In this exercise you will learn how to create buffer
s to manage data and
s to access the data within a kernel function.
Allocate memory on the host for your input and output data variables and assign values to the inputs.
In SYCL buffers are used to manage data across the host and device(s).
Construct a buffer to manage your input and output data. The parameters to
construct a buffer are a pointer to the host data and a 1
dimensional range
of 1
to represent a single value. The element type and dimensionality can be
inferred from the pointer and the range
In SYCL accessors are used to declare data dependencies to a SYCL kernel function as well as to access the data within a SYCL kernel function.
Construct an accessor for each of the buffers to access the data of each within
the kernel function. The parameters to construct an accessor
are the buffer
and the handler
Declare a SYCL kernel function using the single_task
command provide a lambda
as the kernel function. The kernel function should use the operator[]
of the
objects to read from the inputs and write the sum to the output. As
each accessor
is only accessing a single element you can simply specify 0
You can construct a temporary buffer
that doesn't copy back on destruction by
initializing it with just a range
and no host pointer.
For DPC++ (using the Intel DevCloud):
icpx -fsycl -o sycl-ex-3 -I../External/Catch2/single_include ../Code_Exercises/Exercise_03_Scalar_Add/source.cpp
In Intel DevCloud, to run computational applications, you will submit jobs to a queue for execution on compute nodes, especially some features like longer walltime and multi-node computation is only available through the job queue. Please refer to the guide.
So wrap the binary into a script job_submission
and run:
qsub job_submission
For ComputeCpp:
make exercise_03_scalar_add_source
For hipSYCL:
# <target specification> is a list of backends and devices to target, for example
# "omp;hip:gfx900,gfx906" compiles for CPUs with the OpenMP backend and for AMD Vega 10 (gfx900) and Vega 20 (gfx906) GPUs using the HIP backend.
# The simplest target specification is "omp" which compiles for CPUs using the OpenMP backend.
cmake -DSYCL_ACADEMY_USE_HIPSYCL=ON -DSYCL_ACADEMY_INSTALL_ROOT=/insert/path/to/hipsycl -DHIPSYCL_TARGETS="<target specification>" ..
make exercise_03_scalar_add_source
alternatively, without cmake:
cd Code_Exercises/Exercise_03_Scalar_Add
/path/to/hipsycl/bin/syclcc -o sycl-ex-3 -I../../External/Catch2/single_include --hipsycl-targets="<target specification>" source.cpp