diff --git a/claasp/cipher_modules/models/milp/utils/dictionary_that_contains_inequalities_for_large_sboxes.obj b/claasp/cipher_modules/models/milp/utils/dictionary_that_contains_inequalities_for_large_sboxes.obj
index a6f8009a..0b91dc59 100644
Binary files a/claasp/cipher_modules/models/milp/utils/dictionary_that_contains_inequalities_for_large_sboxes.obj and b/claasp/cipher_modules/models/milp/utils/dictionary_that_contains_inequalities_for_large_sboxes.obj differ
diff --git a/claasp/ciphers/block_ciphers/aradi_block_cipher.py b/claasp/ciphers/block_ciphers/aradi_block_cipher.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f8df0b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/claasp/ciphers/block_ciphers/aradi_block_cipher.py
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# ****************************************************************************
+# Copyright 2023 Technology Innovation Institute
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+# ****************************************************************************
+from claasp.cipher import Cipher
+from claasp.utils.utils import get_ith_word
+from claasp.DTOs.component_state import ComponentState
+from claasp.name_mappings import INPUT_PLAINTEXT, INPUT_KEY
+PARAMETERS_CONFIGURATION_LIST = [{'block_bit_size': 128, 'key_bit_size': 256, 'number_of_rounds': 16}]
+class AradiBlockCipher(Cipher):
+ """
+ Construct an instance of the AradiBlockCipher class.
+ This class is used to store compact representations of a cipher,
+ used to generate the corresponding cipher.
+ - ``block_bit_size`` -- **integer** (default: `64`); cipher input and output block bit size of the cipher
+ - ``key_bit_size`` -- **integer** (default: `128`); cipher key bit size of the cipher
+ - ``number_of_rounds`` -- **integer** (default: `0`); number of rounds of the cipher. The cipher uses the
+ corresponding amount given the other parameters (if available) when number_of_rounds is 0
+ - ``sub_keys_zero`` -- **boolean** (default: `False`)
+ - ``transformations_flag`` -- **boolean** (default: `True`)
+ sage: from claasp.ciphers.block_ciphers.aradi_block_cipher import AradiBlockCipher
+ sage: aradi = AradiBlockCipher(number_of_rounds=16)
+ sage: aradi.evaluate([0, 0x1f1e1d1c1b1a191817161514131211100f0e0d0c0b0a09080706050403020100])
+ 83791582030165712186104466959690447122
+ """
+ def __init__(self, number_of_rounds=16):
+ self.block_bit_size = 128
+ self.key_bit_size = 256
+ self.WORD_SIZE = 32
+ super().__init__(family_name="aradi",
+ cipher_type="block_cipher",
+ cipher_inputs=[INPUT_PLAINTEXT, INPUT_KEY],
+ cipher_inputs_bit_size=[self.block_bit_size, self.key_bit_size],
+ cipher_output_bit_size=self.block_bit_size)
+ self.A = [11,10,9,8]
+ self.B = [8,9,4,9]
+ self.C = [14,11,14,7]
+ key = INPUT_KEY
+ for round_i in range(number_of_rounds):
+ self.add_round()
+ round_key = self.get_round_key_id(key, round_i)
+ state = self.round_function(state, round_key, round_i)
+ key = self.update_key(key, round_i)
+ round_key = self.get_round_key_id(key, 0)
+ w = self.add_XOR_component([round_key, state], [list(range(32)), list(range(32))], 32).id
+ x = self.add_XOR_component([round_key, state], [list(range(32, 64)), list(range(32, 64))], 32).id
+ y = self.add_XOR_component([round_key, state], [list(range(64, 96)), list(range(64, 96))], 32).id
+ z = self.add_XOR_component([round_key, state], [list(range(96, 128)), list(range(96, 128))], 32).id
+ self.add_cipher_output_component([w, x, y, z], [list(range(32)) for _ in range(4)], 128)
+ def get_key_word_bit_indexes(self, word_index):
+ return list(range(32*(8-word_index-1), 32*(8-word_index)))
+ def get_round_key_id(self, key, round_i):
+ j = round_i % 2
+ return self.add_round_key_output_component([key, key, key, key], [self.get_key_word_bit_indexes(4*j + i) for i in range(4)], 128).id
+ def l_function(self, xy_id_links, x_bits, y_bits, round_index):
+ j = round_index % 4
+ rot_x_a = self.add_rotate_component([xy_id_links], [x_bits], 16, -self.A[j]).id
+ rot_x_b = self.add_rotate_component([xy_id_links], [x_bits], 16, -self.B[j]).id
+ rot_y_a = self.add_rotate_component([xy_id_links], [y_bits], 16, -self.A[j]).id
+ rot_y_c = self.add_rotate_component([xy_id_links], [y_bits], 16, -self.C[j]).id
+ left_part = self.add_XOR_component([xy_id_links] + [rot_x_a, rot_y_c], [x_bits] + [list(range(16)), list(range(16))], 16).id
+ right_part = self.add_XOR_component([xy_id_links] + [rot_y_a, rot_x_b], [y_bits] + [list(range(16)), list(range(16))], 16).id
+ return left_part, right_part
+ def m_function(self, i, j, xy_id_links, xy_input_bits):
+ y_inds = xy_input_bits[32:64]
+ x_inds = xy_input_bits[:32]
+ rot_i_y = self.add_rotate_component(xy_id_links, [y_inds], 32, -i).id
+ rot_j_x = self.add_rotate_component(xy_id_links, [x_inds], 32, -j).id
+ left_part = self.add_XOR_component(xy_id_links + [rot_i_y, rot_j_x], [x_inds] + [list(range(32)) for _ in range(2)], 32).id
+ right_part = self.add_XOR_component(xy_id_links + [rot_i_y], [x_inds] + [list(range(32))], 32).id
+ return left_part, right_part
+ def update_key(self, key, round_i):
+ round_constant = self.add_constant_component(32, round_i).id
+ k1, k0 = self.m_function(1, 3, [key], self.get_key_word_bit_indexes(1) + self.get_key_word_bit_indexes(0))
+ k3, k2 = self.m_function(9, 28, [key], self.get_key_word_bit_indexes(3) + self.get_key_word_bit_indexes(2))
+ k5, k4 = self.m_function(1, 3, [key], self.get_key_word_bit_indexes(5) + self.get_key_word_bit_indexes(4))
+ k7, k6 = self.m_function(9, 28, [key], self.get_key_word_bit_indexes(7) + self.get_key_word_bit_indexes(6))
+ k7 = self.add_XOR_component([k7, round_constant], [list(range(32)) for _ in range(2)], 32).id
+ if round_i % 2 == 0:
+ updated_key = self.add_intermediate_output_component([k7, k5, k6, k4, k3, k1, k2, k0], [list(range(32)) for _ in range(8)], 256, f"key_{round_i}")
+ else:
+ updated_key = self.add_intermediate_output_component([k7, k3, k5, k1, k6, k2, k4, k0], [list(range(32)) for _ in range(8)], 256, f"key_{round_i}")
+ return updated_key.id
+ def round_function(self, state, round_key, round_i):
+ w_ind = list(range(32))
+ x_ind = list(range(32, 64))
+ y_ind = list(range(64, 96))
+ z_ind = list(range(96, 128))
+ w = self.add_XOR_component([round_key, state], [list(range(32)), list(range(32))], 32).id
+ x = self.add_XOR_component([round_key, state], [list(range(32, 64)), list(range(32, 64))], 32).id
+ y = self.add_XOR_component([round_key, state], [list(range(64, 96)), list(range(64, 96))], 32).id
+ z = self.add_XOR_component([round_key, state], [list(range(96, 128)), list(range(96, 128))], 32).id
+ # SBOX
+ wy = self.add_AND_component([w, y], [list(range(32)) for _ in range(2)], 32).id
+ x = self.add_XOR_component([x, wy], [list(range(32)) for _ in range(2)], 32).id
+ xy = self.add_AND_component([x, y], [list(range(32)) for _ in range(2)], 32).id
+ z = self.add_XOR_component([z, xy], [list(range(32)) for _ in range(2)], 32).id
+ wz = self.add_AND_component([w,z], [list(range(32)) for _ in range(2)], 32).id
+ y = self.add_XOR_component([y, wz], [list(range(32)) for _ in range(2)], 32).id
+ xz = self.add_AND_component([x,z], [list(range(32)) for _ in range(2)], 32).id
+ w = self.add_XOR_component([w, xz], [list(range(32)) for _ in range(2)], 32).id
+ # L Function
+ #w_id_links = [sb_id for sb_id in sb_outputs]
+ #w_input_bits = [[0] for _ in sb_outputs]
+ x_bits = list(range(16))
+ y_bits = list(range(16, 32))
+ wl, wr = self.l_function(
+ w, x_bits, y_bits, round_i
+ )
+ xl, xr = self.l_function(
+ x, x_bits, y_bits, round_i
+ )
+ yl, yr = self.l_function(
+ y, x_bits, y_bits, round_i
+ )
+ zl, zr = self.l_function(
+ z, x_bits, y_bits, round_i
+ )
+ # Round output
+ state = self.add_round_output_component([wl, wr, xl, xr, yl, yr, zl, zr], [list(range(16)) for _ in range(8)],
+ 128)
+ return state.id
diff --git a/claasp/ciphers/block_ciphers/aradi_block_cipher_sbox.py b/claasp/ciphers/block_ciphers/aradi_block_cipher_sbox.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3c91449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/claasp/ciphers/block_ciphers/aradi_block_cipher_sbox.py
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# ****************************************************************************
+# Copyright 2023 Technology Innovation Institute
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+# ****************************************************************************
+from claasp.cipher import Cipher
+from claasp.utils.utils import get_ith_word
+from claasp.DTOs.component_state import ComponentState
+from claasp.name_mappings import INPUT_PLAINTEXT, INPUT_KEY
+PARAMETERS_CONFIGURATION_LIST = [{'block_bit_size': 128, 'key_bit_size': 256, 'number_of_rounds': 16}]
+class AradiBlockCipherSBox(Cipher):
+ """
+ Construct an instance of the AradiBlockCipher class using an SBox component.
+ This class is used to store compact representations of a cipher,
+ used to generate the corresponding cipher.
+ - ``block_bit_size`` -- **integer** (default: `64`); cipher input and output block bit size of the cipher
+ - ``key_bit_size`` -- **integer** (default: `128`); cipher key bit size of the cipher
+ - ``number_of_rounds`` -- **integer** (default: `0`); number of rounds of the cipher. The cipher uses the
+ corresponding amount given the other parameters (if available) when number_of_rounds is 0
+ - ``sub_keys_zero`` -- **boolean** (default: `False`)
+ - ``transformations_flag`` -- **boolean** (default: `True`)
+ sage: from claasp.ciphers.block_ciphers.aradi_block_cipher_sbox import AradiBlockCipherSBox
+ sage: aradi = AradiBlockCipherSBox(number_of_rounds=16)
+ sage: aradi.evaluate([0, 0x1f1e1d1c1b1a191817161514131211100f0e0d0c0b0a09080706050403020100])
+ 83791582030165712186104466959690447122
+ """
+ def __init__(self, number_of_rounds=16):
+ self.block_bit_size = 128
+ self.key_bit_size = 256
+ self.WORD_SIZE = 32
+ self.SBOX = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 15, 6, 8, 11, 5, 14, 12, 7, 10, 9]
+ super().__init__(family_name="aradi",
+ cipher_type="block_cipher",
+ cipher_inputs=[INPUT_PLAINTEXT, INPUT_KEY],
+ cipher_inputs_bit_size=[self.block_bit_size, self.key_bit_size],
+ cipher_output_bit_size=self.block_bit_size)
+ self.A = [11,10,9,8]
+ self.B = [8,9,4,9]
+ self.C = [14,11,14,7]
+ key = INPUT_KEY
+ for round_i in range(number_of_rounds):
+ self.add_round()
+ round_key = self.get_round_key_id(key, round_i)
+ state = self.round_function(state, round_key, round_i)
+ key = self.update_key(key, round_i)
+ round_key = self.get_round_key_id(key, 0)
+ w = self.add_XOR_component([round_key, state], [list(range(32)), list(range(32))], 32).id
+ x = self.add_XOR_component([round_key, state], [list(range(32, 64)), list(range(32, 64))], 32).id
+ y = self.add_XOR_component([round_key, state], [list(range(64, 96)), list(range(64, 96))], 32).id
+ z = self.add_XOR_component([round_key, state], [list(range(96, 128)), list(range(96, 128))], 32).id
+ self.add_cipher_output_component([w, x, y, z], [list(range(32)) for _ in range(4)], 128)
+ def get_key_word_bit_indexes(self, word_index):
+ return list(range(32*(8-word_index-1), 32*(8-word_index)))
+ def get_round_key_id(self, key, round_i):
+ j = round_i % 2
+ return self.add_round_key_output_component([key, key, key, key], [self.get_key_word_bit_indexes(4*j + i) for i in range(4)], 128).id
+ def l_function(self, xy_id_links, xy_input_bits, round_index):
+ j = round_index % 4
+ rot_x_a = self.add_rotate_component(xy_id_links[:16], xy_input_bits[:16], 16, -self.A[j]).id
+ rot_x_b = self.add_rotate_component(xy_id_links[:16], xy_input_bits[:16], 16, -self.B[j]).id
+ rot_y_a = self.add_rotate_component(xy_id_links[16:], xy_input_bits[16:], 16, -self.A[j]).id
+ rot_y_c = self.add_rotate_component(xy_id_links[16:], xy_input_bits[16:], 16, -self.C[j]).id
+ left_part = self.add_XOR_component(xy_id_links[:16] + [rot_x_a, rot_y_c], xy_input_bits[:16] + [list(range(16)), list(range(16))], 16).id
+ right_part = self.add_XOR_component(xy_id_links[16:] + [rot_y_a, rot_x_b], xy_input_bits[16:] + [list(range(16)), list(range(16))], 16).id
+ return left_part, right_part
+ def m_function(self, i, j, xy_id_links, xy_input_bits):
+ y_inds = xy_input_bits[32:64]
+ x_inds = xy_input_bits[:32]
+ rot_i_y = self.add_rotate_component(xy_id_links, [y_inds], 32, -i).id
+ rot_j_x = self.add_rotate_component(xy_id_links, [x_inds], 32, -j).id
+ left_part = self.add_XOR_component(xy_id_links + [rot_i_y, rot_j_x], [x_inds] + [list(range(32)) for _ in range(2)], 32).id
+ right_part = self.add_XOR_component(xy_id_links + [rot_i_y], [x_inds] + [list(range(32))], 32).id
+ return left_part, right_part
+ def update_key(self, key, round_i):
+ round_constant = self.add_constant_component(32, round_i).id
+ k1, k0 = self.m_function(1, 3, [key], self.get_key_word_bit_indexes(1) + self.get_key_word_bit_indexes(0))
+ k3, k2 = self.m_function(9, 28, [key], self.get_key_word_bit_indexes(3) + self.get_key_word_bit_indexes(2))
+ k5, k4 = self.m_function(1, 3, [key], self.get_key_word_bit_indexes(5) + self.get_key_word_bit_indexes(4))
+ k7, k6 = self.m_function(9, 28, [key], self.get_key_word_bit_indexes(7) + self.get_key_word_bit_indexes(6))
+ k7 = self.add_XOR_component([k7, round_constant], [list(range(32)) for _ in range(2)], 32).id
+ if round_i % 2 == 0:
+ updated_key = self.add_intermediate_output_component([k7, k5, k6, k4, k3, k1, k2, k0], [list(range(32)) for _ in range(8)], 256, f"key_{round_i}")
+ else:
+ updated_key = self.add_intermediate_output_component([k7, k3, k5, k1, k6, k2, k4, k0], [list(range(32)) for _ in range(8)], 256, f"key_{round_i}")
+ return updated_key.id
+ def round_function(self, state, round_key, round_i):
+ w = self.add_XOR_component([round_key, state], [list(range(32)), list(range(32))], 32).id
+ x = self.add_XOR_component([round_key, state], [list(range(32, 64)), list(range(32, 64))], 32).id
+ y = self.add_XOR_component([round_key, state], [list(range(64, 96)), list(range(64, 96))], 32).id
+ z = self.add_XOR_component([round_key, state], [list(range(96, 128)), list(range(96, 128))], 32).id
+ # SBOX
+ sb_outputs = []
+ for ind in range(32):
+ sb_outputs.append(self.add_SBOX_component([w, x, y, z], [[ind], [ind], [ind], [ind]], 4, self.SBOX).id)
+ # L Function
+ w_id_links = [sb_id for sb_id in sb_outputs]
+ w_input_bits = [[0] for _ in sb_outputs]
+ wl, wr = self.l_function(
+ w_id_links, w_input_bits, round_i
+ )
+ x_id_links = [sb_id for sb_id in sb_outputs]
+ x_input_bits = [[1] for _ in sb_outputs]
+ xl, xr = self.l_function(
+ x_id_links, x_input_bits, round_i
+ )
+ y_id_links = [sb_id for sb_id in sb_outputs]
+ y_input_bits = [[2] for _ in sb_outputs]
+ yl, yr = self.l_function(
+ y_id_links, y_input_bits, round_i
+ )
+ z_id_links = [sb_id for sb_id in sb_outputs]
+ z_input_bits = [[3] for _ in sb_outputs]
+ zl, zr = self.l_function(
+ z_id_links, z_input_bits, round_i
+ )
+ # Round output
+ state = self.add_round_output_component([wl, wr, xl, xr, yl, yr, zl, zr], [list(range(16)) for _ in range(8)],
+ 128)
+ return state.id
diff --git a/claasp/components/intermediate_output_component.py b/claasp/components/intermediate_output_component.py
index 6f12a517..0e1e491a 100644
--- a/claasp/components/intermediate_output_component.py
+++ b/claasp/components/intermediate_output_component.py
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ def get_byte_based_vectorized_python_code(self, params):
f' else:',
f' intermediateOutputs["{self.description[0]}"].append({self.id}.transpose())']
def milp_xor_linear_mask_propagation_constraints(self, model):
Return a list of variables and a list of constraints for OUTPUT component for MILP xor linear.
diff --git a/tests/unit/ciphers/block_ciphers/aradi_block_cipher_sbox_test.py b/tests/unit/ciphers/block_ciphers/aradi_block_cipher_sbox_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d53b7632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/ciphers/block_ciphers/aradi_block_cipher_sbox_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+from claasp.ciphers.block_ciphers.aradi_block_cipher_sbox import AradiBlockCipherSBox
+def test_aradi_block_cipher_sbox():
+ aradi = AradiBlockCipherSBox()
+ plaintext = 0
+ key = 0x1f1e1d1c1b1a191817161514131211100f0e0d0c0b0a09080706050403020100
+ ciphertext = 0x3f09abf400e3bd7403260defb7c53912
+ assert aradi.evaluate([plaintext, key]) == ciphertext
+ assert aradi.evaluate_vectorized([plaintext, key], evaluate_api=True) == ciphertext
diff --git a/tests/unit/ciphers/block_ciphers/aradi_block_cipher_test.py b/tests/unit/ciphers/block_ciphers/aradi_block_cipher_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3031838d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/ciphers/block_ciphers/aradi_block_cipher_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from claasp.ciphers.block_ciphers.aradi_block_cipher import AradiBlockCipher
+def test_aradi_block_cipher():
+ aradi = AradiBlockCipher()
+ plaintext = 0
+ key = 0x1f1e1d1c1b1a191817161514131211100f0e0d0c0b0a09080706050403020100
+ ciphertext = 0x3f09abf400e3bd7403260defb7c53912
+ assert aradi.evaluate([plaintext, key]) == ciphertext
+ assert aradi.evaluate_vectorized([plaintext, key], evaluate_api=True) == ciphertext