes spawning entities using spawn eggs on entities not creating entity_place game event", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-214472](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-214472)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "minecartMissingOcclusionFix", "description": "Fixes minecarts sending the entity_place event when placed on a vibration occluding block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-213823](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-213823)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagerDiscountIgnoresOfflinePlayersFix", "description": "Fixes villagers not giving a discount if you log out while they are being cured", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-247647](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-247647)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "foxesGoToOriginDuringThunderFix", "description": "Fixes foxes pathfinding to origin (0,0) during a thunderstorm", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-179916](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-179916)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagerToWitchBedOccupiedFix", "description": "Fixes villagers converting to witches while sleeping, not changing the bed occupancy", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-167242](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-167242)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reloadUpdateOrderFix", "description": "Fixes reload update order for tile entities", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes instant wires randomly breaking - Effective after chunk reload.", "Fixes [MC-89146](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-89146)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pistonReloadInconsistencyFix", "description": "Fixes piston lastprogress not being set correctly", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Related to [MC-89146](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-89146)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, NBT", "BUGFIX,NBT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "armorStandNegateLavaDamageFix", "description": "Fixes armor stands not taking damage in lava", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-199210](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-199210)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "armorStandNegateCactusDamageFix", "description": "Fixes armor stands not being damaged by cactus", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-224420](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-224420)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "armorStandNegateAnvilDamageFix", "description": "Fixes armor stands not being damaged by anvils", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-203302](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-203302)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tripwireNotDisarmingFix", "description": "Fixes tripwires not being disarmed correctly", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-129055](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-129055)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "powderedSnowOpacityFix", "description": "Fixes powder snow letting light pass through it", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-205044](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-205044)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, INTENDED", "BUGFIX,INTENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "invisibleHopperFix", "description": "Fixes hoppers being invisible when placed next to a powered block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["It fixes clients not being able to see the hopper"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, CLIENT, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "velocityNotCancelledFix", "description": "Fixes jumping always favors x axis, and having z collision restoring x velocity", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-146854](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-146854)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blueWitherSkullNotSavedFix", "description": "Fixes wither skull projectiles not saving if its charged/blue in there nbt", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-81656](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-81656)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, NBT", "BUGFIX,NBT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "incorrectBlockPosDistanceFix", "description": "Fixes blockpos distance calculations being offset, resulting in them being directional & incorrect", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-248225](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-248225)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tagKeyMemoryLeakFix", "description": "Fixes a memory leak within the new tagkey system", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-248621](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-248621)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,CRASHFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "nocomExploitFix", "description": "Prevents the nocom exploit from being able to crash the server", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["There is a fabric mod that is able to do this in vanilla!"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, CRASHFIX, RECOMMENDED", "BUGFIX,CRASHFIX,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "structureManagerCantLoadSnbtFix", "description": "Fixes the structure manager not being able to load snbt versions of nbt files", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This makes it possible for structure blocks to load snbt files also.", "Should not be used in survival or for datapacks, since its slower than nbt"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, CREATIVE", "BUGFIX,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stepAndDestroyBlockGoalUsesOriginFix", "description": "Fixes the stepanddestroyblockgoal using the origin without first checking if its valid", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperMinecartSlowerAtOriginFix", "description": "Fixes hopper minecarts being 4x slower at [0,0,0]", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "nonSolidBlocksBreakCactusIfPushedFix", "description": "Fixes cactus breaking when moving a non-solid block next to them with a piston", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-160095](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-160095)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobsSpawnOnMovingPistonsFix", "description": "Fixes mobs being able to spawn on moving pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "geodeLavalogFix", "description": "Fixes an edge case within geodes where it will waterlog a block next to lava, due to missing fluid check", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "crossDimensionTeleportLosesStatsFix", "description": "Fixes client stats being lost when teleporting between dimensions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-124177](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-124177)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "inhabitedTimeFix", "description": "Fixes inhabitedtime not always updating in some chunks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-127407](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-127407)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableCoralFanFix", "description": "Fixes coral being movable. controversial fix - if you don't like it, don't use it xd", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-133541](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-133541)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "potionEffectsAffectDeadEntitiesFix", "description": "Fixes dying entities being affected by splash potion effects and area effect clouds", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-114761](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-114761)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chorusFruitFallDamageFix", "description": "Fixes chorus fruits item not resetting fall damage on teleport", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-112133](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-112133)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "comparatorSkipsBlockedChestFix", "description": "Fixes comparators being unable to get the signal strength from a blocked chest", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-100302](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-100302)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "brewingResetsOnUnloadFix", "description": "Fixes brewing stands resetting there brewtime when being unloaded", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-26304](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-26304)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntExtendedHitboxClipFix", "description": "Fixes tnt being created in extended hitboxes causing tnt to clip through them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-12730](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-12730)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntMinecartTerribleCollisionFix", "description": "Fixes tnt minecarts blowing up when basically turning any rail while next to a block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-7464](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-7464)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tridentFallingDamageFix", "description": "Fixes tridents not dealing damage after having been in a block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-130151](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-130151)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "daylightSensorPlacementFix", "description": "Fixes daylight sensors not setting there power state when placed by a player", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-156867](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-156867)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "comparatorTransparencyFix", "description": "Fixes comparators not being able to get containers through opaque full blocks like pistons & observers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,PARITY", "BUGFIX, PARITY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanAvoidProjectilesInVehicleFix", "description": "Fixes enderman doing teleporting effects and sounds and avoiding projectiles while in a vehicle", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-183446](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-183446)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanPainfulTeleportFix", "description": "Fixes enderman teleporting away during damage, making other damage systems believe the enderman got hurt. such as wither skulls applying wither", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-186119](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-186119)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "badVillagerPyrotechnicsFix", "description": "Fixes villagers being hurt by there own fireworks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-195326](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-195326)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "projectileGoalTargetsDeadEntitiesFix", "description": "Fixes the projectileattackgoal targetting dead entities", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-165516](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-165516)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderDragonDoesntDropBlocksFix", "description": "Fixes the enderdragon not dropping the blocks it breaks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-220519](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-220519)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnInsideGatewayFix", "description": "Fixes the end gateway teleport check using blocks that should be invalid as valid for teleporting", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-193421](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-193421)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sweepingIgnoresFireAspectFix", "description": "Fixes sweeping edge not applying fire aspect", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-93669](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-93669)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "snowGolemAttackCreepersFix", "description": "Fixes snow golem attacking creepers, resulting in there death", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-73964](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-73964)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerBoxMissingUpdateFix", "description": "Fixes shulker box missing a block update", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-190815](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-190815)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "viewerCountNegativesFix", "description": "Fixes the viewer count for some inventories (chest, ender chest, barrel) being able to go into the negatives", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-229680](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-229680)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bedTeleportExploitFix", "description": "Fixes a 8x teleport exploit using beds", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "recordWorldEventFix", "description": "Fixes record world events being sent at the wrong time, causing multiple disks to play at the same time", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-112245](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-112245)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dripstoneSkipsEntityCheckFix", "description": "Fixes pointed dripstone skipping the entity check", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-206599](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-206599)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doubleBlocksSkipEntityCheckFix", "description": "Fixes double blocks like beds & doors from skipping the entity check", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-123619](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-123619)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "selfHarmFix", "description": "Fixes mobs attacking themselves. self-harm should not be taught to kids ;)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-110386](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-110386)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobsAttackThroughBlocksFix", "description": "Fixes mobs being able to hit entities through blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This might have an impact on performance, although shouldn't be that bad", "[MC-2310](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-2310)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beesFearRainFix", "description": "Fixes bees being able to feel none-existing rain", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-178119](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-178119)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "convertConvertingZombieVillagersFix", "description": "Fixes being able to start the conversion of zombie villagers while they are already converting", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-166984](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-166984)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pistonsPushTooFarFix", "description": "Fixes pistons pushing entities too far due to the offset", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beesDropLikeBouldersFix", "description": "Fixes bees just not flying when spawning due to navigation not being set", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-190042](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-190042)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "followParentGoalBreaksMovementFix", "description": "Fixes the follow parent goal not setting the movement control, causing babies to move incorrectly", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-149838](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-149838)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "leashKnotNotUpdatingOnBreakFix", "description": "Fixes leash not updating when mobs break there leashes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-16663](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-16663)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bucketableMobsNotDetachingLeashesFix", "description": "Fixes leashes not being detached on mobs being put in a bucket. so you don't get your leash back", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-229057](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-229057)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "snowmanCreateSnowWhileFloatingFix", "description": "Fixes snowman creating snow while not touching the ground", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-214344](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-214344)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sheepEatGrassThroughBlocksFix", "description": "Fixes sheep being able to eat grass through full blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-76490](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-76490)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ocelotsAndCatsTryToFleeInVehicleFix", "description": "Fixes ocelots and cats trying to flee from the player while being stuck in a vehicle like a boat", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-53721](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-53721)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeEnchantingCostsExperienceFix", "description": "Fixes enchanting in creative mode still deducting experience", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-12656](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-12656)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, CREATIVE", "BUGFIX,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "boatsCreatedTooHighFix", "description": "Fixes boats created from dispensers spawning more then half a block higher then the water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "boatsStuckInDispensersFix", "description": "Fixes boats getting created within the dispenser that created them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-1310](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-1310)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "armorStandsCantRideVehiclesFix", "description": "Fixes armor stands not being able to ride vehicles", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-90923](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-90923)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "markerArmorStandsTriggerBlocksFix", "description": "Fixes marker armor stands being able to trigger traps such as pressure plates, and string", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-135809](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-135809)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "markerArmorStandsCreateBubblesFix", "description": "Fixes marker armor stands creating bubbles in water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-78314](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-78314)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beaconsAlwaysPlaySoundOnBreakFix", "description": "Fixes beacons always playing the depowering sound when broken even if it was not powered", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-153086](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-153086)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fallingBlockDamageIsOffsetFix", "description": "Fixes falling block damage bounding box being offset", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-203302](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-203302)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hungerGoesDownInPeacefulFix", "description": "Fixes hunger depleting in peaceful mode", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-31819](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-31819)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beesSwimInWaterAndDieFix", "description": "Fixes bees trying to swim in water causing them to die", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Bees must be reloaded for the fix to take place", "[MC-190261](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-190261)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hoppersSelectMinecartsRandomlyFix", "description": "Fixes hoppers choosing a random minecart, resulting in slower item transfers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-124099](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-124099)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "jukeboxDiscItemOffsetOnBreakFix", "description": "Fixes jukebox not spawning disc in the center of the block when broken", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-166032](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-166032)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "deathTimeCorruptsMobsFix", "description": "Fixes mobs with a deathtime higher then 19 causing entities to never die", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-84873](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-84873)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "witchAndCatSpawnMergedFix", "description": "Fixes witches & cats spawning inside of each other, by shifting the cat over by another block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-163503](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-163503)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "iceWaterSkipsWaterloggedFix", "description": "Fixes ice not turning to water when broken by a player if the block below is waterlogged", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-206185](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-206185)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "duplicateEntityUUIDFix", "description": "Fixes entities created with duplicate uuid's", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-137370](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-137370)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL", "BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "giantTreesHaveExtraLogFix", "description": "Fixes giant trees creating an extra single log at the top corner", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cantJumpOffBlockWhenSneakingFix", "description": "Fixes players unable to jump off the edge of blocks while sneaking and having a block above them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-197647](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-197647)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "projectileKeepsVelocityFix", "description": "Fixes projectiles keeping there velocity", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-198908](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-198908)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doorBreakNotStoppedOnDeathFix", "description": "Fixes breakdoorgoal not stopping on entity death, leading to cracks that stay for a while", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-185597](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-185597)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shipwreckChunkBorderIssuesFix", "description": "Fixes shipwrecks having different block palettes and heights between chunk borders", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-131745](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-131745)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noteBlockNotPoweredOnPlaceFix", "description": "Fixes note blocks not setting there powered state when placed by a player", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "zeroDamageHurtsWolvesFix", "description": "Fixes wolves getting hurt from damage that should not hurt, such as snowballs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-72151](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-72151)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "absorptionStaysWithoutHeartsFix", "description": "Fixes absorption effect not going away even after the absorption hearts are gone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-202432](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-202432)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "brokenHiddenStatusEffectFix", "description": "Fixes broken status effect logic resulting in hidden status effects not running onremove() or", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-182497](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-182497)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "powderSnowOnlySlowIfFeetInBlockFix", "description": "Fixes powder snow only slowing down players when there feet are in the block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-205242](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-205242)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lavaCalculatesWrongFireStateFix", "description": "Fixes lava creating fire with incorrect block states", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-250048](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-250048)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voidTradingFix", "description": "Fixes void trading", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["The ability to trade with a villager in unloaded chunks allowing for infinite trading"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tradeDemandDecreasesIndefinitelyFix", "description": "Fixes villager trade demand decreases indefinitely", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-163962](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-163962)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "unableToModifyPlayerDataFix", "description": "Fixes not being able to use /data on players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-122102](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-122102)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL, INTENDED", "BUGFIX,EXPERIMENTAL,INTENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "wrongPressurePlateHitboxFix", "description": "Fixes the pressure plate hitbox not matching the model", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-248753](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-248753)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "merchantTradePacketExceptionFix", "description": "Fixes an arrayindexoutofboundsexception error within the merchant trade packet", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-200000](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-200000)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "eatCakeFromAllSidesFix", "description": "Fixes cakes being eaten from all sides", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-249685](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-249685)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "missingObserverUpdatesFix", "description": "Fixes some events / actions not triggering observers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-107664](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-107664)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pistonUpdateOrderIsLocationalFix", "description": "Fixes pistons pulling/pushing blocks using a hashmap causing order to be locational", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-233420](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-233420)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "slowedEntityGoalsFix", "description": "Fixes an optimization in 1.18 changing the behaviour of many goals even though mojang said it would change nothing", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This bug results in many goals being slower"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "entityGrowingUpCollisionClippingFix", "description": "Fixes entities growing up still clipping through walls if they have a collision above them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Suggested fix by __MethodZz__ from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tg5eQk6P-NQ"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noAIStriderGetsColdFix", "description": "Fixes striders with noai still getting cold", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-176081](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-176081)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobsTargetDeadEntitiesFix", "description": "Fixes mobs that fight as a group targeting dead entities, leading to many bugs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-183990](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-183990)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "frictionlessEntitiesFix", "description": "Fixes frictionless goats, currently requires to be modified per mob", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-228273](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-228273)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "obsidianPlatformDestroysBlocksFix", "description": "Fixes the end obsidian platform breaking blocks above the platform every time you travel to the end", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-902](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-902)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "grindstonesNotMovableFix", "description": "Fixes grindstones not being movable", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-140498](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-140498)"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "depthStriderSlowsRiptideFix", "description": "Fixes depth strider slowing down riptide, causing riptide to be slower in water and messing up the launching", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-136249](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-136249)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, CLIENT", "BUGFIX,CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "teleportPastWorldBorderFix", "description": "Fixes enderman, chorus fruit, and some other teleports from teleporting past the world border", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-106416](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-106416)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "grassSnowLayersFix", "description": "Fixes grass turning to dirt if more then 1 snow layer is on top of it.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-150654](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-150654)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lavaIgnoresBubbleColumnFix", "description": "Fixes lava not being able to convert bubble columns to stone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-137713](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-137713)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "directionalMinecartCollisionFix", "description": "Fixes minecart colliding when standing still", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-14850](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-14850)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "minecartWontBounceFix", "description": "Fixes minecart not bouncing from any transparent block with a full face", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-6311](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-6311)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "detectorRailDetectsTooEarlyFix", "description": "Fixes detector rails detecting the minecarts to early and causing minecarts to go in the wrong direction", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-868](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-868)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "detectorRailsDontPowerDiagonallyFix", "description": "Fixes detector rails not powering powered rails diagonally", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-3430](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-3430)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reinforcementsSpawnOffCenteredFix", "description": "Fixes zombie type reinforcements spawning off centered instead of centered on a block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-114016](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-114016)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "turtleEggWrongCollisionCheckFix", "description": "Fixes being able to step on turtle eggs without colliding with the collision shape", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-132187](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-132187)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pointedDripstoneWrongCollisionFix", "description": "Fixes being hurt by pointed dripstone when landing on the block above", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-248947](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-248947)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bedLandingWrongCollisionFix", "description": "Fixes being able to land on a trapdoor on top of a bed and get less fall damage even though you haven't touched the bed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-248947](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-248947)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "paletteCopyDataCorruptionFix", "description": "Fixes palette copy() using the same `listener` which can cause data corruption", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Warning! Some mods might actually use this bug as part of there design. Use this to test if your mod is affected!", "[MC-251664](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-251664)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,MODDED", "BUGFIX, MODDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pistonsPushEntitiesBehindThemFix", "description": "Fixes pistons pushing entities behind it, which was the original cause of the item frame dupe", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This only fixes modded pistons that use different speeds!"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,MODDED", "BUGFIX, MODDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tallGrassWaterWontSpreadFix", "description": "Fixes tall grass not spreading water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-130890](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-130890)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedRounding", "description": "Changes math.round to a faster implementation. although it does not give the exact same results", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This does not affect many things and will most likely be unnoticeable. It is ~1.28x faster"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedHypot", "description": "Changes mathhelper.hypot to a faster implementation. it gives nearly perfectly accurate results", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Currently only effect chunks blending so will likely be unnoticeable. It is ~1.6x faster", "recommended that you set this on permanently, and restart the server for best results"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedRandom", "description": "Changes many of the main random() calls to use xoroshiro128++ instead", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This will break anything related to random, technically still possible to crack*", "recommended that you set this on permanently, and restart the server for best results"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedBiomeAccess", "description": "Optimized the getbiome call to be 25% - 75% faster", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This is a fully vanilla optimization. This can optimize the client also"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["OPTIMIZATION,VANILLA,RECOMMENDED", "OPTIMIZATION, VANILLA, CLIENT, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedRecipeManager", "description": "Optimized the recipemanager getfirstmatch call to be up to 3x faster", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This is a fully vanilla optimization. Improves: [Blast]Furnace/Campfire/Smoker/Stonecutter/Crafting/Sheep Color Choosing", "This was mostly made for the auto crafting table, since the performance boost is much more visible while using that mod"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["OPTIMIZATION,VANILLA,RECOMMENDED", "OPTIMIZATION, VANILLA, CLIENT, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedFurnaces", "description": "Optimized the furnace code drastically. improving expensive checks, and expensive recipe lookups", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This is a fully vanilla optimization. Improves: Furnace, Blast Furnace, Smoker, & any furnace extension", "This is incredibly visible in modded scenarios"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["OPTIMIZATION,VANILLA,RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stringDupeFix", "description": "Fixes a string dupe using water & tripwire hooks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[MC-59471](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-59471)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DUPE", "BUGFIX,DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tripwireHookDupeFix", "description": "Fixes a tripwire hook dupe using doors & trapdoors", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DUPE", "BUGFIX,DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "horseDupeFix", "description": "Fixes a donkey/llama/horse dupe that is possible by using a client-side mod", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX,DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceTargetBlockPermanentlyPowered", "description": "Re-introduces target blocks being permanently powered when moved by pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Reverts [MC-173244](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-173244)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceLightningRodPermanentlyPowered", "description": "Re-introduces lightning rods being permanently powered when moved by pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Reverts [MC-203718](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-203718)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroducePortalGeneralItemDupe", "description": "Re-introduces general item dupe using dolphins, and some other dimension change dupes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE, DUPE", "REINTRODUCE,DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceFlintAndSteelBehavior", "description": "Re-introduces 1.12 flint and steel behavior. flint and steel can be used for updating observers / buds", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Reverts [MC-4923](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-4923)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceDonkeyRidingDupe", "description": "Re-introduces multiplayer donkey/llama dupe bug based on disconnecting while riding donkey/llama", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Reverts [MC-181241](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-181241) from 18w05a", "This has not been tested in 1.18 and may not work!"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE,EXPERIMENTAL,DUPE", "REINTRODUCE, EXPERIMENTAL, DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceItemShadowing", "description": "Re-introduces item shadowing!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["[PR0CESS's Video](https://youtu.be/i8_FPyn20ns)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE, DUPE", "REINTRODUCE,DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceZeroTickFarms", "description": "Re-introduces zero tick farms", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Reverts [MC-113809](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-113809)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceOnlyAutoSaveSaving", "description": "Re-introduces only saving during autosaves instead of any time", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Reverts 'saving chunks whenever there is time spare to reduce autosave spikes' from 20w12a", "This makes your hard drive work overtime, so people with slow drives might suffer from this. This fixes that!"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceVeryAggressiveSaving", "description": "Re-introduces very aggressive saving by removing the chunk save cooldown that was added in 22w05a", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["For obvious reasons, this does not work when `reIntroduceOnlyAutoSaveSaving` is enabled"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceFallingBlockEntityPhase", "description": "Re-introduces falling blocks giving block updates during the entity phase changed in 22w03a", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroducePistonTranslocation", "description": "Re-introduces piston translocation from 1.10", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceProperGoalTimings", "description": "Re-introduces or better said, reverts an optimization made in 21w39a that broken many entity goal", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Technically this was an optimization so enabling this rule will most likely come at a performance cost!"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxChunksSavedPerAutoSave", "description": "Allows you to change the max amount of chunks that can save per autosave", "type": "int", "value": "200", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": ["300", "200", "100", "50"], "extras": ["If your server has large lag spikes due to chunk saving"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED, OPTIMIZATION", "ADVANCED,OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxChunksSavedPerTick", "description": "Allows you to change the max amount of chunks that can save per tick for the 1.18 chunk saving system", "type": "int", "value": "20", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": ["100", "50", "20", "10"], "extras": ["This is for the system which just attempt to save chunks every tick. Max chunks saved per tick"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED, OPTIMIZATION", "ADVANCED,OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "delayBetweenAutoSaves", "description": "Allows you to change the delay between autosaves in ticks", "type": "int", "value": "6000", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": ["12000", "6000", "3600", "1200"], "extras": ["Shortening this number will make your server save more often which will also spread the load on the server"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED,OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxTickLatency", "description": "Allows you to change max tick delay before a task is cancelled", "type": "int", "value": "3", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": ["12", "6", "3", "1"], "extras": ["Lower value raises the task leniency. Basically lower number means higher chance of success"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "statusUpdateDelay", "description": "Allows you to change how long the server player list wait before updating", "type": "long", "value": "5000000000L", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": ["60000000000", "10000000000", "5000000000", "1000000000"], "extras": ["delay is in nanoseconds. Default is 5 seconds (5000000000) [1m,10s,5s,1s]"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "toggleOnlineMode", "description": "Allows you to toggle onlinemode without needing to restart the server", "type": "boolean", "value": "isOnlineMode()", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED, EXPERIMENTAL", "ADVANCED,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "togglePreventProxyConnections", "description": "Allows you to toggle preventing proxy connections without needing to restart the server", "type": "boolean", "value": "shouldPreventProxyConnections()", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED, EXPERIMENTAL", "ADVANCED,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "togglePvpEnabled", "description": "Allows you to toggle pvpenabled without needing to restart the server", "type": "boolean", "value": "isPvpEnabled()", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED", "ADVANCED, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "toggleFlightEnabled", "description": "Allows you to toggle flightenabled without needing to restart the server", "type": "boolean", "value": "isFlightEnabled()", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED", "ADVANCED, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "toggleEnforceWhitelist", "description": "Allows you to toggle enforcing the whitelist without needing to restart the server", "type": "boolean", "value": "isEnforceWhitelist()", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED", "ADVANCED, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chunkSaveCooldownDelay", "description": "Allows you to change the chunk save cooldown added in 22w05a", "type": "int", "value": "10000", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": ["120000", "60000", "10000", "1000", "0"], "extras": ["Set to 10s by default, this is the delay between chunks aggressively saving", "If your server has large lag spikes due to chunk saving, you can raise this number.", "For obvious reasons, this rule is disabled when `reIntroduceVeryAggressiveSaving` is enabled"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["ADVANCED, OPTIMIZATION", "ADVANCED,OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "parityRandomBlockUpdates", "description": "Makes block update order random", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["PARITY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "parityMovableLightBlocks", "description": "Allows pistons to push and pull light blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["PARITY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "parityTerribleComparators", "description": "Comparators no longer output level 15 if the full block its reading from is powered if there is a container behind it", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Relates to [MC-64394](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-64394)"], "branches": ["dev", "1.18"], "categories": ["PARITY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "announceAdvancements", "description": "Announce advancements", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether advancements should be announced in chat"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, CHAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandBlockOutput", "description": "Broadcast command block output", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether command blocks should notify admins when they perform commands"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, CHAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableElytraMovementCheck", "description": "Disable elytra movement check", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the server should skip checking player speed when the player is wearing elytra. Often helps with jittering due to lag in multiplayer"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableRaids", "description": "Disable raids", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether raids are disabled"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doDaylightCycle", "description": "Advance time of day", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the daylight cycle and moon phases progress"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, WORLD_UPDATES"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doEntityDrops", "description": "Drop entity equipment", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Controls drops from minecarts (including inventories)"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, DROPS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doFireTick", "description": "Update fire", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether fire should spread and naturally extinguish"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, WORLD_UPDATES"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doImmediateRespawn", "description": "Respawn immediately", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Players respawn immediately without showing the death screen"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doInsomnia", "description": "Spawn phantoms", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether phantoms can spawn in the nighttime"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, SPAWNING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doLimitedCrafting", "description": "Require recipe for crafting", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If enabled"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doMobLoot", "description": "Drop mob loot", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Controls resource drops from mobs"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, DROPS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doMobSpawning", "description": "Spawn mobs", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Some entities might have seperate rules. Does not affect monster spawners"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, SPAWNING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doPatrolSpawning", "description": "Spawn pillager patrols", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether pillager patrols can spawn"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, SPAWNING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doTileDrops", "description": "Drop blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Controls resource drops from blocks"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, DROPS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doTraderSpawning", "description": "Spawn wandering traders", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether wandering traders can spawn"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, SPAWNING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doWeatherCycle", "description": "Update weather", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the weather can change naturally. The `/weather` command can still change weather"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, WORLD_UPDATES"], "validators": []}, {"name": "drowningDamage", "description": "Deal drowning damage", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the player should take damage when drowning"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fallDamage", "description": "Deal fall damage", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the player should take fall damage"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fireDamage", "description": "Deal fire damage", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the player should take damage in fire"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "forgiveDeadPlayers", "description": "Forgive dead players", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Angered neutral mobs stop being angry when the targeted player dies nearby"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "freezeDamage", "description": "Deal freeze damage", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the player should take damage when inside powder snow"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "keepInventory", "description": "Keep inventory after death", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the player should keep items and experience in their inventory after death"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "logAdminCommands", "description": "Broadcast admin commands", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether to log admin commands to server log"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, CHAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxCommandChainLength", "description": "Command chain size limit", "type": "int", "value": "65536", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": false, "options": ["65536"], "extras": ["The maximum length of a chain of commands that can be executed during one tick. Applies to command blocks and functions"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, MISC"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxEntityCramming", "description": "Entity cramming threshold", "type": "int", "value": "24", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "12", "24", "100"], "extras": ["The maximum number of pushable entities a mob or player can push, before taking 3 suffocation damage per half-second.", "Setting to 0 or lower disables the rule.", "Damage affects survival-mode or adventure-mode players, and all mobs but bats. Pushable entities include non-spectator-mode players, any mob except bats, as well as boats and minecarts."], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobGriefing", "description": "Allow destructive mob actions", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether creepers, zombies, endermen, ghasts, withers, ender dragons, rabbits, sheep, villagers, silverfish, snow golems, and end crystals should be able to change blocks and whether mobs can pick up items, which also disables bartering", "This also affects the capability of zombie-like creatures like zombified piglins and drowned to pathfind to turtle eggs"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "naturalRegeneration", "description": "Regenerate health", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the player can regenerate health naturally if their hunger is full enough", "Doesn't affect external healing, such as golden apples, the Regeneration effect, etc."], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playersSleepingPercentage", "description": "Sleep percentage", "type": "int", "value": "100", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "25", "50", "75", "100"], "extras": ["The percentage of players who must be sleeping to skip the night"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "randomTickSpeed", "description": "Random tick speed rate", "type": "int", "value": "3", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "3", "30", "300", "3000", "4096"], "extras": ["How often a random block tick occurs (such as plant growth, leaf decay, etc.) per chunk section per game tick", "0 and negative values disables random ticks, higher numbers increase random ticks", "Setting to a high integer results in high speeds of decay and growth", "Numbers over 4096 make plant growth or leaf decay instantaneous"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, WORLD_UPDATES"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reducedDebugInfo", "description": "Reduce debug info", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Limits contents of debug screen"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, MISC"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sendCommandFeedback", "description": "Send command feedback", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether the feedback from commands executed by a player should show up in chat", "Also affects the default behavior of whether command blocks store their output text"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, CHAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "showDeathMessages", "description": "Show death messages", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether death messages are put into chat when a player dies", "Also affects whether a message is sent to the pet's owner when the pet dies"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, CHAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnRadius", "description": "Respawn location radius", "type": "int", "value": "10", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "1", "5", "10", "50"], "extras": ["The number of blocks outward from the world spawn coordinates that a player spawns in when first joining a server or when dying without a personal spawnpoint"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spectatorsGenerateChunks", "description": "Allow spectators to generate terrain", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether players in spectator mode can generate chunks"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, PLAYER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "universalAnger", "description": "Universal anger", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Angered neutral mobs attack any nearby player"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPlayerMe", "description": "Deopped players can do /player on themselves", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["and you can create Fake Player on themselves", "If commandPlayer is set to False you can't create Fake Player on themselves"], "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableOPsCommandFeedback", "description": "Disable command feedback for ops level 1.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "placeablePlants", "description": "Allows to place plants on all blocks with flat top surface.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "treecapitator", "description": "Allows to mine an entire tree mining a single block if using a treecapitator axe.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ropes", "description": "Allows to leash a rope beetween two fences.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lastDeathCompass", "description": "Allows to right click a compass to make it point towards the last death point.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "floatingLadders", "description": "Allows to place ladders under other ladders.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagerLeash", "description": "Allows to leash villagers.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sitAnywhere", "description": "Allows to place saddles on the ground.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dragonEggRespawns", "description": "Ender dragon always spawns a new dragon egg.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "graves", "description": "Create personal graves when the player dies.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "silkyBlockstates", "description": "Allows to mine a block keeping the blockstate if using a silky blocstate tool.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "betterItemFrames", "description": "Right clicking with a phantom membrane or glass pane on an item frame will make it invisible or fixed.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "horseStats", "description": "Right clicking while sneaking on a horse/donkey/mule, will display the stats of the mob in the chat.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "colorableShulkers", "description": "Allows to dye shulkers.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandStats", "description": "Allows to have access to the /stats command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandTimebar", "description": "Allows to have access to the /timebar command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "specialNameTags", "description": "Adds many special name tags.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["'freeze'"], "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandWaystone", "description": "Allows to have access to the /waystone command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSkull", "description": "Allows to have access to the /skull command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "prunedPlants", "description": "Allows to prune plants with shears.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "moreWanderingTrades", "description": "Adds more trades to the wandering trader.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Mini Blocks"], "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reviveCoral", "description": "Allow to revive dead coral with water bottle", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "locatePlayer", "description": "Allow you to locate player.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "crumbleConcrete", "description": "Allow you to transform concrete to concrete powder filling a glass bottle", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "betterArmorStands", "description": "Drop items to armor stands to apply them some proprieties.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableCobwebs", "description": "Allows to craft cobwebs.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableColoredBlocks", "description": "Allows to use colored blocks to craft other color variants.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableCorals", "description": "Allows to craft coral blocks with 4 coral fans and corals.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableDeadBushes", "description": "Allows to smelt saplings to get dead bushes.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableElytra", "description": "Allows to craft elytras.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableIce", "description": "Allows to craft ice from packed ice.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableLargeFern", "description": "Allows to craft large ferns.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableNetherWarts", "description": "Allows to craft nether warts from nether warts block.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftablePackedIce", "description": "Allows to craft packed ice from blue ice.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftablePlayerHead", "description": "Allows to craft player head from any kind of head.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableQuartz", "description": "Allows to craft quartz from any kind of quartz block.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableShulkerShells", "description": "Allows to craft shulker shells from turle shells and popped chorus fruits.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableStrippedWood", "description": "Allows to craft stripped woods/hyphaes from logs/steams.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableTallGrass", "description": "Allows to craft tall grass.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanNoGrief", "description": "Reduced the blocks that an enderman can hold.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Podzol"], "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "quartzCraftingCompatibility", "description": "Adds crafting compatibility with all types of quartz block.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stonecutterQuartz", "description": "Adds stonecutter craftings for all types of quartz block.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "redSandstoneCraftingCompatibility", "description": "Adds crafting compatibility with all types of red sandstone.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stonecutterRedSandstone", "description": "Adds stonecutter craftings for all types of red sandstone.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableRedSand", "description": "Allows to craft red sand from red sandstone.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sandstoneCraftingCompatibility", "description": "Adds crafting compatibility with all types of sandstone.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stonecutterSandstone", "description": "Adds stonecutter craftings for all types of sandstone.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableSand", "description": "Allows to craft red sand from sandstone.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "slabToBlockCrafing", "description": "Allows to use 2 slabs to craft the block back.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stonecutterStone", "description": "Adds stonecutter craftings for all variants of stone.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stonecutterWood", "description": "Adds stonecutter craftings for all types of wooden block.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableBricks", "description": "Adds reverse crafting of prismarine, prismarine bricks, bricks and nether bricks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fastRedstoneCrafting", "description": "Adds fast crafting for dispenser and repeater.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "huskDropsSand", "description": "Husks drop sand on death.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.16.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, DATAPACK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "accurateBlockPlacement", "description": "Client can provide alternative block placement.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["From Gnembon's Carpet Extra"], "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["EXTRA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "carefulBreak", "description": "Places the mined block in the player inventory when sneaking", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, ADDONS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockStateSyncing", "description": "Fixes block states in f3 debug mode not updating for some blocks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["May cause increased network traffic.", "Works with cactus, sugar cane, saplings, hoppers, dispensers and droppers.", "From Gnembon's Carpet Extra"], "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["EXTRA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandLocatePlayer", "description": "Allow you to locate player", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandLookme", "description": "Adds the /lookme command to rotate entities", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSwapitem", "description": "Allows to have access to the /swapitem command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableAmethysts", "description": "Allows to craft amethyst clusters from amethyst block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableBarrier", "description": "Allows to craft barrier block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableDeepslateOres", "description": "You can craft deepslate ore in smithing table", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableLight", "description": "Allows to craft light block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableRootedDirt", "description": "Allows to craft rooted dirt", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableSculkSensor", "description": "Allow to craft sculk sensor with endeperals and observers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableTuffAndCalcite", "description": "Allows to craft tuff and calite", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "coarseDirtCraftingCompatibility", "description": "Adds crafting compatibility for coarse dirt with all dirts type", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "slabToBlockCrafting", "description": "Allows to use 2 slabs to craft the block back", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "unpackableIce", "description": "Allow to unpack packedice & blueice using the stonecutter", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "armorStandEditor", "description": "Allows armorstand editing with hoe", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dynamicLight", "description": "Holding a light source will light around the player", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lavaSponges", "description": "Sponges work on lava too, but they will burn", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pillagerLeash", "description": "Allows to tie pillager with empty hands", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "repairableAnvil", "description": "Allow to repair anvil with iron ingot", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeSqueeze", "description": "Allow to squeeze and wet sponge on cauldron", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "anvilRepairCostLimit", "description": "Allows to choose the anvil repair cost limit", "type": "int", "value": "40", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": false, "options": ["40", "1024", "24791"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 1 to 32767"]}, {"name": "ghastNoGrief", "description": "Ghasts will no grief the world", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "illusionersSpawnInRaids", "description": "Allows illusioners to spawn in raids (it needs restart to turn it off)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "zombieHorseSpawning", "description": "Zombie horses can spawn in the world", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "halloween"], "extras": ["With halloween: it will spawn only during Halloween"], "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "protectionStacking", "description": "Allows to stack multiple protection types", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "redcraft", "description": "Portals in redcraft2 area will link to redcraft2 dimensions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableSporeblossom", "description": "Allows to use bonemeal on spore blossoms", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X", "1.17.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "rawOreBlockSmelting", "description": "Allo to smelt and blast raw ore block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.X", "1.19.X"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, REDCRAFT, CRAFTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowItemMode", "description": "Shadow items action over unloading ( unlink is default vanilla )", "type": "Mode", "value": "UNLINK", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": ["unlink", "persist", "vanish"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20", "1.19", "master", "1.16.5", "1.18"], "categories": ["SHADOW, BUGFIX", "SHADOW, EXPERIMENTAL, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowItemIdSize", "description": "Shadow items id length", "type": "int", "value": "5", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20", "1.19", "master", "1.16.5", "1.18"], "categories": ["SHADOW_ITEMS", "SHADOW, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowItemTooltip", "description": "Show shadow items id in item names", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["SHADOW, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowItemInventoryFragilityFix", "description": "Prevent unlinking shadow items on base inventory movements", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["SHADOW, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowItemTransferFragilityFix", "description": "Prevent unlinking shadow items on hopper-dropper item transfers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["SHADOW, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowItemUpdateFix", "description": "Shadow items will produce inventory updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["SHADOW, BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowItemPreventCombine", "description": "Prevent merging any shadow item on base inventory movements", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["SHADOW, OPTIMIZATION, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowItemUseFix", "description": "Prevents desync betwen client and server when using a fast refilling shadow stack", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.19", "1.20", "1.18"], "categories": ["SHADOW, OPTIMIZATION, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "wanderingTraderSkyBlockTrades", "description": "Add trades to the wandering trader for skyblock", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lightningElectrifiesVines", "description": "Lightning striking glowstone with attached vines converts them to glow lichen", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableBuddingAmethysts", "description": "Surrounding lava by calcite and smooth basalt forms budding amethysts", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "gatewaysSpawnChorus", "description": "Chorus plants generate with end gateways in void", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableHeartsOfTheSea", "description": "Dolphins can find a heart of the sea when given fish", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableDragonHeads", "description": "Ender dragons killed by charged creepers drop their heads", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerSpawning", "description": "Shulkers spawn on obsidian pillar when ender dragon is re-killed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableDiamonds", "description": "An anvil falling on a full stack of coal blocks compacts it into a diamond", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "rammingWart", "description": "A goat ramming a nether wart block will break it apart", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "foxesSpawnWithBerries", "description": "A spawned fox has a chance to hold berries", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "usefulComposters", "description": "Composters create sand, red sand, and dirt depending on biome", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "redstone"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "generateEndPortals", "description": "Generates end portals", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["SKYBLOCK, GENERATION", "GENERATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "generateSilverfishSpawners", "description": "Generates silverfish spawners", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["SKYBLOCK, GENERATION", "GENERATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "generateMagmaCubeSpawners", "description": "Generates magma cube spawners", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["SKYBLOCK, GENERATION", "GENERATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "generateRandomEndGateways", "description": "Generate random end gateways", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["SKYBLOCK, GENERATION", "GENERATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lavaFromWanderingTrader", "description": "Lets the wandering trader sell lava, the old method", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["FEATURE, WANDERING_TRADER", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "poisonousPotatoesConvertSpiders", "description": "Spiders convert into cave spiders when given poisonous potatoes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "saplingsDieOnSand", "description": "Saplings on sand eventually turn into dead bushes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "SKYBLOCK, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockIllegalUsername", "description": "Verify username using online mode rules.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_MISC, TCTC_PROTOCOL", "PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandFix", "description": "Enables /fix command to fix chunk data.", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["COMMAND", "TCTC, TCTC_COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandFreecam", "description": "Enables /freecam command to toggle your camera mode.", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["COMMAND", "TCTC, TCTC_COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandGC", "description": "Enables /gc command to allow you to force gc with jvm.", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["COMMAND", "TCTC, TCTC_COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandHere", "description": "Enables /here command to allow you to share your location with other players.", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["COMMAND", "TCTC, TCTC_COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandOperator", "description": "Enables /operator command to allow you to change the player's permission level.", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["COMMAND", "TCTC, TCTC_COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cameraModeDisableSpectatePlayers", "description": "Disables players in /c from spectating other players.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "TCTC, TCTC_FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableIllegalChatCharacterCheck", "description": "Allows you to use characters such as subsections in the game.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_CLIENT, TCTC_EXPERIMENTAL, TCTC_MISC", "MISC"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderPlatform", "description": "Is obsidian platform generated in the end.", "type": "EnderPlatformOptions", "value": "PLAYER", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["all", "none", "player"], "extras": ["all - Generate ender platform when all entities are transferred to the_end dimension.", "none - Ender platform will not be generated anyway.", "player - Ender platform is generated only when the player entity teleports to the_end dimension."], "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_FEATURE, TCTC_WORLD_GENERATE", "WORLD_GENERATE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endGatewayChunkLoader", "description": "When the entity passes through the ender gateway, the target chunk will be loaded for 15 seconds like nether portal.", "type": "EndGatewayChunkLoaderOptions", "value": "OFF", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["all", "except_player", "item_only", "off"], "extras": ["all - Give the target chunk a load ticket when all entities through the ender gateway.", "except_player - Give the target chunk a load ticket when all entities except the player through the ender gateway.", "item_only - Give the target chunk a load ticket when the player entities except the player through the ender gateway.", "off - Vanilla action."], "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "TCTC, TCTC_FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fireworkSpeedupCoefficient", "description": "Controlling the acceleration coefficient of a firework rocket.", "type": "double", "value": "1.5D", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["1.25", "1.5"], "extras": null, "branches": ["legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_CLIENT, TCTC_FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "freecamRestoreLocation", "description": "Return to the starting position when you have finished spectating.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["MISC", "TCTC, TCTC_MISC"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hereGlowTime", "description": "Time highlighted when using here command shared coordinates.", "type": "int", "value": "15", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "15"], "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["MISC", "TCTC, TCTC_MISC"], "validators": []}, {"name": "illegalPistonActionFix", "description": "Fix headless pistons to destroy blocks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "TCTC, TCTC_FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerStats", "description": "Control of player and bot statistics.", "type": "PlayerStatsOptions", "value": "BOTH", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["bot", "both", "none", "player"], "extras": ["bot - Only bots are allowed to gain stats.", "both - Both bots and players are allowed to gain stats.", "none - No one allowed to gain stats.", "player - Only players are allowed to gain stats."], "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["FEATURE", "TCTC, TCTC_FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerBoxDupeFix", "description": "Taking items from a shulker box while destroying it will result in item duplication.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "updateSuppressionCrashFix", "description": "Fix updates suppression causing server crashes.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voidTradeFix", "description": "Once the villager entity is unloaded, the trading interface will be closed.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_BUGFIX", "BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voxelMapWorldName", "description": "Send voxelmap world information packets to client.", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["#none", "creative", "mirror", "survival"], "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["PROTOCOL", "TCTC, TCTC_PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "wetSpongeAbsorbLava", "description": "Wet sponges will be able to absorb lava.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_EXPERIMENTAL, TCTC_FEATURE", "FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "wetSpongeAbsorbLavaLimit", "description": "Maximum offset limit for wet sponge.", "type": "int", "value": "32", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_EXPERIMENTAL, TCTC_FEATURE", "FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "wetSpongeAbsorbLavaRange", "description": "Maximum lava sucking for wet sponge.", "type": "int", "value": "3", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["TCTC, TCTC_EXPERIMENTAL, TCTC_FEATURE", "FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xaeroMapWorldName", "description": "Send xaeromap world information packets to client.", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["#none", "creative", "mirror", "survival"], "extras": null, "branches": ["dev", "legacy/1.15.2", "legacy/1.17.1", "legacy/1.16.5", "legacy/1.14.4", "legacy/1.18.2", "legacy/1.19-snapshot"], "categories": ["PROTOCOL", "TCTC, TCTC_PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerNamePrefixLimit", "description": "Prevent players from using /player to summon fake player whose names don't contain the prefix", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "DGBCraft/Carpet-DGBCraft", "strict": true, "options": ["fake_player_name_no_prefix", "bot_", "bot."], "extras": ["Using the specified prefix is good for the server to manage fake players"], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["FAKE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "permissionLevelSeed", "description": "Modify permission level of /seed command", "type": "String", "value": "2", "repo": "DGBCraft/Carpet-DGBCraft", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": ["This rule does not affect the single player world"], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sleepIgnoreFaker", "description": "Ignore fake players when skipping the night by sleeping", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "DGBCraft/Carpet-DGBCraft", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL", "FAKE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netheritePickaxeInstantMineDeepslate", "description": "Deepslate can be instant mined with netherite pickaxe", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "ChronosServer/chronos-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL", "CHRONOS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSidebar", "description": "Enables players without op to change what objective is being displayed, and query a player's objectives", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "ChronosServer/chronos-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Players with OP level 1 can also freeze or unfreeze an objective, which will stop scores for an objective from increasing"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL", "CHRONOS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandGoal", "description": "Set a goal for a scoreboard objective to complete.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "ChronosServer/chronos-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This goal is for individual players and is not persistent between logins"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL", "CHRONOS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "totalScore", "description": "Display total score on the sidebar", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "ChronosServer/chronos-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL", "CHRONOS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bedrockBrokenStatistics", "description": "Player's bedrock \"mined\" statistic is increased when a bedrock block is broken 2 game ticks after a piston is placed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "ChronosServer/chronos-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL", "CHRONOS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endGatewayCooldown", "description": "Toggle for end gateway cooldown.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, ENDSETTINGSCATEGORY, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endMainIslandStructureGen", "description": "Toggle for the main end island structure generation, turns off portal, egg, obsidian pillars, gateways and crystals.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, ENDSETTINGSCATEGORY, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noObsidianPlatform", "description": "Toggle for end obsidian platform generation excluding players.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, ENDSETTINGSCATEGORY, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "forceLoadEnderPearls", "description": "Prevents ender pearls from getting deleted when they move into unloaded chunks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This also means that ender pearls load chunks", "Merged with keepEnderPearlsTicked from carpet-addons by whoImT"], "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY,SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "logTNTMomentum", "description": "Debug tnt momentum transfer to enderpearls in console.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, CREATIVE, CANNONSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ftlTNT", "description": "Tnt optimized for large amounts in cannons.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, OPTIMIZATION, CANNONSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "projectileRaycastLength", "description": "Changes the distance projectiles check for collisions. if set to 0 all blocks to the destination will be checked which is the vanilla behaviour.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "200"], "extras": ["This reduces lag for fast projectiles. In 1.12 the value was 200."], "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["CARPETADDONS", "EXPERIMENTAL,OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": ["You must choose a value greater or equal to 0"]}, {"name": "commandLocation", "description": "Enables /location command to know where is a player.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSignal", "description": "Enables /signal command to get a container with comparator value.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, CREATIVE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandEnderchest", "description": "Enables /enderchest command to open the enderchest of a player.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, FEATURE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandTotal", "description": "Enables /total command to know the total sum of a scoreboard.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandComputation", "description": "Enables /computation command to test redstone contraptions.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandBatch", "description": "Enables /batch command to execute commands multiple times.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "filterBotsInScores", "description": "Bots don't appear on scoreboards and do not count in the total.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, SCOREBOARDSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "totalScore", "description": "The scoreboard total appears on the scoreboard.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, SCOREBOARDSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "phantomsCapped", "description": "Prevents phantoms from spawning if mobcap is full", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY,SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "forceShulkerTeleport", "description": "Force shulkers to teleport when stay in invalid positions.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, ENDSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, ENTITYSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "seaLevelFishes", "description": "Fishes only can spawn between y:45 and y:63, both excluded.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, BUGFIX, ENTITYSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "antiEnderGriefExceptMelon", "description": "When true turns off endermen griefing...except melons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, ENTITYSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "llamaDupeExploit", "description": "Enables old donkey / llama dupe bug.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, ENTITYSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oldFlintAndSteelBehavior", "description": "Backports 1.12 flint and steel behavior. flint and steel can be used for updating observers / buds.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, PLAYERTWEAKSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "carefulBreak", "description": "Places the mined block in the player inventory when sneaking.", "type": "String", "value": "never", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["never", "always", "sneaking", "no-sneaking"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, PLAYERTWEAKSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oreUpdateSuppressor", "description": "Emerald ore acts as an update suppressor.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerInception", "description": "Enable the possibility to store shulkerboxes inside shulkerboxes.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, PLAYERTWEAKSETTINGSCATEGORY"], "validators": []}, {"name": "teleportToPoiWithoutPortals", "description": "Re-adds teleporting to portal pois without portal blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "EpsilonSMP/Epsilon-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Update suppressor go brrr"], "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY,SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "broadcastToAll", "description": "Broadcasts all op messages to everyone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cakeAlwaysEat", "description": "Allows you to always eat cake", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cameraModeRestoreLocation", "description": "Restores player location back to original location in survival, similar to the cs script by kdender", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": ["Saves location even after server restart"], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cameraModeSurvivalRestrictions", "description": "Ports cameramodesurvivalrestrictions from carpet 1.12 into commandcameramode", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": ["Does not allow you to use /cs if you are in danger"], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cameraModeTeleportBlacklist", "description": "Prevents players from teleporting to players in spectator", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "combinePotionDuration", "description": "Combines the duration of potions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandCameraMode", "description": "Survival friendly spectator mode, puts the player in and out of spectator mode", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": ["Allows for saving location after server reset using rule cameraModeRestoreLocation and adds functionality for cameraModeSurvivalRestrictions"], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, EXPERIMENTAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandDefuse", "description": "Enables /defuse to be used to stop any tnt from exploding within a given range", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": ["Usage: /defuse (Range)"], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandDimensions", "description": "Allows the player to teleport to different dimensions with a simple command", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": ["It will teleport you to specified location"], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandEnderChest", "description": "Allows you to open your enderchest with /enderchest", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandExtinguish", "description": "Allows /extinguish to be used to extinguish the player", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandFly", "description": "Toggles the ability to fly while in survival mode", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": ["Using this also disables fall damage"], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandGM", "description": "Allows /gmc, /gms, /gmsp, and /gma to be used", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandGod", "description": "Toggles invulnerability", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": ["Can be buggy if used while in creative mode"], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandHat", "description": "Allows you to equip items to your head slot using /hat", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandHeal", "description": "Allows /heal to be used to heal and feed the player", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandLagSpike", "description": "Allows you to simulate a lag spike using /lagspike", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandMods", "description": "Allows you to do /mods, it lists all the mods running on the server", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandMore", "description": "Allows /more to be used to give a full stack of whatever item the player is holding", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandNear", "description": "Lists other players near you", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandNightVision", "description": "Toggles night vision", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPlayerFake", "description": "This allows you to spawn a fake player that doesn't load chunks (they appear on tab list and you are able to teleport to them)", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPublicKick", "description": "Allows anyone to use the /kick command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPublicOp", "description": "Allows anyone to use the /op command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPublicSaveAll", "description": "Allows all players to use the command /save-all", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPublicScoreboard", "description": "Allows anyone to use the /scoreboard command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPublicViewDistance", "description": "Allows all players to change view distance", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandRegion", "description": "Allows you see what region you are in and teleport to a region", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandRename", "description": "Allows you to rename items with a command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandRepair", "description": "Allows /repair to be used to repair any item the player is holding", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandStrength", "description": "Toggles strength", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSwitchDimensions", "description": "Allows the player to teleport between the nether and overworld at equivalent coords", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandTop", "description": "Teleports the player up", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandWarp", "description": "Allows players to warp using /setwarp and /warp", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": ["You are only able to set one warp which will be removed after server restart"], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandWorkbench", "description": "Allows you to open a crafting table with /workbench", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "editableSigns", "description": "Allows your to edit a sign after its places by right clicking it while sneaking", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "essentialCarefulBreak", "description": "Mining blocks while crouching will put mined blocks striaght into your inventory, this does not work with carpet-addons installed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": ["Same as wholmT's implementation in carpetAddons but works with stackable shulkers"], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hostileMobsSpawnInCompleteDarkness", "description": "Only allows hostile mobs to spawn in complete darkness (1.18)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "infiniteItems", "description": "This allows for survival players to have infinite blocks, food, and enderpearls", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, CREATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "minecartBoosting", "description": "Reimplements minecart boosting", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reloadFakePlayerActions", "description": "Automatically reloads the fake players actions after server restart", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reloadFakePlayers", "description": "Automatically respawns fake players on server restart", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "removeItemEntitiesAfterThreshold", "description": "Removes all item entities after set amount of item entities is reached in a world, set to 0 to disable", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "200", "500", "1000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, CREATIVE, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "removeWarnMismatchBlockPos", "description": "Removes the warning 'mismatch in destroy block pos...' in console and logs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "removeWarnRemovedEntity", "description": "Removes the warning 'fetching packet for removed entity...' in console and logs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "removeXpEntitiesAfterThreshold", "description": "Removes all xp entities after set amount of xp entities is reached in a world, set to 0 to disable", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "100", "250", "500"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, CREATIVE, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerSception", "description": "Allows you to put shulker boxes inside of other shulkers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spectatorPotionNoCountdown", "description": "Stops potion effects from ticking when in spectator", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackableShulkerComparatorOverloadFix", "description": "Fixes stacked shulkers overloading comparators", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackableShulkersInPlayerInventories", "description": "Shulker boxes stack in player inventories", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": ["Enable tweakEmptyShulkerBoxesStack in tweakeroo on the client"], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackableShulkersWithItems", "description": "Shulker boxes stack with items inside will stack with other shulkers with the same items", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": ["This rule requires stackableShulkersInPlayerInventories to be enabled"], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandBackup", "description": "", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true", "ops"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "essentialCarefulDrop", "description": "Killing mobs while crouching will put dropped items straight into your inventory", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": ["requires players to subscribe to carefuldrop"], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, COMMAND, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerDropInventoryOnKill", "description": "Automatically drop the fake player inventory on kill", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "gameRuleNonOp", "description": "Allows non-op players to change game rules from the client", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "gameRuleSync", "description": "Syncs the game rules with the client", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": ["Essential Client is required to change the rules on the client"], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxChatLength", "description": "Changes the max chat length limit, you need essentialclient for this to work, setting this rule below 256 may cause issues", "type": "int", "value": "256", "repo": "Super-Santa/EssentialAddons", "strict": false, "options": ["256", "1024"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x"], "categories": ["ESSENTIAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "deepslateInstaminable", "description": null, "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["HOST, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endstoneInstaminable", "description": null, "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["HOST, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanNoGrief", "description": null, "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["HOST, SURVIVAL, CREATIVE, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagersNoGenerateGolems", "description": null, "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["HOST, SURVIVAL, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackeableTotems", "description": null, "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["HOST, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackeableTotemsSize", "description": null, "type": "int", "value": "16", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["16", "64", "8"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["HOST, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "isHalloween", "description": null, "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["HOST, CREATIVE, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL", "HOST, BASTION, CREATIVE, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderPearlsNoCooldown", "description": null, "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["HOST, CREATIVE, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "squidsNoSpawn", "description": null, "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["HOST, CREATIVE, FEATURE, COPRA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "carefulBreak", "description": null, "type": "String", "value": "never", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["never", "always", "sneaking", "no-sneaking"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "main"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, HOST", "EPSILONCARPETSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, HOST"], "validators": []}, {"name": "deepSlateInstaminable", "description": "Deepslate have the same hardness that stone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["HOST, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endStonelessHardness", "description": "Endstone have the same hardness that stone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "luisch444/Hosting-luisch-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["HOST, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandInteraction", "description": "Enables /interaction command for controlling the effects of players on the environment", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "lntricate1/intricarpet", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["COMMAND", "INTRICARPET"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedTNTEdgeCases", "description": "Enables edge case fixes in optimizedtnt, at the cost of a bit less optimization", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "lntricate1/intricarpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["COMMAND", "INTRICARPET"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fungusRandomTickGrow", "description": "Makes crimson fungus and nyliem fungus grow based on random ticks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Crec0/JankAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.1", "main", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["JANK, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "harvestableTallGrassFern", "description": "Makes tall grass and large fern harvestable with shears", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Crec0/JankAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.1", "main", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["JANK, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "instamineDeepslate", "description": "Make deepslate instaminable", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Crec0/JankAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.1", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["JANK, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableEnderChest", "description": "Make enderchests movable", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Crec0/JankAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.1", "main", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["JANK, SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableEndPortalFrame", "description": "Make end portal frames movable", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Crec0/JankAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.1", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["JANK, SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stackableFreshBows", "description": "Make fresh bows stack to 64", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Crec0/JankAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.1", "main", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["JANK, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPortalMonitor", "description": "Enables /portalactivity command to monitor portal usages within last x ticks", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Crec0/JankAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "true", "false"], "extras": ["Time it monitors is set by /carpet portalActivityMoniterTime "], "branches": ["1.18.1", "main", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["JANK, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sidebarCommand", "description": "Enables players without op to change what objective is being displayed, and query a player's objectives", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "LiteTechMC/litetech-additions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Players with OP level 1 can also freeze or unfreeze an objective, which will stop scores for an objective from increasing"], "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["LITETECH, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "goalCommand", "description": "Set a goal for a scoreboard objective to complete.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "LiteTechMC/litetech-additions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This goal is for individual players and is not persistent between logins"], "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["LITETECH, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "betterOPCommand", "description": "Allows you to set op level when oping players.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "LiteTechMC/litetech-additions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["LITETECH, SURVIVAL, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "seedPermissionLevel", "description": "Permission level required for the seed command", "type": "int", "value": "2", "repo": "LiteTechMC/litetech-additions", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["LITETECH, SURVIVAL"], "validators": ["Choose a value between 0 to 4"]}, {"name": "teamPermissionLevel", "description": "Permission level required for the teams command", "type": "int", "value": "2", "repo": "LiteTechMC/litetech-additions", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["LITETECH, SURVIVAL"], "validators": ["Choose a value between 0 to 4"]}, {"name": "defaultOpLevel", "description": "The op level used by default when op-ing a player", "type": "int", "value": "-1", "repo": "LiteTechMC/litetech-additions", "strict": true, "options": ["-1", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": ["-1 will use the default"], "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["LITETECH, CREATIVE"], "validators": ["Choose a value between 1 to 4 (or -1)"]}, {"name": "totalScore", "description": "Display total score on the sidebar", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "LiteTechMC/litetech-additions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["LITETECH, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bedrockBrokenStatistics", "description": "Player's bedrock \"mined\" statistic is increased when a bedrock block is broken 2 game ticks after a piston is placed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "LiteTechMC/litetech-additions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["LITETECH, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "drownedTridentNBTFix", "description": "Allows trident enchantments to work for drowned", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "LiteTechMC/litetech-additions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["LITETECH, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "teleportToPoiWithoutPortals", "description": "Re-adds teleporting to portal pois without portal blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Update suppressor go brrr"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "forceLoadEnderPearls", "description": "Prevents ender pearls from getting deleted when they move into unloaded chunks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This also means that ender pearls load chunks", "Merged with keepEnderPearlsTicked from carpet-addons by whoImT"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "drownedUseEnchantedTridents", "description": "Allows tridents thrown by drowned to use the enchantments on the trident held by said drowned", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voidedLoyaltyTridentsReturn", "description": "Backports returning loyalty tridents to their owner when thrown into the void", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["From Combat Test 4"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, BACKPORT, COMBAT, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "impalingAffectsMobsInWater", "description": "Backports applying the impaling enchantment on any mob that is in water or rain", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["From Combat Test 4"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, BACKPORT, COMBAT, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerBoxItemsDropContents", "description": "Backports dropping the contents of a shulker box item when its item entity is destroyed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["From 1.17"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, BACKPORT, V1_17, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeOneHitKill", "description": "Allows players in creative mode to kill entities in one hit", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If the player is sneaking, other entities around the target get killed too"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "phantomsCapped", "description": "Prevents phantoms from spawning if mobcap is full", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "capIgnoresDeathAnimation", "description": "Mobs in death animation do not count towards the mob cap", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Might be a bit janky"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "filterBotsInScores", "description": "Bots don't appear on scoreboards and do not count in the total if they're not in a team", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Normal players need to be in a team!", "Based on code by JohanVonElectrum"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "totalScore", "description": "The scoreboard total appears on the scoreboard", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Based on code by JohanVonElectrum"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersShootTridents", "description": "Dispensers can shoot tridents", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Backported from Combat Test 4", "I know bedrock has this too, but we don't talk about bedrock"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["BACKPORT, DISPENSER, COMBAT, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doOverspawning", "description": "Reimplements mob overspawning", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["From 1.15.2"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "anvilColorFormatting", "description": "Allows the use of spigot formatting inside of anvils", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Enable and use the /colors command to see formatting codes you can use", "Based on code by Super-Santa, from FX's WeirdAddons"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandColors", "description": "Enables the /colors command", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "true", "false"], "extras": ["Use this command to see formatting codes you can use", "From FX's WeirdAddons"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["COMMAND, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chunkRegenFix", "description": "Fixes chunk regen due to nbtstring writeutf() not respecting readutf() limits", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["From FX's Carpet-Fixes", "Fixes ChunkRegen & [MC-134892](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-134892)"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxHostileSpawnLightLevel", "description": "Adjusts the maximum light level general hostile mobs can spawn in", "type": "int", "value": "7", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "7", "15"], "extras": ["When maxHostileSpawnLightLevel < 7, block light level is used to determine whether the position", "+", "is considered \\\"dark\\\" or not, while leaving spawn chances at and below the maximum light level intact", "When maxHostileSpawnLightLevel > 7, the upper bound of the random integer generator is increased", "+", "in order to accommodate for higher light levels, thereby affecting mob spawning chances at light", "+", "levels > 0 and <= 7, most likely increasing mob spawning chances over vanilla"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, LUNAAR"], "validators": ["You must choose a light level from 0 to 15"]}, {"name": "disableSlimeSpawning", "description": "Slimes can eat shit", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Lunaar-SMP/lunaar-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, LUNAAR"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSeed", "description": "Permission level required to use /seed", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creeperBlockDamage", "description": "Set creeper explosion block damage type, regardless of mobgriefing gamerule", "type": "BlockBreakingType", "value": "DEFAULT", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": ["default", "none", "break", "destroy"], "extras": ["default: uses default explosion", "none: no blocks broken", "break: all broken blocks are dropped (like tnt)", "destroy: broken blocks are sometimes dropped (like default creepers)"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "deathItemsDespawnMinutes", "description": "How many minutes it takes for a player's items to despawn after death", "type": "int", "value": "5", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": false, "options": ["5", "10", "15", "30", "-1"], "extras": ["-1 for infinte"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableBlazeFire", "description": "Disable fires made from blaze fireballs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableGhastFire", "description": "Disable random fire from ghast fireballs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersCureVillagers", "description": "Dispensers feed golden apples to zombie villagers with weakness", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Note: dispensers curing a villager does not lower the", "villager's prices due to gossips being player-specific"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersDyeMobs", "description": "Dispensers can dye sheep (and shulkers if dyeableshulkers is enabled)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersNameMobs", "description": "Dispensers use name tags on mobs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersRepairGolems", "description": "Dispensers can repair iron golems with iron ingots", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersUseCauldrons", "description": "Dispensers use cauldrons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["When facing into a cauldron, dispensers can", "fill/empty buckets and bottles, remove layers", "from banners, and undye leather armor or shulker boxes"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dragonBlockDamage", "description": "Set dragon block damage breaking type, regardless of mobgriefing gamerule", "type": "BlockBreakingType", "value": "DEFAULT", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": ["default", "none", "break", "destroy"], "extras": ["default: default block breaking", "none: no blocks are broken", "break: broken blocks are dropped", "destroy: broken blocks are destroyed and not dropped"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dyeableShulkers", "description": "Shulkers can be dyed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ghastBlockDamage", "description": "Set ghast explosion block damage type, regardless of mobgriefing gamerule", "type": "BlockBreakingType", "value": "DEFAULT", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": ["default", "none", "break", "destroy"], "extras": ["default: uses default explosion", "none: no blocks broken", "break: all broken blocks are dropped (like tnt)", "destroy: broken blocks are sometimes dropped (like default creepers)"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "infinityMendingStacking", "description": "Allows infinity and mending to stack on bows", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Like 1.9-1.11"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxPlayerXpDrop", "description": "Maximum amount of xp players drop on death", "type": "int", "value": "100", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "100", "1000", "10000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobsDropNametag", "description": "Named mobs drop their name tag on death", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "morePaveableBlocks", "description": "More dirt-like blocks can be made into path blocks (from 1.17)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "moveableWaterloggedBlocks", "description": "Waterlogged blocks stay waterlogged when moved with a piston", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noFeatherFallingTrample", "description": "Prevents farmland from being trampled if you have feather falling on", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noRepairCost", "description": "No additional cost for using an item in an anvil multiple times", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "phantomSpawningTime", "description": "Amount of ticks before phantoms start having a chance to spawn", "type": "int", "value": "72000", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": false, "options": ["72000", "360000", "720000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "protectionStacking", "description": "Allows all the different protection types to stack on the same piece of armor", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Like enchanting from 1.14-1.14.2"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "quickHarvesting", "description": "Right click crops with a hoe to harvest and replant", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "removableCurses", "description": "Curses are also removed when using grindstones or repair crafting", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableDragonEgg", "description": "Dragon eggs will always be placed on the portal after defeating the dragon", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shaveSnowLayers", "description": "Snow layers can be shaved, removing one layer when right clicked with a shovel", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Works with silk touch as well"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerCloning", "description": "1.17 shulker cloning", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["A shulker hitting a shulker with a shulker bullet can make a new shulker", "Feature from 20w45a, subject to change"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerPortalFix", "description": "Shulker portal teleportation fix", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fixes MC-139265 / MC-168900, which makes shulkers use portals correctly now", "and fixes MC-183884 which makes shulkers able to be next to each other without teleporting", "(well, probably at least)"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "slimeLooting", "description": "Bigger slimes spawn more smaller slimes when killed with looting", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Additional slimes can be up to as many levels of looting as you have (up to +3 with looting 3"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "vexesNerf", "description": "Vexes will start to die after the evoker that summoned them dies", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagersExplodeBeds", "description": "Villagers cause explosions when trying to use beds in the nether or end, like players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["But why?", "Idk"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "allChargedCreeperHeadsDrop", "description": "All mobs killed by a charged creeper drop their head instead of only one", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "completeDarknessSpawning", "description": "Mobs require complete darkness (light level 0) to spawn", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["From 1.18. May change."], "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["BACKPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersBucketMobs", "description": "Dispensers can pick up bucketable mobs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lightningGlowifiesSquids", "description": "Squids struck by lightning convert to glow squids", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["MOBS", "SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobItemPickup", "description": "Overwrites random default pickup chance when mob spawns", "type": "ItemPickupType", "value": "DEFAULT", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": ["default", "always", "never"], "extras": ["Only zombie and skeleton type mobs are affected", "default: uses default pickup", "always: mobs pick up items", "never: mobs don't pick up items"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noVillagerWitchConversion", "description": "Villagers don't convert to witches when struck by lightning", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableRawOres", "description": "An anvil landing on iron/gold/copper blocks turns them into the raw ore block version", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagersAlwaysConvert", "description": "Villagers will always convert to zombie villagers when killed by a zombie, even on easy and normal", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dyeableShearedSheep", "description": "Sheared sheep can be dyed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endstoneInstamine", "description": "Endstone can be instamined", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "CSClub05/moistcraft-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL", "MOISTCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandWhitelist", "description": "Lets non ops whitelist", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "CSClub05/moistcraft-carpet-addons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["COMMAND", "MOISTCRAFT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pcaSyncProtocol", "description": "Support sync entity and blockentity from server", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["PCA, PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pcaSyncPlayerEntity", "description": "Which player entity can be sync", "type": "PCA_SYNC_PLAYER_ENTITY_OPTIONS", "value": "OPS", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["NOBODY: nobody will be sync", "BOT: carpet bot will be sync", "OPS: carpet bot will be sync, and op can sync everyone's player entity data.", "OPS_AND_SELF: carpet bot and self data will be sync, and op can sync everyone's player entity data.", "EVERYONE: everyone's player entity will be sync"], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["PCA, PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "emptyShulkerBoxStack", "description": "Empty shulker boxes stack", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["empty shulker boxes can stack in a player's inventory or hand", "empty shulker boxes will not stack in other inventories, such as chests or hoppers"], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, NEED_CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerRenewable", "description": "Shulker boxes are renewable; 1.17 feature (backported)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.15.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerBoxQuickUnpack", "description": "Shulker box items will now drop their items when destroyed; 1.17 feature (backported)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.15.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "railNoBrokenByFluid", "description": "Rail no broken by fluid; 1.17 feature (backported)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.15.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "useDyeOnShulkerBox", "description": "Dyes can be used on shulker boxes, empty potion will clean color", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "flippingTotemOfUndying", "description": "Players can flip and rotate blocks when holding totem of undying", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Doesn't cause block updates when rotated/flipped", "When Totem Of Undying in main hand,offhand is empty will flip block", "When Totem Of Undying in main hand,offhand is not empty, will place flipped block"], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnYMax", "description": "Spawn y max, 114514 to close", "type": "int", "value": "114514", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnYMin", "description": "Spawn y min, 114514 to close", "type": "int", "value": "114514", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnBiome", "description": "Spawn biome", "type": "PCA_SPAWN_BIOME", "value": "DEFAULT", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "quickLeafDecay", "description": "Quick leaf decay", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "gravestone", "description": "Place gravestone after player dead.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xaeroWorldName", "description": "Set xaero world name to sync word id to xaerominimap, \"#none\" is disable.", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": false, "options": ["xaeroworldnamenone"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["PCA, PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagersAttractedByEmeraldBlock", "description": "Villagers are attracted by emerald block.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "superLead", "description": "Leash villagers and mobs by lead.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, NEED_CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "avoidAnvilTooExpensive", "description": "Allow anvil level cost above 40 (if the client is not installed mod, it will be too expensive but can be used in practice).", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, NEED_CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "powerfulBoneMeal", "description": "Allow use bone meal in cactus, sugar cane, chorus flower.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sleepingDuringTheDay", "description": "World will switch to night when player sleep during the day.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispenserFixIronGolem", "description": "Dispenser can fix iron golem.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispenserCollectXp", "description": "Dispenser use bottle to collect xp.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerOperationLimiter", "description": "One tick player can place 2 block, insta break 1 block, can't do it at the same tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerSit", "description": "Player can sit down when fast sneak 3 times.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "autoTrade", "description": "Use dispenser to auto trade with villager", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If EMERALD_BLOCK under the dispenser, it will trade once", "If DIAMOND_BLOCK under the dispenser, it will trade all", "Trade offer depend on redstone power."], "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "forceRestock", "description": "Use spectral arrow to shoot villager to force restock.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "potionRecycle", "description": "Dispenser can clear potion tocauldron.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "trackItemPickupByPlayer", "description": "When item pick up by player, item will freeze.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativePlayerNoDirectKillArmorStand", "description": "Creative player no direct kill armorstand.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pcaDebug", "description": "Pcadebug mode", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.15.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x", "1.14.x", "1.18.x"], "categories": ["PCA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableNetheriteEquip", "description": "Only in nether, throw the diamond equipment with 1 durability to lava fluid to get netherite equipment.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "plusls/plusls-carpet-addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17.x", "1.18.x", "1.19.x", "1.16.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "invertControlsDirection", "description": "Invert controls direction", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "McDevTeam/purple-fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PURPLE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "microphoneEmitVibration", "description": "Microphone emit vibration sensibility", "type": "double", "value": "-1", "repo": "McDevTeam/purple-fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["-1 disabled"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PURPLE, CLIENT"], "validators": ["From 0.00 to 1.00, except for -1"]}, {"name": "microphoneNoiseLogger", "description": "Microphone noise will be shown in actionbar", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "McDevTeam/purple-fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PURPLE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "solidCollisionEntity", "description": "Entities will have a solid collision, like shulkers and boats", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "McDevTeam/purple-fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PURPLE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "upsideDownEntities", "description": "All entities will be rendered upside-down, like dinnerbone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "McDevTeam/purple-fabric-carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PURPLE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "anvilledBlueIce", "description": "Custom amount of packed ice crushed by falling anvils make one blue ice.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "4", "9"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 32", "From [QuickCarpet](https://github.com/QuickCarpet/QuickCarpet)"]}, {"name": "anvilledIce", "description": "Custom amount of frosted ice crushed by falling anvils make one ice. allows for new type of ice farm.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "4", "9"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 32", "From [QuickCarpet](https://github.com/QuickCarpet/QuickCarpet)"]}, {"name": "anvilledPackedIce", "description": "Custom amount of ice crushed by falling anvils make one packed ice.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "4", "9"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 32", "From [QuickCarpet](https://github.com/QuickCarpet/QuickCarpet)"]}, {"name": "zombifiedPiglinsSpawningInPortals", "description": "Allows zombified piglins to spawn inside nether portals", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oldFishingLoot", "description": "Reverts the fishing loot to how it was before 1.16", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noCreeperGriefing", "description": "Prevents creepers from destroying blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noEndermanGriefing", "description": "Prevents endermen from picking up and placing blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noGhastGriefing", "description": "Prevents ghasts from destroying blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerHeadDrops", "description": "Players drop their head", "type": "String", "value": "off", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["off", "on_death", "on_killed_by_player"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["Idea from [VanillaTweaks](https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/datapacks/)"]}, {"name": "dragonDrops", "description": "Ender dragon drops selected item(s) when killed", "type": "String", "value": "none", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["none", "dragon_egg", "elytra", "dragon_head", "dragon_egg,elytra", "dragon_egg,dragon_head", "elytra,dragon_head", "all"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": ["Idea from [VanillaTweaks](https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/datapacks/)"]}, {"name": "strictShulkerShells", "description": "Shulkers always drop a given amount of shulker shells when killed", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "1", "2"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 4", "Idea from [VanillaTweaks](https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/datapacks/)"]}, {"name": "silenceMobs", "description": "Mobs named with 'silence_me' stop making noise", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["Idea from [VanillaTweaks](https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/datapacks/)"]}, {"name": "zeroTickPlants", "description": "Brings back the ability to force grow certain plants using 0-ticks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "newShulkerBehavior", "description": "Makes shulkers behave like in the current 1.17 snapshots", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Shulkers hit by a shulker bullet have a chance to spawn a new shulker and teleport"], "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "concreteConvertOnCauldron", "description": "Concrete powder converts to concrete blocks when on top of a filled cauldron", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyHarvesting", "description": "Right clicking on fully grown crops harvests and immediately replants it", "type": "String", "value": "off", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["off", "normal", "require_hoe"], "extras": ["Works on: Wheat"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "edibleNetheriteScraps", "description": "Makes netherite scraps edible, because, let's be honest, they kinda look like chocolate", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Works server side only"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CLIENT, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "peacefulHunger", "description": "Players do not lose any hunger like in peaceful mode", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["Suggestion by [real_zockerhopper](https://www.curseforge.com/members/real_zockerhopper)"]}, {"name": "foodInstantHeal", "description": "Food heals hearts not hunger like in the first mc versions and naturalregeneration is off", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Recommended using with peacefulHunger"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["Suggestion by [real_zockerhopper](https://www.curseforge.com/members/real_zockerhopper)"]}, {"name": "lilyPadsOnCauldron", "description": "Lily pads can be placed on cauldrons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stonecutterDamage", "description": "How much damage stonecutters deal when stepping on them", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "3", "4", "5"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 10"]}, {"name": "enderPearlDamage", "description": "Amount of damage dealt by ender pearls", "type": "int", "value": "5", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "2", "3", "5"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 10"]}, {"name": "edibleSlimeBalls", "description": "Slime balls are edible and give jump boost and slowness", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Works server side only"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CLIENT, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reachDistance", "description": "Reach in which you can place and break blocks. value will be 0.5 higher in creative", "type": "double", "value": "4.5", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0.0", "4.5", "5.0", "10.0"], "extras": ["Mod needed on server and client for this feature to work"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, CREATIVE, CLIENT, RUG"], "validators": ["Is disabled when [reach-entity-attributes](https://github.com/JamiesWhiteShirt/reach-entity-attributes) or [Pehkui](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pehkui) is installed", "You must choose a value from 0 to 100"]}, {"name": "edibleGoldIngots", "description": "Butter is finally edible. keep in mind 250g of pure butter are not that healthy", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Works server side only"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CLIENT, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cactusFurnaceXp", "description": "Amount of xp a cactus smelted in a furnace gives", "type": "double", "value": "1.0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0.1", "0.2", "0.5", "1.0"], "extras": ["1 XP per Cactus seems to be a bug"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 1"]}, {"name": "silkTouchFarmland", "description": "Mining farmland with a silk touch tool will drop itself", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "silkTouchPathBlocks", "description": "Mining path blocks with a silk touch tool will drop itself", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "silkTouchSpawners", "description": "Mining spawners with a silk touch tool will drop itself", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "edibleMagmaCream", "description": "Magma cream is edible and gives 10 seconds of fire resistance", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Works server side only"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CLIENT, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyDispenserCrafting", "description": "Dispensers can be crafted in full stacks with a dropper plus the raw materials of a bow", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["Idea from [VanillaTweaks](https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/crafting-tweaks/)"]}, {"name": "easyBoneBlockCrafting", "description": "Bone blocks can be crafted out of bones", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "moreBarkCrafting", "description": "Crafting logs to wood gives 4 instead of 3", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableNotchApple", "description": "Enchanted golden apples can be crafted with 8 gold blocks again", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "unpackableQuartz", "description": "Quartz blocks can be crafted into set amount of quartz", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "4"], "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 9"]}, {"name": "unpackableWool", "description": "White wool blocks can be crafted into set amount of string", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "4"], "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 9"]}, {"name": "unpackableNetherWart", "description": "Nether wart blocks can be crafted into set amount of nether warts", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "9"], "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 9"]}, {"name": "easyRepeaterCrafting", "description": "Repeaters can be crafted with the raw materials for redstone torches", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableNameTags", "description": "Name tags can be crafted with paper and iron or string or both", "type": "String", "value": "off", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["off", "with_iron", "with_string", "with_both"], "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyMinecartsCrafting", "description": "The special minecarts can be crafted like normal minecarts with the matching block in the middle", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyChestCrafting", "description": "Chests can be crafted out of logs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyStickCrafting", "description": "Sticks can be crafted out of logs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shapelessCrafting", "description": "Bread, paper and shulker boxes can be crafted in a 2x2 field", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["Idea from [VanillaTweaks](https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/crafting-tweaks/)"]}, {"name": "powderToGlassSmelting", "description": "Concrete powder can be smelted to glass of the corresponding color", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["Idea from [VanillaTweaks](https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/crafting-tweaks/)"]}, {"name": "universalDyeing", "description": "Allows to dye already dyed things and clean glass, glass panes and terracotta with a water bucket in the crafting table", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["Idea from [VanillaTweaks](https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/crafting-tweaks/)"]}, {"name": "unpackableIce", "description": "Blue ice and packed ice can be crafted into set amount of packed ice and normal ice accordingly", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "3", "4", "9"], "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 9"]}, {"name": "craftableCobwebs", "description": "Cobwebs can be crafted with 5 strings in a cross pattern or with a 3x3 full area", "type": "String", "value": "off", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["off", "cross", "full"], "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyTrappedChestCrafting", "description": "Trapped chests can be crafted out of logs and a tripwire hook", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "infinityNeedsArrow", "description": "A bow enchanted with infinity needs the player to have an arrow in his inventory", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, BUGFIX, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "longerRepeaters", "description": "Repeaters on top of redstone blocks multiply their delay by set amount", "type": "int", "value": "1", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "redstoneLampTurnOffDelay", "description": "Delay in game ticks for redstone lamps to turn off", "type": "int", "value": "4", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "4", "8"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 8"]}, {"name": "craftableHorseArmor", "description": "Horse armor can be crafted in vanilla_style (h-shape), with_saddle (like in vanillatweaks) or with armor_pieces", "type": "String", "value": "off", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["off", "vanilla_style", "with_saddle", "armor_pieces"], "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "woodcutting", "description": "The stonecutter can be used for all wood types", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "honeyCombStickiness", "description": "Honey comb only sticks to selected blocks", "type": "String", "value": "both", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["both", "honey", "slime", "none"], "extras": ["Will render Ghost Blocks on the Client when mod is only Server Side"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, CLIENT, FEATURE, RUG"], "validators": ["[Idea from DragonEggBedrockBreaking#0034](https://discord.com/channels/211786369951989762/573613501164159016/816793720011358208) on the [SciCraft Discord](https://discord.gg/scicraft)"]}, {"name": "dragonEggConvertsCobbleToEndstone", "description": "Dragon eggs will convert cobble under them to endstone either on set event", "type": "String", "value": "off", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["off", "on_teleport", "on_landing", "both"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderPearlWaterDrag", "description": "How fast thrown ender pearls can travel under water. 0.99 is the default for above water and for tridents", "type": "double", "value": "0.8", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0.8", "0.9", "0.99"], "extras": ["Thrown Pearl will stutter on client when mod is only on server"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, CLIENT, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0.5 to 0.99"]}, {"name": "kelpBlockHardness", "description": "How long kelp blocks take to mine in survival", "type": "double", "value": "0.5", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0.0", "0.25", "0.5"], "extras": ["Any value other than 0 will behave like 0.5 for clients without this mod"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, CLIENT, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 0.5"]}, {"name": "campSleeping", "description": "Allows players to sleep in a bed without setting their spawn point by entering while sneaking. requires the main hand to be empty", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "snowballWaterDrag", "description": "How fast thrown snowballs can travel under water. 0.99 is the default for above water and for tridents", "type": "double", "value": "0.8", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0.8", "0.9", "0.99"], "extras": ["Thrown Snowball will stutter on client when mod is only on server"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, CLIENT, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0.5 to 0.99"]}, {"name": "eggWaterDrag", "description": "How fast thrown eggs can travel under water. 0.99 is the default for above water and for tridents", "type": "double", "value": "0.8", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0.8", "0.9", "0.99"], "extras": ["Thrown Egg will stutter on client when mod is only on server"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, CLIENT, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0.5 to 0.99"]}, {"name": "dragonXpDrop", "description": "Amount of xp dropped by later dragons. the first dragon always drops 12000", "type": "int", "value": "500", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["500", "1200", "12000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 12000", "[Idea from Neubulae](https://github.com/gnembon/carpet-extra/issues/171)"]}, {"name": "moreFortressSpawningBlocks", "description": "What blocks fortress mobs can spawn on inside the bigger bounding box", "type": "String", "value": "off", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": ["off", "more", "all"], "extras": ["off: nether bricks only / more: (red)"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, RUG"], "validators": ["[Idea from DragonEggBedrockBreaking](https://github.com/gnembon/carpet-extra/issues/182)"]}, {"name": "easyBlueIceCrafting", "description": "Blue ice can be crafted from ice and blue dye", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "slimeChunkPercentage", "description": "The percentage of chunks that are slime chinks", "type": "int", "value": "10", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "10", "50", "100"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 100 that is a multiple of 10", "[Idea from Philipp766](https://github.com/gnembon/carpet-extra/issues/161)"]}, {"name": "maxBannerLayers", "description": "Maximum number of layers, that can be applied to a banner", "type": "int", "value": "6", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["3", "6", "10", "12"], "extras": ["This only works for clients with this mod installed and the Banner tooltips never show more than 6 layers"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, SURVIVAL, CLIENT, CRAFTING, RUG"], "validators": ["[Idea from SouthernPixel](https://github.com/gnembon/carpet-extra/issues/111)", "You must choose a value from 3 to 16"]}, {"name": "commandSlimeChunk", "description": "A command that shows if the current chunk is a slime chunk based on the set slimechunkpercentage", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["COMMAND, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tallPlantNoUpdate", "description": "Tall plants do not update blocks around the top part if the bottom half got broken", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Old Bug: MC-31038"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, RUG"], "validators": ["[Idea from DragonEggBedrockBreaking](https://github.com/gnembon/carpet-extra/issues/185)"]}, {"name": "commandFrame", "description": "A command that makes the nearest item frame in a 5 block radius around the player, that holds an item, invisible or visible", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["COMMAND, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSkull", "description": "A command that gives the executing player the player head of the selected player", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["COMMAND, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netherrackGeneration", "description": "Netherrack is generated instead of cobblestone if a magma block is below", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "basaltToBlackstoneConversion", "description": "Basalt converts to blackstone if next to both lava and water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "infiniteLavaSources", "description": "Lava creates infinite sources like water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "basaltToLavaConversion", "description": "Basalt converts to a lava source when placed (or moved) next to a lava source, flowing lava and a magma block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSudo", "description": "A command that executes the exact input as the selected player", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This is not just an alias for /execute"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["COMMAND, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endCrystalPlacementRestriction", "description": "End crystals can only be placed on obsidian and bedrock blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "concreteMixing", "description": "Sand falling on gravel (or the other way around) with a concrete block below will blend to concrete powder colored like the concrete block below", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["In combination with cobbleCrushing and gravelCrushing allows for an automatic Concrete generator"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cobbleCrushing", "description": "Cobblestone crushed by a falling anvil will convert into gravel", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Carpet-Extra's renewableSand is prioritized over this"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "gravelCrushing", "description": "Gravel crushed by a falling anvil will convert into sand", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPeek", "description": "A command that shows the inventory or ender chest of the specified player", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["COMMAND, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagersAlwaysConvert", "description": "Villagers killed by zombies will always convert to zombie villagers regardless of difficulty", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blastFurnaceStone", "description": "Cobblestone to stone to smooth stone can be smelted in a blast furnace", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["[Suggestion from Philipp766](https://github.com/RubixDev/Rug/issues/15)"]}, {"name": "blastFurnaceGlass", "description": "Sand and red sand can be smelted to glass blocks in a blast furnace", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blastFurnaceSmoothSandStone", "description": "Sandstone and red sandstone can be smelted to the smooth variant in a blast furnace", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blastFurnaceNetherBrick", "description": "Netherrack can be smelted to nether brick in a blast furnace", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blastFurnaceSmoothQuartz", "description": "Quartz blocks can be smelted to smooth quartz in a blast furnace", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blastFurnaceGlazedTerracotta", "description": "Dyed terracotta can be smelted to the corresponding glazed terracotta in a blast furnace", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "smokerGreenDye", "description": "Cacti can be cooked into green dye in a smoker. xp override of cactusfurnacexp still applies", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "smokerLimeDye", "description": "Sea pickles can be cooked into lime dye in a smoker", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagersDropEmeralds", "description": "Villagers drop between 1 and x emeralds on death, where x is the given number", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "1", "3"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 5"]}, {"name": "commandMaxEffect", "description": "A command to quickly give the player the specified effect for infinite time and at max level", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This is basically just an alias for: `/effect give @s 999999 255 true`"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["COMMAND, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandMods", "description": "A command listing all mods installed on the server", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18", "1.16"], "categories": ["COMMAND, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "silkTouchBuddingAmethysts", "description": "Mining budding amethysts with a silk touch tool will drop itself", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stalagmiteSteppingDamage", "description": "Pointed dripstones (stalagmites) deal damage when standing on them. sneaking prevents this", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "2", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 10"]}, {"name": "unpackableAmethysts", "description": "Amethyst blocks can be crafted into set amount of amethyst shards", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "4"], "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["CRAFTING, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 9", "Idea from [NAPPUS](https://github.com/MultiCoreNetwork/carpet-redcraft-addons/issues/79)"]}, {"name": "tameCatsWithCookedFish", "description": "Cats can also be tamed with cooked cod and salmon, not just with raw", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemFramesActivatePressurePlates", "description": "Item frames inside wooden pressure plates hold them down", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderEyeDropChance", "description": "The chance of ender eyes dropping when thrown", "type": "int", "value": "80", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "50", "80", "100"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19", "1.18"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 100"]}, {"name": "wanderingTraderAlert", "description": "Make alert when wandering trader is coming", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "HuajiMURsMC/SkyBlockHelper", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["SKYBLOCK_HELPER, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "wanderingTraderLog", "description": "Make log when wandering trader is coming", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "HuajiMURsMC/SkyBlockHelper", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["SKYBLOCK_HELPER, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "vanillaPistonAnimations", "description": "Tells carpet clients the game isn't frozen, allowing piston animations to play immediately", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "chiraagChakravarthy/SubTick", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["SUBTICK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "losslessBedrockBreaking", "description": "Changes one line of code that makes lossless bedrock breaking possible again (barely)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "chiraagChakravarthy/SubTick", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["SUBTICK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "skipInvalidEvents", "description": "Skip stepping over events executed on the wrong block", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "chiraagChakravarthy/SubTick", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["SUBTICK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersPickUpFish", "description": "Lets dispensers pick up fish using water buckets.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "enjarai/swaggy-carpet-addon", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SWAGGY", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersPickUpBothFishAndWater", "description": "Lets dispensers pick up fish and water at the same time using an empty bucket.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "enjarai/swaggy-carpet-addon", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SWAGGY", "SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "catSpawnChance", "description": "Sets chance cat will spawn in a village", "type": "int", "value": "100", "repo": "totorewa/totos-carpet-tweaks", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "25", "50", "75", "100"], "extras": null, "branches": ["mc1.16.x", "mc1.18.x", "mc1.19.x", "mc1.17.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, TOTO"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 100"]}, {"name": "noPiglinGuarding", "description": "Stops piglins angering when a block they guard is interacted with or broken", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "totorewa/totos-carpet-tweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["mc1.16.x", "mc1.18.x", "mc1.19.x", "mc1.17.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, TOTO"], "validators": []}, {"name": "returnSpectators", "description": "Prevent players from teleporting when using spectator mode by returning them to their previous survival position", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "totorewa/totos-carpet-tweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["mc1.16.x", "mc1.18.x", "mc1.19.x", "mc1.17.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, TOTO"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sharedVillagerDiscounts", "description": "Major positive reputation is shared amongst all players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "totorewa/totos-carpet-tweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["mc1.16.x", "mc1.18.x", "mc1.19.x", "mc1.17.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, TOTO"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerBulletsSpawnShulkers", "description": "Adds shulker spawning from the caves & cliffs 1.17 update", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "totorewa/totos-carpet-tweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["mc1.16.x"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, FEATURE, TOTO"], "validators": []}, {"name": "visibleSpectators", "description": "Makes spectators visible to non-spectator players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "totorewa/totos-carpet-tweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["mc1.16.x", "mc1.18.x", "mc1.19.x", "mc1.17.x"], "categories": ["TOTO, EXPERIMENTAL", "TOTOS-TWEAKS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandToggleSpectator", "description": "Enables /ts command to toggle spectator mode", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "totorewa/totos-carpet-tweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["mc1.16.x", "mc1.18.x", "mc1.19.x", "mc1.17.x"], "categories": ["COMMAND, TOTO"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandWeird", "description": "Enables the /weird command", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["ops", "false", "true"], "extras": ["The /weird command allows for chunk monitoring as well as other weird additions that need more arguments then a carpet rule"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "observerDelay", "description": "Change the delay length of observers (how long it takes to turn on)", "type": "int", "value": "2", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": false, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "observerPulse", "description": "Change the pulse length of observers (how long it stays on)", "type": "int", "value": "2", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": false, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "anvilColorFormatting", "description": "Allows the use of spigot formatting inside of anvils", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["To see formatting codes use /weird color"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fastPistons", "description": "Pistons will extend and retract with 1 tick of delay", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableMovingPiston", "description": "Makes moving_piston (b36) movable. requires movableblockentities to be on. very unstable and made for the fun of proving it can be done!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": ["MovableBlockEntities must be enabled to use this"]}, {"name": "blockUpdateHell", "description": "Basically all setblock calls will use this number", "type": "int", "value": "-2", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": false, "options": null, "extras": ["Custom block updates from: -1 to 127 | use -2 to disable"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from -2 to 127"]}, {"name": "spongeEverything", "description": "Makes it so that sponges can absorb all blocks :}", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeLimit", "description": "Change the max amount of that a sponge can absorb", "type": "int", "value": "64", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": false, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeLava", "description": "The sponge now absorbs lava instead of water, you happy now?", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeInfinite", "description": "Removes all restrictions that sponges have", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["You can still change the spongeLimit to avoid crashing. spongeLimit is ignored if its the default value!"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeFaster", "description": "Modify sponges so that the blocks they remove don't create blockupdates", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Only noticeable when using spongeInfinite"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeCeption", "description": "Sponge, sponges itself", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeReusable", "description": "Sponge does not become wet when used", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If spongeCeption is enabled"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeAbsorbsExplosions", "description": "Sponge will prevent block explosion damage if its in the tnt list of blocks to break", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enchantmentOverride", "description": "Allows you to enchant past the highest vanilla enchant limit using /enchant", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Also makes it so every enchantment works on all items"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "uncappedTridentSpeed", "description": "Makes it so that tridents can move just as fast as they usually do on the y-axis on the x & z axis", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "executeBlockLimit", "description": "Customizable execute volume limit", "type": "int", "value": "32768", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": false, "options": ["32768", "250000", "1000000"], "extras": ["It's weird cause nobody knows this limit exists xD"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 1 to 20M"]}, {"name": "scaffoldingBreaking", "description": "Scaffolding breaking rules. change how scaffolding breaks", "type": "String", "value": "break", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["break", "float", "gravity"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "instantLiquidFlow", "description": "Instant-liquid flow in 1.16, basically instant tile ticks but for liquids", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fastLiquidFlow", "description": "Makes all liquid ticks happen within the next tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fastTileTicks", "description": "Makes all tile ticks happen within the next tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "instantTileTick", "description": "Re-implementing instant tile ticks into 1.16. although it's more of an imitation", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "instantTileTickMechanic", "description": "A game mechanic for instant tick ticks. requires a lit redstone lamp to be moved in border chunks surrounded by ticking chunks", "type": "InstantTileTickEnum", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true", "crashfix", "vanilla", "vanillacrashfix"], "extras": ["Also makes it so that instantTileTick crashes the server when generating new chunks", "vanilla makes it so that instantLiquidFlow works with instantTileTicks like its does in 1.12"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "instantFall", "description": "Re-implementing instant fall into 1.16, what could possibly go wrong", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "instantFallMechanic", "description": "A game mechanic for instant fall. requires a lit redstone lamp to be moved in border chunks surrounded by border chunks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Also makes it so that instantFall turns off when generating new chunks."], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "preventBreaking", "description": "Prevents all players from breaking blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "permaloader", "description": "This is a joke, it actually just prevents all chunks from being unloaded ;)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blueSkullTesting", "description": "Makes it so blue skulls from wither always spawn to test if your wither based farm will break", "type": "blueSkullTest", "value": "VANILLA", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["vanilla", "entity", "passive", "all"], "extras": ["Entity: Makes it so skulls have a 100% chance of spawning when wither is targeting an entity", "Passive: Makes it so theres 100% chance of blue skulls spawning passively"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockTransparency", "description": "Makes all the blocks in the game act like transparent blocks!", "type": "BlockTransparencyEnum", "value": "NORMAL", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["normal", "solid", "transparent", "inverse"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "worldborderSpecial", "description": "Everything works the same past the world border", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,CREATIVE,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "catOnChestBypass", "description": "Makes it so that cats on chests do not prevent the chest from opening", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "totallyLegitElytra", "description": "Elytra won't take damage from flight", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Requested by Pixeils"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD,EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "breakableDragonEgg", "description": "Allows the dragon egg to be mined", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dragonAlwaysDropsEgg", "description": "Ender dragon always drops a dragon egg when killed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerCancer", "description": "Shulkers can become cancer, just place a bunch of shulkers next to each other!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "featherFallingPlus", "description": "Feather falling prevents trampling crops", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD, CREATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "accurateEntityPositions", "description": "Will send an entity position packet for every tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["May cause severe network lag if too many entities are loaded"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fallingBlockMechanic", "description": "A mechanic to make any block a falling block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If a LIT lamp is moved under a beacon which has a fallingBlock above it"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD, CREATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableEntityInterpolation", "description": "Disabled client-side entity interpolation", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD, CREATIVE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyWither", "description": "Makes the wither act as if the difficulty is easy", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemShadowingMechanic", "description": "Mechanic to create shadow items without a suppressor", "type": "itemShadowingMechanics", "value": "OFF", "repo": "fxmorin/WeirdAddons", "strict": true, "options": ["off", "lightning", "spectral"], "extras": ["Lightning Mechanic: Lightning hitting an item frame on an inventory", "+", "will create a shadow item of the item in the frame and put it in the inventory.", "Spectral Mechanic: Shooting an item frame on an inventory with a burning spectral arrow", "+", "will create a shadow item of the item in the frame and put it in the inventory.", "Do this twice!"], "branches": ["1.18"], "categories": ["WEIRD, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xpbeacons", "description": null, "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "FracturedCode/XpBeacons", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["XPBEACONSCATEGORY, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "onlyUpdateWarn", "description": "Only show the version of johan carpet addon only when there is an update.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endGatewayCooldown", "description": "Toggle for end gateway cooldown.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, ENDSETTINGSCATEGORY, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endMainIslandStructureGen", "description": "Toggle for the main end island structure generation, turns off portal, egg, obsidian pillars, gateways and crystals.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, ENDSETTINGSCATEGORY, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noObsidianPlatform", "description": "Toggle for end obsidian platform generation excluding players.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, ENDSETTINGSCATEGORY, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "keepProjectilesTicked", "description": "Toggle for projectiles are ticked the whole time.", "type": "String", "value": "default", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["default", "all", "player-only", "enderpearls"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "logTNTMomentum", "description": "Debug tnt momentum transfer to enderpearls in console.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ftlTNT", "description": "Tnt optimized for large amounts in cannons.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperLoading", "description": "Hopper entity processing chunk loading.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandLocation", "description": "Enables /location command to know where is a player.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSignal", "description": "Enables /signal command to get a container with comparator value.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, CREATIVE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandEnderchest", "description": "Enables /enderchest command to open the enderchest of a player.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, FEATURE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandTotal", "description": "Enables /total command to know the total sum of a scoreboard.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandComputation", "description": "Enables /computation command to test redstone contraptions.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandBatch", "description": "Enables /batch command to execute commands multiple times.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandItem", "description": "Enables /item command to get item data.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "filterBotsInScores", "description": "Bots don't appear on scoreboards and do not count in the total.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "totalScore", "description": "The scoreboard total appears on the scoreboard.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "forceShulkerTeleport", "description": "Force shulkers to teleport when stay in invalid positions.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, ENDSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "seaLevelFishes", "description": "Fishes only can spawn between y:45 and y:63, both excluded.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ancientBartering", "description": "Gives piglins a specified chance to drop ancient debris.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "50", "100"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL"], "validators": ["You must choose a value from 0 to 100"]}, {"name": "maxHeightmap", "description": "Set the max value possible for heightmap. use at your own risk!", "type": "int", "value": "255", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": false, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL, OPTIMIZATION, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "llamaDupeExploit", "description": "Enables old donkey / llama dupe bug.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oldFlintAndSteelBehavior", "description": "Backports 1.12 flint and steel behavior. flint and steel can be used for updating observers / buds.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "carefulBreak", "description": "Places the mined block in the player inventory when sneaking.", "type": "String", "value": "never", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["never", "always", "sneaking", "no-sneaking"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oreUpdateSuppressor", "description": "Emerald ore acts as an update suppressor.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, CREATIVE, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerInception", "description": "Enable the possibility to store shulkerboxes inside shulkerboxes.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "compatibleEnchantments", "description": "Disable enchantment compatibility checks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT, ENCHANTMENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableEnchantmentCap", "description": "Disable enchantment max level cap.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT, ENCHANTMENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableAnvilXpLimit", "description": "Disable anvil max xp cap.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT, ENCHANTMENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "infiniteTrades", "description": "Makes merchant offers unlimited.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "allStackable", "description": "All items have 64 stack size.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bucketSponge", "description": "Using a bucket renamed to \"sponge\" removes fluids in the area.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lavaSponge", "description": "Sponges remove lava too.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xpBarMending", "description": "Sneak to repair items with your stored xp.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeKill", "description": "Insta-kill entities when you are in creative mode.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, CREATIVE, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerInsert", "description": "Items are stored directly inside shulkers in inventory when players collect them.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemFrameDelay", "description": "Item frame reset delay.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "3", "6", "22"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mineStones", "description": "Blocks of stone material can be broken faster with netherite pickaxe.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "zeroTickFarms", "description": "Bring back zero tick plant farms.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master", "1.17-dev", "1.18-dev", "1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerFireDrops", "description": "Shulkerboxes drop their contents when burned.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.16"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "magmaBlockDamage", "description": ".", "type": "String", "value": "always", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["always", "only-mobs", "never"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17-dev", "1.18-dev"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandCs", "description": "Enables /cs command to get into spectator mode and return to previous location when you disable it.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18-dev"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "customStackSize", "description": "All items have a custom stack size, set it to 0 to disable.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18-dev"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "drownedDropTrident", "description": "If drowned have a trident, it will have a chance of 100% of droping it.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "JohanVonElectrum/Johan-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18-dev"], "categories": ["JOHANSETTINGSCATEGORY, SURVIVAL, CHEAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "comparatorReadThroughOthers", "description": "Comparators can read through pistons and chains", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "11-90-an/suscarpetaddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SUS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemDespawnTimeLength", "description": "Adjustable item despawn time", "type": "int", "value": "6000", "repo": "11-90-an/suscarpetaddons", "strict": false, "options": ["6000", "12000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SUS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableRedstoneStuff", "description": "Redstone dust, redstone torches, repeaters and comparators can be moved now", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "11-90-an/suscarpetaddons", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true"], "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SUS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "FarmableClay", "description": "Lets dispensers convert dirt into clay with water bottles", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RLLD576/Rober-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.18"], "categories": ["ROBER", "DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "SleepingDelay", "description": "Sets the game-ticks of delay when you sleep in a bed (vanilla is 100)", "type": "int", "value": "100", "repo": "RLLD576/Rober-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19.2", "1.18"], "categories": ["ROBER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ThunderWarn", "description": "The amount of ticks before thunderstorm that are needed for the mod to warn you about it", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "RLLD576/Rober-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19.2", "1.18"], "categories": ["ROBER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "OldFallingBehavior", "description": "Reintroduce the 1.12 falling block behavior", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RLLD576/Rober-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19.2", "1.18"], "categories": ["ROBER", "FALLING-BLOCK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "FallingBlockDieAge", "description": "Age in gameticks at which falling blocks die, -1 for infinity. (vanilla is 600)", "type": "int", "value": "600", "repo": "RLLD576/Rober-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19.2", "1.18"], "categories": ["ROBER", "FALLING-BLOCK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "FallingBlockNoFrictionWithWalls", "description": "Falling blocks over walls would not have friction with the floor as in 1.12", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RLLD576/Rober-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17", "1.19.2", "1.18"], "categories": ["ROBER", "FALLING-BLOCK"], "validators": []}, {"name": "KeepInventoryResetXP", "description": "If using keep inventory gamerule, the player xp wil be reset on death (vanilla if keep inventory off)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RLLD576/Rober-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["ROBER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "SendSetRespawnFeedback", "description": "Send feedback to the player of the action of the rule sleepinbedsetrespawn", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RLLD576/Rober-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["ROBER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "SleepInBedSetsRespawn", "description": "Sleeping you will only set respawn when trying to sleep in a bed", "type": "String", "value": "always", "repo": "RLLD576/Rober-Carpet", "strict": true, "options": ["never", "sneaking", "no-sneaking", "always"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.17"], "categories": ["ROBER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "alwaysPickFlowersFromPots", "description": "Right-clicking on a flowerpot containing a flower will always put the flower into your inventory.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableMobSpawningInEnd", "description": "Disables mobs from spawning in the end.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableMobSpawningInNether", "description": "Disables mobs from spawning in the nether.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableMobSpawningInOverworld", "description": "Disables mobs from spawning in the overworld.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disablePhantomSpawningForCreativePlayers", "description": "Phantoms will no longer spawn for creative players.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, FEATURE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disablePhantomSpawningInMushroomFields", "description": "Phantoms will no longer spawn around a player that is in a mushroom fields biome.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersPlaceEyesOfEnder", "description": "Dispensers can place eyes of ender into end portal frames.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DISPENSER, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersRemoveEyesOfEnder", "description": "Dispensers can remove eyes of ender from full end portal frames. any connecting end portals will", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, DISPENSER, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dropAllXpOnPlayerDeath", "description": "When a player dies, all of their xp will be dropped.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dropEyesOfEnderFromEndPortalFrame", "description": "A full end portal frame will drop an eye of ender when right clicked by a player, turning into an", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermenSpawnOnlyInTheEnd", "description": "Disables endermen from spawning in the overworld and nether, only allowing them to spawn in the end.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableEmptyEndPortalFrames", "description": "Allows empty end portal frames to be moved.nthe `drop_as_items_on_explosion` option will allow end", "type": "MovableBlockOptions", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "drop_as_item_on_explosion"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableSpawners", "description": "Allows spawners to be moved.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netheriteAxeInstantMineWood", "description": "A netherite axe with efficiency v combined with the haste ii status effect will instant mine wood and", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netheritePickaxeInstantMineBlueIce", "description": "A netherite pickaxe with efficiency v combined with the haste ii status effect will instant mine blue", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netheritePickaxeInstantMineCobblestone", "description": "A netherite pickaxe with efficiency v combined with the haste ii status effect will instant mine", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netheritePickaxeInstantMineDeepslate", "description": "A netherite pickaxe with efficiency v combined with the haste ii status effect will instant mine", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netheritePickaxeInstantMineEndStone", "description": "A netherite pickaxe with efficiency v combined with the haste ii status effect will instant mine end", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netheritePickaxeInstantMineNetherBricks", "description": "A netherite pickaxe with efficiency v combined with the haste ii status effect will instant mine", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "passiveEndermen", "description": "Endermen will not be provoked by the player when attacked or looked at. they will still be provoked by other mobs.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pickFlowersFromPots", "description": "Right-clicking on a flowerpot with a flower in it will put the flower into your inventory", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "portalSpectatorDelay", "description": "Amount of delay ticks to use a nether portal in spectator mode. requires the `spectatorplayersuseportals` rule to be enabled.", "type": "int", "value": "1", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": false, "options": ["1", "40", "80", "72000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SPECTATOR, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "replaceableFlowers", "description": "Placing blocks on flowers will replace them like grass.", "type": "ReplaceableFlowersOptions", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "one_tall_flowers", "all_flowers"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "replaceFlowersInPots", "description": "When right clicking a flower pot with a pottable item, it will replace the item that already was in the pot.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND", "FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnEggsSpawnMobsWithNoAI", "description": "A spawn egg will spawn a mob with no ai.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, CREATIVE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spectatorPlayersUsePortals", "description": "Spectator players can go through nether portals, end portals and end gateways.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["SPECTATOR, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stonecuttersDoDamage", "description": "When a stonecutter is powered by redstone, it will damage entities standing on top of it.", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": false, "options": ["-1", "0", "1", "2"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xpBubbleColumnInteraction", "description": "Bubble columns will push or pull xp orb entities like with other entities and items.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.18.2", "1.20.x", "1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.17.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativePlayerOneHitKill", "description": "Allows players in creative mode to kill entities in one hit. this only works on non-player entities.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, CREATIVE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "phantomsObeyHostileMobCap", "description": "Phantoms will no longer spawn if the hostile mobcap is full. this is per player.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.3", "1.19.4", "1.18.2", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "autoCraftingTable", "description": "Converts the vanilla crafting tables into carpet's auto-crafting table", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-autoCraftingTable", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE", "EXTRAS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersPlaceBoatsOnIce", "description": "Dispensers can place boats on ice", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fallingBlockDispensers", "description": "Dispensers/Droppers with a block in front of them when powered will turn that block into a falling block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["dispenser & dropper give the same velocity to the falling block like they do in 22w13oneblockatatime"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xpPerSculkCatalyst", "description": "Sets the amount of xp dropped when breaking a sculk catalyst.", "type": "int", "value": "5", "repo": "gnembon/carpet-extra", "strict": false, "options": ["5", "10", "20"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["EXTRA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanDontTakeExplosionDamageFix", "description": "Fixes the endermen not being able to take damage from wither and tnt explosions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, VANILLA"], "validators": []}, {"name": "allayStuckInVoidFix", "description": "Fixes allays getting stuck in the void due to gravity being disabled", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spectatorAdvancementGrantingFix", "description": "Fixes advancement criteria being granted to players in Spectator mode", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oresDontDropXpWhenBlownUpFix", "description": "Fixes ore blocks not dropping experience when blown up - sculk use the same block as ores", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "boatTooFarFromDispenserFix", "description": "Fixes boats getting created 1/16th of a block too far from the dispenser that created them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderpearlClipFix", "description": "Fixes enderpearls allowing you to clip through blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "wardenEatsArmorFix", "description": "Fixes the warden being able to consume armor dispensed onto it", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endCrystalsOnPushDontSummonDragonFix", "description": "Fixes end crystals not attempting to respawn the dragon when being pushed by a piston", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sitGoalAlwaysResettingFix", "description": "Fixes the SitGoal continuously restarting if the owner is offline, instead of doing the checks normally", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, MODDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "simulatedOutOfMemoryCrashFix", "description": "Fixes crashes caused by `debugSimulatedOutOfMemory`", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "someUpdatesDontCatchExceptionsFix", "description": "Fixes crashes caused by block updates using the SixWayEntry update. Currently only useful for OOM!", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fallingBlocksCantReuseGatewaysFix", "description": "Fixes falling blocks only being able to use end gateways once", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagersDontReleaseMemoryFix", "description": "Fixes villagers not releasing there tickets & positional memories when changing dimension, causing them to attempt to pathfind to them causing insane lag", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, CRASHFIX, RECOMMENDED"], "validators": []}, {"name": "structuresIgnorePassengersFix", "description": "Fixes structure blocks not being able to save entities with passengers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedNeighborUpdater", "description": "A memory efficient implementation of the new NeighborUpdater", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["OPTIMIZATION, VANILLA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lecternBlockDupeFix", "description": "Fixes a lectern block dupe, it just dupes the lectern block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DUPE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceInstantBlockUpdates", "description": "Re-introduces instant block updates which changed in 22w11a", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reIntroduceTrapdoorUpdateSkipping", "description": "Re-introduces compact update skippers using trapdoors", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["REINTRODUCE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "updateSuppressionCrashFix", "description": "No longer fixes an actual crash, the crash is only possible if you use: `reIntroduceInstantBlockUpdates`", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "debugStackDepth", "description": "Placing turtle eggs on a barrier block will make it output the current stack depth on shape updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["DEBUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "debugStackTrace", "description": "Placing turtle eggs on a jigsaw block will make it output the current stack trace on shape updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": [], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["DEBUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "debugSimulatedOutOfMemory", "description": "A jigsaw block with a lightning rod ontop of itself will make it throw a real out of memory exception when receiving a block update", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "fxmorin/carpet-fixes", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["DEBUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cycleVillagerTrades", "description": "Auto-cycle villager trades every time the trade menu is opened", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kosma/carpet-flying", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["(equivalent of breaking and replacing the workstation).", "Allows Trade Cycling Mod-like behavior in vanilla client."], "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "displayNamesOnPlayerList", "description": "Show server-side displayNames on player list.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kosma/carpet-flying", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Required for player list manipulation rules to work."], "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "displayNameCarpetBot", "description": "Display \"[bot] next to Carpet bot names\".", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kosma/carpet-flying", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "displayNameVanillaTweaksAFK", "description": "Display \"[afk] next to AFK player names\".", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kosma/carpet-flying", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Requires corresponding Vanilla Tweaks datapack."], "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderDragonNoGriefing", "description": "Prevent Ender Dragon from breaking any blocks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kosma/carpet-flying", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disablePlayerSpawnCommand", "description": "Disable Carpet's /player spawn command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kosma/carpet-flying", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Prevents players from abusing it to teleport around."], "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockExplosionDropDecay", "description": "In block interaction explosions, some blocks won't drop their loot", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Some of the drops from blocks destroyed by explosions caused by block interactions are lost in the explosion."], "branches": ["1.19", "1.20"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, DROPS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandModificationBlockLimit", "description": "Command Modification Block Limit", "type": "int", "value": "32768", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": false, "options": ["32768", "1000000", "2147483647"], "extras": ["Number of blocks that can be changed at once by one command, such as fill or clone."], "branches": ["1.19", "1.20"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, MISC"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doVinesSpread", "description": "Vines spread", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Controls whether or not the Vines block spreads randomly to adjacent blocks. Does not affect other type of vine blocks such as Weeping Vines, Twisting Vines, etc."], "branches": ["1.19", "1.20"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, WORLD_UPDATES"], "validators": []}, {"name": "doWardenSpawning", "description": "Spawn wardens", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Whether wardens can spawn"], "branches": ["1.19", "1.20"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, SPAWNING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "globalSoundEvents", "description": "Global sound events", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["When certain game events happen, like a boss spawning, the sound is heard everywhere."], "branches": ["1.19", "1.20"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, MISC"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lavaSourceConversion", "description": "Lava converts to source", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["When flowing lava is surrounded on two sides by lava sources it converts into a source."], "branches": ["1.19", "1.20"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, WORLD_UPDATES"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobExplosionDropDecay", "description": "In mob explosions, some blocks won't drop their loot", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Some of the drops from blocks destroyed by explosions caused by mobs are lost in the explosion."], "branches": ["1.19", "1.20"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, DROPS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "snowAccumulationHeight", "description": "Snow accumulation height", "type": "int", "value": "1", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "1", "8"], "extras": ["When it snows, layers of snow form on the ground up to at most this number of layers."], "branches": ["1.19", "1.20"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, WORLD_UPDATES"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntExplosionDropDecay", "description": "In TNT explosions, some blocks won't drop their loot", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Some of the drops from blocks destroyed by explosions caused by TNT are lost in the explosion."], "branches": ["1.19", "1.20"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, DROPS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "waterSourceConversion", "description": "Water converts to source", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/CarpetGamerules", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["When flowing water is surrounded on two sides by water sources it converts into a source."], "branches": ["1.19", "1.20"], "categories": ["GAMERULE, WORLD_UPDATES"], "validators": []}, {"name": "generateAncientCityPortals", "description": "Generates Ancient City portal frames in a SkyBlock world", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["GENERATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tallFlowersFromWanderingTrader", "description": "Allows the Wandering Trader to sell tall flowers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE, WANDERING_TRADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerSpawnsOnDragonKill", "description": "Makes a Shulker spawn on the Bedrock Pillar when the End Dragon is re-killed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "foxesSpawnWithSweetBerriesChance", "description": "Probability that Foxes spawn with Sweet Berries", "type": "double", "value": "0d", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "0.2", "1"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableEchoShards", "description": "Makes Creatures with Echolocation (Bats and Dolphins) drop Echo Shards when killed by a Warden's Sonic Boom attack", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "allayableVexes", "description": "Allows Vexes to turn into Allays when played the correct Note Block sequence", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "coralErosion", "description": "Makes Dead Coral erode into Sand when Water flows out of it", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hugeMushroomsSpreadMycelium", "description": "Makes Mushrooms spread Mycelium onto dirt-like blocks nearby when Bonemealed into Huge Mushrooms", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableNetherrack", "description": "Makes Netherrack or Nylium generate around Nether Portals that generate midair", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["What generates depends on the biome, with Nyliums generating in their respective forests and Netherrack elsewhere"], "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableDeepslate", "description": "Allows Thick Potions to convert Stone into Deepslate, either by right-clicking or using a splash potion", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "no_splash"], "extras": ["With no_splash: splash potion conversion is disabled."], "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableSwiftSneak", "description": "Allows Enchanting Tables near Wardens to enchant with Swift Sneak", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxWanderingTraderSpawnChance", "description": "Max Wandering Trader spawn chance", "type": "double", "value": "0.075", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": false, "options": ["0.075", "0.2", "1"], "extras": ["This starts at 0.025 and increases by 0.025 each time a trader spawn fails until the max chance is reached."], "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["WANDERING_TRADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "wanderingTraderSpawnRate", "description": "How often the Wandering Trader attempts to spawn in ticks", "type": "int", "value": "24000", "repo": "jsorrell/CarpetSkyAdditions", "strict": false, "options": ["6000", "24000", "72000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["WANDERING_TRADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "botTabListNamePrefix", "description": "Add a prefix to the Bot in the TabList, using & instead of \u00a7 to format the text.", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["#none", "[bot]"], "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "botTabListNameSuffix", "description": "Add a suffix to the Bot in the TabList, using & instead of \u00a7 to format the text.", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["#none", "[fake]"], "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableParticlesPackets", "description": "Disable particle packet sending to reduce bandwidth usage.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["MISC"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispenserCollectExperience", "description": "Dispenser firing glass bottles at players will convert to experience bottles.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noteBlockChunkLoader", "description": "When the note block is activated, if the top is obsidian and the bottom is emerald ore, it gives the block a load ticket equivalent to the nether portal.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "opLevelBelowSelf", "description": "Operators can only grant the same or lower permissions to other players than themselves.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voidDevouringBehavior", "description": "The action that will occur when the player falls into the void.", "type": "VoidDevouringBehaviorOptions", "value": "VANILLA", "repo": "The-Cat-Town-Craft/Carpet-TCTC-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["instant_death", "teleport_to_spawn", "teleport_to_spawn_cost_totem", "teleport_to_spawn_cost_totem_or_death", "vanilla"], "extras": ["instant_death - Dies immediately when entering the void.", "teleport_to_spawn - Teleport to the player's spawn point when entering the void, or to the world spawn point if it does not exist.", "teleport_to_spawn_cost_totem - Teleport to the player's spawn point when entering the void, or to the world spawn point if it does not exist. This action consumes a totem, and if the player does not hold a totem they will receive void damage.", "teleport_to_spawn_cost_totem_or_death - Teleport to the player's spawn point when entering the void, or to the world spawn point if it does not exist. This action consumes a totem, and if the player does not hold a totem they will die immediately.", "vanilla - Vanilla behaviour."], "branches": ["dev"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableOpsBypassWhitelist", "description": "Disable OPs bypass whitelist.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["ADMINISTRATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "opsMonitorWhitelist", "description": "Enable whitelist when all OPs are offline.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["ADMINISTRATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "alwaysRefreshResourcePack", "description": "(cursed impl) Always re-download server resource pack.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["ADMINISTRATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hideServerBrand", "description": "Hide server brand.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["ADMINISTRATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandMods", "description": "Enables /mods command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandHome", "description": "Enables /home command.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "invulnerableAreImmuneToCreativePlayers", "description": "Prevents creative players from attacking invulnerable mobs.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableBlockTrampling", "description": "Disable turtle egg and farmland trampling.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["GAMEMECHANICS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noteBlocksPlayOnLanding", "description": "Note blocks play on landing (Fabrication port).", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FABRICATION, GAME_MECHANICS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noteBlocksTuneWithSticks", "description": "Tune note blocks with sticks (Fabrication port).", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FABRICATION, GAME_MECHANICS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noteBlocksTuneBackwards", "description": "Tune note blocks backwards when sneaking (Fabrication port).", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["FABRICATION, GAME_MECHANICS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableMessageCooldown", "description": "Disable chat anti-spam (TIS Additions port).", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["TIS_ADDITIONS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableCreativeItemDropCooldown", "description": "Disable creative item drop cooldown (TIS Additions port).", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["TIS_ADDITIONS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enchantCommandDisableRestrictions", "description": "Disable enchant command restrictions (TIS Additions port).", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["TISADDITIONSPORT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sendServerDebugInfo", "description": "Send server debug info.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sendServerDebugInfoDistance", "description": "Send server debug info distance.", "type": "double", "value": "256.0", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sendServerDebugInfoUnlimitedDistance", "description": "Send server debug info from unlimited distance.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creepersDropBlocks", "description": "Creepers drop all exploded blocks.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["GAMEMECHANICS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creepersHealthExplosionStrength", "description": "Creepers explosion strength is affected by their health.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "adryd325/ceramic", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["GAMEMECHANICS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersDuplicateAllays", "description": "Dispensers duplicate dancing allays with amethyst shards", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "echoShardsEnableShriekers", "description": "Using an echo shard on a sculk shrieker allows it to summon wardens", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fasterOxidation", "description": "Blocks oxidize much faster when touching water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noCreeperBlockBreaking", "description": "Disables creeper explosion block breaking", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noGhastBlockBreaking", "description": "Disables ghast fireball explosion block breaking", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noSnowGolemMelting", "description": "Prevents Snow Golems from melting in hot biomes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "manyrandomthings/minitweaks", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["MOBS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowSuppressionGeneration", "description": "Reintroduce pre 1.19 shadow item generation by update suppression", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["DISCLAIMER: this will not reintroduce old update suppression"], "branches": ["1.19", "1.20"], "categories": ["SHADOW, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shadowCraftingGeneration", "description": "Introduce a crafting recipe to create new Shadow Items", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "mattymatty97/carpet-shadow", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["combine any item stack and a EnderChest to generate a new shadow stack", "the operation will consume 1 item from each component", "WARNING: do not move the items with SHIFT", "WARNING: do not close the GUI with a shadow stack in the crafting grid"], "branches": ["1.19", "1.20"], "categories": ["SHADOW, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableTuff", "description": "Craft tuff from andesite and cobblestone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, CRAFTING, RENEWABLE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "missingCobbleRecipes", "description": "Adds missing recipes for allowing blackstone and cobbled deepslate in place of cobblestone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Expect a lag spike when changing the value"], "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, CRAFTING, BUGFIX, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "splashOxidize", "description": "Copper blocks oxidize one stage when hit with a water bottle", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sculkBlocksAlwaysDropXp", "description": "Sculk blocks always drop XP when destroyed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Allows for fully automatic XP farms without a wither"], "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, TNT, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "snowMelting", "description": "Whether snow can melt", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, SURVIVAL, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "waterInNether", "description": "Allow water placing and ice melting in ultrawarm dimensions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "RubixDev/Rug", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, RUG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "accurateAzaleaLeafDistribution", "description": "The distribution of azalea leaf types matches the azalea bush the tree is grown from", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["These features are controlled through doormat/worldgen/configured_feature/azalea_tree_many_flowers.json and azalea_tree_no_flowers.json respectively."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "alwaysHalloween", "description": "Mobs will always have a chance to wear carved pumpkins, regardless of the time of year", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This also affects bat spawning rates."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "azaleaLeavesGrowFlowers", "description": "Azalea leaves grow flowers when fertilized", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beaconsHealPets", "description": "Beacons with their secondary effect set to regeneration can heal nearby tamed mobs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "barrelItemDumping", "description": "Barrels facing down will eject all of their contained items when opened", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "basaltGenProduct", "description": "The block produced when lava flows between soul soil and blue ice", "type": "String", "value": "minecraft:basalt", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["minecraft:basalt"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, APRIL_FOOLS, EXPERIMENTAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockFallingDelay", "description": "The time it takes for gravity-affected blocks to fall after receiving a shape update, in ticks", "type": "int", "value": "2", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["2"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "biomeDependentDungeonMobs", "description": "The mobs that spawn inside dungeons will represent the biome the dungeon generated in", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Zombies get replaced by husks in warm biomes, and skeletons get replaced by strays in cold biomes and bogged in swamp biomes.", "This will not affect previously-generated chunks, so if you intend to feature this modification on a long-term survival world, it's best to enable the setting right away."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "campfireRespawning", "description": "Lit campfires can be set as respawn points when clicking on them with an empty hand, while sneaking", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Regular campfires will extinguish every time you respawn next to them, while soul campfire flames persist."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chiseledBookshelfFullnessSignal", "description": "Comparators measure the number of books in chiseled bookshelves instead of the last slot interacted with", "type": "ChiseledBookshelfFullnessSignalMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["\"Lerped\" interpolates from 1 to 15, instead of outputting the exact number."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cobblestoneGenProduct", "description": "The block produced when flowing lava meets water", "type": "String", "value": "minecraft:cobblestone", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["minecraft:cobblestone"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, APRIL_FOOLS, EXPERIMENTAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "compactBannerTooltips", "description": "Compacts the tooltips of banners by listing their patterns as a cycling carousel", "type": "CarouselTooltipsMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["For more information, check the designated Github wiki page!"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CLIENT, TOOLTIP, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "compactEnchantTooltips", "description": "Compacts the tooltips of enchantments by listing them as a cycling carousel", "type": "CarouselTooltipsMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["For more information, check the designated Github wiki page!"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CLIENT, TOOLTIP, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "compactPotTooltips", "description": "Compacts the tooltips of decorated pots by grouping like sherds together", "type": "CompactPotTooltipsMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["\"Ignore bricks\" removes bricks from the tooltips entirely.", "For more information, check the designated Github wiki page!"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CLIENT, TOOLTIP, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "compactTemplateTooltips", "description": "Compacts the tooltips of smithing templates by removing the \"Applies to\" and \"Ingredients\" text", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["For more information, check the designated Github wiki page!"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CLIENT, TOOLTIP, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "compactTrimTooltips", "description": "Compacts the tooltips of armor trims to a single line", "type": "CompactTrimTooltipsMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["\"No material\" removes the material text but leaves the color formatting.", "For more information, check the designated Github wiki page!"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CLIENT, TOOLTIP, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "comparatorsReadThroughChains", "description": "Comparators can read through chains, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "comparatorsReadThroughPaths", "description": "Comparators can read through dirt paths, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "comparatorsReadThroughPistons", "description": "Comparators can read through pistons, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "composterSideInputs", "description": "Items can be inserted into composters from all 6 sides instead of just the top, via hoppers and droppers.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "consistentExplosionImmunity", "description": "Explosion-immune blocks also apply this property to their dropped item counterparts", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Though marked as \"Works As Intended\", this rule technically fixes this bug: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-212764"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, BUGFIX, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "consistentWaterlogPushing", "description": "Blocks will always conserve their waterlogged state upon being pushed by a piston, regardless of the length of the pulse", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Despite the intentional behavior clearly being for the water to vanish, this rule partly satisfies this open report: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-130202"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "copperBulbOxidationSignal", "description": "Comparators reading from copper bulbs output a signal strength based on the oxidation stage, instead of a binary output", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "crafterSignalLerping", "description": "Comparators output a signal strength from 1 to 15 instead of 1 to 9 when reading from crafters", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cryingObsidianPortalFrames", "description": "Crying obsidian can be used in the frames of nether portals", "type": "CryingObsidianPortalFramesMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["\"Convert\" will cause the obsidian in portal frames to slowly convert into crying obsidian"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "deepslateDungeons", "description": "Dungeons that generate below y = 0 will be made of cobbled deepslate instead of cobblestone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This will not affect previously-generated chunks, so if you intend to feature this modification on a long-term survival world, it's best to enable the setting right away."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableArmadilloShedding", "description": "Disables armadillos randomly shedding their scutes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableBedTooFarWarning", "description": "Allows players to sleep when they are more than 3 blocks away from the bed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableBedUnsafeWarning", "description": "Allows players to sleep when there are nearby monsters", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableDragonEggTeleportation", "description": "Disables dragon eggs teleporting when clicking on them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableEndGatewayCrossing", "description": "Disables travelling through end gateways", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableEndPortalCrossing", "description": "Disables travelling through end portals", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableMaceKnockback", "description": "Disables maces knocking back entities upon a successful hit", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableNetherPortalCrossing", "description": "Disables travelling through nether portals", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disablePetAttacking", "description": "Disables players harming tamed mobs", "type": "DisablePetAttackingMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["\"Owned\" allows players to hit pets that aren't their own."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disablePiglinBlockGuarding", "description": "Disables aggravating nearby piglins by interacting with certain blocks", "type": "DisablePiglinBlockGuardingMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["\"Open\" allows players to open containers without being attacked.", "\"Sneaking\" allows players to break containers safely while sneaking."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disablePrematureBlockFalling", "description": "Disables shape updates scheduling gravity-affected blocks to fall even when they aren't able to", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, OPTIMIZATION, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableShulkerReproduction", "description": "Disables shulkers duplicating when hit by bullets", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Intended to be used in tandem with carpet's shulkerSpawningInEndCities."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableWaterMiningSlowdown", "description": "Disables the mining speed debuff when submerged in water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersBuryItems", "description": "Allows dispensers to bury custom item stacks inside sand or gravel, turning them into suspicious blocks which players can brush", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["DISPENSER, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dragonEggFallingDelay", "description": "The time it takes for dragon eggs to fall after receiving a shape update, in ticks", "type": "int", "value": "5", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["5"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endExitIgnoreLeaves", "description": "Players teleporting back to spawn from the end dimension will ignore leaves when deciding where to land, just like other entities", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endPlatformSillyString", "description": "Removes the extra setBlock() call that prevents string-based generation suppression being usable on the end platform", "type": "EndPlatformSillyStringMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["\"No drops\" prevents the intersecting blocks from dropping as items, for the most part restoring pre-1.21 behavior."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["RETRO, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "expandedFenceConnectivity", "description": "Allows fences to connect to walls and glass panes", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fastLeafDecayingChance", "description": "The chance per gametick of leaves decaying when their supporting logs are removed", "type": "double", "value": "0.0", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["0.0", "0.075"], "extras": ["0 restores vanilla randomTick behavior, and 0.075 is the value that matches the behavior of Vanilla Tweaks' datapack."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fireAspectLighting", "description": "Items enchanted with fire aspect can be used to light campfires, candles and TNT, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "forceGrassSpreading", "description": "Grass and mycelium can instantly spread to adjacent dirt, when the dirt is fertilized with bonemeal", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This behaves the same as nylium in vanilla."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "grassAgingChance", "description": "The chance per randomTick of a grass block growing short and tall grass naturally", "type": "double", "value": "0.0", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["0.0", "0.002", "1.0"], "extras": ["0 restores vanilla grass block behavior, i.e. not growing any short or tall grass naturally."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "growableSwampOakTrees", "description": "Oak saplings grow into swamp oaks in swamp biomes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "highlightSleepDeprivers", "description": "Clicking a bed applies the glowing effect to monsters that are actively preventing sleep", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperTransferTime", "description": "The time it takes for a hopper to transfer an item, in ticks", "type": "int", "value": "8", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["8"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, APRIL_FOOLS, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "huskWashing", "description": "Adult husks drop 1-3 sand when converting into zombies", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "incrediblySecretSetting", "description": "\u00a7kblblblbllblblbblblblblblblbl\u00a7r :3", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "insomniaDayCount", "description": "The number of sleepless nights after which phantoms can spawn around the player", "type": "int", "value": "3", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["3", "7"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemMagnetRange", "description": "The range at which items will slowly gravitate towards the player", "type": "double", "value": "0.0", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["0.0"], "extras": ["This is different from the item pickup range!"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemMagnetVelocity", "description": "The velocity at which items will gravitate towards the player in x / (the distance from the item to the player in blocks)^2", "type": "double", "value": "0.2", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["0.2", "0.5", "1.0"], "extras": ["This requires that itemMagnetRange is set above 0."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "jukeboxDiscProgressSignal", "description": "Comparators reading from jukeboxes output a signal strength based on how much of the music disc has been played, instead of the disc index", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lavaFlowSpeedDefault", "description": "The time it takes for lava to flow one block in the overworld or end, in ticks.", "type": "int", "value": "30", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["30"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lavaFlowSpeedNether", "description": "The time it takes for lava to flow one block in the nether, in ticks.", "type": "int", "value": "10", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["10"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lazyLoadedShearSuppression", "description": "Mobs in lazy chunks can be sheared without updating, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "leavesNoCollision", "description": "Disables the tangibility of leaves, making it easier to traverse areas with lots of trees", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxSugarcaneGrowthHeight", "description": "The maximum height sugarcane can grow to in blocks", "type": "int", "value": "3", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["3"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "moreTimeArgumentUnits", "description": "Adds minute (m), hour (h) and week (w) units to time arguments in commands", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableEnchantingTables", "description": "Enchanting tables can be pushed with pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Requires that movableBlockEntities is enabled."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "movableEnderChests", "description": "Ender chests can be pushed with pistons", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Requires that movableBlockEntities is enabled."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mossSpreadToCobblestone", "description": "Moss can convert nearby cobblestone to mossy cobblestone when fertilized", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This feature is controlled through doormat/worldgen/configured_feature/mossy_cobblestone_patch.json."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mossSpreadToStoneBricks", "description": "Moss can convert nearby stone bricks to mossy stone bricks when fertilized", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This feature is controlled through doormat/worldgen/configured_feature/mossy_stone_bricks_patch.json."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "openDoubleDoors", "description": "Doors connected via opposite hinges pair their open or close state changes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "obsidianGenProduct", "description": "The block produced when water meets still lava", "type": "String", "value": "minecraft:obsidian", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["minecraft:obsidian"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, APRIL_FOOLS, EXPERIMENTAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "peacefulMonsterSpawning", "description": "Hostile mobs can passively spawn in peaceful mode", "type": "PeacefulMonsterSpawningMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["For more information, check the designated Github wiki page!"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "persistentRespawnAnchorCharge", "description": "Disables respawn anchor charges decrementing when the player respawns.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "phantomMinSpawnAltitude", "description": "The minimum y height the player needs to be standing at in order to spawn phantoms", "type": "int", "value": "63", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["63", "127", "255"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pistonMovementTime", "description": "The time it takes for a piston to fully extend or retract, in ticks", "type": "int", "value": "2", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["2"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playersDropAllXp", "description": "Players drop all of their XP on death instead of a capped amount", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "portalForceTicking", "description": "Nether portal blocks randomTick when lit, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "powderSnowPortalBreaking", "description": "Powder snow can be used to break nether portals, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "propagulePropagation", "description": "Mangrove propagules actually propagate, falling from trees and planting themselves automatically", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "qcSuppressor", "description": "Emerald ore breaks the quasi-connection between components and power sources", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ravagersStompPlants", "description": "Ravagers can break plants, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ravagersStompSnow", "description": "Ravagers can break snow layers, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reachAroundBridging", "description": "Blocks can be placed by aiming in front of the block you're standing on, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CLIENT, PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "redstoneOpensBarrels", "description": "Powering barrels with redstone forces them open", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnersGenerateCobwebs", "description": "Cave spider spawners generate cobwebs between nearby solid faces each spawn cycle", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["For more information, check the designated Github wiki page!"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableGildedBlackstone", "description": "The chance per randomTick of blackstone adjacent to underwater magma blocks becoming gilded", "type": "double", "value": "0.0", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["0.0", "0.001", "1.0"], "extras": ["0 restores vanilla behavior, i.e. never becoming gilded."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableSporeBlossoms", "description": "Spore blossoms generate underneath fertilized moss blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "retroRepeaterDelay", "description": "Repeaters have delays of 2, 4, 10 and 14 ticks respectively, like they did during development of beta 1.3", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["RETRO, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "safeSand", "description": "Floating gravity-affected blocks are stable until receiving an update from the underside, preventing cave-ins and quicksand", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sculkCatalystXpCount", "description": "The amount of XP dropped from mining a sculk catalyst", "type": "int", "value": "5", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["5", "20"], "extras": ["20 is the value that matches the behavior from before 1.19.1pre6."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["RETRO, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sneakingRandomTickChance", "description": "The chance each time you sneak for a nearby block to get randomTicked", "type": "double", "value": "0.0", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["0.0", "0.5", "1.0"], "extras": ["0 restores vanilla behavior, i.e. not accelerating growth by sneaking."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "softInversion", "description": "Redstone torches placed on the sides of pistons deactivate when the piston extends, like in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "snowFormsUnderLeaves", "description": "Snow layers accumulate under leaves instead of on top during snowstorms.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "solidEntityCollision", "description": "Living entities can be collided with like boats", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["APRIL_FOOLS, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "solidHoney", "description": "Honey blocks behave like solid blocks, like they do in Bedrock Edition", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["PARITY, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sporeBlossomDuplication", "description": "Spore blossoms drop themselves when fertilized, the same way tall flowers do", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stickyPillarBlocks", "description": "Pillar blocks like logs and bone blocks stick to each other based on the axis direction when moved", "type": "CarpetSettings.ChainStoneMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["\"Stick to all\" causes them to connect to each other regardless of axis direction."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stickyStickyPistons", "description": "Sticky pistons act like directional slime blocks", "type": "CarpetSettings.ChainStoneMode", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["\"Stick to all\" causes them to stick omnidirectionally like normal slime blocks."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, APRIL_FOOLS, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stoneGenProduct", "description": "The block produced when lava flows on top of water", "type": "String", "value": "minecraft:stone", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["minecraft:stone"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, APRIL_FOOLS, EXPERIMENTAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "suspiciousLootAmountFix", "description": "Item stacks buried in suspicious sand or gravel drop their expected amount when brushed instead of a random number between 10-30", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This rule fixes this bug: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-260225"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "suspiciousLootDropPosFix", "description": "Brushing suspicious sand or gravel aligns the dropped loot against the block face", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This rule fixes this bug: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272398"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["BUGFIX, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "torchBurnoutFlickerAmount", "description": "The number of times a redstone torch must flicker within the allocated timespan in order to burn out", "type": "int", "value": "8", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["8"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "torchBurnoutTime", "description": "The allocated time a torch has to reach its flicker count in order to burn out, in ticks", "type": "int", "value": "60", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["60", "40"], "extras": ["40 is the value that matches Bedrock Edition's behavior, assuming the default flicker amount value"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "trialSpawnerEntityRequirement", "description": "The types of entities to check around the trial spawner before spawning mobs", "type": "TrialSpawnerEntityRequirementMode", "value": "SURVIVAL_PLAYERS", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagersAlwaysInheritBiome", "description": "Baby villagers will always assume the clothing of the biome they're born in", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Intended to be used in tandem with the in-built trade rebalance experimental toggle."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "waterFlowSpeed", "description": "The time it takes for water to flow one block, in ticks.", "type": "int", "value": "5", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["5"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "woolDesertPyramids", "description": "The terracotta details on desert pyramids will be made of wool instead, like before 1.8", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This will not affect previously-generated chunks, so if you intend to feature this modification on a long-term survival world, it's best to enable the setting right away."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["RETRO, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "zoglinPortalSpawnChance", "description": "The chance of a zoglin spawning inside a nether portal instead of a zombified piglin", "type": "double", "value": "0.0", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": false, "options": ["0.0", "0.1", "1.0"], "extras": ["0 restores vanilla behavior, i.e. never spawning zoglins."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["FEATURE, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandQC", "description": "Enables /quasiconnectivity command to toggle quasi-power capability for individual redstone components", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["COMMAND, TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandDelay", "description": "Enables /delay command to change the delay of individual redstone components", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["COMMAND, TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandUpdateType", "description": "Enables /updatetype command to change the updates individual redstone components emit when changing state", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["COMMAND, TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandTickPriority", "description": "Enables /tickpriority command to change the tick priority of the scheduled block ticks sent by individual redstone components", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["COMMAND, TINKERING, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandRandomTick", "description": "Enables /randomtick command to forcibly send randomTicks to the specified block position", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "axialeaa/DoormatCarpetExtension", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["COMMAND, DOORMAT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stonecuttersDoDamage", "description": "When a stonecutter is powered by redstone, it will damage entities standing on top of it.", "type": "float", "value": "0.0f", "repo": "Gilly7CE/Carpet-Addons-Not-Found", "strict": false, "options": ["-1", "0", "1", "2"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.19.4", "1.20.x"], "categories": ["FEATURE, SURVIVAL, CARPET_ADDONS_NOT_FOUND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandItemShadowing", "description": "Enable /itemshadowing command to create a shadow of the item in the main hand", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "setBedrockHardness", "description": "Set the hardness of bedrock", "type": "float", "value": "-1F", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["ORG"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bindingCurseInvalidation", "description": "Enable player to take off armors with binding curse enchantments", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableOpenOrWaterDetection", "description": "Disable detection of open water in fishing, thus allowing fishing for treasures in any water", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sculkShriekerCanSummon", "description": "Enable sculk shrieker placed by player to summon warden", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeImmuneKill", "description": "Make player in creative mode immune to /kill command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemNeverDespawn", "description": "Disable the despawning of items", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "flyingUseOnBlockFirework", "description": "Limit fire rocket only to be used when flying", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "staringEndermanNotAngry", "description": "Disable enderman getting angry when player stares at them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "farmlandPreventStepping", "description": "Prevent farmland from being trampled", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxBlockPlaceDistance", "description": "Set the maximum block placement distance", "type": "double", "value": "-1", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Also works for blocks breaking and interaction"], "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "simpleUpdateSkipper", "description": "Backport update skipper before 1.20-pre2 by disconnecting the redstone wire and prevent comparator dropping over tripdoors", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "channelingIgnoreWeather", "description": "Ignore the weather condition when using channeling enchantment", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "notDamageEnderPearl", "description": "Disable the falling damage when using ender pearl", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "protectionEnchantmentCompatible", "description": "Allow all protection enchantments to be compatible", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableDamageImmunity", "description": "Disable the immunity after sustaining damage", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hayBlockCompleteOffsetFall", "description": "Disable the falling damage when landing on hay block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blueIceCanSpawn", "description": "Prevent mobs from naturally spawning on blue ice", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableBatCanSpawn", "description": "Prevent bats from naturally spawning", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "turtleEggFastHatch", "description": "Make turtle eggs always crack when random ticked, rather than cracking with a 1/500 chance", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "openShulkerBoxForcibly", "description": "Allow players to open the shulker box forcibly, even for those boxes blocked by a solid blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagerInfiniteTrade", "description": "Allow infinitely trading with villagers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fireworkRocketUseCooldown", "description": "Add a cooldown for using firework rocket", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "riptideIgnoreWeather", "description": "Ignore the weather condition when using riptide enchantment", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disablePiglinZombify", "description": "Prevent piglins from zombifying", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableVillagerWitch", "description": "Prevent villagers from turning into witches", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableIronGolemAttackPlayer", "description": "Prevent iron golems from attacking players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pickaxeMinedBedrock", "description": "Make bedrock mineable with pickaxe", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "villagerHeal", "description": "Heal villagers for 1 health every 4 seconds", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerHeal", "description": "Heal fake players for 1 health every 2 seconds", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "damageEnchantmentCompatible", "description": "Allow all damage enchantments to be compatible", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPlayerTools", "description": "Enable /playertools command for fake player manipulation", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxBlockPlaceDistanceReferToEntity", "description": "Make entities within maxBlockPlaceDistance reachable", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableSwiftSneak", "description": "Librarian can sell enchantment book of swift sneak now", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "knockbackStick", "description": "Enable knockback stick, i.e. stick with knockback enchantment", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableRespawnBlocksExplode", "description": "Disable the explosion of respawn blocks, e.g. beds or respawn anchors", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "CCEUpdateSuppression", "description": "By naming a shulker box with a specified name, an \"ClassCastException\"-based update suppressor can be created", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "openSeedPermissions", "description": "Allow players without permission to use /seed command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSendMessage", "description": "Enable /sendMessage command for sending copiable message or urls", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "openCarpetPermissions", "description": "Allow /carpet in command singleplayer game", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "openGameRulePermissions", "description": "Allow players without permission to use /gamerule command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "openVillagerInventory", "description": "Allow to open villager inventory when sneaking", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "peacefulCreeper", "description": "Creeper will not attack player", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandXpTransfer", "description": "Enable /xpTransfer to transfer experience between players", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSpectator", "description": "Enable /spectator to switch between spectator and survival mode", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandFinder", "description": "Enable /finder command to search for blocks or items in certain ranges", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandKillMe", "description": "Enable /killme command to kill the player itself", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandLocations", "description": "Enable /locations command for location marker management", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "healthNotFullCanEat", "description": "You can eat food when full if your health is not full and saturation level less than 5", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "canMineSpawner", "description": "Make spawner mineable with silk touch tools", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerSpawnNoKnockback", "description": "Remove the knockback, burning time and falling distance when fake players respawning", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "canActivatesObserver", "description": "Enable flint and steel used to directly activate observers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableOutOfOrderChatCheck", "description": "Disable the checking for order of chat packages", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.1"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableWaterFreezes", "description": "Disable water freezing in cold biomes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerCraftKeepItem", "description": "Keep at least one item in inventory for each from recipes when fake players crafting items, unless it is an unstackable item", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Also works for fake players trading"], "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandParticleLine", "description": "Enable /particleLine command to draw a line connecting two points with particle effects", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "disableMobPeacefulDespawn", "description": "Keep entities with \"PersistenceRequired\" tag (With naming, etc.) from despawning in peaceful mode", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "climbingBoat", "description": "Enable boat drove by player to climb up one block high", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "reusableSmithingTemplate", "description": "Disable the consumption of smithing template when smithing", "type": "ReusableSmithingTemplate", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["false: Disable this rule", "true: All smithing templates will not consumed", "upgrade: Only netherite upgrade smithing template are preserved"], "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "openTpPermissions", "description": "Allow players without permission to use /tp command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "softDeepslate", "description": "Set the hardness of deepslate and its variants to be the same as stone or cobblestone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "softObsidian", "description": "Set the hardness of obsidian to be the same as end stone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "softOres", "description": "Set the hardness of ores to be the same as the corresponding stone, deepslate or end stone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "betterTotemOfUndying", "description": "Undying Totem could function as long as it is in the inventory", "type": "BetterTotemOfUndying", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["fasle: Disable this rule", "shulker_box: Function as if undying totem is in the inventory, including in shulker box", "true: Function as if undying totem is in the inventory, but excluding those in shulker box"], "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPlayerAction", "description": "Enable /playerAction command to allow fake players to automatically perform some actions", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerCraftPickItemFromShulkerBox", "description": "Enable fake players to pick items from shulker boxes when crafting", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "customPiglinBarteringTime", "description": "Customize the time required for piglin bartering", "type": "long", "value": "-1", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "quickSettingFakePlayerCraft", "description": "Open the fake player crafting GUI directly by right-clicking the fake player with a workbench in mainhand, requiring the player to have the permission to execute the /playerAction command", "type": "QuickSettingFakePlayerCraft", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["false: Disable this rule", "sneaking: Only when sneaking", "true: Can always open"], "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "wetSpongeImmediatelyDry", "description": "Wet sponge can be dried immediately", "type": "WetSpongeImmediatelyDry", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["false: Disable this rule (Dried immediately only in nether as in vanilla)", "arid: Any arid biomes (biomes that have no rain)", "all: Dried immediately in any biomes", "disable: Wet sponge will not dried immediately even in nether"], "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerKeepInventory", "description": "Keep inventories and experience when fake player dies", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandCreeper", "description": "Enable /creeper command to make a creeper explosion around the specified player. The explosion only damages entities, and cause no block damages", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandRuleSearch", "description": "Enable /ruleSearch to search for carpet rules with the specified string in the translated name", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "superChargedCreeper", "description": "Drop a head for each entity when killed by a charged creeper", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerDropHead", "description": "Player drops head when killed by a charged creeper", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beaconRangeExpand", "description": "Extend range of beacon to specified distance", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["The value could be negative to shrink the range"], "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "beaconWorldHeight", "description": "Set the vertical range of beacon to the entire world height", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobWhetherOrNotCanPickItem", "description": "Set whether items could be picked up by mobs", "type": "MobWhetherOrNotCanPickItem", "value": "VANILLA", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["no: No mobs can pick up items", "vanilla: Vanilla behaviour", "yes: Any mobs can pick up items", "yes_only_hostile: Any hostile mobs can pick up items, while others keep vanilla behaviour", "no_only_hostile: Any hostile mobs cannot pick up items, while others keep vanilla behaviour"], "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "canHighlightBlockPos", "description": "Add a button for highlight path point on the right of block position text. Requiring OMMC as a client-side mod", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1"], "categories": ["CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPlayerManager", "description": "Enable /playerManager command to manage fake players login", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockDropsDirectlyEnterInventory", "description": "Item dropping from mining will directly enter the player's inventory", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "turtleEggFastMine", "description": "Player can mine multiple turtle eggs at once", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandNavigate", "description": "Enable /navigate command to guide players to a specific location", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerDropsNotDespawning", "description": "Set the Age of player drops to -32768 to prevent them from despawning", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerMaxCraftCount", "description": "Customize the maximizing crafting count of fake players in one game tick", "type": "int", "value": "3", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["1", "3", "5", "-1"], "extras": ["-1 represents no limit"], "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandMail", "description": "Enable the /mail command to ship items to other players", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "suppressionMismatchInDestroyBlockPosWarn", "description": "To prevent the warning \"Mismatch in destroy block pos: {} {}\" from being output in the log", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.20.1", "1.21"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerSpawnMemoryLeakFix", "description": "Fix memory leak issue caused by spawning fake player when fabric api is installed simultaneously", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.20.4", "1.21"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "canHighlightBlockPos", "description": "Add a button for highlight path point on the right of block position text", "type": "CanHighlightBlockPos", "value": "DEFAULT", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["false: Disable this rule", "ommc: Highlight waypoint using OMMC", "default: Highlight waypoint using CarpetOrgAddition"], "branches": ["1.21"], "categories": ["CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "syncNavigateWaypoint", "description": "When enabled, the waypoint position of the current navigator can be rendered on the client side", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.21"], "categories": ["CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerBoxStackable", "description": "Allow empty shulker box to stack up to 64", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This will not changing the behavior of hopper, dropper, crafter, and comparator", "When Lithium is installed at the same time, this rule is not compatible with features such as hopper counters"], "branches": ["1.21"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxBlockPlaceDistanceSyncClient", "description": "Whether it is allowed to change the distance of the client block placement", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "cdqtzrc/Carpet-Org-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["1.21"], "categories": ["CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "Hopper Shulker Box Stacking", "description": "Controls whenever hopper transfers should stack shulkers in containers.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kikugie/stackable-shulkers-fix", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "Overstacked Shulker Signal Strength", "description": "Makes stacked shulkers create stronger comparator output, also known as OSS/HSS.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "kikugie/stackable-shulkers-fix", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "Sync Stacked Shulker Count", "description": "Fixes displayed shulker amount on vanilla clients. See issue #1899 in Carpet's repo.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kikugie/stackable-shulkers-fix", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "Legacy Shulker Item Merging", "description": "Enables the shulker box item merging logic Carpet used prior to the 1.20.5 update.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kikugie/stackable-shulkers-fix", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "Hoppers Collect Single Shulkers", "description": "Makes hoppers pick up single shulkers from a stack entity.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kikugie/stackable-shulkers-fix", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "Hopper Minecarts Collect Single Shulkers", "description": "Makes hopper minecarts pick up single shulkers from a stack entity.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "kikugie/stackable-shulkers-fix", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "Overstacked Minecart Slowdown", "description": "Disables additional slowdown caused by overstacked shulker boxes when set to false.", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "kikugie/stackable-shulkers-fix", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["main"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "antiSpamDisabled", "description": "Disable spamming checks on players, including: chat message cooldown, creative item drop cooldown", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockEventPacketRange", "description": "Set the range where player will receive a block event packet after a block event fires successfully", "type": "double", "value": "64.0D", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "16", "64", "128"], "extras": ["For piston the packet is used to render the piston movement animation. Decrease it to reduce client's lag"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockPlacementIgnoreEntity", "description": "Disable entity collision check before block placement, aka you can place blocks inside entities", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Works with creative mode players only"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "breedingCooldownDisabled", "description": "Remove breeding cooldown of all kinds of mobs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cauldronBlockItemInteractFix", "description": "Make player be able to place block against cauldron block with any filled level", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Affected Minecraft <= 1.16.x. This annoying behavior is already been fixed in 1.17+"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chatMessageLengthLimitUnlocked", "description": "Unlock the chat message / command string length limit", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["The limit will be raised from 256 to 32000", "Carpet TIS Addition is required to be installed on the client"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chunkUpdatePacketThreshold", "description": "The threshold which the game will just send an chunk data packet if the amount of block changes is more than it", "type": "int", "value": "64", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["64", "4096", "65536"], "extras": ["Increasing this value might reduce network bandwidth usage, and boost client's fps if there are lots of tile entities in a chunk section with a lot of block changes", "Set it to really high to simulate 1.16+ behavior, which is no chunk packet but only multiple block change packet", "This rule is only available in <1.16"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, OPTIMIZATION, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "chunkTickSpeed", "description": "Modify how often the chunk tick occurs per chunk per game tick", "type": "int", "value": "1", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "1", "10", "100", "1000"], "extras": ["The default value is 1. Set it to 0 to disables chunk ticks", "Affected game phases: thunder, ice and snow, randomtick", "With a value of n, in every chunk every game tick, climate things will tick n times, and randomtick will tick n * randomTickSpeed times per chunk section"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "clientSettingsLostOnRespawnFix", "description": "Fixed stored client settings are not migrated from the old player entity during player respawn or entering end portal in the end", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["So mods relies on client settings are always able to work correctly, e.g. serverside translation of this mod and worldedit mod"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandLifeTime", "description": "Enables /lifetime command to track entity lifetime and so on", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Useful for mob farm debugging etc."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandManipulate", "description": "Enables /manipulate command for world related manipulation command", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandRaid", "description": "Enables /raid command for raid listing and tracking", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandRaycast", "description": "Enables /raycast command for debugging raycast", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandRefresh", "description": "Enables /refresh command for synchronizing your client to the server", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandRemoveEntity", "description": "Enables /removeentity command for directly erase target entities from the world", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSleep", "description": "Enables /sleep command for creating lag", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandSpeedTest", "description": "Enables /speedtest command for network speed test", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["You can change the maximum allowed test size with rule speedTestCommandMaxTestSize"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND, TISCM_PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeInstantTame", "description": "Let create player tame animals instantly", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Affects cat, wolf, parrot and horse-like animals"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeNetherWaterPlacement", "description": "Allow creative players place water via water bucket in nether", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Technically this rule applies to all ultrawarm dimensions"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeNoItemCooldown", "description": "Remove the cooldown of items used by the creative players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["e.g. the 20gt cooldown after throwing an ender pearl"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeOpenContainerForcibly", "description": "Allow creative players to open a container even if the container is blocked. e.g. for shulker box", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "debugNbtQueryNoPermission", "description": "Remove the permission requirement for the debug nbt request of client's F3+I action", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["In vanilla, the request needs permission level 2 at least", "Carpet TIS Addition is required to be installed on the client"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "deobfuscateCrashReportStackTrace", "description": "Deobfuscate stack traces in crash report", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispenserNoItemCost", "description": "Dispensers and droppers execute without having the itemstack inside decreased", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Either dropping and using items do not cost, but dropper transferring item still costs"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, DISPENSER, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersFireDragonBreath", "description": "Dispenser can fire dragon breath bottle to create a dragon breath effect cloud", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE, DISPENSER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enchantCommandNoRestriction", "description": "Remove all enchantment restriction checks inside /enchant command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endPortalOpenedSoundDisabled", "description": "Disable the sound emitted when opening an end portal", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "entityBrainMemoryUnfreedFix", "description": "Fix brain memory of living entity staying unfreed after the entity has been removed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This could lead to a memory leak if living entities remember other and then get removed continuously and create an endless memory chain in their brains", "Fixed MC-260605, using the same fix that Mojang implemented in 1.19.4-pre3"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "entityInstantDeathRemoval", "description": "Remove the 20gt delay before living entity removal after death", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["When enabled, living entities will despawn immediately after their death"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "entityMomentumLoss", "description": "Set it to false to disable entity axis momentum cancellation if it's above 10m/gt when being loaded from disk", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "entityPlacementIgnoreCollision", "description": "Disable block and entity collision check during entity placement with items", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Affected items: armorstand, end crystal, all kinds of boat", "Spawn egg items are not affected"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "entityTrackerDistance", "description": "The maximum horizontal chebyshev distance (in chunks) for the server to sync entities information to the client", "type": "int", "value": "-1", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-1", "16", "64"], "extras": ["Basically this works as a \"entity view distance\", but will still be limited to the server view distance", "Set it to a value not less than the server view distance to make the server sync all entities within the view distance to the client", "Set it to a non-positive value to use vanilla logic", "Requires chunk reloading to set the new rule value to entities"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "entityTrackerInterval", "description": "The time interval (in gametick) for the server to sync entities information to the client", "type": "int", "value": "-1", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-1", "1"], "extras": ["With a small number e.g. 1, entity information will be synced to the client every 1 gametick, resulting in less-likely client-side entity desync", "Set it to a non-positive value to use vanilla logic", "Requires chunk reloading to set the new rule value to entities"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "explosionNoEntityInfluence", "description": "Explosions won't affect any entity", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Influences here include damage, acceleration etc."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "explosionPacketRange", "description": "Set the range where player will receive an explosion packet when an explosion happens", "type": "double", "value": "64.0D", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "16", "64", "128", "2048"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "failSoftBlockStateParsing", "description": "Ignore invalid property keys/values in block state arguments used in e.g. /setblock command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["In vanilla invalid property keys/values cause command failure when parsing, this rule suppresses that", "Useful during cross-version litematica schematic pasting etc."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerNamePrefix", "description": "Add a name prefix for fake players spawned with /player command", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["fakeplayernamenoextra", "bot_"], "extras": ["Set it to #none to stop adding a prefix", "Which can prevent summoning fake player with illegal names and make player list look nicer"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CARPET_MOD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerNameSuffix", "description": "Add a name suffix for fake players spawned with /player command", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["fakeplayernamenoextra", "_fake"], "extras": ["Set it to #none to stop adding a suffix"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CARPET_MOD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerTicksLikeRealPlayer", "description": "Adjust the game phase where carpet's fake player logic and /player action packs are ticked, to make their behavior as close to real players as possible", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Adjustments, before -> after:", "1. Fake player entity-related ticking: Entity Phase -> Network Phase", "2. /player command action packs: Entity Phase -> Asynchronous Task Phase"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CARPET_MOD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerRemoteSpawning", "description": "The permission requirement for spawning remotely a fake player with /player command", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Here \"remotely\" means spawning a fake player at more than 16m away, or in other dimension"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CARPET_MOD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "farmlandTrampledDisabled", "description": "Disable farmland being able to be trampled into dirt by mobs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fillCommandModeEnhance", "description": "Enhance modes in the /fill command", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Add softreplace mode: Keep the block state of the original block as much as possible. You can use it to replace block type of stairs / slabs etc."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fluidDestructionDisabled", "description": "Disable block destruction by fluid flowing", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Fluid will just simple stopped at the state before destroying the block", "It's useful to prevent liquid from accidentally flooding your redstone wiring in creative"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperCountersUnlimitedSpeed", "description": "Make hopper pointing towards wool has infinity speed to suck in or transfer items with no cooldown", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Only works when hopperCounters option in Carpet Mod is on"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE, CARPET_MOD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperNoItemCost", "description": "Hopper with wool block on top outputs item infinitely without having its item decreased", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["You can use the /scounter command or subscribe to the scounter logger to track the amount of the output items", "This rule is also the switch of the /scounter command"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperXpCounters", "description": "Make hopper counters be able to count experience amount from XP orbs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["When enabled, hopper counters will be able to \"absorb\" XP orbs and count their XP values", "You can use the /xcounter command or subscribe to the xcounter logger to see the XP counter results", "This rule is also the switch of the /xcounter command"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "HUDLoggerUpdateInterval", "description": "Overwrite HUD loggers update interval (gametick)", "type": "int", "value": "20", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["1", "5", "20", "100"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CARPET_MOD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "instantCommandBlock", "description": "Make command blocks on redstone ores execute command instantly instead of scheduling a 1gt delay TileTick event for execution", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Only affects normal command blocks"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemEntitySkipMovementDisabled", "description": "Removed the movement skipping mechanism when ticking of item entity", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Brings back <=1.13 item entity behavior, where item entities with low velocity on ground still tick movement every gt instead of every 4gt", "Useful when you require precise item entity movement timing", "Breaks related redstone devices, e.g. 2no2name's wireless redstone"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "keepMobInLazyChunks", "description": "The mobs in lazy chunks will not despawn", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This option only have effects between Minecraft 1.15 and 1.16"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "largeBarrel", "description": "The best storage block ever: Large barrel", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Two adjacent barrel blocks with their bottom side facing towards each other create a large barrel", "The behavior and logic of large barrel is just like large chest"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lifeTimeTrackerConsidersMobcap", "description": "Strategy for lifetime tracker to deal with mob that doesn't count towards mobcap", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["true: Don't track mobs that don't count towards mobcap, and treat mobs as removal as soon as they don't affect mobcap e.g. right when they pick up some items. Good for mob farm designing", "false: Tracks everything it can track and mark mobs as removal when they actually get removed. Good for raid testing Good for raid testing or non-mobfarms"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lightEngineMaxBatchSize", "description": "Changes maximum light tasks batch size", "type": "int", "value": "5", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["5", "50", "100", "200"], "extras": ["Allows for a higher light suppression tolerance", "Setting it to 5 - Default limit defined by the game"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["EXPERIMENTAL, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lightQueueLoggerSamplingDuration", "description": "The sampling duration of light queue logger in game tick", "type": "int", "value": "60", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["1", "20", "60", "100", "6000"], "extras": ["Affects all data except the queue size displayed in the logger"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "lightUpdates", "description": "Pause or disable light updates", "type": "LightUpdateOptions", "value": "ON", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["on", "suppressed", "ignored", "off"], "extras": ["If set to suppressed, no light update can be executed which simulates light suppressor", "If set to ignored, no light update can be scheduled. It's useful for creating light errors", "If set to off, no light update can be scheduled or executed", "[WARNING] If set to suppressed or off, new chunks cannot be loaded. Then if the server tries to load chunk for player movement or whatever reason the server will be stuck forever"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "loggerMovement", "description": "The switch / permission requirement of movement logger", "type": "String", "value": "ops", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, LOGGER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "manipulateBlockLimit", "description": "The maximum amount of affected block of the /manipulate block commands", "type": "int", "value": "1000000", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["1000", "1000000", "1000000000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "microTiming", "description": "Enable the function of MicroTick logger", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Log and display redstone components actions, block updates and stacktrace with dye item", "Use /log microTiming to start logging", "Might impact the server performance when it's on", "See description of rule microTimingDyeMarker for instructions of dye markers", "[deprecated] Use wool blocks and end rods to mark blocks that need to be logged", "[deprecated] End rods will detect block updates and redstone components will show their actions", "[deprecated] - Observer, Piston, EndRod: pointing towards wool", "[deprecated] - Repeater, Comparator, Rail, Button, etc.: placed on wool", "[deprecated] Beside that, a universal block actions logging method is using EndRod on wool block to point on the block you want to log", "[deprecated] Check rule microTimingTarget to see how to switch logging method"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "microTimingDyeMarker", "description": "Allow player to right click with dye item to mark a block to be logged by microTiming logger", "type": "String", "value": "true", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true", "clear"], "extras": ["You need to subscribe to microTiming logger for marking or displaying blocks", "Right click with the same dye to switch the marker to end rod mode with which block update information will be logged additionally. Right click again to remove the marker", "Right click a marker with slime ball item to make it movable. It will move to the corresponding new position when the attaching block is moved by a piston", "Use `/carpet microTimingDyeMarker clear` to remove all markers", "You can create a named marker by using a renamed dye item. Marker name will be shown in logging message as well", "You can see boxes at marked blocks with fabric-carpet installed on your client. With carpet-tis-addition installed the marker name could also be seen through blocks"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "microTimingTarget", "description": "Modify the way to specify events to be logged in microTiming logger. Events labelled with dye marker are always logged", "type": "MicroTimingTarget", "value": "MARKER_ONLY", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["labelled: Logs events labelled with wool. Deprecated", "in_range: Logs events within 32m of any player. Deprecated", "all: Logs every event. Use with caution. Deprecated", "marker_only: Logs event labelled with dye marker only. Use it with rule microTimingDyeMarker"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "microTimingTickDivision", "description": "Determine the way to divide game ticks", "type": "TickDivision", "value": "WORLD_TIMER", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["world_timer: Divides at Overworld timer increment", "player_action: Divides at the beginning of player action"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "minecartFullDropBackport", "description": "Backport the feature from Minecraft 1.19+ that minecart entity drops the full cart item on destroy", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Only works in Minecraft < 1.19"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE, PORTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "minecartPlaceableOnGround", "description": "Make minecart being able to be placed directly on ground without rails, like boat", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "minecartTakePassengerMinVelocity", "description": "Determine the minimum required horizontal velocity (m/gt) for a minecart to pick up nearby entity as its passenger", "type": "double", "value": "0.1D", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "0.1", "nan"], "extras": ["Set it to 0 to let minecart always take passenger no matter how fast it is, just like a boat", "Set it to NaN to let minecart never takes passenger"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobcapsDisplayIgnoreMisc", "description": "Ignore mob type \"misc\" in carpet mobcaps displays", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Since it's useless: Nothing in misc category spawns, and it's ignored when calculating mobcap", "Affects mobcaps logger and /spawn mobcap command"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CARPET_MOD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "naturalSpawningUse13Heightmap", "description": "Change the upper limit of the Y value during the initial coordinate selection in natural mob spawning, to the highest block that blocks light at that XZ position", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Basically, this rule reverts the use of the heightmap during natural spawning back to version 1.13 and earlier", "Note: This will slightly increase lag during the natual spawning phase", "See also: rule naturalSpawningUse13HeightmapExtra"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE, PORTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "naturalSpawningUse13HeightmapExtra", "description": "Ignore piston block, slime block, honey block when calculating the modified heightmap in rule naturalSpawningUse13Heightmap", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["It's designed to keep the behavior unchanged from pre-1.13, but might introduce some unintended usage abuse"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE, PORTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netherPortalMaxSize", "description": "Modify the maximum size limit of the nether portal", "type": "int", "value": "21", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["21", "64", "128", "384"], "extras": ["Use with caution If you set it to a large value"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "oakBalloonPercent", "description": "The chance for oak sapling top grow into a balloon oak (fancy_oak) in percent", "type": "int", "value": "-1", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-1", "0", "50", "100"], "extras": ["e.g. 0 means no balloon oak, 50 means 50% balloon oak, 100 means always balloon oak", "Set it to -1 to disable the rule and use vanilla logic (10% balloon oak)"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "obsidianPlatformBlockBreakerBackport", "description": "Backport the feature from Minecraft 1.21+ that the creation of the obsidian platform in the end dimension can break existing blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Notes: block iterating order for obsidian platform creation for normal entity in vanilla [1.16, 1.21) is different from mc1.21+"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE, PORTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "observerNoDetection", "description": "Stop observer from scheduling tile tick event after it receives a state update", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Basically this rule disables the detection functionality of observers"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "opPlayerNoCheat", "description": "Disable some command to prevent accidentally cheating", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Affects command list: /gamemode, /tp, /teleport, /give, /setblock, /summon"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedFastEntityMovement", "description": "Optimize fast entity movement by only checking block collisions on current moving axis", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Inspired by the fastMovingEntityOptimization rule in carpetmod112", "Use with rule optimizedTNT to greatly improve performance in cannons"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, OPTIMIZATION, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedHardHitBoxEntityCollision", "description": "Optimize entity colliding with entities with hard hit box", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["It uses an extra separate list to store entities, that have a hard hit box including boat and shulker, in a chunk", "It reduces quite a lot of unnecessary iterating when an entity is moving and trying to search entities with hard hit box on the way,since the world is always not filled with boats and shulkers", "Enable it before loading the chunk to make it work. ~20% performance boost in portal mob farms", "Might not work with other mods that add new entities", "Known conflicted mods: async"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, OPTIMIZATION, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedTNTHighPriority", "description": "Use a Mixin injection with higher priority for carpet rule optimizedTNT", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["So the rule optimizedTNT can overwrite lithium's explosion optimization", "Of course rule optimizedTNT needs to be on for it to work"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, OPTIMIZATION, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "poiUpdates", "description": "Whether block changes will cause POI to updates or not", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Set it to false to disable POI updates"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "persistentLoggerSubscription", "description": "Remember the subscribed loggers as well as logging options of the player during server restart", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Only applies carpet's defaultLoggers rule at someone's first login", "Logger subscriptions are saved in config/carpettisaddition/logger_subscriptions.json"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CARPET_MOD"], "validators": []}, {"name": "preciseEntityPlacement", "description": "When placing / summoning entity with item, place the entity at the exact position of player's cursor target position", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Affected items: Spawn eggs, armorstand, ender crystal"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "railDupingFix", "description": "Disable rail duping using old school pushing lit powered or activator rail method", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "redstoneDustRandomUpdateOrder", "description": "Randomize the order for redstone dust to emit block updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["It's useful to test if your contraption is locational or not", "Does not work with rule fastRedstoneDust"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableDragonEgg", "description": "Make dragon egg renewable", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["When a dragon egg is in dragon breath effect cloud it has a possibility to absorb the effect cloud and \"summon\" a new dragon egg", "Use with rule \"dispensersFireDragonBreath\" for more ease"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableDragonHead", "description": "Ender dragon killed by charged creeper will drop dragon head", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableElytra", "description": "Phantom killed by shulker will drops an elytra with given possibility", "type": "double", "value": "0.0D", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "0.2", "1"], "extras": ["Set it to 0 to disable"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "repeaterHalfDelay", "description": "Halve the delay of redstone repeaters upon a redstone ore", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["The delay will change from 2, 4, 6 or 8 game tick instead of 1, 2, 3 or 4 game tick"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sandDupingFix", "description": "Disable sand and other gravity block duping using end portal", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Gravity block includes sand, anvil, dragon egg and so on", "In sand dupers sand will only get teleported to the other dimension"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerBoxContentDropBackport", "description": "Backport the feature that item entity of skulker box drops all of its contents when the item entity is damaged to die", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This feature is introduced to vanilla Minecraft in mc1.17"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE, PORTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "snowMeltMinLightLevel", "description": "The minimum light level allowed for snow to melt", "type": "int", "value": "12", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "10", "12"], "extras": ["In vanilla the value is 12, which means snow will melt when the light level >=12 when random ticked", "Set it to 0 to melt all annoying snow on your builds", "Set it to the same level as the minimum light level for snow to not fall on block (light level 10) to easily test if your build is snow-proof with light or not", "You can modify gamerule randomTickSpeed to speed up the melting progress, or modify carpet rule chunkTickSpeed to speed up the snowfall progress"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnBabyProbably", "description": "When spawning mobs, if baby variant exists, spawn the baby variant with given probably", "type": "double", "value": "-1", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-1", "0", "0.5", "1"], "extras": ["Set it to -1 to disable the rule and use vanilla logic"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnJockeyProbably", "description": "When spawning mobs, if jockey variant exists, spawn the jockey variant with given probably", "type": "double", "value": "-1", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-1", "0", "0.5", "1"], "extras": ["Affected jockeys: chicken jockey, spider jockey, strider jockey", "For striders, the spawn ratio between zombified piglin and baby strider is still 1:3", "Set it to -1 to disable the rule and use vanilla logic"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "speedTestCommandMaxTestSize", "description": "The max test size in MiB when using the /speedtest command for network speed test", "type": "int", "value": "10", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["10", "100", "1024", "10240"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stopCommandDoubleConfirmation", "description": "Add a double confirmation for /stop command to prevent stopping server accidentally", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["You need to enter /stop twice within 1 minute to stop the server", "This mechanics only works for players"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "structureBlockDoNotPreserveFluid", "description": "Structure block do not preserve existed fluid when placing waterlogged-able blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Has a side effect of suppressing bug MC-130584 happening"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "structureBlockLimit", "description": "Overwrite the size limit of structure block", "type": "int", "value": "32", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["32", "64", "96", "127"], "extras": ["Relative position might display wrongly on client side if it's larger than 32"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "structureBlockOutlineDistance", "description": "Customizable Structure Block outline render distance", "type": "double", "value": "96.0D", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["96", "192", "2048"], "extras": ["Required on client to work properly"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["CREATIVE, CLIENT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "synchronizedLightThread", "description": "Synchronize lighting thread with the server thread", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["so the light thread will not lag behind the main thread and get desynchronized", "The server will wait until all lighting tasks to be done at the beginning of each world ticking", "With this rule you can safely /tick warp without potential light suppression or lighting desynchronization"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "syncServerMsptMetricsData", "description": "Sync server's mspt metrics data to the client, so players can see that in the debug screen with F3 + ALT", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Carpet TIS Addition is required to be installed on the client"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, TISCM_PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tileTickLimit", "description": "Modify the limit of executed tile tick events per game tick", "type": "int", "value": "65536", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["1024", "65536", "2147483647"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tiscmNetworkProtocol", "description": "The switch of the TISCM network protocol", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, TISCM_PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntDupingFix", "description": "Disable TNT, carpet and part of rail dupers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Attachment block update based dupers will do nothing and redstone component update based dupers can no longer keep their duped block", "Dupe bad dig good"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, BUGFIX, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntFuseDuration", "description": "Overwrite the default fuse duration of TNT", "type": "int", "value": "80", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "80", "32767"], "extras": ["This might also affect the fuse duration of TNT ignited in explosion"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tntIgnoreRedstoneSignal", "description": "Prevent TNT blocks from being ignited from redstone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["You can still use explosion etc. to ignite a tnt"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "tooledTNT", "description": "Tools on the player's main hand is applied to item dropping during the explosion caused by the player", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["So you can ignite TNT to harvest blocks that require specific tool or enchantment as long as you are holding the right tool", "For example, you can harvest ice with silk touch pickaxe, or harvest grass with shears", "It also works for any other living entities beside player", "Technically this rule applies the main hand item of the causing entity onto the loot table builder during the explosion"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "totallyNoBlockUpdate", "description": "Disable all block updates and state updates", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "toughWitherRose", "description": "Birth from death, wither rose is tough enough to be planted on any surface", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This rule removes all placement requirement of wither rose block, which means you're able to place wither rose at anywhere", "It's useful when you want to play around with update suppressed wither roses for wither skeleton farms"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "turtleEggTrampledDisabled", "description": "Disable turtle egg trampled to broken", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ultraSecretSetting", "description": "qOf DSh hwg ORRWHW Cb", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "undeadDontBurnInSunlight", "description": "Prevent undead creatures burning in sunlight", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Their helmets will still get damaged in sunlight though"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "updateSuppressionSimulator", "description": "Activator / Powered rail on a lapis ore simulates an update suppressor", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true", "stackoverflowerror", "outofmemoryerror", "classcastexception", "illegalargumentexception"], "extras": ["Right before a powered activator / powered rail on a lapis ore setting its powered state to false, throw the given JVM throwable", "false: rule disabled; true: rule enable and use StackOverflowError; others: feature enable and use given throwable"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "violentNetherPortalCreation", "description": "Allows nether portal creation to ignore blocks already inside the frame, directly forcefully open the nether portal", "type": "ViolentNetherPortalCreationOptions", "value": "FALSE", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "replaceable", "all"], "extras": ["false: Rule disabled. The vanilla behavior", "replaceable: Only allow ignoring replaceable blocks (e.g., fluids, grass)", "all: Allow ignoring any blocks except obsidian. Obsidian cannot be ignored due to how portal frame is calculated", "Notes: The forceful block replacements will cause no block updates, just like what vanilla does"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "visualizeProjectileLoggerEnabled", "description": "Enable visualize projectile logger", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Try /log projectiles visualize"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voidDamageAmount", "description": "Modify the amount of void damage", "type": "double", "value": "4.0", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "4", "1000"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voidDamageIgnorePlayer", "description": "Prevent players from taking void damage", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["false", "true", "creative", "spectator", "creative,spectator"], "extras": ["Completely harmless void for players, yay!", "If the rule value is set to a comma-separated game mode list, then only players in these game modes are immutable to void damage"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "voidRelatedAltitude", "description": "Modify the related altitude between the bottom of the world and the void where entities will receive void damages", "type": "double", "value": "-64.0D", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-64", "-512", "-4096"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "witherSpawnedSoundDisabled", "description": "Disable the wither spawned sound emitted when a wither fully reset its health after summoned", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xpTrackingDistance", "description": "Overwrite the tracking distance of xp orb", "type": "double", "value": "8.0F", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0", "1", "8", "32"], "extras": ["Change it to 0 to disable tracking"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "yeetUpdateSuppressionCrash", "description": "Prevent the server from crashing due to StackOverflowError, OutOfMemoryError or ClassCastException", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "TISUnion/Carpet-TIS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Do the same thing as fabric carpet's updateSuppressionCrashFix rule, but with more information"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["TIS, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "customVersion", "description": "Set a custom version on client trying to connect to the server", "type": "String", "value": "_", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["_"], "extras": ["Use '_' to disable"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cobwebSlowdownSpeed", "description": "Overwrite the slowdown speed of cobwebs", "type": "double", "value": "0.05000000074505806D", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0.05000000074505806"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerNameSuggestions", "description": "Overwrite the player list suggested when using /player command", "type": "String", "value": "Steve,Alex", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["steve,alex", "steve,alex,bot_loader", "bot_loader"], "extras": ["Use ',' to split each name"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerCommandNoControlSelf", "description": "Players can't control themselves using /player command", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "flippinCactusSound", "description": "Play 'BLOCK_DISPENSER_LAUNCH' sound when using cactus to flip block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "editableSign", "description": "Use a sign block with main hand empty when you are sneaking to reopen the sign editor", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This rule only affects Minecraft < 1.20. Sign editing is supported in vanilla after 1.20"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, EXPERIMENTAL, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobBlackList", "description": "Stop some mobs from spawning", "type": "String", "value": "_", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["_", "zombie", "skeleton", "zombie,skeleton"], "extras": ["Use ',' to split each mob", "Set rule 'mobSpawningRestrictionMode' to 'blacklist' to enable", "Set rule 'mobSpawningRestrictionMode' to 'none' to disable"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobWhiteList", "description": "Only allow some mobs to spawn", "type": "String", "value": "_", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["_", "zombie", "skeleton", "zombie,skeleton"], "extras": ["Use ',' to split each mob", "Set rule 'mobSpawningRestrictionMode' to 'whitelist' to enable", "Set rule 'mobSpawningRestrictionMode' to 'none' to disable"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobSpawningRestrictionMode", "description": "Modify the way to restrict mob spawning", "type": "String", "value": "none", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["none", "whitelist", "blacklist"], "extras": ["none: Disable mob spawning restriction", "whitelist: Only mobs defined in rule 'mobWhiteList' can spawn in the world. Rule 'mobBlackList' will be ignored", "blacklist: Mobs defined in rule 'mobBlackList' cannot spawn in the world. Rule 'mobWhiteList' will be ignored"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creeperDropCompletely", "description": "Creeper explosions will have a 100% drop rate", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creeperIgnitedByFire", "description": "Creepers can be ignited when they are on fire", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pistonBedrockBreakingFix", "description": "Fix bedrock breaking with head-less piston", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Technically piston heads will not remove any block other than itself"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockEventChunkLoading", "description": "Block event can load 3x3 chunks for 8gt", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mendableIronGolem", "description": "Use an iron ingot at an iron golem to mend it (+25 Health)", "type": "boolean", "value": "true", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Only works in 1.14"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE, PORTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mendableSnowGolem", "description": "Use a snowball at a snow golem or hit a snow golem with a snowball to mend it (+1 Health)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spongeDryInNether", "description": "Wet sponge will transform to sponge immediately when placing in the nether", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Only works in 1.14"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE, PORTING"], "validators": []}, {"name": "magmaBlockDamageItem", "description": "Items on magma block get damages", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "functionalSpongeItem", "description": "Sponge items do water clearance and dry in the nether after 60gt", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerPrefixRestriction", "description": "/player command will only be able to spawn fake players with the given prefix", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["#none", "bot_"], "extras": ["Set to '#none' to disable"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, SURVIVAL, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerSuffixRestriction", "description": "Player command will only be able to spawn fake players with the given suffix", "type": "String", "value": "#none", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["#none", "_fake"], "extras": ["Set to '#none' to disable"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, SURVIVAL, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "infiniteWaterDisabled", "description": "Infinite water will not form", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableSoulSand", "description": "A sand turn into a soul sand when a mob suffered in it", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "containerDropInventoryDisabled", "description": "Containers such as chests and barrels won't drop their inventories when being broke", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endLightningRod", "description": "End rods will act like lightning rod in 1.17", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Lightning will NOT naturally spawn on end rods, but it will when end rods are hit by a trident with the Channeling enchantment", "This rule only affects Minecraft < 1.17. Use vanilla lightning rod in 1.17+ instead"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "undeadImmuneToSunlight", "description": "Undead will not burn in sunlight", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["If a undead is equipped with a helmet, the helmet will not be damaged"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "unbreakableHelmetInSunlight", "description": "Helmet equipped by an undead will not be damaged by sunlight", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mobAlwaysPickUpLoot", "description": "Zombies and skeletons and their variants will always be able to pick up loot like other mobs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "dispensersNotAffectPlayers", "description": "Dispensers will not dispense armor to players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "icaSyncProtocol", "description": "A protocol to sync server data to client mods", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, PROTOCOL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "stopFreezing", "description": "Stop generating ice at any biome", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "xpCounter", "description": "A tool like 'hopperCounter' to use players as xp counters", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Enables '/xpcounter' command", "Use '/xpcounter reset' to reset a player's counter", "Use '/xpcounter ' to query a player's counter", "Use '/log xpcounter ' to subscribe xp counters"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE, FEATURE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "strictBlockPlacement", "description": "Player will not be able to do block placement on air (prevents litematica easyPlaceMode)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermitesInconsistencyFix", "description": "Endermen will be hostile to endermites spawned by spawn eggs or /summon command (fixes MC-53518)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["This rule is only available in <1.17 since MC-53518 got fixed in 20w46a"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandReplaceProperties", "description": "Enables /replaceproperties command for easily replacing properties of all blocks in a range", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "ops", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "spawnEggSpawnWithMinecart", "description": "When using a spawn egg on a rail, the spawned entity will be placed in a minecart on the rail.", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Ivan-1F/Ivan-Carpet-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["ICA, CREATIVE, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "superBow", "description": "Enabling making super bows with both infinite and mending enchants", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scheduledRandomTickCactus", "description": "Make cactus accepts scheduled tick as random tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scheduledRandomTickBamboo", "description": "Make bamboo accepts scheduled tick as random tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scheduledRandomTickChorusFlower", "description": "Make chorus flower accepts scheduled tick as random tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scheduledRandomTickSugarCane", "description": "Make sugar cane accepts scheduled tick as random tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scheduledRandomTickStem", "description": "Make stems accepts scheduled tick as random tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "scheduledRandomTickAllPlants", "description": "Make all plants accepts scheduled tick as random tick", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "optimizedDragonRespawn", "description": "Optimize dragon respawning", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "netherWaterPlacement", "description": "Players can use water buckets to place water in nether", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blowUpEverything", "description": "Set all blocks BlastResistance to 0", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, TNT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sharedVillagerDiscounts", "description": "Share villagers discount to all players", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePeace", "description": "Simulation fake Peace, You can customize the dimensions in which it works, or you can customize the combination and use \",\" to separate", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["false", "true", "minecraft:overworld", "minecraft:the_end", "minecraft:the_nether", "minecraft:the_end,minecraft:the_nether"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "extinguishedCampfire", "description": "The campfire is extinguished when the player places it", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "safeFlight", "description": "players don't get hurt by flying into walls", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "customBlockUpdateSuppressor", "description": "Customize a block to be an update suppressor (Not all blocks can be set as update suppressor)", "type": "String", "value": "none", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["none", "minecraft:bone_block", "minecraft:diamond_ore", "minecraft:magma_block"], "extras": ["Command format:", "/carpet customBlockUpdateSuppressor minecraft:BlockName", "Use the following command to control whether the \"amsUpdateSuppressionCrashFix\" rule is automatically enabled when this rule is enabled: ", "/amsUpdateSuppressionCrashFixForceMode true/false"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "infiniteTrades", "description": "Prevents villager trades from locking up", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "invulnerable", "description": "Players will be protected from all damage except Void Damage", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeOneHitKill", "description": "Allows players in Creative mode to kill entities in one hit, If the player is sneaking, other entities around the target get killed too", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "largeEnderChest", "description": "Doubles the size of your EnderChest", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bambooModelNoOffset", "description": "The block model of bamboo will not generate offset", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, OPTIMIZATION"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bambooCollisionBoxDisabled", "description": "Allow players to pass through bamboo", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "campfireSmokeParticleDisabled", "description": "Disable campfire smoke particles", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "antiFireTotem", "description": "Totem will not be destroyed by flames and magma", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "itemAntiExplosion", "description": "Dropped items will not be destroyed by explosions", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, TNT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "creativeShulkerBoxDropsDisabled", "description": "Breaking a shulker box with items in creative mode will not cause drops", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bedRockFlying", "description": "Flight in creative mode is consistent with the bedrock version", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, CREATIVE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerHitLevitationDisabled", "description": "When hit by a shulker, the player only takes damage and does not gain the levitation effect", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "immuneShulkerBullet", "description": "Players are now completely immune to bullets fired by shulkers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blueSkullController", "description": "Control the probability of wither and emitting blue skull", "type": "blueSkullProbability", "value": "VANILLA", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["vanilla", "surely", "never"], "extras": ["[SURELY] - Always shoot blue skulls", "[NEVER] - Never shoot blue skull", "[VANILLA] - VANILLA"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanTeleportRandomlyDisabled", "description": "Random teleportation by Enderman is prohibited", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fasterMovement", "description": "Five gears are provided to allow players to move faster", "type": "String", "value": "VANILLA", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["vanilla", "\u2170", "\u2171", "\u2172", "\u2173", "\u2174"], "extras": ["You can use fasterMovementController rule to control in which dimensions this rule is effective. By default, it is effective in all dimensions."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fasterMovementController", "description": "Used to control in which dimensions fasterMovement rule is effective.", "type": "fasterMovementDimension", "value": "ALL", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["overworld", "nether", "end", "all"], "extras": ["[overworld] - Only effective in the Overworld", "[nether] - Only effective in the Nether", "[end] - Only effective in the End", "[all] - Effective in all dimensions"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyWitherSkeletonSkullDrop", "description": "100% Wither Skeleton Skull Drop", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandAnvilInteractionDisabled", "description": "Players cannot open the UI of the Anvil", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": ["Command: /anvilInteractionDisabled true/false"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "preventAdministratorCheat", "description": "Disable some command to prevent accidentally cheating", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Affects command list: ", "/gamemode, /tp, /teleport, /give, /setblock, /summon, /difficulty, /kill, /time, /weather, /fill, /setblock, /enchant, /experience, /advancement, /effect, /data, /defaultgamemode, /gamerule"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "amsUpdateSuppressionCrashFix", "description": "Prevent update suppression from causing server crashes, while providing the coordinates and dimensions where the update suppression occurred", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "true", "silence"], "extras": ["[false] - Disable rule", "[true] - Enable rule", "[silence] - Enable but no send server messages", "Use the following command to control whether it is forcibly enabled when \"customBlockUpdateSuppressor\" is enabled, with a permission level of 2:", "/amsUpdateSuppressionCrashFixForceMode true/false"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ghastFireballExplosionDamageSourceFix", "description": "Fix MC-193297 that the large fireball does not create explosion with correct damage source", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, EXPERIMENTAL, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cakeBlockDropOnBreak", "description": "When the cake is destroyed, it can drop cake (the cake will only drop when it is intact)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noCakeEating", "description": "Players are not allowed to consume cake", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "redstoneComponentSound", "description": "When players right-click on the redstone component, it will emit a sound", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Affected components: ", "daylight detector, redstone dust, repeater"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "largeShulkerBox", "description": "Doubles the size of your ShulkerBox", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["To use this rule, please follow the steps below:", "1 - To ensure that no shulker boxes are loaded", "2 - Enter the command: /carpet setDefault largeShulkerBox true, to turn on the rule", "3 - Restart the server/single-player world", "4 - Disabling the rule follows the same process"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, EXPERIMENTAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxPlayerBlockInteractionRange", "description": "Change the maximum block interaction distance allowed by the server, set to \"-1\" to disable this rule", "type": "double", "value": "-1.0D", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-1"], "extras": ["The range of values: 0 - 512", "When Minecraft >= 1.20.5, you can use the rule \"maxPlayerBlockInteractionRangeScope\" to modify its scope", "Changing a value in global mode requires the player to re-enter the game"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxPlayerEntityInteractionRange", "description": "Change the maximum entity interaction distance allowed by the server, set to \"-1\" to disable this rule", "type": "double", "value": "-1.0D", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-1"], "extras": ["The range of values: 0 - 512", "When Minecraft >= 1.20.5, you can use the rule \"maxPlayerEntityInteractionRangeScope\" to modify its scope", "Changing a value in global mode requires the player to re-enter the game"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "maxClientInteractionReachDistance", "description": "Change the maximum interaction distance allowed by the client, set to \"-1\" to disable this rule", "type": "double", "value": "-1.0D", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-1"], "extras": ["The range of values: 0 - 512", "Need to disable the tweakBlockReachOverride feature in Tweakeroo"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandCustomMovableBlock", "description": "Customize the non-pushable block to make it pushable (Container blocks are not supported, and if you need to push containers, you can use Carpet's movableBlockEntities rule)", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": ["After enabling the rules, use the /customMovableBlock help command to view the usage instructions"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyMaxLevelBeacon", "description": "Activate full-level beacon with just one base block", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandCustomBlockBlastResistance", "description": "Use commands to customize the explosion resistance of any block (this rule will not take effect when the enhancedWorldEater rule is enabled)", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": ["After enabling the rules, use the /customBlockBlastResistance help command to view the usage instructions"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL, TNT, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "regeneratingDragonEgg", "description": "Every time a player defeats the Ender Dragon, a dragon egg will be generated", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["For Dnsolx eggs"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enhancedWorldEater", "description": "Make way for the WorldEater by customizing the explosion resistance of the blocks listed below (this rule will override the commandCustomBlockBlastResistance rule when enabled)", "type": "double", "value": "-1.0D", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["-1"], "extras": ["Block list:", "Blocks with blast resistance < 17.0F, Bedrock, Anvil, End Portal Frame, End Portal, End Gateway"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, SURVIVAL, FEATURE, TNT"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sneakToEditSign", "description": "Players can sneak with empty hands to edit already placed signs by using the interact key", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["In Minecraft >= 1.20, the behavior is such that players must sneak in order to edit a sign"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fancyFakePlayerName", "description": "Add green prefixes and suffixes to the fake player summoned by the carpet mod, the prefix doesn't need to be input when using the command, but the suffix is indeed present", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["false", "bot", "fake_player"], "extras": ["Note: This rule will create a team named with the value you input", "Example\uff1a1024_byteeeee -> [bot] 1024_byteeeee_bot"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerNoScoreboardCounter", "description": "The scoreboard will hide the fake player", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noFamilyPlanning", "description": "Allow players to continuously feed animals to breed them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "hopperSuctionDisabled", "description": "The hopper will not suck in items", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noEnchantedGoldenAppleEating", "description": "Prevent players from accidentally eating Enchanted Golden Apples", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "useItemCooldownDisabled", "description": "Remove cooldown time for using items", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "flippinCactusSoundEffect", "description": "When the flippinCactus rule is enabled in the Carpet Mod, using the cactus will produce sound effects (providing five different sound options, Setting it to 0 disables the sound effects)", "type": "int", "value": "0", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "undyingCoral", "description": "Prevent coral blocks and coral fans from dying", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderDragonNoDestroyBlock", "description": "Make the Ender Dragon unable to destroy any blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyCompost", "description": "Make every composting successful", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyMineDragonEgg", "description": "Makes the dragon egg not teleport, Players can mine dragon eggs to collect them", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "breedableParrots", "description": "Customize a food to feed the parrots and breed them (You can also feed them with stones if you really want to)", "type": "String", "value": "none", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["none", "apple", "stone"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "kirinArm", "description": "Allowing players to instantly mine all mineable blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sensibleEnderman", "description": "Make Endermen only pick up watermelons and pumpkins", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "endermanPickUpDisabled", "description": "Preventing Endermen from picking up blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "mitePearl", "description": "Using an Ender Pearl each time will spawn an Endermite", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "enderPearlSoundEffect", "description": "A sound effect will be played when the player uses an ender pearl for teleportation", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandHere", "description": "Use the \"/here\" command to send the current dimension, coordinates, and corresponding overworld/nether coordinates of your current location and give oneself a 30s glowing effect", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandWhere", "description": "Use the \"/where\" command to get the specified player's dimension, coordinates, and corresponding Overworld/Nether coordinates and give the target player a 30s glowing effect", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerPickUpController", "description": "Two modes are provided to control whether fake player can pick up items", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["mainhandonly", "nopickup", "false"], "extras": ["[MainHandOnly] - Only the main hand can pick up items", "[NoPickUp] - Unable to pick up items at all", "[false] - Disable rule"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sneakToEatCake", "description": "Players can only eat cake while sneaking", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPlayerLeader", "description": "Designate one or more players as guides, granting them a glowing effect", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": ["After enabling the rules, use the /leader help command to view the usage instructions"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPacketInternetGroper", "description": "player can use the \"ping\" command in the game", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": ["After enabling the rules, use the /ping help command to view the usage instructions"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "playerNoNetherPortalTeleport", "description": "Players cannot teleport through nether portals", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "infiniteDurability", "description": "Use items without losing durability", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "preventEndSpikeRespawn", "description": "Prevent end spikes (obsidian spikes in the_end) from spawning", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["true", "false", "keependcrystal"], "extras": ["[true] - Prohibited from generating", "[false] - Disable Rule", "[keepEndCrystal] - Preserve crystal generation"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "welcomeMessage", "description": "When players join the server, send them a custom message (Use json files to customize messages)", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["json location:", "[ save path ]/carpetamsaddition/welcomeMessage.json"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandGetSaveSize", "description": "Use the \"/getSaveSize\" command to get the current save size", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "carpetAlwaysSetDefault", "description": "Whenever you set the carpet rule, it will be automatically set to the default value", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fertilizableSmallFlower", "description": "Allow small flowers such as dandelion can also be ripened by bone meal", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "safePointedDripstone", "description": "When players land on pointed dripstone, they do not take additional damage from it", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pointedDripstoneCollisionBoxDisabled", "description": "Allow players to pass through pointed dripstone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "foliageGenerateDisabled", "description": "The foliage will not generate in any way", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandGetSystemInfo", "description": "Use the \"/getSystemInfo\" command to get the system information of the server", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "ironGolemNoDropFlower", "description": "Iron golems will not drop flowers", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandGoto", "description": "Use the \"/goto\" command to teleport to the specified dimension and coordinates", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": ["When no coordinates are specified, it will teleport to the corresponding coordinates of the current player location"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sendPlayerDeathLocation", "description": "When a player dies, a message with their death coordinates and dimension will be broadcasted", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["false", "all", "realplayeronly", "fakeplayeronly"], "extras": ["[false] - Disable rule", "[all] - Always send messages", "[realPlayerOnly] - Messages will only be sent when real players die", "[fakePlayerOnly] - Messages will only be sent when fake players die"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "perfectInvisibility", "description": "When the player is invisible, they will be completely hidden from mobs, even when wearing a full set of armor", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "sneakInvisibility", "description": "When the player is sneak, they will be completely hidden from mobs, even when wearing a full set of armor", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandCustomCommandPermissionLevel", "description": "Customize the permission level of any commands", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": ["After enabling the rules, use the /customCommandPermissionLevel command to view the usage instructions"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "shulkerGolem", "description": "A shulker can be summoned by placing a carved pumpkin on the shulker box", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "headHunter", "description": "When a player dies, they will drop their own skull", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandGetPlayerSkull", "description": "Use the \"/getPlayerSkull\" command to get a online player skull", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "ops", "true", "false"], "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, SURVIVAL, COMMAND"], "validators": []}, {"name": "quickVillagerLevelUp", "description": "Each time the trading screen is opened, the villager will level up", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "renewableNetheriteScrap", "description": "Customize the drop rate of netherite scrap from zombified piglin", "type": "double", "value": "0.0D", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["0.0", "0.01", "0.1", "1.0"], "extras": ["The range of values: 0 - 1"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "softDeepslate", "description": "Change the hardness of deepslate to stone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Requires client support"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "softObsidian", "description": "Change the hardness of obsidian and crying obsidian to end stone", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Requires client support"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerInteractLikeClient", "description": "Fix some cases that fake player interact differently from the client", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, BUGFIX"], "validators": []}, {"name": "strongLeash", "description": "The leash will not break due to excessive distance", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "superZombieDoctor", "description": "Players can use a Weakness Potion + Golden Apple to instantly convert a Zombie Villager into a Villager", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerUseOfflinePlayerUUID", "description": "Let fake players use offline UUIDs", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "superLeash", "description": "Villagers and monsters can be leashed as well", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fullMoonEveryDay", "description": "Full moon every day", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "easyRefreshTrades", "description": "When a villager has not made a deal with the player before, each time the trade screen is opened, the content sold by the villager will be refreshed", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["When the player is holding an emerald block in their main hand, the refresh will not be triggered"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "jebSheepDropRandomColorWool", "description": "When a sheep is named jeb_, shearing its wool will drop wool of a random color", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "cryingObsidianNetherPortal", "description": "Nether portals can be constructed using crying obsidian", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "furnaceSmeltingTimeController", "description": "The time required to control the smelting of items in the furnace (unit: Tick)", "type": "int", "value": "-1", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "fakePlayerDefaultSurvivalMode", "description": "When summoning fake players, they are default to survival mode anyway", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE"], "validators": []}, {"name": "noteBlockChunkLoader", "description": "Load nearby 3x3 chunks for 15 seconds when a note block is triggered, You can use the rules of blockChunkLoaderTimeController and blockChunkLoaderRangeController to control their loading time and range", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["bone_block", "wither_skeleton_skull", "note_block", "false"], "extras": ["[bone_block] - When bone_block is on the note_block", "[wither_skeleton_skull] - When wither_skeleton_skull is on the note_block, either placed on the note block or hanging on the wall", "[note_block] - Only note_block", "[false] - Disable rule", "Due to after 300 ticks without any players in the current dimension on the server, Minecraft will stop entities updates, hoppers in chunks loaded by this rule will cease to function whenever there are no players in the current dimension.", "You can enable the blockChunkLoaderKeepWorldTickUpdate or keepWorldTickUpdate rules to solve this issue."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, AMS_CHUNKLOADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "pistonBlockChunkLoader", "description": "Load nearby 3x3 chunks for 15 seconds when a piston is triggered (Centered on the piston head), You can use the rules of blockChunkLoaderTimeController and blockChunkLoaderRangeController to control their loading time and range", "type": "String", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": ["bone_block", "bedrock", "all", "false"], "extras": ["[bone_block] - When bone_block is on the piston", "[bedrock] - When bedrock is under the piston", "[all] - When bone_block is on the piston or bedrock is under the piston", "[false] - Disable rule", "Due to after 300 ticks without any players in the current dimension on the server, Minecraft will stop entities updates, hoppers in chunks loaded by this rule will cease to function whenever there are no players in the current dimension.", "You can enable the blockChunkLoaderKeepWorldTickUpdate or keepWorldTickUpdate rules to solve this issue."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, AMS_CHUNKLOADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "bellBlockChunkLoader", "description": "Load nearby 3x3 chunks for 15 seconds when a bell is triggered, You can use the rules of blockChunkLoaderTimeController and blockChunkLoaderRangeController to control their loading time and range", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Due to after 300 ticks without any players in the current dimension on the server, Minecraft will stop entities updates, hoppers in chunks loaded by this rule will cease to function whenever there are no players in the current dimension.", "You can enable the blockChunkLoaderKeepWorldTickUpdate or keepWorldTickUpdate rules to solve this issue."], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, AMS_CHUNKLOADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockChunkLoaderKeepWorldTickUpdate", "description": "After 300 ticks without any players in the current dimension on the server, Minecraft will stop entities updates, This rule will allow the following rules to bypass this restriction when they are loaded", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Affected rules: ", "noteBlockChunkLoader, pistonBlockChunkLoader, bellBlockChunkLoader"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, AMS_CHUNKLOADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "keepWorldTickUpdate", "description": "After 300 ticks without any players in the current dimension on the server, Minecraft will stop entities updates, This rule will bypass this restriction", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, AMS_CHUNKLOADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockChunkLoaderTimeController", "description": "Used to control the loading time of block loader series rules (need restart server)", "type": "int", "value": "300", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["300"], "extras": ["Affected rules: ", "noteBlockChunkLoader, pistonBlockChunkLoader, bellBlockChunkLoader"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, AMS_CHUNKLOADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "blockChunkLoaderRangeController", "description": "Used to control the loading range of block loader series rules (need restart server)", "type": "int", "value": "3", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": false, "options": ["3"], "extras": ["Affected rules: ", "noteBlockChunkLoader, pistonBlockChunkLoader, bellBlockChunkLoader"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, FEATURE, AMS_CHUNKLOADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "commandPlayerChunkLoadController", "description": "Control chunk loading for players at any gamemodes", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": ["Command:", "/playerChunkLoading true/false"], "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, COMMAND, AMS_CHUNKLOADER"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableEnchantedGoldenApples", "description": "Enchanted Golden Apples can be crafted with 8 Gold Blocks again", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, CRAFTING, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableBundle", "description": "Crafted bundle in minecraft 1.17/1.18/1.19", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, CRAFTING, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableSculkSensor", "description": "Crafted sculk_sensor in minecraft 1.17/1.18", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, CRAFTING, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "betterCraftableBoneBlock", "description": "Use nine bones to crafted three bone_blocks", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, CRAFTING, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "craftableElytra", "description": "Add elytra recipes in minecraft", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, CRAFTING, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "betterCraftableDispenser", "description": "Better craftable dispenser", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, CRAFTING, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "betterCraftablePolishedBlackStoneButton", "description": "Use deepslate to crafted polished_blackstone_button in minecraft", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, CRAFTING, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}, {"name": "rottenFleshBurnedIntoLeather", "description": "Rotten flesh can be burned into leather in a furnace", "type": "boolean", "value": "false", "repo": "Minecraft-AMS/Carpet-AMS-Addition", "strict": true, "options": null, "extras": null, "branches": ["master"], "categories": ["AMS, CRAFTING, SURVIVAL"], "validators": []}] \ No newline at end of file