- 182433 - Build: education brief iteration
- 153165 - Build: Iterate 'check your answers' page
- 177404 - Build: Iterate 'About the project' navigation
- 185401 - Build: update bulk edit summary card titles
- 186000 - Fixed school phase field not writing to database in the right format
- 184957 - Build: Add fields to construct table
- 177222 - Build: update back link text
- 185225 - Uploaded file reading the date in American format
- 179138 - Build: update 'page not found' to match RSD design pattern
- 179145 - Build: update 'there is a problem with the service' content
- 176838 - Build: update accessibility statement
- 180341 - Build: Footer amended to new standard
- 175058 - Fixed legacy SRP field not being set in the database
- 177717 - Build: Create central route projects
- 178172 - Build: Iterate funding agreement health check and submission
- 179446 - Build: Bulk edit projects
- 182793 - Build: Set values for calculated database fields
- 178509 - Build: Iteration of PDG task for users who must not be able edit
- 178419 - Build: Ofsted pre-registration, actual date
- 181757 - Build: finance plan agreed forecast date
- 181754 - Build: readiness to open meeting (ROM) forecast date
- 183590 - BUG: Start End Year component still refers to "start date" in error message
- 182832 - Build: Remove ‘section 9 letter’ from Workplaces checkbox
- 183515 - Build: read-only site information
- 147110 - Build: Readiness to open meeting (ROM)
- 179195 - Build: Show only statuses relevant to Presumption route
- 147094 - Build: Pre-funding agreement checkpoint meeting (Central route)
- 178584 - Build: Principal designate (both routes)
- 178422 - Build: Principal designate forecast dates
- 177522 - Build: Display the ‘Realistic Year of Opening’ field in the Dates section under Setting up section
- 181651 - Build: update kick-off meeting task
- 181679 - Build: add 'if applicable' to governance plan fields
- 181647 - Build: Changes to task list including re-ordering
- 175400 - Build: Update 'You do not have access to the service' page with access form link
- 175099 - Each project listed shows the project type (Dashboard & Individual project pages)
- 169881 - Impact Assessment (central route)
- 177796 - Build: Finance plan agreed date - change to use FSS field
- 147093 - Build: Due diligence checks (central route)
- 161362 - Build: Project development grant (PDG) page (Central route)
- 177731 - Iterate capacity when full (pupil numbers)
- 177566 - Build: governance plans (Central route)
- 178318 - Build: Iterate project status date field name and hint text
- 177796 - Build: Finance plan agreed date
- 176816 - Build: Iterate project statuses to include full dates
- 169289 - User Story 169289: Build: Project statuses for Central route
- 167340 - Build: Funding agreement submission
- 168953 - Build: Principal Designate
- 172911 - Build: Residential or boarding provision
- 176379 - Build: Change constructdata table to accommodate automatic update
- 175295 - Live: Total capacity calculation do not match FSS
- 173748 - Build: Update footer to match RSD internal facing product design
- 170810 - Build: Sorry there is a problem
- 173347 - LIVE: Feedback links Have Come Undone
- 173259 - BUG: "is not " substring causes crashes in some textfields/textareas
- 172372 - Data: Trust and Lead sponsor data not updating in 15 min update
- 166410 - Build: Kick-off meeting (Central route)
- 171087 - Build: make reference numbers editable
- Overall risk summary increased to 5000 characters
- 171999 - Build: Restore constituencies page immediately after the election
- 170613 - Build: Add constituency id to database after saving constituency
- 171694 - Edit school type error
- 169600 - Add PDG data to export
- 170381 - BUG: Data Migration issues
- 152780 - upgrade to GOV.UK Frontend (V5 and V2)
- 165106 - Build: accept full stops in pre-opening tasks
- 165107 - Build: accept full stops in getting ready to open tasks
- 165105 - Build: accept full stops in risk appraisal task
- 151380 - Build: error message updates
- 170388 - Build: Page not found
- 168019 - BUG: 'You have completed 0 projects of 22' does not update
- 172236 - Remove future validation from entry into pre-opening
- 172204 - All-Through value does not match FSS in the database
- 168435 - Build: user journey for users with no access
- 168435 - Updated access denied page to use support email
- 168805 - Build: hide the 'Your projects' tab
- 168804 - Build: hide the 'Project notes' tab
- 167574 - Build: change 'Give feedback' link in phase banner
- 167876 - Build: project managed by in project filters
- 168809 - LIVE/Test/Dev: Members of Parliament API Endpoint Failing To Integrate (Workaround achieved)
- 167469 - Build: specialist resource provision
- 167797 - History Migration Data Issues
- 147101 - Build: first iteration model funding agreement page
- 166649 - Build: iterate the Contacts section
- 168985 - Build: update the footer
- 170190 - Build: update 'Give feedback' link in phase banner (duplicate of 168985)
- 157317 - Build: Project statuses
- 168893 - Build: iterate the Pupil numbers page
- 166279 - Build: iterate SFA endpoint
- 166040 - Live: Visual: Project Lead Email Fails to Return On the Contacts page or in 'Edit project managed by' on Project Creation
- 165293 - Build: unique labels needed on radio button selections
- (165322 - Build: verify and refine history migration)
- 165886 - Build: amend field names in the 'school' task list
- 165298 - Build: unique labels needed on change links
- 167059 - Build: export filtered data
- 165723 - Build: Open the school
- 166717 - Build: change project lead wording in Create journey
- 166823 - Build: update accessibility statement based on audit
- 158697 - Build: make all 'Contacts' editable (MINUS 166131 - BUG: Validation doesn't appear to be present for 'education.gov.uk' domain)
- 165706 - Build: fix broken feedback link in footer
- 165707 - Build: move phase banner to the top of the page
- 165709 - Build: add forecast date to Admissions arrangements task
- (164967 - Spike: Create smoke test for test environment)
- 155392 - Build: "Edit page" titles and h1 Casing Needs to Change
- 164754 - Build: iterate Admissions arrangements
- 164609 - Build: Content change to kick-off meeting task
- 165117 - Build: update accessibility statement - (displaces #163497 - update accessiblity statement)
- 157603 - Build: remove forecast date from Articles of association
- 161173 - Build: History migration tool
- 163497 - Build: Update accessibility statement
- 164895 - Live: Navigation: User Can Get to Faith Type page in Error Clicking Back if School is Non-religious
- 162857 - Live: BUG: Create Project: Nursery figures Fail to be accepted Post-Project Create
- 161875 - Edgecase: Validation: User with JavaScript disabled not prompted with validation that "Special educational needs"/"Alternative provision" class type options cannot be selected for "Special needs"/"Alternative provision" schools
- Changes to deployment process
- 159351 - Build Commission external expert fixes
- 161752 - Build: Financial Plan fields have possible existing fields
- 147102 - Build: Applications evidence
- 161214 - Build: Update additional fields when school name is changed
- 161213 - Build: Limit system to work with presumption projects only
- 159375 - Build: Specialist resource provision
- 159368 - Build: test the Gov Notify template - (New Project created email template content changes)
- 147109 - Build: Final finance plan
- 157582 - Build: Funding agreement health check page
- 160721 - Build: Change the 'Subject' field in 'Get help' emails
- 161749 - Build: Pupil numbers checks
- 157318 - Build: Pupil numbers and capacity
- 142461 - Build: Project development grant (PDG) page (Presumption route)
- 158662 - Build: add 'Date school closed' to the 'About the project page'
- 147103 Build: Accepted offers evidence
- 157319 Build: Site information
- 147105 Build: Ofsted task
- 158209 - add 'Nursery' to 'What is the capacity?' page
- 147097 - Education brief
- 156945 - Add 'project lead' to the Create journey
- 159394 - Filter Null projects from construct api
- 157316 - Equalities assessment
- 147088 - Build: Draft governance plan (Presumption route)
- 147098 - Build: GIAS (Get Information About Schools)
- 152926 - Build: List local authority results alphabetically
- 156804 - accessibility report (view links) - (span tags for screen readers)
- 156845 - Export of MFSP Data (Proof of Concept/SPIKE)
- 155713 - Remap fields from articles of association
- 157340 - Make all tables in MFSP temporal
- 157358 - add application insights logging
- 157191 - Typo: Minor: Label Copies On Summary and Edit Pages Should Be "Tailored" Not "Taylored"
- 157217 - Buglet: Unhandled Exception Generated On Some Projects
- 153160 - Build: colour contrast
- 155390 - Build: iterate model funding agreement
- 151877 - Build: No project(s) found
- 153969 - Build: remove opening academic year
- 154839 - Build: move Forms of entry page to Task List
- 153681 - Build: make 'provisional opening date' an optional page (Unable to check this in Live as not a projectrecordcreator in Live)