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Propulsion 2024

Developer Resources


Installation for these varies from system to system. You can check if you have these installed by typing {application} --version into the terminal and seeing if it lists a version, or if it throws an error instead. If you're using Linux (or have WSL set up) a good place to start is checking if these tools are offered through your package management system (like apt or snap).

  • git
    • This is used for source code management, and is not the same as GitHub. Installing git allows you to use command-line tools to push and pull code from the GitHub repo.
  • cmake
    • You need a version >= 3.28. This is used for build automation: it keeps track of the project and generates "Makefiles" to compile the code.
  • gcc and g++
    • gcc and g++ are compilers for the C and C++ programming languages, respectively. They turn the program from a text form to machine code that can be read and executed by the processor. They generate the executable files (.exe in Windows) that can be run by the computer. If you install gcc this should also include g++, but it doesn't hurt to run g++ --version after installation to check, just in case.
  • make
    • Not to be confused with CMake. This is used to run (not generate) Makefiles, which are files that give instructions to the compiler on how to compile the project's source files into one executable file. Makefiles list the dependencies that source files have on each other and what compilation commands should be run to successfully compile them.

Using Git(Hub)

Cloning the repo

  1. Open the terminal and cd into the directory that you want to clone the project into.
  2. Run the command git clone

Pushing Code

  1. Make sure the unit tests pass! If your code isn't yet complete, consider making a new test branch.
    • See "Making a New Branch".
  2. In the terminal, navigate to the project root.
  3. Run the command git add {args}, where {args} is every file that you changed and wish to push to the repo.
    • For example, if you changed the files Command.h, Command_Interpreter.cpp, and Command_Interpreter.h, your command could look like:
     git add Command.h Command_Interpreter.* 
  4. Type a commit title on the first line in the text editor window that pops up. Keep this concise but meaningful.
  5. Type a longer commit description two lines below this (hit enter twice) with more information on the commit, if needed.
  6. Close the text editor.
    • Note: if you want to cancel the commit, delete your commit notes and then close the text editor.
  7. Run the command git push

Pulling Code

  1. In the terminal, navigate to the project directory.
  2. Run the command git pull
    • Optionally, you can first run git fetch and confirm that you're sure you want to make the changes before pulling them.

Making a New Branch

  1. Pick a name for your branch.
  2. In the terminal, navigate to the project directory.
  3. Run the command git branch {name}, where {name} is the name of the branch.

Switching Branches

  1. In the terminal, navigate to the project directory.
  2. Use the switch {name} command to switch between different branches.
    • For example, to switch to the branch "GTest", type switch GTest.
    • Reminder: the default branch is called "master".

Navigating the Project

Project Structure

  • Code that we write lives in lib/.
  • Code that we write for unit testing (to make sure our code is correct) lives in testing/.
  • Data that we use for calculations lives in data/.
  • Other libraries that we use (like eigen) have their own directories as well, named correspondingly.
  • You'll make your own build/ folder (see "Using Cmake to Build Code")
  • CMakeLists.txt and (this file!) live on the same level as the directories listed above.

Basic Terminal Commands

  • ls or dir: These are for Unix (Linux or macOS) and Windows respectively. These list all the files and folders in your current location, excluding hidden files.
  • cd {path}: This means to change directory to the directory specified in {path}. Path can be either a "relative" path or an "absolute" path.
    • A relative path is a path defined from your current location. If you're used to a graphical file explorer, you can think of this as all the folders and files that you can see from within whatever folder you're currently in.
    • An absolute path is a path defined from the "root" (start) of the file system. If you're on a Unix system, this looks like /. If you're on Windows, you'll recognise it as C:\ .
    • There are a few "special" files: . means "the current directory" and .. means "the directory one level above".
      • For example, if you're in /home/me/Documents/Cyclone_Robosub/, then . is /home/me/Documents/Cyclone_Robosub/ and .. is /home/me/Documents/.
      • You can cd to these just like any other directory.
  • For more help with terminal commands, check the Internet. Make sure that you specify your OS: the commands can be very different depending on whether you're on a Unix system or a Windows machine.
    • With C/C++ programming, a Unix system is generally preferred. If you're using Windows, strongly consider configuring WSL or (if you'd like a full Linux environment and your computer can take the extra overhead) a Linux virtual machine. See the details on this in Troubleshooting.


Using CMake to Build Code

  1. Open the terminal and cd to the project root. If you run ls here, you should see folders with names lib/, testing/, etc.
  2. Run cmake -B build
  3. Run cd build
  4. Run make. You should get two executables: Propulsion_2024, and run_tests.
  5. Run with ./run_tests or ./Propulsion_2024.

Running Unit Tests

Before you push code to the repo, you should make sure that you pass all the unit tests. Here's how:

  1. Follow the instructions above to build the code (Using CMake to build code)
  2. Run with ./run_tests
  3. Confirm that all tests pass (are green). If there are any failed (red) tests, check why they're failing and get them fixed! If you get stuck, try using the debugger (see Troubleshooting).

Making Unit Tests

You should write your tests in the testing/ folder, in the testing file that corresponds with the file or class that you're testing.

The format for a unit test is:

TEST(Test_Category, Test_Name) {
    //Test here

Test_Category refers to what component you're testing. For example, if you're testing Command_Interpreter.cpp, then the test should be called CommandInterpreterTest. Test_Name refers to the name of this specific test: for example, if you are testing that you can execute a command, call it ExecuteCommand.

Inside the test, you can add assertions to check that the code is performing as expected. These will be evaluated to determine if the test passes when it is run. These look like ASSERT_EQ(val1, val2) (determines whether val1 is equal to val1), ASSERT_TRUE(val) (determines whether val evaluates to true or not), etc. If no assertions are added, the test will pass if it doesn't crash, and fail if it does (without checking if the code is working correctly or not).

To run these tests, see "Running Unit Tests"


  • When I try to turn cmake -B build, I get an error saying that my version of CMake is too old!
    • The default version installed may be too old for this project. Try removing it (if in a Linux environment, this might be sudo apt remove cmake) and installing it again, making sure that you're installing a version >= 3.28.
  • When I run cmake -B build, I get an error saying that it can't find my compiler!
    • Double check that gcc/g++ and make are installed and can be run through the terminal.
  • When I try to run git (i.e. git pull) I get an error saying "not a git repository"!
    • Check that you're in a directory inside the project. This can be confirmed through the ls or dir command: make sure that the files displayed match those of the project.
  • I installed WSL, and I can't find my project files through the WSL command line!
    • You'll almost certainly want to move your files into the Linux filesystem offered by WSL eventually, but until then you can access your Windows filesystem from /mnt/c within WSL. Try running cd /mnt/c and then ls: this should display a familiar-looking filesystem that you can navigate to find your project directory.
  • Help! My code is crashing / giving me a SIGSEV error / not passing the unit tests!
    • Try using the debugger to find where and why your code is breaking! Your IDE probably offers built-in debugging tools. Put a breakpoint where you'd like the code to stop (such as in a function call that you think is crashing), run the code in debug mode, and then step through line by line from your breakpoint. Keep an eye on the values of the variables: when one stops matching what you expect, or the program crashes, or both, see if you can work out why the code doesn't match your expectations.
  • I can't work out how to install the prerequisites I need in Windows!
    • The Windows command interface can be really annoying and unintuitive. Consider giving WSL a try: it's quick and easy to get set up, and gives you the convenience of a Linux filesystem and command interface while still letting you use an operating system that you're familiar with (although you miss out on the clout of being able to say "I'm a Linux user!"). You can find instructions here:

Code by Propulsion subteam of UC Davis Cyclone Robosub. README by William Barber.


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