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Efflanrs is a Python script to turn your Snaffler "delicious candy needles" into a nice searchable and sortable interface. TL:DR it is a GUI for Snaffler output.
Snaffler "Snaffler is a tool for pentesters and red teamers to help find delicious candy needles (creds mostly, but it's flexible) in a bunch of horrible boring haystacks (a massive Windows/AD environment)."
- Parse Snaffler JSON
- Parse Snaffler Standard Out
- Output to a (nice-ish) HTML view that can be searched through, sorted, or filtered.
Python 3
pip install -r requirements.txt
Usage is simple, provide a Snaffler Standard output log or JSON.
python3 efflanrs.py snaffler.output
python3 efflanrs.py snaffler.json
python3 efflanrs.py "./example data/snaffler.json"
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Great, looks like you specified a JSON file ...
Here we go!
* Serving Flask app 'snaffmap'
* Debug mode: off
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Running on
Project is: always in progress
- Add a button to export to static HTML
Credit goes here:
- This project was inspired by an internal tool idea snaffmap
- Many thanks to Snaffler, keep on Snaffling
- Feabell for the original Flask templating
GNU GPL Version 3
I just copied the Snaffler one