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--- a/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls.md
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls.md
@@ -6,6 +6,36 @@ description: You can learn about the Basic controls of Editbar in the documentat
# Basic controls
-Здесь мы детально расписываем настройки для каждого базового контрола и даем ссылку на [Editbar configuration](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/configuration.md) - где даем разные сценарии настройки Editbar (сценарии будут дополняться по запросу пользователей)
+You can use basic controls of Editbar standalone or create complex controls on their base. Below you'll find the list of basic controls. Check the corresponding section to view the detailed description of configuration properties for each control.
+Refer to the [Editbar configuration](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/configuration.md) guide for more information about configuring!
+## Overview of Editbar basic controls
+| Name | Description |
+| :-------------------------------------------------------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| [](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/avatar.md) | @getshort(guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/avatar.md) |
+| [](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/button.md) | @getshort(guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/button.md) |
+| [](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/checkbox.md) | @getshort(guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/checkbox.md) |
+| [](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/checkboxgroup.md)| @getshort(guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/checkboxgroup.md)|
+| [](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/colorpicker.md)| @getshort(guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/colorpicker.md)|
+| [](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/combo.md)| @getshort(guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/combo.md)|
+| [](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/container.md)| @getshort(guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/container.md)|
+| [](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/datepicker.md)| @getshort(guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/datepicker.md)|
+| [](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/fieldset.md)| @getshort(guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/fieldset.md)|
+| [](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/input.md)| @getshort(guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/input.md)|
+| [](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/radiogroup.md)| @getshort(guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/radiogroup.md)|
+| [](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/select.md)| @getshort(guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/select.md)|
+| [](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/slider.md)| @getshort(guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/slider.md)|
+| [](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/spacer.md)| @getshort(guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/spacer.md)|
+| [](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/textarea.md)| @getshort(guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/textarea.md)|
+| [](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/timepicker.md)| @getshort(guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/timepicker.md)|
+| [](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/toggle.md)| @getshort(guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/toggle.md)|
+| [](guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/togglegroup.md)| @getshort(guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/togglegroup.md)|
-Задача: https://tracker.webix.io/agiles/87-97/88-554?issue=DHX-4537
diff --git a/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/avatar.md b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/avatar.md
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index 000000000..b26b2f47e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/avatar.md
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+sidebar_label: Avatar!!
+title: Editbar Basic Controls - Avatar
+description: You can explore the Avatar control of Editbar in the documentation of the the DHTMLX JavaScript Diagram library. Browse developer guides and API reference, try out code examples and live demos, and download a free 30-day evaluation version of DHTMLX Suite.
+# Avatar
+@short: The basic control for uploading of images.
+## Usage
+ type: "avatar",
+ key?: string, // "img" by default
+ wrap?: boolean, // false by default
+ target?: string,
+ hidden?: boolean, // false by default
+ disabled?: boolean, // false by default
+ readOnly?: boolean, // false by default
+ removeIcon?: boolean, // true by default
+ circle?: boolean, // false by default
+ icon?: string,
+ placeholder?: string,
+ preview?: string,
+ alt?: string,
+ size?: "small" | "medium" | "large" | number, // "medium" by default
+ css?: string,
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number,
+ // for `wrap:true` check the label properties for the Fieldset
+ label?: string,
+ labelWidth?: string | number,
+ labelPosition?: "left" | "top", // "top" by default
+ accept?: string, // "image/*" by default
+ fieldName?: string, // "file" by default
+ autosend?: boolean, // false by default
+ params?: { [key: string]: any },
+ headerParams?: { [key: string]: any },
+ updateFromResponse?: boolean, // true by default
+ // service properties and methods
+ $on?: { [eventName: string]: function },
+ $handler?: function,
+ $setValue?: function,
+ $layout?: function
+## Description
+### Basic properties
+- `type` - (required) the type of a control. Set it to *"avatar"*
+- `key` - (optional) the name of the specified/modified property in the object of a Diagram item. *"img"* by default
+- `wrap` - (optional) allows displaying the external wrapping. *false* by default
+- `target` - (optional) sets an URL to the server-side script that will process file upload, the property is required when an image is sent to the server via the control
+While loading an image and sending it to the server via the `target` property, note that the [*value* object](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/api/avatar/api_avatar_properties/#description) will be sent to the server. The file itself will be recorded in the dataset in the *base64* format. You can redefine this logic using the [service methods](#service-properties-and-methods).
+- `hidden` - (optional) defines whether a control is hidden. *false* by default
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `readOnly` - (optional) sets the readonly mode for the control. *false* by default
+- `removeIcon` - (optional) enables the possibility to clear the control by means of the UI. *true* by default
+- `circle` - (optional) sets the mode of displaying the control with rounded corners. *false* by default
+- `icon` - (optional) allows setting the CSS class of an icon when there is no image uploaded, doesn't work together with the `preview` property
+- `placeholder` - (optional) allows setting a text to be visible when there is no image uploaded, doesn't work together with the `preview` property
+- `preview` - (optional) specifies the absolute path to the preview image. The preview image is visible, when an image is not uploaded
+- `alt` - (optional) sets the attribute of the <img> tag - an alternative text when there is no image uploaded
+- `size` - (optional) allows setting one of the three basic control's sizes: *"small"* | *"medium"* | *"large"* , or applying a custom size in px. *"medium"* by default
+- `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a control
+- `width` - (optional) the width of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `height` - (optional) the height of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of the Avatar control
+- `label` - (optional) specifies a label for the control
+- `labelWidth` - (optional) sets the label width of the control
+- `labelPosition` - (optional) defines the position of a label: *"left"* | *"top"*. *"top"* by default
+- `accept` - (optional) allows specifying the type/extension of the selected file. *"image/*"* by default. [Check details](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/accept#unique_file_type_specifiers)
+- `fieldName` - (optional) sets the file field name in the form data sent to the server. *"file"* by default
+- `autosend` - (optional) enables/disables automatic sending of an added file. *false* by default
+- `params` - (optional) adds extra parameters for sending an XMLHttpRequest
+- `headerParams` - (optional) provides additional parameters for Request Headers
+- `updateFromResponse` - (optional) updates file attributes with the data from the server response. *true* by default
+### Service properties and methods
+Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.
+- `$on` - (optional) - allows setting an event listener. The object has the following properties:
+ - `eventName` - a callback function which is called with the following parameters:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `control` - the [Avatar](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/avatar/) Form control
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `arguments` - (optional) - the [original event arguments](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/category/form-avatar-events/)
+- `$handler` - (optional) - a callback function that allows handling actions on firing the `change` event of the [Avatar](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/avatar/) Form control and the `change` event of DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `key` - the name of the specified/modified property in the object of a Diagram item
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Avatar](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/avatar/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the new value of the [Avatar](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/avatar/) Form control
+- `$setValue` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the value of the [Avatar](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/avatar/) Form control on initialization of a control and on changing the value in DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Avatar](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/avatar/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the value of a Diagram item
+- `$layout` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the [Avatar](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/avatar/) Form control. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - the configuration of the control without service properties
+## Example
+~~~jsx {7-19}
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "default",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ "img-card": [
+ {
+ type: "avatar",
+ accept: "image/*",
+ fieldName: "file",
+ target: "https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/backend/upload",
+ params: {
+ "firstCustomParam": "customValue",
+ },
+ headerParams: {
+ "firstCustomParam": "customValue",
+ },
+ autosend: true,
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5168b5cda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/button.md
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+sidebar_label: Button!!
+title: Editbar Basic Controls - Button
+description: You can explore the Button control of Editbar in the documentation of the the DHTMLX JavaScript Diagram library. Browse developer guides and API reference, try out code examples and live demos, and download a free 30-day evaluation version of DHTMLX Suite.
+# Button
+@short: The basic button control that can have an icon.
+## Usage
+ type: "button",
+ text?: string,
+ css?: string,
+ disabled?: boolean, // false by default
+ hidden?: boolean, // false by default
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number,
+ // button view
+ circle?: boolean, // false by default
+ color?: "danger" | "secondary" | "primary" | "success", // "primary" by default
+ full?: boolean, // false by default
+ icon?: string,
+ size?: "small" | "medium", // "medium" by default
+ view?: "flat" | "link", // "flat" by default
+ // service properties and methods
+ $on?: { [eventName: string]: function },
+ $layout?: function
+## Description
+### Basic properties
+- `type` - (required) the type of a control. Set it to *"button"*
+- `text` - (optional) the text label of a button
+- `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a control
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `hidden` - (optional) defines whether a control is hidden. *false* by default
+- `height` - (optional) the height of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `width` - (optional) the width of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a button control
+- `circle` - (optional) makes the corners of a button round. *false* by default
+- `color` - (optional) defines the color scheme of a button: *"danger"* | *"secondary"* | *"primary"* | *"success"*. *"primary"* by default
+- `full` - (optional) extends a button to the full width of the Editbar. *false* by default
+- `icon` - (optional) sets the CSS class of an icon displayed inside the button
+- `size` - (optional) defines the size of a button: *"small"* | *"medium"*. *"medium"* by default
+- `view` - (optional) defines the look of a button: *"flat"* | *"link"*. *"flat"* by default
+### Service properties and methods
+Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.
+- `$on` - (optional) - allows setting an event listener. The object has the following properties:
+ - `eventName` - a callback function which is called with the following parameters:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `control` - the [Button](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/button/) Form control
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `arguments` - (optional) - the [original event arguments](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/category/form-button-events/)
+- `$layout` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the [Button](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/button/) Form control. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - the configuration of a control without service properties
+## Example
+~~~jsx {8-20}
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "default",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $shape: [
+ { type: "input", label: "Text", placeholder: "Push the button", key: "text" },
+ {
+ type: "button",
+ full: true,
+ text: "Change shape text",
+ color: "danger",
+ $on: {
+ click: ({ id, editor }) => {
+ editor.diagram.data.update(id, {
+ text: "New text",
+ });
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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index 000000000..47e47c7c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/checkbox.md
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+sidebar_label: Checkbox!!
+title: Editbar Basic Controls - Checkbox
+description: You can explore the Checkbox control of Editbar in the documentation of the the DHTMLX JavaScript Diagram library. Browse developer guides and API reference, try out code examples and live demos, and download a free 30-day evaluation version of DHTMLX Suite.
+# Checkbox
+@short: The basic control for displaying the specified value or change it to the opposite one.
+## Usage
+ type: "checkbox",
+ key?: string | string[],
+ text?: string,
+ value?: string,
+ css?: string,
+ disabled?: boolean, // false by default
+ hidden?: boolean, // false by default
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number,
+ label?: string,
+ labelWidth?: string | number,
+ labelPosition?: "left" | "top", // "top" by default
+ // service properties and methods
+ $on?: { [eventName: string]: function },
+ $handler?: function,
+ $setValue?: function,
+ $layout?: function
+The control can be used both with the *boolean* value and the *string* one, if the `value` property is specified. [Check the example below](#example) to get the idea.
+## Description
+### Basic properties
+- `type` - (required) the type of a control. Set it to *"checkbox"*
+- `key` - (optional) the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+- `text` - (optional) the text value of a control. It's placed to the right of the control
+- `value` - (optional) the value of a checkbox
+- `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a control
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `hidden` - (optional) defines whether a checkbox is hidden. *false* by default
+- `height` - (optional) the height of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `width` - (optional) the width of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a Checkbox control
+- `label` - (optional) specifies a label for a control
+- `labelPosition` - (optional) defines the position of a label: *"left"* | *"top"*. *"top"* by default
+- `labelWidth` - (optional) sets the width of the label of a control
+### Service properties and methods
+Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.
+- `$on` - (optional) - allows setting an event listener. The object has the following properties:
+ - `eventName` - a callback function which is called with the following parameters:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `control` - the [Checkbox](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/checkbox/) Form control
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `arguments` - (optional) - the [original event arguments](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/category/form-checkbox-events/)
+- `$handler` - (optional) - a callback function that allows handling actions on firing the `change` event of the [Checkbox](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/checkbox/) Form control and the `change` event of DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `key` - the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Checkbox](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/checkbox/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the new value of the [Checkbox](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/checkbox/) Form control
+- `$setValue` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the value of the [Checkbox](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/checkbox/) Form control on initialization of a control and on changing the value in DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Checkbox](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/checkbox/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the value of a Diagram item
+- `$layout` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the [Checkbox](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/checkbox/) Form control. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - the configuration of a control without service properties
+## Example
+~~~jsx {7-17}
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "default",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $shape: [
+ {
+ type: "checkbox",
+ label: "String value",
+ key: "other",
+ value: "enable",
+ },
+ {
+ type: "checkbox",
+ label: "Boolean value",
+ key: "fixed",
+ }
+ ],
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ { "type": "rectangle", "other": "", "fixed": false },
+ { "type": "rectangle", "other": "enable", "fixed": true, "x": 400 },
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/checkboxgroup.md b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/checkboxgroup.md
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index 000000000..54c738208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/checkboxgroup.md
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+sidebar_label: CheckboxGroup!!
+title: Editbar Basic Controls - CheckboxGroup
+description: You can explore the CheckboxGroup control of Editbar in the documentation of the the DHTMLX JavaScript Diagram library. Browse developer guides and API reference, try out code examples and live demos, and download a free 30-day evaluation version of DHTMLX Suite.
+# CheckboxGroup
+@short: The basic control for creating groups of checkboxes.
+## Usage
+ type: "checkboxGroup",
+ options: {
+ rows?: object[],
+ cols?: object[],
+ css?: string,
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number,
+ },
+ key?: string | string[],
+ wrap?: boolean, // false by default
+ css?: string,
+ disabled?: boolean, // false by default
+ hidden?: boolean, // false by default
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number,
+ // for `wrap:true` check the label properties for the Fieldset
+ label?: string,
+ labelWidth?: string | number,
+ labelPosition?: "left" | "top", // "top" by default
+ // service properties and methods
+ $on?: { [eventName: string]: function },
+ $handler?: function,
+ $setValue?: function,
+ $layout?: function
+Checkbox configuration object inside a CheckboxGroup:
+ id: string,
+ text: string,
+ value?: string,
+ css?: string,
+ disabled?: boolean, // false by default
+ hidden?: boolean, // false by default
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number
+The objects with the `checkbox` configuration inside the control can be used both with the *boolean* value and the *string* one, if the `value` property is specified. [Check the example below](#example) to get the idea.
+## Description
+### CheckboxGroup properties
+#### Basic properties
+- `type` - (required) the type of a control. Set it to *"checkboxGroup"*
+- `key` - (optional) the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+- `wrap` - (optional) allows displaying the external wrapping. *false* by default
+- `options` - (required) an object with options of a CheckboxGroup. The object can contain the following attributes:
+ - `rows` - (optional) arranges [checkboxes](#checkbox-properties) inside the CheckboxGroup control vertically
+ - `cols` - (optional) arranges [checkboxes](#checkbox-properties) inside the CheckboxGroup control horizontally
+ - `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a CheckboxGroup
+ - `height` - (optional) the height of a CheckboxGroup
+ - `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a CheckboxGroup
+ - `width` - (optional) the width of a CheckboxGroup
+- `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a control
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `hidden` - (boolean) defines whether a CheckboxGroup is hidden. *false* by default
+- `height` - (optional) the height of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `width` - (optional) the width of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a CheckboxGroup control
+- `label` - (optional) specifies a label for the control
+- `labelWidth` - (optional) sets the label width of the control
+- `labelPosition` - (optional) defines the position of a label: *"left"* | *"top"*. *"top"* by default
+#### Service properties and methods
+Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.
+- `$on` - (optional) - allows setting an event listener. The object has the following properties:
+ - `eventName` - a callback function which is called with the following parameters:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `control` - the [CheckboxGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/checkboxgroup/) Form control
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `arguments` - (optional) - the [original event arguments](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/category/form-checkboxgroup-events/)
+- `$handler` - (optional) - a callback function that allows handling actions on firing the `change` event of the [CheckboxGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/checkboxgroup/) Form control and the `change` event of DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `key` - the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [CheckboxGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/checkboxgroup/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the new value of the [CheckboxGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/checkboxgroup/) Form control
+- `$setValue` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the value of the [CheckboxGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/checkboxgroup/) Form control on initialization of a control and on changing the value in DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [CheckboxGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/checkboxgroup/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the value of a Diagram item
+- `$layout` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the [CheckboxGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/checkboxgroup/) Form control. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - the configuration of a control without service properties
+### Checkbox properties
+- `id` - (optional) the id of a control, auto-generated if not set
+- `text` - (optional) the text label of a checkbox
+- `value` - (optional) the value of a checkbox
+- `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a control
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `hidden` - (optional) defines whether a checkbox is hidden. *false* by default
+- `height` - (optional) the height of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `width` - (optional) the width of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a Checkbox control
+## Example
+~~~jsx {7-19}
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "default",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $shape: [
+ {
+ type: "checkboxGroup",
+ label: "Select products",
+ key: "products",
+ options: {
+ rows: [
+ { id: "diagram", text: "DHTMLX Diagram", value: "diagram" },
+ { id: "suite", text: "DHTMLX Suite", value: "suite" },
+ { id: "gantt", text: "DHTMLX Gantt" },
+ { id: "spreadsheet", text: "DHTMLX Spreadsheet", disabled: true },
+ ],
+ }
+ },
+ ],
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ "type": "rectangle",
+ "products": {
+ "diagram": "diagram",
+ "suite": "",
+ "gantt": true,
+ "spreadsheet": false
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/colorpicker.md b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/colorpicker.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..897f3fe07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/colorpicker.md
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+sidebar_label: Colorpicker!!
+title: Editbar Basic Controls - Colorpicker
+description: You can explore the Colorpicker control of Editbar in the documentation of the the DHTMLX JavaScript Diagram library. Browse developer guides and API reference, try out code examples and live demos, and download a free 30-day evaluation version of DHTMLX Suite.
+# Colorpicker
+@short: The basic input control with a color picker attached to it for selecting a color.
+## Usage
+ type: "colorpicker",
+ key?: string | string[],
+ wrap?: boolean, // false by default
+ css?: string,
+ disabled?: boolean, // false by default
+ hidden?: boolean, // false by default
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number,
+ customColors?: string[],
+ grayShades?: boolean, // true by default
+ icon?: string,
+ mode?: "palette" | "picker", // "palette" by default
+ palette?: string[][],
+ paletteOnly?: boolean, // false by default
+ pickerOnly?: boolean, // false by default
+ placeholder?: string,
+ // for `wrap:true` check the label properties for the Fieldset
+ label?: string,
+ labelWidth?: string | number,
+ labelPosition?: "left" | "top", // "top" by default
+ // service properties and methods
+ $on?: { [eventName: string]: function },
+ $handler?: function,
+ $setValue?: function,
+ $layout?: function
+## Description
+### Basic properties
+- `type` - (required) the type of a control. Set it to *"colorpicker"*
+- `key` - (optional) the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+- `wrap` - (optional) allows displaying the external wrapping. *false* by default
+- `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a control
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `hidden` - (optional) defines whether a control is hidden. *false* by default
+- `height` - (optional) the height of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `width` - (optional) the width of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a Colorpicker control
+- `customColors` - (optional) shows a section with custom colors in the bottom part of the Colorpicker
+- `grayShades` - (optional) defines whether the section with gray shades is displayed in the palette. *true* by default
+- `icon` - (optional) the CSS class of an icon from the used icon font
+- `mode` - (optional) the mode of a control: *"palette"* | *"picker"*. *"palette"* by default
+- `palette` - (optional) contains arrays of colors you want to be shown in a colorpicker
+- `paletteOnly` - (optional) defines whether Colorpicker is shown only in the palette mode. *false* by default
+- `pickerOnly` - (optional) defines whether Colorpicker is shown only in the picker mode. *false* by default
+- `placeholder` - (optional) a tip for the input
+- `label` - (optional) specifies a label for a control
+- `labelPosition` - (optional) defines the position of a label: *"left"* | *"top"*. *"top"* by default
+- `labelWidth` - (optional) sets the width of the label of a control
+### Service properties and methods
+Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.
+- `$on` - (optional) - allows setting an event listener. The object has the following properties:
+ - `eventName` - a callback function which is called with the following parameters:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `control` - the [Colorpicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/colorpicker/) Form control
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `arguments` - (optional) - the [original event arguments](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/category/form-colorpicker-events/)
+- `$handler` - (optional) - a callback function that allows handling actions on firing the `change` and `input` events of the [Colorpicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/colorpicker/) Form control and the `change` event of DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `key` - the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Colorpicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/colorpicker/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the new value of the [Colorpicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/colorpicker/) Form control
+- `$setValue` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the value of the [Colorpicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/colorpicker/) Form control on initialization of a control and on changing the value in DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Colorpicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/colorpicker/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the value of a Diagram item
+- `$layout` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the [Colorpicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/colorpicker/) Form control. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - the configuration of a control without service properties
+## Example
+~~~jsx {7-25}
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "default",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $shape: [
+ {
+ type: "colorpicker",
+ wrap: true,
+ label: "Fill",
+ placeholder: "Select color",
+ grayShades: false,
+ palette: [
+ ["#69d2e7", "#a7dbd8", "#e0e4cc", "#f38630", "#fa6900", "#7fc7af", "#dad8a7"],
+ ["#fe4365", "#fc9d9a", "#f9cdad", "#c8c8a9", "#83af9b", "#948c75", "#d5ded9"],
+ ["#ecd078", "#d95b43", "#c02942", "#542437", "#53777a", "#cbe86b", "#f2e9e1"],
+ ["#556270", "#4ecdc4", "#c7f464", "#ff6b6b", "#c44d58", "#dce9be", "#555152"],
+ ["#774f38", "#e08e79", "#f1d4af", "#ece5ce", "#c5e0dc", "#005f6b", "#008c9e"],
+ ["#e8ddcb", "#cdb380", "#036564", "#033649", "#031634", "#73626e", "#b38184"],
+ ["#490a3d", "#bd1550", "#e97f02", "#f8ca00", "#8a9b0f", "#fc913a", "#f9d423"],
+ ["#594f4f", "#547980", "#45ada8", "#9de0ad", "#e5fcc2", "#fecea8", "#ff847c"],
+ ["#00a0b0", "#6a4a3c", "#cc333f", "#eb6841", "#edc951", "#80bca3", "#f6f7bd"],
+ ["#e94e77", "#d68189", "#c6a49a", "#c6e5d9", "#f4ead5", "#40c0cb", "#f9f2e7"]
+ ],
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
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diff --git a/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/combo.md b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/combo.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5874e62f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/combo.md
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+sidebar_label: Combo!!
+title: Editbar Basic Controls - Combo
+description: You can explore the Combo control of Editbar in the documentation of the the DHTMLX JavaScript Diagram library. Browse developer guides and API reference, try out code examples and live demos, and download a free 30-day evaluation version of DHTMLX Suite.
+# Combo
+@short: The basic input control that represents an advanced editable select box with a set of options.
+## Usage
+ type: "combo",
+ options: (object | string)[],
+ key?: string | string[],
+ wrap?: boolean, // false by default
+ css?: string,
+ disabled?: boolean, // false by default
+ hidden?: boolean, // false by default
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number,
+ filter?: (item: any, input: string) => boolean,
+ itemHeight?: number | string, // 32 by default
+ itemsCount?: boolean | ((count: number) => string),
+ listHeight?: number | string, // 224 by default
+ multiselection?: boolean, // false by default
+ placeholder?: string,
+ readOnly?: boolean, // false by default
+ selectAllButton?: boolean, // false by default
+ template?: (item: object) => string,
+ virtual?: boolean, // false by default
+ // for `wrap:true` check the label properties for the Fieldset
+ label?: string,
+ labelWidth?: string | number,
+ labelPosition?: "left" | "top", // "top" by default
+ // service properties and methods
+ $on?: { [eventName: string]: function },
+ $handler?: function,
+ $setValue?: function,
+ $layout?: function
+Option configuration object inside Combo:
+ id: string | number,
+ value: string | number
+## Description
+### Combo properties
+#### Basic properties
+- `type` - (required) the type of a control. Set it to *"combo"*
+- `options` - (required) an array of Combo options, each option can be set as a *string* or as an *object* with a set of `key:value` pairs - [attributes of options and their values](#option-properties)
+- `key` - (optional) the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+- `wrap` - (optional) allows displaying the external wrapping. *false* by default
+- `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a control
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `hidden` - (optional) defines whether a combo is hidden. *false* by default
+- `height` - (optional) the height of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `width` - (optional) the width of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a Combo control
+- `filter` - (optional) sets a custom function for filtering Combo options. [Check the details](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/combobox/customization/#custom-filter-for-options).
+- `itemHeight` - (optional) sets the height of a cell in the list of options. *32* by default
+- `itemsCount` - (optional) shows the total number of selected options
+- `listHeight` - (optional) sets the height of the list of options. *224* by default
+- `multiselection` - (optional) enables selection of multiple options in Combo. *false* by default
+- `placeholder` - (optional) sets a placeholder in the input of Combo
+- `readOnly` - (optional) makes Combo readonly (it is only possible to select options from the list, without entering words in the input). *false* by default
+- `selectAllButton` - (optional) defines whether the "Select All" button should be shown. *false* by default
+- `template` - (optional) sets a template of displaying options in the popup list
+- `virtual` - (optional) enables dynamic loading of data on scrolling the list of options. *false* by default
+- `label` - (optional) specifies a label for a control
+- `labelPosition` - (optional) defines the position of a label: *"left"* | *"top"*. *"top"* by default
+- `labelWidth` - (optional) sets the width of the label of a control
+#### Service properties and methods
+Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.
+- `$on` - (optional) - allows setting an event listener. The object has the following properties:
+ - `eventName` - a callback function which is called with the following parameters:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `control` - the [Combo](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/combo/) Form control
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `arguments` - (optional) - the [original event arguments](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/category/form-combo-events/)
+- `$handler` - (optional) - a callback function that allows handling actions on firing the `change` event of the [Combo](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/combo/) Form control and the `change` event of DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `key` - the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Combo](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/combo/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the new value of the [Combo](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/combo/) Form control
+- `$setValue` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the value of the [Combo](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/combo/) Form control on initialization of a control and on changing the value in DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Combo](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/combo/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the value of a Diagram item
+- `$layout` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the [Combo](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/combo/) Form control. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - the configuration of a control without service properties
+### Option properties
+- `id` - the `id` attribute is returned and goes to form data. This attribute should always be fulfilled to avoid unexpected behavior
+- `value` - the `value` attribute is displayed in the input field
+## Example
+~~~jsx {7-13}
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "org",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $shape: [
+ {
+ type: "combo",
+ key: "responsible",
+ label: "Responsible",
+ placeholder: "Select responsible",
+ options: ["Henry Bennet", "Mike Frebel", "Greg Mash"]
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ { "id": "shape_1" },
+ { "id": "shape_2", "parent": "shape_1", "responsible": undefined },
+ { "id": "shape_3", "parent": "shape_1", "responsible": "Henry Bennet" }
+~~~jsx {7-14} title="With multiselection enabled"
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "org",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $shape: [
+ {
+ type: "combo",
+ key: "responsible",
+ multiselection: true,
+ label: "Responsible",
+ placeholder: "Select responsible",
+ options: ["Henry Bennet", "Mike Frebel", "Greg Mash"]
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ { "id": "shape_1" },
+ { "id": "shape_2", "parent": "shape_1", "responsible": [] },
+ { "id": "shape_3", "parent": "shape_1", "responsible": ["Henry Bennet", "Mike Frebel"] }
+~~~jsx {7-14} title="Setting options as objects"
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "org",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $shape: [
+ {
+ type: "combo",
+ key: "responsible",
+ multiselection: true,
+ label: "Responsible",
+ placeholder: "Select responsible",
+ options: ["Henry Bennet", "Mike Frebel", { id: 1, value: "Greg Mash" }]
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ { "id": "shape_1" },
+ { "id": "shape_2", "parent": "shape_1", "responsible": [] },
+ { "id": "shape_3", "parent": "shape_1", "responsible": ["Mike Frebel", 1] }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/container.md b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/container.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1779eeded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/container.md
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+sidebar_label: Container!!
+title: Editbar Basic Controls - Container
+description: You can explore the Container control of Editbar in the documentation of the the DHTMLX JavaScript Diagram library. Browse developer guides and API reference, try out code examples and live demos, and download a free 30-day evaluation version of DHTMLX Suite.
+# Container
+@short: The basic control for attaching an HTML code.
+## Usage
+ type: "container",
+ html: HTMLElement | string,
+ wrap?: boolean, // false by default
+ css?: string,
+ disabled?: boolean, // false by default
+ hidden?: boolean, // false by default
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number,
+ // for `wrap:true` check the label properties for the Fieldset
+ label?: string,
+ labelWidth?: string | number,
+ labelPosition?: "left" | "top", // "top" by default
+ // service method
+ $layout?: function
+## Description
+### Basic properties
+- `type` - (required) the type of a control. Set it to *"container"*
+- `html` - (required) the HTML content of a control
+- `wrap` - (optional) allows displaying the external wrapping. *false* by default
+- `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a control string
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `hidden` - (optional) defines whether a control is hidden. *false* by default
+- `height` - (optional) the height of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `width` - (optional) the width of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a control
+- `label` - (optional) specifies a label for the control
+- `labelWidth` - (optional) sets the label width of the control
+- `labelPosition` - (optional) defines the position of a label: *"left"* | *"top"*. *"top"* by default
+#### Service properties and methods
+Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.
+- `$layout` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the [Container](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/container/) Form control. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - the configuration of a control without service properties
+## Example
+~~~jsx {7-18}
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "org",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $default: [
+ {
+ type: "container",
+ html: `
DHTMLX Diagram
+ This is an example of simple customization of the editing panel using the container control.
+ You can also use this control to create your own controls.
+ `,
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/datepicker.md b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/datepicker.md
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index 000000000..2a53190f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/datepicker.md
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+sidebar_label: Datepicker!!
+title: Editbar Basic Controls - Datepicker
+description: You can explore the Datepicker control of Editbar in the documentation of the the DHTMLX JavaScript Diagram library. Browse developer guides and API reference, try out code examples and live demos, and download a free 30-day evaluation version of DHTMLX Suite.
+# Datepicker
+@short: The basic input control with a calendar attached to it for selecting a date.
+## Usage
+ type: "datepicker",
+ key?: string | string[],
+ wrap?: boolean, // false by default
+ css?: string,
+ disabled?: boolean, // false by default
+ hidden?: boolean, // false by default
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number,
+ date?: Date | string,
+ dateFormat?: string, // "%d/%m/%y" by default
+ disabledDates?: (date: Date) => boolean,
+ icon?: string,
+ mark?: (date: Date) => string,
+ mode?: "calendar" | "month" | "year", // "calendar" by default
+ placeholder?: string,
+ thisMonthOnly?: boolean, // false by default
+ timeFormat?: 24 | 12, // 24 by default
+ timePicker?: boolean, // false by default
+ valueFormat?: "string" | "Date", // "string" by default
+ weekNumbers?: boolean, // false by default
+ weekStart?: "saturday" | "sunday" | "monday", // "sunday" by default
+ // for `wrap:true` check the label properties for the Fieldset
+ label?: string,
+ labelWidth?: string | number,
+ labelPosition?: "left" | "top", // "top" by default
+ // service properties and methods
+ $on?: { [eventName: string]: function },
+ $handler?: function,
+ $setValue?: function,
+ $layout?: function
+## Description
+### Basic properties
+- `type` - (required) the type of a control. Set it to *"datepicker"*
+- `key` - (optional) the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+- `wrap` - (optional) allows displaying the external wrapping. *false* by default
+- `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a control string
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `hidden` - (optional) defines whether a control is hidden. *false* by default
+- `height` - (optional) the height of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `width` - (optional) the width of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a Datepicker control
+- `date` - (optional) defines the date that will be opened when the calendar is created
+- `dateFormat` - (optional) defines the format of dates in the calendar. *"%d/%m/%y"* by default. The date format must include delimiters (space or symbol), otherwise an error will be thrown
+- `disabledDates` - (optional) allows disabling some date intervals, day labels are dimmed
+- `icon` - (optional) the CSS class of an icon from the used icon font
+- `mark` - (optional) allows adding a CSS class to specific days
+- `mode` - (optional) specifies the mode of displaying a calendar: *"calendar"* | *"month"* | *"year"*. *"calendar"* by default
+- `placeholder` - (optional) a tip for the input
+- `thisMonthOnly` - (optional) hides dates of the previous/next months relative to the currently displayed one
+- `timeFormat` - (optional) defines the time format of a timepicker, 12-hour or 24-hour: *12* | *24*. *24* by default
+- `timePicker` - (optional) adds a timepicker into a calendar. *false* by default
+- `valueFormat` - (optional) defines the format of the value that will be returned while getting the current value of the control: *"string"* | *"Date"*. *"string"* by default
+- `weekNumbers` - (optional) defines whether to show the numbers of weeks, *false* by default
+- `weekStart` - (optional) sets the starting day of the week: *"saturday"* | *"monday"* | *"sunday"*. *"sunday"* by default
+- `label` - (optional) specifies a label for the control
+- `labelWidth` - (optional) sets the label width of the control
+- `labelPosition` - (optional) defines the position of a label: *"left"* | *"top"*. *"top"* by default
+### Service properties and methods
+Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.
+- `$on` - (optional) - allows setting an event listener. The object has the following properties:
+ - `eventName` - a callback function which is called with the following parameters:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `control` - the [Datepicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/calendar/) Form control
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `arguments` - (optional) - the [original event arguments](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/category/form-datepicker-events/)
+- `$handler` - (optional) - a callback function that allows handling actions on firing the `change` and `input` events of a form control and the `change` event of DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `key` - the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Datepicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/calendar/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the new value of the [Datepicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/calendar/) Form control
+- `$setValue` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the value of the [Datepicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/calendar/) Form control on initialization of a control and on changing the value in DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Datepicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/calendar/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the value of a Diagram item
+- `$layout` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the [Datepicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/calendar/) Form control. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - the configuration of a control without service properties
+## Example
+~~~jsx {7-21}
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "org",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $shape: [
+ {
+ type: "datepicker",
+ key: "date_start",
+ label: "Date start",
+ wrap: true,
+ },
+ {
+ type: "datepicker",
+ key: "date_end",
+ label: "Date end",
+ wrap: true,
+ valueFormat: "Date",
+ timePicker: true,
+ weekStart: "monday",
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ { "id": "shape_1" },
+ { "id": "shape_2", "parent": "shape_1", "date_start": "25/03/24", "date_end": new Date },
+ { "id": "shape_3", "parent": "shape_1", "date_start": "25/03/24", "date_end": new Date }
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e70460fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/fieldset.md
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+sidebar_label: Fieldset!!
+title: Editbar Basic Controls - Fieldset
+description: You can explore the Fieldset control of Editbar in the documentation of the the DHTMLX JavaScript Diagram library. Browse developer guides and API reference, try out code examples and live demos, and download a free 30-day evaluation version of DHTMLX Suite.
+# Fieldset
+@short: The basic control for creating complex controls with the help of the [`controls`](/api/diagram_editor/editbar/config/controls_property/) or the [`properties`](/api/diagram_editor/editbar/config/properties_property/) Editbar configuration options.
+## Usage
+ type: "fieldset",
+ compact?: boolean,
+ hidden?: boolean, // false by default
+ disabled?: boolean, // false by default
+ css?: string,
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number,
+ align?: "start" | "center" | "end" | "between" | "around" | "evenly", // "start" by default
+ label?: string,
+ labelAlignment?: "left" | "right" | "center", // "left" by default
+ rows?: object[],
+ cols?: object[],
+ $layout?: function
+The `rows` and `cols` properties may include an array of objects of the specified controls or the nested structure given below:
+ css?: string,
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number,
+ align?: "start" | "center" | "end" | "between" | "around" | "evenly", // "start" by default
+ rows?: object[],
+ cols?: object[]
+## Description
+### Basic properties
+- `type` - (required) the type of a control. Set it to *"fieldset"*
+- `compact` - (optional) specifies the compact mode, removes indents and frame. *false* by default
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `hidden` - (optional) defines whether a control is hidden. *false* by default
+- `css` - (optional) the name of a CSS class(es) applied to the control group
+- `width` - (optional) sets the width of the control group. *"content"* by default
+- `height` - (optional) sets the height of the control group. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets the padding for the content inside the control group
+- `align` - (optional) sets the alignment of controls inside the control group. *"start"* by default
+- `label` - (optional) specifies a label for a control
+- `labelAlignment` - (optional) defines the position of the label: *"left"* | *"right"* | *"center"*. *"left"* by default
+- `rows` - (optional) arranges controls inside the control group vertically
+- `cols` - (optional) arranges controls inside the control group horizontally
+#### Service properties and methods
+Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.
+- `$layout` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the [Fieldset](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/fieldset/) Form control. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - the configuration of a control without service properties
+## Example
+~~~jsx {7-28} title="Creating a fieldset via the properties property"
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "org",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $shape: [
+ {
+ type: "fieldset",
+ label: "Task details",
+ rows: [
+ { type: "input", key: "name", label: "Task name" },
+ { type: "input", key: "id", label: "ID", readOnly: true },
+ {
+ align: "between",
+ cols: [
+ { type: "datepicker", key: "date_start", label: "Date start", width: "48%" },
+ { type: "datepicker", key: "date_end", label: "Date end", width: "48%" },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ type: "combo",
+ key: "responsible",
+ label: "Responsible",
+ placeholder: "Select responsible",
+ options: ["Henry Bennet", "Mike Frebel", "Greg Mash"]
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+~~~jsx {10-33} title="Creating a complex control via the controls property"
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "default",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $shape: [
+ { type: "details" },
+ ],
+ },
+ controls: {
+ details: {
+ type: "fieldset",
+ label: "Task details",
+ rows: [
+ { type: "input", key: "name", label: "Task name" },
+ { type: "input", key: "id", label: "ID", readOnly: true },
+ {
+ align: "between",
+ cols: [
+ { type: "datepicker", key: "date_start", label: "Date start", width: "48%" },
+ { type: "datepicker", key: "date_end", label: "Date end", width: "48%" },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ type: "combo",
+ key: "responsible",
+ label: "Responsible",
+ placeholder: "Select responsible",
+ options: ["Henry Bennet", "Mike Frebel", "Greg Mash"]
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/input.md b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/input.md
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index 000000000..ce9507dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/input.md
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+sidebar_label: Input!!
+title: Editbar Basic Controls - Input
+description: You can explore the Input control of Editbar in the documentation of the the DHTMLX JavaScript Diagram library. Browse developer guides and API reference, try out code examples and live demos, and download a free 30-day evaluation version of DHTMLX Suite.
+# Input
+@short: The basic input field control for typing some text inside.
+## Usage
+ type: "input",
+ key?: string | string[],
+ wrap?: boolean, // false by default
+ css?: string,
+ disabled?: boolean, // false by default
+ hidden?: boolean, // false by default
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number,
+ icon?: string,
+ inputType?: "text" | "password" | "number", // "text" by default
+ max?: number | string,
+ maxlength?: number | string,
+ min?: number | string,
+ minlength?: number | string,
+ placeholder?: string,
+ readOnly?: boolean, // false by default
+ // for `wrap:true` check the label properties for the Fieldset
+ label?: string,
+ labelWidth?: string | number,
+ labelPosition?: "left" | "top", // "top" by default
+ // service properties and methods
+ $on?: { [eventName: string]: function },
+ $handler?: function,
+ $setValue?: function,
+ $layout?: function
+## Description
+### Basic properties
+- `type` - (required) the type of a control. Set it to *"input"*
+- `key` - (optional) the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+- `wrap` - (optional) allows displaying the external wrapping. *false* by default
+- `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a control
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `hidden` - (optional) defines whether a control is hidden. *false* by default
+- `height` - (optional) the height of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `width` - (optional) the width of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of an input control
+- `icon` - (optional) the CSS class of an [icon](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/helpers/icon/) from the used icon font
+- `inputType` - (optional) sets the type of an input: *"text"* | *"password"* | *"number"*. *"text"* by default
+Use the "password" value to specify a field for entering a password
+- `max` - (optional) - the [maximal value allowed in the input](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/work_with_form/#minimal-and-maximal-values). The attribute works only with the input type: *"number"*
+- `maxlength` - (optional) the maximum [number of characters allowed in the input](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/work_with_form/#number-of-allowed-characters). The attribute works with the following input types: *"text", "password"*
+- `min` - (optional) [the minimal value allowed in the input](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/work_with_form/#minimal-and-maximal-values). The attribute works only with the input type: *"number"*
+- `minlength` - (optional) the minimum [number of characters allowed in the input](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/work_with_form/#number-of-allowed-characters). The attribute works with the following input types: *"text", "password"*
+- `placeholder` - (optional) a tip for the input
+- `readOnly` - (optional) defines whether an input is readonly. *false* by default
+- `label` - (optional) specifies a label for the control
+- `labelWidth` - (optional) sets the label width of the control
+- `labelPosition` - (optional) defines the position of a label: *"left"* | *"top"*. *"top"* by default
+### Service properties and methods
+Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.
+- `$on` - (optional) - allows setting an event listener. The object has the following properties:
+ - `eventName` - a callback function which is called with the following parameters:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `control` - the [Input](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/input/) Form control
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `arguments` - (optional) - the [original event arguments](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/category/form-input-events/)
+- `$handler` - (optional) - a callback function that allows handling actions on firing the `change` and `input` events of the [Input](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/input/) Form control and the `change` event of DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `key` - the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Input](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/input/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the new value of the [Input](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/input/) Form control
+- `$setValue` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the value of the [Input](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/input/) Form control on initialization of a control and on changing the value in DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Input](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/input/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the value of a Diagram item
+- `$layout` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the [Input](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/input/) Form control. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - the configuration of a control without service properties
+## Example
+~~~jsx {7-22}
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "default",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $shape: [
+ {
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "text",
+ key: "text",
+ label: "Input with a string value",
+ placeholder: "Enter a string value"
+ },
+ {
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "number",
+ key: "x",
+ label: "Input with a number value",
+ placeholder: "Enter a number value",
+ min: 0,
+ max: 100,
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/radiogroup.md b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/radiogroup.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..097c4e41a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/radiogroup.md
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+sidebar_label: RadioGroup!!
+title: Editbar Basic Controls - RadioGroup
+description: You can explore the RadioGroup control of Editbar in the documentation of the the DHTMLX JavaScript Diagram library. Browse developer guides and API reference, try out code examples and live demos, and download a free 30-day evaluation version of DHTMLX Suite.
+# RadioGroup
+@short: The basic control for creating groups of Radio buttons.
+## Usage
+ type: "radiogroup",
+ options: {
+ rows?: object[],
+ cols?: object[],
+ css?: string,
+ height?: string | number | "content",
+ padding?: string | number,
+ width?: string | number | "content"
+ },
+ key?: string | string[],
+ wrap?: boolean, // false by default
+ disabled?: boolean, // false by default
+ hidden?: boolean, // false by default
+ css?: string,
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number,
+ // for `wrap:true` check the label properties for the Fieldset
+ label?: string,
+ labelWidth?: string | number,
+ labelPosition?: "left" | "top", // "top" by default
+ // service properties and methods
+ $on?: { [eventName: string]: function },
+ $handler?: function,
+ $setValue?: function,
+ $layout?: function
+Radio button configuration object inside RadioGroup:
+ value: string,
+ text?: string,
+ disabled?: boolean,
+ hidden?: boolean,
+ css?: string,
+ height?: string | number | "content",
+ width?: string | number | "content",
+ padding?: string | number
+## Description
+### RadioGroup properties
+#### Basic properties
+- `type` - (required) the type of a control. Set it to "radioGroup"
+- `key` - (optional) the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+- `wrap` - (optional) allows displaying the external wrapping. *false* by default
+- `options` - (required) an object with options of a RadioGroup. The object can contain the following attributes:
+ - `rows` - (optional) arranges [radio buttons](#radio-button-properties) inside the RadioGroup control vertically
+ - `cols` - (optional) arranges [radio buttons](#radio-button-properties) inside the RadioGroup control horizontally
+ - `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a RadioGroup
+ - `height` - (optional) the height of a RadioGroup
+ - `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a RadioGroup
+ - `width` - (optional) the width of a RadioGroup
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `hidden` - (boolean) defines whether a RadioGroup is hidden. *false* by default
+- `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a control
+- `height` - (optional) the height of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `width` - (optional) the width of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a RadioGroup control
+- `label` - (optional) specifies a label for the control
+- `labelWidth` - (optional) sets the label width of the control
+- `labelPosition` - (optional) defines the position of a label: *"left"* | *"top"*. *"top"* by default
+#### Service properties and methods
+Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.
+- `$on` - (optional) - allows setting an event listener. The object has the following properties:
+ - `eventName` - a callback function which is called with the following parameters:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `control` - the [RadioGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/radiogroup/) Form control
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `arguments` - (optional) - the [original event arguments](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/category/form-radiogroup-events/)
+- `$handler` - (optional) - a callback function that allows handling actions on firing the `change` event of the [RadioGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/radiogroup/) Form control and the `change` event of DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `key` - the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [RadioGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/radiogroup/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the new value of the [RadioGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/radiogroup/) Form control
+- `$setValue` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the value of the [RadioGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/radiogroup/) Form control on initialization of a control and on changing the value in DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [RadioGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/radiogroup/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the value of a Diagram item
+- `$layout` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the [RadioGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/radiogroup/) Form control. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - the configuration of a control without service properties
+### Radio button properties
+- `value` - (required) the value of a radio button
+- `text` - (optional) the text label of a radio button
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `hidden` - (optional) defines whether a radio button is hidden. *false* by default
+- `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a control
+- `height` - (optional) the height of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `width` - (optional) the width of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a radio button control
+## Example
+~~~jsx {7-28}
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "default",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $shape: [
+ {
+ type: "radioGroup",
+ key: "textAlign",
+ label: "Text align",
+ wrap: true,
+ options: {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ text: "Left",
+ value: "left",
+ },
+ {
+ text: "Center",
+ value: "center",
+ },
+ {
+ text: "Right",
+ value: "right",
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/select.md b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/select.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..047d2508a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/select.md
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+sidebar_label: Select!!
+title: Editbar Basic Controls - Select
+description: You can explore the Select control of Editbar in the documentation of the the DHTMLX JavaScript Diagram library. Browse developer guides and API reference, try out code examples and live demos, and download a free 30-day evaluation version of DHTMLX Suite.
+# Select
+@short: The basic control that represents an advanced select box with a set of options to choose from.
+## Usage
+ type: "select",
+ options: (object | string)[],
+ key?: string | string[],
+ wrap?: boolean, // false by default
+ css?: string,
+ disabled?: boolean, // false by default
+ hidden?: boolean, // false by default
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number,
+ icon?: string,
+ // for `wrap:true` check the label properties for the Fieldset
+ label?: string,
+ labelWidth?: string | number,
+ labelPosition?: "left" | "top", // "top" by default
+ // service properties and methods
+ $on?: { [eventName: string]: function },
+ $handler?: function,
+ $setValue?: function,
+ $layout?: function
+Option configuration object inside Select:
+ value: string | number,
+ content: string,
+ disabled?: boolean
+## Description
+### Select properties
+#### Basic properties
+- `type` - (required) the type of a control. Set it to *"select"*
+- `options` - (required) an array of Select options, each option can be set as a *string* or as an *object* with a set of `key:value` pairs - [attributes of options and their values](#option-properties)
+- `key` - (optional) the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+- `wrap` - (optional) allows displaying the external wrapping. *false* by default
+- `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a control
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `hidden` - (boolean) defines whether a Select is hidden. *false* by default
+- `height` - (optional) the height of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `width` - (optional) the width of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a Select control
+- `icon` - (optional) the CSS class of an [icon](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/helpers/icon/) from the used icon font
+- `label` - (optional) specifies a label for the control
+- `labelWidth` - (optional) sets the label width of the control
+- `labelPosition` - (optional) defines the position of a label: *"left"* | *"top"*. *"top"* by default
+#### Service properties and methods
+Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.
+- `$on` - (optional) - allows setting an event listener. The object has the following properties:
+ - `eventName` - a callback function which is called with the following parameters:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `control` - the [Select](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/select/) Form control
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `arguments` - (optional) - the [original event arguments](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/category/form-select-events/)
+- `$handler` - (optional) - a callback function that allows handling actions on firing the `change` event of the [Select](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/select/) Form control and the `change` event of DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `key` - the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Select](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/select/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the new value of the [Select](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/select/) Form control
+- `$setValue` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the value of the [Select](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/select/) Form control on initialization of a control and on changing the value in DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Select](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/select/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the value of a Diagram item
+- `$layout` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the [Select](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/select/) Form control. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - the configuration of a control without service properties
+### Option properties
+- `value` - (required) sets the value for the select option
+- `content` - (required) the content displayed in the select option
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether the option is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+## Example
+~~~jsx {7-20}
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "default",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $shape: [
+ {
+ type: "select",
+ label: "Position",
+ key: "position",
+ wrap: true,
+ options: [
+ "",
+ "Technical Director",
+ "Manager",
+ "QA Lead",
+ { value: 4, content: "Team Lead", disabled: true },
+ { value: 5, content: "Programmer" }
+ ],
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/slider.md b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/slider.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..607f582fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/slider.md
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+sidebar_label: Slider!!
+title: Editbar Basic Controls - Slider
+description: You can explore the Slider control of Editbar in the documentation of the the DHTMLX JavaScript Diagram library. Browse developer guides and API reference, try out code examples and live demos, and download a free 30-day evaluation version of DHTMLX Suite.
+# Slider
+@short: The basic control for selecting a numeric value by moving a thumb along a line with a fixed set of options.
+## Usage
+ type: "slider",
+ key?: string | string[],
+ wrap?: boolean, // false by default
+ disabled?: boolean, // false by default
+ hidden?: boolean, // false by default
+ css?: string,
+ padding?: string | number,
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ inverse?: boolean, // false by default
+ majorTick?: number,
+ max?: number, // 100 by default
+ min?: number, // 0 by default
+ mode?: "vertical" | "horizontal", // "horizontal" by default
+ range?: boolean, // false by default
+ step?: number, // 1 by default
+ tick?: number,
+ tickTemplate?: (position: number) => string,
+ tooltip?: boolean, // true by default
+ // for `wrap:true` check the label properties for the Fieldset
+ label?: string,
+ labelWidth?: string | number,
+ labelPosition?: "left" | "top", // "top" by default
+ // service properties and methods
+ $on?: { [eventName: string]: function },
+ $handler?: function,
+ $setValue?: function,
+ $layout?: function
+## Description
+### Basic properties
+- `type` - (required) the type of a control. Set it to *"slider"*
+- `key` - (optional) the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+- `wrap` - (optional) allows displaying the external wrapping. *false* by default
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `hidden` - (optional) defines whether a control is hidden. *false* by default
+- `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a control
+- `height` - (optional) the height of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `width` - (optional) the width of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a slider control
+- `inverse` - (optional) enables/disables the inverse slider mode. *false* by default
+- `majorTick` - (optional) sets interval of rendering numeric values on the slider scale
+- `max` - (optional) the maximal value of slider. *100* by default
+- `min` - (optional) the minimal value of slider. *0* by default
+- `mode` - (optional) the direction of the slider scale. *"horizontal"* by default
+- `range` - (optional) enables/disables the possibility to select a range of values on the slider. *false* by default
+- `step` - (optional) the step the slider thumb will be moved with. *1* by default
+- `tick` - (optional) sets the interval of steps for rendering the slider scale
+- `tickTemplate` - (optional) sets a template for rendering values on the scale
+- `tooltip` - (optional) enables prompt messages with ticks values on hovering over the slider thumb. *true* by default
+### Service properties and methods
+Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.
+- `$on` - (optional) - allows setting an event listener. The object has the following properties:
+ - `eventName` - a callback function which is called with the following parameters:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `control` - the [Slider](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/slider/) Form control
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `arguments` - (optional) - the [original event arguments](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/category/form-slider-events/)
+- `$handler` - (optional) - a callback function that allows handling actions on firing the `change` event of the [Slider](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/slider/) Form control and the `change` event of DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `key` - the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Slider](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/slider/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the new value of the [Slider](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/slider/) Form control
+- `$setValue` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the value of the [Slider](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/slider/) Form control on initialization of a control and on changing the value in DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Slider](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/slider/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the value of a Diagram item
+- `$layout` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the [Slider](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/slider/) Form control. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - the configuration of a control without service properties
+## Example
+~~~jsx {7-18}
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "default",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $lineTitle: [
+ {
+ type: "slider",
+ key: "distance",
+ label: "Distance",
+ wrap: true,
+ min: 0,
+ max: 100,
+ step: 1,
+ tick: 5,
+ majorTick: 10,
+ tickTemplate: value => value,
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ { "id": "shape_1", "type": "rectangle", "text": "shape" },
+ { "id": "shape_2","type": "rectangle", "text": "shape", "x": 400 },
+ { "id": "line", "type": "line", "from": "shape_1", "to": "shape_2" },
+ { "type": "lineTitle", "parent": "line", "text": "Title", "distance": 50 }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/spacer.md b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/spacer.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27ad730b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/spacer.md
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+sidebar_label: Spacer!!
+title: Editbar Basic Controls - Spacer
+description: You can explore the Spacer control of Editbar in the documentation of the the DHTMLX JavaScript Diagram library. Browse developer guides and API reference, try out code examples and live demos, and download a free 30-day evaluation version of DHTMLX Suite.
+# Spacer
+@short: The basic control for arranging and aligning controls on the Editbar by taking some space.
+## Usage
+ type: "spacer"
+## Description
+- `type` - (required) the type of a control. Set it to *"spacer"*
+## Example
+~~~jsx {10,12}
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "org",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ show: true,
+ properties: {
+ $shape: [
+ { type: "input", key: "name", label: "Task name" },
+ { type: "input", key: "id", label: "ID", readOnly: true },
+ { type: "spacer" },
+ { type: "button", text: "Send", full: true },
+ { type: "spacer" }
+ ],
+ },
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/textarea.md b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/textarea.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af6eab277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/textarea.md
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+sidebar_label: Textarea!!
+title: Editbar Basic Controls - Textarea
+description: You can explore the Textarea control of Editbar in the documentation of the the DHTMLX JavaScript Diagram library. Browse developer guides and API reference, try out code examples and live demos, and download a free 30-day evaluation version of DHTMLX Suite.
+# Textarea
+@short: The basic control for entering a simple multi-line text.
+## Usage
+ type: "textarea",
+ key?: string | string[],
+ wrap?: boolean, // false by default
+ css?: string,
+ disabled?: boolean, // false by default
+ hidden?: boolean, // false by default
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number,
+ maxlength?: number | string,
+ minlength?: number | string,
+ placeholder?: string,
+ readOnly?: boolean, // false by default
+ // for `wrap:true` check the label properties for the Fieldset
+ label?: string,
+ labelWidth?: string | number,
+ labelPosition?: "left" | "top", // "top" by default
+ // service properties and methods
+ $on?: { [eventName: string]: function },
+ $handler?: function,
+ $setValue?: function,
+ $layout?: function
+## Description
+### Basic properties
+- `type` - (required) the type of a control. Set it to *"textarea"*
+- `key` - (optional) the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+- `wrap` - (optional) allows displaying the external wrapping. *false* by default
+- `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a control
+- `hidden` - (optional) defines whether a control is hidden. *false* by default
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `width` - (optional) the width of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `height` - (optional) the height of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of the Textarea control
+- `maxlength` - (optional) the maximum [number of characters allowed in the textarea](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/work_with_form/#number-of-allowed-characters)
+- `minlength` - (optional) the minimum [number of characters allowed in the textarea](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/work_with_form/#number-of-allowed-characters)
+- `placeholder` - (optional) a tip for the textarea
+- `readOnly` - (optional) defines whether a textarea is readonly. *false* by default
+- `label` - (optional) specifies a label for the control
+- `labelWidth` - (optional) sets the label width of the control
+- `labelPosition` - (optional) defines the position of a label: *"left"* | *"top"*. *"top"* by default
+### Service properties and methods
+Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.
+- `$on` - (optional) - allows setting an event listener. The object has the following properties:
+ - `eventName` - a callback function which is called with the following parameters:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `control` - the [Textarea](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/textarea/) Form control
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `arguments` - (optional) - the [original event arguments](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/category/form-textarea-events/)
+- `$handler` - (optional) - a callback function that allows handling actions on firing the `change` and `input` events of the [Textarea](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/textarea/) Form control and the `change` event of DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `key` - the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Textarea](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/textarea/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the new value of the [Textarea](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/textarea/) Form control
+- `$setValue` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the value of the [Textarea](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/textarea/) Form control on initialization of a control and on changing the value in DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Textarea](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/textarea/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the value of a Diagram item
+- `$layout` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the [Textarea](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/textarea/) Form control. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - the configuration of a control without service properties
+## Example
+~~~jsx {7-13}
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "default",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $shape: [
+ {
+ type: "textarea",
+ key: "text",
+ label: "Textarea label",
+ height: 250,
+ wrap: true
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/timepicker.md b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/timepicker.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d19b7177f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/timepicker.md
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+sidebar_label: Timepicker!!
+title: Editbar Basic Controls - Timepicker
+description: You can explore the Timepicker control of Editbar in the documentation of the the DHTMLX JavaScript Diagram library. Browse developer guides and API reference, try out code examples and live demos, and download a free 30-day evaluation version of DHTMLX Suite.
+# Timepicker
+@short: The basic control for selecting a time value either by moving handles along track bars or by entering hour and minutes values directly into related inputs.
+## Usage
+ type: "timepicker",
+ key?: string | string[],
+ wrap?: boolean, // false by default
+ css?: string,
+ disabled?: boolean, // false by default
+ hidden?: boolean, // false by default
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number,
+ controls?: boolean, // false by default
+ icon?: string,
+ placeholder?: string,
+ timeFormat?: 12 | 24, // 24 by default
+ valueFormat?: "string" | "timeObject", // "string" by default
+ // for `wrap:true` check the label properties for the Fieldset
+ label?: string,
+ labelWidth?: string | number,
+ labelPosition?: "left" | "top", // "top" by default
+ // service properties and methods
+ $on?: { [eventName: string]: function },
+ $handler?: function,
+ $setValue?: function,
+ $layout?: function
+## Description
+### Basic properties
+- `type` - (required) the type of a control. Set it to *"timepicker"*
+- `key` - (optional) the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+- `wrap` - (optional) allows displaying the external wrapping. *false* by default
+- `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a control
+- `hidden` - (optional) defines whether a control is hidden. *false* by default
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `width` - (optional) the width of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `height` - (optional) the height of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of the Timepicker control
+- `controls` - (optional) defines whether a timepicker is equipped with the Close and Save buttons. *false* by default
+- `icon` - (optional) the CSS class of an icon from the used icon font
+- `placeholder` - (optional) a tip for the input
+- `timeFormat` - (optional) defines what clock format is activated: the 12-hour or 24-hour one. Set the property to *12* or *24*, correspondingly. *24* by default
+- `valueFormat` - (optional) defines the format of the value to be applied when working with the events of the timepicker control: *"string"* | *"timeObject"*. *"string"* by default
+- `label` - (optional) specifies a label for the control
+- `labelWidth` - (optional) sets the label width of the control
+- `labelPosition` - (optional) defines the position of a label: *"left"* | *"top"*. *"top"* by default
+### Service properties and methods
+Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.
+- `$on` - (optional) - allows setting an event listener. The object has the following properties:
+ - `eventName` - a callback function which is called with the following parameters:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `control` - the [Timepicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/timepicker/) Form control
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `arguments` - (optional) - the [original event arguments](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/category/form-timepicker-events/)
+- `$handler` - (optional) - a callback function that allows handling actions on firing the `change` and `input` events of the [Timepicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/timepicker/) Form control and the `change` event of DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `key` - the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Timepicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/timepicker/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the new value of the [Timepicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/timepicker/) Form control
+- `$setValue` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the value of the [Timepicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/timepicker/) Form control on initialization of a control and on changing the value in DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Timepicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/timepicker/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the value of a Diagram item
+- `$layout` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the [Timepicker](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/timepicker/) Form control. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - the configuration of a control without service properties
+## Example
+~~~jsx {8-13}
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "org",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ show: true,
+ properties: {
+ $shape: [
+ {
+ type: "timepicker",
+ key: "time",
+ label: "Select time",
+ controls: true,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ { "id": "shape_1" },
+ { "id": "shape_2", "parent": "shape_1", "time": "14:00" },
+ { "id": "shape_3", "parent": "shape_1", "time": "18:30" }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/toggle.md b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/toggle.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48c0850d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/toggle.md
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+sidebar_label: Toggle!!
+title: Editbar Basic Controls - Toggle
+description: You can explore the Toggle control of Editbar in the documentation of the the DHTMLX JavaScript Diagram library. Browse developer guides and API reference, try out code examples and live demos, and download a free 30-day evaluation version of DHTMLX Suite.
+# Toggle
+@short: The basic control that represents a special button which can change its state from the pressed to the unpressed one when clicked.
+## Usage
+ type: "toggle",
+ key?: string | string[],
+ hidden?: boolean, // false by default
+ disabled?: boolean, // false by default
+ full?: boolean, // false by default
+ text?: string,
+ icon?: string,
+ offText?: string,
+ offIcon?: string,
+ value?: string | number,
+ css?: string,
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number,
+ // service properties and methods
+ $on?: { [eventName: string]: function },
+ $handler?: function,
+ $setValue?: function,
+ $layout?: function
+The control can be used both with the *boolean* value and the *string* one, if the `value` property is specified. The `value` property is needed for assigning the set value as a value of the applied property. [Check the example below](#example) to get the idea.
+## Description
+### Basic properties
+- `type` - (required) the type of a control. Set it to *"toggle"*
+- `key` - (optional) the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+- `hidden` - (optional) defines whether a control is hidden. *false* by default
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `full` - (optional) defines whether the toggle will be extended to the width specified by the `width` property. *false* by default
+- `text` - (optional) sets a text inside the toggle. When initialized together with the `offText` property, the specified text will be rendered in the selected (pressed) state
+- `offText` - (optional) sets the text that will be rendered in the unselected (unpressed) state of the toggle
+- `icon` - (optional) sets the CSS class of an icon displayed inside the toggle. When initialized together with the `offIcon` property, the specified CSS classes of icons will be rendered in the selected (pressed) state of the toggle
+- `offIcon` - (optional) sets the CSS class of an icon that will be rendered in the unselected (unpressed) state of the toggle
+- `value` - (optional) specifies the value in the selected (pressed) state. If not defined, the control is used with the *boolean* value
+- `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a control
+- `width` - (optional) the width of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `height` - (optional) the height of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of the Toggle control
+### Service properties and methods
+Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.
+- `$on` - (optional) - allows setting an event listener. The object has the following properties:
+ - `eventName` - a callback function which is called with the following parameters:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `control` - the [Toggle](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/toggle/) Form control
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `arguments` - (optional) - the [original event arguments](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/category/form-toggle-events/)
+- `$handler` - (optional) - a callback function that allows handling actions on firing the `change` event of the [Toggle](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/toggle/) Form control and the `change` event of DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `key` - the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Toggle](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/toggle/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the new value of the [Toggle](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/toggle/) Form control
+- `$setValue` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the value of the [Toggle](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/toggle/) Form control on initialization of a control and on changing the value in DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [Toggle](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/toggle/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the value of a Diagram item
+- `$layout` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the [Toggle](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/toggle/) Form control. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - the configuration of a control without service properties
+## Example
+~~~jsx {7-14} title="Applying the boolean value for a toggle"
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "default",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $group: [
+ {
+ type: "toggle",
+ key: ["header", "enable"],
+ icon: "dxi dxi-eye",
+ offIcon: "dxi dxi-eye-off",
+ text: "Visible",
+ offText: "Invisible",
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+~~~jsx {7-12} title="Assigning the set value as a value of the applied property"
+const editor= new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor", {
+ type: "default",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $shape: [
+ {
+ type: "toggle",
+ key: "fontStyle",
+ value: "italic",
+ icon: "dxi dxi-format-italic"
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/togglegroup.md b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/togglegroup.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/togglegroup.md
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+sidebar_label: ToggleGroup!!
+title: Editbar Basic Controls - ToggleGroup
+description: You can explore the ToggleGroup control of Editbar in the documentation of the the DHTMLX JavaScript Diagram library. Browse developer guides and API reference, try out code examples and live demos, and download a free 30-day evaluation version of DHTMLX Suite.
+# ToggleGroup
+@short: The basic control for creating groups of toggle buttons.
+## Usage
+ type: "toggleGroup",
+ options: object[],
+ key?: string | string[],
+ full?: boolean, // false by default
+ gap?: number, // 0 by default
+ hidden?: boolean, // false by default
+ disabled?: boolean, // false by default
+ css?: string,
+ width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
+ padding?: string | number,
+ // service properties and methods
+ $on?: { [eventName: string]: function },
+ $handler?: function,
+ $setValue?: function,
+ $layout?: function
+Toggle configuration object inside ToggleGroup:
+ id?: string,
+ hidden?: boolean,
+ disabled?: boolean,
+ full?: boolean,
+ text?: string,
+ icon?: string,
+ offText?: string,
+ offIcon?: string,
+ value?: string | number
+The objects with the `toggle` configuration inside the control can be used both with the *boolean* value and the *string* one, if the `value` property is specified. The `value` property is needed for assigning the set value as a value of the applied property. [Check the example below](#example) to get the idea.
+## Description
+### ToggleGroup properties
+#### Basic properties
+- `type` - (required) the type of a control. Set it to *"toggleGroup"*
+- `key` - (optional) the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+- `options` - (required) an array of ToggleGroup options, each option is set as an *object* with a set of `key:value` pairs - [attributes of options and their values](#toggle-properties)
+- `hidden` - (optional) defines whether a ToggleGroup is hidden. *false* by default
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `full` - (optional) defines whether the ToggleGroup will be extended to the width specified by the `width` property. *false* by default
+- `gap` - (optional) sets an offset between the elements (buttons) of an option. *0* by default
+- `css` - (optional) adds style classes to a control
+- `width` - (optional) the width of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `height` - (optional) the height of a control. *"content"* by default
+- `padding` - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of the ToggleGroup control
+#### Service properties and methods
+Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.
+- `$on` - (optional) - allows setting an event listener. The object has the following properties:
+ - `eventName` - a callback function which is called with the following parameters:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `control` - the [ToggleGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/togglegroup/) Form control
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `arguments` - (optional) - the [original event arguments](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/category/form-togglegroup-events/)
+- `$handler` - (optional) - a callback function that allows handling actions on firing the `change` event of the [ToggleGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/togglegroup/) Form control and the `change` event of DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `id` - the id of a Diagram item
+ - `key` - the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [ToggleGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/togglegroup/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the new value of the [ToggleGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/togglegroup/) Form control
+- `$setValue` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the value of the [ToggleGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/togglegroup/) Form control on initialization of a control and on changing the value in DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - an object with the following properties:
+ - `editor` - the object of the Diagram Editor
+ - `control` - the object of the [ToggleGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/togglegroup/) Form control the component is built on
+ - `value` - the value of a Diagram item
+- `$layout` - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the [ToggleGroup](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/form/togglegroup/) Form control. Called with the following parameter:
+ - `object` - the configuration of a control without service properties
+### Toggle properties
+- `id` - (optional) the id of a control, auto-generated if not set
+- `hidden` - (optional) defines whether an option is hidden. *false* by default
+- `disabled` - (optional) defines whether an option is enabled (*false*) or disabled (*true*). *false* by default
+- `full` - (optional) defines whether the option will be extended to the width specified by the `width` property. *false* by default
+- `text` - (optional) sets a text inside the option. When initialized together with the `offText` property, the specified text will be rendered in the selected (pressed) state
+- `icon` - (optional) sets the CSS class of an icon displayed inside the option. When initialized together with the `offIcon` property, the specified CSS classes of icons will be rendered in the selected (pressed) state of the option
+- `offText` - (optional) sets the text that will be rendered in the unselected (unpressed) state of the option
+- `offIcon` - (optional) sets the CSS class of an icon that will be rendered in the unselected (unpressed) state of the option
+- `value` - (optional) specifies the value in the selected (pressed) state. If not defined, the option is used with the *boolean* value
+## Example
+~~~jsx {7-28}
+const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
+ type: "default",
+ view: {
+ editbar: {
+ properties: {
+ $shape: [
+ {
+ type: "toggleGroup",
+ key: "textAlign",
+ gap: 4,
+ $on: {
+ beforeChange: (spec, values) => !Object.values(values).every(i => !i),
+ },
+ options: [
+ {
+ icon: "dxi dxi-format-align-left",
+ value: "left",
+ },
+ {
+ icon: "dxi dxi-format-align-center",
+ value: "center",
+ },
+ {
+ icon: "dxi dxi-format-align-right",
+ value: "right",
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sidebars.js b/sidebars.js
index 18d7b9724..fd6296072 100644
--- a/sidebars.js
+++ b/sidebars.js
@@ -850,10 +850,38 @@ module.exports = {
id: "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/overview",
items: [
- "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls",
+ {
+ type: "category",
+ label: "Basic controls!!",
+ link: {
+ type: "doc",
+ id: "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls"
+ },
+ items:[
+ "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/avatar",
+ "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/button",
+ "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/checkbox",
+ "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/checkboxgroup",
+ "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/colorpicker",
+ "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/combo",
+ "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/container",
+ "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/datepicker",
+ "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/fieldset",
+ "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/input",
+ "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/radiogroup",
+ "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/select",
+ "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/slider",
+ "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/spacer",
+ "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/textarea",
+ "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/timepicker",
+ "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/toggle",
+ "guides/diagram_editor/editbar/basic_controls/togglegroup"
+ ]
+ },
- ],
+ ],
"guides/diagram_editor/hot_keys" // New