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Real time Response

bk-cs edited this page Mar 9, 2022 · 27 revisions

CrowdStrike Falcon API DocumentationEU 1US-1US-2US-GOV-1

Command Permission
Confirm-FalconAdminCommand real-time-response-admin:write
Confirm-FalconCommand real-time-response:read
Confirm-FalconGetFile real-time-response:write
Confirm-FalconResponderCommand real-time-response:write
Edit-FalconScript real-time-response-admin:write
Get-FalconPutFile real-time-response-admin:write
Get-FalconQueue real-time-response:readreal-time-response:writereal-time-response-admin:write
Get-FalconScript real-time-response-admin:write
Get-FalconSession real-time-response:read
Invoke-FalconAdminCommand real-time-response-admin:write
Invoke-FalconBatchGet real-time-response:write
Invoke-FalconCommand real-time-response:read
Invoke-FalconDeploy devices:readreal-time-response-admin:write
Invoke-FalconResponderCommand real-time-response:write
Invoke-FalconRtr real-time-response:readreal-time-response:writereal-time-response-admin:write
Receive-FalconGetFile real-time-response:write
Remove-FalconCommand real-time-response:read
Remove-FalconGetFile real-time-response:write
Remove-FalconPutFile real-time-response-admin:write
Remove-FalconScript real-time-response-admin:write
Remove-FalconSession real-time-response:read
Send-FalconPutFile real-time-response-admin:write
Send-FalconScript real-time-response-admin:write
Start-FalconSession real-time-response:read
Update-FalconSession real-time-response:read


PSFalcon has a custom command named Invoke-FalconRtr that is designed to perform all the necessary steps to initiate a session with one or more hosts, send a command and output the results.

Invoke-FalconRtr -Command ls -Arguments C:\Windows -HostIds <id>, <id>

If the hosts you're targeting are currently offline, you can add your Real-time Response commands to the "offline queue" using the -QueueOffline parameter.

Invoke-FalconRtr -Command runscript -Arguments "-CloudFile='HelloWorld'" -HostIds <id>, <id> -QueueOffline $true

WARNING: This command is not designed for a multi-step Real-time Response workflow and will negatively impact certain operations.

For instance, if you were to cd into a directory and attempt to put a file by running Invoke-FalconRtr twice, Invoke-FalconRtr will reset back to the root of your system drive between the cd and put commands, causing the file to be placed in the wrong directory.

If you find that your script needs to be more complex, you can follow the instructions below to create a custom Real-time Response workflow with multiple commands. PSFalcon includes commands for each Real-time Response permission level.

  • Invoke-FalconCommand, Confirm-FalconCommand
  • Invoke-FalconResponderCommand, Confirm-FalconResponderCommand
  • Invoke-FalconAdminCommand, Confirm-FalconAdminCommand


Invoke-FalconDeploy was developed to support mass-deployment of Falcon Forensics. It is designed to upload a file to your 'Put Files' library, create a session with target hosts, push the file to those hosts, then execute it and output the results to CSV.

NOTE: Because Real-time Response does not interact with logged in users, the executable must be able to be run silently and without user interaction.

Invoke-FalconDeploy -HostIds <id>, <id> -Path .\File.exe [-QueueOffline]


Get-FalconQueue will create a CSV file with information about sessions that have pending queued commands or have been created in the last 7 days (by default).

Get-FalconQueue [-Days]

Using Real-time Response

Start a batch session with multiple hosts

$Batch = Start-FalconSession -HostIds <id>, <id>

Send a command using appropriate permissions

Invoke-FalconCommand -Command ls -Arguments C:\Windows -BatchId $Batch.batch_id

Refresh the session to prevent expiration

NOTE: Required when you expect to exceed the default batch session expiration time (5 minutes).

Update-FalconSession -BatchId $Batch.batch_id

Start a session with a single host

$Session = Start-FalconSession -HostId <id>

Send a command using appropriate permissions

$Command = Invoke-FalconCommand -Command ls -Arguments C:\Windows -SessionId $Session.session_id

Retrieve command results

Confirm-FalconCommand -CloudRequestId $Command.cloud_request_id

NOTE: This step is important! Without retrieving the results from an issued command, the Real-time Response session may not reflect that actions have taken place. For instance, If you cd and don't confirm, you'll stay in your current directory.

Refresh the session to prevent expiration

NOTE: Refreshing the session is required when you expect to exceed the default expiration time (10 minutes).

Update-FalconSession -SessionId $Session.session_id

Download a file from a host

NOTE: Invoke-FalconRtr can be used to initialize a batch session and issue the get command. The results will include the batch_get_cmd_req_id that can be used with Confirm-FalconGetFile to verify the extraction has completed, and then Receive-FalconGetFile can be used to download the file(s).

To download a file from a single host, start with a Real-time Response session:

$Init = Start-FalconSession -HostId <id>

Follow it with a get command:

$Get = Invoke-FalconAdminCommand -SessionId $Init.session_id -Command get -Arguments C:\path\to\file.exe

Verify that the extraction of the file has completed:

$Confirm = Confirm-FalconGetFile -SessionId $Init.session_id

Once the results of Confirm-FalconGetFile contain a SHA256 value (indicating the extraction has completed), you can download the file:

Receive-FalconGetFile -Sha256 $Confirm.sha256 -SessionId $Init.session_id -Path C:\path\to\local\download.7z

The process is similar for multiple hosts, but uses slightly different commands after starting the session:

$Init = Start-FalconSession -HostIds <id>, <id>

Send the get command to the session:

$Get = Invoke-FalconBatchGet -BatchId $Init.batch_id -FilePath C:\path\to\file.exe

Verify that extraction of the files has completed:

$Confirm = Confirm-FalconGetFile -BatchGetCmdReqId $Get.batch_get_cmd_req_id

The upload from the host has completed once the file has populated sha256 and created_at values. You can use the sha256 and session_id values to download the files, and in the following example, each file will be downloaded and saved in your local directory, using the sha256 and aid values to name the archive.

$Confirm | Where-Object { $_.sha256 -and $_.created_at -and $_.session_id } | ForEach-Object {
    $Param = @{
        Sha256 = $_.sha256
        SessionId = $_.session_id
        Path = "$pwd\$($_.aid)_$($_.sha256).7z"
    Receive-FalconGetFile @Param

You can re-run the previous command examples (Confirm-FalconGetFile and Receive-FalconGetFile) repeatedly to download additional files as their uploads complete from each individual host.

Finding Real-time Response sessions

List sessions

NOTE: Only sessions created by your OAuth2 API Client will be visible using the following commands.

Get-FalconSession [-Detailed] [-All]

Retrieve detail about sessions

NOTE: Only sessions created by your OAuth2 API Client will be visible using the following commands.

Get-FalconSession -Ids <id>, <id> [-Queue]

Managing custom Real-time Response scripts

Create a new script

Send-FalconScript -Path $pwd\hello_world.ps1 -Platform windows -PermissionType group

Find scripts

Get-FalconScript [-Detailed] [-All]

Modify scripts

Edit-FalconScript -Id <id>

Delete scripts

Remove-FalconScript -Ids <id>, <id>

Managing Real-time Response 'put' files

Create a new 'put' file

Send-FalconPutFile -Path .\File.exe

Find 'put' files

Get-FalconPutFile [-Detailed] [-All]

Delete 'put' files

Remove-FalconPutFile -Ids <id>
Clone this wiki locally