Conditions provide a standard mechanism for higher-level status reporting from a controller. Read more about conditions here
AgentClusterInstall supported condition types are: SpecSynced
, RequirementsMet
, Completed
, Failed
, LastInstallationPreparationFailed
, Stopped
and Validated
Type | Status | Reason | Message | Description |
SpecSynced | True | SyncOK | The Spec has been successfully applied | If the Spec was successfully applied |
SpecSynced | False | BackendError | The Spec could not be synced due to backend error: | If the Spec was not applied due to 500 error |
SpecSynced | False | InputError | The Spec could not be synced due to an input error: | If the Spec was not applied due to 40X error |
Validated | True | ValidationsPassing | The cluster's validations are passing | Otherwise than other conditions |
Validated | False | ValidationsFailing | The cluster's validations are failing: "summary of not-succeeded validations" | If the cluster status is "insufficient" |
Validated | False | ValidationsUserPending | The cluster's validations are pending for user: "summary of not-succeeded validations" | If the cluster status is "pending-for-input" |
Validated | Unknown | ValidationsUnknown | The cluster's validations have not yet been calculated | If the validations have not yet been calculated |
RequirementsMet | True | ClusterIsReady | The cluster is ready to begin the installation | if the cluster status is "ready" |
RequirementsMet | False | ClusterNotReady | The cluster is not ready to begin the installation | If the cluster is before installation ("insufficient"/"pending-for-input") |
RequirementsMet | True | ClusterAlreadyInstalling | The cluster requirements are met | If the cluster has begun installing ("preparing-for-installation", "installing", "finalizing", "installing-pending-user-action", "adding-hosts") |
RequirementsMet | True | ClusterInstallationStopped | The cluster installation stopped | If the cluster has stopped installing ("installed", "error") |
RequirementsMet | False | InsufficientAgents | The cluster currently requires X agents but only Y are ready |
If the cluster is ready but we don't have the expected number of ready agents |
RequirementsMet | False | UnapprovedAgents | The installation is pending on the approval of X agents |
If the cluster is ready with the expected number of ready agents, but not all have been approved |
RequirementsMet | False | AdditionalAgents | The cluster currently requires exactly X agents but have Y registered |
If the cluster is ready but more agents are registered than the number or required |
Completed | True | InstallationCompleted | The installation has completed: "status_info" | If the cluster status is "installed" |
Completed | False | InstallationFailed | The installation has failed: "status_info" | If the cluster status is "error" |
Completed | False | InstallationNotStarted | The installation has not yet started | If the cluster is before installation ("insufficient"/"pending-for-input"/"ready") |
Completed | False | InstallationOnHold | The installation is on hold, to unhold set holdInstallation to false | If the cluster is before installation and holdInstallation is set to true in the spec ("ready") |
Completed | False | InstallationInProgress | The installation is in progress: "status_info" | If the cluster is installing ("preparing-for-installation", "installing", "finalizing", "installing-pending-user-action") |
Failed | True | InstallationFailed | The installation failed: "status_info" | if the cluster status is "error" |
Failed | False | InstallationNotFailed | The installation has not failed | If the cluster status is not "error" |
Stopped | True | InstallationFailed | The installation has stopped due to error | if the cluster status is "error" |
Stopped | True | InstallationCancelled | The installation has stopped because it was cancelled | if the cluster status is "cancelled" |
Stopped | True | InstallationCompleted | The installation has stopped because it completed successfully | if the cluster status is "installed" |
Stopped | False | InstallationNotStopped | The installation is waiting to start or in progress | If the cluster status is not "error", "cancelled" or "installed |
Here an example of AgentClusterInstall conditions:
Last Probe Time: 2021-05-12T09:06:30Z
Last Transition Time: 2021-05-12T09:06:30Z
Message: The Spec has been successfully applied
Reason: SyncOK
Status: True
Type: SpecSynced
Last Probe Time: 2021-05-12T09:07:39Z
Last Transition Time: 2021-05-12T09:07:39Z
Message: The cluster requirements are met
Reason: ClusterAlreadyInstalling
Status: True
Type: RequirementsMet
Last Probe Time: 2021-05-12T09:07:39Z
Last Transition Time: 2021-05-12T09:07:39Z
Message: The cluster's validations are passing
Reason: ValidationsPassing
Status: True
Type: Validated
Last Probe Time: 2021-05-12T09:20:09Z
Last Transition Time: 2021-05-12T09:20:09Z
Message: The installation is in progress: Finalizing cluster installation
Reason: InstallationInProgress
Status: False
Type: Completed
Last Probe Time: 2021-05-12T09:06:30Z
Last Transition Time: 2021-05-12T09:06:30Z
Message: The installation has not failed
Reason: InstallationNotFailed
Status: False
Type: Failed
Last Probe Time: 2021-05-12T09:06:30Z
Last Transition Time: 2021-05-12T09:06:30Z
Message: The installation is waiting to start or in progress
Reason: InstallationNotStopped
Status: False
Type: Stopped
The Agent condition types supported are: SpecSynced
, Connected
, RequirementsMet
, Validated
, Installed
and Bound
Type | Status | Reason | Message | Description |
SpecSynced | True | SyncOK | The Spec has been successfully applied | If the Spec was successfully applied |
SpecSynced | False | BackendError | The Spec could not be synced due to backend error: | If the Spec was not applied due to 500 error |
SpecSynced | False | InputError | The Spec could not be synced due to an input error: | If the Spec was not applied due to 40X error |
Validated | True | ValidationsPassing | The agent's validations are passing | Otherwise than other conditions |
Validated | False | ValidationsFailing | The agent's validations are failing: "summary of not-succeeded validations" | If the host status is "insufficient" |
Validated | False | ValidationsUserPending | The agent's validations are pending for user: "summary of not-succeeded validations" | If the host status is "pending-for-input" |
Validated | Unknown | ValidationsUnknown | The agent's validations have not yet been calculated | If the validations have not yet been calculated |
Validated | False | Binding | The agent is currently binding to a cluster deployment | If the host status is "binding" |
Validated | False | Unbinding | The agent is currently unbinding from a cluster deployment | If the host status is "unbinding" or "unbinding-pending-user-action" |
RequirementsMet | True | AgentIsReady | The agent is ready to begin the installation | If the host is approved and in status "known" |
RequirementsMet | False | AgentNotReady | The agent is not ready to begin the installation | If the host is before installation ("discovering"/"insufficient"/"disconnected"/"pending-input") |
RequirementsMet | False | AgentIsNotApproved | The agent is not approved | If the host is not approved and in status "known" |
RequirementsMet | True | AgentAlreadyInstalling | Installation already started and is in progress | If the agent has begun installing ("preparing-successful","preparing-for-installation", "installing") |
RequirementsMet | True | AgentInstallationStopped | The agent installation stopped | If the agent has stopped installing ("installed", "error", "added-to-existing-cluster") |
RequirementsMet | False | Binding | The agent is currently binding to a cluster deployment | If the host status is "binding" |
RequirementsMet | False | Unbinding | The agent is currently unbinding from a cluster deployment | If the host status is "unbinding" or "unbinding-pending-user-action" |
Installed | True | InstallationCompleted | The installation has completed: "status_info" | If the host status is "installed" or "added-to-existing-cluster" |
Installed | False | InstallationFailed | The installation has failed: "status_info" | If the host status is "error" |
Installed | False | InstallationNotStarted | The installation has not yet started | If the cluster is before installation ("discovering"/"insufficient"/"disconnected"/"pending-input/known") |
Installed | False | InstallationInProgress | The installation is in progress: "status_info" | If the host is installing ("preparing-for-installation", "preparing-successful", "installing") |
Installed | False | Binding | The agent is currently binding to a cluster deployment | If the host status is "binding" |
Installed | False | Unbinding | The agent is currently unbinding from a cluster deployment | If the host status is "unbinding" or "unbinding-pending-user-action" |
Connected | True | AgentIsConnected | The agent has not contacted the installation service in some time, user action should be taken | If the host status is not "disconnected" |
Connected | False | AgentIsDisconnected | The agent's connection to the installation service is unimpaired | If the host status is "error" |
Bound | True | Bound | The agent is bound to a cluster deployment | If the host status is "known", "disconnected", "disconnected", "insufficient", "disabled" or "discovering" |
Bound | False | Bound | The agent is not bound to any cluster deployment | If the host status is "known-unbound", "disconnected-unbound", "disconnected-unbound", "insufficient-unbound", "disabled-unbound" or "discovering-unbound" |
Bound | False | Binding | The agent is currently binding to a cluster deployment | If the host status is "binding" |
Bound | False | Unbinding | The agent is currently unbinding from a cluster deployment | If the host status is "unbinding" |
Bound | False | UnbindingPendingUserAction | The agent is currently unbinding; Pending host reboot from infraenv image | If the host status is "unbinding-pending-user-action" |
Here an example of Agent conditions:
Last Transition Time: 2021-04-22T15:50:24Z
Message: The Spec has been successfully applied
Reason: SyncOK
Status: True
Type: SpecSynced
Last Transition Time: 2021-04-22T15:50:24Z
Message: The agent's connection to the installation service is unimpaired
Reason: AgentIsConnected
Status: True
Type: Connected
Last Transition Time: 2021-04-22T15:50:33Z
Message: Installation already started and is in progress
Reason: AgentAlreadyInstalling
Status: True
Type: RequirementsMet
Last Transition Time: 2021-04-22T15:50:26Z
Message: The agent's validations are passing
Reason: ValidationsPassing
Status: True
Type: Validated
Last Transition Time: 2021-04-22T15:50:24Z
Message: The installation is in progress: Host is preparing for installation
Reason: InstallationInProgress
Status: False
Type: Installed
The InfraEnv condition type supported is: ImageCreated
Type | Status | Reason | Message | Description |
ImageCreated | True | ImageCreated | Image has been created | If the ISO image was successfully created |
ImageCreated | False | ImageCreationError | Failed to create image: "error message" | If the ISO image was not successfully created |
Here an example of InfraEnv conditions:
Last Transition Time: 2021-04-22T15:49:35Z
Message: Image has been created
Reason: ImageCreated
Status: True
Type: ImageCreated