diff --git a/forcing/CG_Beaufort_81_880.mat b/forcing/CG_Beaufort_81_880.mat
deleted file mode 100644
index bb17023b..00000000
Binary files a/forcing/CG_Beaufort_81_880.mat and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/forcing/Finse4432.mat b/forcing/Finse4432.mat
deleted file mode 100644
index b946d4c9..00000000
Binary files a/forcing/Finse4432.mat and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/forcing/Finse4432_revised.mat b/forcing/Finse4432_revised.mat
deleted file mode 100644
index 82c5fb8b..00000000
Binary files a/forcing/Finse4432_revised.mat and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/forcing/Herschel_ERA5_TopoSCALE_CryoGrid_cleaned_Seb.mat b/forcing/Herschel_ERA5_TopoSCALE_CryoGrid_cleaned_Seb.mat
deleted file mode 100644
index e7cf2d4f..00000000
Binary files a/forcing/Herschel_ERA5_TopoSCALE_CryoGrid_cleaned_Seb.mat and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/forcing/Suossjavri_WRF_Norstore_adapted2.mat b/forcing/Suossjavri_WRF_Norstore_adapted2.mat
deleted file mode 100644
index f9472da5..00000000
Binary files a/forcing/Suossjavri_WRF_Norstore_adapted2.mat and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/modules/LATERAL/BASE/LATERAL_3D.m b/modules/LATERAL/BASE/LATERAL_3D.m
deleted file mode 100644
index d1e25acd..00000000
--- a/modules/LATERAL/BASE/LATERAL_3D.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid LATERAL_3D class which manages all LATERAL_IA classes for multi tile (3D) runs 
-% LATERAL_IA classes that can be used for multi tile runs are stored in the folder LAT_3D.  
-% The field IA_CLASSES stores all active LATERAL_IA classes in a cell array
-% and LATERAL_3D evaluates this list top-down for each interaction timestep.
-% S. Westermann, T. Ingeman-Nielsen, J. Scheer, Oct 2020
-classdef LATERAL_3D < matlab.mixin.Copyable
-    properties
-        class_index = 1
-        IA_TIME
-        ACTIVE
-        IA_CLASSES
-        TOP
-        BOTTOM
-        PARA
-        CONST
-        STATVAR % the state variables of the realization itself
-        STATVAR2ALL %the state variables of the realization itself that should be sent to all other workers, not only the connected dones
-        ENSEMBLE %the state varaibles of the other ensemble members (cell aray)
-    end
-    methods
-        %Use for several realizations with spmd
-        function lateral = LATERAL_3D(tile)
-            lateral = lateral.provide_PARA();
-            lateral = lateral.provide_CONST();
-            lateral = lateral.provide_STATVAR();
-            lateral = lateral.populate_CONST(tile.cprovider);
-            lateral = lateral.populate_PARA(tile.pprovider);
-            lateral.IA_TIME_INCREMENT = lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment;
-            t = tile.forcing.PARA.start_time;  % If we need this to be specifiable by user, we can add it as optional input argument (using varargin)
-            % NB which is correct? originally 3D inititialization had both
-            % of the following lines, effectively setting IA_TIME=t
-            % The 1D case only has the first line, IA_TIME = t + IA_TIME_INCREMENT;
-            lateral.IA_TIME = t + lateral.IA_TIME_INCREMENT;
-            lateral.IA_TIME = t;
-            lateral.TOP = TOP;
-            lateral.BOTTOM = BOTTOM;            
-            % This must be updated when we decide how to input parameters
-            % for the 3D case...
-            lateral_class_list = tile.pprovider.tile_info.lateral_interactions;      % copied from 1D case
-            %lateral_class_list =
-            %lateral.PARA.class_list{lateral.STATVAR.index,1};  % original 3D code
-            %user-defined in the main file
-            for i=1:size(lateral_class_list,2)
-                class_handle = str2func(lateral_class_list{1,i});
-                lateral.IA_CLASSES{i,1} = class_handle();
-                %lateral.IA_CLASSES{i,1} = class_handle(1, tile.pprovider, tile.cprovider); % This is the corresponding code for 1D case, update when input format decided.
-            end
-            for i=1:size(lateral.IA_CLASSES,1)
-                % provide_XXXX should be handled in class initialization.
-                % remove these lines when classes have been updated.
-                lateral.IA_CLASSES{i} = provide_CONST(lateral.IA_CLASSES{i});
-                lateral.IA_CLASSES{i} = provide_PARA(lateral.IA_CLASSES{i});
-                lateral.IA_CLASSES{i} = provide_STATVAR(lateral.IA_CLASSES{i});
-                lateral.IA_CLASSES{i} = finalize_init(lateral.IA_CLASSES{i});
-                lateral.IA_CLASSES{i}.PARENT = lateral;
-            end
-            for i=1:size(lateral.IA_CLASSES,1)
-                lateral.IA_CLASSES{i} = set_ia_time(lateral.IA_CLASSES{i}, t);
-                lateral.IA_CLASSES{i} = set_ACTIVE(lateral.IA_CLASSES{i}, i, t - lateral.IA_TIME_INCREMENT);
-            end
-            lateral.ENSEMBLE={};
-            lateral.ACTIVE = zeros(size(lateral_class_list,1),1);
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_PARA(lateral)
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment = [];
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_CONST(lateral)
-            lateral.CONST.day_sec = [];
-            lateral.CONST.c_w = [];
-            lateral.CONST.c_i = [];        
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_STATVAR(lateral)
-            lateral.STATVAR.depths = [];
-            lateral.STATVAR.water_status = [];
-            lateral.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity = [];
-            lateral.STATVAR.water_table_elevation = [];
-            lateral.STATVAR.water_available = [];
-            lateral.STATVAR.T_water = [];
-        end
-        function self = populate_PARA(self, pprovider)
-            % POPULATE_PARa  Updates the PARA structure with values from cprovider.
-            %
-            %   ARGUMENTS:
-            %   pprovider:  instance of PARAMETER_PROVIDER class
-            self.PARA = pprovider.populate_struct(self.PARA, 'LATERAL_CLASS', class(self), self.class_index);
-        end            
-        function self = populate_CONST(self, cprovider)
-            % POPULATE_CONST  Updates the CONST structure with values from cprovider.
-            %
-            %   ARGUMENTS:
-            %   cprovider:  instance of CONSTANT_PROVIDER class
-            self.CONST = cprovider.populate_struct(self.CONST);
-        end       
-        function lateral = assign_number_of_realizations(lateral, num_realizations)
-             lateral.PARA.num_realizations = num_realizations;           
-        end
-        function lateral = get3d_PARA(lateral) %initializes 3D parameters, move this to Excel, etc. file later
-            lateral.PARA.run_number = [1; 2; 3];
-            lateral.PARA.connected = [0 1 0; 1 0 1; 0 1 0];
-            lateral.PARA.contact_length = [0 24.1240351380764 0; 24.1240351380764 0 41.7840545427251;0 41.7840545427251 0]; %[0 1; 1  0];
-            lateral.PARA.distance = [0 3.549647869859770 0;3.549647869859770 0 2.366431913239846;0 2.366431913239846 0]; %[0 10; 10 0];
-                                        {'LAT3D_WATER_UNCONFINED_AQUIFER'; 'LAT3D_WATER_SEEPAGE_FACE'; 'LAT3D_HEAT'; 'LAT3D_SNOW_CROCUS'}};
-%             lateral.PARA.run_number = [1; 2];
-%             lateral.PARA.connected = [0 1; 1 0];
-%             lateral.PARA.contact_length = [0 1; 1  0];
-%             lateral.PARA.distance = [0 2; 2 0];
-%             lateral.PARA.class_list ={{'LAT3D_WATER'}; {'LAT3D_WATER'}};      
-%                 lateral.PARA.run_number = [2; 1; 1; 3];
-%                 lateral.PARA.connected = [0 1 0 0; 1 0 1 0; 0 1 0 1; 0 0 1 0]; %[0 1 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 0];
-%                 lateral.PARA.contact_length = [0 1 0 0; 1 0 1 0; 0 1 0 1; 0 0 1 0]; % [0 1 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 0];
-%                 lateral.PARA.distance = [0 2 0 0; 2 0 2 0; 0 2 0 2; 0 0 2 0]; %[0 2 5; 2 0 2; 5 2 0];
-%                 lateral.PARA.class_list ={{'LAT3D_WATER'; 'LAT3D_WATER_RESERVOIR2'}; {'LAT3D_WATER'};  {'LAT3D_WATER'}; {'LAT3D_WATER'; 'LAT3D_WATER_SEEPAGE_FACE2'}};
-            %lateral.PARA.class_list ={{'LAT3D_WATER'}; {'LAT3D_WATER'};  {'LAT3D_WATER'}; {'LAT3D_WATER'}};
-%             lateral.PARA.class_list ={{'LAT3D_WATER_UNCONFINED_AQUIFER'; 'LAT3D_HEAT'; 'LAT3D_SNOW_CROCUS'}; ...
-%                                         {'LAT3D_WATER_UNCONFINED_AQUIFER'; 'LAT3D_HEAT'; 'LAT3D_SNOW_CROCUS'; 'LAT3D_WATER_SEEPAGE_FACE'}};             
-            lateral.PARA.central_worker = 2; %index of worker performing global computations (needed for LATERAL_3D_water) - should be set so that it has connections to as many as possible other workers
-        end
-        function lateral = get_index(lateral)
-            if lateral.PARA.num_realizations > 1
-                lateral.STATVAR.index = labindex;
-            else
-                lateral.STATVAR.index = 1;
-            end
-            %lateral.PARA.num_realizations = numlabs;
-        end
-        function run_number = get_run_number(lateral, run_number)
-            if lateral.PARA.num_realizations > 1
-                run_number = [run_number '_' num2str(lateral.PARA.run_number(lateral.STATVAR.index,1))]; 
-            end
-        end
-        function output_number = get_output_number(lateral, run_number)
-            if lateral.PARA.num_realizations > 1
-                output_number = [run_number '_' num2str(lateral.STATVAR.index,1)]; 
-            end 
-        end
-        %---time integration----------------
-        %five steps: 1. pull for stratigraphy, 2. pack, send, receive and unpack, 3.
-        %calculate fluxes/derivatives, 4. push to stratigraphy (prgnostic step), 5.
-        %recompute diagnostic step
-        function lateral = interact(lateral, forcing, t)
-            if t>=lateral.IA_TIME
-                if sum(lateral.ACTIVE) > 0
-                    %disp(t-floor(t))
-                    %re-compute elevations of the different classes
-                    CURRENT = lateral.BOTTOM.PREVIOUS;
-                    elevation = CURRENT.STATVAR.lowerPos;
-                    while ~(strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Top'))
-                        CURRENT.STATVAR.lowerPos = elevation;
-                        elevation = elevation + sum(CURRENT.STATVAR.layerThick,1);
-                        CURRENT.STATVAR.upperPos = elevation;
-                        CURRENT = CURRENT.PREVIOUS;
-                    end
-                    %PULL information from individual stratigraphy classes
-                    for i=1:size(lateral.IA_CLASSES,1)
-                        if lateral.ACTIVE(i,1)
-                            lateral.IA_CLASSES{i} = pull(lateral.IA_CLASSES{i}); %After that, each lateral class has all the info it needs in STATVAR-> assign all the variables to class.PARENT in pull
-                        end
-                    end
-                    labBarrier;
-                    %PACK AND SEND -  only send a single data package to all connected workers
-                    if lateral.PARA.num_realizations > 1
-                        data_package_out = pack(lateral, 'STATVAR');
-                        if ~isempty(lateral.STATVAR2ALL)
-                            lateral.STATVAR2ALL.index=lateral.STATVAR.index;
-                            data_package_out_all = pack(lateral, 'STATVAR2ALL');
-                        else
-                            data_package_out_all = [];
-                        end
-                        %add the STATVAR2ALL info
-                        for i = 1:lateral.PARA.num_realizations
-                            if lateral.PARA.connected(lateral.STATVAR.index, i)
-                                labSend([data_package_out_all; data_package_out], i, 1);
-                            elseif i~=lateral.STATVAR.index
-                                labSend(data_package_out_all, i, 1);
-                            end
-                        end
-                        for i = 1:lateral.PARA.num_realizations
-                            if lateral.PARA.connected(lateral.STATVAR.index, i) || i~=lateral.STATVAR.index
-                                data_package_in = labReceive(i, 1);
-                                if ~isempty(data_package_in)
-                                    lateral = unpack(lateral, data_package_in); %read received column vector and transform into STATVAR
-                                end
-                            end
-                        end
-                    end
-                    labBarrier;
-                    %calculate all derivatives/fluxes
-                    for i=1:size(lateral.IA_CLASSES,1)
-                        if lateral.ACTIVE(i,1)
-                            lateral.IA_CLASSES{i} = get_derivatives(lateral.IA_CLASSES{i});
-                        end
-                    end
-                    %PUSH information (fluxes) back to individual stratigraphy classes
-                    for i=1:size(lateral.IA_CLASSES,1)
-                        if lateral.ACTIVE(i,1)
-                            lateral.IA_CLASSES{i} = push(lateral.IA_CLASSES{i}, forcing);
-                        end
-                    end
-                    CURRENT = lateral.TOP.NEXT;
-                    while ~(strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Bottom'))
-                        CURRENT = compute_diagnostic(CURRENT, forcing);
-                        CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-                    end
-                end
-               %set ACTIVE for next timestep
-               for i=1:size(lateral.IA_CLASSES,1)
-                   lateral.IA_CLASSES{i} = set_ACTIVE(lateral.IA_CLASSES{i}, i, t);
-               end
-               lateral.ENSEMBLE ={};
-               lateral.STATVAR2ALL = [];
-               lateral.IA_TIME = t + lateral.IA_TIME_INCREMENT;
-            end
-        end
-        %service functions
-        function data_package = pack(lateral, VAR) %transform lateral.STATVAR into column vector ready to send
-            variables = fieldnames(lateral.(VAR));
-            data_package = [];
-            for i=1:size(variables,1)
-                %variables{i,1}
-                data_package=[data_package; size(variables{i,1},2); double(variables{i,1})']; % # of characters followed by characters as doubles
-                data_package=[data_package; size(lateral.(VAR).(variables{i,1}),1); lateral.(VAR).(variables{i,1})]; % # of entries followed by values
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = unpack(lateral, data_package) %read received column vector and transform into STATVAR
-            i=1;
-            while i<=size(data_package,1)
-               variable_name = char(data_package(i+1:i+data_package(i,1),1)');
-               i = i + data_package(i,1) + 1;
-               STATVAR.(variable_name) = data_package(i+1:i+data_package(i,1),1);
-               i = i + data_package(i,1) + 1;
-            end
-            lateral.ENSEMBLE{size(lateral.ENSEMBLE,1)+1,1} = STATVAR;
-        end
-        function lateral = get_overlap_cells(lateral, variable, variable_out) %no need to loop through stratigraphy, al the information should be in lateral
-            for i=1:size(lateral.ENSEMBLE,1)
-                if lateral.PARA.connected(lateral.STATVAR.index, lateral.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index)
-                    cell_1 = -lateral.STATVAR.(variable);
-                    cell_2 = -lateral.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.(variable);
-                    lateral.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.(variable_out) = [];%zeros(size(cell_1,1)-1,size(cell_2,1)-1);
-                    if size(cell_1,1) > 1 && size(cell_2,1) > 1
-                        for i1=1:size(cell_1,1)-1
-                            i2=1;
-                            a = max(0, - max(cell_1(i1,1), cell_2(i2,1)) + min(cell_1(i1+1,1), cell_2(i2+1,1)));
-                            while a <= 0 && i2 < size(cell_2,1)-1
-                                %overlap2(i1,i2) = a;
-                                i2 = i2+1;
-                                a = max(0, - max(cell_1(i1,1), cell_2(i2,1)) + min(cell_1(i1+1,1), cell_2(i2+1,1)));
-                            end
-                            if a>0
-                                lateral.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.(variable_out) = [lateral.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.(variable_out);  [i1  i2 a]];
-                            end
-                            i2_start = i2;
-                            while a > 0 && i2 < size(cell_2,1)-1
-                                i2 = i2+1;
-                                a = max(0, - max(cell_1(i1,1), cell_2(i2,1)) + min(cell_1(i1+1,1), cell_2(i2+1,1)));
-                                if a>0
-                                    lateral.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.(variable_out) = [lateral.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.(variable_out);  [i1  i2 a]];
-                                end
-                            end
-                            i2 = i2_start;
-                        end
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        function overlap = get_overlap_aquifers(lateral, cell_1, cell_2) %same function as get_overlap_cells, but with flexible input
-            cell_1 = -cell_1;
-            cell_2 = -cell_2;
-            overlap = [];
-            if size(cell_1,1) > 1 && size(cell_2,1) > 1
-                for i1=1:size(cell_1,1)-1
-                    i2=1;
-                    a = max(0, - max(cell_1(i1,1), cell_2(i2,1)) + min(cell_1(i1+1,1), cell_2(i2+1,1)));
-                    b = (- max(cell_1(i1,1), cell_2(i2,1)) - min(cell_1(i1+1,1), cell_2(i2+1,1))) ./ 2;
-                    while a <= 0 && i2 < size(cell_2,1)-1
-                        %overlap2(i1,i2) = a;
-                        i2 = i2+1;
-                        a = max(0, - max(cell_1(i1,1), cell_2(i2,1)) + min(cell_1(i1+1,1), cell_2(i2+1,1)));
-                        b = (- max(cell_1(i1,1), cell_2(i2,1)) - min(cell_1(i1+1,1), cell_2(i2+1,1)))./2;
-                    end
-                    if a>0
-                        overlap = [overlap;  [i1  i2 a b]];
-                    end
-                    i2_start = i2;
-                    while a > 0 && i2 < size(cell_2,1)-1
-                        i2 = i2+1;
-                        a = max(0, - max(cell_1(i1,1), cell_2(i2,1)) + min(cell_1(i1+1,1), cell_2(i2+1,1)));
-                        b = (- max(cell_1(i1,1), cell_2(i2,1)) - min(cell_1(i1+1,1), cell_2(i2+1,1))) ./ 2;
-                        if a>0
-                            overlap = [overlap;  [i1  i2 a b]];
-                        end
-                    end
-                    i2 = i2_start;
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
diff --git a/modules/LATERAL/LAT3D/LAT3D_HEAT.m b/modules/LATERAL/LAT3D/LAT3D_HEAT.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b1f6c8d..00000000
--- a/modules/LATERAL/LAT3D/LAT3D_HEAT.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid LATERAL_IA class LAT3D_HEAT 
-% simulates lateral heat fluxes between pairs of CryoGrid
-% stratigraphies. 
-% S. Westermann, Oct 2020
-    methods
-        %----mandatory functions---------------
-        %----initialization--------------------
-        function lateral = provide_CONST(lateral)
-            lateral.CONST.day_sec = 24 .* 3600;
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_PARA(lateral)
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment = 0.25; %must be a multiple of the time increment of the main lateral class
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = [];
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_STATVAR(lateral)
-        end
-        function lateral = finalize_init(lateral)
-            lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = 0;
-        end
-        %----time integration----------------- 
-        function lateral = pull(lateral)
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.depths_heat = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.thermCond = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.T_heat = [];
-            CURRENT = lateral.PARENT.TOP.NEXT;
-            while ~(strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Bottom'))
-                CURRENT = lateral3D_pull_heat(CURRENT, lateral);
-                CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = get_derivatives(lateral) %no need to loop through stratigraphy, all the information is in lateral.PARENT
-            lateral.PARENT = get_overlap_cells(lateral.PARENT, 'depths_heat', 'overlap_heat');
-            %calculate fluxes
-            flux_heat = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.thermCond .* 0;
-            for j=1:size(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE,1)
-                if lateral.PARENT.PARA.connected(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index, lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.index)  %add if water is available at all
-                    for i=1:size(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap_heat,1) %does not do anything when overlap is empty!
-                        tc1 = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.thermCond(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap_heat(i,1),1);
-                        tc2 = lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.thermCond(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap_heat(i,2),1);
-                        distance = lateral.PARENT.PARA.distance(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index, lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.index);
-                        thermCond = tc1 .* tc2 ./ (tc1 .* distance./2 + tc2 .* distance./2); %change to different distances laters
-                        thermCond(isnan(thermCond)) = 0;
-                        contact_length = lateral.PARENT.PARA.contact_length(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index, lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.index);
-                        flux_i = contact_length .* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap_heat(i,3) .* thermCond .* ...
-                            -(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.T_heat(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap_heat(i,1),1) - lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.T_heat(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap_heat(i,2),1));
-                        flux_heat(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap_heat(i,1),1) = flux_heat(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap_heat(i,1),1) + flux_i;                        
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.heat_flux = flux_heat .* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;            
-        end
-        function lateral = push(lateral, forcing)
-            CURRENT = lateral.PARENT.TOP.NEXT; %find correct stratigraphy class
-            while ~(strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Bottom'))
-                CURRENT = lateral3D_push_heat(CURRENT, lateral);
-                CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = set_ACTIVE(lateral, i, t)
-            lateral.PARENT.ACTIVE(i,1) = 0;
-            if t + lateral.PARENT.IA_TIME_INCREMENT >= lateral.PARA.ia_time_next -1e-9
-                lateral.PARENT.ACTIVE(i,1) = 1;
-                lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = t + lateral.PARENT.IA_TIME_INCREMENT + lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment;
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = set_ia_time(lateral, t)
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = t;
-        end
-    end
deleted file mode 100644
index 20eb5bb6..00000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-% simulates lateral wind drift of snow between different CryoGrid
-% stratigraphies. Blowing snow is assigned to stratigraphies with lower
-% surface elevation.
-% NOTE: works only for the SNOW classes SNOW_crocus_... and SNOW_crocus2_... 
-% S. Westermann, Oct 2020
-    methods
-        %----mandatory functions---------------
-        %----initialization--------------------
-        function lateral = provide_PARA(lateral)
-            lateral.PARA.N_drift = 5;
-            lateral.PARA.drift_loss_fraction = 0; %fraction of drifting snow that is lost from the system
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment = 0.05; %must be a multiple of the time increment of the main lateral class
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment_min = 0.05;
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment_max = 0.25;            
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = [];
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_CONST(lateral)
-            lateral.CONST.day_sec = 24 .* 3600;
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_STATVAR(lateral)
-        end
-        function lateral = finalize_init(lateral)
-        end
-        %----time integration------------
-        function lateral = pull(lateral)
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR2ALL.snow_drift = 0; % 0: no snow class; 2: driftable snow; 1: snow class, but snow is not driftable
-            CURRENT = lateral.PARENT.TOP.NEXT;
-            while ~(strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Bottom'))
-                if strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'SNOW_crocus_bucketW_seb') || strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'SNOW_crocus2_bucketW_seb')
-                    CURRENT = lateral3D_pull_snow(CURRENT, lateral);
-                end
-                CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = get_derivatives(lateral) %no need to loop through stratigraphy, all the information is in lateral.PARENT
-            %calculate the exposure
-            %loop over all ensemble members, mix the drifting part of the snow 
-            lateral.STATVAR.snow_drift_yes_no = 0;
-            if lateral.PARENT.STATVAR2ALL.snow_drift > 0 %uppermost class is SNOW
-                altitude = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR2ALL.upperPos;
-                area = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR2ALL.ds_area;
-                lateral.STATVAR.snow_drift_yes_no = (lateral.PARENT.STATVAR2ALL.snow_drift == 2);
-                %lateral.STATVAR.snow_drift_yes_no
-                for j=1:size(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE,1)
-                    if lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.snow_drift >0
-                        altitude = [altitude; lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.upperPos];
-                        area = [area; lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.ds_area];
-                        lateral.STATVAR.snow_drift_yes_no = lateral.STATVAR.snow_drift_yes_no + (lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.snow_drift == 2);
-                    end
-                end
-                %lateral.STATVAR.snow_drift_yes_no
-                if lateral.STATVAR.snow_drift_yes_no
-                    area_above = (altitude + 0.05 < altitude')*area;
-                    area_below =(altitude - 0.05 > altitude')*area;
-                    exposure2 = (area_above - area_below) ./ (area_above + area_below);
-                    exposure2(isnan(exposure2)) = 0;
-                    lateral.STATVAR.exposure = exposure2(1,1); %own exposure
-                    exposure = exposure2(1,1);
-                    k=0;
-                    for j=1:size(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE,1)
-                        if lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.snow_drift >0
-                            exposure = [exposure; exposure2(j+k+1,1)];
-                        else
-                            exposure = [exposure; 0];
-                            k=k-1;
-                        end
-                    end
-                    if lateral.STATVAR.exposure > 0 %own realization gains snow
-                        area_acc = area(1,1) .* lateral.STATVAR.exposure;
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.waterIce = 0;
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.ice = 0;
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.energy = 0;
-                        %intensive variables - use waterIce as scaling variable,
-                        %identical to ice when snow is driftable
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.d = 0;
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.s = 0;
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.gs = 0;
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.time_snowfall = 0;
-                        volume=0;
-                        for j=1:size(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE,1)
-                                if lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.snow_drift > 1 && exposure(j+1,1) < 0 %all the loosing cells -> calculate total drifting snow pool
-                                    volume = volume - exposure(j+1,1).*lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.ds_volume;
-                                    lateral.STATVAR.ds.waterIce = lateral.STATVAR.ds.waterIce - exposure(j+1,1).* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.ds_waterIce;
-                                    lateral.STATVAR.ds.ice = lateral.STATVAR.ds.ice - exposure(j+1,1).* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.ds_ice;
-                                    lateral.STATVAR.ds.energy = lateral.STATVAR.ds.energy - exposure(j+1,1).* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.ds_energy;
-                                    %intensive variables - use waterIce as scaling variable,
-                                    %identical to ice when snow is driftable
-                                    lateral.STATVAR.ds.d = lateral.STATVAR.ds.d  - exposure(j+1,1).* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.ds_waterIce .* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.ds_d;
-                                    lateral.STATVAR.ds.s = lateral.STATVAR.ds.s - exposure(j+1,1).* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.ds_waterIce .*  lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.ds_s;
-                                    lateral.STATVAR.ds.gs = lateral.STATVAR.ds.gs - exposure(j+1,1).* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.ds_waterIce .* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.ds_gs;
-                                    lateral.STATVAR.ds.time_snowfall = lateral.STATVAR.ds.time_snowfall - exposure(j+1,1).* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.ds_waterIce .* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.ds_time_snowfall;
-                                elseif lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.snow_drift >0 && exposure(j+1,1) > 0  %all the gaining cells ->
-                                    area_acc = area_acc + area(j+1,1) .* exposure(j+1,1);
-                                end
-                        end
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.d = lateral.STATVAR.ds.d ./ lateral.STATVAR.ds.waterIce;
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.d(isnan(lateral.STATVAR.ds.d)) = 0;
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.s = lateral.STATVAR.ds.s ./ lateral.STATVAR.ds.waterIce;
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.s(isnan(lateral.STATVAR.ds.s)) = 0;
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.gs = lateral.STATVAR.ds.gs ./ lateral.STATVAR.ds.waterIce;
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.gs(isnan(lateral.STATVAR.ds.gs)) = 0;
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.time_snowfall = lateral.STATVAR.ds.time_snowfall ./ lateral.STATVAR.ds.waterIce;
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.time_snowfall(isnan(lateral.STATVAR.ds.time_snowfall)) = 0;
-                        gain_fraction = area(1,1) .* exposure(1,1) ./ area_acc;
-                        volume = volume .* gain_fraction .* (1-lateral.PARA.drift_loss_fraction);
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.waterIce = lateral.STATVAR.ds.waterIce .* gain_fraction .* (1-lateral.PARA.drift_loss_fraction);
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.ice = lateral.STATVAR.ds.ice .* gain_fraction .* (1-lateral.PARA.drift_loss_fraction);
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.energy = lateral.STATVAR.ds.energy .* gain_fraction .* (1-lateral.PARA.drift_loss_fraction);
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.layerThick =  volume ./ area(1,1);
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.target_density = lateral.STATVAR.ds.ice ./ volume;
-                        lateral.STATVAR.ds.water = 0;
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = push(lateral, forcing)
-            CURRENT = lateral.PARENT.TOP.NEXT; %find correct stratigraphy class
-            while ~(strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Bottom'))
-                if strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'SNOW_crocus_bucketW_seb') || strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'SNOW_crocus2_bucketW_seb')
-                    CURRENT = lateral3D_push_snow(CURRENT, lateral);
-                end
-                CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = set_ACTIVE(lateral, i, t)
-            lateral.PARENT.ACTIVE(i,1) = 0;
-            if t + lateral.PARENT.IA_TIME_INCREMENT >= lateral.PARA.ia_time_next - 1e-9
-                lateral.PARENT.ACTIVE(i,1) = 1;
-                lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = t + lateral.PARENT.IA_TIME_INCREMENT + lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment;
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = set_ia_time(lateral, t)
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = t;
-        end
-    end
diff --git a/modules/LATERAL/LAT3D/LAT3D_WATER.m b/modules/LATERAL/LAT3D/LAT3D_WATER.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e5fd270..00000000
--- a/modules/LATERAL/LAT3D/LAT3D_WATER.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid LATERAL_IA class LAT3D_WATER
-% simulates lateral water flow between pairs of CryoGrid stratigraphies.
-% NOTE: does not work stable yet. 
-% S. Westermann, Oct 2020
-    methods
-%                 %----mandatory functions---------------
-        %----initialization--------------------
-        function lateral = provide_CONST(lateral)
-            lateral.CONST.day_sec = 24 .* 3600;
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_PARA(lateral)
-            lateral.PARA.hardBottom_cutoff = 0.03; %hard bottom if saturated and water content below
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment = 0.25; %must be a multiple of the time increment of the main lateral class
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = [];
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_STATVAR(lateral)
-            lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = [];
-            lateral.STATVAR.surface_runoff = 0;
-        end
-        function lateral = finalize_init(lateral)
-            lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = 0;
-            lateral.STATVAR.surface_runoff = 0;
-        end
-        %---- time integration-----------------
-        function lateral = pull(lateral)
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.depths = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_available = 0;
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.T_water = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell = 0;         
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index = []; %same size as lateral.PARENT.depths - uppermost aquifer gets index 1, then 2, etc. - 0 for hard layers          
-            lateral.STATVAR.aquifer_cell_info=[];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.external_fluxes = []; %for 1D lateral classes like seepage face and reservoir
-            %variables required confined aquifers
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.head = []; %same size as number of aquifers - 1D head 
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.head_unknown = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.status_head = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity =[]; %same size as number of aquifers sum(K_eff/d_eff .* A)
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.empty_volume_left = []; 
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.available_water_volume = [];
-            lateral.STATVAR.global_info=cell(lateral.PARENT.PARA.num_realizations,1);
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR_PRIVATE.overlap_info = {};
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR_PRIVATE.overlap_aquifer_index = [];
-            %lateral.STATVAR.saturated = [];
-            lateral.TEMP.open_system = 1; %start with open system
-            lateral.TEMP.aquifer_index_count = 1;
-            lateral.TEMP.head_space_available = 1;
-            CURRENT = lateral.PARENT.TOP.NEXT;
-            while ~(strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Bottom')) && lateral.TEMP.open_system == 1
-                CURRENT = lateral3D_pull_water_general_aquifer(CURRENT, lateral);
-                CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-            end
-            %compute empty volume and available water for each aquifer
-            number_of_own_aquifers = max(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index);
-            for j=1:number_of_own_aquifers
-                a=find(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index==j, 1, 'first');
-                b=find(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index==j, 1, 'last');
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.empty_volume_left = [lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.empty_volume_left; -sum(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status(a:b,1).* double(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status(a:b,1)<0))];
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.available_water_volume = [lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.available_water_volume; sum(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status(a:b,1).* double(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status(a:b,1)>0))];
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.status_head = [lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.status_head; mean(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.head_unknown(a:b,1))];
-            end
-            %make a variable in STATVAR2ALL if all aqifers are unconfined
-        end
-        function lateral = get_derivatives(lateral) %no need to loop through stratigraphy, all the information is in lateral.PARENT
-            %calculate the bulk indices for the overlap between each pair of aquifers
-            number_of_own_aquifers = max(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index);
-            for j=1:number_of_own_aquifers
-                a=find(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index==j, 1, 'first');
-                b=find(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index==j, 1, 'last');
-                lateral.STATVAR.aquifer_cell_info = [lateral.STATVAR.aquifer_cell_info; [j a b]];
-                cell_1 = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.depths(a:b+1,1);
-                for i=1:size(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE,1)
-                    if lateral.PARENT.PARA.connected(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index, lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index)
-                        number_of_neighboring_aquifers = max(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.aquifer_index);
-                        lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.aquifer_cell_info = [];
-                        for k=1:number_of_neighboring_aquifers
-                            c=find(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.aquifer_index==k, 1, 'first');
-                            d=find(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.aquifer_index==k, 1, 'last');
-                            lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.aquifer_cell_info = [lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.aquifer_cell_info; [k c d]];
-                            cell_2 = lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.depths(c:d+1,1);
-                            overlap = get_overlap_aquifers(lateral.PARENT, cell_1, cell_2);
-                            overlap=[overlap zeros(size(overlap,1),3)];
-                            effective_hydraulic_conductivity=0;
-                            effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head = 0;
-                            effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head_ensemble = 0;
-                            for l=1:size(overlap,1)
-                                ehc = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(overlap(l,1)+a-1,1) .* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.hydraulicConductivity(overlap(l,2)+c-1,1)./ ...
-                                    (lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(overlap(l,1)+a-1,1) .* lateral.PARENT.PARA.distance(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index, lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index) +...
-                                    lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.hydraulicConductivity(overlap(l,2)+c-1,1) .* lateral.PARENT.PARA.distance(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index, lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index)) .* overlap(l,3);
-                                ehc(isnan(ehc)) = 0;
-                                ehc = ehc .* lateral.PARENT.PARA.contact_length(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index, lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index);
-                                overlap(l,5) = ehc;
-                                overlap(l,6) = ehc .* (double(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status(overlap(l,1)+a-1,1)>=0) .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.head(overlap(l,1)+a-1,1) + ...
-                                    double(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status(overlap(l,1)+a-1,1)<0) .* overlap(l,4));
-                                overlap(l,7) = ehc .* (double(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.water_status(overlap(l,2)+c-1,1)>=0) .* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.head(overlap(l,2)+c-1,1) + ...
-                                    double(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.water_status(overlap(l,2)+c-1,1)<0) .* overlap(l,4));
-                                effective_hydraulic_conductivity =  effective_hydraulic_conductivity + ehc;
-                                effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head = effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head + overlap(l,6);
-                                effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head_ensemble = effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head_ensemble + overlap(l,7);
-                            end
-                            %effective_hydraulic_conductivity = effective_hydraulic_conductivity.*lateral.PARENT.PARA.contact_length(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index, lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index);
-                            lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.overlap_info{j,k} = overlap; %store for later when the heads are known
-                            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity =[lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity; ...
-                                [lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index j k  effective_hydraulic_conductivity effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head_ensemble]];
-                        end
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-            %make a column vector
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity';
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity(:);
-            %synchronize information between workers
-            %send
-            data_package_out = pack(lateral, {'effective_hydraulic_conductivity'; 'empty_volume_left'; 'available_water_volume'; 'status_head'; 'external_fluxes'});
-            for i=1:lateral.PARENT.PARA.num_realizations
-                if i~=lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index          
-                    labSend(data_package_out, i, 1);
-                end
-            end
-            labBarrier();
-            number_of_aquifers_per_worker = zeros(lateral.PARENT.PARA.num_realizations,1);
-            number_of_aquifers_per_worker(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index,1) = size(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.empty_volume_left,1);
-            lateral.STATVAR.global_info{lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index,1}.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity;
-            lateral.STATVAR.global_info{lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index,1}.STATVAR.empty_volume_left = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.empty_volume_left;
-            lateral.STATVAR.global_info{lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index,1}.STATVAR.available_water_volume = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.available_water_volume;
-            lateral.STATVAR.global_info{lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index,1}.STATVAR.status_head = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.status_head;
-            lateral.STATVAR.global_info{lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index,1}.STATVAR.external_fluxes = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.external_fluxes;
-            for i=1:lateral.PARENT.PARA.num_realizations
-                if i~=lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index
-                    data_package_in = labReceive(i, 1);
-                    lateral = unpack(lateral, data_package_in, i);
-                    number_of_aquifers_per_worker(i,1) = size(lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.empty_volume_left,1);
-                end
-            end
-            %assign matrices for transitions between each aquifer
-            total_number_of_aquifers = sum(number_of_aquifers_per_worker,1);
-            K_prime = zeros(total_number_of_aquifers, total_number_of_aquifers);
-            K_prime_times_head = zeros(total_number_of_aquifers, total_number_of_aquifers);
-            head_known =  zeros(total_number_of_aquifers,1);
-            offset=0;
-            offset_store=0;
-            for i = 1:size(lateral.STATVAR.global_info,1)
-                %head(offset+1:offset+size(lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.head,1),1) = lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.head;
-                head_known(offset+1:offset+size(lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.empty_volume_left,1),1) = lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.status_head < 2;
-                %head_known(offset+1,1) = 1;  %chnage this, this variable must be created at class level, using the open_system variable!
-                offset = offset + size(lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.empty_volume_left,1);
-                offset_store=[offset_store; offset];
-            end
-            for i = 1:size(lateral.STATVAR.global_info,1)
-                for j=1:6:size(lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity,1)
-                    i1 = offset_store(i,1) + lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity(j+2-1,1);
-                    i2 = offset_store(lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity(j+1-1,1),1) + lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity(j+3-1,1);
-                    K_prime(i1, i2) = lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity(j+4-1,1);
-                    K_prime(i2, i1) = K_prime(i1, i2);
-                    K_prime_times_head(i1, i2) = lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity(j+5-1,1);
-                    K_prime_times_head(i2, i1) = lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity(j+6-1,1);
-                end
-            end
-            %----delete later---
-            lateral.STATVAR.K_prime=K_prime;
-            lateral.STATVAR.K_prime_times_head=K_prime_times_head;
-            lateral.STATVAR.head_known=head_known;
-            recomputed_head = head_known.* 0;
-            %-------------
-            %solve for the aquifers with unknown heads - check if the
-            %computed head is lower than the original head - in this case,
-            %water will drain and create air space - set original head as
-            %known in this case
-            recompute = 1;
-            while recompute
-                enumeration_pressure_unknown = find(~head_known);
-                %add fluxes from/to external reservoirs/seepage faces
-                external_head_vector = zeros(total_number_of_aquifers,1);
-                external_conductivity_vector = zeros(total_number_of_aquifers,1);
-                offset = 0;
-                for i=1:size(lateral.STATVAR.global_info,1)
-                    for j=1:4:size(lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.external_fluxes,1)
-                        external_head_vector(offset + lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.external_fluxes(j-1+1,1),1) = ...
-                            external_head_vector(offset + lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.external_fluxes(j-1+1,1),1) + lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.external_fluxes(j-1+4,1);
-                        external_conductivity_vector(offset + lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.external_fluxes(j-1+1,1),1) = ...
-                            external_conductivity_vector(offset + lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.external_fluxes(j-1+1,1),1) + lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.external_fluxes(j-1+2,1);
-                    end
-                    offset = offset + number_of_aquifers_per_worker(i,1);
-                end
-                %external_conductivity_vector
-                %external_head_vector
-                %remove unconnected aquifers
-                for i=1:size(enumeration_pressure_unknown,1)
-                    if (sum(K_prime(:,enumeration_pressure_unknown(i,1)),1) + external_conductivity_vector(enumeration_pressure_unknown(i,1),1))==0
-                        head_known(enumeration_pressure_unknown(i,1),1) = 1;
-                    end
-                end
-                enumeration_pressure_unknown = find(~head_known);
-                enumeration_pressure_known = find(head_known);
-                lin_matrix = zeros(sum(double(~head_known)), sum(double(~head_known)));
-                for i=1:size(enumeration_pressure_unknown,1)
-                    for j=1:i
-                        if i==j
-                            lin_matrix(i,i) = sum(K_prime(:,enumeration_pressure_unknown(i,1)),1) + external_conductivity_vector(enumeration_pressure_unknown(i,1),1);
-                        else
-                            lin_matrix(i,j) = -K_prime(enumeration_pressure_unknown(i,1), enumeration_pressure_unknown(j,1));
-                            lin_matrix(j,i) =lin_matrix(i,j);
-                        end
-                    end
-                end
-                lin_vector = zeros(sum(double(~head_known)),1);
-                for i=1:size(enumeration_pressure_unknown,1)
-                    for j=1:size(enumeration_pressure_known,1)
-                        lin_vector(i,1) = lin_vector(i,1) + K_prime_times_head(enumeration_pressure_known(j,1), enumeration_pressure_unknown(i,1));
-                    end
-                    lin_vector(i,1) = lin_vector(i,1) + external_head_vector(enumeration_pressure_unknown(i,1),1);  %add external couplings for all aquifers with unknown heads
-                end
-                %solving laplace equation with known heads as BC
-                unknown_heads = linsolve(lin_matrix,lin_vector);
-                if sum(isnan(unknown_heads))>0 || sum(unknown_heads==Inf)>0 || sum(unknown_heads==-Inf)>0
-                        'Hallo'
-                      %  unknown_heads
-%                     external_head_vector(1:4)
-%                     external_conductivity_vector(1:4)
-                end
-                recompute = 0;
-                %check if original head is higher than recomputed one
-                for i=1:size(enumeration_pressure_unknown,1)
-                    if isnan(unknown_heads(i,1)) || unknown_heads(i,1)==Inf || unknown_heads(i,1)==-Inf || sum(K_prime_times_head(enumeration_pressure_unknown(i,1),:),2) >  sum(K_prime(enumeration_pressure_unknown(i,1),:) .* unknown_heads(i,1),2) 
-                       head_known(enumeration_pressure_unknown(i,1),1) = 1;
-                       recompute = 1;
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-            recomputed_head(~head_known) = unknown_heads;
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.recomputed_head=recomputed_head;
-            %------
-            %compute fluxes on cell by cell basis
-            %flux = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index.*0;
-            flux_in = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index.*0;
-            flux_out = flux_in;
-            flux_energy_in = flux_in;
-            flux_energy_out = flux_in;
-            for j=1:number_of_own_aquifers  %same as size(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.overlap_info,1)
-                global_index_own_aquifer = sum(number_of_aquifers_per_worker(1:lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index-1,1),1) + j;
-                 %lateral.STATVAR.aquifer_cell_info = [lateral.STATVAR.aquifer_cell_info; [j a b]];
-                for i=1:size(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE,1)
-                    for k=1:size(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.overlap_info,2)
-                        global_index_ensemble_aquifer =  sum(number_of_aquifers_per_worker(1:lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index - 1,1),1) + k;
-                        if ~isempty(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.overlap_info{j,k}) && ~head_known(global_index_own_aquifer,1)
-                            lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.overlap_info{j,k}(:,6) = lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.overlap_info{j,k}(:,5) .* recomputed_head(global_index_own_aquifer,1);
-                        end
-                        if ~isempty(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.overlap_info{j,k}) && ~head_known(global_index_ensemble_aquifer,1)
-                            lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.overlap_info{j,k}(:,7) = lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.overlap_info{j,k}(:,5) .* recomputed_head(global_index_ensemble_aquifer,1);
-                        end
-                        if ~isempty(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.overlap_info{j,k})
-                            flux_between_aquifers = lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.overlap_info{j,k}(:,7) - lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.overlap_info{j,k}(:,6);
-                            range_own_aquifer = lateral.STATVAR.aquifer_cell_info(j,2)-1 + lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.overlap_info{j,k}(:,1);
-                            range_ensemble_aquifer = lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.aquifer_cell_info(k,2)-1 + lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.overlap_info{j,k}(:,2);
-                            for n=1:size(flux_between_aquifers,1)
-                                flux_in(range_own_aquifer(n,1),1) = flux_in(range_own_aquifer(n,1),1) + double(flux_between_aquifers(n,1) > 0) .* flux_between_aquifers(n,1);
-                                flux_out(range_own_aquifer(n,1),1) = flux_out(range_own_aquifer(n,1),1) - double(flux_between_aquifers(n,1) < 0) .* flux_between_aquifers(n,1);
-                                T_water = double(flux_between_aquifers(n,1) > 0) .* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.T_water(range_ensemble_aquifer(n,1),1) + ...
-                                    double(flux_between_aquifers(n,1) < 0) .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.T_water(range_own_aquifer(n,1),1);
-                                flux_energy_in(range_own_aquifer(n,1),1) = flux_energy_in(range_own_aquifer(n,1),1) + double(flux_between_aquifers(n,1) > 0) .* flux_between_aquifers(n,1) .* ...
-                                    (double(T_water>0) .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_w + double(T_water<0) .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_i) .* T_water;
-                                flux_energy_out(range_own_aquifer(n,1),1) = flux_energy_out(range_own_aquifer(n,1),1) - double(flux_between_aquifers(n,1) < 0) .* flux_between_aquifers(n,1) .* ...
-                                    (double(T_water>0) .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_w + double(T_water<0) .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_i) .* T_water;
-                            end
-                        end
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-            %external reservoirs
-            for i=1:size(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR_PRIVATE.overlap_aquifer_index,1)
-                aquifer_index = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR_PRIVATE.overlap_aquifer_index(i,1);
-                global_index_own_aquifer = sum(number_of_aquifers_per_worker(1:lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index-1,1),1) + aquifer_index;
-                if ~isempty(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR_PRIVATE.overlap_info{i,1}) && ~head_known(global_index_own_aquifer,1)
-                    lateral.PARENT.STATVAR_PRIVATE.overlap_info{i,1}(:,6) = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR_PRIVATE.overlap_info{i,1}(:,5) .* recomputed_head(global_index_own_aquifer,1);
-                end
-                flux_between_aquifers = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR_PRIVATE.overlap_info{i,1}(:,7) - lateral.PARENT.STATVAR_PRIVATE.overlap_info{i,1}(:,6);
-                range_own_aquifer = lateral.STATVAR.aquifer_cell_info(aquifer_index,2)-1 + lateral.PARENT.STATVAR_PRIVATE.overlap_info{i,1}(:,1);
-                for n=1:size(flux_between_aquifers,1)
-                    flux_in(range_own_aquifer(n,1),1) = flux_in(range_own_aquifer(n,1),1) + double(flux_between_aquifers(n,1) > 0) .* flux_between_aquifers(n,1);
-                    flux_out(range_own_aquifer(n,1),1) = flux_out(range_own_aquifer(n,1),1) - double(flux_between_aquifers(n,1) < 0) .* flux_between_aquifers(n,1);
-                    T_water = double(flux_between_aquifers(n,1) < 0) .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.T_water(range_own_aquifer(n,1),1);  %no advection of heat from resvervoir
-                    flux_energy_in(range_own_aquifer(n,1),1) = flux_energy_in(range_own_aquifer(n,1),1) + double(flux_between_aquifers(n,1) > 0) .* flux_between_aquifers(n,1) .* ...
-                        (double(T_water>0) .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_w + double(T_water<0) .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_i) .* T_water;
-                    flux_energy_out(range_own_aquifer(n,1),1) = flux_energy_out(range_own_aquifer(n,1),1) - double(flux_between_aquifers(n,1) < 0) .* flux_between_aquifers(n,1) .* ...
-                        (double(T_water>0) .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_w + double(T_water<0) .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_i) .* T_water;
-                end
-            end
-            lateral.STATVAR.flux_in = flux_in;
-            lateral.STATVAR.flux_out = flux_out;
-            lateral.STATVAR.flux_energy_in = flux_energy_in;
-            lateral.STATVAR.flux_energy_out = flux_energy_out;
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux = (flux_in - flux_out).* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy = (flux_energy_in - flux_energy_out) .* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;
-%             for i=1:size(enumeration_pressure_unknown,1)
-%                 K_prime_times_head(enumeration_pressure_unknown(i,1),:) = K_prime(enumeration_pressure_unknown(i,1),:) .* unknown_heads(i,1);
-%             end
-%             %flux_matrix = K_prime.*(head-head');
-%             flux_matrix = K_prime_times_head - K_prime_times_head';
-%             lateral.STATVAR.flux_matrix = flux_matrix;
-%             total_fluxes = sum(flux_matrix,1)';
-%             fluxes = {};
-%             offset = 0;
-%             for i = 1:lateral.PARENT.PARA.num_realizations
-%                 fluxes{i,1} = total_fluxes(offset+1:offset+number_of_aquifers_per_worker(i,1),1);
-%                 offset = offset + number_of_aquifers_per_worker(i,1);
-%             end
-%             lateral.STATVAR.fluxes = fluxes;
-%             lateral.STATVAR.number_of_aquifers_per_worker = number_of_aquifers_per_worker;
-            labBarrier;
-        end
-        function lateral = push(lateral, forcing)
-            if ~isempty(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux)
-                if lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell>0
-                    lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell,1) = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell,1) + lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell+1,1);
-                    lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell+1,:) = [];
-                    lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell,1) = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell,1) + lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell+1,1);
-                    lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell+1,:) = [];
-                end
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_up = 0;
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_up_energy = 0;
-                CURRENT = lateral.PARENT.TOP.NEXT; %find correct stratigraphy class
-                size_to_here = size(CURRENT.STATVAR.energy,1);
-                while ~(strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Bottom')) && size_to_here < size(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux,1)
-                    CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-                    size_to_here = size_to_here + size(CURRENT.STATVAR.energy,1);
-                end
-                while ~(strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Top'))
-                    CURRENT = lateral3D_push_water_general_aquifer(CURRENT, lateral);
-                    CURRENT = CURRENT.PREVIOUS;
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        function data_package = pack(lateral, variable_list) %transform lateral.STATVAR into column vector ready to send
-            data_package = [];
-            for i=1:size(variable_list,1)
-                data_package=[data_package; size(variable_list{i,1},2); double(variable_list{i,1})']; % # of characters followed by characters as doubles
-                data_package=[data_package; size(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.(variable_list{i,1}),1); lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.(variable_list{i,1})]; % # of entries followed by values
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = unpack(lateral, data_package, index) %read received column vector and transform into STATVAR
-            i=1;
-            while i<=size(data_package,1)
-               variable_name = char(data_package(i+1:i+data_package(i,1),1)');
-               i = i + data_package(i,1) + 1;
-               STATVAR.(variable_name) = data_package(i+1:i+data_package(i,1),1);
-               i = i + data_package(i,1) + 1;
-            end
-            lateral.STATVAR.global_info{index,1}.STATVAR = STATVAR;
-            %number_of_aquifers = size(STATVAR.head,1);
-        end
-        function lateral = set_ACTIVE(lateral, i, t)
-            lateral.PARENT.ACTIVE(i,1) = 0;
-            if t + lateral.PARENT.IA_TIME_INCREMENT >= lateral.PARA.ia_time_next - 1e-9
-                lateral.PARENT.ACTIVE(i,1) = 1;
-                lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = t + lateral.PARENT.IA_TIME_INCREMENT + lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment;
-                %disp(lateral.PARA.ia_time_next-floor(lateral.PARA.ia_time_next));
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = set_ia_time(lateral, t)
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = t;
-        end
-    end
deleted file mode 100644
index b539dbdd..00000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-% simulates lateral water flow between a static water reservoir at defined
-% elevation (absolute elevation, not relative to the surface!), 
-% as well as contact lengths (i.e. width) and distance from the GROUND column.
-% Water temperatures of the reservoir can have a defined constant
-% temperature (only relevant for inflow), otherwise inflow at grid cell temperature is assumed. 
-% in the lateral class list!
-% S. Westermann, Oct 2020
-    methods
-        %----mandatory functions---------------
-        %----initialization--------------------
-        function lateral = provide_CONST(lateral)
-            lateral.CONST.day_sec = 24 .* 3600;
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_PARA(lateral)
-            lateral.PARA.reservoir_elevation = 1221.1;
-            lateral.PARA.reservoir_temperature = []; %only active for Xice classes - if empty, water added at the temperature of the respective grid cell
-            lateral.PARA.hardBottom_cutoff = 0.03; %hard bottom if saturated and water content below
-            lateral.PARA.distance_reservoir = 10; 
-            lateral.PARA.reservoir_contact_length = 1;
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment = 0.25; %must be a multiple of the time increment of the main lateral class
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = [];
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_STATVAR(lateral)
-            lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = [];
-        end
-        function lateral = finalize_init(lateral)
-            lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = 0;
-        end
-        %---time integration-----------------
-        function lateral = pull(lateral)
-            %taken care of by the 3D water exchange
-        end
-        function lateral = get_derivatives(lateral)
-            %
-            if lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_available
-                head = -lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation + lateral.PARA.reservoir_elevation;
-                contact_height = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.depths(1:end-1,1) - lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.depths(2:end,1);
-                reservoir_flux = lateral.PARA.reservoir_contact_length .* contact_height .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* head ./ lateral.PARA.distance_reservoir; 
-                if isempty(lateral.PARA.reservoir_temperature) 
-                        reservoir_flux_energy = reservoir_flux .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_w .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.T_water;
-                else
-                    reservoir_flux_energy = reservoir_flux .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_w .* ...
-                        (double(reservoir_flux>0) .* lateral.PARA.reservoir_temperature + double(reservoir_flux<0) .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.T_water);
-                end
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux + reservoir_flux .* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy + reservoir_flux_energy .* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;       
-                lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off - sum(reservoir_flux) .* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = push(lateral, forcing)
-            %taken care of by the 3D water exchange
-        end
-        function lateral = set_ACTIVE(lateral, i, t)
-            lateral.PARENT.ACTIVE(i,1) = 0;
-            if t + lateral.PARENT.IA_TIME_INCREMENT >= lateral.PARA.ia_time_next - 1e-9
-                lateral.PARENT.ACTIVE(i,1) = 1;
-                lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = t + lateral.PARENT.IA_TIME_INCREMENT + lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment;
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = set_ia_time(lateral, t)
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = t;
-        end
-    end
deleted file mode 100644
index 76bce63d..00000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-% simulates lateral water flow through a seepage face with defined upper
-% and lower elevation (absolute elevation, not relative to the surface!), 
-%  as well as contact lengths (i.e. width) and distance from the GROUND column.
-% At the seepage face, air pressure is assumed.
-% in the lateral class list!
-% S. Westermann, Oct 2020
-    methods
-        %----mandatory functions---------------
-        %----initialization--------------------
-        function lateral = provide_CONST(lateral)
-            lateral.CONST.day_sec = 24 .* 3600;
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_PARA(lateral)
-            lateral.PARA.upperElevation = Inf;
-            lateral.PARA.lowerElevation = 10;
-            lateral.PARA.hardBottom_cutoff = 0.03; %hard bottom if saturated and water content below
-            lateral.PARA.distance_seepageFace = 10; 
-            lateral.PARA.seepage_contact_length = 40;
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment = 0.25; %must be a multiple of the time increment of the main lateral class
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = [];
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_STATVAR(lateral)
-            lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = [];
-        end
-        function lateral = finalize_init(lateral)
-            lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = 0;
-        end
-        %-----time integration-------
-        function lateral = pull(lateral)
-            %taken care of by the 3D water exchange
-        end
-        function lateral = get_derivatives(lateral) %no need to loop through stratigraphy, all the information is in lateral.PARENT
-            %seepage flow of saturated cells above other cell's water table
-            if lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_available
-                depth_rel2surface = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation - lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.depths;
-                depth_rel2surface = max(0,depth_rel2surface);
-                head = (depth_rel2surface(1:end-1,1) + depth_rel2surface(2:end,1))/2;
-                depths = min(max(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.depths, lateral.PARA.lowerElevation), lateral.PARA.upperElevation);
-                contact_height = (depths(1:end-1,1) - depths(2:end,1));
-                seepage_flux =  - lateral.PARA.seepage_contact_length .* contact_height .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* head ./ lateral.PARA.distance_seepageFace; %outflow!
-                seepage_flux_energy = seepage_flux .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_w .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.T_water;
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux + seepage_flux .* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy + seepage_flux_energy .* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;       
-                lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off - sum(seepage_flux) .* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = push(lateral, forcing)
-            %taken care of by the 3D water exchange
-        end
-        function lateral = set_ACTIVE(lateral, i, t)
-            lateral.PARENT.ACTIVE(i,1) = 0;
-            if t + lateral.PARENT.IA_TIME_INCREMENT >= lateral.PARA.ia_time_next - 1e-9
-                lateral.PARENT.ACTIVE(i,1) = 1;
-                lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = t + lateral.PARENT.IA_TIME_INCREMENT + lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment;
-                %disp(lateral.PARA.ia_time_next-floor(lateral.PARA.ia_time_next));
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = set_ia_time(lateral, t)
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = t;
-        end
-    end
deleted file mode 100644
index cfae66fb..00000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-% simulates lateral water flow between pairs of CryoGrid stratigraphies
-% for the topmost unconfined aquifer.
-% NOTE: no flow if there is no unconfined aquifer for one of the two stratigraphies,
-% e.g. if the first cell is saturated with ice. Use LAT_3D_WATER instead. 
-% S. Westermann, Oct 2020
-    methods
-        %----mandatory functions---------------
-        %----initialization--------------------
-        function lateral = provide_CONST(lateral)
-            lateral.CONST.day_sec = 24 .* 3600;
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_PARA(lateral)
-            lateral.PARA.hardBottom_cutoff = 0.03; %hard bottom if saturated and water content below
-            lateral.PARA.distance_reservoir = 2; 
-            lateral.PARA.reservoir_contact_length = 1;
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment = 0.25; %must be a multiple of the time increment of the main lateral class
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = [];
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_STATVAR(lateral)
-            lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = [];
-            lateral.STATVAR.surface_runoff = 0;
-        end
-        function lateral = finalize_init(lateral)
-            lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = 0;
-            lateral.STATVAR.surface_runoff = 0;
-        end
-        %--- time integration---------------
-        function lateral = pull(lateral)
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.depths = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_available = 0;
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.T_water = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell = 0;         
-            lateral.TEMP.open_system = 1; %start with open system
-            CURRENT = lateral.PARENT.TOP.NEXT;
-            while ~(strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Bottom')) && lateral.TEMP.open_system == 1
-                CURRENT = lateral3D_pull_water_unconfined_aquifer(CURRENT, lateral);
-                CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = get_derivatives(lateral) %no need to loop through stratigraphy, all the information is in lateral.PARENT
-            lateral.PARENT = get_overlap_cells(lateral.PARENT, 'depths', 'overlap');
-            %calculate fluxes
-            flux = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* 0;
-            flux_energy = flux;
-            for j=1:size(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE,1)
-                if lateral.PARENT.PARA.connected(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index, lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.index)  %add if water is available at all
-                    %flow between saturated cells
-                    contact_length = lateral.PARENT.PARA.contact_length(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index, lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.index);
-                    distance = lateral.PARENT.PARA.distance(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index, lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.index);
-                    for i=1:size(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap,1) %does not do anything when overlap is empty!
-                        hc1 = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap(i,1),1);
-                        hc2 = lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.hydraulicConductivity(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap(i,2),1);
-                        hydraulicConductivity = hc1 .* hc2 ./ (hc1 .* distance./2 + hc2 .* distance./2); %change to different distances laters
-                        hydraulicConductivity(isnan(hydraulicConductivity)) = 0;
-                        flux_i = contact_length .* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap(i,3) .* hydraulicConductivity .* ...
-                            -(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation - lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.water_table_elevation);
-                        flux(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap(i,1),1) = flux(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap(i,1),1) + flux_i;
-                        flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap(i,1),1) = flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap(i,1),1) + flux_i .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_w .* ...
-                            (double(flux_i<0).*lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.T_water(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap(i,1),1) + ...
-                            double(flux_i>=0) .* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.T_water(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap(i,2),1));
-                    end
-                    %seepage flow of saturated cells above other cell's water table
-                    if lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_available || lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.water_available
-                        if lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation < lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.water_table_elevation %inflow
-                            depth_rel2surface = lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.water_table_elevation - lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.depths;
-                            depth2other_worker_water_table = lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.water_table_elevation - lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation;
-                            depth_rel2surface = max(0,depth_rel2surface);
-                            depth_rel2surface = min(depth2other_worker_water_table,depth_rel2surface);
-                            head = (depth_rel2surface(1:end-1,1) + depth_rel2surface(2:end,1))/2;
-                            contact_height = -(depth_rel2surface(1:end-1,1) - depth_rel2surface(2:end,1));
-                            seepage_flux =   contact_length .* contact_height .* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.hydraulicConductivity .* head ./ distance; %inflow!
-                            seepage_flux_energy = sum(seepage_flux .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_w .* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.T_water,1);
-                            seepage_flux = sum(seepage_flux, 1);
-                            %put water in uppmost saturated cell
-                            if lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_available
-                                top_cell_saturated = find(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status(:,1)>0, 1);
-                                flux(top_cell_saturated,1) = flux(top_cell_saturated,1) + seepage_flux;
-                                flux_energy(top_cell_saturated,1) = flux_energy(top_cell_saturated,1) + seepage_flux_energy;
-                            elseif ~isempty(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status)  %lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell > 0
-                                flux(end,1) = flux(end,1) + seepage_flux;
-                                flux_energy(end,1) = flux_energy(end,1) + seepage_flux_energy;
-                            else
-                                lateral.STATVAR.surface_runoff = lateral.STATVAR.surface_runoff + flux;
-                            end
-                        elseif lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation > lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.water_table_elevation %outflow
-                            depth_rel2surface = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation - lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.depths;
-                            depth2other_worker_water_table = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation - lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.water_table_elevation;
-                            depth_rel2surface = max(0,depth_rel2surface);
-                            depth_rel2surface = min(depth2other_worker_water_table,depth_rel2surface);
-                            head = (depth_rel2surface(1:end-1,1) + depth_rel2surface(2:end,1))/2;
-                            contact_height = -(depth_rel2surface(1:end-1,1) - depth_rel2surface(2:end,1));
-                            seepage_flux =  - contact_length .* contact_height .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* head ./ distance; %outflow!
-                            flux = flux + seepage_flux;
-                            flux_energy = flux_energy + seepage_flux .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_w .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.T_water;
-                        end
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-            %a->inflow of seepage face water
-            %1. find the uppermost cell of the own worker that is saturated
-            %water (water_status>0)
-            %2. go down the cells of the other worker with water_status >0,
-            %calculate seepage head and the flux
-            %until either the bottom is reached or the cell's lower level
-            %is below the water level of the own worker
-            %4. add the fluxes up and add the flux to cell found in 1.
-            %b -> outflow of seepgae face water
-            %steps 2 and 3, but subrtact the water from each cell
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux = flux .* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy = flux_energy .* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;
-             %modified Sep2020, moved to push
-%             if ~isempty(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux)
-%                 if lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell>0
-%                     lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell,1) = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell,1) + lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell+1,1);
-%                     lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell+1,:) = [];
-%                     lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell,1) = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell,1) + lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell+1,1);
-%                     lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell+1,:) = [];
-%                 end
-%             end
-        end
-        function lateral = push(lateral, forcing)
-            if ~isempty(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux)
-                %modified Sep2020
-                if lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell>0
-                    lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell,1) = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell,1) + lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell+1,1);
-                    lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell+1,:) = [];
-                    lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell,1) = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell,1) + lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell+1,1);
-                    lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell+1,:) = [];
-                end
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_up = 0;
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_up_energy = 0;
-                CURRENT = lateral.PARENT.TOP.NEXT; %find correct stratigraphy class
-                size_to_here = size(CURRENT.STATVAR.energy,1);
-                while ~(strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Bottom')) && size_to_here < size(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux,1)
-                    CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-                    size_to_here = size_to_here + size(CURRENT.STATVAR.energy,1);
-                end
-                while ~(strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Top'))
-                    CURRENT = lateral3D_push_water_unconfined_aquifer(CURRENT, lateral);
-                    CURRENT = CURRENT.PREVIOUS;
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = set_ACTIVE(lateral, i, t)
-            lateral.PARENT.ACTIVE(i,1) = 0;
-            if t + lateral.PARENT.IA_TIME_INCREMENT >= lateral.PARA.ia_time_next - 1e-9
-                lateral.PARENT.ACTIVE(i,1) = 1;
-                lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = t + lateral.PARENT.IA_TIME_INCREMENT + lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment;
-                %disp(lateral.PARA.ia_time_next-floor(lateral.PARA.ia_time_next));
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = set_ia_time(lateral, t)
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = t;
-        end
-    end
diff --git a/modules/TIER_2_full_classes/GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb.m b/modules/TIER_2_full_classes/GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 21bf9154..00000000
--- a/modules/TIER_2_full_classes/GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid GROUND class GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb
-% heat conduction, bucket water scheme, free water freeze curve, surface
-% energy balance, experimental formulation for air convection based on
-% Darcy-Weissbach equation
-% S. Westermann, October 2020
-    methods
-        %----mandatory functions---------------
-        %----initialization--------------------
-        function ground = GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb(index, pprovider, cprovider, forcing)  
-            ground@INITIALIZE(index, pprovider, cprovider, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = provide_PARA(ground)
-            ground.PARA.albedo = [];  %surface albedo [-]
-            ground.PARA.epsilon = []; % surface emissivity [-]
-            ground.PARA.z0 = []; %roughness length [m]
-            ground.PARA.rootDepth = []; %e-folding constant of transpiration reduction with depth [m]
-            ground.PARA.evaporationDepth = []; %e-folding constant of evaporation reduction reduction with depth [m]
-            ground.PARA.ratioET = []; %fraction of transpiration of total evapotranspiration [-]
-            ground.PARA.hydraulicConductivity = [];  %saturated hydraulic conductivity [m/sec]
-            ground.PARA.dt_max = [];  %maximum possible timestep [sec]
-            ground.PARA.dE_max = [];  %maximum possible energy change per timestep [J/m3]
-        end
-        function ground = provide_STATVAR(ground)
-            ground.STATVAR.upperPos = []; % upper surface elevation [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.lowerPos = []; % lower surface elevation [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.layerThick = []; % thickness of grid cells [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.waterIce = []; % total volume of water plus ice in a grid cell [m3]
-            ground.STATVAR.mineral = []; % total volume of minerals [m3]
-            ground.STATVAR.organic = []; % total volume of organics [m3]
-            ground.STATVAR.energy = [];  % total internal energy [J]
-            ground.STATVAR.T = [];  % temperature [degree C]
-            ground.STATVAR.grain_size = []; %diameter of soil groains/stones/rocks [m] 
-            ground.STATVAR.water = [];  % total volume of water [m3]
-            ground.STATVAR.ice = []; %total volume of ice [m3]
-            ground.STATVAR.air = [];  % total volume of air [m3] - NOT USED
-            ground.STATVAR.thermCond = []; %thermal conductivity [W/mK]
-            ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity = []; % hydraulic conductivity [m/sec]
-            ground.STATVAR.Lstar = []; %Obukhov length [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.Qh = []; %sensible heat flux [W/m2]
-            ground.STATVAR.Qe = []; % latent heat flux [W/m2]
-            ground.STATVAR.field_capacity = []; %field capacity in fraction of the total volume [-]
-            ground.STATVAR.excessWater = 0;  %water volume overtopping first grid cell (i.e. surface water [m3]
-            %ground.STATVAR.runoff = [];
-        end
-        function ground = provide_CONST(ground)
-            ground.CONST.L_f = []; % volumetric latent heat of fusion, freezing
-            ground.CONST.c_w = []; % volumetric heat capacity water
-            ground.CONST.c_i = []; % volumetric heat capacity ice
-            ground.CONST.c_o = []; % volumetric heat capacity organic
-            ground.CONST.c_m = []; % volumetric heat capacity mineral
-            ground.CONST.k_a = [];   % thermal conductivity air
-            ground.CONST.k_w = [];   % thermal conductivity water
-            ground.CONST.k_i = [];   % thermal conductivity ice 
-            ground.CONST.k_o = [];   % thermal conductivity organic 
-            ground.CONST.k_m = [];   % thermal conductivity mineral 
-            ground.CONST.sigma = []; %Stefan-Boltzmann constant
-            ground.CONST.kappa = []; % von Karman constant
-            ground.CONST.L_s = [];  %latent heat of sublimation, latent heat of evaporation handled in a dedicated function
-            ground.CONST.cp = []; %specific heat capacity at constant pressure of air
-            ground.CONST.g = []; % gravitational acceleration Earth surface
-            ground.CONST.R_spec = []; %universal gas constant in gravimetric form
-            ground.CONST.viscosity_air = []; %air viscosity
-            ground.CONST.Tmfw = [];  %freezing temperature free water [K]
-            ground.CONST.Darcy_friction_factor = [];  %friction factor Darcy-Weissbach equation
-            ground.CONST.tortuosity_air = [];    %tortuosity of air inside soil
-            ground.CONST.rho_w = []; % water density
-            ground.CONST.rho_i = []; %ice density
-            %ground.CONST.n_water = [];
-        end
-        function ground = finalize_init(ground, forcing) 
-            ground.PARA.heatFlux_lb = forcing.PARA.heatFlux_lb;
-            ground.PARA.airT_height = forcing.PARA.airT_height;
-            ground.PARA.pressure = mean(forcing.DATA.p);
-            ground.STATVAR.area = forcing.PARA.area + ground.STATVAR.T .* 0;
-            ground = get_E_freeW(ground);
-            ground = pipes_Darcy_Weisbach(ground);
-            ground = calculate_hydraulicConductivity(ground);
-            ground.STATVAR.Lstar = -100;
-            ground.STATVAR.Qh = 0;
-            ground.STATVAR.Qe = 0;
-            ground.STATVAR.runoff = 0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_ET = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_ET_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-        end
-        %---time integration------
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u(ground, forcing)
-            ground = surface_energy_balance(ground, forcing);
-            ground = get_boundary_condition_u_convection(ground, forcing);
-            ground = get_boundary_condition_u_water2(ground, forcing); %checked that this flux can be taken up!!
-        end
-        function [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW(ground, S_down)  %mandatory function when used with class that features SW penetration
-            [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW_no_transmission(ground, S_down);
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_l(ground, forcing)
-             ground.TEMP.F_lb = forcing.PARA.heatFlux_lb .* ground.STATVAR.area(end);
-             ground.TEMP.d_energy(end) = ground.TEMP.d_energy(end) + ground.TEMP.F_lb;
-            ground = get_boundary_condition_l_water2(ground);  %if flux not zero, check that the water flowing out is available! Not implemented here.
-        end
-        function ground = get_derivatives_prognostic(ground)
-            ground = get_derivative_energy(ground);
-            ground = get_derivative_air_convection_Darcy_Weisbach(ground);
-            ground = get_derivative_water2(ground);
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep(ground)  %could involve check for several state variables
-           timestep = get_timestep_heat_coduction(ground);
-           timestep = min(timestep, get_timestep_water(ground)); 
-           %timestep = min(timestep, get_timestep_air_convection(ground));
-        end
-        function ground = advance_prognostic(ground, timestep) 
-            %energy
-            ground.STATVAR.energy = ground.STATVAR.energy + timestep .* ground.TEMP.d_energy;
-            ground.STATVAR.energy = ground.STATVAR.energy + timestep .* ground.TEMP.d_water_energy; %add energy from water advection
-            %water
-            ground.STATVAR.waterIce = ground.STATVAR.waterIce + timestep .* ground.TEMP.d_water; %subtract water from ET
-            %ground.STATVAR.waterIce = min(ground.STATVAR.waterIce, ground.STATVAR.layerThick .* ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic); %prevent small rounding errors 
-            ground.STATVAR.excessWater = ground.STATVAR.excessWater + timestep .* ground.TEMP.surface_runoff;
-        end
-        function ground = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(ground, forcing)
-            ground = L_star(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = compute_diagnostic(ground, forcing)
-            ground = get_T_water_freeW(ground);
-            ground = conductivity(ground);
-            ground = pipes_Darcy_Weisbach(ground);
-            ground = calculate_hydraulicConductivity(ground);
-            ground.TEMP.d_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_ET = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_ET_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-        end
-        function ground = check_trigger(ground, forcing)
-            %do nothing, but could create LAKE if there is too much surface
-            %water
-        end
-        %-----non-mandatory functions-------
-        function ground = surface_energy_balance(ground, forcing)
-            ground.STATVAR.Lout = (1-ground.PARA.epsilon) .* forcing.TEMP.Lin + ground.PARA.epsilon .* ground.CONST.sigma .* (ground.STATVAR.T(1)+ 273.15).^4;
-            ground.STATVAR.Sout = ground.PARA.albedo .*  forcing.TEMP.Sin;
-            ground.STATVAR.Qh = Q_h(ground, forcing);
-            ground.STATVAR.Qe_pot = Q_eq_potET(ground, forcing);
-            ground = calculateET(ground);
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub = (forcing.TEMP.Sin + forcing.TEMP.Lin - ground.STATVAR.Lout - ground.STATVAR.Sout - ground.STATVAR.Qh - ground.STATVAR.Qe) .* ground.STATVAR.area(1);
-            ground.TEMP.d_energy(1) = ground.TEMP.d_energy(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub;
-        end
-        function ground = conductivity(ground)
-            ground = conductivity_mixing_squares(ground);
-        end
-        function ground = permeability_air(ground)
-            ground = permeability_air_Carman_Kozeny(ground);
-        end
-        %-----LATERAL-------------------
-        %-----LAT_REMOVE_SURFACE_WATER-----
-        function ground = lateral_push_remove_surfaceWater(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral_push_remove_surfaceWater_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        function ground = lateral_push_remove_subsurfaceWater(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral_push_remove_subsurfaceWater_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        %----LAT_SEEPAGE_FACE----------
-        function ground = lateral_push_remove_water_seepage(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral_push_remove_water_seepage_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        %----LAT_WATER_RESERVOIR------------  
-        function ground = lateral_push_water_reservoir(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral_push_water_reservoir_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        %----LAT3D_WATER_UNCONFINED_AQUIFER------------  
-        function ground = lateral3D_pull_water_unconfined_aquifer(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral3D_pull_water_unconfined_aquifer_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        function ground = lateral3D_push_water_unconfined_aquifer(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral3D_push_water_unconfined_aquifer_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        function [saturated_next, hardBottom_next] = get_saturated_hardBottom_first_cell(ground, lateral)
-            [saturated_next, hardBottom_next] = get_saturated_hardBottom_first_cell_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        %LAT3D_WATER_RESERVOIR and LAT3D_WATER_SEEPAGE_FACE do not require specific functions
-        %-------LAT3D_HEAT-------------
-        function ground = lateral3D_pull_heat(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral3D_pull_heat_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        function ground = lateral3D_push_heat(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral3D_push_heat_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        %----inherited Tier 1 functions ------------
-        function ground = get_derivative_energy(ground)
-           ground = get_derivative_energy@HEAT_CONDUCTION(ground); 
-        end
-        function ground = conductivity_mixing_squares(ground)
-            ground = conductivity_mixing_squares@HEAT_CONDUCTION(ground);
-        end
-        function flux = Q_h(ground, forcing)
-           flux = Q_h@SEB(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function flux = Q_eq_potET(ground, forcing)
-            flux = Q_eq_potET@SEB(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = calculateET(ground)
-            ground = calculateET@SEB(ground);
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u_water2(ground, forcing)
-           ground = get_boundary_condition_u_water2@WATER_FLUXES(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = get_derivative_water2(ground)
-            ground = get_derivative_water2@WATER_FLUXES(ground);
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep_heat_coduction(ground)
-            timestep = get_timestep_heat_coduction@HEAT_CONDUCTION(ground);
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep_water(ground)
-            timestep = get_timestep_water@WATER_FLUXES(ground);
-        end
-        function ground = L_star(ground, forcing)
-           ground = L_star@SEB(ground, forcing); 
-        end
-        function [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW_no_transmission(ground, S_down)
-            [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW_no_transmission@SEB(ground, S_down);
-        end
-        function ground = get_T_water_freeW(ground)
-            ground = get_T_water_freeW@HEAT_CONDUCTION(ground);
-        end
-    end
diff --git a/modules/TIER_2_full_classes/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb.m b/modules/TIER_2_full_classes/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 96308687..00000000
--- a/modules/TIER_2_full_classes/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid GROUND class GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb
-% heat conduction, Richards equation water scheme, freeze curve based on
-% freezing=drying assumption, surface energy balance, excess ice 
-% S. Westermann, October 2020
-    methods
-        function ground = GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(index, pprovider, cprovider, forcing)  
-            ground@INITIALIZE(index, pprovider, cprovider, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = provide_PARA(ground)
-            ground.PARA.albedo = [];   %surface albedo [-]
-            ground.PARA.epsilon = [];  % surface emissivity [-]
-            ground.PARA.z0 = [];      %roughness length [m]
-            ground.PARA.rootDepth = [];  %e-folding constant of transpiration reduction with depth [1/m]
-            ground.PARA.evaporationDepth = []; %e-folding constant of evaporation reduction reduction with depth [1/m]
-            ground.PARA.ratioET = []; %fraction of transpiration of total evapotranspiration [-]
-            ground.PARA.hydraulicConductivity = [];  %saturated hydraulic conductivity [m/sec]
-            ground.PARA.dt_max = []; %maximum possible timestep [sec]
-            ground.PARA.dE_max = []; %maximum possible energy change per timestep [J/m3]
-            ground.PARA.dWater_max = []; %%maximum possible volumteric water content change per timestep [-] 
-            ground.PARA.LUT_size_waterIce = []; %size of lookup table for the waterIce variable [-]
-            ground.PARA.LUT_size_T = [];   %size of lookup table for the (temperature) T variable [-]
-            ground.PARA.min_T = [];          %minimum temperature for which the LUT is calculated (modeled temperatures must be above this value) [degree C]
-            ground.PARA.min_waterIce = [];   %minimum waterIce value in volumetric fraction for which the LUT is calculated (modeled waterIce must be above this value) [-]
-            ground.PARA.max_waterIce = [];   %maximum waterIce value in volumetric fraction for which the LUT is calculated (modeled waterIce must be below this value) [-]
-            ground.PARA.min_mineral_organic = [];   %maximum mineral plus organic content in volumetric fraction for which the LUT is calculated (mineral plus organic content must be below this value) [-]
-            %trigger parameters
-            ground.PARA.threshold_Xwater = []; %excess water height in first grid cell for which a LAKE is triggered, or for which water is moved to the variable "excessWater"
-            ground.PARA.threshold_Xwater_class = []; %LAKE class that is added by trigger, no LAKE triggered if empty. Must correspond to a sleeping class in the initialization!
-            ground.PARA.threshold_Xwater_index = []; %index of LAKE class that is added by trigger
-        end
-        function ground = provide_STATVAR(ground)
-            ground.STATVAR.upperPos = []; % upper surface elevation [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.lowerPos = []; % lower surface elevation [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.layerThick = []; % thickness of grid cells [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.waterIce = [];  % total volume of water plus ice in a grid cell [m3]
-            ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce = [];  % total volume of excess water plus excess ice in a grid cell [m3]
-            ground.STATVAR.mineral = [];   % total volume of minerals [m3]
-            ground.STATVAR.organic = []; % total volume of organics [m3]
-            ground.STATVAR.energy = [];   % total internal energy [J]
-            ground.STATVAR.soil_type = [];  % integer code for soil_type; 1: sand; 2: silt: 3: clay: 4: peat; 5: water (i.e. approximation of free water, very large-pore ground material).
-            ground.STATVAR.T = [];  % temperature [degree C]
-            ground.STATVAR.water = [];  % total volume of water [m3]
-            ground.STATVAR.waterPotential = []; %soil water potential [Pa]
-            ground.STATVAR.Xwater = [];  % total volume of excess water [m3]
-            ground.STATVAR.Xice = []; % total volume of excess ice [m3]
-            ground.STATVAR.ice = [];  %total volume of ice [m3]
-            ground.STATVAR.air = [];   % total volume of air [m3] - NOT USED
-            ground.STATVAR.thermCond = [];   %thermal conductivity [W/mK]
-            ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity = [];  % hydraulic conductivity [m/sec]
-            ground.STATVAR.Lstar = [];   %Obukhov length [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.Qh = [];      %sensible heat flux [W/m2]
-            ground.STATVAR.Qe = [];      % latent heat flux [W/m2]
-            ground.STATVAR.field_capacity = [];  %field capacity in fraction of the total volume [-]
-            ground.STATVAR.excessWater = 0;     %water volume overtopping first grid cell (i.e. surface water) [m3]
-        end
-        function ground = provide_CONST(ground)
-            ground.CONST.L_f = [];  % volumetric latent heat of fusion, freezing
-            ground.CONST.Tmfw = [];  % freezing temperature of free water [K]
-            ground.CONST.c_w = []; % volumetric heat capacity water
-            ground.CONST.c_i = []; % volumetric heat capacity ice
-            ground.CONST.c_o = []; % volumetric heat capacity organic
-            ground.CONST.c_m = []; % volumetric heat capacity mineral
-            ground.CONST.k_a = [];   % thermal conductivity air
-            ground.CONST.k_w = [];   % thermal conductivity water
-            ground.CONST.k_i = [];   % thermal conductivity ice 
-            ground.CONST.k_o = [];   % thermal conductivity organic 
-            ground.CONST.k_m = [];   % thermal conductivity mineral 
-            ground.CONST.sigma = []; %Stefan-Boltzmann constant
-            ground.CONST.kappa = [];  % von Karman constant
-            ground.CONST.L_s = [];  %latent heat of sublimation, latent heat of evaporation handled in a dedicated function
-            ground.CONST.cp = [];  %specific heat capacity at constant pressure of air
-            ground.CONST.g = [];   % gravitational acceleration Earth surface
-            ground.CONST.rho_w = []; % water density
-            ground.CONST.rho_i = []; %ice density       
-            ground.CONST.rho_m = []; %density minerals
-            ground.CONST.rho_o = []; % density organics
-            %Mualem Van Genuchten model
-            ground.CONST.alpha_water = [];  %alpha parameter for different soil types [m^-1]
-            ground.CONST.alpha_sand = [];
-            ground.CONST.alpha_silt = [];
-            ground.CONST.alpha_clay = [];
-            ground.CONST.alpha_peat = [];
-            ground.CONST.n_water = [];   %n parameter for different soil types [-]
-            ground.CONST.n_sand = [];
-            ground.CONST.n_silt = [];
-            ground.CONST.n_clay = [];
-            ground.CONST.n_peat = [];
-            ground.CONST.residual_wc_water = [];    %residual water content for different soil types [-]
-            ground.CONST.residual_wc_sand = [];    %NOTE: this parameter is generally set to 0
-            ground.CONST.residual_wc_silt = [];
-            ground.CONST.residual_wc_clay = [];
-            ground.CONST.residual_wc_peat = [];
-        end
-        function ground = finalize_init(ground, forcing) 
-            ground.PARA.heatFlux_lb = forcing.PARA.heatFlux_lb;
-            ground.PARA.airT_height = forcing.PARA.airT_height;
-            ground.STATVAR.area = forcing.PARA.area + ground.STATVAR.T .* 0;
-            ground.CONST.vanGen_alpha = [ ground.CONST.alpha_sand ground.CONST.alpha_silt ground.CONST.alpha_clay ground.CONST.alpha_peat ground.CONST.alpha_water];
-            ground.CONST.vanGen_n = [ ground.CONST.n_sand ground.CONST.n_silt ground.CONST.n_clay ground.CONST.n_peat ground.CONST.n_water];
-            ground.CONST.vanGen_residual_wc = [ ground.CONST.residual_wc_sand ground.CONST.residual_wc_silt ground.CONST.residual_wc_clay ground.CONST.residual_wc_peat ground.CONST.residual_wc_water];
-            ground = get_E_freezeC_Xice(ground);
-            ground = conductivity(ground);
-            ground = calculate_hydraulicConductivity_RichardsEq_Xice(ground);
-            ground = create_LUT_freezeC(ground);
-            ground.STATVAR.Lstar = -100;
-            ground.STATVAR.Qh = 0;
-            ground.STATVAR.Qe = 0;
-            ground = set_TEMP_2zero(ground);
-        end
-        %---time integration------
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u(ground, forcing)
-            ground = surface_energy_balance(ground, forcing);
-            ground = get_boundary_condition_u_water_RichardsEq_Xice(ground, forcing); %checked that this flux can be taken up!!
-        end
-        function [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW(ground, S_down)  %mandatory function when used with class that features SW penetration
-            [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW_no_transmission(ground, S_down);
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_l(ground, forcing)
-             ground.TEMP.F_lb = forcing.PARA.heatFlux_lb .* ground.STATVAR.area(end);
-             ground.TEMP.d_energy(end) = ground.TEMP.d_energy(end) + ground.TEMP.F_lb;
-             ground = get_boundary_condition_l_water2(ground);  %if flux not zero, check that the water flowing out is available! Not implemented here.
-        end
-        function ground = get_derivatives_prognostic(ground)
-            ground = get_derivative_energy(ground);
-            ground = get_derivative_water_RichardsEq_Xice(ground);
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep(ground)  
-           timestep = get_timestep_heat_coduction(ground);
-           timestep = min(timestep, get_timestep_water_RichardsEq_Xice(ground)); 
-        end
-        function ground = advance_prognostic(ground, timestep) 
-            %energy
-            ground.STATVAR.energy = ground.STATVAR.energy + timestep .* ground.TEMP.d_energy;
-            ground.STATVAR.energy = ground.STATVAR.energy + timestep .* ground.TEMP.d_water_energy; %add energy from water advection
-            %water
-            pore_space_left = ground.STATVAR.layerThick.* ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic - ground.STATVAR.waterIce - ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce;
-            pore_space_left = max(0, pore_space_left);
-            d_waterIce_gain = timestep .* ground.TEMP.d_water.*double(ground.TEMP.d_water>0);
-            d_XwaterIce_gain = max(0, d_waterIce_gain - pore_space_left);
-            d_waterIce_gain = min(d_waterIce_gain, pore_space_left);
-            d_waterIce_loss = -timestep .* ground.TEMP.d_water.*double(ground.TEMP.d_water<0); %positive
-            d_XwaterIce_loss = min(d_waterIce_loss, ground.STATVAR.Xwater);
-            d_waterIce_loss = max(0, d_waterIce_loss - d_XwaterIce_loss);
-            ground.STATVAR.waterIce = ground.STATVAR.waterIce + d_waterIce_gain - d_waterIce_loss;
-            ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce = ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce + d_XwaterIce_gain - d_XwaterIce_loss;
-            ground.STATVAR.layerThick = ground.STATVAR.layerThick + (d_XwaterIce_gain - d_XwaterIce_loss) ./ ground.STATVAR.area;
-            ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce(ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce<0) = 0; %remove rounding errors
-        end
-        function ground = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(ground, forcing)
-            ground = L_star(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = compute_diagnostic(ground, forcing)
-            %equilibrate water between matrix and Xwater within cells
-            air = ground.STATVAR.layerThick .* ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce - ground.STATVAR.waterIce - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic; 
-            move_cells = (ground.STATVAR.Xwater > 0) & (air > 0);
-            move_Xwater = min(ground.STATVAR.Xwater(move_cells), air(move_cells));
-            ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce(move_cells) = ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce(move_cells) - move_Xwater;
-            ground.STATVAR.waterIce(move_cells) = ground.STATVAR.waterIce(move_cells) + move_Xwater;
-            ground.STATVAR.layerThick(move_cells) = ground.STATVAR.layerThick(move_cells) - move_Xwater ./  ground.STATVAR.area(move_cells);
-            ground.STATVAR.layerThick = max(ground.STATVAR.layerThick, ...
-                (ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce + ground.STATVAR.waterIce + ground.STATVAR.mineral + ground.STATVAR.organic) ./ ground.STATVAR.area);  %prevent rounding errors, would lead to wrong sign water fluxes in next prognostic step
-            ground = get_T_water_freezeC_Xice(ground);
-            ground = conductivity(ground);
-            ground = calculate_hydraulicConductivity_RichardsEq_Xice(ground);
-            ground = set_TEMP_2zero(ground);
-        end
-        function ground = check_trigger(ground, forcing)
-            trigger_yes_no = 0;
-            %water overtopping first cell
-            if isequal(class(ground.PREVIOUS), 'Top') && ground.STATVAR.Xwater(1) > ground.PARA.threshold_Xwater .* ground.STATVAR.area(1) % no snow cover and too much Xwater
-                if isempty(ground.PARA.threshold_Xwater_class) %default, remove water from first cell, otherwise the Q_e calculation crashes
-                    remove_first_cell = max(0, ground.STATVAR.Xwater(1) - ground.PARA.threshold_Xwater .* ground.STATVAR.area(1));
-                    ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce(1) = ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce(1) - remove_first_cell;
-                    ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1) = ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1) - remove_first_cell ./ ground.STATVAR.area(1);
-                    ground.STATVAR.energy(1) = ground.STATVAR.energy(1) - remove_first_cell .* ground.STATVAR.T(1) .* ground.CONST.c_w;
-                    ground.STATVAR.excessWater = ground.STATVAR.excessWater + remove_first_cell;  %water must be removed laterally for runoff output, otherwise it accumulates in excessWater
-                else
-                    trigger_class = get_IA_class(ground.PARA.threshold_Xwater_class, class(ground));
-                    trigger_create_LAKE(trigger_class, ground, forcing); %creates a new class and does all the rearranging of the stratigraphy
-                    trigger_yes_no = 1; %can be used to prevent several triggers ocurring in one timestep, like create a lake and create snow simulataneously
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        %-----non-mandatory functions-------
-        function ground = set_TEMP_2zero(ground)
-            ground.TEMP.d_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_ET = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_ET_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_Xwater = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_Xwater_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-        end
-        function ground = surface_energy_balance(ground, forcing)
-            ground.STATVAR.Lout = (1-ground.PARA.epsilon) .* forcing.TEMP.Lin + ground.PARA.epsilon .* ground.CONST.sigma .* (ground.STATVAR.T(1)+ 273.15).^4;
-            ground.STATVAR.Sout = ground.PARA.albedo .*  forcing.TEMP.Sin;
-            ground.STATVAR.Qh = Q_h(ground, forcing);
-            ground.STATVAR.Qe_pot = Q_eq_potET(ground, forcing);
-            ground = calculateET_Xice(ground);
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub = (forcing.TEMP.Sin + forcing.TEMP.Lin - ground.STATVAR.Lout - ground.STATVAR.Sout - ground.STATVAR.Qh - ground.STATVAR.Qe) .* ground.STATVAR.area(1);
-            ground.TEMP.d_energy(1) = ground.TEMP.d_energy(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub;
-        end
-        function ground = conductivity(ground)
-            ground = conductivity_mixing_squares_Xice(ground);
-        end
-        %-----LATERAL-------------------
-        %-----LAT_REMOVE_SURFACE_WATER-----
-        function ground = lateral_push_remove_surfaceWater(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral_push_remove_surfaceWater_Xice(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        function ground = lateral_push_remove_subsurfaceWater(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral_push_remove_subsurfaceWater_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        %----LAT_SEEPAGE_FACE----------     
-        function ground = lateral_push_remove_water_seepage(ground, lateral)  %must be changed!
-            ground = lateral_push_remove_water_seepage_Xice(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        %----LAT_WATER_RESERVOIR------------   
-        function ground = lateral_push_water_reservoir(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral_push_water_reservoir_RichardsEq_Xice(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        %----LAT3D_WATER_UNCONFINED_AQUIFER------------          
-        function ground = lateral3D_pull_water_unconfined_aquifer(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral3D_pull_water_unconfined_aquifer_Xice(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        function ground = lateral3D_push_water_unconfined_aquifer(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral3D_push_water_unconfined_aquifer_Xice(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        function [saturated_next, hardBottom_next] = get_saturated_hardBottom_first_cell(ground, lateral)
-            [saturated_next, hardBottom_next] = get_saturated_hardBottom_first_cell_Xice(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        %LAT3D_WATER_RESERVOIR and LAT3D_WATER_SEEPAGE_FACE do not require specific functions
-        %-------LAT3D_HEAT-------------            
-        function ground = lateral3D_pull_heat(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral3D_pull_heat_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        function ground = lateral3D_push_heat(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral3D_push_heat_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        %----inherited Tier 1 functions ------------
-        function ground = get_derivative_energy(ground)
-           ground = get_derivative_energy@HEAT_CONDUCTION(ground); 
-        end
-        function ground = conductivity_mixing_squares_Xice(ground)
-            ground = conductivity_mixing_squares_Xice@HEAT_CONDUCTION(ground);
-        end
-        function flux = Q_h(ground, forcing)
-           flux = Q_h@SEB(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function flux = Q_eq_potET(ground, forcing)
-            flux = Q_eq_potET@SEB(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = calculateET(ground)
-            ground = calculateET@SEB(ground);
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u_water2(ground, forcing)
-           ground = get_boundary_condition_u_water2@WATER_FLUXES(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = get_derivative_water2(ground)
-            ground = get_derivative_water2@WATER_FLUXES(ground);
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep_heat_coduction(ground)
-            timestep = get_timestep_heat_coduction@HEAT_CONDUCTION(ground);
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep_water(ground)
-            timestep = get_timestep_water@WATER_FLUXES(ground);
-        end
-        function ground = L_star(ground, forcing)
-           ground = L_star@SEB(ground, forcing); 
-        end
-        function [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW_no_transmission(ground, S_down)
-            [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW_no_transmission@SEB(ground, S_down);
-        end
-        function ground = get_T_water_freeW(ground)
-            ground = get_T_water_freeW@HEAT_CONDUCTION(ground);
-        end
-    end
diff --git a/modules/TIER_2_full_classes/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb.m b/modules/TIER_2_full_classes/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e92948f..00000000
--- a/modules/TIER_2_full_classes/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid GROUND class GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb
-% heat conduction, Richards equation water scheme, freeze curve based on
-% freezing=drying assumption, surface energy balance
-% S. Westermann, October 2020
-    methods
-        %----mandatory functions---------------
-        %----initialization--------------------
-        function ground = GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb(index, pprovider, cprovider, forcing)  
-            ground@INITIALIZE(index, pprovider, cprovider, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = provide_PARA(ground)
-            ground.PARA.albedo = [];  %surface albedo [-]
-            ground.PARA.epsilon = []; % surface emissivity [-]
-            ground.PARA.z0 = []; % roughness length [m] 
-            ground.PARA.rootDepth = []; %e-folding constant of transpiration reduction with depth [1/m]
-            ground.PARA.evaporationDepth = []; %e-folding constant of evaporation reduction reduction with depth [1/m]
-            ground.PARA.ratioET = []; %fraction of transpiration of total evapotranspiration [-]
-            ground.PARA.hydraulicConductivity = [];  %saturated hydraulic conductivity [m/sec]
-            ground.PARA.dt_max = []; %maximum possible timestep [sec]
-            ground.PARA.dE_max = []; %maximum possible energy change per timestep [J/m3]
-            ground.PARA.dWater_max = []; %%maximum possible volumteric water content change per timestep [-] 
-            ground.PARA.LUT_size_waterIce = []; %size of lookup table for the waterIce variable [-]
-            ground.PARA.LUT_size_T = [];   %size of lookup table for the (temperature) T variable [-]
-            ground.PARA.min_T = []; %minimum temperature for which the LUT is calculated (modeled temperatures must be above this value) [degree C]
-            ground.PARA.min_waterIce = [];  %minimum waterIce value in volumetric fraction for which the LUT is calculated (modeled waterIce must be above this value) [-]
-            ground.PARA.max_waterIce = []; %maximum waterIce value in volumetric fraction for which the LUT is calculated (modeled waterIce must be below this value) [-]
-            ground.PARA.min_mineral_organic = [];  %maximum mineral plus organic content in volumetric fraction for which the LUT is calculated (mineral plus organic content must be below this value) [-]
-        end
-        function ground = provide_STATVAR(ground)
-            ground.STATVAR.upperPos = [];  % upper surface elevation [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.lowerPos = [];  % lower surface elevation [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.layerThick = []; % thickness of grid cells [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.waterIce = [];  % total volume of water plus ice in a grid cell [m3]
-            ground.STATVAR.mineral = [];   % total volume of minerals [m3]
-            ground.STATVAR.organic = [];   % total volume of organics [m3]
-            ground.STATVAR.energy = [];    % total internal energy [J]
-            ground.STATVAR.soil_type = []; % integer code for soil_type; 1: sand; 2: silt: 3: clay: 4: peat; 5: water (i.e. approximation of free water, very large-pore ground material).
-            ground.STATVAR.T = [];  % temperature [degree C]
-            ground.STATVAR.water = [];  % total volume of water [m3]
-            ground.STATVAR.waterPotential = []; %soil water potential [Pa]
-            ground.STATVAR.ice = [];  %total volume of ice [m3]
-            ground.STATVAR.air = [];  % total volume of air [m3] - NOT USED
-            ground.STATVAR.thermCond = []; %thermal conductivity [W/mK]
-            ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity = []; % hydraulic conductivity [m/sec]
-            ground.STATVAR.Lstar = [];  %Obukhov length [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.Qh = [];     %sensible heat flux [W/m2]
-            ground.STATVAR.Qe = [];     % latent heat flux [W/m2]
-            ground.STATVAR.field_capacity = [];  %field capacity in fraction of the total volume [-]
-            ground.STATVAR.excessWater = 0;  %water volume overtopping first grid cell (i.e. surface water) [m3]
-        end
-        function ground = provide_CONST(ground)
-            ground.CONST.L_f = []; % volumetric latent heat of fusion, freezing
-            ground.CONST.Tmfw = []; % freezing temperature of free water [K]
-            ground.CONST.c_w = []; % volumetric heat capacity water
-            ground.CONST.c_i = []; % volumetric heat capacity ice
-            ground.CONST.c_o = []; % volumetric heat capacity organic
-            ground.CONST.c_m = []; % volumetric heat capacity mineral
-            ground.CONST.k_a = [];   % thermal conductivity air
-            ground.CONST.k_w = [];   % thermal conductivity water
-            ground.CONST.k_i = [];   % thermal conductivity ice 
-            ground.CONST.k_o = [];   % thermal conductivity organic 
-            ground.CONST.k_m = [];   % thermal conductivity mineral 
-            ground.CONST.sigma = []; %Stefan-Boltzmann constant
-            ground.CONST.kappa = []; % von Karman constant
-            ground.CONST.L_s = [];  %latent heat of sublimation, latent heat of evaporation handled in a dedicated function
-            ground.CONST.cp = [];  %specific heat capacity at constant pressure of air
-            ground.CONST.g = [];   % gravitational acceleration Earth surface
-            ground.CONST.rho_w = []; % water density
-            ground.CONST.rho_i = []; %ice density
-            %Mualem Van Genuchten model
-            ground.CONST.alpha_water = [];  %alpha parameter for different soil types [m^-1]
-            ground.CONST.alpha_sand = [];
-            ground.CONST.alpha_silt = [];
-            ground.CONST.alpha_clay = [];
-            ground.CONST.alpha_peat = [];
-            ground.CONST.n_water = [];  %n parameter for different soil types [-]
-            ground.CONST.n_sand = [];
-            ground.CONST.n_silt = [];
-            ground.CONST.n_clay = [];
-            ground.CONST.n_peat = [];
-            ground.CONST.residual_wc_water = [];  %residual water content for different soil types [-]
-            ground.CONST.residual_wc_sand = [];   %NOTE: this parameter is generally set to 0
-            ground.CONST.residual_wc_silt = [];
-            ground.CONST.residual_wc_clay = [];
-            ground.CONST.residual_wc_peat = [];
-        end
-        function ground = finalize_init(ground, forcing) 
-            ground.PARA.heatFlux_lb = forcing.PARA.heatFlux_lb;
-            ground.PARA.airT_height = forcing.PARA.airT_height;
-            ground.STATVAR.area = forcing.PARA.area + ground.STATVAR.T .* 0;
-            ground.CONST.vanGen_alpha = [ ground.CONST.alpha_sand ground.CONST.alpha_silt ground.CONST.alpha_clay ground.CONST.alpha_peat ground.CONST.alpha_water];
-            ground.CONST.vanGen_n = [ ground.CONST.n_sand ground.CONST.n_silt ground.CONST.n_clay ground.CONST.n_peat ground.CONST.n_water];
-            ground.CONST.vanGen_residual_wc = [ ground.CONST.residual_wc_sand ground.CONST.residual_wc_silt ground.CONST.residual_wc_clay ground.CONST.residual_wc_peat ground.CONST.residual_wc_water];
-            ground = get_E_freezeC(ground);
-            ground = conductivity(ground);
-            ground = calculate_hydraulicConductivity_RichardsEq(ground);
-            ground = create_LUT_freezeC(ground);
-            ground.STATVAR.Lstar = -100;
-            ground.STATVAR.Qh = 0;
-            ground.STATVAR.Qe = 0;
-            ground.STATVAR.runoff = 0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_ET = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_ET_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.surface_runoff = 0;
-        end
-        %---time integration------
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u(ground, forcing)
-            ground = surface_energy_balance(ground, forcing);
-            ground = get_boundary_condition_u_RichardsEq(ground, forcing); %checked that this flux can be taken up!!
-        end
-        function [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW(ground, S_down)  %mandatory function when used with class that features SW penetration
-            [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW_no_transmission(ground, S_down);
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_l(ground, forcing)
-             ground.TEMP.F_lb = forcing.PARA.heatFlux_lb .* ground.STATVAR.area(end);
-             ground.TEMP.d_energy(end) = ground.TEMP.d_energy(end) + ground.TEMP.F_lb;
-             ground = get_boundary_condition_l_water2(ground);  %if flux not zero, check that the water flowing out is available! Not implemented here.
-        end
-        function ground = get_derivatives_prognostic(ground)
-            ground = get_derivative_energy(ground);
-            ground = get_derivative_water_RichardsEq(ground);
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep(ground)  
-           timestep = get_timestep_heat_coduction(ground);
-           timestep = min(timestep, get_timestep_water_RichardsEq(ground)); 
-        end
-        function ground = advance_prognostic(ground, timestep) 
-            %energy
-            ground.STATVAR.energy = ground.STATVAR.energy + timestep .* ground.TEMP.d_energy;
-            ground.STATVAR.energy = ground.STATVAR.energy + timestep .* ground.TEMP.d_water_energy; %add energy from water advection
-            %water
-            ground.STATVAR.waterIce = ground.STATVAR.waterIce + timestep .* ground.TEMP.d_water; %subtract water from ET
-            ground.STATVAR.waterIce = max(0, ground.STATVAR.waterIce);
-            %ground.STATVAR.waterIce = min(ground.STATVAR.waterIce, ground.STATVAR.layerThick .* ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic); %prevent small rounding errors 
-            ground.STATVAR.excessWater = ground.STATVAR.excessWater + timestep .* ground.TEMP.surface_runoff;
-        end
-        function ground = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(ground, forcing)
-            ground = L_star(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = compute_diagnostic(ground, forcing)
-            ground = get_T_water_freezeC(ground);
-            ground = conductivity(ground);
-            ground = calculate_hydraulicConductivity_RichardsEq(ground);
-            ground.TEMP.d_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_ET = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_ET_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.surface_runoff = 0;
-        end
-        function ground = check_trigger(ground, forcing)
-            %do nothing at this stage - add create LAKE if there is too
-            %much surface water, similar to Xice 
-        end
-        %-----non-mandatory functions-------
-        function ground = surface_energy_balance(ground, forcing)
-            ground.STATVAR.Lout = (1-ground.PARA.epsilon) .* forcing.TEMP.Lin + ground.PARA.epsilon .* ground.CONST.sigma .* (ground.STATVAR.T(1)+ 273.15).^4;
-            ground.STATVAR.Sout = ground.PARA.albedo .*  forcing.TEMP.Sin;
-            ground.STATVAR.Qh = Q_h(ground, forcing);
-            ground.STATVAR.Qe_pot = Q_eq_potET(ground, forcing);
-            ground = calculateET(ground);
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub = (forcing.TEMP.Sin + forcing.TEMP.Lin - ground.STATVAR.Lout - ground.STATVAR.Sout - ground.STATVAR.Qh - ground.STATVAR.Qe) .* ground.STATVAR.area(1);
-            ground.TEMP.d_energy(1) = ground.TEMP.d_energy(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub;
-        end
-        function ground = conductivity(ground)
-            ground = conductivity_mixing_squares(ground);
-        end
-        %-----LATERAL-------------------
-        %-----LAT_REMOVE_SURFACE_WATER-----
-        function ground = lateral_push_remove_surfaceWater(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral_push_remove_surfaceWater_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        %-----LAT_REMOVE_SUBSURFACE_WATER-----        
-        function ground = lateral_push_remove_subsurfaceWater(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral_push_remove_subsurfaceWater_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        %----LAT_SEEPAGE_FACE----------            
-        function ground = lateral_push_remove_water_seepage(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral_push_remove_water_seepage_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        %----LAT_WATER_RESERVOIR------------          
-        function ground = lateral_push_water_reservoir(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral_push_water_reservoir_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        %----LAT3D_WATER_UNCONFINED_AQUIFER------------         
-        function ground = lateral3D_pull_water_unconfined_aquifer(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral3D_pull_water_unconfined_aquifer_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        function ground = lateral3D_push_water_unconfined_aquifer(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral3D_push_water_unconfined_aquifer_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        function [saturated_next, hardBottom_next] = get_saturated_hardBottom_first_cell(ground, lateral)
-            [saturated_next, hardBottom_next] = get_saturated_hardBottom_first_cell_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        %LAT3D_WATER_RESERVOIR and LAT3D_WATER_SEEPAGE_FACE do not require specific functions
-        %-------LAT3D_HEAT-------------        
-        function ground = lateral3D_pull_heat(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral3D_pull_heat_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        function ground = lateral3D_push_heat(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral3D_push_heat_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        %----inherited Tier 1 functions ------------
-        function ground = get_derivative_energy(ground)
-           ground = get_derivative_energy@HEAT_CONDUCTION(ground); 
-        end
-        function ground = conductivity_mixing_squares(ground)
-            ground = conductivity_mixing_squares@HEAT_CONDUCTION(ground);
-        end
-        function flux = Q_h(ground, forcing)
-           flux = Q_h@SEB(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function flux = Q_eq_potET(ground, forcing)
-            flux = Q_eq_potET@SEB(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = calculateET(ground)
-            ground = calculateET@SEB(ground);
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u_water2(ground, forcing)
-           ground = get_boundary_condition_u_water2@WATER_FLUXES(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = get_derivative_water2(ground)
-            ground = get_derivative_water2@WATER_FLUXES(ground);
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep_heat_coduction(ground)
-            timestep = get_timestep_heat_coduction@HEAT_CONDUCTION(ground);
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep_water(ground)
-            timestep = get_timestep_water@WATER_FLUXES(ground);
-        end
-        function ground = L_star(ground, forcing)
-           ground = L_star@SEB(ground, forcing); 
-        end
-        function [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW_no_transmission(ground, S_down)
-            [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW_no_transmission@SEB(ground, S_down);
-        end
-        function ground = get_T_water_freeW(ground)
-            ground = get_T_water_freeW@HEAT_CONDUCTION(ground);
-        end
-    end
diff --git a/modules/TIER_3_snow/GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb_snow.m b/modules/TIER_3_snow/GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb_snow.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 88533786..00000000
--- a/modules/TIER_3_snow/GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb_snow.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid GROUND class GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb_snow
-% heat conduction, bucket water scheme, free water freeze curve, surface
-% energy balance, experimental formulation for air convection based on
-% Darcy-Weissbach equation
-% S. Westermann, October 2020
-classdef GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb_snow < GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb
-    properties
-        CHILD
-        IA_CHILD
-    end
-    methods
-        %----mandatory functions---------------
-        %----initialization--------------------
-        function self = GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb_snow(index, pprovider, cprovider, forcing)
-            self@GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb(index, pprovider, cprovider, forcing);
-        end
-       function ground = provide_PARA(ground)  %initializes the subvariables as empty arrays
-            ground = provide_PARA@GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb(ground);
-       end
-       function ground = provide_CONST(ground)  %initializes the subvariables as empty arrays
-           ground = provide_CONST@GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb(ground);
-       end
-       function ground = provide_STATVAR(ground)  %initializes the subvariables as empty arrays
-           ground = provide_STATVAR@GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb(ground);
-       end
-       function ground = finalize_init(ground, forcing)
-           ground = finalize_init@GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb(ground, forcing);
-           ground.CHILD = 0; % no snow
-           ground.IA_CHILD = 0;
-       end
-        %---time integration------
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u(ground, forcing)
-            if ground.CHILD == 0  %CHILD does not exist
-                ground = get_boundary_condition_u@GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb(ground, forcing); %call the native function for the ground class
-                if forcing.TEMP.snowfall > 0  %create CHILD 
-                    CURRENT = ground.PREVIOUS;  %go to Top() and get the stored SNOW class
-                    while ~strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Top')
-                        CURRENT = CURRENT.PREVIOUS;
-                    end
-                    ground.CHILD = copy(CURRENT.STORE.SNOW);
-                    ground.CHILD.PARENT = ground;
-                    ground.CHILD.NEXT = ground; 
-                    ground.IA_CHILD = get_IA_class(class(ground.CHILD), class(ground));
-                    ground.IA_CHILD.PREVIOUS = ground.CHILD;
-                    ground.IA_CHILD.NEXT = ground; %SNOW CHILD created
-                    ground.CHILD = get_boundary_condition_u_create_CHILD(ground.CHILD, forcing);  %initialize with fresh snowfall
-                end
-            else %CHILD exists
-                total_area = ground.STATVAR.area; %store the total area of the ground
-                total_waterIce = ground.STATVAR.waterIce;
-                total_water = ground.STATVAR.water;
-                total_ice = ground.STATVAR.ice;
-                total_mineral = ground.STATVAR.mineral;
-                total_organic = ground.STATVAR.organic;
-                ground.STATVAR.area = ground.STATVAR.area - ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area(1,1); %replace by snow-free area
-                reduction = ground.STATVAR.area(1) ./ total_area(1);
-                ground.STATVAR.waterIce = ground.STATVAR.waterIce .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.water = ground.STATVAR.water .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.ice = ground.STATVAR.ice .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.mineral = ground.STATVAR.mineral .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.organic = ground.STATVAR.organic .* reduction;
-                ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Lstar = ground.STATVAR.Lstar;
-                ground.CHILD = get_boundary_condition_u_CHILD(ground.CHILD, forcing);
-                ground = get_boundary_condition_u@GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb(ground, forcing);
-                get_IA_CHILD_boundary_condition_u(ground.IA_CHILD);
-                %call designated mandatory function for CHILD-PARENT interactions in
-                %the IA class governing IA between SNOW and GROUND
-                ground.STATVAR.Lout = (ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) .* ground.STATVAR.Lout + ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Lout) ./ total_area(1,1); %mix the surface heat fluxes from snow and ground
-                ground.STATVAR.Sout = (ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) .* ground.STATVAR.Sout + ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Sout) ./ total_area(1,1);
-                ground.STATVAR.Qh = (ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) .* ground.STATVAR.Qh + ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Qh) ./ total_area(1,1);
-                ground.STATVAR.Qe = (ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) .* ground.STATVAR.Qe + ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Qe) ./ total_area(1,1);
-                %reassign the true totals of ground
-                ground.STATVAR.area = total_area; 
-                ground.STATVAR.waterIce = total_waterIce;
-                ground.STATVAR.water = total_water;
-                ground.STATVAR.ice = total_ice;
-                ground.STATVAR.mineral = total_mineral;
-                ground.STATVAR.organic = total_organic;
-            end
-        end
-        function [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW(ground, S_down)  %mandatory function when used with class that features SW penetration
-            [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW@GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb(ground, S_down);
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_l(ground, forcing)
-              ground = get_boundary_condition_l@GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = get_derivatives_prognostic(ground)
-            if ground.CHILD == 0  
-                ground = get_derivatives_prognostic@GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb(ground); %call normal function
-            else
-                ground.CHILD = get_derivatives_prognostic_CHILD(ground.CHILD);
-                ground = get_derivatives_prognostic@GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb(ground); 
-            end
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep(ground) 
-            if ground.CHILD == 0
-                timestep = get_timestep@GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb(ground);
-            else 
-                timestep_snow = get_timestep_CHILD(ground.CHILD);
-                timestep_ground =  get_timestep@GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb(ground);
-                %timestep = timestep_ground + double(timestep_snow > 0 && timestep_snow < timestep_ground) .* (timestep_snow - timestep_ground);
-                timestep = min(timestep_snow, timestep_ground);
-            end
-        end
-        function ground = advance_prognostic(ground, timestep) 
-            if ground.CHILD == 0
-                ground =  advance_prognostic@GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb(ground, timestep);
-            else                
-                ground.CHILD = advance_prognostic_CHILD(ground.CHILD, timestep);
-                ground =  advance_prognostic@GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb(ground, timestep);
-            end
-        end
-        function ground = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(ground, forcing);
-            ground = L_star(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = compute_diagnostic(ground, forcing)
-            if ground.CHILD == 0
-                ground = compute_diagnostic@GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb(ground, forcing);
-            else
-                ground = compute_diagnostic@GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb(ground, forcing);
-                ground.CHILD = compute_diagnostic_CHILD(ground.CHILD, forcing);
-            end
-        end
-        function ground = check_trigger(ground, forcing)
-            if ground.CHILD ~= 0
-                %delete CHILD
-                if ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area ./ ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) < 1e-6 %cutoff to get rid of remaining snow
-                   ground.CHILD = 0;
-                   ground.IA_CHILD = 0;
-                %make SNOW CHILD full class   
-                elseif ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area ./ ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) > 1 
-                    %transforms dimensions and STAVAR
-                    snow_volume = ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.layerThick;
-                    ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area = ground.STATVAR.area(1,1);
-                    ground.CHILD.STATVAR.layerThick = snow_volume ./ ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area;
-                    %make snow a real class
-                    ground.CHILD.PARENT = 0;
-                    ground.CHILD.PREVIOUS = ground.PREVIOUS;
-                    ground.CHILD.NEXT = ground;
-                    ground.PREVIOUS.NEXT = ground.CHILD;
-                    ground.PREVIOUS = ground.CHILD;
-                    ground.CHILD = 0;
-                    ground.IA_PREVIOUS = ground.IA_CHILD; %should already point right
-                    ground.PREVIOUS.IA_NEXT = ground.IA_CHILD;
-                    ground.IA_CHILD = 0;
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/TIER_3_snow/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb_snow.m b/modules/TIER_3_snow/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb_snow.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 459515f4..00000000
--- a/modules/TIER_3_snow/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb_snow.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid GROUND class GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb_snow
-% heat conduction, Richards equation water scheme, freeze curve based on
-% freezing=drying assumption, surface energy balance, excess ice 
-% S. Westermann, October 2020
-classdef GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb_snow < GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb
-    properties
-        CHILD
-        IA_CHILD
-    end
-    methods
-        %----mandatory functions---------------
-        %----initialization--------------------
-        function ground = GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb_snow(index, pprovider, cprovider, forcing)
-            ground@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(index, pprovider, cprovider, forcing);
-        end
-       function ground = provide_PARA(ground)  
-            ground = provide_PARA@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground);
-       end
-       function ground = provide_CONST(ground)  
-           ground = provide_CONST@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground);
-       end
-       function ground = provide_STATVAR(ground)  
-           ground = provide_STATVAR@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground);
-       end
-       function ground = finalize_init(ground, forcing)
-           ground = finalize_init@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, forcing);
-           ground.CHILD = 0; % no snow
-           ground.IA_CHILD = 0;
-       end
-        %---time integration------
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u(ground, forcing)
-            if ground.CHILD == 0  %CHILD does not exist
-                ground = get_boundary_condition_u@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, forcing); %call the native function for the ground class
-                if forcing.TEMP.snowfall > 0  %create CHILD 
-                    CURRENT = ground.PREVIOUS;  %go to Top() and get the stored SNOW class
-                    while ~strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Top')
-                        CURRENT = CURRENT.PREVIOUS;
-                    end
-                    ground.CHILD = copy(CURRENT.STORE.SNOW);
-                    ground.CHILD.PARENT = ground;
-                    ground.CHILD.NEXT = ground; 
-                    ground.IA_CHILD = get_IA_class(class(ground.CHILD), class(ground));
-                    ground.IA_CHILD.PREVIOUS = ground.CHILD;
-                    ground.IA_CHILD.NEXT = ground; %SNOW CHILD created
-                    ground.CHILD = get_boundary_condition_u_create_CHILD(ground.CHILD, forcing);  %initialize with fresh snowfall
-                end
-            else %CHILD exists
-                total_area = ground.STATVAR.area; %store the totals of the GROUND class
-                total_waterIce = ground.STATVAR.waterIce;
-                total_water = ground.STATVAR.water;
-                total_ice = ground.STATVAR.ice;
-                total_mineral = ground.STATVAR.mineral;
-                total_organic = ground.STATVAR.organic;
-                total_XwaterIce = ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce;
-                total_Xice = ground.STATVAR.Xice;
-                total_Xwater = ground.STATVAR.Xwater;
-                %split up area in snow-covered (CHILD) and snow-free part (PARENT)                 
-                ground.STATVAR.area = ground.STATVAR.area - ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area(1,1); %replace by snow-free area
-                reduction = ground.STATVAR.area(1) ./ total_area(1);
-                ground.STATVAR.waterIce = ground.STATVAR.waterIce .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.water = ground.STATVAR.water .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.ice = ground.STATVAR.ice .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.mineral = ground.STATVAR.mineral .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.organic = ground.STATVAR.organic .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce = ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.Xice = ground.STATVAR.Xice .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.Xwater = ground.STATVAR.Xwater .* reduction;
-                %-------------
-                ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Lstar = ground.STATVAR.Lstar;
-                ground.CHILD = get_boundary_condition_u_CHILD(ground.CHILD, forcing);
-                ground = get_boundary_condition_u@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, forcing);
-                get_IA_CHILD_boundary_condition_u(ground.IA_CHILD);
-                %call designated mandatory function for CHILD-PARENT interactions in
-                %the IA class governing IA between SNOW and GROUND
-                ground.STATVAR.Lout = (ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) .* ground.STATVAR.Lout + ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Lout) ./ total_area(1,1); %mix the surface heat fluxes from snow and ground
-                ground.STATVAR.Sout = (ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) .* ground.STATVAR.Sout + ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Sout) ./ total_area(1,1);
-                ground.STATVAR.Qh = (ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) .* ground.STATVAR.Qh + ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Qh) ./ total_area(1,1);
-                ground.STATVAR.Qe = (ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) .* ground.STATVAR.Qe + ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Qe) ./ total_area(1,1);
-                %reassign the true totals of ground
-                ground.STATVAR.area = total_area; 
-                ground.STATVAR.waterIce = total_waterIce;
-                ground.STATVAR.water = total_water;
-                ground.STATVAR.ice = total_ice;
-                ground.STATVAR.mineral = total_mineral;
-                ground.STATVAR.organic = total_organic;
-                ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce = total_XwaterIce;
-                ground.STATVAR.Xice = total_Xice;
-                ground.STATVAR.Xwater = total_Xwater;
-            end
-        end
-        function [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW(ground, S_down)  %mandatory function when used with class that features SW penetration
-            [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, S_down);
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_l(ground, forcing)
-              ground = get_boundary_condition_l@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = get_derivatives_prognostic(ground)
-            if ground.CHILD == 0  
-                ground = get_derivatives_prognostic@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground); %call normal function
-            else
-                ground.CHILD = get_derivatives_prognostic_CHILD(ground.CHILD);
-                ground = get_derivatives_prognostic@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground); 
-            end
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep(ground) 
-            if ground.CHILD == 0
-                timestep = get_timestep@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground);
-            else 
-                timestep_snow = get_timestep_CHILD(ground.CHILD);
-                timestep_ground =  get_timestep@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground);
-                timestep = timestep_ground + double(timestep_snow > 0 && timestep_snow < timestep_ground) .* (timestep_snow - timestep_ground);
-            end
-        end
-        function ground = advance_prognostic(ground, timestep) 
-            if ground.CHILD == 0
-                ground =  advance_prognostic@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, timestep);
-            else                
-                ground.CHILD = advance_prognostic_CHILD(ground.CHILD, timestep);
-                ground =  advance_prognostic@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, timestep);
-            end
-        end
-        function ground = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(ground, forcing)
-            ground = L_star(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = compute_diagnostic(ground, forcing)
-            if ground.CHILD == 0
-                ground = compute_diagnostic@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, forcing);
-            else
-                ground.CHILD = compute_diagnostic_CHILD(ground.CHILD, forcing);
-                ground = compute_diagnostic@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, forcing);
-            end
-        end
-        function ground = check_trigger(ground, forcing)
-            ground = check_trigger@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, forcing);
-            if ground.CHILD ~= 0
-                %delete CHILD
-                if ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area ./ ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) < 1e-6 %cutoff to get rid of remaining snow
-                   ground.CHILD = 0;
-                   ground.IA_CHILD = 0;
-                %make SNOW CHILD full class   
-                elseif ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area ./ ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) > 1 
-                    %transform dimensions and STAVAR
-                    snow_volume = ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.layerThick;
-                    ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area = ground.STATVAR.area(1,1);
-                    ground.CHILD.STATVAR.layerThick = snow_volume ./ ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area;
-                    %make snow a real class
-                    ground.CHILD.PARENT = 0;
-                    ground.CHILD.PREVIOUS = ground.PREVIOUS;
-                    ground.CHILD.NEXT = ground;
-                    ground.PREVIOUS.NEXT = ground.CHILD;
-                    ground.PREVIOUS = ground.CHILD;
-                    ground.CHILD = 0;
-                    ground.IA_PREVIOUS = ground.IA_CHILD; 
-                    ground.PREVIOUS.IA_NEXT = ground.IA_CHILD;
-                    ground.IA_CHILD = 0;
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/TIER_3_snow/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb_snow.m b/modules/TIER_3_snow/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb_snow.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 329015a6..00000000
--- a/modules/TIER_3_snow/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb_snow.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid GROUND class GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb_snow
-% heat conduction, Richards equation water scheme, freeze curve based on
-% freezing=drying assumption, surface energy balance
-% S. Westermann, October 2020
-classdef GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb_snow < GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb
-    properties
-        CHILD
-        IA_CHILD
-    end
-    methods
-        %----mandatory functions---------------
-        %----initialization--------------------
-        function ground = GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb_snow(index, pprovider, cprovider, forcing)
-            ground@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb(index, pprovider, cprovider, forcing);
-        end
-       function ground = provide_PARA(ground)  
-            ground = provide_PARA@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb(ground);
-       end
-       function ground = provide_CONST(ground)  
-           ground = provide_CONST@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb(ground);
-       end
-       function ground = provide_STATVAR(ground)  
-           ground = provide_STATVAR@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb(ground);
-       end
-       function ground = finalize_init(ground, forcing)
-           ground = finalize_init@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb(ground, forcing);
-           ground.CHILD = 0; % no snow
-           ground.IA_CHILD = 0;
-       end
-        %---time integration------
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u(ground, forcing)
-            if ground.CHILD == 0  %CHILD does not exist
-                ground = get_boundary_condition_u@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb(ground, forcing); %call the native function for the ground class
-                if forcing.TEMP.snowfall > 0  %create CHILD 
-                    CURRENT = ground.PREVIOUS;  %go to Top() and get the stored SNOW class
-                    while ~strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Top')
-                        CURRENT = CURRENT.PREVIOUS;
-                    end
-                    ground.CHILD = copy(CURRENT.STORE.SNOW);
-                    ground.CHILD.PARENT = ground;
-                    ground.CHILD.NEXT = ground; 
-                    ground.IA_CHILD = get_IA_class(class(ground.CHILD), class(ground));
-                    ground.IA_CHILD.PREVIOUS = ground.CHILD;
-                    ground.IA_CHILD.NEXT = ground; %SNOW CHILD created
-                    ground.CHILD = get_boundary_condition_u_create_CHILD(ground.CHILD, forcing);  %initialize with fresh snowfall
-                end
-            else %CHILD exists
-                total_area = ground.STATVAR.area; %store the total area of the ground
-                total_waterIce = ground.STATVAR.waterIce;
-                total_water = ground.STATVAR.water;
-                total_ice = ground.STATVAR.ice;
-                total_mineral = ground.STATVAR.mineral;
-                total_organic = ground.STATVAR.organic;
-                %split up area in snow-covered (CHILD) and snow-free part (PARENT)
-                ground.STATVAR.area = ground.STATVAR.area - ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area(1,1); %replace by snow-free area
-                reduction = ground.STATVAR.area(1) ./ total_area(1);
-                ground.STATVAR.waterIce = ground.STATVAR.waterIce .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.water = ground.STATVAR.water .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.ice = ground.STATVAR.ice .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.mineral = ground.STATVAR.mineral .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.organic = ground.STATVAR.organic .* reduction;
-                %-------------
-                ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Lstar = ground.STATVAR.Lstar;
-                ground.CHILD = get_boundary_condition_u_CHILD(ground.CHILD, forcing);
-                ground = get_boundary_condition_u@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb(ground, forcing);
-                get_IA_CHILD_boundary_condition_u(ground.IA_CHILD);
-                %call designated mandatory function for CHILD-PARENT interactions in
-                %the IA class governing IA between SNOW and GROUND
-                ground.STATVAR.Lout = (ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) .* ground.STATVAR.Lout + ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Lout) ./ total_area(1,1); %mix the surface heat fluxes from snow and ground
-                ground.STATVAR.Sout = (ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) .* ground.STATVAR.Sout + ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Sout) ./ total_area(1,1);
-                ground.STATVAR.Qh = (ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) .* ground.STATVAR.Qh + ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Qh) ./ total_area(1,1);
-                ground.STATVAR.Qe = (ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) .* ground.STATVAR.Qe + ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Qe) ./ total_area(1,1);
-                %reassign the true totals of ground
-                ground.STATVAR.area = total_area;
-                ground.STATVAR.waterIce = total_waterIce;
-                ground.STATVAR.water = total_water;
-                ground.STATVAR.ice = total_ice;
-                ground.STATVAR.mineral = total_mineral;
-                ground.STATVAR.organic = total_organic;
-            end
-        end
-        function [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW(ground, S_down)  %mandatory function when used with class that features SW penetration
-            [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb(ground, S_down);
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_l(ground, forcing)
-              ground = get_boundary_condition_l@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = get_derivatives_prognostic(ground)
-            if ground.CHILD == 0  
-                ground = get_derivatives_prognostic@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb(ground); %call normal function
-            else
-                ground.CHILD = get_derivatives_prognostic_CHILD(ground.CHILD);
-                ground = get_derivatives_prognostic@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb(ground); 
-            end
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep(ground) 
-            if ground.CHILD == 0
-                timestep = get_timestep@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb(ground);
-            else 
-                timestep_snow = get_timestep_CHILD(ground.CHILD);
-                timestep_ground =  get_timestep@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb(ground);
-                timestep = timestep_ground + double(timestep_snow > 0 && timestep_snow < timestep_ground) .* (timestep_snow - timestep_ground);
-            end
-        end
-        function ground = advance_prognostic(ground, timestep) 
-            if ground.CHILD == 0
-                ground =  advance_prognostic@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb(ground, timestep);
-            else                
-                ground.CHILD = advance_prognostic_CHILD(ground.CHILD, timestep);
-                ground =  advance_prognostic@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb(ground, timestep);
-            end
-        end
-        function ground = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(ground, forcing)
-            ground = L_star(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = compute_diagnostic(ground, forcing)
-            if ground.CHILD == 0
-                ground = compute_diagnostic@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb(ground, forcing);
-            else
-                ground = compute_diagnostic@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb(ground, forcing);
-                ground.CHILD = compute_diagnostic_CHILD(ground.CHILD, forcing);
-            end
-        end
-        function ground = check_trigger(ground, forcing)
-            if ground.CHILD ~= 0
-                %delete CHILD
-                if ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area ./ ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) < 1e-6 %cutoff to get rid of remaining snow
-                   ground.CHILD = 0;
-                   ground.IA_CHILD = 0;
-                %make SNOW CHILD full class   
-                elseif ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area ./ ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) > 1 
-                    %transforms dimensions and STAVAR
-                    snow_volume = ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.layerThick;
-                    ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area = ground.STATVAR.area(1,1);
-                    ground.CHILD.STATVAR.layerThick = snow_volume ./ ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area;
-                    %make snow a real class
-                    ground.CHILD.PARENT = 0;
-                    ground.CHILD.PREVIOUS = ground.PREVIOUS;
-                    ground.CHILD.NEXT = ground;
-                    ground.PREVIOUS.NEXT = ground.CHILD;
-                    ground.PREVIOUS = ground.CHILD;
-                    ground.CHILD = 0;
-                    ground.IA_PREVIOUS = ground.IA_CHILD; 
-                    ground.PREVIOUS.IA_NEXT = ground.IA_CHILD;
-                    ground.IA_CHILD = 0;
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/param_file_templates/Excel/GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb.xlsx b/param_file_templates/Excel/GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb.xlsx
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index 93153d52..00000000
Binary files a/param_file_templates/Excel/GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/param_file_templates/Excel/GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb_snow.xlsx b/param_file_templates/Excel/GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb_snow.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index d0611fee..00000000
Binary files a/param_file_templates/Excel/GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb_snow.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/param_file_templates/Excel/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb.xlsx b/param_file_templates/Excel/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b2c1c1f..00000000
Binary files a/param_file_templates/Excel/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb.xlsx and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3b7c9ab1..00000000
Binary files a/param_file_templates/Excel/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb_snow.xlsx and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 946489ff..00000000
Binary files a/param_file_templates/Excel/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb.xlsx and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index cd2e1891..00000000
Binary files a/param_file_templates/Excel/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_seb_snow.xlsx and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index d221cac4..00000000
Binary files a/results/Finse_4432/Finse_4432.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/results/Finse_4432_TILE/CONSTANTS_excel.xlsx b/results/Finse_4432_TILE/CONSTANTS_excel.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index c7565260..00000000
Binary files a/results/Finse_4432_TILE/CONSTANTS_excel.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/results/Finse_4432_TILE/Finse_4432_TILE.xlsx b/results/Finse_4432_TILE/Finse_4432_TILE.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index b275d13e..00000000
Binary files a/results/Finse_4432_TILE/Finse_4432_TILE.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/results/Finse_4432_YAML/CONSTANTS_YAML.yml b/results/Finse_4432_YAML/CONSTANTS_YAML.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index bab38be5..00000000
--- a/results/Finse_4432_YAML/CONSTANTS_YAML.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- # if possible, constant should be provided in SI units
-     day_sec:               86400         #[sec]	        number of seconds in a day  
-     year_sec:              31536000      #[sec]	        number of seconds in a year
-     rho_w:                 1000          #[kg/m3]	    density water
-     rho_i:                 920           #[kg/m3]	    density ice
-     L_f:                   334000000     #[J/m3]	        volumetric latent heat of fusion, freezing
-     L_s:                   2830000       #[J/kg]	        latent heat of sublimation			
-     c_w:                   4200000       #[J/m3K]	    volumetric heat capacity water
-     c_i:                   1900000       #[J/m3K]	    volumetric heat capacity ice
-     c_o:                   2500000       #[J/m3K]	    volumetric heat capacity organics
-     c_m:                   2000000       #[J/m3K]	    volumetric heat capacity mineral    		    	
-     k_a:                   0.025         #[W/mK]	        thermal conductivity air, Hillel (1982)
-     k_w:                   0.570         #[W/mK]	        thermal conductivity water, Hillel (1982)
-     k_i:                   2.200         #[W/mK]	        thermal conductivity ice, Hillel (1982)
-     k_o:                   0.250         #[W/mK]	        thermal conductivity organics, Hillel (1982)
-     k_m:                   3.000         #[W/mK]	        thermal conductivity mineral - default value, should be changed if necessary			
-     sigma:                 0.0000000567  #[W/m2K4]	    Stefan-Boltzmann constant
-     R:                     8.314459      #[J/K mol]      universal gas constant	
-     R_spec:                287.058       #[J/K kg] 
-     cp:                    1005          #[J/kg K]       specific heat capacity at constant pressure of air
-     kappa:                 0.4           #[-]            von Karman constant     
-     Tmfw:                  273.15        #[K]	        freezing temperature of free water
-     g:                     9.81          #[m/sec2]	    gravitational acceleration Earth surface			
-     viscosity_air:         0.0000173     #[kg/(m sec)]   
-     benthicSalt:           989.63        #[mol/m3]	    moles of ions, Millero et al. (2008)
-     tau:                   1.5           #[-]	        tau = 1.5; %tortuosity %1.5 standard
-     alpha_water:           400
-     alpha_sand:            4               
-     alpha_silt:            0.65
-     alpha_clay:            1.49
-     alpha_peat:            2.31          # from Hydraulic properties of fen peat soils in Poland, Gnatowski 2010
-     n_water:               2.5
-     n_sand:                2
-     n_silt:                1.7
-     n_clay:                1.25
-     n_peat:                1.29
-     residual_wc_water:     0
-     residual_wc_sand:      0
-     residual_wc_silt:      0
-     residual_wc_clay:      0
-     residual_wc_peat:      0
-     Darcy_friction_factor: 0.1           #             rough-pipe regime
-     tortuosity_air:        2.5           #             used in Carman Kozeny model
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/results/Finse_4432_YAML/Finse_4432_YAML.yml b/results/Finse_4432_YAML/Finse_4432_YAML.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 95714ddd..00000000
--- a/results/Finse_4432_YAML/Finse_4432_YAML.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-    tile_index:        1    
-    tile_name:         standard tile     
-    coordinates:       [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]                         # 3 floats identifying X/Y/Z or lat/lon/elev
-    crs:               XYZ                                     # XYZ: cartesian system, epsg code eg. 4326 for lat/lon (WGS84)
-    height_system:     none                                    # msl: mean sea level, ell: ellipsoidal height, none: no reference
-    forcing_id:        1                   # {default: 1},     # index representative of the order in which the forcing class is listed in the configuration file (NOT the class index !)
-    grid_id:           1                   # {default: 1},     # index representative of the order in which the grid class is listed in the configuration file (NOT the class index !)
-    out_id:            1                   # {default: 1},     # index representative of the order in which the out class is listed in the configuration file (NOT the class index !)
-    strat_linear_id:   1                   # {default: 1},     # index representative of the order in which the strat_linear class is listed in the configuration file (NOT the class index !)
-    strat_layers_id:   1                   # {default: 1},     # index representative of the order in which the strat_layers class is listed in the configuration file (NOT the class index !)
-    strat_classes_id:  1                   # {default: 1},     # index representative of the order in which the strat_classes class is listed in the configuration file (NOT the class index !)
-    lateral_interactions:   ['LAT_WATER_RESERVOIR']
-- { type:               OUT_all,
-    index:              1,
-    output_timestep:    0.25,               # [days]
-    save_date:          01.09.,             # provide in format dd.mm.
-    save_interval:      1,                  # [y] if left empty, the entire output will be written out at the end
-  } # end of output
-# add more output definitions if needed
-- { type:               FORCING_seb,
-    index:              1,
-    filename:           Finse4432.mat,
-    start_time:         01.10.2014,         # provide in format dd.mm.yyyy; if left empty, the first timestamp of the forcing data set will be used                                   
-    end_time:           ,                   # provide in format dd.mm.yyyy; if left empty, the last timestamp of the forcing data set will be used                                   
-    rain_fraction:      1,                  # [-]rainfall in forcing file multiplied by this number
-    snow_fraction:      0.5,                # [-]snowfall in forcing file multiplied by this number
-    latitude:           61,                 # [degree]geographical coordinates
-    longitude:          12,                 # [degree]
-    altitude:           1222,               # [m]a.s.l.
-    domain_depth:       100,                # [m]should match a GRID point, model domain extends to this depth
-    heatFlux_lb:        0.05,               # [W/m2]geothermal heat flux
-    airT_height:        2,                  # [m]height of air temperature
-  } # end of forcing
-# add more forcing definitions if needed
-- { type:               GRID_user_defined,
-    index:              1,   
-    grid: {
-         upper:      [0, 
-                      1, 
-                      3,
-                      5,
-                     50],
-         spacing:    [0.05,
-                      0.1,
-                      0.2,
-                      0.5,
-                     10],
-         lower:      [1,
-                      3,    
-                      5,
-                     50,
-                    100]},
-  } # end of grid
-# add more grid definitions if needed
-- { type:               STRAT_layers,
-    index:              1,   
-    layers: {
-         depth:      [0, 
-                      8, 
-                      12],
-         waterIce:   [0.2,
-                      0.5,
-                      0.5],
-         mineral:    [0.5,
-                      0.5,    
-                      0.5],
-         organic:    [0,
-                      0,
-                      0],
-         Xice:       [0,
-                      0,
-                      0],
-         field_capacity: [0.3,
-                          0.3,
-                          0.3],
-         soil_type:  [1,
-                      2,
-                      1],
-         saltConc:[1000,
-                      1,
-                      0],
-         grain_size:  [0.005,
-                       0.005,
-                       0],
-         deltaT:      [0.1,
-                       0.1,
-                       0.1]},
-  } # end of strat_layers
-- { type:     STRAT_classes,
-    index:    1,
-    classes: {
-        depth:          [ 0,
-                         10],
-        class_name:     [GROUND_freezeC_bucketW_seb_snow,
-                         GROUND_freeW_seb],
-        class_index:    [1,
-                         1]},
-    snow_classname:     SNOW_crocus_bucketW_seb,
-    snow_class_index:   1,
-  } # enf of strat_class
-- { type:               STRAT_linear,
-    index:              1,
-    initial_cond: {
-        depth:      [0,
-                     8,
-                    10,
-                   100,
-                  5000],
-        T:          [5,
-                     0,
-                    -5,
-                     1,
-                    20]},
-  } # end of strat_linear                            
-# add more stratigraphy_initials if necessary
-- { type:                   GROUND_freeW_seb,
-    index:                  1,
-    albedo:                 0.15,           #{default: 0.15,  unit: '[-]'},     # surface albedo
-    epsilon:                0.99,           #{default: 0.99,  unit: '[-]'},     # surface emissivity
-    z0:                     0.001,          #{default: 0.001, unit: '[m]'},     # roughness length
-    rs:                     100,            #{default:     ,  unit: },           
-    area:                   1,              #{default:    1,  unit: '[m2]'},    # initial area of realization 
-    dt_max:                 3600,           #{default: 3600,  unit: '[sec]'},   # longest possible timestep
-    dE_max:                 50000,          #{default: 50000, unit: '[J/m3]'},  # maximum change of energy per timestep
-    kh_mineral:             3,                                                  # not used
-  } # end of class
-- { type:                   GROUND_freezeC_bucketW_seb_snow,
-    index:                  1,
-    albedo:                 0.15,           #{default: 0.15,  unit: '[-]'},     # surface albedo
-    epsilon:                0.99,           #{default: 0.99,  unit: '[-]'},     # surface emissivity
-    z0:                     0.001,          #{default: 0,001, unit: '[-]'},     # roughness length  
-    rs:                     100,            #{default:  ,     unit: },          
-    area:                   1,              #{default: 1,     unit: '[m2]'},    # initial area of realization
-    hydraulicConductivity:  0.00001,        #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    evaporationDepth:       0.4,            #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    rootDepth:              0.4,            #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    ratioET:                0.5,            #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    LUT_size_waterIce:      1000,           #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    LUT_size_T:             1000,           #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    min_T:                  -30,            #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    min_waterIce:           0.05,           #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    max_waterIce:           0.95,           #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    min_mineral_organic:    0.05,           #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    dt_max:                 3600,           #{default: 3600,  unit: '[sec]'},   # longest possible timestep
-    dE_max:                 50000,          #{default: 50000, unit: '[J/m3]'},  # maximum change of energy per timestep
-    kh_mineral:             3,                                                  # not used
-  } # end of class
-- { type:                   SNOW_crocus_bucketW_seb,
-    index:                  1,
-    slope:                  0,              #{default: ,      unit: },       
-    SW_spectral_range1:     0.71,           #{default: ,      unit: },       
-    SW_spectral_range2:     0.21,           #{default: ,      unit: },       
-    epsilon:                0.99,           #{default: 0.99,  unit: '[-]'},     # surface emissivity
-    z0:                     0.001,          #{default: 0.001, unit: [m]},       # roughness length
-    rs:                     0,
-    timescale_winddrift:    48,             #{default: ,      unit: [hours]},   
-    field_capacity:         0.05,          
-    hydraulicConductivity:  0.0001,
-    swe_per_cell:           0.02,
-    dt_max:                 3600,           #{default: 3600,  unit: '[sec]'},   # longest possible timestep
-    dE_max:                 50000,          #{default: 50000, unit: [J/m3]},    # maximum change of energy per timestep
-  } # end of class
-- { type:                   SNOW_simple_seb,
-    index:                  1,
-    albedo:                 0.7,            #{default: 0.08,  unit: [-]},       # surface albedo                    
-    SW_extinction:          2,              #{default: ,      unit: [1/m]},     # SW extinction coefficient
-    epsilon:                0.99,           #{default: 0.99,  unit: [-]},       # surface emissivity
-    z0:                     0.001,          #{default: 0.001, unit: [m]},       # roughness length
-    rs:                     0,              #{default: ,      unit: },
-    area:                   1,              #{default: 1,     unit: [m2]},      # initial area of realization
-    density:                300,            #{default: ,      unit: },
-    field_capacity:         0.05,           #{default: ,      unit: },          
-    swe_per_cell:           0.02,           #{default: ,      unit: },         
-    dt_max:                 3600,           #{default: 3600,  unit: [sec]},     # longest possible timestep
-    dE_max:                 50000,          #{default: 50000, unit: [J/m3]},    # maximum change of energy per timestep
-  } # end of class
-- { type:                   GROUND_freeW_bucketW_convection_seb_snow,
-    index:                  1,
-    albedo:                 0.15,           #{default: 0.15,  unit: [-]},       # surface albedo                    
-    epsilon:                0.99,           #{default: 0.99,  unit: [-]},       # surface emissivity
-    z0:                     0.001,          #{default: 0.001, unit: [m]},       # roughness length
-    area:                   1,              #{default: 1,     unit: [m2]},      # initial area of realization
-    dt_max:                 3600,           #{default: 3600,  unit: [sec]},     # longest possible timestep
-    dE_max:                 50000,          #{default: 50000, unit: [J/m3]},    # maximum change of energy per timestep
-    kh_mineral:             3,                                                  # not used
-    hydraulicConductivity:  0.00001,        #{default: ,      unit: },
-    evaporationDepth:       0.1,            #{default: ,      unit: },
-    rootDepth:              0.1,            #{default: ,      unit: },
-    ratioET:                0.5,            #{default: ,      unit: },
-  } # end of class
-- { type:                   GROUND_freeW_bucketW_seb,
-    index:                  1,
-    albedo:                 0.15,           #{default: 0.15,  unit: [-]},       # surface albedo                    
-    epsilon:                0.99,           #{default: 0.99,  unit: [-]},       # surface emissivity
-    z0:                     0.001,          #{default: 0.001, unit: [m]},       # roughness length
-    area:                   1,              #{default: 1,     unit: [m2]},      # initial area of realization
-    dt_max:                 3600,           #{default: 3600,  unit: [sec]},     # longest possible timestep
-    dE_max:                 50000,          #{default: 50000, unit: [J/m3]},    # maximum change of energy per timestep
-    kh_mineral:             3,                                                  # not used
-    hydraulicConductivity:  0.00001,        #{default: ,      unit: },
-    evaporationDepth:       0.1,            #{default: ,      unit: },
-    rootDepth:              0.1,            #{default: ,      unit: },
-    ratioET:                0.5,            #{default: ,      unit: },
-  } # end of class
-- { type:                   LAT_WATER_RESERVOIR,
-    index:                  1,
-    reservoir_elevation:        20,         #{default: 20,   unit: '[-]'},
-    reservoir_temperature:      0.5,        #{default: 0.5,  unit: '[-]'},   # only active for Xice classes - if empty, water added at the temperature of the respective grid cell
-    hardBottom_cutoff:          0.03,       #{default: 0.03, unit: '[-]'},   # hard bottom if saturated and water content below
-    distance_reservoir:         3,          #{default: 3,    unit: '[-]'},   
-    reservoir_contact_length:   1,          #{default: 1,    unit: '[-]'},
-  } # end of class
-- { type:                   LATERAL_1D,
-    index:                  1,
-    ia_time_increment:   0.25,
-  } # end of class
-- { type:                   LATERAL_3D,
-    index:                  1,
-    ia_time_increment:   0.05,
-  } # end of class
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/results/peat_suossjavri/CONSTANTS_excel.xlsx b/results/peat_suossjavri/CONSTANTS_excel.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index c506fb9f..00000000
Binary files a/results/peat_suossjavri/CONSTANTS_excel.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/results/peat_suossjavri/peat_suossjavri.xlsx b/results/peat_suossjavri/peat_suossjavri.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index e3cc53fc..00000000
Binary files a/results/peat_suossjavri/peat_suossjavri.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/results/peat_suossjavri_YAML/CONSTANTS_YAML.yml b/results/peat_suossjavri_YAML/CONSTANTS_YAML.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b8ba670..00000000
--- a/results/peat_suossjavri_YAML/CONSTANTS_YAML.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- # if possible, constant should be provided in SI units
-     day_sec:               86400         #[sec]	        number of seconds in a day  
-     year_sec:              31536000      #[sec]	        number of seconds in a year
-     rho_w:                 1000          #[kg/m3]	    density water
-     rho_i:                 920           #[kg/m3]	    density ice
-     L_f:                   334000000     #[J/m3]	        volumetric latent heat of fusion, freezing
-     L_s:                   2830000       #[J/kg]	        latent heat of sublimation			
-     c_w:                   4200000       #[J/m3K]	    volumetric heat capacity water
-     c_i:                   1900000       #[J/m3K]	    volumetric heat capacity ice
-     c_o:                   2500000       #[J/m3K]	    volumetric heat capacity organics
-     c_m:                   2000000       #[J/m3K]	    volumetric heat capacity mineral    		    	
-     k_a:                   0.025         #[W/mK]	        thermal conductivity air, Hillel (1982)
-     k_w:                   0.570         #[W/mK]	        thermal conductivity water, Hillel (1982)
-     k_i:                   2.200         #[W/mK]	        thermal conductivity ice, Hillel (1982)
-     k_o:                   0.250         #[W/mK]	        thermal conductivity organics, Hillel (1982)
-     k_m:                   3.000         #[W/mK]	        thermal conductivity mineral - default value, should be changed if necessary			
-     sigma:                 0.0000000567  #[W/m2K4]	    Stefan-Boltzmann constant
-     R:                     8.314459      #[J/K mol]      universal gas constant	
-     R_spec:                287.058       #[J/K kg] 
-     cp:                    1005          #[J/kg K]       specific heat capacity at constant pressure of air
-     kappa:                 0.4           #[-]            von Karman constant     
-     Tmfw:                  273.15        #[K]	        freezing temperature of free water
-     g:                     9.81          #[m/sec2]	    gravitational acceleration Earth surface			
-     viscosity_air:         0.0000173     #[kg/(m sec)]   
-     benthicSalt:           989.63        #[mol/m3]	    moles of ions, Millero et al. (2008)
-     tau:                   1.5           #[-]	        tau = 1.5; %tortuosity %1.5 standard
-     alpha_water:           400
-     alpha_sand:            4               
-     alpha_silt:            0.65
-     alpha_clay:            1.49
-     alpha_peat:            2.31          # from Hydraulic properties of fen peat soils in Poland, Gnatowski 2010
-     n_water:               2.5
-     n_sand:                2
-     n_silt:                1.7
-     n_clay:                1.25
-     n_peat:                1.29
-     residual_wc_water:     0
-     residual_wc_sand:      0
-     residual_wc_silt:      0
-     residual_wc_clay:      0
-     residual_wc_peat:      0
-     Darcy_friction_factor: 0.1           #             rough-pipe regime
-     tortuosity_air:        2.5           #             used in Carman Kozeny model
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/results/peat_suossjavri_YAML/peat_suossjavri_YAML.yml b/results/peat_suossjavri_YAML/peat_suossjavri_YAML.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index da0b043a..00000000
--- a/results/peat_suossjavri_YAML/peat_suossjavri_YAML.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-    tile_index:        1    
-    tile_name:         standard tile     
-    coordinates:       [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]                         # 3 floats identifying X/Y/Z or lat/lon/elev
-    crs:               XYZ                                     # XYZ: cartesian system, epsg code eg. 4326 for lat/lon (WGS84)
-    height_system:     none                                    # msl: mean sea level, ell: ellipsoidal height, none: no reference
-    forcing_id:        1                   # {default: 1},     # index representative of the order in which the forcing class is listed in the configuration file (NOT the class index !)
-    grid_id:           1                   # {default: 1},     # index representative of the order in which the grid class is listed in the configuration file (NOT the class index !)
-    out_id:            1                   # {default: 1},     # index representative of the order in which the out class is listed in the configuration file (NOT the class index !)
-    strat_linear_id:   1                   # {default: 1},     # index representative of the order in which the strat_linear class is listed in the configuration file (NOT the class index !)
-    strat_layers_id:   1                   # {default: 1},     # index representative of the order in which the strat_layers class is listed in the configuration file (NOT the class index !)
-    strat_classes_id:  1                   # {default: 1},     # index representative of the order in which the strat_classes class is listed in the configuration file (NOT the class index !)
-    lateral_interactions:   ['LAT_WATER_RESERVOIR', 'LAT_REMOVE_SURFACE_WATER']
-- { type:               OUT_all,
-    index:              1,
-    output_timestep:    0.25,               # [days]
-    save_date:          01.09.,             # provide in format dd.mm.
-    save_interval:      1,                  # [y] if left empty, the entire output will be written out at the end
-  } # end of output
-# add more output definitions if needed
-- { type:               FORCING_seb,
-    index:              1,
-    filename:           Suossjavri_WRF_Norstore50y.mat,
-    start_time:         ,                   # provide in format dd.mm.yyyy; if left empty, the first timestamp of the forcing data set will be used                                   
-    end_time:           ,                   # provide in format dd.mm.yyyy; if left empty, the last timestamp of the forcing data set will be used                                   
-    rain_fraction:      0.2,                # [-]rainfall in forcing file multiplied by this number
-    snow_fraction:      0.2,                # [-]snowfall in forcing file multiplied by this number
-    latitude:           70,                 # [degree]geographical coordinates
-    longitude:          10,                 # [degree]
-    altitude:           20,                 # [m]a.s.l.
-    domain_depth:       100,                # [m]should match a GRID point, model domain extends to this depth
-    heatFlux_lb:        0.05,               # [W/m2]geothermal heat flux
-    airT_height:        2,                  # [m]height of air temperature
-  } # end of forcing
-# add more forcing definitions if needed
-- { type:               GRID_user_defined,
-    index:              1,   
-    grid: {
-         upper:      [0, 
-                      1, 
-                      2,
-                     10,
-                     20],
-         spacing:    [0.05,
-                      0.1,
-                      0.2,
-                      0.5,
-                      5],
-         lower:      [1,
-                      2,    
-                     10,
-                     20,
-                    100]},
-  } # end of grid
-# add more grid definitions if needed
-- { type:               STRAT_layers,
-    index:              1,   
-    layers: {
-         depth:      [0, 
-                      8, 
-                      12],
-         waterIce:   [0.2,
-                      0.5,
-                      0.5],
-         mineral:    [0.5,
-                      0.5,    
-                      0.5],
-         organic:    [0,
-                      0,
-                      0],
-         Xice:       [0,
-                      0,
-                      0],
-         field_capacity: [0.3,
-                          0.3,
-                          0.3],
-         soil_type:  [1,
-                      2,
-                      1]},
-  } # end of strat_layers
-- { type:     STRAT_classes,
-    index:    1,
-    classes: {
-        depth:          [ 0,
-                         10],
-        class_name:     [GROUND_freezeC_bucketW_seb_snow,
-                         GROUND_freeW_seb],
-        class_index:    [1,
-                         1]},
-    snow_classname:     SNOW_crocus_bucketW_seb,
-    snow_class_index:   1,
-  } # enf of strat_class
-- { type:               STRAT_linear,
-    index:              1,
-    initial_cond: {
-        depth:      [0,
-                     1,
-                     2,
-                   100,
-                  5000],
-        T:          [5,
-                    -1,
-                    -1,
-                     1,
-                    20]},
-  } # end of strat_linear                            
-# add more stratigraphy_initials if necessary
-- { type:                   GROUND_freezeC_bucketW_seb_snow,
-    index:                  1,
-    albedo:                 0.15,           #{default: 0.15,  unit: '[-]'},     # surface albedo
-    epsilon:                0.99,           #{default: 0.99,  unit: '[-]'},     # surface emissivity
-    z0:                     0.001,          #{default: 0,001, unit: '[-]'},     # roughness length  
-    rs:                     100,            #{default:  ,     unit: },          
-    area:                   1,              #{default: 1,     unit: '[m2]'},    # initial area of realization
-    hydraulicConductivity:  0.00001,        #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    evaporationDepth:       0.4,            #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    rootDepth:              0.4,            #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    ratioET:                0.5,            #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    LUT_size_waterIce:      1000,           #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    LUT_size_T:             1000,           #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    min_T:                  -30,            #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    min_waterIce:           0.05,           #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    max_waterIce:           0.95,           #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    min_mineral_organic:    0.05,           #{default:  ,     unit: },
-    dt_max:                 3600,           #{default: 3600,  unit: '[sec]'},   # longest possible timestep
-    dE_max:                 50000,          #{default: 50000, unit: '[J/m3]'},  # maximum change of energy per timestep
-    kh_mineral:             3,                                                  # not used
-  } # end of class
-- { type:                   SNOW_crocus_bucketW_seb,
-    index:                  1,
-    slope:                  0,              #{default: ,      unit: },       
-    SW_spectral_range1:     0.71,           #{default: ,      unit: },       
-    SW_spectral_range2:     0.21,           #{default: ,      unit: },       
-    epsilon:                0.99,           #{default: 0.99,  unit: '[-]'},     # surface emissivity
-    z0:                     0.001,          #{default: 0.001, unit: [m]},       # roughness length
-    rs:                     0,
-    timescale_winddrift:    48,             #{default: ,      unit: [hours]},   
-    field_capacity:         0.05,          
-    hydraulicConductivity:  0.0001,
-    swe_per_cell:           0.02,
-    dt_max:                 3600,           #{default: 3600,  unit: '[sec]'},   # longest possible timestep
-    dE_max:                 50000,          #{default: 50000, unit: [J/m3]},    # maximum change of energy per timestep
-  } # end of class
-- { type:                   GROUND_freeW_seb,
-    index:                  1,
-    albedo:                 0.15,           #{default: 0.15,  unit: '[-]'},     # surface albedo
-    epsilon:                0.99,           #{default: 0.99,  unit: '[-]'},     # surface emissivity
-    z0:                     0.001,          #{default: 0.001, unit: '[m]'},     # roughness length
-    rs:                     100,            #{default:     ,  unit: },           
-    area:                   1,              #{default:    1,  unit: '[m2]'},    # initial area of realization 
-    dt_max:                 3600,           #{default: 3600,  unit: '[sec]'},   # longest possible timestep
-    dE_max:                 50000,          #{default: 50000, unit: '[J/m3]'},  # maximum change of energy per timestep
-    kh_mineral:             3,                                                  # not used
-  } # end of class
-- { type:                   LAKE_simple_bucketW_seb_snow,
-    index:                  1,
-    albedo:                 0.08,           #{default: 0.08,  unit: [-]},       # surface albedo                    
-    SW_extinction:          2,              #{default: ,      unit: [1/m]},     # SW extinction coefficient
-    epsilon:                0.99,           #{default: 0.99,  unit: [-]},       # surface emissivity
-    z0:                     0.001,          #{default: 0.001, unit: [m]},       # roughness length
-    rs:                     0,              #{default: ,      unit: },
-    area:                   10,             #{default: 1,     unit: [m2]},      # initial area of realization
-    dt_max:                 3600,           #{default: 3600,  unit: [sec]},     # longest possible timestep
-    dE_max:                 50000,          #{default: 50000, unit: [J/m3]},    # maximum change of energy per timestep
-  } # end of class
-- { type:                   LAT_WATER_RESERVOIR,
-    index:                  1,
-    reservoir_elevation:        20,         #{default: 20,   unit: '[-]'},
-    reservoir_temperature:      0.5,        #{default: 0.5,  unit: '[-]'},   # only active for Xice classes - if empty, water added at the temperature of the respective grid cell
-    hardBottom_cutoff:          0.03,       #{default: 0.03, unit: '[-]'},   # hard bottom if saturated and water content below
-    distance_reservoir:         3,          #{default: 3,    unit: '[-]'},   
-    reservoir_contact_length:   1,          #{default: 1,    unit: '[-]'},
-  } # end of class
-- { type:                   LAT_REMOVE_SURFACE_WATER,
-    index:                  1,
-    # No parameters required for this interaction class
-  } # end of class
-- { type:                   LATERAL_1D,
-    index:                  1,
-    ia_time_increment:   0.25,
-  } # end of class
-- { type:                   LATERAL_3D,
-    index:                  1,
-    ia_time_increment:   0.05,
-  } # end of class
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run_CG_1D.m b/run_CG_1D.m
index ad67d03b..5082755f 100644
--- a/run_CG_1D.m
+++ b/run_CG_1D.m
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 %set parameter files for initialization
 init_format = 'EXCEL'; %EXCEL or YAML
-run_number = 'example3'; %paramter file name and result directory 
+run_number = 'example2'; %paramter file name and result directory 
 const_file = 'CONSTANTS_excel'; %file with constants
diff --git a/trash/Cryogrid_documentation.docx b/trash/Cryogrid_documentation.docx
deleted file mode 100644
index 98f1eb4b..00000000
Binary files a/trash/Cryogrid_documentation.docx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/trash/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb_snow_REMOVE.m b/trash/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb_snow_REMOVE.m
deleted file mode 100644
index a84d4807..00000000
--- a/trash/GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb_snow_REMOVE.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-classdef GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb_snow < GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb
-    properties
-        CHILD
-        IA_CHILD
-    end
-    methods
-        %mandatory functions for each class
-        function self = GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb_snow(index, pprovider, cprovider, forcing)
-            self@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(index, pprovider, cprovider, forcing);
-        end
-       function ground = provide_PARA(ground)  %initializes the subvariables as empty arrays
-            ground = provide_PARA@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground);
-       end
-       function ground = provide_CONST(ground)  %initializes the subvariables as empty arrays
-           ground = provide_CONST@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground);
-       end
-       function ground = provide_STATVAR(ground)  %initializes the subvariables as empty arrays
-           ground = provide_STATVAR@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground);
-       end
-       function ground = finalize_init(ground, forcing)
-           ground = finalize_init@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, forcing);
-           ground.CHILD = 0; % no snow
-           ground.IA_CHILD = 0;
-       end
-       %-------------------
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u(ground, forcing)
-            if ground.CHILD == 0  %CHILD does not exist
-                ground = get_boundary_condition_u@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, forcing); %call the native function for the ground class
-                if forcing.TEMP.snowfall > 0  %create CHILD 
-                    CURRENT = ground.PREVIOUS;  %go to Top() and get the stored SNOW class
-                    while ~strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Top')
-                        CURRENT = CURRENT.PREVIOUS;
-                    end
-                    ground.CHILD = copy(CURRENT.STORE.SNOW);
-                    ground.CHILD.PARENT = ground;
-                    ground.CHILD.NEXT = ground; 
-                    ground.IA_CHILD = get_IA_class(class(ground.CHILD), class(ground));
-                    ground.IA_CHILD.PREVIOUS = ground.CHILD;
-                    ground.IA_CHILD.NEXT = ground; %SNOW CHILD created
-                    ground.CHILD = get_boundary_condition_u_create_CHILD(ground.CHILD, forcing);  %initialize with fresh snowfall
-                end
-            else %CHILD exists
-                total_area = ground.STATVAR.area; %store the total area of the ground
-                total_waterIce = ground.STATVAR.waterIce;
-                total_water = ground.STATVAR.water;
-                total_ice = ground.STATVAR.ice;
-                total_mineral = ground.STATVAR.mineral;
-                total_organic = ground.STATVAR.organic;
-                ground.STATVAR.area = ground.STATVAR.area - ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area(1,1); %replace by snow-free area
-                reduction = ground.STATVAR.area(1) ./ total_area(1);
-                ground.STATVAR.waterIce = ground.STATVAR.waterIce .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.water = ground.STATVAR.water .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.ice = ground.STATVAR.ice .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.mineral = ground.STATVAR.mineral .* reduction;
-                ground.STATVAR.organic = ground.STATVAR.organic .* reduction;
-                %-------------
-                ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Lstar = ground.STATVAR.Lstar;
-                ground.CHILD = get_boundary_condition_u_CHILD(ground.CHILD, forcing);
-                ground = get_boundary_condition_u@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, forcing);
-                get_IA_CHILD_boundary_condition_u(ground.IA_CHILD);
-                %call designated mandatory function for CHILD-PARENT interactions in
-                %the IA class governing IA between SNOW and GROUND
-                ground.STATVAR.Lout = (ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) .* ground.STATVAR.Lout + ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Lout) ./ total_area(1,1); %mix the surface heat fluxes from snow and ground
-                ground.STATVAR.Sout = (ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) .* ground.STATVAR.Sout + ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Sout) ./ total_area(1,1);
-                ground.STATVAR.Qh = (ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) .* ground.STATVAR.Qh + ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Qh) ./ total_area(1,1);
-                ground.STATVAR.Qe = (ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) .* ground.STATVAR.Qe + ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.Qe) ./ total_area(1,1);
-                %----------------
-                ground.STATVAR.area = total_area; %reassign the true area of ground
-                ground.STATVAR.waterIce = total_waterIce;
-                ground.STATVAR.water = total_water;
-                ground.STATVAR.ice = total_ice;
-                ground.STATVAR.mineral = total_mineral;
-                ground.STATVAR.organic = total_organic;
-            end
-        end
-        function [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW(ground, S_down)  %mandatory function when used with class that features SW penetration
-            [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, S_down);
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_l(ground, forcing)
-              ground = get_boundary_condition_l@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = get_derivatives_prognostic(ground)
-            if ground.CHILD == 0  
-                ground = get_derivatives_prognostic@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground); %call normal function
-            else
-                ground.CHILD = get_derivatives_prognostic_CHILD(ground.CHILD);
-                ground = get_derivatives_prognostic@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground); 
-            end
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep(ground) 
-            if ground.CHILD == 0
-                timestep = get_timestep@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground);
-            else 
-                timestep_snow = get_timestep_CHILD(ground.CHILD);
-                timestep_ground =  get_timestep@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground);
-                timestep = timestep_ground + double(timestep_snow > 0 && timestep_snow < timestep_ground) .* (timestep_snow - timestep_ground);
-            end
-        end
-        function ground = advance_prognostic(ground, timestep) %real timestep derived as minimum of several classes in [sec] here!
-            if ground.CHILD == 0
-                ground =  advance_prognostic@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, timestep);
-            else                
-                ground.CHILD = advance_prognostic_CHILD(ground.CHILD, timestep);
-                ground =  advance_prognostic@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, timestep);
-            end
-        end
-        function ground = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(ground, forcing);
-            ground = L_star(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = compute_diagnostic(ground, forcing)
-            if ground.CHILD == 0
-                ground = compute_diagnostic@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, forcing);
-            else
-                ground = compute_diagnostic@GROUND_freezeC_RichardsEqW_Xice_seb(ground, forcing);
-                ground.CHILD = compute_diagnostic_CHILD(ground.CHILD, forcing);
-            end
-        end
-        function ground = check_trigger(ground, forcing)
-            if ground.CHILD ~= 0
-                %delete CHILD
-                if ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area ./ ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) < 1e-6 %cutoff to get rid of remaining snow
-                   ground.CHILD = 0;
-                   ground.IA_CHILD = 0;
-                %make SNOW CHILD full class   
-                elseif ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area ./ ground.STATVAR.area(1,1) > 1 
-                    %transforms dimensions and STAVAR
-                    snow_volume = ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area .* ground.CHILD.STATVAR.layerThick;
-                    ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area = ground.STATVAR.area(1,1);
-                    ground.CHILD.STATVAR.layerThick = snow_volume ./ ground.CHILD.STATVAR.area;
-                    %ground.CHILD = compute_diagnostic(ground.CHILD, forcing); %splits snow in 2 grid cells
-                    %make snow a real class
-                    ground.CHILD.PARENT = 0;
-                    ground.CHILD.PREVIOUS = ground.PREVIOUS;
-                    ground.CHILD.NEXT = ground;
-                    ground.PREVIOUS.NEXT = ground.CHILD;
-                    ground.PREVIOUS = ground.CHILD;
-                    ground.CHILD = 0;
-                    ground.IA_PREVIOUS = ground.IA_CHILD; %should already point right
-                    ground.PREVIOUS.IA_NEXT = ground.IA_CHILD;
-                    ground.IA_CHILD = 0;
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trash/LAT3D_WATER_RESERVOIR2.m b/trash/LAT3D_WATER_RESERVOIR2.m
deleted file mode 100644
index e3856f97..00000000
--- a/trash/LAT3D_WATER_RESERVOIR2.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-    methods
-        function lateral = provide_CONST(lateral)
-            lateral.CONST.day_sec = 24 .* 3600;
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_PARA(lateral)
-            lateral.PARA.reservoir_elevation = 21.0;
-            lateral.PARA.reservoir_bottom = -Inf;
-            lateral.PARA.reservoir_temperature = []; %only active for Xice classes - if empty, water added at the temperature of the respective grid cell
-            lateral.PARA.hardBottom_cutoff = 0.03; %hard bottom if saturated and water content below
-            lateral.PARA.distance_reservoir = 10; 
-            lateral.PARA.reservoir_contact_length = 1;
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment = 0.25; %must be a multiple of the time increment of the main lateral class
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = [];
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_STATVAR(lateral)
-            lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = [];
-        end
-        %----mandatory functions---------------
-        %----initialization--------------------
-        function lateral = finalize_init(lateral)
-            lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = 0;
-        end
-        function lateral = pull(lateral)
-            number_of_own_aquifers = max(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index);
-            for j=1:number_of_own_aquifers
-                a=find(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index==j, 1, 'first');
-                b=find(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index==j, 1, 'last');
-                cell_1 = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.depths(a:b+1,1);
-                cell_2 = [lateral.PARA.reservoir_elevation; lateral.PARA.reservoir_bottom];
-                overlap = get_overlap_aquifers(lateral.PARENT, cell_1, cell_2);
-                overlap=[overlap zeros(size(overlap,1),3)];
-                effective_hydraulic_conductivity=0;
-                effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head = 0;
-                effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head_reservoir = 0;
-                for l=1:size(overlap,1)
-                    ehc = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(overlap(l,1)+a-1,1) ./ lateral.PARA.distance_reservoir;
-                    ehc = ehc .* lateral.PARA.reservoir_contact_length;
-                    overlap(l,5) = ehc;
-                    overlap(l,6) = ehc .* (double(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status(overlap(l,1)+a-1,1)>=0) .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.head(overlap(l,1)+a-1,1) + ...
-                        double(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status(overlap(l,1)+a-1,1)<0) .* overlap(l,4));
-                    overlap(l,7) = ehc .* lateral.PARA.reservoir_elevation;  %chnage this for ssepage face, rest should be fine!
-                    effective_hydraulic_conductivity =  effective_hydraulic_conductivity + ehc;
-                    effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head = effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head + overlap(l,6);
-                    effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head_reservoir = effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head_reservoir + overlap(l,7);
-                end
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.external_fluxes = [lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.external_fluxes; ...
-                    [j; effective_hydraulic_conductivity; effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head; effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head_reservoir]];
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR_PRIVATE.overlap_info = [lateral.PARENT.STATVAR_PRIVATE.overlap_info; overlap];
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR_PRIVATE.overlap_aquifer_index = [lateral.PARENT.STATVAR_PRIVATE.overlap_aquifer_index; j];
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = get_derivatives(lateral)
-%             %
-%             if lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_available
-%                 head = -lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation + lateral.PARA.reservoir_elevation;
-%                 contact_height = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.depths(1:end-1,1) - lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.depths(2:end,1);
-%                 reservoir_flux = lateral.PARA.reservoir_contact_length .* contact_height .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* head ./ lateral.PARA.distance_reservoir; 
-%                 if isempty(lateral.PARA.reservoir_temperature) 
-%                         reservoir_flux_energy = reservoir_flux .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_w .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.T_water;
-%                 else
-%                     reservoir_flux_energy = reservoir_flux .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_w .* ...
-%                         (double(reservoir_flux>0) .* lateral.PARA.reservoir_temperature + double(reservoir_flux<0) .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.T_water);
-%                 end
-%                 lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux + reservoir_flux .* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;
-%                 lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy + reservoir_flux_energy .* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;       
-%                 lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off - sum(reservoir_flux) .* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;
-            %end
-        end
-        function lateral = push(lateral, forcing)
-            %taken care of by the 3D water exchange
-        end
-        function lateral = set_ACTIVE(lateral, i, t)
-            lateral.PARENT.ACTIVE(i,1) = 0;
-            if t + lateral.PARENT.IA_TIME_INCREMENT >= lateral.PARA.ia_time_next - 1e-9
-                lateral.PARENT.ACTIVE(i,1) = 1;
-                lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = t + lateral.PARENT.IA_TIME_INCREMENT + lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment;
-                %disp(lateral.PARA.ia_time_next-floor(lateral.PARA.ia_time_next));
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = set_ia_time(lateral, t)
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = t;
-        end
-    end
diff --git a/trash/LAT3D_WATER_SEEPAGE_FACE2.m b/trash/LAT3D_WATER_SEEPAGE_FACE2.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 80e29636..00000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-    methods
-        function lateral = provide_CONST(lateral)
-            lateral.CONST.day_sec = 24 .* 3600;
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_PARA(lateral)
-            lateral.PARA.upperElevation = Inf;
-            lateral.PARA.lowerElevation = 16;
-            lateral.PARA.hardBottom_cutoff = 0.03; %hard bottom if saturated and water content below
-            lateral.PARA.distance_seepageFace = 10; 
-            lateral.PARA.seepage_contact_length = 1;
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment = 0.25; %must be a multiple of the time increment of the main lateral class
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = [];
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_STATVAR(lateral)
-            lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = [];
-        end
-        %----mandatory functions---------------
-        %----initialization--------------------
-        function lateral = finalize_init(lateral)
-            lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = 0;
-        end
-        function lateral = pull(lateral)
-            number_of_own_aquifers = max(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index);
-            for j=1:number_of_own_aquifers
-                a=find(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index==j, 1, 'first');
-                b=find(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index==j, 1, 'last');
-                cell_1 = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.depths(a:b+1,1);
-                cell_2 = [lateral.PARA.upperElevation; lateral.PARA.lowerElevation];
-                overlap = get_overlap_aquifers(lateral.PARENT, cell_1, cell_2);
-                overlap=[overlap zeros(size(overlap,1),3)];
-                effective_hydraulic_conductivity=0;
-                effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head = 0;
-                effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head_reservoir = 0;
-                for l=1:size(overlap,1)
-                    ehc = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(overlap(l,1)+a-1,1) ./ lateral.PARA.distance_seepageFace;
-                    ehc = ehc .* lateral.PARA.seepage_contact_length;
-                    overlap(l,5) = ehc;
-                    overlap(l,6) = ehc .* (double(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status(overlap(l,1)+a-1,1)>=0) .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.head(overlap(l,1)+a-1,1) + ...
-                        double(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status(overlap(l,1)+a-1,1)<0) .* overlap(l,4));
-                    overlap(l,7) = ehc .* overlap(l,4);  %chnage this for ssepage face, rest should be fine!
-                    effective_hydraulic_conductivity =  effective_hydraulic_conductivity + ehc;
-                    effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head = effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head + overlap(l,6);
-                    effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head_reservoir = effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head_reservoir + overlap(l,7);
-                end
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.external_fluxes = [lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.external_fluxes; ...
-                    [j; effective_hydraulic_conductivity; effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head; effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head_reservoir]];
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR_PRIVATE.overlap_info = [lateral.PARENT.STATVAR_PRIVATE.overlap_info; overlap];
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR_PRIVATE.overlap_aquifer_index = [lateral.PARENT.STATVAR_PRIVATE.overlap_aquifer_index; j];
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = get_derivatives(lateral) %no need to loop through stratigraphy, all the information is in lateral.PARENT
-            %seepage flow of saturated cells above other cell's water table
-%             if lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_available
-%                 depth_rel2surface = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation - lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.depths;
-%                 depth_rel2surface = max(0,depth_rel2surface);
-%                 head = (depth_rel2surface(1:end-1,1) + depth_rel2surface(2:end,1))/2;
-%                 depths = min(max(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.depths, lateral.PARA.lowerElevation), lateral.PARA.upperElevation);
-%                 contact_height = (depths(1:end-1,1) - depths(2:end,1));
-%                 seepage_flux =  - lateral.PARA.seepage_contact_length .* contact_height .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* head ./ lateral.PARA.distance_seepageFace; %outflow!
-%                 seepage_flux_energy = seepage_flux .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_w .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.T_water;
-%                 lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux + seepage_flux .* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;
-%                 lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy + seepage_flux_energy .* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;       
-%                 lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off - sum(seepage_flux) .* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;
-%             end
-        end
-        function lateral = push(lateral, forcing)
-            %taken care of by the 3D water exchange
-        end
-        function lateral = set_ACTIVE(lateral, i, t)
-            lateral.PARENT.ACTIVE(i,1) = 0;
-            if t + lateral.PARENT.IA_TIME_INCREMENT >= lateral.PARA.ia_time_next - 1e-9
-                lateral.PARENT.ACTIVE(i,1) = 1;
-                lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = t + lateral.PARENT.IA_TIME_INCREMENT + lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment;
-                %disp(lateral.PARA.ia_time_next-floor(lateral.PARA.ia_time_next));
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = set_ia_time(lateral, t)
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = t;
-        end
-    end
diff --git a/trash/LAT3D_WATER_discontinued.m b/trash/LAT3D_WATER_discontinued.m
deleted file mode 100644
index d0e8a859..00000000
--- a/trash/LAT3D_WATER_discontinued.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-    methods
-        function lateral = provide_CONST(lateral)
-            lateral.CONST.day_sec = 24 .* 3600;
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_PARA(lateral)
-            lateral.PARA.hardBottom_cutoff = 0.03; %hard bottom if saturated and water content below
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment = 0.25; %must be a multiple of the time increment of the main lateral class
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = [];
-        end
-        function lateral = provide_STATVAR(lateral)
-            lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = [];
-            lateral.STATVAR.surface_runoff = 0;
-        end
-        %----mandatory functions---------------
-        %----initialization--------------------
-        function lateral = finalize_init(lateral)
-            lateral.STATVAR.subsurface_run_off = 0;
-            lateral.STATVAR.surface_runoff = 0;
-        end
-        function lateral = pull(lateral)
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.depths = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_available = 0;
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.T_water = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell = 0;         
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index = []; %same size as lateral.PARENT.depths - uppermost aquifer gets index 1, then 2, etc. - 0 for hard layers          
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_cell_info=[];
-            %variables required confined aquifers
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.head = []; %same size as number of aquifers - 1D head 
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.head_unknown = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.status_head = [];
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity =[]; %same size as number of aquifers sum(K_eff/d_eff .* A)
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.empty_volume_left = []; 
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.available_water_volume = [];
-            lateral.STATVAR.global_info=cell(lateral.PARENT.PARA.num_realizations,1);
-            %lateral.STATVAR.saturated = [];
-            lateral.TEMP.open_system = 1; %start with open system
-            lateral.TEMP.aquifer_index_count = 1;
-            lateral.TEMP.head_space_available = 1;
-            CURRENT = lateral.PARENT.TOP.NEXT;
-            while ~(strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Bottom')) && lateral.TEMP.open_system == 1
-                CURRENT = lateral3D_pull_water_general_aquifer(CURRENT, lateral);
-                CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-            end
-            %compute empty volume and available water for each aquifer
-            number_of_own_aquifers = max(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index);
-            for j=1:number_of_own_aquifers
-                a=find(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index==j, 1, 'first');
-                b=find(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index==j, 1, 'last');
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.empty_volume_left = [lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.empty_volume_left; -sum(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status(a:b,1).* double(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status(a:b,1)<0))];
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.available_water_volume = [lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.available_water_volume; sum(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status(a:b,1).* double(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status(a:b,1)>0))];
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.status_head = [lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.status_head; mean(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.head_unknown(a:b,1))];
-            end
-            %make a variable in STATVAR2ALL if all aqifers are unconfined
-        end
-        function lateral = get_derivatives(lateral) %no need to loop through stratigraphy, all the information is in lateral.PARENT
-            %calculate the bulk indices for the overlap between each pair of aquifers
-            number_of_own_aquifers = max(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index);
-            for j=1:number_of_own_aquifers
-                a=find(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index==j, 1, 'first');
-                b=find(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_index==j, 1, 'last');
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_cell_info = [lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.aquifer_cell_info; [j a b]];
-                cell_1 = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.depths(a:b+1,1);
-                for i=1:size(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE,1)
-                    if lateral.PARENT.PARA.connected(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index, lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index)
-                        number_of_neighboring_aquifers = max(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.aquifer_index);
-                        for k=1:number_of_neighboring_aquifers
-                            c=find(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.aquifer_index==k, 1, 'first');
-                            d=find(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.aquifer_index==k, 1, 'last');
-                            cell_2 = lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.depths(c:d+1,1);
-                            overlap = get_overlap_aquifers(lateral.PARENT, cell_1, cell_2);
-                            overlap=[overlap zeros(size(overlap,1),3)];
-                            effective_hydraulic_conductivity=0;
-                            effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head = 0;
-                            effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head_ensemble = 0;
-                            for l=1:size(overlap,1)
-                                ehc = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(overlap(l,1)+a-1,1) .* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.hydraulicConductivity(overlap(l,2)+c-1,1)./ ...
-                                    (lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(overlap(l,1)+a-1,1) .* lateral.PARENT.PARA.distance(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index, lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index) +...
-                                    lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.hydraulicConductivity(overlap(l,2)+c-1,1) .* lateral.PARENT.PARA.distance(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index, lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index)) .* overlap(l,3);
-                                ehc(isnan(ehc)) = 0;
-                                ehc = ehc .* lateral.PARENT.PARA.contact_length(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index, lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index);
-                                overlap(l,5) = ehc;
-                                overlap(l,6) = ehc .* (double(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status(overlap(l,1)+a-1,1)>0) .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.head(overlap(l,1)+a-1,1) + ...
-                                    double(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status(overlap(l,1)+a-1,1)<0) .* overlap(l,4));
-                                overlap(l,7) = ehc .* (double(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.water_status(overlap(l,2)+c-1,1)>0) .* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.head(overlap(l,2)+c-1,1) + ...
-                                    double(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.water_status(overlap(l,2)+c-1,1)<0) .* overlap(l,4));
-                                effective_hydraulic_conductivity =  effective_hydraulic_conductivity + ehc;
-                                effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head = effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head + overlap(l,6);
-                                effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head_ensemble = effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head_ensemble + overlap(l,7);
-                            end
-                            %effective_hydraulic_conductivity = effective_hydraulic_conductivity.*lateral.PARENT.PARA.contact_length(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index, lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index);
-                            lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.overlap_info{j,k} = overlap; %store for later when the heads are known
-                            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity =[lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity; ...
-                                [lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index j k  effective_hydraulic_conductivity effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head effective_hydraulic_conductivity_times_head_ensemble]];
-                        end
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-            %make a column vector
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity';
-            lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity(:);
-            %send everything to central worker
-            triangular_coupling = sum(logical(lateral.PARENT.PARA.connected(:,lateral.PARENT.PARA.central_worker)) & logical(lateral.PARENT.PARA.connected(:,lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index)))>0 && ...
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index~=lateral.PARENT.PARA.central_worker;
-            if triangular_coupling || ~(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index == lateral.PARENT.PARA.central_worker || lateral.PARENT.PARA.connected(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index, lateral.PARENT.PARA.central_worker)) %own worker not connected to central worker
-                %pack and send
-                data_package_out = pack(lateral, {'effective_hydraulic_conductivity'; 'empty_volume_left'; 'available_water_volume'; 'status_head'});
-                labSend(data_package_out, lateral.PARENT.PARA.central_worker, 1);
-            end
-            %central worker prepares own information and receives
-            if lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index == lateral.PARENT.PARA.central_worker 
-                %own worker
-                number_of_aquifers_per_worker = zeros(lateral.PARENT.PARA.num_realizations,1);
-                %lateral.STATVAR.global_info{lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index,1}.STATVAR.head = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.head;
-                number_of_aquifers_per_worker(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index,1) = size(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.empty_volume_left,1);
-                lateral.STATVAR.global_info{lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index,1}.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity;
-                lateral.STATVAR.global_info{lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index,1}.STATVAR.empty_volume_left = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.empty_volume_left;
-                lateral.STATVAR.global_info{lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index,1}.STATVAR.available_water_volume = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.available_water_volume;
-                lateral.STATVAR.global_info{lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index,1}.STATVAR.status_head = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.status_head;
-                %connected workers
-                for i=1:size(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE,1)
-                    %lateral.STATVAR.global_info{lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index,1}.STATVAR.head = lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.head;
-                    number_of_aquifers_per_worker(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index,1) = size(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.empty_volume_left,1);
-                    lateral.STATVAR.global_info{lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index,1}.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity = []; %info already provided by central_worker
-                    lateral.STATVAR.global_info{lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index,1}.STATVAR.empty_volume_left = lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.empty_volume_left;
-                    lateral.STATVAR.global_info{lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index,1}.STATVAR.available_water_volume = lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.available_water_volume;
-                    lateral.STATVAR.global_info{lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.index,1}.STATVAR.status_head = lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{i,1}.status_head;
-                end
-                %only the workers 
-                sending_workers = ~lateral.PARENT.PARA.connected(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index,:);
-                not_sending_workers = find(sending_workers == 0);
-                for i=1:size(not_sending_workers,2)
-                    sending_workers(not_sending_workers(1,i)) = ...                    
-                          sum(logical(lateral.PARENT.PARA.connected(:,not_sending_workers(1,i))) & logical(lateral.PARENT.PARA.connected(:,lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index)))>0;
-                end
-                sending_workers(1,lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index) = 0;
-                sending_workers = find(sending_workers == 1);
-                %sending_workers
-                for i=sending_workers
-                    %receive and unpack
-                    data_package_in = labReceive(i, 1);
-                    %and unpack
-                    lateral = unpack(lateral, data_package_in, i);
-                    number_of_aquifers_per_worker(i,1) = size(lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.empty_volume_left,1);
-                end
-                total_number_of_aquifers = sum(number_of_aquifers_per_worker,1);
-                K_prime = zeros(total_number_of_aquifers, total_number_of_aquifers);
-                K_prime_times_head = zeros(total_number_of_aquifers, total_number_of_aquifers);
-                head_known =  zeros(total_number_of_aquifers,1);
-                offset=0;
-                offset_store=0;
-                for i = 1:size(lateral.STATVAR.global_info,1)
-                    %head(offset+1:offset+size(lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.head,1),1) = lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.head;
-                    head_known(offset+1:offset+size(lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.empty_volume_left,1),1) = lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.status_head < 2;
-                    %head_known(offset+1,1) = 1;  %chnage this, this variable must be created at class level, using the open_system variable!
-                    offset = offset + size(lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.empty_volume_left,1);
-                    offset_store=[offset_store; offset];
-                end
-                for i = 1:size(lateral.STATVAR.global_info,1)
-                    for j=1:6:size(lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity,1)
-                        i1 = offset_store(i,1) + lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity(j+2-1,1);
-                        i2 = offset_store(lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity(j+1-1,1),1) + lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity(j+3-1,1);
-                        K_prime(i1, i2) = lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity(j+4-1,1);
-                        K_prime(i2, i1) = K_prime(i1, i2);
-                        K_prime_times_head(i1, i2) = lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity(j+5-1,1);
-                        K_prime_times_head(i2, i1) = lateral.STATVAR.global_info{i,1}.STATVAR.effective_hydraulic_conductivity(j+6-1,1);
-                    end
-                end
-                %----delete later---
-                lateral.STATVAR.K_prime=K_prime;
-                lateral.STATVAR.K_prime_times_head=K_prime_times_head;
-                lateral.STATVAR.head_known=head_known;
-                recomputed_head = head_known.* 0;
-                %-------------
-                enumeration_pressure_unknown = find(~head_known);
-                enumeration_pressure_known = find(head_known);
-                lin_matrix = zeros(sum(double(~head_known)), sum(double(~head_known)));
-                for i=1:size(enumeration_pressure_unknown,1)
-                    for j=1:i
-                        if i==j
-                            lin_matrix(i,i) = sum(K_prime(:,enumeration_pressure_unknown(i,1)),1);
-                        else
-                            lin_matrix(i,j) = -K_prime(enumeration_pressure_unknown(i,1), enumeration_pressure_unknown(j,1));
-                            lin_matrix(j,i) =lin_matrix(i,j);
-                        end
-                    end
-                end
-                lin_vector = zeros(sum(double(~head_known)),1);
-                for i=1:size(enumeration_pressure_unknown,1)
-                    for j=1:size(enumeration_pressure_known,1)
-                        lin_vector(i,1) = lin_vector(i,1) + K_prime_times_head(enumeration_pressure_known(j,1), enumeration_pressure_unknown(i,1));
-                    end
-                end
-                %head(~head_known) = linsolve(lin_matrix,lin_vector);
-                unknown_heads = linsolve(lin_matrix,lin_vector);
-                recomputed_head(~head_known) = unknown_heads;
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.recomputed_head=recomputed_head;
-                for i=1:size(enumeration_pressure_unknown,1)
-                    K_prime_times_head(enumeration_pressure_unknown(i,1),:) = K_prime(enumeration_pressure_unknown(i,1),:) .* unknown_heads(i,1);
-                end
-                %flux_matrix = K_prime.*(head-head');
-                flux_matrix = K_prime_times_head - K_prime_times_head';
-                lateral.STATVAR.flux_matrix = flux_matrix;
-                total_fluxes = sum(flux_matrix,1)';
-                fluxes = {};
-                offset = 0;
-                for i = 1:lateral.PARENT.PARA.num_realizations
-                    fluxes{i,1} = total_fluxes(offset+1:offset+number_of_aquifers_per_worker(i,1),1);
-                    offset = offset + number_of_aquifers_per_worker(i,1);
-                end
-                lateral.STATVAR.fluxes = fluxes;
-                %pack and send back to all workers
-                for i= 1:lateral.PARENT.PARA.num_realizations
-                    if i ~=lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index
-                        data_package_out = pack(lateral, {'recomputed_head'});
-                        labSend(data_package_out, i, 1);
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-            %labBarrier();
-            %receive and unpack
-            if lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index ~= lateral.PARENT.PARA.central_worker
-                data_package_in = labReceive(lateral.PARENT.PARA.central_worker, 1);
-                lateral = unpack(lateral, data_package_in, i);
-            end
-            %process
-            labBarrier();
-            %determine the heads
-            %send everything back
-%             %calculate fluxes
-%             flux = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* 0;
-%             flux_energy = flux;
-%             for j=1:size(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE,1)
-%                 if lateral.PARENT.PARA.connected(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index, lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.index)  %add if water is available at all
-%                     %flow between saturated cells
-%                     contact_length = lateral.PARENT.PARA.contact_length(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index, lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.index);
-%                     distance = lateral.PARENT.PARA.distance(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.index, lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.index);
-%                     for i=1:size(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap,1) %does not do anything when overlap is empty!
-%                         hc1 = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap(i,1),1);
-%                         hc2 = lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.hydraulicConductivity(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap(i,2),1);
-%                         hydraulicConductivity = hc1 .* hc2 ./ (hc1 .* distance./2 + hc2 .* distance./2); %change to different distances laters
-%                         hydraulicConductivity(isnan(hydraulicConductivity)) = 0;
-%                         flux_i = contact_length .* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap(i,3) .* hydraulicConductivity .* ...
-%                             -(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation - lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.water_table_elevation);
-%                         flux(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap(i,1),1) = flux(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap(i,1),1) + flux_i;
-%                         flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap(i,1),1) = flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap(i,1),1) + flux_i .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_w .* ...
-%                             (double(flux_i<0).*lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.T_water(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap(i,1),1) + ...
-%                             double(flux_i>=0) .* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.T_water(lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.overlap(i,2),1));
-%                     end
-%                     %seepage flow of saturated cells above other cell's water table
-%                     if lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_available || lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.water_available
-%                         if lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation < lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.water_table_elevation %inflow
-%                             depth_rel2surface = lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.water_table_elevation - lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.depths;
-%                             depth2other_worker_water_table = lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.water_table_elevation - lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation;
-%                             depth_rel2surface = max(0,depth_rel2surface);
-%                             depth_rel2surface = min(depth2other_worker_water_table,depth_rel2surface);
-%                             head = (depth_rel2surface(1:end-1,1) + depth_rel2surface(2:end,1))/2;
-%                             contact_height = -(depth_rel2surface(1:end-1,1) - depth_rel2surface(2:end,1));
-%                             seepage_flux =   contact_length .* contact_height .* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.hydraulicConductivity .* head ./ distance; %inflow!
-%                             seepage_flux_energy = sum(seepage_flux .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_w .* lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.T_water,1);
-%                             seepage_flux = sum(seepage_flux, 1);
-%                             %put water in uppmost saturated cell
-%                             if lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_available
-%                                 top_cell_saturated = find(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status(:,1)>0, 1);
-%                                 flux(top_cell_saturated,1) = flux(top_cell_saturated,1) + seepage_flux;
-%                                 flux_energy(top_cell_saturated,1) = flux_energy(top_cell_saturated,1) + seepage_flux_energy;
-%                             elseif ~isempty(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_status)  %lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell > 0
-%                                 flux(end,1) = flux(end,1) + seepage_flux;
-%                                 flux_energy(end,1) = flux_energy(end,1) + seepage_flux_energy;
-%                             else
-%                                 lateral.STATVAR.surface_runoff = lateral.STATVAR.surface_runoff + flux;
-%                             end
-%                         elseif lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation > lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.water_table_elevation %outflow
-%                             depth_rel2surface = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation - lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.depths;
-%                             depth2other_worker_water_table = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_elevation - lateral.PARENT.ENSEMBLE{j,1}.water_table_elevation;
-%                             depth_rel2surface = max(0,depth_rel2surface);
-%                             depth_rel2surface = min(depth2other_worker_water_table,depth_rel2surface);
-%                             head = (depth_rel2surface(1:end-1,1) + depth_rel2surface(2:end,1))/2;
-%                             contact_height = -(depth_rel2surface(1:end-1,1) - depth_rel2surface(2:end,1));
-%                             seepage_flux =  - contact_length .* contact_height .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* head ./ distance; %outflow!
-%                             flux = flux + seepage_flux;
-%                             flux_energy = flux_energy + seepage_flux .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.c_w .* lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.T_water;
-%                         end
-%                     end
-%                 end
-%             end
-%             %a->inflow of seepage face water
-%             %1. find the uppermost cell of the own worker that is saturated
-%             %water (water_status>0)
-%             %2. go down the cells of the other worker with water_status >0,
-%             %calculate seepage head and the flux
-%             %until either the bottom is reached or the cell's lower level
-%             %is below the water level of the own worker
-%             %4. add the fluxes up and add the flux to cell found in 1.
-%             %b -> outflow of seepgae face water
-%             %steps 2 and 3, but subrtact the water from each cell
-%             lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux = flux .* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;
-%             lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy = flux_energy .* lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment .* lateral.PARENT.CONST.day_sec;
-        end
-        function lateral = push(lateral, forcing)
-            if ~isempty(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux)
-                if lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell>0
-                    lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell,1) = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell,1) + lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell+1,1);
-                    lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell+1,:) = [];
-                    lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell,1) = lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell,1) + lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell+1,1);
-                    lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux_energy(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_table_top_cell+1,:) = [];
-                end
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_up = 0;
-                lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_up_energy = 0;
-                CURRENT = lateral.PARENT.TOP.NEXT; %find correct stratigraphy class
-                size_to_here = size(CURRENT.STATVAR.energy,1);
-                while ~(strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Bottom')) && size_to_here < size(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.water_flux,1)
-                    CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-                    size_to_here = size_to_here + size(CURRENT.STATVAR.energy,1);
-                end
-                while ~(strcmp(class(CURRENT), 'Top'))
-                    CURRENT = lateral3D_push_water_unconfined_aquifer(CURRENT, lateral);
-                    CURRENT = CURRENT.PREVIOUS;
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        function data_package = pack(lateral, variable_list) %transform lateral.STATVAR into column vector ready to send
-            data_package = [];
-            for i=1:size(variable_list,1)
-                data_package=[data_package; size(variable_list{i,1},2); double(variable_list{i,1})']; % # of characters followed by characters as doubles
-                data_package=[data_package; size(lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.(variable_list{i,1}),1); lateral.PARENT.STATVAR.(variable_list{i,1})]; % # of entries followed by values
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = unpack(lateral, data_package, index) %read received column vector and transform into STATVAR
-            i=1;
-            while i<=size(data_package,1)
-               variable_name = char(data_package(i+1:i+data_package(i,1),1)');
-               i = i + data_package(i,1) + 1;
-               STATVAR.(variable_name) = data_package(i+1:i+data_package(i,1),1);
-               i = i + data_package(i,1) + 1;
-            end
-            lateral.STATVAR.global_info{index,1}.STATVAR = STATVAR;
-            %number_of_aquifers = size(STATVAR.head,1);
-        end
-        function lateral = set_ACTIVE(lateral, i, t)
-            lateral.PARENT.ACTIVE(i,1) = 0;
-            if t + lateral.PARENT.IA_TIME_INCREMENT >= lateral.PARA.ia_time_next - 1e-9
-                lateral.PARENT.ACTIVE(i,1) = 1;
-                lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = t + lateral.PARENT.IA_TIME_INCREMENT + lateral.PARA.ia_time_increment;
-                %disp(lateral.PARA.ia_time_next-floor(lateral.PARA.ia_time_next));
-            end
-        end
-        function lateral = set_ia_time(lateral, t)
-            lateral.PARA.ia_time_next = t;
-        end
-    end
diff --git a/trash/STRAT_layers.m b/trash/STRAT_layers.m
deleted file mode 100644
index db411270..00000000
--- a/trash/STRAT_layers.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid STRATIGRAPHY class STRAT_layers defines the initial stratigraphy
-% state variables as seperate layers with constant values. The depth
-% below the surface for the top position of each layer must be provided,
-% and the last layer is assumed to reach until the bottom of the model
-% domain.
-% S. Westermann, T. Ingeman-Nielsen, J. Scheer, October 2020
-classdef STRAT_layers
-    properties
-		strat_layers_index
-        depth
-        variable_names
-        variable_values
-        variable_gridded
-    end
-    methods
-        %constructor
-		function self = STRAT_layers(varargin)               % Temporary definition, to allow old code to run
-        %function self = STRAT_layers(index, pprovider, grid)      % Definition to be used when old code is no longer supported
-            % CONSTRUCTOR for STRAT_layers
-            %   Reads in variable profile from the specified file.
-            %
-            %   ARGUMENTS:
-            %   index:      user defined class index
-            %   pprovider:  instance of PARAMETER_PROVIDER class
-			%	grid:		instance of GRID class
-            % The following is only needed to allow legacy code to run
-            % May be removed when deprecated functions are removed
-            if nargin==3
-                index = varargin{1};
-                pprovider = varargin{2};
-				grid = varargin{3};
-            else
-                st = dbstack;
-                warning(['DEPRECATION WARNING: Instantiating ' st.name '() with no arguments is deprecated.' newline,...
-                         'You should update your code to take advantage of new IO interface.']);
-                return
-            end
-            % End allow legacy code
-            self.strat_layers_index = index;
-            self = self.initialize();
-            self = self.populate_variables(pprovider);
-            self = self.finalize_setup(grid);
-        end
-        function self = initialize(self)
-            % INITIALIZE  Initializes all properties needed by the class.
-            self.depth = [];
-			self.variable_names = {};
-			self.variable_values = [];
-			self.variable_gridded = [];
-			self = self.initialize_PARA();
-        end
-		function self = initialize_PARA(self)  %this is problematic, these fields must be completely arbitray, it changes accoriding to the requirements of the classes
-            %this information must be derived from the STATVAR field of the
-            %different classes
-			% INITIALIZE_PARA  Initializes PARA structure.
-			self.PARA.layers = struct();
-		end
-		function self = populate_variables(self, pprovider)
-			% POPULATE_VARIABLES  Updates the PARA structure with values from pprovider. Assigns values from the PARA structure to the corresponding class properties.
-            %
-            %   ARGUMENTS:
-            %   pprovider:  instance of PARAMETER_PROVIDER class
-			self.PARA = pprovider.populate_struct(self.PARA, 'STRAT_layers', mfilename('class'), self.strat_layers_index);
-			fn_substruct = fieldnames(self.PARA.layers);
-			p = properties(self);
-			for i = 1:size(fn_substruct, 1)
-				if any(strcmp(p, fn_substruct(i)))
-					index = find(strcmp(p, fn_substruct{i}));
-					self.(p{index}) = self.PARA.layers.(fn_substruct{i});
-				else
-					self.variable_names = [self.variable_names fn_substruct(i)];
-					self.variable_values = [self.variable_values self.PARA.layers.(fn_substruct{i})];
-				end
-			end
-			self.depth = cell2mat(self.depth);
-			self.variable_values = cell2mat(self.variable_values);		
-		end
-		function self = finalize_setup(self, grid)
-			% FINALIZE_SETUP  Performs all additional property
-            %   initializations and modifications. Checks for some (but not
-            %   all) data validity.
-			%	grid:	instance of GRID class
-            self.variable_gridded = repmat(grid.MIDPOINTS .* 0, 1, size(self.variable_values,2));
-            for j=1:size(self.variable_values,1)-1
-                range = grid.MIDPOINTS > self.depth(j,1) & grid.MIDPOINTS <= self.depth(j+1,1);
-                for i=1:size(self.variable_values,2)
-                    self.variable_gridded(range,i) = self.variable_gridded(range,i) + self.variable_values(j,i);
-                end
-            end
-            range = grid.MIDPOINTS > self.depth(end,1);
-            for i=1:size(self.variable_values,2)
-                    self.variable_gridded(range,i) = self.variable_gridded(range,i) + self.variable_values(end,i);
-            end
-		end
-        function xls_out = write_excel(self)
-			% XLS_OUT  Is a cell array corresponding to the class-specific content of the parameter excel file (refer to function write_controlsheet).
-			xls_out = {'STRATIGRAPHY','index';'STRAT_linear',1;NaN,NaN;'depth','T';'[m]','[degree C]';'TOP',NaN;0,1;1,0;10,-5;100,0;5000,20;'BOTTOM',NaN;'STRATIGRAPHY_END',NaN};
-        end
-%         % ==========================================
-%         % to be deleted when new implementation
-%         % is validated for backwards compatibility
-%         % ==========================================
-%         function self = initalize_from_file(self, section)
-%             st = dbstack;
-%             warning(['DEPRECATION WARNING: Method ' st.name '() is deprecated and will be removed.' newline,...
-%                 'Use PARAMETER_PROVIDER class to obtain parameter values.']);
-%             pos_list = get_range_TOP_BOTTOM(section);
-%             self.depth = cell2mat(section(pos_list(1,1):pos_list(1,2), 1));
-%             self.variable_names={};
-%             self.variable_values=[];
-%             i=2;
-%             field=cell2mat(section(pos_list(1,1)-3, i));
-%             while i<=size(section,2) && ~isnan(field(1))
-%                 field=cell2mat(section(pos_list(1,1)-3, i));
-%                 self.variable_names=[self.variable_names section{pos_list(1,1)-3, i}];
-%                 self.variable_values = [self.variable_values cell2mat(section(pos_list(1,1):pos_list(1,2), i))];
-%                 i=i+1;
-%             end
-%         end
-%         function self = initialize_from_table(self, table)
-%             % INITIALIZE_FROM_TABLE  Initializes the variables from the output table of the csv parser.
-%             %	ARGUMENTS:
-%             %	table:	Matlab output table from the csv parser
-%             st = dbstack;
-%             warning(['DEPRECATION: Method ' st.name '() is deprecated and will be removed.' newline,...
-%                 'Code should be moved to new PARAMETER_PROVIDER class ',...
-%                 'to streamline file access and the population of parameters.']);
-%             self.depth = table.depth;
-%             self.variable_names = {};
-%             self.variable_values = [];
-%             i = 2;
-%             field = table.Properties.VariableNames{i};
-%             % Are the commented lines really necessary ? Seems to function
-%             % without it ...
-%             while i<=length(table.Properties.VariableNames) %&& ~isnan(field(1))
-%                 self.variable_names = [self.variable_names table.Properties.VariableNames{i}];
-%                 self.variable_values = [self.variable_values table.(self.variable_names{i-1})];
-%                 i=i+1;
-%                 %field = table.Properties.VariableNames{i};
-%             end
-%         end
-%         function self = interpolate_to_grid(self, grid)
-%             st = dbstack;
-%             warning(['DEPRECATION: Method ' st.name '() is deprecated and will be removed.' newline,...
-%                 'Parameter initialization should be finalized in the ' mfilename('class') '.finalize_setup() ']);
-%             self.variable_gridded = repmat(grid.MIDPOINTS .* 0, 1, size(self.variable_values,2));
-%             for j=1:size(self.variable_values,1)-1
-%                 range = grid.MIDPOINTS > self.depth(j,1) & grid.MIDPOINTS <= self.depth(j+1,1);
-%                 for i=1:size(self.variable_values,2)
-%                     self.variable_gridded(range,i) = self.variable_gridded(range,i) + self.variable_values(j,i);
-%                 end
-%             end
-%             range = grid.MIDPOINTS > self.depth(end,1);
-%             for i=1:size(self.variable_values,2)
-%                 self.variable_gridded(range,i) = self.variable_gridded(range,i) + self.variable_values(end,i);
-%             end
-%         end
-    end
diff --git a/trash/STRAT_linear.m b/trash/STRAT_linear.m
deleted file mode 100644
index bb3b8731..00000000
--- a/trash/STRAT_linear.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid STRATIGRAPHY class STRAT_linear defines the initial stratigraphy
-% state variables by linearly interpolating between values at depths
-% provided. Depths must be given as depth below the ground surface, and the
-% final depth value must extend below the depth of the model domain.
-% S. Westermann, T. Ingeman-Nielsen, J. Scheer, October 2020
-classdef STRAT_linear
-    properties
-		strat_linear_index
-        depth
-        variable_names
-        variable_values
-        variable_gridded
-    end
-    methods
-        %constructor
-		function self = STRAT_linear(varargin)               % Temporary definition, to allow old code to run
-        %function self = STRAT_linear(index, pprovider, grid)      % Definition to be used when old code is no longer supported
-            % CONSTRUCTOR for STRAT_linear
-            %   Reads in variable profile from the specified file.
-            %
-            %   ARGUMENTS:
-            %   index:      user defined class index
-            %   pprovider:  instance of PARAMETER_PROVIDER class
-			%	grid:		instance of GRID class
-            % The following is only needed to allow legacy code to run
-            % May be removed when deprecated functions are removed
-            if nargin==3
-                index = varargin{1};
-                pprovider = varargin{2};
-				grid = varargin{3};
-            else
-                st = dbstack;
-                warning(['DEPRECATION WARNING: Instantiating ' st.name '() with no arguments is deprecated.' newline,...
-                         'You should update your code to take advantage of new IO interface.']);
-                return
-            end
-            % End allow legacy code
-            self.strat_linear_index = index;
-            self = self.initialize();
-			self = self.populate_variables(pprovider);
-            self = self.finalize_setup(grid);
-        end
-		function self = initialize(self)
-            % INITIALIZE  Initializes all properties needed by the class.
-            self.depth = [];
-			self.variable_names = {};
-			self.variable_values = [];
-			self.variable_gridded = [];
-			self = self.initialize_PARA ();
-        end	
-		function self = initialize_PARA(self)
-			% INITIALIZE_PARA  Initializes initial conditions (initial conditions) in the PARA structure.
-			self.PARA.initial_cond.depth = [];
-			self.PARA.initial_cond.T = [];
-		end
-		function self = populate_variables(self, pprovider)
-			% POPULATE_VARIABLES  Updates the PARA structure with values from pprovider. Assigns values from the PARA structure to the corresponding class properties.
-            %
-            %   ARGUMENTS:
-            %   pprovider:  instance of PARAMETER_PROVIDER class
-			self.PARA = pprovider.populate_struct(self.PARA, 'STRAT_linear', mfilename('class'), self.strat_linear_index);
-			fn_substruct = fieldnames(self.PARA.initial_cond);
-			p = properties(self);
-			for i = 1:size(fn_substruct, 1)
-				if any(strcmp(p, fn_substruct(i)))
-					index = find(strcmp(p, fn_substruct{i}));
-					self.(p{index}) = self.PARA.initial_cond.(fn_substruct{i});
-				else
-					self.variable_names = [self.variable_names fn_substruct(i)];
-					self.variable_values = [self.variable_values self.PARA.initial_cond.(fn_substruct{i})];
-				end
-			end
-			self.depth = cell2mat(self.depth);
-			self.variable_values = cell2mat(self.variable_values);					
-		end		
-		function self = finalize_setup(self, grid)
-			% FINALIZE_SETUP  Performs all additional property
-            %   initializations and modifications. Checks for some (but not
-            %   all) data validity.
-			%	grid:	instance of GRID class
-            for i=1:size(self.variable_values,2)
-                self.variable_gridded = [self.variable_gridded; interp1(self.depth, self.variable_values(:,i), grid.MIDPOINTS, 'linear')];
-            end
-		end
-        function xls_out = write_excel(self)
-			% XLS_OUT  Is a cell array corresponding to the class-specific content of the parameter excel file (refer to function write_controlsheet).
-            xls_out = {'STRATIGRAPHY','index';'STRAT_linear',1;NaN,NaN;'depth','T';'[m]','[degree C]';'TOP',NaN;0,1;1,0;10,-5;100,0;5000,20;'BOTTOM',NaN;'STRATIGRAPHY_END',NaN};
-        end
-% 		% ==========================================
-%         % to be deleted when new implementation
-%         % is validated for backwards compatibility
-%         % ==========================================
-%         function self = initalize_from_file(self, section)
-% 			st = dbstack;
-% 			warning(['DEPRECATION WARNING: Method ' st.name '() is deprecated and will be removed.' newline,...
-%                      'Use PARAMETER_PROVIDER class to obtain parameter values.']);
-%             pos_list = get_range_TOP_BOTTOM(section);
-%             self.depth = cell2mat(section(pos_list(1,1):pos_list(1,2), 1));
-%             self.variable_names={};
-%             self.variable_values=[];
-%             i=2;
-%             field=cell2mat(section(pos_list(1,1)-3, i));
-%             while i<=size(section,2) && ~isnan(field(1))
-%                 self.variable_names=[self.variable_names section{pos_list(1,1)-3, i}];
-%                 self.variable_values = [self.variable_values cell2mat(section(pos_list(1,1):pos_list(1,2), i))];
-%                 i=i+1;
-%                 field=cell2mat(section(pos_list(1,1)-3, i));
-%             end
-%         end
-% 		function self = initialize_from_table(self, table)
-% 			% INITIALIZE_FROM_TABLE  Initializes the variables from the output table of the csv parser.
-% 			%	ARGUMENTS:
-% 			%	table:	Matlab output table from the csv parser
-% 			st = dbstack;
-%             warning(['DEPRECATION: Method ' st.name '() is deprecated and will be removed.' newline,...
-%                      'Code should be moved to new PARAMETER_PROVIDER class ',...
-%                      'to streamline file access and the population of parameters.']);   
-%             self.depth = table.depth;
-%             self.variable_names = {};
-%             self.variable_values = [];
-%             i = 2;
-%             field = table.Properties.VariableNames{i};
-%             % Are the commented lines really necessary ? Seems to function
-%             % without it ...
-%             while i<=length(table.Properties.VariableNames) %&& ~isnan(field(1))
-%                 self.variable_names = [self.variable_names table.Properties.VariableNames{i}];
-%                 self.variable_values = [self.variable_values table.(self.variable_names{i-1})];
-%                 i=i+1;
-%                 %field = table.Properties.VariableNames{i};
-%             end
-%         end
-%         function self = interpolate_to_grid(self, grid)
-% 			st = dbstack;
-%             warning(['DEPRECATION: Method ' st.name '() is deprecated and will be removed.' newline,...
-%                      'Parameter initialization should be finalized in the ' mfilename('class') '.finalize_setup() ']);
-% 			self.variable_gridded = [];
-%             size(self.variable_values,2);
-%             for i=1:size(self.variable_values,2)
-%                 self.variable_gridded = [self.variable_gridded; interp1(self.depth, self.variable_values(:,i), grid.MIDPOINTS, 'linear')];
-%             end
-%         end
-    end
diff --git a/trash/WATER_FLUXES_OLD.m b/trash/WATER_FLUXES_OLD.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 36603eae..00000000
--- a/trash/WATER_FLUXES_OLD.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,646 +0,0 @@
-    methods
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u_water2(ground, forcing)
-            rainfall = forcing.TEMP.rainfall ./ 1000 ./ 24 ./3600 .* ground.STATVAR.area(1);  %possibly add water from external source here 
-            %partition already here in infiltration and surface runoff,
-            %considering ET losses and potentially external fluxes
-            saturation_first_cell = (ground.STATVAR.waterIce(1) - ground.STATVAR.field_capacity(1) .* ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1).* ground.STATVAR.area(1))./ (ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1).*ground.STATVAR.area(1) - ground.STATVAR.mineral(1) - ground.STATVAR.organic(1) - ground.STATVAR.field_capacity(1).*ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1).*ground.STATVAR.area(1));
-            saturation_first_cell = max(0,min(1,saturation_first_cell)); % 0 water at field capacity, 1: water at saturation
-            evap = double(ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1)<0).*ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1);
-            condensation = double(ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1)>0).*ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1);
-            rainfall = rainfall + condensation; %add condensation to rainfall to avoid overflowing of grid cell
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1) = evap; %evaporation (water loss) subrtacted in get_derivative
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub_water = double(rainfall <= -evap) .* rainfall + ...
-                double(rainfall > -evap) .* (-evap + (rainfall + evap) .* reduction_factor_in(saturation_first_cell, ground));
-            ground.TEMP.surface_runoff = rainfall - ground.TEMP.F_ub_water;
-            ground.TEMP.T_rainWater =  max(0,forcing.TEMP.Tair);
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub_water_energy = ground.TEMP.F_ub_water .* ground.CONST.c_w .* ground.TEMP.T_rainWater;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water(1) = ground.TEMP.d_water(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub_water;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy(1) = ground.TEMP.d_water_energy(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub_water_energy;
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u_RichardsEq(ground, forcing)
-            max_infiltration = max(0, ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(1,1).* ((0 - ground.STATVAR.waterPotential(1,1)) ./ (ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1,1) ./ 2) + 1) .* ground.STATVAR.area(1,1));
-            rainfall = forcing.TEMP.rainfall ./ 1000 ./ 24 ./3600 .* ground.STATVAR.area(1);  %possibly add water from external source here 
-            %partition already here in infiltration and surface runoff,
-            %considering ET losses and potentially external fluxes
-            saturation_first_cell = ground.STATVAR.waterIce(1)./ (ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1).*ground.STATVAR.area(1) - ground.STATVAR.mineral(1) - ground.STATVAR.organic(1));
-            saturation_first_cell = max(0,min(1,saturation_first_cell)); % 0 water at field capacity, 1: water at saturation
-            evap = double(ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1)<0).*ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1);
-            condensation = double(ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1)>0).*ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1);
-            rainfall = rainfall + condensation; %add condensation to rainfall to avoid overflowing of grid cell
-            excessRain = max(0, rainfall-max_infiltration);
-            rainfall = min(rainfall, max_infiltration);
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1) = evap; %evaporation (water loss) subrtacted in get_derivative
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub_water = double(rainfall <= -evap) .* rainfall + ...
-                double(rainfall > -evap) .* (-evap + (rainfall + evap) .* reduction_factor_in(saturation_first_cell, ground));
-            ground.TEMP.surface_runoff = rainfall - ground.TEMP.F_ub_water + excessRain;
-            ground.TEMP.T_rainWater =  max(0,forcing.TEMP.Tair);
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub_water_energy = ground.TEMP.F_ub_water .* ground.CONST.c_w .* ground.TEMP.T_rainWater;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water(1) = ground.TEMP.d_water(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub_water;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy(1) = ground.TEMP.d_water_energy(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub_water_energy;
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u_water_Xice(ground, forcing)  %simply add the water to first grid cell, excess taken up by Xwater, no checks needed
-            rainfall = forcing.TEMP.rainfall ./ 1000 ./ 24 ./3600 .* ground.STATVAR.area(1);  %possibly add water from external source here 
-            %partition already here in infiltration and surface runoff, considering ET losses and potentially external fluxes
-            volume_matrix = ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1) .* ground.STATVAR.area(1) - ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce(1);
-            saturation_first_cell = (ground.STATVAR.waterIce(1)  - ground.STATVAR.field_capacity(1) .* volume_matrix)./...
-                (volume_matrix - ground.STATVAR.mineral(1) - ground.STATVAR.organic(1) - ground.STATVAR.field_capacity(1) .* volume_matrix);
-            saturation_first_cell = max(0,min(1,saturation_first_cell)); % 0 water at field capacity, 1: water at saturation
-            evap = double(ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1)<0).*ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1); %negative
-            condensation = double(ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1)>0).*ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1);
-            rainfall = rainfall + condensation; %add condensation to rainfall to avoid overflowing of grid cell
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1) = evap; %evaporation (water loss) subrtacted in get_derivative
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub_water = double(rainfall <= -evap) .* rainfall + ...
-                double(rainfall > -evap) .* (-evap + (rainfall + evap) .* reduction_factor_in(saturation_first_cell, ground));
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub_Xwater = rainfall - ground.TEMP.F_ub_water;
-            ground.TEMP.T_rainWater =  max(0,forcing.TEMP.Tair);
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub_water_energy = ground.TEMP.F_ub_water .* ground.CONST.c_w .* ground.TEMP.T_rainWater;
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub_Xwater_energy = ground.TEMP.F_ub_Xwater .* ground.CONST.c_w .* ground.TEMP.T_rainWater;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water(1) = ground.TEMP.d_water(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub_water;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy(1) = ground.TEMP.d_water_energy(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub_water_energy;
-            ground.TEMP.d_Xwater(1) = ground.TEMP.d_Xwater(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub_Xwater;
-            ground.TEMP.d_Xwater_energy(1) = ground.TEMP.d_Xwater_energy(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub_Xwater_energy;
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u_water_RichardsEq_Xice(ground, forcing)  %simply add the water to first grid cell, excess taken up by Xwater, no checks needed
-            rainfall = forcing.TEMP.rainfall ./ 1000 ./ 24 ./3600 .* ground.STATVAR.area(1);  %possibly add water from external source here 
-            evap = double(ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1)<0).*ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1); %negative
-            condensation = double(ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1)>0).*ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1);
-            rainfall = rainfall + condensation; %add condensation to rainfall to avoid overflowing of grid cell
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(1) = evap; %evaporation (water loss) subrtacted in get_derivative
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub_water = rainfall;
-            ground.TEMP.T_rainWater =  max(0,forcing.TEMP.Tair);
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub_water_energy = ground.TEMP.F_ub_water .* ground.CONST.c_w .* ground.TEMP.T_rainWater;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water(1) = ground.TEMP.d_water(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub_water;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy(1) = ground.TEMP.d_water_energy(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub_water_energy;
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u_water_SNOW(ground, forcing)
-            rainfall = forcing.TEMP.rainfall ./ 1000 ./ 24 ./3600 .* ground.STATVAR.area(1);  
-            %partition already here in infiltration and surface runoff,
-            %considering ET losses and potentially external fluxes
-            remaining_pore_space = ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1).* ground.STATVAR.area(1) - ground.STATVAR.mineral(1) - ground.STATVAR.organic(1) - ground.STATVAR.ice(1);
-            saturation_first_cell = (ground.STATVAR.waterIce(1) - ground.PARA.field_capacity .* remaining_pore_space) ./ ...
-                (ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1).*ground.STATVAR.area(1) - remaining_pore_space); 
-            saturation_first_cell = max(0,min(1,saturation_first_cell)); % 0 water at field capacity, 1: water at saturation
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub_water = rainfall .* reduction_factor_in(saturation_first_cell, ground);
-            ground.TEMP.surface_runoff = rainfall - ground.TEMP.F_ub_water;  %route this to surface pool
-            ground.TEMP.T_rainWater =  max(0,forcing.TEMP.Tair);
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub_water_energy = ground.TEMP.F_ub_water .* ground.CONST.c_w .* ground.TEMP.T_rainWater;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water(1) = ground.TEMP.d_water(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub_water;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy(1) = ground.TEMP.d_water_energy(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub_water_energy;
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u_water_LAKE(ground, forcing)
-            rainfall = forcing.TEMP.rainfall ./ 1000 ./ 24 ./3600 .* ground.STATVAR.area(1);  
-            snowfall = forcing.TEMP.snowfall ./ 1000 ./ 24 ./3600 .* ground.STATVAR.area(1);
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub_water = rainfall + snowfall;
-            T_rainWater =  max(0,forcing.TEMP.Tair);
-            T_snow = min(0,forcing.TEMP.Tair);
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub_water_energy = rainfall .* ground.CONST.c_w .* T_rainWater + snowfall .* (ground.CONST.c_i .* T_snow - ground.CONST.L_f); 
-            ground.TEMP.d_water(1) = ground.TEMP.d_water(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub_water;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy(1) = ground.TEMP.d_water_energy(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub_water_energy;
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u_water_LAKE_frozen(ground, forcing)
-            rainfall = forcing.TEMP.rainfall ./ 1000 ./ 24 ./3600 .* ground.STATVAR.area(1);  
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub_water = rainfall;
-            T_rainWater =  max(0,forcing.TEMP.Tair);
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub_water_energy = rainfall .* ground.CONST.c_w .* T_rainWater;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water(1) = ground.TEMP.d_water(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub_water;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy(1) = ground.TEMP.d_water_energy(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub_water_energy;
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_l_water2(ground)
-            ground.TEMP.F_lb_water = 0;
-            ground.TEMP.F_lb_water_energy = 0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water(end) = ground.TEMP.d_water(end) + ground.TEMP.F_lb_water;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy(end) = ground.TEMP.d_water_energy(end) + ground.TEMP.F_lb_water_energy;
-        end
-        function ground = get_derivative_water2(ground) %adapts the fluxes automatically so that no checks are necessary when advancing the prognostic variable 
-            saturation = (ground.STATVAR.waterIce - ground.STATVAR.field_capacity .* ground.STATVAR.layerThick.*ground.STATVAR.area)./ (ground.STATVAR.layerThick.*ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic - ground.STATVAR.field_capacity.*ground.STATVAR.layerThick.*ground.STATVAR.area);
-            saturation = max(0,min(1,saturation)); % 0 water at field capacity, 1: water at saturation
-            guaranteed_flow = ground.TEMP.d_water_ET;  %add other external fluxes here
-            guaranteed_flow_energy = ground.TEMP.d_water_ET_energy;
-            %outflow
-            d_water_out = max(0, ground.PARA.hydraulicConductivity .* ground.STATVAR.water ./ ground.STATVAR.layerThick); % area cancels out; make this depended on both involved cells? 
-            guaranteed_inflow = guaranteed_flow.* double(guaranteed_flow > 0); 
-            d_water_out = double(guaranteed_inflow >= d_water_out) .* d_water_out + double(guaranteed_inflow < d_water_out) .* ...
-                 (guaranteed_inflow + (d_water_out - guaranteed_inflow) .* reduction_factor_out(saturation, ground)); %this is positive when flowing out
-            d_water_out(end,1) = 0; % lower boundary handled elsewhere
-             %d_water_out(end,1) = -ground.TEMP.F_lb_water; %positive
-            %inflow
-            d_water_in = d_water_out .*0;
-            d_water_in(2:end) = d_water_out(1:end-1);
-            guaranteed_outflow = guaranteed_flow.* double(guaranteed_flow < 0);
-            d_water_in = double(-guaranteed_outflow >= d_water_in) .* d_water_in + double(-guaranteed_outflow < d_water_in) .* ...
-                (-guaranteed_outflow + (d_water_in + guaranteed_outflow).* reduction_factor_in(saturation, ground));
-            %d_water_in(1) = ground.TEMP.F_ub_water; %already checked in UB, that space is available
-            %avoid rounding errors
-            %saturated = ground.STATVAR.layerThick.*ground.STATVAR.area <= ground.STATVAR.waterIce + ground.STATVAR.mineral + ground.STATVAR.organic;
-            %d_water_in(saturated) = min(d_water_in(saturated), -guaranteed_outflow(saturated));
-            %readjust outflow
-            d_water_out(1:end-1) = d_water_in(2:end); %reduce outflow if inflow is impossible
-            %energy advection
-            d_water_out_energy = d_water_out .* (double(ground.STATVAR.T>=0) .* ground.CONST.c_w + double(ground.STATVAR.T<0) .* ground.CONST.c_i) .* ground.STATVAR.T;
-            d_water_in_energy = d_water_out.*0;
-            d_water_in_energy(2:end,1) = d_water_out_energy(1:end-1,1); 
-            %d_water_in_energy(1) = ground.TEMP.F_ub_water_energy;
-            %d_water_out_energy(end) = -ground.TEMP.F_lb_water_energy;
-            %sum up               
-            ground.TEMP.d_water = ground.TEMP.d_water + guaranteed_flow - d_water_out + d_water_in; 
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy = ground.TEMP.d_water_energy + guaranteed_flow_energy - d_water_out_energy + d_water_in_energy;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_in = d_water_in; % at this stage nice-to-have variables, good for troubleshooting
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_out = d_water_out;
-        end
-        function ground = get_derivative_water_Xice(ground) %adapts the fluxes automatically so that no checks are necessary when advancing the prognostic variable
-            volume_matrix = ground.STATVAR.layerThick .* ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce;
-            saturation = (ground.STATVAR.waterIce  - ground.STATVAR.field_capacity .* volume_matrix)./...
-                (volume_matrix - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic - ground.STATVAR.field_capacity .* volume_matrix);
-            saturation = max(0,min(1,saturation)); % 0 water at field capacity, 1: water at saturation
-            guaranteed_flow = ground.TEMP.d_water_ET;  %add other external fluxes here
-            guaranteed_flow_energy = ground.TEMP.d_water_ET_energy;
-            %outflow
-            d_water_out = ground.PARA.hydraulicConductivity .* ground.STATVAR.water ./ (ground.STATVAR.layerThick - ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce ./ground.STATVAR.area); % area cancels out; make this depended on both involved cells? 
-            guaranteed_inflow = guaranteed_flow.* double(guaranteed_flow > 0); 
-            d_water_out = double(guaranteed_inflow >= d_water_out) .* d_water_out + double(guaranteed_inflow < d_water_out) .* ...
-                 (guaranteed_inflow + (d_water_out - guaranteed_inflow) .* reduction_factor_out(saturation, ground)); %this is positive when flowing out
-            d_water_out(end,1) = 0; % lower boundary handled elsewhere
-             %d_water_out(end,1) = -ground.TEMP.F_lb_water; %positive
-            %inflow
-            d_water_in = d_water_out .*0;
-            d_water_in(2:end) = d_water_out(1:end-1);
-            guaranteed_outflow = guaranteed_flow.* double(guaranteed_flow < 0);
-            d_water_in = double(-guaranteed_outflow >= d_water_in) .* d_water_in + double(-guaranteed_outflow < d_water_in) .* ...
-                (-guaranteed_outflow + (d_water_in + guaranteed_outflow).* reduction_factor_in(saturation, ground));
-            %d_water_in(1) = ground.TEMP.F_ub_water; %already checked in UB, that space is available
-            %readjust outflow
-            d_water_out(1:end-1) = d_water_in(2:end); %reduce outflow if inflow is impossible
-            %energy advection
-            d_water_out_energy = d_water_out .* (double(ground.STATVAR.T>=0) .* ground.CONST.c_w + double(ground.STATVAR.T<0) .* ground.CONST.c_i) .* ground.STATVAR.T;
-            d_water_in_energy = d_water_out.*0;
-            d_water_in_energy(2:end,1) = d_water_out_energy(1:end-1,1); 
-            %d_water_in_energy(1) = ground.TEMP.F_ub_water_energy;
-            %d_water_out_energy(end) = -ground.TEMP.F_lb_water_energy;
-            %sum up               
-            ground.TEMP.d_water = ground.TEMP.d_water + guaranteed_flow - d_water_out + d_water_in; 
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy = ground.TEMP.d_water_energy + guaranteed_flow_energy - d_water_out_energy + d_water_in_energy;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_in = d_water_in; % at this stage nice-to-have variables, good for troubleshooting, later necessary to route solutes
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_out = d_water_out;
-        end
-        function ground = get_derivative_Xwater(ground)  %routes Xwater up when Xice has melted
-            %saturation = ground.STATVAR.Xwater ./ ground.STATVAR.area ./ (ground.PARA.hydraulicConductivity .* ground.PARA.dt_max);
-            %saturation = max(0,min(1,saturation)); % 0 no Xwater, 1: water routed up within maximum timestep
-            d_Xwater_out = ground.PARA.hydraulicConductivity .* ground.STATVAR.area; %  .* reduction_factor_out(saturation, ground); 
-            d_Xwater_out(1,1) = 0; %Xwater stays in uppermost cell, must be removed elesewhere
-            d_Xwater_out(d_Xwater_out > 0) = min(d_Xwater_out(d_Xwater_out > 0), ground.STATVAR.Xwater(d_Xwater_out > 0) ./ ground.PARA.dt_max); %makes explicit timestep check unnecessary
-            d_Xwater_in = d_Xwater_out .*0;
-            d_Xwater_in(1:end-1) = d_Xwater_out(2:end) .* double(ground.STATVAR.T(1:end-1)>0); % water can only be taken up by unfrozen cells, important for lateral Xice melt (e.g. palsa case)
-            d_Xwater_out(2:end) = d_Xwater_in(1:end-1); %reduce outflow if inflow is impossible
-            d_Xwater_out_energy = d_Xwater_out .* ground.CONST.c_w .* ground.STATVAR.T;
-            d_Xwater_in_energy = d_Xwater_out .*0;
-            d_Xwater_in_energy(1:end-1) = d_Xwater_out_energy(2:end);
-            ground.TEMP.d_Xwater = ground.TEMP.d_Xwater - d_Xwater_out + d_Xwater_in; 
-            %ground.TEMP.d_Xwater(1) = ground.TEMP.d_Xwater(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub_Xwater;
-            ground.TEMP.d_Xwater_energy = ground.TEMP.d_Xwater_energy - d_Xwater_out_energy + d_Xwater_in_energy;
-            %ground.TEMP.d_Xwater_energy(1) = ground.TEMP.d_Xwater_energy(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub_Xwater_energy;
-        end
-        function ground = get_derivative_water_SNOW(ground) %adapts the fluxes automatically so that no checks are necessary when advancing the prognostic variable
-            remaining_pore_space = ground.STATVAR.layerThick.* ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic - ground.STATVAR.ice;
-            %saturation = (ground.STATVAR.waterIce - ground.PARA.field_capacity .* remaining_pore_space) ./ ...
-            %    (ground.STATVAR.layerThick.*ground.STATVAR.area - remaining_pore_space); 
-            saturation = (ground.STATVAR.water - ground.PARA.field_capacity .* remaining_pore_space) ./ ...
-                (remaining_pore_space - ground.PARA.field_capacity .* remaining_pore_space); 
-            saturation = max(0,min(1,saturation)); % 0 water at field capacity, 1: water at saturation
-            %outflow
-            d_water_out = ground.PARA.hydraulicConductivity .* ground.STATVAR.water ./ ground.STATVAR.layerThick; % area cancels out; make this depended on both involved cells?
-            d_water_out = d_water_out .* reduction_factor_out(saturation, ground); %this is positive when flowing out
-            d_water_out(end,1) = 0; % lower boundary handled elsewhere
-            %d_water_out(end,1) = -ground.TEMP.F_lb_water; %positive
-            %inflow
-            d_water_in = d_water_out .*0;
-            d_water_in(2:end) = d_water_out(1:end-1);
-            d_water_in = d_water_in .* reduction_factor_in(saturation, ground);
-            %d_water_in(1) = ground.TEMP.F_ub_water; %already checked in UB, that space is available
-            %readjust outflow
-            d_water_out(1:end-1) = d_water_in(2:end); %reduce outflow if inflow is impossible
-            %energy advection
-            d_water_out_energy = d_water_out .* ground.CONST.c_w .* ground.STATVAR.T;
-            d_water_in_energy = d_water_out.*0;
-            d_water_in_energy(2:end,1) = d_water_out_energy(1:end-1,1);
-            %d_water_in_energy(1) = ground.TEMP.F_ub_water_energy;
-            %d_water_out_energy(end) = -ground.TEMP.F_lb_water_energy;
-            %sum up
-            ground.TEMP.d_water = ground.TEMP.d_water - d_water_out + d_water_in;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy = ground.TEMP.d_water_energy - d_water_out_energy + d_water_in_energy;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_in = d_water_in; % at this stage nice-to-have variables, good for troubleshooting
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_out = d_water_out;
-        end
-        %Richards equation
-        function ground = calculate_hydraulicConductivity(ground)
-            saturation = ground.STATVAR.water ./ (ground.STATVAR.layerThick.*ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic);
-            saturation = max(0,min(1,saturation));
-            ice_saturation = ground.STATVAR.ice ./ (ground.STATVAR.layerThick.*ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic);
-            ice_saturation = max(0,min(1,ice_saturation));
-            %hydraulic conductivity - add 
-            n = ground.STATVAR.n;
-            ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity = ground.PARA.hydraulicConductivity .* saturation.^0.5 .* (1 - (1 - saturation.^(n./(n+1))).^(1-1./n)).^2 .* 10.^(-7.*ice_saturation); %dall amico 
-        end
-        function ground = get_derivative_water_RichardsEq(ground) %adapts the fluxes automatically so that no checks are necessary when advancing the prognostic variable
-            waterIce_saturation = ground.STATVAR.waterIce ./ (ground.STATVAR.layerThick.*ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic);
-            waterIce_saturation = max(0,min(1,waterIce_saturation));
-            water_saturation = (ground.STATVAR.waterIce - ground.PARA.min_waterIce .* ground.STATVAR.layerThick.*ground.STATVAR.area) ./ (ground.STATVAR.layerThick.*ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic);
-            water_saturation = max(0,min(1,water_saturation));
-            guaranteed_flow = ground.TEMP.d_water_ET;  %add other external fluxes here
-            guaranteed_flow_energy = ground.TEMP.d_water_ET_energy;
-            k_eff = ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(1:end-1,1).*ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(2:end,1) ./ ...
-                (ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(1:end-1,1).*ground.STATVAR.layerThick(2:end,1)./2 + ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(2:end,1).*ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1:end-1,1)./2);
-            fluxes = -k_eff.* (ground.STATVAR.waterPotential(1:end-1,1) - ground.STATVAR.waterPotential(2:end,1) + (ground.STATVAR.layerThick(2:end,1)./2 + ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1:end-1,1)./2)) .* 0.5.* (ground.STATVAR.area(1:end-1,1) + ground.STATVAR.area(2:end,1));
-            %minus means flux downwards
-            %ground.TEMP.fluxes_prev = fluxes;
-            %guaranteed_flow = ground.TEMP.d_water_ET(end) + ground.TEMP.d_water(end,1);
-            %1. reduce fluxes due to lack of water than can flow out
-            guaranteed_inflow = guaranteed_flow.* double(guaranteed_flow > 0); 
-            flux_out_down = ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* 0;
-            flux_out_down(1:end-1,1) = -fluxes .* double(fluxes<0);
-            flux_out_up = ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* 0;
-            flux_out_up(2:end,1) = fluxes .* double(fluxes>0);
-            flux_out = flux_out_down + flux_out_up;
-            flux_out = double(guaranteed_inflow >= flux_out) .* flux_out + double(guaranteed_inflow < flux_out) .* ...
-                 (guaranteed_inflow + (flux_out - guaranteed_inflow) .* reduction_factor_out(water_saturation, ground)); %this is positive when flowing out
-            flux_out_down = flux_out ./ (flux_out_down + flux_out_up) .* flux_out_down;
-            flux_out_down(isnan(flux_out_down)) = 0;
-            flux_out_up = flux_out ./ (flux_out_down + flux_out_up) .* flux_out_up;
-            flux_out_up(isnan(flux_out_up)) = 0;
-            %2.inflow             
-            guaranteed_outflow = guaranteed_flow.* double(guaranteed_flow < 0); 
-            flux_in_from_above = ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* 0;
-            flux_in_from_above(2:end,1) = -fluxes .* double(fluxes<0);
-            flux_in_from_below = ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* 0;
-            flux_in_from_below(1:end-1,1) = fluxes .* double(fluxes>0);
-            flux_in = flux_in_from_above + flux_in_from_below;
-            flux_in = double(-guaranteed_outflow >= flux_in) .* flux_in + double(-guaranteed_outflow < flux_in) .* ...
-                (-guaranteed_outflow + (flux_in + guaranteed_outflow).* reduction_factor_in(waterIce_saturation, ground));
-            flux_in_from_above = flux_in ./ (flux_in_from_above + flux_in_from_below) .* flux_in_from_above;
-            flux_in_from_above(isnan(flux_in_from_above)) = 0;
-            flux_in_from_below = flux_in ./ (flux_in_from_above + flux_in_from_below) .* flux_in_from_below;
-            flux_in_from_below(isnan(flux_in_from_below)) = 0;
-            fluxes = max(fluxes, -flux_out_down(1:end-1,1));
-            fluxes = max(fluxes, -flux_in_from_above(2:end,1));
-            fluxes = min(fluxes, flux_out_up(2:end,1));
-            fluxes = min(fluxes, flux_in_from_below(1:end-1,1));
-            ground.TEMP.fluxes = fluxes;
-            %same as for bucketW
-            d_water_out = ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* 0;
-            d_water_out(1:end-1,1) = -fluxes .* double(fluxes <0);
-            d_water_out(2:end,1) = d_water_out(2:end,1)  + fluxes .* double(fluxes >0);
-            d_water_in_from_above = ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* 0;
-            d_water_in_from_above(2:end,1) = -fluxes .* double(fluxes<0);
-            d_water_in_from_below = ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* 0;
-            d_water_in_from_below(1:end-1,1) = fluxes .* double(fluxes>0);
-            %energy advection
-            d_water_out_energy = d_water_out .* (double(ground.STATVAR.T>=0) .* ground.CONST.c_w + double(ground.STATVAR.T<0) .* ground.CONST.c_i) .* ground.STATVAR.T;
-            d_water_in_energy = d_water_out_energy.*0;
-            d_water_in_energy(2:end,1) = d_water_in_energy(2:end,1) + d_water_in_from_above(2:end,1) .* ...
-                (double(ground.STATVAR.T(1:end-1,1)>=0) .* ground.CONST.c_w + double(ground.STATVAR.T(1:end-1,1)<0) .* ground.CONST.c_i) .* ground.STATVAR.T(1:end-1,1);
-            d_water_in_energy(1:end-1,1) = d_water_in_energy(1:end-1,1) + d_water_in_from_below(1:end-1,1) .* ...
-                (double(ground.STATVAR.T(2:end,1)>=0) .* ground.CONST.c_w + double(ground.STATVAR.T(2:end,1)<0) .* ground.CONST.c_i) .* ground.STATVAR.T(2:end,1);
-            %sum up               
-            ground.TEMP.d_water = ground.TEMP.d_water + guaranteed_flow - d_water_out + d_water_in_from_above + d_water_in_from_below; 
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy = ground.TEMP.d_water_energy + guaranteed_flow_energy - d_water_out_energy + d_water_in_energy;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_in_from_above = d_water_in_from_above; % at this stage nice-to-have variables, good for troubleshooting
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_in_from_below = d_water_in_from_below;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_out = d_water_out;
-        end
-        %Richards equation excess ice
-        function ground = calculate_hydraulicConductivity_Xice(ground) %hydraulic conductivity of the matrix part of the cell
-            saturation = ground.STATVAR.water ./ (ground.STATVAR.layerThick.*ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic - ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce);
-            saturation = max(0,min(1,saturation));
-            ice_saturation = ground.STATVAR.ice ./ (ground.STATVAR.layerThick.*ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic - ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce);
-            ice_saturation = max(0,min(1,ice_saturation)); %count both ice and excess ice
-            %hydraulic conductivity - add 
-            n = ground.STATVAR.n;
-            ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity = ground.PARA.hydraulicConductivity .* saturation.^0.5 .* (1 - (1 - saturation.^(n./(n+1))).^(1-1./n)).^2 .* 10.^(-7.*ice_saturation); %dall amico            
-        end
-        function ground = get_derivative_water_RichardsEq_Xice(ground) %adapts the fluxes automatically so that no checks are necessary when advancing the prognostic variable
-            waterIce_saturation = ground.STATVAR.waterIce ./ (ground.STATVAR.layerThick.*ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic - ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce);
-            waterIce_saturation = max(0,min(1,waterIce_saturation));
-            water_saturation = (ground.STATVAR.waterIce - ground.PARA.min_waterIce .* (ground.STATVAR.layerThick.*ground.STATVAR.area- ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce)) ./ ...
-                (ground.STATVAR.layerThick.*ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic - ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce);
-            water_saturation = max(0,min(1,water_saturation));
-            guaranteed_flow = ground.TEMP.d_water_ET;  %add other external fluxes here
-            guaranteed_flow_energy = ground.TEMP.d_water_ET_energy;
-%             k_eff = ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(1:end-1,1).*ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(2:end,1) .*...
-%                 (ground.STATVAR.layerThick(2:end,1)  - ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce(2:end,1) + ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1:end-1,1)  - ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce(1:end-1,1))./2 ./ ...
-%                 (ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(1:end-1,1).*(ground.STATVAR.layerThick(2:end,1)  - ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce(2:end,1))./2 + ...
-%                 ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(2:end,1).*(ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1:end-1,1)  - ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce(1:end-1,1))./2);
-            k_eff = ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(1:end-1,1).*ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(2:end,1) .*...
-                (ground.STATVAR.layerThick(2:end,1)  + ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1:end-1,1))./2 ./ ...
-                (ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(1:end-1,1).*ground.STATVAR.layerThick(2:end,1)./2 + ...
-                ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity(2:end,1).*ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1:end-1,1)./2);
-            %set conductivity to zero between each two cells that have Xice
-            %k_eff = k_eff .* double((double(ground.STATVAR.Xice(1:end-1)>0) + double(ground.STATVAR.Xice(2:end)>0))<2);
-            geopotential = -cumsum(ground.STATVAR.layerThick) + ground.STATVAR.layerThick./2; %midpoint of each cell - increases with with elevation
-            %in m water equivalent - in principle has to take classses on
-            %top into account as well, requires a class-specific
-            %overburden_pressure function - decreases with elevation
-            overburden_pressure = ((cumsum(ground.STATVAR.mineral) + ground.STATVAR.mineral./2) .* ground.CONST.rho_m ./ground.CONST.rho_w + ...
-                (cumsum(ground.STATVAR.organic) + ground.STATVAR.organic./2) .* ground.CONST.rho_o ./ground.CONST.rho_w + ...
-                (cumsum(ground.STATVAR.waterIce) + ground.STATVAR.waterIce./2 + cumsum(ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce) + ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce./2)) ./ ground.STATVAR.area; 
-            total_potential = ground.STATVAR.waterPotential + geopotential + overburden_pressure .* double(ground.STATVAR.Xwater>0);
-            fluxes = -k_eff .*(total_potential(1:end-1,1) - total_potential(2:end,1))./ ((ground.STATVAR.layerThick(2:end,1)  + ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1:end-1,1))./2) ...
-                .* 0.5.* (ground.STATVAR.area(1:end-1,1) + ground.STATVAR.area(2:end,1));
-            fluxes_uncorrected = fluxes;
-            %account for guaranteed flow
-            guaranteed_flow = ground.TEMP.d_water_ET;
-            %1. reduce fluxes due to lack of water than can flow out
-            guaranteed_inflow = guaranteed_flow.* double(guaranteed_flow > 0);
-            flux_out_down = ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* 0;
-            flux_out_down(1:end-1,1) = -fluxes .* double(fluxes<0);
-            flux_out_up = ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* 0;
-            flux_out_up(2:end,1) = fluxes .* double(fluxes>0);
-            flux_out = flux_out_down + flux_out_up;
-            flux_out = double(guaranteed_inflow >= flux_out) .* flux_out + double(guaranteed_inflow < flux_out) .* ...
-                (guaranteed_inflow + (flux_out - guaranteed_inflow) .* reduction_factor_out(water_saturation, ground)); %this is positive when flowing out
-            flux_out_down = flux_out ./ (flux_out_down + flux_out_up) .* flux_out_down;
-            flux_out_down(isnan(flux_out_down)) = 0;
-            flux_out_up = flux_out ./ (flux_out_down + flux_out_up) .* flux_out_up;
-            flux_out_up(isnan(flux_out_up)) = 0;
-            %2.inflow
-            guaranteed_outflow = guaranteed_flow.* double(guaranteed_flow < 0);
-            flux_in_from_above = ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* 0;
-            flux_in_from_above(2:end,1) = -fluxes .* double(fluxes<0);
-            flux_in_from_below = ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* 0;
-            flux_in_from_below(1:end-1,1) = fluxes .* double(fluxes>0);
-            flux_in = flux_in_from_above + flux_in_from_below;
-            flux_in = double(-guaranteed_outflow >= flux_in) .* flux_in + double(-guaranteed_outflow < flux_in) .* ...
-                (-guaranteed_outflow + (flux_in + guaranteed_outflow).* reduction_factor_in(waterIce_saturation, ground));
-            flux_in_from_above = flux_in ./ (flux_in_from_above + flux_in_from_below) .* flux_in_from_above;
-            flux_in_from_above(isnan(flux_in_from_above)) = 0;
-            flux_in_from_below = flux_in ./ (flux_in_from_above + flux_in_from_below) .* flux_in_from_below;
-            flux_in_from_below(isnan(flux_in_from_below)) = 0;
-            fluxes = max(fluxes, -flux_out_down(1:end-1,1));
-            fluxes = max(fluxes, -flux_in_from_above(2:end,1));
-            fluxes = min(fluxes, flux_out_up(2:end,1));
-            fluxes = min(fluxes, flux_in_from_below(1:end-1,1));
-            %formation of excess ice
-            %check for all the fluxes into saturated cells, if the pressure is high enough to overcome the overburden pressure
-            %if yes, leave the flux as it is and mark these cells (needed for timestep)
-            %if no, leave the flux as it is
-            ground.TEMP.XwaterIce_formation = ground.STATVAR.waterIce .* 0;
-            for i=1:size(fluxes,1)
-                inflow_cell = i+double(sign(fluxes_uncorrected(i,1))==-1);
-                if waterIce_saturation(inflow_cell,1)>=1-1e-9 && ground.STATVAR.Xwater(inflow_cell)<=0
-                    total_potential(inflow_cell) = total_potential(inflow_cell) + overburden_pressure(inflow_cell);
-                    flux_pot = -k_eff(i,1) .*(total_potential(i,1) - total_potential(i+1,1))./ ((ground.STATVAR.layerThick(i,1) + ground.STATVAR.layerThick(i+1,1))./2) ...
-                        .* 0.5.* (ground.STATVAR.area(i,1) + ground.STATVAR.area(i+1,1));
-                    if sign(fluxes_uncorrected(i,1))==sign(flux_pot)
-                        fluxes(i,1)  = flux_pot;
-                        ground.TEMP.XwaterIce_formation(inflow_cell,1) = 1;
-                    end
-                    total_potential(inflow_cell) = total_potential(inflow_cell) - overburden_pressure(inflow_cell);
-                end
-            end
-            ground.TEMP.fluxes=fluxes;
-            ground.TEMP.total_potential = total_potential;
-            ground.TEMP.overburden_pressure = overburden_pressure;
-            %same as for bucketW
-            d_water_out = ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* 0;
-            d_water_out(1:end-1,1) = -fluxes .* double(fluxes <0);
-            d_water_out(2:end,1) = d_water_out(2:end,1)  + fluxes .* double(fluxes >0);
-            d_water_in_from_above = ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* 0;
-            d_water_in_from_above(2:end,1) = -fluxes .* double(fluxes<0);
-            d_water_in_from_below = ground.STATVAR.hydraulicConductivity .* 0;
-            d_water_in_from_below(1:end-1,1) = fluxes .* double(fluxes>0);
-            %energy advection
-            d_water_out_energy = d_water_out .* (double(ground.STATVAR.T>=0) .* ground.CONST.c_w + double(ground.STATVAR.T<0) .* ground.CONST.c_i) .* ground.STATVAR.T;
-            d_water_in_energy = d_water_out_energy.*0;
-            d_water_in_energy(2:end,1) = d_water_in_energy(2:end,1) + d_water_in_from_above(2:end,1) .* ...
-                (double(ground.STATVAR.T(1:end-1,1)>=0) .* ground.CONST.c_w + double(ground.STATVAR.T(1:end-1,1)<0) .* ground.CONST.c_i) .* ground.STATVAR.T(1:end-1,1);
-            d_water_in_energy(1:end-1,1) = d_water_in_energy(1:end-1,1) + d_water_in_from_below(1:end-1,1) .* ...
-                (double(ground.STATVAR.T(2:end,1)>=0) .* ground.CONST.c_w + double(ground.STATVAR.T(2:end,1)<0) .* ground.CONST.c_i) .* ground.STATVAR.T(2:end,1);
-            %sum up               
-            ground.TEMP.d_water = ground.TEMP.d_water + guaranteed_flow - d_water_out + d_water_in_from_above + d_water_in_from_below; 
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy = ground.TEMP.d_water_energy + guaranteed_flow_energy - d_water_out_energy + d_water_in_energy;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_in_from_above = d_water_in_from_above; % at this stage nice-to-have variables, good for troubleshooting
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_in_from_below = d_water_in_from_below;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_out = d_water_out;
-        end
-        function rf = reduction_factor_out(saturation, ground)  %part of get_derivative_water2(ground)
-            smoothness = 3e-2;
-            rf = (1-exp(-saturation./smoothness));
-        end
-        function rf = reduction_factor_in(saturation, ground)   %part of get_derivative_water2(ground)
-            smoothness = 3e-2;
-            rf = (1- exp((saturation-1)./smoothness));
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep_water(ground)
-            %outflow + inflow
-%             timestep = ( double(ground.TEMP.d_water <0 & ground.STATVAR.waterIce > ground.STATVAR.field_capacity .* ground.STATVAR.layerThick .* ground.STATVAR.area) .* (ground.STATVAR.waterIce - ground.STATVAR.field_capacity .* ground.STATVAR.layerThick .* ground.STATVAR.area) ./ -ground.TEMP.d_water + ...
-%                  double(ground.TEMP.d_water > 0) .* (ground.STATVAR.layerThick .* ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic - ground.STATVAR.waterIce ) ./ ground.TEMP.d_water); %[m3 / (m3/sec) = sec]
-             timestep = ( double(ground.TEMP.d_water <0 & ground.STATVAR.waterIce > ground.STATVAR.field_capacity .* ground.STATVAR.layerThick .* ground.STATVAR.area) .* (ground.STATVAR.waterIce - ground.STATVAR.field_capacity .* ground.STATVAR.layerThick .* ground.STATVAR.area) ./ -ground.TEMP.d_water + ...
-                 double(ground.TEMP.d_water > 0) .* (ground.STATVAR.layerThick .* ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic - ground.STATVAR.waterIce ) ./ ground.TEMP.d_water); %[m3 / (m3/sec) = sec]
-             timestep(timestep<=0) = ground.PARA.dt_max;
-             timestep=nanmin(timestep);
-%              timestep2= nanmin(0.01.*(ground.STATVAR.layerThick .* ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic)./abs(ground.TEMP.d_water));
-%              timestep = min(timestep, timestep2);
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep_water_RichardsEq(ground)
-             %no negative values and no overtopping
-             timestep = ( double(ground.TEMP.d_water <0)  .* ground.STATVAR.water./2 ./ -ground.TEMP.d_water + ...
-                 double(ground.TEMP.d_water > 0) .* (ground.STATVAR.layerThick .* ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic - ground.STATVAR.waterIce ) ./ ground.TEMP.d_water); %[m3 / (m3/sec) = sec]
-             timestep(timestep<=0) = ground.PARA.dt_max;
-             timestep=nanmin(timestep);
-             timestep2 = ground.PARA.dWater_max .* ground.STATVAR.layerThick .* ground.STATVAR.area ./ abs(ground.TEMP.d_water);
-             timestep2 = nanmin(timestep2);
-             timestep = min(timestep, timestep2);
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep_water_RichardsEq_Xice(ground)
-             %no negative values and no overtopping
-             timestep =  double(ground.TEMP.d_water <0 & ground.STATVAR.Xwater./ground.STATVAR.area<=1e-6)  .* ground.STATVAR.water./2 ./ -ground.TEMP.d_water + ...
-                 double(ground.TEMP.d_water <0 & ground.STATVAR.Xwater./ground.STATVAR.area > 1e-6)  .* ground.STATVAR.Xwater./ -ground.TEMP.d_water + ...
-                 double(ground.TEMP.d_water > 0 & ground.TEMP.XwaterIce_formation==0) .* (ground.STATVAR.layerThick .* ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic - ground.STATVAR.waterIce ) ./ ground.TEMP.d_water; %[m3 / (m3/sec) = sec]
-             timestep(timestep<=0) = ground.PARA.dt_max;
-             timestep=nanmin(timestep);
-%             double(ground.TEMP.d_water(3) <0 & ground.STATVAR.Xwater(3)<=0)  .* ground.STATVAR.water(3)./2 ./ -ground.TEMP.d_water(3)
-%              double(ground.TEMP.d_water(3) <0 & ground.STATVAR.Xwater(3)>0)  .* ground.STATVAR.Xwater(3)./ -ground.TEMP.d_water(3)
-%              double(ground.TEMP.d_water(3) > 0 & ground.TEMP.XwaterIce_formation(3)==0) .* (ground.STATVAR.layerThick(3) .* ground.STATVAR.area(3) - ground.STATVAR.mineral(3) - ground.STATVAR.organic(3) - ground.STATVAR.waterIce(3) ) ./ ground.TEMP.d_water(3)
-             timestep2 = ground.PARA.dWater_max .* ground.STATVAR.layerThick .* ground.STATVAR.area ./ abs(ground.TEMP.d_water);
-%              timestep2(timestep2==Inf)= ground.PARA.dt_max;
-%              timestep2(isnan(timestep2)) = ground.PARA.dt_max;
-%              timestep2(timestep2<=0) = ground.PARA.dt_max;
-%              timestep2(timestep2>ground.PARA.dt_max) = ground.PARA.dt_max;
-             timestep2 = nanmin(timestep2);
-             timestep = min(timestep, timestep2);
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep_Xwater(ground)
-            %only outflow
-            timestep = double(ground.TEMP.d_water <0) .* ground.STATVAR.Xwater ./ -ground.TEMP.d_water;
-             timestep(timestep<=0) = ground.PARA.dt_max;
-             timestep=nanmin(timestep);
-             %if negative, set to max_timestep
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep_water_SNOW(ground)
-            %outflow + inflow
-            remaining_pore_space = ground.STATVAR.layerThick.* ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic - ground.STATVAR.ice;
-            %timestep = ( double(ground.TEMP.d_water <0) .* (ground.STATVAR.waterIce - ground.PARA.field_capacity .* remaining_pore_space) ./ -ground.TEMP.d_water + ...
-            %     double(ground.TEMP.d_water > 0) .* (ground.STATVAR.layerThick .* ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic - ground.STATVAR.waterIce ) ./ ground.TEMP.d_water); %[m3 / (m3/sec) = sec]
-            timestep = ( double(ground.TEMP.d_water <0 & ground.STATVAR.water > ground.PARA.field_capacity .* remaining_pore_space ) .* (ground.STATVAR.water - ground.PARA.field_capacity .* remaining_pore_space) ./ -ground.TEMP.d_water + ...
-                double(ground.TEMP.d_water > 0) .* (ground.STATVAR.layerThick .* ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic - ground.STATVAR.waterIce ) ./ ground.TEMP.d_water); %[m3 / (m3/sec) = sec]
-            timestep(timestep<=0) = ground.PARA.dt_max;
-            timestep=nanmin(timestep);
-        end
-    end
diff --git a/trash/add_CHILD_snow.m b/trash/add_CHILD_snow.m
deleted file mode 100644
index c8dc0ba6..00000000
--- a/trash/add_CHILD_snow.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-function ground = add_CHILD_snow(ground, class_list, stratigraphy_list)
-for i=1:size(stratigraphy_list,1)  %find STRAT_class in the list
-    if stratigraphy_list{i,2}==1
-        if strcmp(class(stratigraphy_list{i,1}), 'STRAT_classes')
-            class_stratigraphy = stratigraphy_list{i,1};
-        end
-    end
-for i=1:size(class_list,1)  %find snow in the class list
-    if strcmp(class(class_list{i,1}), class_stratigraphy.snow_class.name) && class_list{i,2} == class_stratigraphy.snow_class.index
-        snow=copy(class_list{i,1});
-    end
-%replace by matrix
-if strcmp(class(ground), 'GROUND_freeW_seb_snow') && strcmp(class(snow), 'SNOW_simple_seb_bucketW')
-    ground.IA_CHILD = IA_SNOW_GROUND();
-elseif strcmp(class(ground), 'GROUND_freeW_seb_snow') && strcmp(class(snow), 'SNOW_simple_seb_crocus')
-    ground.IA_CHILD = IA_SNOW_GROUND_crocus();
-elseif strcmp(class(ground), 'GROUND_fcSimple_salt_seb_snow') && strcmp(class(snow), 'SNOW_simple_seb_bucketW')
-    ground.IA_CHILD = IA_SNOW_GROUND_fcSimple_salt();
-elseif strcmp(class(ground), 'GROUND_fcSimple_salt_seb_snow') && strcmp(class(snow), 'SNOW_crocus_no_inheritance')
-    ground.IA_CHILD = IA_SNOW_GROUND_fcSimple_salt_crocus();
-elseif strcmp(class(ground), 'GROUND_freeW_bucketW_seb_snow') && strcmp(class(snow), 'SNOW_simple_seb_bucketW')
-    ground.IA_CHILD = IA_SNOW_GROUND();
-elseif strcmp(class(ground), 'GROUND_freeW_bucketW_seb_snow') && strcmp(class(snow), 'SNOW_simple_seb_crocus')
-    ground.IA_CHILD = IA_SNOW_GROUND_crocus();
-elseif strcmp(class(ground), 'GROUND_freeW_bucketW_seb_snow') && strcmp(class(snow), 'SNOW_crocus_no_inheritance')
-    ground.IA_CHILD = IA_SNOW_GROUND_crocus();
-elseif strcmp(class(ground), 'GROUND_freeW_seb_snow') && strcmp(class(snow), 'SNOW_simple_seb')
-    ground.IA_CHILD = IA_SNOW_GROUND();
-CURRENT = ground.IA_CHILD; %change to interaction class
-CURRENT.STATUS = 0; %snow initially inactive
-ground.IA_CHILD = CURRENT; %reassign to ground
diff --git a/trash/run_CG3d_Finse.m b/trash/run_CG3d_Finse.m
deleted file mode 100644
index dc5b41ef..00000000
--- a/trash/run_CG3d_Finse.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid main file to be executed
-% S.Westermann, Jan 2019
-clear all
-modules_path = 'modules';
-run_number = 'Finse_4432';
-result_path = './results/';
-config_path = fullfile(result_path, run_number);
-forcing_path = fullfile ('./forcing/');
-parameter_file = [run_number '.xlsx'];
-const_file = 'CONSTANTS_excel.xlsx';
-forcing_file = dir([forcing_path '*.mat']);  %BE CAREFUL, this is a significant problem - the forcing file name is NOT read from the Excel file as it should!!!
-%With this code, always the first mat-file in the forcig folder seems to be used, which leads
-%the program to crash if another file is specified in the Excel-file
-%MUST BE CHANGED! As a work-around, specify the correct number in the line below
-forcing_file = forcing_file(1,1).name;
-lateral = LATERAL_IA();
-lateral = assign_number_of_realizations(lateral, 2);
-lateral = get3d_PARA(lateral);
-if lateral.PARA.num_realizations > 1
-    lateral = get3d_PARA(lateral);
-    parpool(lateral.PARA.num_realizations)
-    lateral = get_index(lateral);
-    run_number = get_run_number(lateral, run_number);    
-    parameter_file = [run_number '.xlsx'];
-    % =====================================================================
-    % Use modular interface to build model run
-    % =====================================================================
-    % Depending on parameter_file_type, instantiates
-    % classes
-    pprovider = PARAMETER_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, parameter_file);
-    cprovider = CONSTANT_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, const_file);
-    fprovider = FORCING_PROVIDER(forcing_path, forcing_file);
-    % Build the actual model tile (forcing, grid, out and stratigraphy classes)
-    tile = TILE_BUILDER(pprovider, cprovider, fprovider, ...
-        'forcing_id', 1, ...
-        'grid_id', 1, ...
-        'out_id', 1, ...
-        'strat_linear_id', 1, ...
-        'strat_layers_id', 1, ...
-        'strat_classes_id', 1);
-    forcing = tile.forcing;
-    out = tile.out;
-    TOP_CLASS = tile.TOP_CLASS;
-    TOP = tile.TOP;
-    BOTTOM = tile.BOTTOM;
-    % ------ time integration ------------------
-    day_sec = 24.*3600;
-    t = forcing.PARA.start_time;
-    %t is in days, timestep should also be in days
-    %if lateral.PARA.num_realizations > 1
-    lateral = initialize_lateral_3D(lateral, TOP, BOTTOM, t);
-    %else
-    %end
-%     if lateral.STATVAR.index ==2
-%         TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.waterIce(end,1) = 0.2;
-%         TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.water(end,1) = 0.2;
-%     end
-    lateral.IA_TIME = t;
-    %lateral = lateral_IA(lateral, forcing, t);
-    %lkjlkjlkj
-    while t < forcing.PARA.end_time
-        forcing = interpolate_forcing(t, forcing);
-        %---------boundary conditions
-        %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real upper boundary"
-        %only evaluated for the first cell/block
-        TOP.NEXT = get_boundary_condition_u(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        %function independent of classes, each class must comply with this function!!!
-        %evaluated for every interface between two cells/blocks
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT.NEXT, BOTTOM)
-            get_boundary_condition_m(CURRENT.IA_NEXT);
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-        %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real lower boundary"
-        %only evaluated for the last cell/block
-        CURRENT = get_boundary_condition_l(CURRENT,  forcing);  %At this point, CURRENT is equal to BOTTOM_CLASS
-        %--------------------------
-        %calculate spatial derivatives for every cell in the stratigraphy
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-            CURRENT = get_derivatives_prognostic(CURRENT);
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-        %calculate minimum timestep required for all cells in days
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        timestep=3600;
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-            timestep = min(timestep, get_timestep(CURRENT));
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-        next_break_time = min(lateral.IA_TIME, out.OUTPUT_TIME);
-        timestep = min(timestep, (next_break_time - t).*day_sec);
-        %make sure to hit the output times!
-        %calculate prognostic variables
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-            CURRENT = advance_prognostic(CURRENT, timestep);
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-        %calculate diagnostic variables
-        %some effects only happen in the first cell
-        TOP.NEXT = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-        if isnan(TOP.NEXT.STATVAR.Lstar)
-            keyboard
-        end
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, TOP)
-            CURRENT = compute_diagnostic(CURRENT, forcing);
-        end
-        %check for triggers that reorganize the stratigraphy
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-            CURRENT = check_trigger(CURRENT, forcing);
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-        TOP_CLASS = TOP.NEXT; %TOP_CLASS and BOTTOM_CLASS for convenient access
-        %calculate new time
-        t = t + timestep./day_sec;
-        lateral = lateral_IA(lateral, forcing, t);
-        %store the output according to the defined OUT clas
-        out = store_OUT(out, t, TOP_CLASS, BOTTOM, forcing, run_number, timestep, result_path);
-    end
diff --git a/trash/run_CG3d_Herschell.m b/trash/run_CG3d_Herschell.m
deleted file mode 100644
index c899eb06..00000000
--- a/trash/run_CG3d_Herschell.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid main file to be executed
-% S.Westermann, Jan 2019
-clear all
-modules_path = 'modules';
-run_number = 'Herschell'; 
-result_path = './results/';
-config_path = fullfile(result_path, run_number);
-forcing_path = fullfile ('./forcing/');
-parameter_file = [run_number '.xlsx'];
-const_file = 'CONSTANTS_excel.xlsx';
-forcing_file = dir([forcing_path '*.mat']);  %BE CAREFUL, this is a significant problem - the forcing file name is NOT read from the Excel file as it should!!!
-%With this code, always the first mat-file in the forcig folder seems to be used, which leads
-%the program to crash if another file is specified in the Excel-file
-%MUST BE CHANGED! As a work-around, specify the correct number in the line below
-forcing_file = forcing_file(3,1).name;
-lateral = LATERAL_IA();
-lateral = assign_number_of_realizations(lateral, 3);
-lateral = get3d_PARA(lateral);
-if lateral.PARA.num_realizations > 1
-    lateral = get3d_PARA(lateral);
-    parpool(lateral.PARA.num_realizations)
-    lateral = get_index(lateral);
-    run_number = get_run_number(lateral, run_number);    
-    parameter_file = [run_number '.xlsx'];
-    % =====================================================================
-    % Use modular interface to build model run
-    % =====================================================================
-    % Depending on parameter_file_type, instantiates
-    % classes
-    pprovider = PARAMETER_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, parameter_file);
-    cprovider = CONSTANT_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, const_file);
-    fprovider = FORCING_PROVIDER(forcing_path, forcing_file);
-    % Build the actual model tile (forcing, grid, out and stratigraphy classes)
-    tile = TILE_BUILDER(pprovider, cprovider, fprovider, ...
-        'forcing_id', 1, ...
-        'grid_id', 1, ...
-        'out_id', 1, ...
-        'strat_linear_id', 1, ...
-        'strat_layers_id', 1, ...
-        'strat_classes_id', 1);
-    forcing = tile.forcing;
-    out = tile.out;
-    TOP_CLASS = tile.TOP_CLASS;
-    TOP = tile.TOP;
-    BOTTOM = tile.BOTTOM;
-    % ------ time integration ------------------
-    day_sec = 24.*3600;
-    t = forcing.PARA.start_time;
-    %t is in days, timestep should also be in days
-    lateral = initialize_lateral_3D(lateral, TOP, BOTTOM, t);
-    lateral.IA_TIME = t;
-    %lkjlkjlkj
-    while t < forcing.PARA.end_time
-        forcing = interpolate_forcing(t, forcing);
-        %---------boundary conditions
-        %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real upper boundary"
-        %only evaluated for the first cell/block
-        TOP.NEXT = get_boundary_condition_u(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        %function independent of classes, each class must comply with this function!!!
-        %evaluated for every interface between two cells/blocks
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT.NEXT, BOTTOM)
-            get_boundary_condition_m(CURRENT.IA_NEXT);
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-        %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real lower boundary"
-        %only evaluated for the last cell/block
-        CURRENT = get_boundary_condition_l(CURRENT,  forcing);  %At this point, CURRENT is equal to BOTTOM_CLASS
-        %--------------------------
-        %calculate spatial derivatives for every cell in the stratigraphy
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-            CURRENT = get_derivatives_prognostic(CURRENT);
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-        %calculate minimum timestep required for all cells in days
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        timestep=3600;
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-            timestep = min(timestep, get_timestep(CURRENT));
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-        next_break_time = min(lateral.IA_TIME, out.OUTPUT_TIME);
-        timestep = min(timestep, (next_break_time - t).*day_sec);
-        %make sure to hit the output times!
-        %calculate prognostic variables
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-            CURRENT = advance_prognostic(CURRENT, timestep);
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-        %calculate diagnostic variables
-        %some effects only happen in the first cell
-        TOP.NEXT = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-        if isnan(TOP.NEXT.STATVAR.Lstar)
-            keyboard
-        end
-%         if t> datenum(1996,5,9,18,0,0) && lateral.STATVAR.index == 1
-%             disp('Hallo1')
-%         end
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, TOP)
-            CURRENT = compute_diagnostic(CURRENT, forcing);
-        end
-%         if t> datenum(1996,5,9,18,0,0) && lateral.STATVAR.index == 1
-%             disp('Hallo2')
-%         end
-        %check for triggers that reorganize the stratigraphy
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-            CURRENT = check_trigger(CURRENT, forcing);
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-%         if t> datenum(1996,5,9,18,0,0) && lateral.STATVAR.index == 1
-%             disp('Hallo3')
-%         end
-        TOP_CLASS = TOP.NEXT; %TOP_CLASS and BOTTOM_CLASS for convenient access
-        %calculate new time
-        t = t + timestep./day_sec;
-        lateral = lateral_IA(lateral, forcing, t);
-%         if t> datenum(1996,5,9,18,0,0) && lateral.STATVAR.index == 1
-%             disp('Hallo4')
-%         end
-        %store the output according to the defined OUT clas
-        out = store_OUT(out, t, TOP_CLASS, BOTTOM, forcing, run_number, timestep, result_path);
-%         if t> datenum(1996,5,9,18,0,0) && lateral.STATVAR.index == 1
-%             disp('Hallo5')
-%         end
-    end
diff --git a/trash/run_CG3d_Samoylov.m b/trash/run_CG3d_Samoylov.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c3fda75..00000000
--- a/trash/run_CG3d_Samoylov.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid main file to be executed
-% S.Westermann, Jan 2019
-clear all
-modules_path = 'modules';
-run_number = 'test_Samoylov'; 
-result_path = './results/';
-config_path = fullfile(result_path, run_number);
-forcing_path = fullfile ('./forcing/');
-parameter_file = [run_number '.xlsx'];
-const_file = 'CONSTANTS_excel.xlsx';
-forcing_file = dir([forcing_path '*.mat']);  %BE CAREFUL, this is a significant problem - the forcing file name is NOT read from the Excel file as it should!!!
-%With this code, always the first mat-file in the forcig folder seems to be used, which leads
-%the program to crash if another file is specified in the Excel-file
-%MUST BE CHANGED! As a work-around, specify the correct number in the line below
-forcing_file = forcing_file(6,1).name;
-lateral = LATERAL_IA();
-lateral = assign_number_of_realizations(lateral, 2);
-lateral = get3d_PARA(lateral);
-if lateral.PARA.num_realizations > 1
-    lateral = get3d_PARA(lateral);
-    parpool(lateral.PARA.num_realizations)
-    lateral = get_index(lateral);
-    run_number = get_run_number(lateral, run_number);    
-    parameter_file = [run_number '.xlsx'];
-    % =====================================================================
-    % Use modular interface to build model run
-    % =====================================================================
-    % Depending on parameter_file_type, instantiates
-    % classes
-    pprovider = PARAMETER_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, parameter_file);
-    cprovider = CONSTANT_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, const_file);
-    fprovider = FORCING_PROVIDER(forcing_path, forcing_file);
-    % Build the actual model tile (forcing, grid, out and stratigraphy classes)
-    tile = TILE_BUILDER(pprovider, cprovider, fprovider, ...
-        'forcing_id', 1, ...
-        'grid_id', 1, ...
-        'out_id', 1, ...
-        'strat_linear_id', 1, ...
-        'strat_layers_id', 1, ...
-        'strat_classes_id', 1);
-    forcing = tile.forcing;
-    out = tile.out;
-    TOP_CLASS = tile.TOP_CLASS;
-    TOP = tile.TOP;
-    BOTTOM = tile.BOTTOM;
-    % ------ time integration ------------------
-    day_sec = 24.*3600;
-    t = forcing.PARA.start_time;
-    %t is in days, timestep should also be in days
-    lateral = initialize_lateral_3D(lateral, TOP, BOTTOM, t);
-    lateral.IA_TIME = t;
-    %lkjlkjlkj
-    while t < forcing.PARA.end_time
-        forcing = interpolate_forcing(t, forcing);
-        %---------boundary conditions
-        %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real upper boundary"
-        %only evaluated for the first cell/block
-        TOP.NEXT = get_boundary_condition_u(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        %function independent of classes, each class must comply with this function!!!
-        %evaluated for every interface between two cells/blocks
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT.NEXT, BOTTOM)
-            get_boundary_condition_m(CURRENT.IA_NEXT);
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-        %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real lower boundary"
-        %only evaluated for the last cell/block
-        CURRENT = get_boundary_condition_l(CURRENT,  forcing);  %At this point, CURRENT is equal to BOTTOM_CLASS
-        %--------------------------
-        %calculate spatial derivatives for every cell in the stratigraphy
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-            CURRENT = get_derivatives_prognostic(CURRENT);
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-        %calculate minimum timestep required for all cells in days
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        timestep=3600;
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-            timestep = min(timestep, get_timestep(CURRENT));
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-        next_break_time = min(lateral.IA_TIME, out.OUTPUT_TIME);
-        timestep = min(timestep, (next_break_time - t).*day_sec);
-        %make sure to hit the output times!
-        %calculate prognostic variables
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-            CURRENT = advance_prognostic(CURRENT, timestep);
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-        %calculate diagnostic variables
-        %some effects only happen in the first cell
-        TOP.NEXT = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-        if isnan(TOP.NEXT.STATVAR.Lstar)
-            keyboard
-        end
-%         if t> datenum(1996,5,9,18,0,0) && lateral.STATVAR.index == 1
-%             disp('Hallo1')
-%         end
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, TOP)
-            CURRENT = compute_diagnostic(CURRENT, forcing);
-        end
-%         if t> datenum(1996,5,9,18,0,0) && lateral.STATVAR.index == 1
-%             disp('Hallo2')
-%         end
-        %check for triggers that reorganize the stratigraphy
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-            CURRENT = check_trigger(CURRENT, forcing);
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-%         if t> datenum(1996,5,9,18,0,0) && lateral.STATVAR.index == 1
-%             disp('Hallo3')
-%         end
-        TOP_CLASS = TOP.NEXT; %TOP_CLASS and BOTTOM_CLASS for convenient access
-        %calculate new time
-        t = t + timestep./day_sec;
-        lateral = lateral_IA(lateral, forcing, t);
-%         if t> datenum(1996,5,9,18,0,0) && lateral.STATVAR.index == 1
-%             disp('Hallo4')
-%         end
-        %store the output according to the defined OUT clas
-        out = store_OUT(out, t, TOP_CLASS, BOTTOM, forcing, run_number, timestep, result_path);
-%         if t> datenum(1996,5,9,18,0,0) && lateral.STATVAR.index == 1
-%             disp('Hallo5')
-%         end
-    end
diff --git a/trash/run_CG3d_Suossjavri.m b/trash/run_CG3d_Suossjavri.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b01e884..00000000
--- a/trash/run_CG3d_Suossjavri.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid main file to be executed
-% S.Westermann, Jan 2019
-clear all
-modules_path = 'modules';
-%run_number = 'peat_suossjavri';
-run_number= 'Herschell';
-result_path = './results/';
-config_path = fullfile(result_path, run_number);
-forcing_path = fullfile ('./forcing/');
-parameter_file = [run_number '.xlsx'];
-const_file = 'CONSTANTS_excel.xlsx';
-forcing_files_list = dir([forcing_path '*.mat']); 
-lateral = LATERAL_IA();
-lateral = assign_number_of_realizations(lateral, 3);
-lateral = get3d_PARA(lateral);
-if lateral.PARA.num_realizations > 1
-    lateral = get3d_PARA(lateral);
-    parpool(lateral.PARA.num_realizations)
-    lateral = get_index(lateral);
-    output_number = get_output_number(lateral, run_number);
-    run_number = get_run_number(lateral, run_number);    
-    parameter_file = [run_number '.xlsx'];
-    % =====================================================================
-    % Use modular interface to build model run
-    % =====================================================================
-    % Depending on parameter_file_type, instantiates
-    % classes
-    pprovider = PARAMETER_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, parameter_file);
-    cprovider = CONSTANT_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, const_file);
-    % The forcing file name and inputs for the tile builder are now extracted
-    % from the configuration file using dedicated functions from the parameter
-    % provider (it implies that pprovider should be instantiated first).
-    % The name of the forcing file is compared to the list of files located in
-    % the folder forcing (this part can be removed if necessary).
-    forcing_file = pprovider.get_forcing_file_name('FORCING');
-    if any(contains({forcing_files_list.name}, forcing_file))
-        fprovider = FORCING_PROVIDER(forcing_path, forcing_file);
-    else
-        error('The name of the forcing file specified in the configuration file does not match any of the available files')
-    end
-    %fprovider = FORCING_PROVIDER(forcing_path, forcing_file);
-    % Build the actual model tile (forcing, grid, out and stratigraphy classes)
-    tile = TILE_BUILDER(pprovider, cprovider, fprovider, ...
-        'forcing_id', pprovider.get_tile_information('TILE_IDENTIFICATION').forcing_id, ...
-        'grid_id', pprovider.get_tile_information('TILE_IDENTIFICATION').grid_id, ...
-        'out_id', pprovider.get_tile_information('TILE_IDENTIFICATION').out_id, ...
-        'strat_linear_id', pprovider.get_tile_information('TILE_IDENTIFICATION').strat_linear_id, ...
-        'strat_layers_id', pprovider.get_tile_information('TILE_IDENTIFICATION').strat_layers_id, ...
-        'strat_classes_id', pprovider.get_tile_information('TILE_IDENTIFICATION').strat_classes_id);
-    forcing = tile.forcing;
-    out = tile.out;
-    TOP_CLASS = tile.TOP_CLASS;
-    TOP = tile.TOP;
-    BOTTOM = tile.BOTTOM;
-    % ------ time integration ------------------
-    day_sec = 24.*3600;
-    t = forcing.PARA.start_time;
-    %t is in days, timestep should also be in days
-    %if lateral.PARA.num_realizations > 1
-    lateral = initialize_lateral_3D(lateral, TOP, BOTTOM, t);
-    %else
-    %end
-%     if lateral.STATVAR.index ==2
-%         TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.waterIce(end,1) = 0.2;
-%         TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.water(end,1) = 0.2;
-%     end
-    lateral.IA_TIME = t;
-    %lateral = lateral_IA(lateral, forcing, t);
-    TOP.LATERAL = lateral;
-    while t < forcing.PARA.end_time
-        forcing = interpolate_forcing(t, forcing);
-        %---------boundary conditions
-        %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real upper boundary"
-        %only evaluated for the first cell/block
-        TOP.NEXT = get_boundary_condition_u(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        %function independent of classes, each class must comply with this function!!!
-        %evaluated for every interface between two cells/blocks
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT.NEXT, BOTTOM)
-            get_boundary_condition_m(CURRENT.IA_NEXT);
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-        %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real lower boundary"
-        %only evaluated for the last cell/block
-        CURRENT = get_boundary_condition_l(CURRENT,  forcing);  %At this point, CURRENT is equal to BOTTOM_CLASS
-        %calculate spatial derivatives for every cell in the stratigraphy
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-            CURRENT = get_derivatives_prognostic(CURRENT);
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-        %calculate minimum timestep required for all cells in days
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        timestep=3600;
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-            timestep = min(timestep, get_timestep(CURRENT));
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-        next_break_time = min(lateral.IA_TIME, out.OUTPUT_TIME);
-        timestep = min(timestep, (next_break_time - t).*day_sec);
-        %make sure to hit the output times!
-        %calculate prognostic variables
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-            CURRENT = advance_prognostic(CURRENT, timestep);
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-        %calculate diagnostic variables
-        %some effects only happen in the first cell
-        TOP.NEXT = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-        if isnan(TOP.NEXT.STATVAR.Lstar)
-            keyboard
-        end
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, TOP)
-            CURRENT = compute_diagnostic(CURRENT, forcing);
-        end
-        %check for triggers that reorganize the stratigraphy
-        CURRENT = TOP.NEXT;
-        while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-            CURRENT = check_trigger(CURRENT, forcing);
-            CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-        end
-        TOP_CLASS = TOP.NEXT; %TOP_CLASS and BOTTOM_CLASS for convenient access
-        %calculate new time
-        t = t + timestep./day_sec;
-        lateral = lateral_IA(lateral, forcing, t);
-        %store the output according to the defined OUT clas
-        out = store_OUT(out, t, TOP_CLASS, BOTTOM, forcing, output_number, timestep, result_path);
-    end
diff --git a/trash/run_CG_1D_YAML.m b/trash/run_CG_1D_YAML.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 74e522f5..00000000
--- a/trash/run_CG_1D_YAML.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid main file to be executed
-% S.Westermann, Jan 2019
-clear all
-modules_path = 'modules';
-run_number = 'peat_suossjavri_YAML';      
-parameter_file = [run_number '.yml'];
-const_file = 'CONSTANTS_YAML.yml';  
-result_path = './results/';
-config_path = fullfile(result_path, run_number);
-forcing_path = fullfile ('./forcing/');
-% =====================================================================
-% Use modular interface to build model run
-% =====================================================================
-% Depending on parameter_file_type, instantiates
-pprovider = PARAMETER_PROVIDER_YAML(config_path, parameter_file);
-cprovider = CONSTANT_PROVIDER_YAML(config_path, const_file);
-fprovider = FORCING_PROVIDER(pprovider, forcing_path);
-% Build the actual model tile (forcing, grid, out and stratigraphy classes)
-tile = TILE_BUILDER(pprovider, cprovider, fprovider);
-lateral = LATERAL_1D(tile);
-% ------ preparations ----------------------
-forcing = tile.forcing;
-out = tile.out;
-TOP = tile.TOP;
-day_sec = 24.*3600;
-t = forcing.PARA.start_time;
-%t is in days, timestep should also be in days
-% ------ time integration ------------------
-while t < forcing.PARA.end_time
-    forcing = interpolate_forcing(t, forcing);
-    %---------boundary conditions
-    %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real upper boundary"
-    %only evaluated for the first cell/block
-    TOP.NEXT = get_boundary_condition_u(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-    %CURRENT = troubleshoot(CURRENT);
-    %function independent of classes, each class must comply with this function!!!
-    %evaluated for every interface between two cells/blocks
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT.NEXT, BOTTOM)
-        get_boundary_condition_m(CURRENT.IA_NEXT);
-    end
-    %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real lower boundary"
-    %only evaluated for the last cell/block
-    CURRENT = get_boundary_condition_l(CURRENT,  forcing);  %At this point, CURRENT is equal to BOTTOM_CLASS
-    %--------------------------
-    %calculate spatial derivatives for every cell in the stratigraphy
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = get_derivatives_prognostic(CURRENT);
-    end
-    %calculate minimum timestep required for all cells in days
-    timestep=3600;
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        timestep = min(timestep, get_timestep(CURRENT));
-    end
-    next_break_time = min(lateral.IA_TIME, out.OUTPUT_TIME);
-    timestep = min(timestep, (next_break_time - t).*day_sec);
-    %calculate prognostic variables
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = advance_prognostic(CURRENT, timestep);
-    end
-    %calculate diagnostic variables
-    %some effects only happen in the first cell
-    TOP.NEXT = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-    if isnan(TOP.NEXT.STATVAR.Lstar)
-        keyboard
-    end
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, TOP)
-        CURRENT = compute_diagnostic(CURRENT, forcing);
-    end
-    %check for triggers that reorganize the stratigraphy
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = check_trigger(CURRENT, forcing);
-    end
-    lateral = interact(lateral, forcing, t);
-    TOP_CLASS = TOP.NEXT; %TOP_CLASS and BOTOOM_CLASS for convenient access
-    %calculate new time
-    t = t + timestep./day_sec;
-    %store the output according to the defined OUT clas
-    out = store_OUT(out, t, TOP_CLASS, BOTTOM, forcing, run_number, timestep, result_path);
diff --git a/trash/run_CG_1D_excel.m b/trash/run_CG_1D_excel.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 0555cc8a..00000000
--- a/trash/run_CG_1D_excel.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid main file to be executed
-% S.Westermann, Jan 2019
-clear all
-modules_path = 'modules';
-run_number = 'peat_suossjavri';      
-parameter_file = [run_number '.xlsx'];
-const_file = 'CONSTANTS_excel.xlsx';    
-result_path = './results/';
-config_path = fullfile(result_path, run_number);
-forcing_path = fullfile ('./forcing/');
-% =====================================================================
-% Use modular interface to build model run
-% =====================================================================
-% Depending on parameter_file_type, instantiates
-pprovider = PARAMETER_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, parameter_file);
-cprovider = CONSTANT_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, const_file);
-fprovider = FORCING_PROVIDER(pprovider, forcing_path);
-% Build the actual model tile (forcing, grid, out and stratigraphy classes)
-tile = TILE_BUILDER(pprovider, cprovider, fprovider);
-lateral = LATERAL_1D(tile);
-% ------ preparations ----------------------
-forcing = tile.forcing;
-out = tile.out;
-TOP = tile.TOP;
-BOTTOM = tile.BOTTOM;    
-TOP.LATERAL = lateral;
-day_sec = 24.*3600;
-t = forcing.PARA.start_time;
-%t is in days, timestep should also be in days
-while t < forcing.PARA.end_time
-    forcing = interpolate_forcing(t, forcing);
-    %---------boundary conditions
-    %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real upper boundary"
-    %only evaluated for the first cell/block
-    TOP.NEXT = get_boundary_condition_u(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-    %CURRENT = troubleshoot(CURRENT);
-    %function independent of classes, each class must comply with this function!!!
-    %evaluated for every interface between two cells/blocks
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT.NEXT, BOTTOM)
-        get_boundary_condition_m(CURRENT.IA_NEXT);
-    end
-    %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real lower boundary"
-    %only evaluated for the last cell/block
-    CURRENT = get_boundary_condition_l(CURRENT,  forcing);  %At this point, CURRENT is equal to BOTTOM_CLASS
-    %--------------------------
-    %calculate spatial derivatives for every cell in the stratigraphy
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = get_derivatives_prognostic(CURRENT);
-    end
-    %calculate minimum timestep required for all cells in days
-    timestep=3600;
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        timestep = min(timestep, get_timestep(CURRENT));
-    end
-    next_break_time = min(lateral.IA_TIME, out.OUTPUT_TIME);
-    timestep = min(timestep, (next_break_time - t).*day_sec);
-    %calculate prognostic variables
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = advance_prognostic(CURRENT, timestep);
-    end
-    %calculate diagnostic variables
-    %some effects only happen in the first cell
-    TOP.NEXT = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, TOP)
-        CURRENT = compute_diagnostic(CURRENT, forcing);
-    end
-    %check for triggers that reorganize the stratigraphy
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = check_trigger(CURRENT, forcing);
-    end
-    lateral = interact(lateral, forcing, t);
-    TOP_CLASS = TOP.NEXT; %TOP_CLASS and BOTTOM_CLASS for convenient access
-    %calculate new time
-    t = t + timestep./day_sec;
-    %store the output according to the defined OUT clas
-    out = store_OUT(out, t, TOP_CLASS, BOTTOM, forcing, run_number, timestep, result_path);
diff --git a/trash/run_CG_Finse.m b/trash/run_CG_Finse.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a44c917..00000000
--- a/trash/run_CG_Finse.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid main file to be executed
-% S.Westermann, Jan 2019
-clear all
-modules_path = 'modules';
-run_number = 'Finse_4432';      
-result_path = './results/';
-config_path = fullfile(result_path, run_number);
-forcing_path = fullfile ('./forcing/');
-parameter_file = [run_number '.xlsx'];
-const_file = 'CONSTANTS_excel.xlsx';              
-% =====================================================================
-% Use modular interface to build model run
-% =====================================================================
-% Depending on parameter_file_type, instantiates
-pprovider = PARAMETER_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, parameter_file);
-cprovider = CONSTANT_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, const_file);
-fprovider = FORCING_PROVIDER(pprovider, forcing_path);
-% Build the actual model tile (forcing, grid, out and stratigraphy classes)
-tile = TILE_BUILDER(pprovider, cprovider, fprovider);
-lateral = LATERAL_1D(tile);
-% ------ preparations ----------------------
-forcing = tile.forcing;
-out = tile.out;
-TOP = tile.TOP;
-day_sec = 24.*3600;
-t = forcing.PARA.start_time;
-%t is in days, timestep should also be in days
-% ------ time integration ------------------
-%t is in days, timestep should also be in days
-while t < forcing.PARA.end_time
-    forcing = interpolate_forcing(t, forcing);
-    %---------boundary conditions
-    %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real upper boundary"
-    %only evaluated for the first cell/block
-    TOP.NEXT = get_boundary_condition_u(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-    %function independent of classes, each class must comply with this function!!!
-    %evaluated for every interface between two cells/blocks
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT.NEXT, BOTTOM)
-        get_boundary_condition_m(CURRENT.IA_NEXT);
-    end
-    %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real lower boundary"
-    %only evaluated for the last cell/block
-    CURRENT = get_boundary_condition_l(CURRENT,  forcing);  %At this point, CURRENT is equal to BOTTOM_CLASS
-    %--------------------------
-    %calculate spatial derivatives for every cell in the stratigraphy
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = get_derivatives_prognostic(CURRENT);
-    end
-    %calculate minimum timestep required for all cells in days
-    timestep=3600;
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        timestep = min(timestep, get_timestep(CURRENT));
-    end
-    next_break_time = min(lateral.IA_TIME, out.OUTPUT_TIME);
-    timestep = min(timestep, (next_break_time - t).*day_sec);
-    %make sure to hit the output times!
-    %calculate prognostic variables
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = advance_prognostic(CURRENT, timestep);
-    end
-    %calculate diagnostic variables
-    %some effects only happen in the first cell
-    TOP.NEXT = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-    if isnan(TOP.NEXT.STATVAR.Lstar)
-        keyboard
-    end
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, TOP)
-        CURRENT = compute_diagnostic(CURRENT, forcing);
-    end
-    %check for triggers that reorganize the stratigraphy
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = check_trigger(CURRENT, forcing);
-    end
-    lateral = interact(lateral, forcing, t);
-    TOP_CLASS = TOP.NEXT; %TOP_CLASS and BOTOOM_CLASS for convenient access
-    %calculate new time
-    t = t + timestep./day_sec;
-    %store the output according to the defined OUT clas
-    out = store_OUT(out, t, TOP_CLASS, BOTTOM, forcing, run_number, timestep, result_path);
diff --git a/trash/run_CG_Finse_YAML.m b/trash/run_CG_Finse_YAML.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c5003e0..00000000
--- a/trash/run_CG_Finse_YAML.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid main file to be executed
-% S.Westermann, Jan 2019
-clear all
-modules_path = 'modules';
-run_number = 'Finse_4432_YAML';      
-result_path = './results/';
-config_path = fullfile(result_path, run_number);
-forcing_path = fullfile ('./forcing/');
-parameter_file = [run_number '.yml'];
-const_file = 'CONSTANTS_YAML.yml';              
-% =====================================================================
-% Use modular interface to build model run
-% =====================================================================
-% Depending on parameter_file_type, instantiates
-pprovider = PARAMETER_PROVIDER_YAML(config_path, parameter_file);
-cprovider = CONSTANT_PROVIDER_YAML(config_path, const_file);
-fprovider = FORCING_PROVIDER(pprovider, forcing_path);
-% Build the actual model tile (forcing, grid, out and stratigraphy classes)
-tile = TILE_BUILDER(pprovider, cprovider, fprovider);
-lateral = LATERAL_1D(tile);
-% ------ preparations ----------------------
-forcing = tile.forcing;
-out = tile.out;
-TOP = tile.TOP;
-day_sec = 24.*3600;
-t = forcing.PARA.start_time;
-%t is in days, timestep should also be in days
-% ------ time integration ------------------
-while t < forcing.PARA.end_time
-    forcing = interpolate_forcing(t, forcing);
-    %---------boundary conditions
-    %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real upper boundary"
-    %only evaluated for the first cell/block
-    TOP.NEXT = get_boundary_condition_u(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-    %function independent of classes, each class must comply with this function!!!
-    %evaluated for every interface between two cells/blocks
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT.NEXT, BOTTOM)
-        get_boundary_condition_m(CURRENT.IA_NEXT);
-    end
-    %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real lower boundary"
-    %only evaluated for the last cell/block
-    CURRENT = get_boundary_condition_l(CURRENT,  forcing);  %At this point, CURRENT is equal to BOTTOM_CLASS
-    %--------------------------
-    %calculate spatial derivatives for every cell in the stratigraphy
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = get_derivatives_prognostic(CURRENT);
-    end
-    %calculate minimum timestep required for all cells in days
-    timestep=3600;
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        timestep = min(timestep, get_timestep(CURRENT));
-    end
-    next_break_time = min(lateral.IA_TIME, out.OUTPUT_TIME);
-    timestep = min(timestep, (next_break_time - t).*day_sec);
-    %make sure to hit the output times!
-    %calculate prognostic variables
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = advance_prognostic(CURRENT, timestep);
-    end
-    %calculate diagnostic variables
-    %some effects only happen in the first cell
-    TOP.NEXT = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-    if isnan(TOP.NEXT.STATVAR.Lstar)
-        keyboard
-    end
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, TOP)
-        CURRENT = compute_diagnostic(CURRENT, forcing);
-    end
-    %check for triggers that reorganize the stratigraphy
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = check_trigger(CURRENT, forcing);
-    end
-    lateral = interact(lateral, forcing, t);
-    TOP_CLASS = TOP.NEXT; %TOP_CLASS and BOTOOM_CLASS for convenient access
-    %calculate new time
-    t = t + timestep./day_sec;
-    %store the output according to the defined OUT clas
-    out = store_OUT(out, t, TOP_CLASS, BOTTOM, forcing, run_number, timestep, result_path);
diff --git a/trash/run_CG_Herschell.m b/trash/run_CG_Herschell.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 26cfa2c0..00000000
--- a/trash/run_CG_Herschell.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid main file to be executed
-% S.Westermann, Jan 2019
-clear all
-modules_path = 'modules';
-run_number = 'Herschell';      
-result_path = './results/';
-config_path = fullfile(result_path, run_number);
-forcing_path = fullfile ('./forcing/');
-parameter_file = [run_number '.xlsx'];
-const_file = 'CONSTANTS_excel.xlsx';              
-forcing_file = dir([forcing_path '*.mat']);  %BE CAREFUL, this is a significant problem - the forcing file name is NOT read from the Excel file as it should!!! 
-%With this code, always the first mat-file in the forcig folder seems to be used, which leads
-%the program to crash if another file is specified in the Excel-file 
-%MUST BE CHANGED! As a work-around, specify the correct number in the line below 
-forcing_file = forcing_file(3,1).name;
-% =====================================================================
-% Use modular interface to build model run
-% =====================================================================
-% Depending on parameter_file_type, instantiates
-% classes
-pprovider = PARAMETER_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, parameter_file);
-cprovider = CONSTANT_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, const_file);
-fprovider = FORCING_PROVIDER(forcing_path, forcing_file);
-% Build the actual model tile (forcing, grid, out and stratigraphy classes)
-tile = TILE_BUILDER(pprovider, cprovider, fprovider, ...
-                           'forcing_id', 1, ...
-                           'grid_id', 1, ...
-                           'out_id', 1, ...
-                           'strat_linear_id', 1, ...
-                           'strat_layers_id', 1, ...
-                           'strat_classes_id', 1);
-forcing = tile.forcing;
-out = tile.out;
-TOP = tile.TOP;
-% ------ time integration ------------------
-day_sec = 24.*3600;
-t = forcing.PARA.start_time;
-%t is in days, timestep should also be in days
-lateral = LATERAL_IA();
-%lateral = initialize_lateral_1D(lateral, {'LAT_SEEPAGE_FACE_WATER'; 'LAT_REMOVE_SURFACE_WATER'}, TOP, BOTTOM, t);
-%lateral = initialize_lateral_1D(lateral, {'LAT_WATER_RESERVOIR'}, TOP, BOTTOM, t);
-lateral = initialize_lateral_1D(lateral, {'LAT_REMOVE_SURFACE_WATER'}, TOP, BOTTOM, t);
-while t < forcing.PARA.end_time
-    forcing = interpolate_forcing(t, forcing);
-    %---------boundary conditions
-    %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real upper boundary"
-    %only evaluated for the first cell/block
-    TOP.NEXT = get_boundary_condition_u(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-    %CURRENT = troubleshoot(CURRENT);
-    %function independent of classes, each class must comply with this function!!!
-    %evaluated for every interface between two cells/blocks
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT.NEXT, BOTTOM)
-        get_boundary_condition_m(CURRENT.IA_NEXT);
-    end
-    %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real lower boundary"
-    %only evaluated for the last cell/block
-    CURRENT = get_boundary_condition_l(CURRENT,  forcing);  %At this point, CURRENT is equal to BOTTOM_CLASS
-    %--------------------------
-    %calculate spatial derivatives for every cell in the stratigraphy
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = get_derivatives_prognostic(CURRENT);
-    end
-    %calculate minimum timestep required for all cells in days
-    timestep=3600;
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        timestep = min(timestep, get_timestep(CURRENT));
-    end
-    next_break_time = min(lateral.IA_TIME, out.OUTPUT_TIME);
-    timestep = min(timestep, (next_break_time - t).*day_sec);
-    %calculate prognostic variables
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = advance_prognostic(CURRENT, timestep);
-    end
-    %calculate diagnostic variables
-    %some effects only happen in the first cell
-    TOP.NEXT = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-    if isnan(TOP.NEXT.STATVAR.Lstar)
-        keyboard
-    end
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, TOP)
-        CURRENT = compute_diagnostic(CURRENT, forcing);
-    end
-    %check for triggers that reorganize the stratigraphy
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = check_trigger(CURRENT, forcing);
-    end
-    lateral = lateral_IA(lateral, forcing, t);
-    TOP_CLASS = TOP.NEXT; %TOP_CLASS and BOTOOM_CLASS for convenient access
-    %calculate new time
-    t = t + timestep./day_sec;
-    %store the output according to the defined OUT clas
-    out = store_OUT(out, t, TOP_CLASS, BOTTOM, forcing, run_number, timestep, result_path);
diff --git a/trash/run_CG_PEAT.m b/trash/run_CG_PEAT.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 778fa2bc..00000000
--- a/trash/run_CG_PEAT.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid main file to be executed
-% S.Westermann, Jan 2019
-clear all
-modules_path = 'modules';
-run_number = 'peat_suossjavri';      
-result_path = './results/';
-config_path = fullfile(result_path, run_number);
-forcing_path = fullfile ('./forcing/');
-parameter_file = [run_number '.xlsx'];
-const_file = 'CONSTANTS_excel.xlsx';              
-forcing_file = dir([forcing_path '*.mat']);  %BE CAREFUL, this is a significant problem - the forcing file name is NOT read from the Excel file as it should!!! 
-%With this code, always the first mat-file in the forcig folder seems to be used, which leads
-%the program to crash if another file is specified in the Excel-file 
-%MUST BE CHANGED! As a work-around, specify the correct number in the line below 
-%forcing_file = forcing_file(5,1).name; %Samoylov
-forcing_file = forcing_file(4,1).name; %Suossjavri
-%forcing_file = forcing_file(3,1).name; %Herschell
-% =====================================================================
-% Use modular interface to build model run
-% =====================================================================
-% Depending on parameter_file_type, instantiates
-% classes
-pprovider = PARAMETER_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, parameter_file);
-cprovider = CONSTANT_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, const_file);
-fprovider = FORCING_PROVIDER(forcing_path, forcing_file);
-% Build the actual model tile (forcing, grid, out and stratigraphy classes)
-tile = TILE_BUILDER(pprovider, cprovider, fprovider, ...
-                           'forcing_id', 1, ...
-                           'grid_id', 1, ...
-                           'out_id', 1, ...
-                           'strat_linear_id', 1, ...
-                           'strat_layers_id', 1, ...
-                           'strat_classes_id', 1);
-forcing = tile.forcing;
-out = tile.out;
-TOP = tile.TOP;
-% ------ time integration ------------------
-day_sec = 24.*3600;
-t = forcing.PARA.start_time;
-%t is in days, timestep should also be in days
-lateral = LATERAL_IA();
-%lateral = initialize_lateral_1D(lateral, {'LAT_REMOVE_SURFACE_WATER'}, TOP, BOTTOM, t);
-%lateral = initialize_lateral_1D(lateral, {'LAT_WATER_RESERVOIR'; 'LAT_REMOVE_SURFACE_WATER'}, TOP, BOTTOM, t);
-lateral = initialize_lateral_1D(lateral, {'LAT3D_WATER'}, TOP, BOTTOM, t);
-while t < forcing.PARA.end_time
-    forcing = interpolate_forcing(t, forcing);
-    %---------boundary conditions
-    %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real upper boundary"
-    %only evaluated for the first cell/block
-    TOP.NEXT = get_boundary_condition_u(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-    %CURRENT = troubleshoot(CURRENT);
-    %function independent of classes, each class must comply with this function!!!
-    %evaluated for every interface between two cells/blocks
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT.NEXT, BOTTOM)
-        get_boundary_condition_m(CURRENT.IA_NEXT);
-    end
-    %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real lower boundary"
-    %only evaluated for the last cell/block
-    CURRENT = get_boundary_condition_l(CURRENT,  forcing);  %At this point, CURRENT is equal to BOTTOM_CLASS
-    %--------------------------
-    %calculate spatial derivatives for every cell in the stratigraphy
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = get_derivatives_prognostic(CURRENT);
-    end
-    %calculate minimum timestep required for all cells in days
-    timestep=3600;
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        timestep = min(timestep, get_timestep(CURRENT));
-    end
-    next_break_time = min(lateral.IA_TIME, out.OUTPUT_TIME);
-    timestep = min(timestep, (next_break_time - t).*day_sec);
-    %calculate prognostic variables
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = advance_prognostic(CURRENT, timestep);
-    end
-    %calculate diagnostic variables
-    %some effects only happen in the first cell
-    TOP.NEXT = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-    if isnan(TOP.NEXT.STATVAR.Lstar)
-        keyboard
-    end
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, TOP)
-        CURRENT = compute_diagnostic(CURRENT, forcing);
-    end
-    %check for triggers that reorganize the stratigraphy
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = check_trigger(CURRENT, forcing);
-    end
-    lateral = lateral_IA(lateral, forcing, t);
-    TOP_CLASS = TOP.NEXT; %TOP_CLASS and BOTOOM_CLASS for convenient access
-    %calculate new time
-    t = t + timestep./day_sec;
-    %store the output according to the defined OUT clas
-    out = store_OUT(out, t, TOP_CLASS, BOTTOM, forcing, run_number, timestep, result_path);
diff --git a/trash/run_CG_Samoylov.m b/trash/run_CG_Samoylov.m
deleted file mode 100644
index b3edd10b..00000000
--- a/trash/run_CG_Samoylov.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid main file to be executed
-% S.Westermann, Jan 2019
-clear all
-modules_path = 'modules';
-run_number = 'test_Samoylov';      
-result_path = './results/';
-config_path = fullfile(result_path, run_number);
-forcing_path = fullfile ('./forcing/');
-parameter_file = [run_number '.xlsx'];
-const_file = 'CONSTANTS_excel.xlsx';              
-forcing_file = dir([forcing_path '*.mat']);  %BE CAREFUL, this is a significant problem - the forcing file name is NOT read from the Excel file as it should!!! 
-%With this code, always the first mat-file in the forcig folder seems to be used, which leads
-%the program to crash if another file is specified in the Excel-file 
-%MUST BE CHANGED! As a work-around, specify the correct number in the line below 
-forcing_file = forcing_file(5,1).name;
-% =====================================================================
-% Use modular interface to build model run
-% =====================================================================
-% Depending on parameter_file_type, instantiates
-% classes
-pprovider = PARAMETER_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, parameter_file);
-cprovider = CONSTANT_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, const_file);
-fprovider = FORCING_PROVIDER(forcing_path, forcing_file);
-% Build the actual model tile (forcing, grid, out and stratigraphy classes)
-tile = TILE_BUILDER(pprovider, cprovider, fprovider, ...
-                           'forcing_id', 1, ...
-                           'grid_id', 1, ...
-                           'out_id', 1, ...
-                           'strat_linear_id', 1, ...
-                           'strat_layers_id', 1, ...
-                           'strat_classes_id', 1);
-forcing = tile.forcing;
-out = tile.out;
-TOP = tile.TOP;
-% ------ time integration ------------------
-day_sec = 24.*3600;
-t = forcing.PARA.start_time;
-%t is in days, timestep should also be in days
-lateral = LATERAL_IA();
-%lateral = initialize_lateral_1D(lateral, {'LAT_SEEPAGE_FACE_WATER'; 'LAT_REMOVE_SURFACE_WATER'}, TOP, BOTTOM, t);
-lateral = initialize_lateral_1D(lateral, {'LAT_WATER_RESERVOIR'}, TOP, BOTTOM, t);
-while t < forcing.PARA.end_time
-    forcing = interpolate_forcing(t, forcing);
-    %---------boundary conditions
-    %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real upper boundary"
-    %only evaluated for the first cell/block
-    TOP.NEXT = get_boundary_condition_u(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-    %CURRENT = troubleshoot(CURRENT);
-    %function independent of classes, each class must comply with this function!!!
-    %evaluated for every interface between two cells/blocks
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT.NEXT, BOTTOM)
-        get_boundary_condition_m(CURRENT.IA_NEXT);
-    end
-    %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real lower boundary"
-    %only evaluated for the last cell/block
-    CURRENT = get_boundary_condition_l(CURRENT,  forcing);  %At this point, CURRENT is equal to BOTTOM_CLASS
-    %--------------------------
-    %calculate spatial derivatives for every cell in the stratigraphy
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = get_derivatives_prognostic(CURRENT);
-    end
-    %calculate minimum timestep required for all cells in days
-    timestep=3600;
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        timestep = min(timestep, get_timestep(CURRENT));
-    end
-    next_break_time = min(lateral.IA_TIME, out.OUTPUT_TIME);
-    timestep = min(timestep, (next_break_time - t).*day_sec);
-    %calculate prognostic variables
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = advance_prognostic(CURRENT, timestep);
-    end
-    %calculate diagnostic variables
-    %some effects only happen in the first cell
-    TOP.NEXT = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-    if isnan(TOP.NEXT.STATVAR.Lstar)
-        keyboard
-    end
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, TOP)
-        CURRENT = compute_diagnostic(CURRENT, forcing);
-    end
-    %check for triggers that reorganize the stratigraphy
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = check_trigger(CURRENT, forcing);
-    end
-    lateral = lateral_IA(lateral, forcing, t);
-    TOP_CLASS = TOP.NEXT; %TOP_CLASS and BOTOOM_CLASS for convenient access
-    %calculate new time
-    t = t + timestep./day_sec;
-    %store the output according to the defined OUT clas
-    out = store_OUT(out, t, TOP_CLASS, BOTTOM, forcing, run_number, timestep, result_path);
diff --git a/trash/run_CG_Suossjavri.m b/trash/run_CG_Suossjavri.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 41d1d246..00000000
--- a/trash/run_CG_Suossjavri.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-% CryoGrid main file to be executed
-% S.Westermann, Jan 2019
-clear all
-modules_path = 'modules';
-run_number = 'peat_suossjavri';      
-result_path = './results/';
-config_path = fullfile(result_path, run_number);
-forcing_path = fullfile ('./forcing/');
-parameter_file = [run_number '.xlsx'];
-const_file = 'CONSTANTS_excel.xlsx';              
-% =====================================================================
-% Use modular interface to build model run
-% =====================================================================
-% Depending on parameter_file_type, instantiates
-pprovider = PARAMETER_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, parameter_file);
-cprovider = CONSTANT_PROVIDER_EXCEL(config_path, const_file);
-fprovider = FORCING_PROVIDER(pprovider, forcing_path);
-% Build the actual model tile (forcing, grid, out and stratigraphy classes)
-tile = TILE_BUILDER(pprovider, cprovider, fprovider);
-lateral = LATERAL_1D(tile);
-% ------ preparations ----------------------
-forcing = tile.forcing;
-out = tile.out;
-TOP = tile.TOP;
-day_sec = 24.*3600;
-t = forcing.PARA.start_time;
-%t is in days, timestep should also be in days
-while t < forcing.PARA.end_time
-    forcing = interpolate_forcing(t, forcing);
-    %---------boundary conditions
-    %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real upper boundary"
-    %only evaluated for the first cell/block
-    TOP.NEXT = get_boundary_condition_u(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-    %CURRENT = troubleshoot(CURRENT);
-    %function independent of classes, each class must comply with this function!!!
-    %evaluated for every interface between two cells/blocks
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT.NEXT, BOTTOM)
-        get_boundary_condition_m(CURRENT.IA_NEXT);
-    end
-    %proprietary function for each class, i.e. the "real lower boundary"
-    %only evaluated for the last cell/block
-    CURRENT = get_boundary_condition_l(CURRENT,  forcing);  %At this point, CURRENT is equal to BOTTOM_CLASS
-    %--------------------------
-    %calculate spatial derivatives for every cell in the stratigraphy
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = get_derivatives_prognostic(CURRENT);
-    end
-    %calculate minimum timestep required for all cells in days
-    timestep=3600;
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        timestep = min(timestep, get_timestep(CURRENT));
-    end
-    next_break_time = min(lateral.IA_TIME, out.OUTPUT_TIME);
-    timestep = min(timestep, (next_break_time - t).*day_sec);
-    %calculate prognostic variables
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = advance_prognostic(CURRENT, timestep);
-    end
-    %calculate diagnostic variables
-    %some effects only happen in the first cell
-    TOP.NEXT = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(TOP.NEXT, forcing);
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, TOP)
-        CURRENT = compute_diagnostic(CURRENT, forcing);
-    end
-    %check for triggers that reorganize the stratigraphy
-    while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-        CURRENT = check_trigger(CURRENT, forcing);
-    end
-    lateral = interact(lateral, forcing, t);
-    TOP_CLASS = TOP.NEXT; %TOP_CLASS and BOTOOM_CLASS for convenient access
-    %calculate new time
-    t = t + timestep./day_sec;
-    %store the output according to the defined OUT clas
-    out = store_OUT(out, t, TOP_CLASS, BOTTOM, forcing, run_number, timestep, result_path);
diff --git a/unfinished/OUT_GEO4432.m b/unfinished/OUT_GEO4432.m
deleted file mode 100644
index e733baf8..00000000
--- a/unfinished/OUT_GEO4432.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-classdef OUT_GEO4432
-    properties
-        TIMESTAMP
-        RESULT
-        TEMP
-        PARA
-        OUTPUT_TIME
-        SAVE_TIME
-    end
-    methods
-        function xls_out = write_excel(out)
-            xls_out = {'OUT','index',NaN,NaN;'OUT_GEO4432',1,NaN,NaN;'output_timestep',0.100000000000000,'[days]',NaN;'save_date','01.09.','provide in format dd.mm.',NaN;'save_interval',1,'[y]','if left empty, the entire output will be written out at the end';'output_top',2,'[m]','heigh over ground included in output';'output_bottom',2,'[m]','depth under surface included in output';'output_spacing',0.0200000000000000,'[m]','vertical spacing og output';'OUT_END',NaN,NaN,NaN};
-        end
-        function out = provide_variables(out)
-            out.PARA.output_timestep = [];
-            out.PARA.save_date = [];
-            out.PARA.save_interval = [];
-            out.PARA.output_top = [];
-            out.PARA.output_bottom = [];
-            out.PARA.output_spacing = [];
-        end
-        function out = initalize_from_file(out, section)
-           variables = fieldnames(out.PARA);
-           for i=1:size(variables,1)
-               for j=1:size(section,1)
-                  if strcmp(variables{i,1}, section{j,1})
-                      out.PARA.(variables{i,1}) = section{j,2};
-                  end
-               end
-           end
-        end
-        function out = complete_init_out(out, forcing)
-            out.OUTPUT_TIME = forcing.PARA.start_time + out.PARA.output_timestep;
-            out.RESULT.grid = forcing.PARA.altitude + ...
-                [-out.PARA.output_bottom:out.PARA.output_spacing:out.PARA.output_top]';
-            out.TEMP.top_class = [];
-            out.TEMP.time = 0;
-            out.TEMP.Qh_acc = 0;
-            out.TEMP.Qe_acc = 0;
-            out.TEMP.Lin_acc = 0;
-            out.TEMP.Lout_acc = 0;
-            out.TEMP.Sin_acc = 0;
-            out.TEMP.Sout_acc = 0;
-            out.RESULT.Qh = [];
-            out.RESULT.Qe = [];
-            out.RESULT.Lin = [];
-            out.RESULT.Lout = [];
-            out.RESULT.Sin = [];
-            out.RESULT.Sout = [];
-            out.RESULT.T_surf = [];
-            out.RESULT.d_snow = [];
-            out.RESULT.swe = [];
-            out.RESULT.T = [];
-            if isempty(out.PARA.save_interval) || isnan(out.PARA.save_interval) 
-                out.SAVE_TIME = forcing.PARA.end_time;
-            else
-                out.SAVE_TIME = min(forcing.PARA.end_time,  datenum([out.PARA.save_date num2str(str2num(datestr(forcing.PARA.start_time,'yyyy')) + out.PARA.save_interval) ' 00:00:00'], 'dd.mm.yyyy HH:MM:SS'));
-            end
-        end
-        function out = store_OUT(out, t, TOP_CLASS, BOTTOM, forcing, run_number, timestep, result_path)
-            out.TEMP.Qh_acc = out.TEMP.Qh_acc - TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.Qh.*timestep;
-            out.TEMP.Qe_acc = out.TEMP.Qe_acc - TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.Qe.*timestep;
-            out.TEMP.Lout_acc = out.TEMP.Lout_acc - TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.Lout.*timestep;
-            out.TEMP.Lin_acc = out.TEMP.Lin_acc + forcing.TEMP.Lin.*timestep;
-            out.TEMP.Sout_acc = out.TEMP.Sout_acc - TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.Sout.*timestep;
-            out.TEMP.Sin_acc = out.TEMP.Sin_acc + forcing.TEMP.Sin.*timestep;
-            out.TEMP.time = out.TEMP.time + timestep;
-            if t==out.OUTPUT_TIME
-                disp([datestr(t)])
-                out.TEMP.top_class = class(TOP_CLASS);
-                out.TIMESTAMP=[out.TIMESTAMP t];
-                if strcmp(out.TEMP.top_class(1:4),'SNOW')
-                    out.RESULT.d_snow = [out.RESULT.d_snow sum(TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.layerThick)];
-                    out.RESULT.swe = [out.RESULT.swe sum(TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.waterIce)];
-                else
-                    out.RESULT.d_snow = [out.RESULT.d_snow 0];
-                    out.RESULT.swe = [out.RESULT.swe 0];
-                end
-                out.RESULT.T_surf = [out.RESULT.T_surf TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.T(1,1)];
-                CURRENT = TOP_CLASS;
-                layerThick=[];
-                res = [];
-                altitudeLowestCell = BOTTOM.PREVIOUS.STATVAR.lowerPos;
-                while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-                    layerThick = [layerThick; CURRENT.STATVAR.layerThick];
-                    res = [res; CURRENT.STATVAR.T];
-                    CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-                end
-                depths = [0; cumsum(layerThick)];
-                depths = -(depths-depths(end,1));
-                depths = (depths(1:end-1,1)+depths(2:end,1))./2 + altitudeLowestCell;
-                %keyboard
-                if max(depths(:)) < forcing.PARA.altitude
-                    depths = [forcing.PARA.altitude; depths];
-                    res = [TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.T(1,1); res];
-                end
-                result = interp1(depths, res, out.RESULT.grid);
-                out.RESULT.T = [out.RESULT.T result ];
-                out.RESULT.Qh = [out.RESULT.Qh out.TEMP.Qh_acc./out.TEMP.time];
-                out.RESULT.Qe = [out.RESULT.Qe out.TEMP.Qe_acc./out.TEMP.time];
-                out.RESULT.Lout = [out.RESULT.Lout out.TEMP.Lout_acc./out.TEMP.time];
-                out.RESULT.Lin = [out.RESULT.Lin out.TEMP.Lin_acc./out.TEMP.time];
-                out.RESULT.Sout = [out.RESULT.Sout out.TEMP.Sout_acc./out.TEMP.time];
-                out.RESULT.Sin = [out.RESULT.Sin out.TEMP.Sin_acc./out.TEMP.time];
-                out.TEMP.Qh_acc = 0;
-                out.TEMP.Qe_acc = 0;
-                out.TEMP.Lout_acc = 0;
-                out.TEMP.Lin_acc = 0;
-                out.TEMP.Sout_acc = 0;
-                out.TEMP.Sin_acc = 0;
-                out.TEMP.time = 0;
-                out.OUTPUT_TIME = out.OUTPUT_TIME + out.PARA.output_timestep;
-                if t >= out.SAVE_TIME 
-                   save([result_path run_number '/' run_number '_' datestr(t,'yyyy') '.mat'], 'out')
-                   out.TIMESTAMP = [];
-                   out.TEMP.top_class = [];
-                   out.RESULT.Qh = [];
-                   out.RESULT.Qe = [];
-                   out.RESULT.Lin = [];
-                   out.RESULT.Lout = [];
-                   out.RESULT.Sin = [];
-                   out.RESULT.Sout = [];
-                   out.RESULT.T_surf = [];
-                   out.RESULT.d_snow = [];
-                   out.RESULT.swe = [];
-                   out.RESULT.T = [];
-                   out.SAVE_TIME = min(forcing.PARA.end_time,  datenum([out.PARA.save_date num2str(str2num(datestr(out.SAVE_TIME,'yyyy')) + out.PARA.save_interval)], 'dd.mm.yyyy'));
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
diff --git a/unfinished/OUT_parallel.m b/unfinished/OUT_parallel.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f867ef4..00000000
--- a/unfinished/OUT_parallel.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-% OUT class which outputs data ready to be plotted
-% R. Zweigel, October 2019
-classdef OUT_parallel
-    properties
-        TIMESTAMP
-        RESULT
-        META
-        TEMP
-        PARA
-        OUTPUT_TIME
-        SAVE_TIME
-    end
-    methods
-        function xls_out = write_excel(out)
-            xls_out = {'OUT','index',NaN,NaN;'OUT_parallel',1,NaN,NaN;'output_timestep',0.125000000000000,'[days]',NaN;'save_date','01.09.','provide in format dd.mm.',NaN;'save_interval',1,'[y]','if left empty, the entire output will be written out at the end';'height',1,'[m]','Height above ground included';'depth',1,'[m]','depth below ground included';'ground_spacing',0.0250000000000000,'[m]','interval below ground';'snow_spacing',0.0100000000000000,'[m]','interval in snow';'status_seb',1,NaN,'1 = on, 0 = off';'status_snow',1,NaN,'1 = on, 0 = off';'OUT_END',NaN,NaN,NaN};
-        end
-        function out = provide_variables(out)
-            out.PARA.output_timestep    = [];
-            out.PARA.save_date          = [];
-            out.PARA.save_interval      = [];
-            out.PARA.height             = [];
-            out.PARA.depth              = [];
-            out.PARA.ground_spacing     = [];
-            out.PARA.snow_spacing       = [];
-            out.PARA.status_seb         = [];
-            out.PARA.status_snow        = [];
-            out.META.altitude           = [];
-            out.META.longitude          = [];
-            out.META.latitude           = [];
-            out.META.forcing_name       = [];
-        end
-        function out = initalize_from_file(out, section)
-            variables = fieldnames(out.PARA);
-            for i=1:size(variables,1)
-                for j=1:size(section,1)
-                    if strcmp(variables{i,1}, section{j,1})
-                        out.PARA.(variables{i,1}) = section{j,2};
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        function out = complete_init_out(out, forcing)
-            out.OUTPUT_TIME = forcing.PARA.start_time + out.PARA.output_timestep;
-            if out.PARA.status_snow == 1
-                out.RESULT.grid_snow = out.PARA.height:-out.PARA.snow_spacing:0;
-                out.RESULT.grid_snow = double(out.RESULT.grid_snow + forcing.PARA.altitude);
-            end
-            out.RESULT.grid = [out.PARA.height:-out.PARA.snow_spacing:0,...
-                -out.PARA.ground_spacing:-out.PARA.ground_spacing:-out.PARA.depth];
-            out.RESULT.grid = double(out.RESULT.grid + forcing.PARA.altitude);
-            if isempty(out.PARA.save_interval) || isnan(out.PARA.save_interval)
-                out.SAVE_TIME = floor(forcing.PARA.end_time);
-            else
-                out.SAVE_TIME = min(floor(forcing.PARA.end_time),  datenum([out.PARA.save_date num2str(str2num(datestr(forcing.PARA.start_time,'yyyy')) + out.PARA.save_interval) ' 00:00:00'], 'dd.mm.yyyy HH:MM:SS'));
-            end
-            % Metadata of current run
-            out.META.altitude           = forcing.PARA.altitude;
-            out.META.longitude          = forcing.PARA.longitude;
-            out.META.latitude           = forcing.PARA.latitude;
-            out.META.forcing_name       = forcing.PARA.filename;
-            out.META.rain_fraction      = forcing.PARA.rain_fraction;
-            out.META.snow_fraction      = forcing.PARA.snow_fraction;
-            % Basic variables
-            out.RESULT.T            = [];
-            out.RESULT.water        = [];
-            out.RESULT.ice          = [];
-            if out.PARA.status_seb == 1
-                out.TEMP.top_class  = [];
-                out.TEMP.time       = 0;
-                out.TEMP.Qh_acc     = 0;
-                out.TEMP.Qe_acc     = 0;
-                out.TEMP.Lin_acc    = 0;
-                out.TEMP.Lout_acc   = 0;
-                out.TEMP.Sin_acc    = 0;
-                out.TEMP.Sout_acc   = 0;
-                out.RESULT.Qh   = [];
-                out.RESULT.Qe   = [];
-                out.RESULT.Lin  = [];
-                out.RESULT.Lout = [];
-                out.RESULT.Sin  = [];
-                out.RESULT.Sout = [];
-            end
-            if out.PARA.status_snow == 1
-                out.RESULT.swe      = [];
-                out.RESULT.d_snow   = [];
-                out.RESULT.d        = [];
-                out.RESULT.s        = [];
-                out.RESULT.gs       = [];
-                out.RESULT.saturation = [];
-                out.RESULT.lwc      = [];
-                out.RESULT.density  = [];
-            end
-        end
-        function out = store_OUT(out, t, TOP_CLASS, BOTTOM, forcing, run_number, timestep, result_path, lateral)
-            if out.PARA.status_seb == 1
-                out.TEMP.Qh_acc = out.TEMP.Qh_acc - TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.Qh.*timestep;
-                out.TEMP.Qe_acc = out.TEMP.Qe_acc - TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.Qe.*timestep;
-                out.TEMP.Lout_acc = out.TEMP.Lout_acc - TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.Lout.*timestep;
-                out.TEMP.Lin_acc = out.TEMP.Lin_acc + forcing.TEMP.Lin.*timestep;
-                out.TEMP.Sout_acc = out.TEMP.Sout_acc - TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.Sout.*timestep;
-                out.TEMP.Sin_acc = out.TEMP.Sin_acc + forcing.TEMP.Sin.*timestep;
-                out.TEMP.time = out.TEMP.time + timestep;
-            end
-            if t==out.OUTPUT_TIME
-                if exist('lateral') && labindex == 1
-                    disp([datestr(t) ' lateral status: ' num2str(lateral.STATUS)])
-                elseif ~exist('lateral')
-                    disp(datestr(t))
-                end
-                out.TEMP.top_class = class(TOP_CLASS);
-                out.TIMESTAMP=[out.TIMESTAMP t];
-                CURRENT = TOP_CLASS;
-                layerThick  = [];
-                T           = [];
-                water       = [];
-                ice         = [];
-                while ~isequal(CURRENT, BOTTOM)
-                    layerThick = [layerThick; CURRENT.STATVAR.layerThick];
-                    T = [T; CURRENT.STATVAR.T];
-                    water = [water; CURRENT.STATVAR.water];
-                    ice = [ice; CURRENT.STATVAR.ice];
-                    CURRENT = CURRENT.NEXT;
-                end
-                depths = [0; cumsum(layerThick)];
-                depths = -(depths-depths(end,1));
-                depths = (depths(1:end-1,1)+depths(2:end,1))./2 + BOTTOM.PREVIOUS.STATVAR.lowerPos;
-                depths = [TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.upperPos; depths];
-                water   = water ./ layerThick;
-                ice     = ice ./ layerThick;
-                T       = [T(1); T];
-                water   = [water(1); water];
-                ice     = [ice(1); ice];
-                if  out.PARA.status_snow == 1
-                    if strcmp(out.TEMP.top_class(1:4),'SNOW')
-                        out.RESULT.swe      = [out.RESULT.swe sum(TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.waterIce)];
-                        out.RESULT.d_snow   = [out.RESULT.d_snow sum(TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.layerThick)];
-                        out.RESULT.lwc      = [out.RESULT.lwc sum(TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.water)];
-                        snowdepths  = [0; cumsum(TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.layerThick)];
-                        snowdepths  = -(snowdepths - snowdepths(end));
-                        snowdepths  = (snowdepths(1:end-1) + snowdepths(2:end))./2 + TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.lowerPos;
-                        snowdepths  = [TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.upperPos; snowdepths; TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.lowerPos];
-                        d           = TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.d;
-                        s           = TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.s;
-                        gs          = TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.gs;
-                        porespace   = TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.layerThick - TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.ice;
-                        saturation  = TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.water./porespace;
-                        saturation(porespace == 0) = 0;
-                        free_water  = max(0, TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.water - (TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.layerThick - TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.ice).*TOP_CLASS.PARA.field_capacity);
-                        density     = (TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.ice.*917 + (TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.water-free_water).*1000)./TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.layerThick;
-                        d           = [d(1); d; d(end)];
-                        s           = [s(1); s; s(end)];
-                        gs          = [gs(1); gs; gs(end)];
-                        saturation  = [saturation(1); saturation; saturation(end)];
-                        density     = [density(1); density; density(end)];
-                        if sum(porespace == 0 & TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.water ~= 0) > 0
-                            dfe4w
-                        end
-                    elseif TOP_CLASS.IA_CHILD.STATUS == 1 && TOP_CLASS.IA_CHILD.IA_CHILD_SNOW.STATVAR.layerThick > eps(TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.upperPos)
-                        out.RESULT.d_snow   = [out.RESULT.d_snow TOP_CLASS.IA_CHILD.IA_CHILD_SNOW.STATVAR.layerThick];
-                        out.RESULT.swe      = [out.RESULT.swe TOP_CLASS.IA_CHILD.IA_CHILD_SNOW.STATVAR.waterIce];
-                        out.RESULT.lwc      = [out.RESULT.lwc TOP_CLASS.IA_CHILD.IA_CHILD_SNOW.STATVAR.water];
-                        snowdepths  = [TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.upperPos + TOP_CLASS.IA_CHILD.IA_CHILD_SNOW.STATVAR.layerThick; TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.upperPos];
-                        d           = repmat(TOP_CLASS.IA_CHILD.IA_CHILD_SNOW.STATVAR.d,2,1);
-                        s           = repmat(TOP_CLASS.IA_CHILD.IA_CHILD_SNOW.STATVAR.s,2,1);
-                        gs          = repmat(TOP_CLASS.IA_CHILD.IA_CHILD_SNOW.STATVAR.gs,2,1);
-                        porespace   = (TOP_CLASS.IA_CHILD.IA_CHILD_SNOW.STATVAR.layerThick - TOP_CLASS.IA_CHILD.IA_CHILD_SNOW.STATVAR.ice);
-                        saturation  = repmat(TOP_CLASS.IA_CHILD.IA_CHILD_SNOW.STATVAR.water./porespace,2,1);
-                        saturation(porespace == 0) = 0;
-                        density     = repmat(TOP_CLASS.IA_CHILD.IA_CHILD_SNOW.STATVAR.target_density,2,1); % RBZ: Pulling a fas one - not consistent method
-                    else
-                        out.RESULT.d_snow   = [out.RESULT.d_snow 0];
-                        out.RESULT.swe      = [out.RESULT.swe 0];
-                        out.RESULT.lwc      = [out.RESULT.lwc 0];
-                        snowdepths  = [TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.upperPos+.01; TOP_CLASS.STATVAR.upperPos];
-                        d           = [NaN; NaN];
-                        s           = [NaN; NaN];
-                        gs          = [NaN; NaN];
-                        density     = [NaN; NaN];
-                        saturation  = [NaN; NaN];
-                        end
-                end
-                out.RESULT.T        = [out.RESULT.T interp1(depths, T, out.RESULT.grid)' ];
-                out.RESULT.water    = [out.RESULT.water interp1(depths, water, out.RESULT.grid)'];
-                out.RESULT.ice      = [out.RESULT.ice interp1(depths, ice, out.RESULT.grid)' ];
-                if  out.PARA.status_snow == 1
-                    out.RESULT.d            = [out.RESULT.d interp1(snowdepths, d, out.RESULT.grid_snow)' ];
-                    out.RESULT.s            = [out.RESULT.s interp1(snowdepths, s, out.RESULT.grid_snow)' ];
-                    out.RESULT.gs           = [out.RESULT.gs interp1(snowdepths, gs, out.RESULT.grid_snow)' ];
-                    out.RESULT.saturation   = [out.RESULT.saturation interp1(snowdepths, saturation, out.RESULT.grid_snow)' ];
-                    out.RESULT.density      = [out.RESULT.density interp1(snowdepths, density, out.RESULT.grid_snow)' ];
-                end
-                if out.PARA.status_seb == 1
-                    out.RESULT.Qh   = [out.RESULT.Qh out.TEMP.Qh_acc./out.TEMP.time];
-                    out.RESULT.Qe   = [out.RESULT.Qe out.TEMP.Qe_acc./out.TEMP.time];
-                    out.RESULT.Lout = [out.RESULT.Lout out.TEMP.Lout_acc./out.TEMP.time];
-                    out.RESULT.Lin  = [out.RESULT.Lin out.TEMP.Lin_acc./out.TEMP.time];
-                    out.RESULT.Sout = [out.RESULT.Sout out.TEMP.Sout_acc./out.TEMP.time];
-                    out.RESULT.Sin  = [out.RESULT.Sin out.TEMP.Sin_acc./out.TEMP.time];
-                    out.TEMP.Qh_acc     = 0;
-                    out.TEMP.Qe_acc     = 0;
-                    out.TEMP.Lout_acc   = 0;
-                    out.TEMP.Lin_acc    = 0;
-                    out.TEMP.Sout_acc   = 0;
-                    out.TEMP.Sin_acc    = 0;
-                    out.TEMP.time       = 0;
-                end
-                out.OUTPUT_TIME = out.OUTPUT_TIME + out.PARA.output_timestep;
-                if t >= out.SAVE_TIME
-                    save([result_path run_number '/' run_number num2str(labindex) '_' datestr(t,'yyyy') '.mat'], 'out')
-                    out.TIMESTAMP       = [];
-                    out.TEMP.top_class  = [];
-                    out.RESULT.T        = [];
-                    out.RESULT.water    = [];
-                    out.RESULT.ice      = [];
-                    if out.PARA.status_seb == 1
-                        out.RESULT.Qh   = [];
-                        out.RESULT.Qe   = [];
-                        out.RESULT.Lin  = [];
-                        out.RESULT.Lout = [];
-                        out.RESULT.Sin  = [];
-                        out.RESULT.Sout = [];
-                    end
-                    if out.PARA.status_snow == 1
-                        out.RESULT.d_snow   = [];
-                        out.RESULT.swe      = [];
-                        out.RESULT.lwc      = [];
-                        out.RESULT.d        = [];
-                        out.RESULT.s        = [];
-                        out.RESULT.gs       = [];
-                        out.RESULT.saturation = [];
-                        out.RESULT.density  = [];
-                    end
-                    out.SAVE_TIME = min(floor(forcing.PARA.end_time),  datenum([out.PARA.save_date num2str(str2num(datestr(out.SAVE_TIME,'yyyy')) + out.PARA.save_interval)], 'dd.mm.yyyy'));
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
diff --git a/unfinished/PEAT_freezeC_bucketW_Xice_seb.m b/unfinished/PEAT_freezeC_bucketW_Xice_seb.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 87ce33de..00000000
--- a/unfinished/PEAT_freezeC_bucketW_Xice_seb.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-classdef PEAT_freezeC_bucketW_Xice_seb < SEB & HEAT_CONDUCTION & FREEZE_CURVE & WATER_FLUXES & INITIALIZE  %@ NITIN: add your Tier1 Peat class here
-    methods
-        function self = PEAT_freezeC_bucketW_Xice_seb(index, pprovider, cprovider, forcing)  
-            self@INITIALIZE(index, pprovider, cprovider, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = provide_CONST(ground)
-            ground.CONST.L_f = [];
-            ground.CONST.Tmfw = [];
-            ground.CONST.c_w = [];
-            ground.CONST.c_i = [];
-            ground.CONST.c_o = [];
-            ground.CONST.c_m = [];
-            ground.CONST.k_a = [];       %air [Hillel(1982)]
-            ground.CONST.k_w = [];        %water [Hillel(1982)]
-            ground.CONST.k_i = [];         %ice [Hillel(1982)]
-            ground.CONST.k_o = [];        %organic [Hillel(1982)]
-            ground.CONST.k_m = [];
-            ground.CONST.sigma = []; %Stefan-Boltzmann constant
-            ground.CONST.kappa = [];
-            ground.CONST.L_s = []; %latent heat of vaporization
-            ground.CONST.cp = [];
-            ground.CONST.g = [];
-            ground.CONST.rho_w = [];
-            ground.CONST.rho_i = [];
-            %Mualem Van Genuchten model
-            ground.CONST.alpha_sand = [];
-            ground.CONST.alpha_silt = [];
-            ground.CONST.n_sand = [];
-            ground.CONST.n_silt = [];
-            ground.CONST.residual_wc_sand = [];
-            ground.CONST.residual_wc_silt = [];
-        end
-        function ground = provide_PARA(ground)
-            ground.PARA.albedo = [];
-            ground.PARA.epsilon = [];
-            ground.PARA.airT_height = []; %measurement height [m]
-            ground.PARA.z0 = []; %roughness length [m]
-            ground.PARA.area =[]; %initial area of the realization [m2]
-            ground.PARA.rootDepth = [];
-            ground.PARA.evaporationDepth = [];
-            ground.PARA.ratioET = [];
-            ground.PARA.hydraulicConductivity = []; %change to a prametrization later?
-            ground.PARA.externalWaterFlux = [] ; %external water flux added
-            ground.PARA.heatFlux_lb = [];
-            ground.PARA.dt_max = [] ; %[sec]
-            ground.PARA.dE_max = []; %[J/m3]
-            ground.PARA.LUT_size_waterIce = [];
-            ground.PARA.LUT_size_T = [];
-            ground.PARA.min_T = []; %minimum an maximum values for which the LUT is calculated (only roughly)
-            ground.PARA.min_waterIce = [];
-            ground.PARA.max_waterIce = [];
-            ground.PARA.min_mineral_organic = [];
-            %trigger parameters
-            ground.PARA.threshold_Xwater = 0.05;
-            %ground.PARA.threshold_Xwater_class = [];
-            ground.PARA.threshold_Xwater_class = 'LAKE_simple_bucketW_seb_snow';  %default trigger if empty (this ensures stable run) 
-            %otherwise interaction class trigger, must correspond to a sleeping class in the initialization!
-            ground.PARA.threshold_Xwater_index = 1;
-        end
-        function ground = provide_STATVAR(ground)
-            ground.STATVAR.upperPos = [];
-            ground.STATVAR.lowerPos = [];
-            ground.STATVAR.layerThick = []; % [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.waterIce = []; % [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce = [];
-            ground.STATVAR.mineral = []; % [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.organic = []; % [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.energy = [];  % [J/m2]
-            ground.STATVAR.soil_type = [];
-            ground.STATVAR.T = [];  % [degree C]
-            ground.STATVAR.water = [];  % [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.waterPotential = []; % [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.Xwater = [];
-            ground.STATVAR.Xice = [];
-            ground.STATVAR.ice = [];
-            ground.STATVAR.air = [];  % [m]
-            ground.STATVAR.thermCond = [];
-            ground.STATVAR.Lstar = [];
-            ground.STATVAR.Qh = [];
-            ground.STATVAR.Qe = [];
-            ground.STATVAR.field_capacity = [];
-            ground.STATVAR.excessWater = 0;
-        end
-        %----mandatory functions---------------
-        %----initialization--------------------
-        function ground = finalize_init(ground, forcing) %assign all variables, that must be calculated or assigned otherwise for initialization
-            ground.PARA.heatFlux_lb = forcing.PARA.heatFlux_lb;
-            ground.PARA.airT_height = forcing.PARA.airT_height;
-            ground.STATVAR.area = forcing.PARA.area + ground.STATVAR.T .* 0;
-            %add more in case clay becomes relevant
-            ground.CONST.vanGen_alpha = [ground.CONST.alpha_sand ground.CONST.alpha_silt];
-            ground.CONST.vanGen_n = [ground.CONST.n_sand ground.CONST.n_silt];
-            ground.CONST.vanGen_residual_wc = [ground.CONST.residual_wc_sand ground.CONST.residual_wc_silt];
-            ground = get_E_freezeC_Xice(ground);
-            ground = conductivity(ground);
-            ground = create_LUT_freezeC(ground);
-            ground.STATVAR.Lstar = -100;
-            ground.STATVAR.Qh = 0;
-            ground.STATVAR.Qe = 0;
-            ground = set_TEMP_2zero(ground);
-            %@NITIN: add your initialization routine here. Make sure all
-            %the arrays have the same lengths as the STATVAR's produced by the code, so for example ground.STATVAR.C_Content = ground.STATVAR.T .* 0; 
-        end
-        %---time integration------
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u(ground, forcing) %functions specific for individual class, allow changing from Dirichlet to SEB
-            ground = surface_energy_balance(ground, forcing);
-            ground = get_boundary_condition_u_water_Xice(ground, forcing); %checked that this flux can be taken up!!
-%             %@NITIN: add your upper boundary codition here, this should
-%             update TEMP variables
-%             if ground.TEMP.timestep_PEAT >= ground.PARA.target_timestep_PEAT
-%                 ground = get_boundary_condition_u_PEAT(ground, forcing);
-%             end
-        end
-        function [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW(ground, S_down)  %mandatory function when used with class that features SW penetration
-            [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW_no_transmission(ground, S_down);
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_l(ground, forcing)
-             ground.TEMP.F_lb = forcing.PARA.heatFlux_lb .* ground.STATVAR.area(end);
-             ground.TEMP.d_energy(end) = ground.TEMP.d_energy(end) + ground.TEMP.F_lb;
-             ground = get_boundary_condition_l_water2(ground);  %if flux not zero, check that the water flowing out is available! Not implemented here.
-        end
-        function ground = get_derivatives_prognostic(ground)
-            ground = get_derivative_energy(ground);
-            ground = get_derivative_water_Xice(ground); %normal downward water flow in matrix
-            ground = get_derivative_Xwater(ground); %upward flow of Xwater
-            %@NITIN: add your get_derivatives here, this should
-%             update TEMP variables
-%             if ground.TEMP.timestep_PEAT >= ground.PARA.target_timestep_PEAT
-%                 ground = get_derivative_PEAT(ground);
-%             end
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep(ground)  %could involve check for several state variables
-           timestep = get_timestep_heat_coduction(ground);
-           timestep = min(timestep, get_timestep_water(ground)); 
-           %@NITIN: update the long peat timestep  
-           %ground.TEMP.timestep_PEAT = ground.TEMP.timestep_PEAT + timestep;
-        end
-        function ground = advance_prognostic(ground, timestep) 
-            %energy
-            ground.STATVAR.energy = ground.STATVAR.energy + timestep .* ground.TEMP.d_energy;
-            ground.STATVAR.energy = ground.STATVAR.energy + timestep .* ground.TEMP.d_water_energy + ground.TEMP.d_Xwater_energy; %add energy from water advection
-            %water
-            ground.STATVAR.waterIce = ground.STATVAR.waterIce + timestep .* ground.TEMP.d_water; %subtract water from ET
-            ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce = ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce + timestep .* ground.TEMP.d_Xwater;
-            ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce(ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce<0) = 0; %remove rounding errors
-            ground.STATVAR.layerThick = ground.STATVAR.layerThick + timestep .* ground.TEMP.d_Xwater ./ ground.STATVAR.area;
-             %@NITIN: add your advance_prognostic here, using the long
-             %timestep, update also energy, water, etc.
-%             if ground.TEMP.timestep_PEAT >= ground.PARA.target_timestep_PEAT
-%                 ground.STATVAR.C_content = ground.STATVAR.C_content + ground.TEMP.timestep_PEAT .* ground.TEMP.C_derivative;
-%                 ground.STATVAR.energy = ...
-%                     ground.STATVAR.layerThick = ...
-%             end
-        end
-        function ground = compute_diagnostic_first_cell(ground, forcing)
-            ground = L_star(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = compute_diagnostic(ground, forcing)
-            %@NITIN: add your diagnostic step here, potential
-            %regridding would go here, possibly move excess water to
-            %XwaterIce
-            %if   ground.TEMP.timestep_PEAT >= ground.PARA.target_timestep_PEAT
-            %      ground.TEMP.timestep_PEAT = 0; %reset to zero
-            %end
-            %equilibrate water between matrix and Xwater within cells
-            air = ground.STATVAR.layerThick .* ground.STATVAR.area - ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce - ground.STATVAR.waterIce - ground.STATVAR.mineral - ground.STATVAR.organic; 
-            move_cells = (ground.STATVAR.Xwater > 0) & (air > 0);
-            move_Xwater = min(ground.STATVAR.Xwater(move_cells), air(move_cells));
-            ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce(move_cells) = ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce(move_cells) - move_Xwater;
-            ground.STATVAR.waterIce(move_cells) = ground.STATVAR.waterIce(move_cells) + move_Xwater;
-            ground.STATVAR.layerThick(move_cells) = ground.STATVAR.layerThick(move_cells) - move_Xwater ./  ground.STATVAR.area(move_cells);
-            ground.STATVAR.layerThick = max(ground.STATVAR.layerThick, ...
-                (ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce + ground.STATVAR.waterIce + ground.STATVAR.mineral + ground.STATVAR.organic) ./ ground.STATVAR.area);  %prevent rounding errors, would lead to wrong sign water fluxes in next prognostic step
-            ground = get_T_water_freezeC_Xice(ground); %this gets the intensive variables (T, ect. if the extensive variables are updated)
-            ground = conductivity(ground);
-            ground = set_TEMP_2zero(ground);
-        end
-        function ground = check_trigger(ground, forcing)
-            trigger_yes_no = 0;
-            %water overtopping first cell
-            if isequal(class(ground.PREVIOUS), 'Top') && ground.STATVAR.Xwater(1) > ground.PARA.threshold_Xwater .* ground.STATVAR.area(1) % no snow cover and too much Xwater
-                if isempty(ground.PARA.threshold_Xwater_class) %default, remove water from first cell, otherwise the Q_e calculation crashes
-                    remove_first_cell = max(0, ground.STATVAR.Xwater(1) - ground.PARA.threshold_Xwater .* ground.STATVAR.area(1));
-                    ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce(1) = ground.STATVAR.XwaterIce(1) - remove_first_cell;
-                    ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1) = ground.STATVAR.layerThick(1) - remove_first_cell ./ ground.STATVAR.area(1);
-                    ground.STATVAR.energy(1) = ground.STATVAR.energy(1) - remove_first_cell .* ground.STATVAR.T(1) .* ground.CONST.c_w;
-                    ground.STATVAR.excessWater = ground.STATVAR.excessWater + remove_first_cell;  %water must be removed laterally for runoff output, otherwise it accumulates
-                else
-                    trigger_class = get_IA_class(ground.PARA.threshold_Xwater_class, class(ground));
-                    trigger_create_LAKE(trigger_class, ground, forcing); %creates a new class and does all the rearranging of the stratigraphy (I hope!)
-                    trigger_yes_no = 1; %can be used to prevent several triggers ocurring in one timestep, like create a lake and create snow simulataneously
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        %-----non-mandatory functions-------
-        function ground = set_TEMP_2zero(ground)
-            ground.TEMP.d_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_ET = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_water_ET_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_Xwater = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-            ground.TEMP.d_Xwater_energy = ground.STATVAR.energy.*0;
-             %@NITIN: add TEMP fields for your dervatives here, this sets
-             %everything to zero for the next timestep
-        end
-        function ground = surface_energy_balance(ground, forcing)
-            ground.STATVAR.Lout = (1-ground.PARA.epsilon) .* forcing.TEMP.Lin + ground.PARA.epsilon .* ground.CONST.sigma .* (ground.STATVAR.T(1)+ 273.15).^4;
-            ground.STATVAR.Sout = ground.PARA.albedo .*  forcing.TEMP.Sin;
-            ground.STATVAR.Qh = Q_h(ground, forcing);
-            ground.STATVAR.Qe_pot = Q_eq_potET(ground, forcing);
-            ground = calculateET_Xice(ground);
-            ground.TEMP.F_ub = (forcing.TEMP.Sin + forcing.TEMP.Lin - ground.STATVAR.Lout - ground.STATVAR.Sout - ground.STATVAR.Qh - ground.STATVAR.Qe) .* ground.STATVAR.area(1);
-            ground.TEMP.d_energy(1) = ground.TEMP.d_energy(1) + ground.TEMP.F_ub;
-        end
-        function ground = conductivity(ground)
-            ground = conductivity_mixing_squares_Xice(ground);
-        end
-        %lateral fluxes---------------------------
-        function ground = lateral_push_remove_surfaceWater(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral_push_remove_surfaceWater_Xice(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        function ground = lateral_push_remove_subsurfaceWater(ground, lateral)
-            ground = lateral_push_remove_subsurfaceWater_simple(ground, lateral);
-        end
-        %----inherited Tier 1 functions ------------
-        function ground = get_derivative_energy(ground)
-           ground = get_derivative_energy@HEAT_CONDUCTION(ground); 
-        end
-        function ground = conductivity_mixing_squares_Xice(ground)
-            ground = conductivity_mixing_squares_Xice@HEAT_CONDUCTION(ground);
-        end
-        function flux = Q_h(ground, forcing)
-           flux = Q_h@SEB(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function flux = Q_eq_potET(ground, forcing)
-            flux = Q_eq_potET@SEB(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = calculateET(ground)
-            ground = calculateET@SEB(ground);
-        end
-        function ground = get_boundary_condition_u_water2(ground, forcing)
-           ground = get_boundary_condition_u_water2@WATER_FLUXES(ground, forcing);
-        end
-        function ground = get_derivative_water2(ground)
-            ground = get_derivative_water2@WATER_FLUXES(ground);
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep_heat_coduction(ground)
-            timestep = get_timestep_heat_coduction@HEAT_CONDUCTION(ground);
-        end
-        function timestep = get_timestep_water(ground)
-            timestep = get_timestep_water@WATER_FLUXES(ground);
-        end
-        function ground = L_star(ground, forcing)
-           ground = L_star@SEB(ground, forcing); 
-        end
-        function [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW_no_transmission(ground, S_down)
-            [ground, S_up] = penetrate_SW_no_transmission@SEB(ground, S_down);
-        end
-        function ground = get_T_water_freeW(ground)
-            ground = get_T_water_freeW@HEAT_CONDUCTION(ground);
-        end
-    end
diff --git a/unfinished/probelms_lateral.m b/unfinished/probelms_lateral.m
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-%problems to be solved:
-%1. hydraulic concuctivity, use different formulations fro Richards Equation and bucket W
-%2. allow seepage flow downwards for uppermost unconfined aquifer downwards,
-%even if aquifers don't overlap - add this to the overlap-function!
-%3. improve routing of water in the push-step, so that advection works properly - difficult one, probably needs to make the nomal routing (switching flow between cells) for water flowing down!  
-%4. use the correct diatncealso for unconfined aquifers
-%5. add other classes like snow and lakes
-%6. Difficult: check if a class with index 1 is filled up and then recalculate the heads, partition timestep for different phases
-%7. Implement for excess ice
-%8. Implement for Richards Eq
-%9. Implement a fucntionality that detects the ground surface and matches
-%the elevations at the ground surface
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