- AKS Cluster with the ingress controller you wish to upgrade.
- In test you can use the welcome app for monitoring.
- Set your AKS context for the cluster i.e.
make test get-cluster-credentials CONFIRM_TEST=yes
Follow Main
- Start the monitoring in a separate window using curl. This will monitor any app downtime please open a new window or terminal session for this and monitor the below url.
while true; do date; curl -si | grep HTTP; sleep 1; done
- Please open a new window or terminal session for this.
kubectl get pods -n default -w
- To start the upgrade open the file
located atcluster/terraform_kubernetes/config
- This is an oportunity to test changes in test cluster before rolling out to higher environment like prod
- Set the value of the variable i.e.
"ingress_nginx_version": "4.8.3"
- Run terraform apply
make test terraform-apply CONFIRM_TEST=yes
At this point monitor your cluster as well as curl response and make sure it returns and cycle
. -
You will also see the pod recreated through its life cycle below:
``` ingress-nginx-admission-create-kksm2 0/1 Pending 0 0s ingress-nginx-admission-create-kksm2 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 0s ingress-nginx-admission-create-kksm2 1/1 Running 0 3s ingress-nginx-admission-create-kksm2 0/1 Completed 0 4s ```
After successful upgrades for each environment, check metrics are still displaying and working well in Grafana dashboards: https://grafana.cluster<x>,,,
Follow the same process for production and raise a PR for each environment.
Wait at least 24 hours before applying upgrade to production (if any downtime was obversed during deployment(s) to lower environment(s), notify the application teams before production upgrade).