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Showing 3 changed files with 171 additions and 103 deletions.
165 changes: 90 additions & 75 deletions data/JTEI/7_2014/jtei-7-dee-source.xml
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<head><title level="u">Learning the TEI</title> Survey</head>
<p>The survey<note><p>This survey was the research for a master’s dissertation at King’s
College, London, under the supervision of Dr. Elena Pierazzo.</p></note> was titled
<title level="u">Learning the TEI</title>. Created using SurveyMonkey software, and live
for approximately a month between late June and late August 2013, it collected 95
anonymous responses in total. It was offered only in English. As a consequence, those
researchers without professional proficiency in English were probably excluded. The survey
asked a combination of open and closed questions, targeting experts as well as novices in
the field. Designed for gathering insight to help improve task-based online resources for
working with the TEI, I wrote the questions to solicit <quote source="#quoteref2">thickly
descriptive</quote> feedback wherever possible (<ref type="bibl" xml:id="quoteref2"
target="#geertz73">Geertz 1973</ref>). The survey included questions focused on
acquiring descriptions of the TEI to assess user understanding, technical competency of
respondents, and the kinds of textual work currently being undertaken. I hoped that these
questions might reach survey respondents who had never heard of the TEI but who were
working intensively with texts. Because of this, nearly all questions were optional, so
that those who had never heard of the technologies and communities mentioned were still
able to respond. As a consequence, most of the survey results are not of statistical
significance, and I would caution against understanding the results in a quantitative
<title level="u">Learning the TEI</title>. Created using <ptr type="software"
xml:id="R1" target="#surveymonkey"/><rs type="" ref="#R1">SurveyMonkey</rs>
software, and live for approximately a month between late June and late August 2013, it
collected 95 anonymous responses in total. It was offered only in English. As a
consequence, those researchers without professional proficiency in English were probably
excluded. The survey asked a combination of open and closed questions, targeting experts
as well as novices in the field. Designed for gathering insight to help improve task-based
online resources for working with the TEI, I wrote the questions to solicit <quote
source="#quoteref2">thickly descriptive</quote> feedback wherever possible (<ref
type="bibl" xml:id="quoteref2" target="#geertz73">Geertz 1973</ref>). The survey
included questions focused on acquiring descriptions of the TEI to assess user
understanding, technical competency of respondents, and the kinds of textual work
currently being undertaken. I hoped that these questions might reach survey respondents
who had never heard of the TEI but who were working intensively with texts. Because of
this, nearly all questions were optional, so that those who had never heard of the
technologies and communities mentioned were still able to respond. As a consequence, most
of the survey results are not of statistical significance, and I would caution against
understanding the results in a quantitative light.</p>
<p>This section is divided into four subsections, broadly categorized according to the
different subjects about which the survey addressed. <ptr target="#respondents"
type="crossref"/> provides an overview of the respondents—how they were reached, who
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presentations/talks</q>; <q>various digital editions</q>; <q>digital editions,
mostly</q>; <q>Creating digital editions Creating digital collections
<supplied>sic</supplied></q>. Sixty-two percent intended to transform their data
with an independently-developed stylesheet, 24% with a TEI stylesheet, and only 10% plan
to leave them as TEI XML.</p>
with an independently-developed stylesheet, 24% with a <ptr type="software" xml:id="R2"
target="#teistylesheets"/><rs type="" ref="#R2">TEI stylesheet</rs>, and only
10% plan to leave them as TEI XML.</p>
<p>The respondents from the mailing list gave less consistent answers than the expert
users, yet still appeared to be using the TEI primarily in service of interoperability
and the construction of digital editions. When asked, <q>What do you hope to achieve
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developed by Mandell and Chesley; the latter the need for TEI XML introductory
resources to be coupled with transformation technologies such as XSLT in the manner of
Bridget Almas’s NEH Tutorial. As will be discussed later in this subsection, certain
users find that the absence of integrated XSLT resources on the <title level="m">TEI
by Example</title> site falls short of their needs.</p>
users find that the absence of integrated <ptr type="software" xml:id="R3"
target="#xslt"/><rs type="" ref="#R3">XSLT</rs> resources on the <title
level="m">TEI by Example</title> site falls short of their needs.</p>
<div xml:id="learnersperspective">
<head>The Learners’ Perspective</head>
Expand All @@ -474,12 +477,14 @@
list. Two had reached out to a member of the community for guidance, and both had met
their mentors in person, one through a summer school TEI training and one through a
university course. Five had used the TEI website; two had not. Online tools they
claimed to have used included OxGarage, Roma, <title level="m">TEI by Example</title>,
and the TEI Guidelines, as well as the university-hosted resources published by the
Brown University Women Writers Project (<ref type="bibl" target="#bauman13">Bauman and
Flanders 2013</ref>) and Humboldt University in Berlin. Within the resources, these
respondents mostly reported problems with seeking and finding the information that
they need for their particular project.</p>
claimed to have used included <ptr type="software" xml:id="R4" target="#oxgarage"/><rs
type="" ref="#R4">OxGarage</rs>, <ptr type="software" xml:id="R5"
target="#roma"/><rs type="" ref="#R5">Roma</rs>, <title level="m">TEI by
Example</title>, and the TEI Guidelines, as well as the university-hosted resources
published by the Brown University Women Writers Project (<ref type="bibl"
target="#bauman13">Bauman and Flanders 2013</ref>) and Humboldt University in
Berlin. Within the resources, these respondents mostly reported problems with seeking
and finding the information that they need for their particular project.</p>
<p>Of the four respondents who declared their affiliation with an academic and/or
research institution, all said that their institution did <emph>not</emph> offer
instruction in the TEI. In response to the question, <q>How easily would you be able
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by linking to examples, failed by not simplifying the reference for beginners</q>.
<q>Very detailed, there’s a lot to read&gt;too time-consuming <gap/>Important
features clearly marked&gt;very helpful</q>. <q>TEI by example very useful for
thinking about which tags we need for our project. The XSLT resources are pretty
unhelpful, though</q>; <q>The TEI Guidelines are very comprehensive and provide good
examples—but no <soCalled>best practices</soCalled> in areas where there is more
than one solution. Unfortunately <title level="m">TEI By Example</title> did not
deliver any better in that respect</q>; <q>Not enough variety of examples, case
studies—I have sought out examples of projects that use TEI but it can be difficult
to identify. Or maybe my problem is that I don’t know how to identify if a project
uses TEI or not</q>; <q>Useful as a reference resource. Learnt mostly by induction
from examples</q>; <q>The modular approach TEI takes to including/not including
elements is very confusing to the novice or person who’s familiar with working with
smaller XML schemas that don’t take a modular approach. The guidelines and the wiki
don’t make this clear once you’re deep in the documentation; they assume you already
understand this</q>. All of the above comments which state or imply the need for
expert guidance might reflect the absence of the respondents from the TEI-L mailing
list, where these kinds of <soCalled>best practices</soCalled> are continuously
discussed, and perhaps suggest a future need for the <ref
target="">TEI-L mailing list
archives</ref> to be re-formatted for greater accessibility.</p>
thinking about which tags we need for our project. The <ptr type="software"
xml:id="R6" target="#xslt"/><rs type="" ref="#R6">XSLT</rs> resources are
pretty unhelpful, though</q>; <q>The TEI Guidelines are very comprehensive and
provide good examples—but no <soCalled>best practices</soCalled> in areas where
there is more than one solution. Unfortunately <title level="m">TEI By
Example</title> did not deliver any better in that respect</q>; <q>Not enough
variety of examples, case studies—I have sought out examples of projects that use
TEI but it can be difficult to identify. Or maybe my problem is that I don’t know
how to identify if a project uses TEI or not</q>; <q>Useful as a reference resource.
Learnt mostly by induction from examples</q>; <q>The modular approach TEI takes to
including/not including elements is very confusing to the novice or person who’s
familiar with working with smaller XML schemas that don’t take a modular approach.
The guidelines and the wiki don’t make this clear once you’re deep in the
documentation; they assume you already understand this</q>. All of the above
comments which state or imply the need for expert guidance might reflect the absence
of the respondents from the TEI-L mailing list, where these kinds of <soCalled>best
practices</soCalled> are continuously discussed, and perhaps suggest a future need
for the <ref target="">TEI-L
mailing list archives</ref> to be re-formatted for greater accessibility.</p>
<div xml:id="futurepriorities">
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<div xml:id="integratedresources">
<head>Integrated Resources</head>
<p>While initiatives such as TAPAS, TEICHI, and <ref
target=""><ptr type="software"
xml:id="CWRC-Writer" target="#cwrcwriter"/><rs type="" ref="#CWRC-Writer"
>CWRC-Writer</rs></ref><note><p><title level="a">Welcome to CWRC Writer</title>,
<ptr type="software" xml:id="CWRC-Writer" target="#cwrcwriter"/><rs
type="" ref="#CWRC-Writer">CWRC-Writer</rs> Help, accessed September 7,
2013, <ptr target=""/>.</p></note> have
begun to address to different aspects of these needs (<ref type="bibl"
target="#flanders13">Flanders and Hamlin 2013</ref>; <ref type="bibl" target="#pape12"
>Pape, Schöch, and Wegner 2013</ref>; <ref type="bibl" target="#crane10">Crane
2010</ref>), there has yet to be a deeply comprehensive resource intimately linked to
the TEI Guidelines themselves. New technical infrastructure should support workflows
that allow users to enter the genre with which they are working in a search engine
connected to the TEI Guidelines (e.g., <emph>poetry</emph>), find a list of relevant
tags with explanations of their functions, and from those tags find projects and files
that make use of those tags; for example, a search that retrieves all TEI-conformant
files using an <gi>l</gi> tag, and allows the user to search the projects that created
these files.</p>
<p>While initiatives such as <ptr type="software" xml:id="R7" target="#tapas"/><rs
type="" ref="#R7">TAPAS</rs>, <ptr type="software" xml:id="R8"
target="#teichi"/><rs type="" ref="#R8">TEICHI</rs>, and <ptr type="software"
xml:id="R9" target="#cwrcwriter"/><rs type="soft.url" ref="#R9"><ref
target=""><rs type=""
ref="#R9">CWRC-Writer</rs></ref></rs><note><p><title level="a">Welcome to <rs
type="" ref="#R9">CWRC Writer</rs></title>, <rs type=""
ref="#R9">CWRC-Writer</rs> Help, accessed September 7, 2013, <rs type="soft.url"
ref="#R9"><ptr target=""
/></rs>.</p></note> have begun to address to different aspects of these needs (<rs
type="soft.bib.ref" ref="#R7"><ref type="bibl" target="#flanders13">Flanders and
Hamlin 2013</ref></rs>; <rs type="soft.bib.ref" ref="#R8"><ref type="bibl"
target="#pape12">Pape, Schöch, and Wegner 2013</ref></rs>; <ref type="bibl"
target="#crane10">Crane 2010</ref>), there has yet to be a deeply comprehensive
resource intimately linked to the TEI Guidelines themselves. New technical
infrastructure should support workflows that allow users to enter the genre with which
they are working in a search engine connected to the TEI Guidelines (e.g.,
<emph>poetry</emph>), find a list of relevant tags with explanations of their
functions, and from those tags find projects and files that make use of those tags; for
example, a search that retrieves all TEI-conformant files using an <gi>l</gi> tag, and
allows the user to search the projects that created these files.</p>
<p>This vision may be a long way off, and should certainly be modified by community
expertise, changing needs, and computational realities. However, this is the kind of
organized, integrated, and open plan that the TEI community, both present and potential,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -793,12 +802,14 @@
level="a">Give us Editors! Re-inventing the Edition and Re-thinking the
Humanities</title>. OpenStax CNX, May 13. <ptr
<bibl xml:id="flanders13"><author>Flanders, Julia</author>, and <author>Scott
Hamlin</author>. <date>2013</date>. <title level="a">TAPAS: Building a TEI Publishing
and Repository Service</title>. <title level="j">Journal of the Text Encoding
<biblScope unit="issue">5</biblScope>. <ptr target=""/>.
doi:<idno type="doi">10.4000/jtei.788</idno>.</bibl>
<bibl xml:id="flanders13"><ptr type="software" xml:id="R10" target="#tapas"/><rs
type="soft.bib.ref" ref="#R10"><rs type="soft.agent" ref="#R10"><author>Flanders,
Julia</author></rs>, and <rs type="soft.agent" ref="#R10"><author>Scott
Hamlin</author></rs>. <date>2013</date>. <title level="a"><rs type=""
ref="#R10">TAPAS</rs>: Building a TEI Publishing and Repository Service</title>.
<title level="j">Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative</title>
<biblScope unit="issue">5</biblScope>. <ptr target=""/>.
doi:<idno type="doi">10.4000/jtei.788</idno>.</rs></bibl>
<bibl xml:id="geertz73"><author>Geertz, Clifford</author>. <date>1973</date>. <title
level="m">The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays</title>. <pubPlace>New York,
NY</pubPlace>: <publisher>Perseus Books Group</publisher>.</bibl>
Expand All @@ -825,12 +836,16 @@
level="m">Introduction to Digital Textual Editing: An UNOFFICIAL Guide to the Value of
TEI</title>. Slidecast posted June 30, 2013. <ptr
<bibl xml:id="pape12"><author>Pape, Sebastian</author>, <author>Christof Schöch</author>,
and <author>Lutz Wegner</author>. <date>2012</date>. <title level="a">TEICHI and the
Tools Paradox: Developing a Publishing Framework for Digital Editions</title>. <title
level="j">Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative</title>
<biblScope unit="issue">2</biblScope>. <ptr target=""/>.
doi:<idno type="doi">10.4000/jtei.432</idno>.</bibl>
<bibl xml:id="pape12"><ptr type="software" xml:id="R11" target="#teichi"/><rs
type="soft.bib.ref" ref="#R11"><rs type="soft.agent" ref="#R11"><author>Pape,
Sebastian</author></rs>, <rs type="soft.agent" ref="#R11"><author>Christof
Schöch</author></rs>, and <rs type="soft.agent" ref="#R11"><author>Lutz
Wegner</author></rs>. <date>2012</date>. <title level="a"><rs type=""
ref="#R11">TEICHI</rs> and the Tools Paradox: Developing a Publishing Framework
for Digital Editions</title>. <title level="j">Journal of the Text Encoding
<biblScope unit="issue">2</biblScope>. <ptr target=""/>.
doi:<idno type="doi">10.4000/jtei.432</idno>.</rs></bibl>
<bibl xml:id="roeché14"><author>Roueché, Charlotte</author>, and <author>Julia
Flanders</author>. <date>2014</date>. <title level="a">Introduction for
Epigraphers</title>. <title level="m">EpiDoc Guidelines: Ancient Documents in TEI
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