- Adds the ability to mirror your local video and turns this on by default
- Switcher popping out does not interrupt audio
- Window popup code in
file - room id added to popout window title and id
- window associated to a specific stream id (does not recreate window when adding a new window with the same id)
- audio not interrupted when window popped out
- streams removed on remote peers when removed locally
- Temporarily removed max audio bandwidth until there is a ui
- higher max bandwidth for audio (sdp transform in MultiPeer.js)
- user feedback for audio settings
- audio preview of currently selected stream
- show actual settings of selected stream and device, in red when they are not accurate
- share audio of chrome tab
- stop audio stream before changing params
- Restart audio stream before applying constraints (should improve audio checkbox issue)
- typo in room reconnection
- checks for local socket id before trying to reconnect
- rejoins room when connection is lost
- instructions for running locally to README
- "start" script automatically rebuilds for production
- rooms specified on each signalling call
- Updated to work with v0.0.2 of signalling server
- this._room renamed to this.room on reconnect
- switched to nanoid and randomIds rather than sequential
- absolute path for preview images
- moved changelog to its own file
- added linter
- cleaned up code
- different range slider styling
- added screen share icon
- toggle between floating layout and column layout in settings
- colors as variables in layout
- icons on landing page
- font rektorant
- button class
- info to login page
- buttons to login page
- chat pops out when closed
- label removed from initial 'add media' page
- accent color
- dev and production builds to specify different server address
- version number included as environmental variable
- settings panel
- setting to configure number of switchers
- column layout
- overlay showing switcher value
- x to end stream
- switcher can be toggled directly
- New layout for login
- user info in 'peer list'
- video grid adjusts to mobile layout
- dedicated column for menu
- updated media settings
- moved unused files to 'older'
- media info removed from grid and added to peerslist
- Add Media instead of addAudio()
- Global hangup
- Switcher A and B
- buttons for share, add video, add audio, help/info (non-functional)
- Chat opens when a chat is received and window is closed
- collapsible menu
- 'advanced' and 'basic' menu
- add audio with mic visualization
- Icons for bounding box, end call, share window
- Audio mixer uses HTML elements rather than web audio ()
- hangup buttons for individual streams
- indicator of number of users in room
Major refactor
- All state related to media streams contained in MultiPeer.js
- choo stores only used for ui state
- login, media settings, chat are all stateful components that only rerender when needed
- bug on page load in safari
- Audio mixer
- popout window button
- video mute
- adaptive layout + layout controls
- all users can see muted streams
- scrollable track info
- removed bandwidth info
- no volume control for own audio
- colors for muting and volume control
- controls for echoCancellation, autoGainControl, and noiseSuppressiong
- building and running the desktop on multiple platforms and without requiring nw.js to be installed globally
- screensharing
- room and nickname info saved to local storage
- Room added to URL query params: '?room=roomName'. When using with sendOnly, follow format 'https://livelab.app?room=roomName#sendOnly'
- Room name auto-populated on login page when specified in query
- client rejoins room when server is reconnected
- [server update] added 'getPeers' function so that client can query for existing peers in room
- client reconnects to peers when internet connection is rest
- Logs using built in Choo logging function, so that later it will be easier to show logs to user
- Catch 'Ice Connection Failed' error -- removes ghost black screens
- Updated route for gh-pages
- rooms specified on each signalling call
- Updated to work with v0.0.2 of signalling server
- this._room renamed to this.room on reconnect
- switched to nanoid and randomIds rather than sequential
- absolute path for preview images
- switcher dropdown menu bug fixed
- moved changelog to its own file
- added linter
- cleaned up code
- different range slider styling
- added screen share icon
- toggle between floating layout and column layout in settings
- colors as variables in layout
- icons on landing page
- font rektorant
- button class
- info to login page
- buttons to login page
- chat pops out when closed
- label removed from initial 'add media' page
- accent color
- dev and production builds to specify different server address
- version number included as environmental variable
- settings panel
- setting to configure number of switchers
- column layout
- overlay showing switcher value
- x to end stream
- switcher can be toggled directly
- New layout for login
- user info in 'peer list'
- video grid adjusts to mobile layout
- dedicated column for menu
- updated media settings
- moved unused files to 'older'
- media info removed from grid and added to peerslist
- Add Media instead of addAudio()
- Global hangup
- Switcher A and B
- buttons for share, add video, add audio, help/info (non-functional)
- Chat opens when a chat is received and window is closed
- collapsible menu
- 'advanced' and 'basic' menu
- add audio with mic visualization
- Icons for bounding box, end call, share window
- Audio mixer uses HTML elements rather than web audio ()
- hangup buttons for individual streams
- indicator of number of users in room
Major refactor
- All state related to media streams contained in MultiPeer.js
- choo stores only used for ui state
- login, media settings, chat are all stateful components that only rerender when needed
- bug on page load in safari
- Audio mixer
- popout window button
- video mute
- adaptive layout + layout controls
- all users can see muted streams
- scrollable track info
- removed bandwidth info
- no volume control for own audio
- colors for muting and volume control
- controls for echoCancellation, autoGainControl, and noiseSuppressiong
- building and running the desktop on multiple platforms and without requiring nw.js to be installed globally
- screensharing
- room and nickname info saved to local storage
- Room added to URL query params: '?room=roomName'. When using with sendOnly, follow format 'https://livelab.app?room=roomName#sendOnly'
- Room name auto-populated on login page when specified in query
- client rejoins room when server is reconnected
- [server update] added 'getPeers' function so that client can query for existing peers in room
- client reconnects to peers when internet connection is rest
- Logs using built in Choo logging function, so that later it will be easier to show logs to user
- Catch 'Ice Connection Failed' error -- removes ghost black screens
- Updated route for gh-pages
- Interface for sending media without receiving, with separate route at #sendonly
- Flag for each peer 'requestMedia', indicating whether that peer should receive media
- Peers no longer send media by default, only when requested. (breaking change / not compatible with earlier versions)
- Updated choo devtools
- Updated choo devtools
- Version number on login page
- Changelog
- Audio turning off when show control open