npm install
or yarn install
or gulp serve
deploy app and start browsersync server + watchers
jQuery (
GSAP v3 (
Include stylesheet from: /src/scss/cursor.scss
import Cursor from "cursor";
import Magnetic from "magnetic";
// Basic cursor
const cursor = new Cursor();
// Cursor options with defaults
const cursor = new Cursor({
container: "body", // container to attach
speed: 0.7, // default speed
ease: "expo.out", // default ease (gsap)
visibleTimeout: 300 // disappear timeout
// Basic magnetic
const magnetic = new Magnetic(el);
// Magnetic options with default
const magnetic = new Magnetic(el, {
y: 0.2, // horizontal delta
x: 0.2, // vertical delta
s: 0.2, // speed
rs: 0.7 // release speed
// Automatic handle magnetic elements through attribute
$('[data-magnetic]').each(function () {new Magnetic(this);});
├── /tmp/ # Temporary served files
└── /src/ # The source code of the application
├── /js/ # JavaScript source
├── /pug/ # Pug templates
└── /_includes/ # Pug partials
├── /scss/ # SCSS styles
├── /static/ # Static files (fonts, images, videos, etc..)