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User Guide of the CryptographicEstimators Library

This document serves as a guide to use the CryptographicEstimators library. This is an open source project to estimate the hardness of computational problems relevant in cryptography. The source code is available here.

1. Prerequisites and installation of the library

You can find a list of prerequisites and step-by-step instructions to install the CyptographicEstimators library here.

2. Using the Estimators

2.1. Importing estimators

The estimator class of the Dummy problem is imported from the by executing: from cryptographic_estimators.ExampleEstimator import ExampleEstimator

For example, to import the estimator class of the Binary Syndrome Decoding (SD) problem we execute

from cryptographic_estimators.SDEstimator import SDEstimator

to import the estimator class of the Multivariate Quadratic (MQ) problem we execute

from cryptographic_estimators.MQEstimator import MQEstimator

Further estimators available in the library to date are the PKEstimator for the permuted kernel problem, the PEEstimator for the permutation equivalence problem, the LEEstimator for the linear equivalence problem and the SDFqEstimator for the syndrome decoding problem over Fq

2.2. Creating estimator objects

An estimator of the hardness of the Example problem with $p_1=10$ and $p_2=7$ is created by running: ExampleEstimator(p1=10, p2=7).

The following code creates an estimator of the SD problem with code length $n = 100$, code dimension $k = 50$ and weight $w = 10$

from cryptographic_estimators.SDEstimator import SDEstimator
SDE = SDEstimator(n=20, k=10, w=10)

The following code creates an estimator of the MQ problem $n = 15$ variables and $m = 17$ equations over a field with $q = 2$ elements.

from cryptographic_estimators.MQEstimator import MQEstimator
MQE = MQEstimator(n=15, m=17, q=2)

An overview of the complexity of all algorithms solving the problem can be obtained via the table function.

|                  |    estimate   |
| algorithm        | time | memory |
| Bjorklund        | 39.8 |   15.3 |
| BooleanSolveFXL  | 20.3 |   11.9 |
| Crossbred        | 21.4 |    7.1 |
| DinurFirst       | 32.1 |   19.5 |
| DinurSecond      | 20.3 |   15.8 |
| ExhaustiveSearch | 18.0 |   11.9 |
| F5               | 36.6 |   23.2 |
| HybridF5         | 18.1 |   11.9 |
| Lokshtanov       | 62.9 |   16.1 |

The table function offers various customizations. We detail the most important ones at the end of this user guide. For a full list of features please see the full documentation.

Associated algorithms

When an estimator object is created, it generates a set of associated algorithm objects. Each of these algorithms implements an estimator of the complexity of the algorithm having the same name.

We use the method algorithms_names() to get the names of the algorithms solving the input instance for which there is an implemented estimator in the CyptographicEstimators library.

From the output of the following code, we know that the Crossbred algorithm can be used to solve an instances of the MQ problem with parameters $n = 15$ variables and $m = 17$ equations over a field with $q = 2$ elements. And there is a module estimating the complexity of Crossbred.

from cryptographic_estimators.MQEstimator import MQEstimator
MQE = MQEstimator(n=15, m=17, q=2)

Only algorithms applicable for the specified parameters are listed. If we change q to 3 we see a different output. For example DinurFirst is missing in the following example, as this algorithm only works over binary fields.

from cryptographic_estimators.MQEstimator import MQEstimator
MQE = MQEstimator(n=15, m=17, q=3)

We can use the method algorithms() to get the full list of algorithm objects associated with the estimator.

from cryptographic_estimators.MQEstimator import MQEstimator
MQE = MQEstimator(n=15, m=17, q=2)
[Björklund et al. estimator for the MQ problem with 15 variables and 17 polynomials,
 BooleanSolveFXL estimator for the MQ problem with 15 variables and 17 polynomials,
 Crossbred estimator for the MQ problem with 15 variables and 17 polynomials,
 Dinur1 estimator for the MQ problem with 15 variables and 17 polynomials,
 Dinur2 estimator for the MQ problem with 15 variables and 17 polynomials,
 ExhaustiveSearch estimator for the MQ problem with 15 variables and 17 polynomials,
 F5 estimator for the MQ problem with 15 variables and 17 polynomials,
 HybridF5 estimator for the MQ problem with 15 variables and 17 polynomials,
 Lokshtanov et al. estimator for the MQ problem with 15 variables and 17 polynomials]

We can also excluded certain (otherwise applicable) algorithms from the estimator. This prevents the corresponding algorithm object to be created during the Estimator's initialization. We use the argument excluded_algorithms, to list the algorithms we do not want to be included.

In the next example we exclude the algorithms BooleanSolveFXL, F5, andCrossbred.

from cryptographic_estimators.MQEstimator import MQEstimator
from cryptographic_estimators.MQEstimator.MQAlgorithms import BooleanSolveFXL, F5, Crossbred
MQE = MQEstimator(n=15, m=17, q=3, excluded_algorithms = [BooleanSolveFXL, F5, Crossbred])
['ExhaustiveSearch', 'HybridF5', 'Lokshtanov']

Accessing associated algorithms

Algoirthm objects can be individually accessed via Estimator.<Algorithm Name>. For instance, to get an estimator of the complexity of the Crossbred algorithm on an MQ problem $n = 15$ variables and $m = 17$ equations over a field with $q = 2$ elements we run:

from cryptographic_estimators.MQEstimator import MQEstimator
MQE = MQEstimator(n=15, m=17, q=3)
Crossbred estimator for the MQ problem with 15 variables and 17 polynomials

3. Complexities of individual algorithms

Here we show how to obtain complexity estimates of individual algorithms.

Understanding the complexity estimates: By default

  1. The time complexity is given as the logarithm in base 2 of the total number of bit operations the underlying algorithm executes for solving the problem.
  2. The memory complexity is given as the logarithm in base 2 of the total number of bits the underlying algorithm needs to store at .

3.1. Estimates for specific parameters

The next line creates an estimator of Stern's algorithm for an instance of the SD problem with code length $n = 100$, code dimension $k = 50$ and weight $w = 10$

from cryptographic_estimators.SDEstimator import SDEstimator
SDE = SDEstimator(n=100, k=50, w=10)
Stern = SDE.stern

The method parameter_names() returns the list of parameters of the associated algorithm.

To obtain a list of parameter-names of the Stern algorithm we run

['r', 'l', 'p']

We can compute the time and memory complexities of an algorithm with its parameters taking specific values.

The next two lines compute the time and memory complexities of the Stern algorithm with $r =2$, $p = 3$ and $l=4$

Stern.time_complexity(r=2, p=3, l=4)
Stern.memory_complexity(r=2, p=3, l=4)

Complexity type

The attribute complexity_type sets the mode to which complexities computed by the estimator refer.

Currently, the CryptographicEstimators library supports two types of complexity: Estimate and TildeO.

The Estimate mode uses the most precise formula (according to the state-of-the-art) of the cost of an algorithm to solve the input problem. In this mode, all constant and polynomial factors of the cost are taken into account.

The TildeO mode uses an asymptotic approximation of the costs. This mode might disregard polylogarithmic factors.

complexity_type = 0 sets the Estimate mode, while complexity_type=1 the TildeO one. By default every estimator is in the Estimate mode.

from cryptographic_estimators.SDEstimator import SDEstimator
SDE = SDEstimator(n=100, k=50, w=10)
Stern = SDE.stern

Now we switch to the TildeO mode and compute time and memory complexity in this mode.

Stern.complexity_type = 1
Stern.time_complexity(r=2, p=3, l=4)
Stern.memory_complexity(r=2, p=3, l=4)

Hint: It is possible to update the complexity type of all algorithms associated with the estimator via

SDE.complexity_type = 1

Bit complexities

The attribute bit_complexities defines whether the complexities are given in bits or in elementary operations/elements. By default, bit_complexities = 1.

If bit_complexities = 1, then the time complexity counts for the number of binary operations, while the memory complexity counts the number of bits of memory, both in a logarithmic scale.

If bit_complexities = 0, then time complexity counts the number of elementary operations computed, while the memory complexity counts the number of elementary elements stored, both in a logarithmic scale.

This attribute has an effect when the estimator is in the Estimate mode. Otherwise, it has no effect.

from cryptographic_estimators.SDEstimator import SDEstimator
SDE = SDEstimator(n=100, k=50, w=10)
Stern = SDE.stern
Stern.bit_complexities = 0
Stern.time_complexity(r=2, p=3, l=4)
Stern.memory_complexity(r=2, p=3, l=4)

Hint: Similarly the property can be set for all algorithms associated with the estimator via


Memory access cost

The memory_access cost indicates how the memory affects the running time of the algorithm.

If $T$ is the complexity of an algorithm in terms of the number of bits or basic operations (depending on the bit_complexities attribute), then the total cost including the memory access is defined by $T_M = T \cdot f(M)$, where $M$ is the memory usage of the algorithm in bits or unit elements (again depending on the bit_complexities attribute).

memory_access can be set to 0, 1, 2 or 3. By default memory_access = 0, and

  1. memory_access = 0, indicates that the $f(M) = 1$.
  2. memory_access = 1, indicates that the $f(M) = \log_2{M}$.
  3. memory_access = 2, indicates that the $f(M) = \sqrt{M}$.
  4. memory_access = 3, indicates that the $f(M) = \sqrt[3]{M}$.

The memory_access cost only has an effect when the algorithm is in the Estimate mode.

from cryptographic_estimators.SDEstimator import SDEstimator
SDE = SDEstimator(n=100, k=50, w=10)
Stern = SDE.stern
Stern.memory_access = 2
Stern.time_complexity(r=2, p=3, l=4)

3.1. Time and memory complexities

The method time_complexity when used without any arguments, provides the minimum time complexity of a specific algorithm considering all possible values for its optimization parameters.

The method memory_complexity when used without any arguments, provides the memory complexity associated with the configuration leading to minimal time complexity.

To compute the time complexity of the Stern algorithm to solve an SD problem with parameters $n=100, k=50, w=10$ we run

from cryptographic_estimators.SDEstimator import SDEstimator
SDE = SDEstimator(n=100, k=50, w=10)
Stern = SDE.stern

The memory complexity is obtained by


To estimate the time and memory, the Stern estimator exhaustively searches for the parameters of the Stern algorithm that minimize the time complexity, and stores them.

The method optimal_parameters() returns the dictionary of parameters minimizing the time complexity. If the dictionary is not yet computed, the estimator will calculate it, store it and return it.

The parameters minimizing the time complexity of the Stern algorithm on an SD problem with parameters $n=100, k=50, w=10$ are

{'r': 4, 'p': 2, 'l': 9}

In contrast the function get_optimal_parameters_dict() returns the optimal parameters dictionary in its current state. Even if the optimal parameters have not been computed yet. For instance, for a fresh instance of the class, the dictionary of optimal parameters is empty.

from cryptographic_estimators.SDEstimator import SDEstimator
SDE = SDEstimator(n=100, k=50, w=10)
Stern = SDE.stern

The attribute parameter_ranges returns the ranges in which each optimal parameter is searched. In the particular case that we are considering, we have

{'r': {'min': 0, 'max': 50},
 'l': {'min': 0, 'max': 50},
 'p': {'min': 0, 'max': 5}}

The previous line indicates that the optimal value of $r$ is searched in the interval $[0,50]$, $l$ in $[0,50]$ and $p$ in $[0,5]$.


The reset function restarts the internal state of an algorithm.

from cryptographic_estimators.SDEstimator import SDEstimator
SDE = SDEstimator(n=100, k=50, w=10)
Stern = SDE.stern
{'r': 4, 'p': 2, 'l': 9}

Hint: The same method is applicable to the estimator object. It resets the estimator as well as all associated algorithm objects

SDE = SDEstimator(n=100, k=50, w=10)
Stern = SDE.stern

Note: When changing the complexity type of an Estimator or Algorithm object, its reset function will be automatically called.

3.3. Customizing complexity optimization

Here we show how to customize the optimization of the time complexity.

Set optimal parameters

We can fix one or several parameters of an algorithm to a specific value while optimizing the time complexity. This is done by using the method set_parameters

In the following example we set $l = 3$ and $p=1$ in Stern's algorithm estimator

from cryptographic_estimators.SDEstimator import SDEstimator
SDE = SDEstimator(n=100, k=50, w=10)
Stern = SDE.stern
Stern.set_parameters({'p':1, 'l':3})

Now we can find the parameter sets minimizing the time complexity under the restriction $l = 3$ and $p=1$.


Optimal parameters under the restriction $l = 3$ and $p=1$ are

{'p': 1, 'l': 3, 'r': 4}

Configure parameter ranges

We can modify the range where a particular parameter is optimized by using the method set_parameter_ranges().

In the next example we set the interval $[1, 3]$ to be the optimization range of the parameter $p$ in Stern's algorithm estimator. This forces the optimal value of $p$ to be between 1 and 3.

from cryptographic_estimators.SDEstimator import SDEstimator
SDE = SDEstimator(n=100, k=50, w=10)
Stern = SDE.stern
Stern.set_parameter_ranges(parameter='p', min_value=1, max_value=3)
{'r': {'min': 0, 'max': 50},
 'l': {'min': 0, 'max': 50},
 'p': {'min': 1, 'max': 3}}
{'r': 4, 'p': 2, 'l': 9}

memory bound

We use the problem.memory_bound attribute to optimize the time complexity under the constraint that the corresponding memory complexity does not exceed the memory bound. By default problem.memory_bound is set to infinity.

from cryptographic_estimators.SDEstimator import SDEstimator
SDE = SDEstimator(n=100, k=50, w=10)
Stern = SDE.stern

Now we set the memory bound to $2^{15}$

Stern.problem.memory_bound = 15
Stern.memory_complexity() < 15

Additionally, you can directly limit the memory for all algorithms of an estimator.

from cryptographic_estimators.SDEstimator import SDEstimator
SDE = SDEstimator(n=100, k=50, w=10, memory_bound=15)

4. Complexities of several algorithms

We can customize and manage the complexities of several algorithms attached to an estimator object from the estimator itself.

4.1. Computing and visualizing estimates

The estimation process starts by calling the estimate() method. It returns a dictionary with the algorithm names, time and memory complexities, and the corresponding dictionary of optimal parameters.

from cryptographic_estimators.MQEstimator import MQEstimator
MQE = MQEstimator(n=15, m=17, q=3)
{'BooleanSolveFXL': {'estimate': {'time': 29.858222427888588,
 'memory': 12.901244032467376, 
 'parameters': {'k': 14, 'variant': 'las_vegas'}}, 
 'additional_information': {}}, 
 'Crossbred': {'estimate': {'time': 27.676784055214462, 
 'memory': 17.045780987724598, 'parameters': {'D': 3, 'd': 1, 'k': 6}}, 
 'additional_information': {}}, 
 'ExhaustiveSearch': {'estimate': {'time': 25.40490707466741, 
 'memory': 12.901244032467376, 
 'parameters': {}}, 'additional_information': {}}, 
 'F5': {'estimate': {'time': 48.247169726507984, 
 'memory': 31.484561900604888, 
 'parameters': {}}, 'additional_information': {}}, 
 'HybridF5': {'estimate': {'time': 27.605835266254303,
  'memory': 12.901244032467376, 
  'parameters': {'k': 14}}, 'additional_information': {}}, 
  'Lokshtanov': {'estimate': {'time': 95.52681642861242, 
  'memory': 25.266724329355785, 
  'parameters': {'delta': 0.06666666666666667}}, 'additional_information': {}}}

Recall that we can avoid algorithms to be included in the esimator by using the argument excluded_algorithms.

In the next example we exclude the algorithms ExhaustiveSearch, F5, HybridF5, Lokshtanov.

from cryptographic_estimators.MQEstimator import MQEstimator
from cryptographic_estimators.MQEstimator.MQAlgorithms import ExhaustiveSearch, F5, HybridF5, Lokshtanov
MQE = MQEstimator(n=15, m=17, q=3, excluded_algorithms = [ExhaustiveSearch, F5, HybridF5, Lokshtanov])
{'BooleanSolveFXL': {'estimate': {'time': 29.858222427888588, 
'memory': 12.901244032467376, 
'parameters': {'k': 14, 'variant': 'las_vegas'}}, 'additional_information': {}}, 
'Crossbred': {'estimate': {'time': 27.676784055214462, 
'memory': 17.045780987724598, 
'parameters': {'D': 3, 'd': 1, 'k': 6}}, 'additional_information': {}}}

In order to better visualize the provided estimates, one can use directly the method table(). This method will internally call the estimate method, if estimates have not been computed before, to get the algorithm estimates in the Estimate mode, save them and then print them in a table to ease visualization and comparison.

from cryptographic_estimators.MQEstimator import MQEstimator
from cryptographic_estimators.MQEstimator.MQAlgorithms import BooleanSolveFXL, F5, Crossbred
MQE = MQEstimator(n=15, m=17, q=3)
|                  |    estimate   |
| algorithm        | time | memory |
| BooleanSolveFXL  | 29.9 |   12.9 |
| Crossbred        | 27.7 |   17.0 |
| ExhaustiveSearch | 25.4 |   12.9 |
| F5               | 48.2 |   31.5 |
| HybridF5         | 27.6 |   12.9 |
| Lokshtanov       | 95.5 |   25.3 |

Or again with some algorithm being excluded from consideration

from cryptographic_estimators.MQEstimator.MQAlgorithms import ExhaustiveSearch, F5, HybridF5, Lokshtanov
MQE = MQEstimator(n=15, m=17, q=3, excluded_algorithms = [ExhaustiveSearch, F5, HybridF5, Lokshtanov])
|                 |    estimate   |
| algorithm       | time | memory |
| BooleanSolveFXL | 29.9 |   12.9 |
| Crossbred       | 27.7 |   17.0 |

From the previous output we observe that solving an MQ problem with parameters $n=15, m=17,$ and $q=3$, the algorithms ExhaustiveSearch, HybridF5 and Lokshtanov have optimal time complexity of $2^{25.4}$, $2^{30.1}$, and $2^{99.6}$ field multiplications, respectively.

An additinal example

from cryptographic_estimators.SDEstimator import SDEstimator
SDE = SDEstimator(n=100, k=50, w=10)
|               |    estimate   |
| algorithm     | time | memory |
| BallCollision | 23.3 |   16.0 |
| BJMMdw        | 23.4 |   14.7 |
| BJMMpdw       | 23.3 |   14.3 |
| BJMM          | 22.8 |   15.0 |
| BJMM_plus     | 22.8 |   15.0 |
| BothMay       | 22.4 |   14.7 |
| Dumer         | 22.7 |   16.4 |
| MayOzerov     | 22.3 |   14.8 |
| Prange        | 28.3 |   12.7 |
| Stern         | 22.3 |   16.0 |

4.2. Customizing estimation and visualization


One can input several arguments to the table method:

  1. show_all_parameters allows us to visulize the parameters optimizing the time complexity for the given input. An empty dictionary {} indicates the corresponding algorithm does not have parameters. (default: false)

  2. precision to set the number of decimal digits output (default: 1)

  3. truncate to truncate the output estimates rather than round them (default: false)

In what follows we observe that, while solving an SD problem with parameters n=100, k=50, w=10, the Stern algorithm has an optimal time complexity of $2^{22.3}$ when $r=4$ , $p=2$ and $l = 9$.

from cryptographic_estimators.SDEstimator import SDEstimator
SDE = SDEstimator(n=100, k=50, w=10)
SDE.table(show_all_parameters=True, precision=3, truncate=True)
|               |                                 estimate                                |
| algorithm     |   time | memory |                       parameters                      |
| BallCollision | 23.290 | 16.023 |           {'r': 4, 'p': 2, 'pl': 0, 'l': 7}           |
| BJMMdw        | 23.416 | 14.731 | {'r': 4, 'p': 2, 'p1': 1, 'w1': 0, 'w11': 0, 'w2': 0} |
| BJMMpdw       | 23.250 | 14.302 |           {'r': 4, 'p': 2, 'p1': 1, 'w2': 0}          |
| BJMM          | 22.778 | 15.027 |     {'r': 4, 'depth': 2, 'p': 2, 'p1': 1, 'l': 8}     |
| BJMM_plus     | 22.778 | 15.027 |       {'r': 4, 'p': 2, 'p1': 1, 'l': 8, 'l1': 2}      |
| BothMay       | 22.421 | 14.731 |  {'r': 4, 'p': 2, 'w1': 0, 'w2': 0, 'p1': 1, 'l': 2}  |
| Dumer         | 22.700 | 16.421 |                {'r': 4, 'l': 8, 'p': 2}               |
| MayOzerov     | 22.251 | 14.808 |     {'r': 4, 'depth': 2, 'p': 2, 'p1': 1, 'l': 2}     |
| Prange        | 28.291 | 12.688 |                        {'r': 4}                       |
| Stern         | 22.302 | 16.023 |                {'r': 4, 'p': 2, 'l': 9}               |
  1. show_tilde_o_time allows to show the time and memory estimates in the TildeO mode.
|               | tilde_o_estimate |    estimate   |
| algorithm     |  time |   memory | time | memory |
| BallCollision |  10.4 |      3.3 | 23.3 |   16.0 |
| BJMMdw        |    -- |       -- | 23.4 |   14.7 |
| BJMMpdw       |    -- |       -- | 23.3 |   14.3 |
| BJMM          |   9.0 |      6.9 | 22.8 |   15.0 |
| BJMMplus      |    -- |       -- | 22.8 |   15.0 |
| BothMay       |   8.8 |      6.4 | 22.4 |   14.7 |
| Dumer         |  10.4 |      3.3 | 22.7 |   16.4 |
| MayOzerov     |   8.5 |      7.2 | 22.3 |   14.8 |
| Prange        |  10.8 |        0 | 28.3 |   12.7 |
| Stern         |  10.4 |      2.9 | 22.3 |   16.0 |

The -- in the printed table means Not Implemented Yet.


From an estimator object, one can set a configuration that applies to all the algorithms attached to it. One can set: complexity_time, bit_complexities or memory_access and any other parameter for the specific estimator. All these general configurations are given as input to the estimator class.

All the algorithms attached to the following estimator object are in the Estimate mode, they provide bit complexities, and they have a square root memory access cost of square root, see Section 3.

from cryptographic_estimators.MQEstimator import MQEstimator
MQE = MQEstimator(n=15, m=17, q=3, complexity_type=0, bit_complexities=True, memory_access=3)
Algo = MQE.algorithms()[1]
print(Algo.complexity_type, Algo.bit_complexities, Algo.memory_access)
0 True 3

To see the bit_complexities value of all the algorithms to estimator MQE we run MQE.bit_complexities. Similarly, for complexity_type and memory_access.

[True, True, True, True, True, True]

One can also apply and modify the configuration of one or several algorithms.

In the following example, we set $d=1$ and $D=3$ the optimal parameters of the Crossbred algorithm; we left untouched the other algorithms.

from cryptographic_estimators.MQEstimator import MQEstimator
MQE = MQEstimator(n=20, m=20, q=3)
MQE.crossbred.set_parameters({'d':1, 'D':3})
|                  |                      estimate                      |
| algorithm        |  time | memory |             parameters            |
| BooleanSolveFXL  |  37.8 |   14.0 | {'k': 19, 'variant': 'las_vegas'} |
| Crossbred        |  35.7 |   18.0 |      {'d': 1, 'D': 3, 'k': 6}     |
| ExhaustiveSearch |  33.5 |   14.0 |                 {}                |
| F5               |  60.0 |   39.7 |                 {}                |
| HybridF5         |  35.8 |   14.0 |             {'k': 19}             |
| Lokshtanov       | 106.6 |   33.2 |          {'delta': 0.05}          |

4.1. Fastest algorithm

The method fastest_algorithm() returns an estimator of the algorithm with the minimum time complexity for the specific import problem

from cryptographic_estimators.MQEstimator import MQEstimator
MQE = MQEstimator(n=20, m=20, q=3)
F = MQE.fastest_algorithm()
ExhaustiveSearch estimator for the MQ problem with 20 variables and 20 polynomials