diff --git a/siri_command.nic b/siri_command.nic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0045062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/siri_command.nic
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+nic 1
+name "iphone/siri_command"
+prompt AEWEBSITE "Extension/author website" "ae.k3a.me"
+prompt AEDESCRIPTION "Description of the extension" "An awesome extension for Siri!"
+dir Resources
+file 37 Resources/Info.plist
+ CFBundleName
+ CFBundleIdentifier
+ CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion
+ 6.0
+ CFBundleVersion
+ 1
+ CFBundleDisplayName
+ MinimumOSVersion
+ 5.0
+ CFBundleSupportedPlatforms
+ iPhoneOS
+ CFBundlePackageType
+ CFBundleSignature
+ ????
+ AppBundleID
+ UIDeviceFamily
+ 1
+ 2
+ CFBundleShortVersionString
+ 1.0
+ NSPrincipalClass
+file 1 Resources/InfoPlist.strings
+file 14 AE@@PROJECTNAME@@.h
+#import "SiriObjects.h"
+/// Principal class - the main class of the extension
+@interface AE@@PROJECTNAME@@ : NSObject
+// vim:ft=objc
+file 40 AE@@PROJECTNAME@@.mm
+#import "AE@@PROJECTNAME@@.h"
+#import "AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Commands.h"
+@implementation AE@@PROJECTNAME@@
+// required initialization
+ if ( (self = [super init]) )
+ {
+ // register all extension classes provided
+ [system registerCommand:[AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Commands class]];
+ }
+ return self;
+// optional info about extension
+ return @"@@USER@@";
+ return @"@@FULLPROJECTNAME@@";
+ return @"@@AEDESCRIPTION@@";
+ return @"@@AEWEBSITE@@";
+ return @"1.0.1";
+// vim:ft=objc
+file 8 AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Commands.h
+#import "SiriObjects.h"
+@interface AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Commands : NSObject
+-(BOOL)handleSpeech:(NSString*)text tokens:(NSArray*)tokens tokenSet:(NSSet*)tokenset context:(id)ctx;
+// vim:ft=objc
+file 46 AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Commands.mm
+#import "AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Commands.h"
+@implementation AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Commands
+ if ( (self = [super init]) )
+ {
+ // additional initialization
+ }
+ return self;
+ // additional cleaning
+ [super dealloc];
+-(BOOL)handleSpeech:(NSString*)text tokens:(NSArray*)tokens tokenSet:(NSSet*)tokenset context:(id)ctx
+ // logging useful during development
+ // NSLog(@">> AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Commands handleSpeech: %@", text);
+ // react to recognized tokens (what happen or what happened)
+ if ([tokens count] >= 2 &&
+ [[tokens objectAtIndex:0] isEqualToString:@"what"] &&
+ ( [tokenset containsObject:@"happen"] || [tokenset containsObject:@"happened"] )
+ )
+ {
+ // send a simple utterance response:
+ [ctx sendAddViewsUtteranceView:@"Somebody set up us the bomb!"];
+ // Inform the assistant that this is end of the request
+ // For more complex extensions, you can spawn an additional thread and process request asynchronly,
+ // ending with sending "request completed"
+ [ctx sendRequestCompleted];
+ return YES; // the command has been handled by our extension (ignore the original one from the server)
+ }
+ return NO;
+// vim:ft=objc
+file 193 SiriObjects.h
+// SiriObjects.h
+// AssistantExtensions
+// Version 1.0.1
+// Created by K3A.
+// Copyright (c) 2012 K3A.me. All rights reserved.
+#pragma once
+#ifdef SC_PRIVATE
+# import "SiriObjects_private.h"
+/// Ordinary assistant object dictionary (NSMutableDictionary) containing class name, group and properties.
+typedef NSMutableDictionary SOObject;
+/// Root assistant object (NSMutableDictionary). Like SOObject but with aceId and refId properties.
+typedef SOObject SOAceObject;
+@protocol SECommand;
+/// Protocol specifying methods of context passed via handleSpeech to the class conforming to SECommand
+@protocol SEContext
+/** Creates a dictionary representing an ordinary assistant object
+ \param className Name of the class
+ \param group Name of the object group
+ \param props Properties of the object
+ */
+-(SOObject*)createObjectDict:(NSString*)className group:(NSString*)group properties:(NSDictionary*)props;
+/** Creates a dictionary representing utterance view
+ \param text A text to show and speak
+ */
+/** Creates a dictionary representing utterance view
+ \param text A text to show
+ \param speakableText A text to speak
+ */
+-(SOObject*)createAssistantUtteranceView:(NSString*)text speakableText:(NSString*)speakableText;
+/** Creates a dictionary representing utterance view
+ \param text A text to show
+ \param speakableText A text to speak
+ \param dialogIdentifier Dialog identifier
+ */
+-(SOObject*)createAssistantUtteranceView:(NSString*)text speakableText:(NSString*)speakableText dialogIdentifier:(NSString*)dialogIdentifier;
+/** Creates a dictionary representing a snippet
+ \param snippetClass Name of the snippet class
+ \param props Dictionary of snippet properties
+ */
+-(SOObject*)createSnippet:(NSString*)snippetClass properties:(NSDictionary*)props;
+/** Sends a root assistant object
+ */
+-(BOOL)sendAceObject:(NSString*)className group:(NSString*)group properties:(NSDictionary*)props;
+/** Sends "request completed" to the assistant
+ */
+/** Sends views to the assistant
+ \param views Array of views to send
+ */
+/** Sends views to the assistant
+ \param views Array of views to send
+ \param dialogPhase Dialog phase, e.g. Reflection (will be replaced), Completion, Summary, Clarification, Error, Acknowledgement
+ \param scrollToTop Should scroll to top
+ \param temporary Temporary flag
+ */
+-(BOOL)sendAddViews:(NSArray*)views dialogPhase:(NSString*)dialogPhase scrollToTop:(BOOL)scrollToTop temporary:(BOOL)temporary;
+/** Create a snippet and send it immediately
+ \param snippetClass Name of the snippet class
+ \param props Properties for the snippet class
+ */
+-(BOOL)sendAddViewsSnippet:(NSString*)snippetClass properties:(NSDictionary*)props;
+/** Create a snippet and send it immediately
+ \param snippetClass Name of the snippet class
+ \param properties Properties for the snippet class
+ \param dialogPhase Dialog phase, e.g. Reflection (will be replaced), Completion, Summary, Clarification, Error, Acknowledgement
+ \param scrollToTop Should scroll to top
+ \param temporary Temporary flag
+ */
+-(BOOL)sendAddViewsSnippet:(NSString*)snippetClass properties:(NSDictionary*)props dialogPhase:(NSString*)dialogPhase scrollToTop:(BOOL)scrollToTop temporary:(BOOL)temporary;
+/** Create utterance (text) and send it immediately
+ \param text Text to send
+ */
+/** Create utterance (text) and send it immediately
+ \param text Text to send
+ \param speakableText Text to speak (different from what is displayed)
+ */
+-(BOOL)sendAddViewsUtteranceView:(NSString*)text speakableText:(NSString*)speakableText;
+/** Create utterance (text) and send it immediately
+ \param text Text to send
+ \param speakableText Text to speak (different from what is displayed)
+ \param dialogPhase Dialog phase, e.g. Reflection (will be replaced), Completion, Summary, Clarification, Error, Acknowledgement
+ */
+-(BOOL)sendAddViewsUtteranceView:(NSString*)text speakableText:(NSString*)speakableText dialogPhase:(NSString*)dialogPhase scrollToTop:(BOOL)scrollToTop temporary:(BOOL)temporary;
+/** Create utterance (text) and send it immediately
+ \param text Text to send
+ \param speakableText Text to speak (different from what is displayed)
+ \param dialogPhase Dialog phase, e.g. Reflection (will be replaced), Completion, Summary, Clarification, Error, Acknowledgement
+ */
+-(BOOL)sendAddViewsUtteranceView:(NSString*)text speakableText:(NSString*)speakableText dialogPhase:(NSString*)dialogPhase scrollToTop:(BOOL)scrollToTop temporary:(BOOL)temporary;
+/** Create utterance (text) and send it immediately
+ \param text Text to send
+ \param speakableText Text to speak (different from what is displayed)
+ \param dialogPhase Dialog phase, e.g. Reflection (will be replaced), Completion, Summary, Clarification, Error, Acknowledgement
+ \param listen Whether to listen for user response just after speaking the text. If YES, next request will be sent to the same SECommand.
+ \since 1.0.1
+ */
+-(BOOL)sendAddViewsUtteranceView:(NSString*)text speakableText:(NSString*)speakableText dialogPhase:(NSString*)dialogPhase scrollToTop:(BOOL)scrollToTop temporary:(BOOL)temporary listenAfterSpeaking:(BOOL)listen; //SINCE 1.0.1
+/** Returns a boolean indicating whether the current request has been completed (by calling sendRequestCompleted). */
+/** Returns an object which handled the request or nil if the request has not been handled yet. */
+/** Returns a string with refId of the current request. */
+/** Protocol specifying methods of an extension class representing snippet.
+ Instances of these classes will be created for every snippet creation request.
+ A class representing snippet can derive from UIView or just represent some proxy class creating it's UIView on demand.
+ Don't forget you really should prefix your class with some shortcut, e.g. K3AAwesomeSnippet!
+ */
+@protocol SESnippet
+/// Initializes a snippet by properties
+/// Returns a view representing snippet, can be self if the conforming class is already UIView
+/** Protocol specifying methods of an extension class handling commands.
+ Classes conforming to this protocol are initialized just after loading bundle and will remain in memory.
+ Don't forget you really should prefix your class with some shortcut, e.g. K3AAwesomeCommand!
+ */
+@protocol SECommand
+/** Allows the extension to react to recognized text.
+ \param text Recognized text
+ \param tokens An ordered array of lowercase tokens representing recognized words
+ \param tokenset An unordered set of tokens for fast search - recommended parameter for keyword-matching
+ \param ctx Context representing the current request also allowing to send responses
+ */
+-(BOOL)handleSpeech:(NSString*)text tokens:(NSArray*)tokens tokenSet:(NSSet*)tokenset context:(id)ctx;
+/** Protocol specifying methods for the NSPrincipal class of the extension.
+ */
+@protocol SESystem
+/// Register a command class
+/// Register a snippet class
+/// Returns the version string of AssistantExtensions
+-(NSString*)systemVersion; //SINCE 1.0.1
+/// Protocol specifying methods of the extension's principal class
+@protocol SEExtension
+/// The first method which is called on your class, system is where you register commands and snippets
+/// Extension author
+/// Extension name
+/// Extension description
+/// Extension website URL
+/// Minimal SiriExtensions version requirement
+-(NSString*)versionRequirement; //SINCE 1.0.1
+// vim:ft=objc
+file 12 Makefile
+include theos/makefiles/common.mk
+@@PROJECTNAME@@_BUNDLE_EXTENSION = assistantExtension
+@@PROJECTNAME@@_INSTALL_PATH = /Library/AssistantExtensions/
+include $(THEOS_MAKE_PATH)/bundle.mk
+ install.exec "killall -9 SpringBoard"
+file 9 control
+Package: @@PACKAGENAME@@
+Depends: firmware (>= 5.0), gsc.assistant | com.chpwn.spire, me.k3a.ae
+Version: 0.0.1
+Architecture: iphoneos-arm
+Description: @@AEDESCRIPTION@@
+Maintainer: @@USER@@
+Author: @@USER@@
+Section: Addons (AssistantExtensions)
diff --git a/siri_snippet.nic b/siri_snippet.nic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7acf200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/siri_snippet.nic
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+nic 1
+name "iphone/siri_snippet"
+prompt AEWEBSITE "Extension/author website" "ae.k3a.me"
+prompt AEDESCRIPTION "Description of the extension" "An awesome snippet extension for Siri!"
+dir Resources
+file 37 Resources/Info.plist
+ CFBundleName
+ CFBundleIdentifier
+ CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion
+ 6.0
+ CFBundleVersion
+ 1
+ CFBundleDisplayName
+ MinimumOSVersion
+ 5.0
+ CFBundleSupportedPlatforms
+ iPhoneOS
+ CFBundlePackageType
+ CFBundleSignature
+ ????
+ AppBundleID
+ UIDeviceFamily
+ 1
+ 2
+ CFBundleShortVersionString
+ 1.0
+ NSPrincipalClass
+file 1 Resources/InfoPlist.strings
+file 14 AE@@PROJECTNAME@@.h
+#import "SiriObjects.h"
+/// Principal class - the main class of the extension
+@interface AE@@PROJECTNAME@@ : NSObject
+// vim:ft=objc
+file 42 AE@@PROJECTNAME@@.mm
+#import "AE@@PROJECTNAME@@.h"
+#import "AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Commands.h"
+#import "AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Snippet.h"
+@implementation AE@@PROJECTNAME@@
+// required initialization
+ if ( (self = [super init]) )
+ {
+ // register all extension classes provided
+ [system registerCommand:[AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Commands class]];
+ [system registerSnippet:[AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Snippet class]];
+ }
+ return self;
+// optional info about extension
+ return @"@@USER@@";
+ return @"@@FULLPROJECTNAME@@";
+ return @"@@AEDESCRIPTION@@";
+ return @"@@AEWEBSITE@@";
+ return @"1.0.1";
+// vim:ft=objc
+file 8 AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Commands.h
+#import "SiriObjects.h"
+@interface AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Commands : NSObject
+-(BOOL)handleSpeech:(NSString*)text tokens:(NSArray*)tokens tokenSet:(NSSet*)tokenset context:(id)ctx;
+// vim:ft=objc
+file 56 AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Commands.mm
+#import "AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Commands.h"
+@implementation AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Commands
+ if ( (self = [super init]) )
+ {
+ // additional initialization
+ }
+ return self;
+ // additional cleaning
+ [super dealloc];
+-(BOOL)handleSpeech:(NSString*)text tokens:(NSArray*)tokens tokenSet:(NSSet*)tokenset context:(id)ctx
+ // logging useful during development
+ // NSLog(@">> AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Commands handleSpeech: %@", text);
+ // react to recognized tokens (what happen or what happened)
+ if ([tokens count] == 1 && [tokenset containsObject:@"snippet"])
+ {
+ // properties for the snippet (optional)
+ NSDictionary* snipProps = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"It's working!" forKey:@"text"];
+ // create an array of views
+ NSMutableArray* views = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:1];
+ [views addObject:[ctx createAssistantUtteranceView:@"This is a custom snippet:"]];
+ [views addObject:[ctx createSnippet:@"AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Snippet" properties:snipProps]];
+ // send views to the assistant
+ [ctx sendAddViews:views];
+ // alternatively, for utterance response, you can use this call only:
+ //[ctx sendAddViewsUtteranceView:@"Hello Snippet!!"];
+ // alternatively, for snippet response you can use this call only:
+ //[ctx sendAddViewsSnippet:@"K3AHelloSnippet" properties:snipProps];
+ // Inform the assistant that this is end of the request
+ // For more complex extensions, you can spawn an additional thread and process request asynchronly,
+ // ending with sending "request completed"
+ [ctx sendRequestCompleted];
+ return YES; // the command has been handled by our extension (ignore the original one from the server)
+ }
+ return NO;
+// vim:ft=objc
+file 12 AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Snippet.h
+#import "SiriObjects.h"
+@interface AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Snippet : NSObject {
+ UIView* _view;
+ UILabel* _testLabel;
+- (id)initWithProperties:(NSDictionary*)props;
+- (id)view;
+// vim:ft=objc
+file 42 AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Snippet.mm
+#import "AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Snippet.h"
+@implementation AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Snippet
+- (id)view
+ return _view;
+- (void)dealloc
+ //NSLog(@">> AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Snippet dealloc");
+ [_view release];
+ [super dealloc];
+- (id)initWithProperties:(NSDictionary*)props;
+ //NSLog(@">> AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Snippet initWithProperties: %@", props);
+ if ( (self = [super init]) )
+ {
+ // create a background view (the height matters)
+ CGRect bgSize = CGRectMake(0,0, 310,40); // 310 is a standard snippet width
+ _view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:bgSize];
+ _testLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:bgSize];
+ _testLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
+ _testLabel.textColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
+ _testLabel.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;
+ [_testLabel setText:[props objectForKey:@"text"]]; // text supplied by AE@@PROJECTNAME@@Commands
+ [_view addSubview:_testLabel];
+ [_testLabel release];
+ }
+ return self;
+// vim:ft=objc
+file 193 SiriObjects.h
+// SiriObjects.h
+// AssistantExtensions
+// Version 1.0.1
+// Created by K3A.
+// Copyright (c) 2012 K3A.me. All rights reserved.
+#pragma once
+#ifdef SC_PRIVATE
+# import "SiriObjects_private.h"
+/// Ordinary assistant object dictionary (NSMutableDictionary) containing class name, group and properties.
+typedef NSMutableDictionary SOObject;
+/// Root assistant object (NSMutableDictionary). Like SOObject but with aceId and refId properties.
+typedef SOObject SOAceObject;
+@protocol SECommand;
+/// Protocol specifying methods of context passed via handleSpeech to the class conforming to SECommand
+@protocol SEContext
+/** Creates a dictionary representing an ordinary assistant object
+ \param className Name of the class
+ \param group Name of the object group
+ \param props Properties of the object
+ */
+-(SOObject*)createObjectDict:(NSString*)className group:(NSString*)group properties:(NSDictionary*)props;
+/** Creates a dictionary representing utterance view
+ \param text A text to show and speak
+ */
+/** Creates a dictionary representing utterance view
+ \param text A text to show
+ \param speakableText A text to speak
+ */
+-(SOObject*)createAssistantUtteranceView:(NSString*)text speakableText:(NSString*)speakableText;
+/** Creates a dictionary representing utterance view
+ \param text A text to show
+ \param speakableText A text to speak
+ \param dialogIdentifier Dialog identifier
+ */
+-(SOObject*)createAssistantUtteranceView:(NSString*)text speakableText:(NSString*)speakableText dialogIdentifier:(NSString*)dialogIdentifier;
+/** Creates a dictionary representing a snippet
+ \param snippetClass Name of the snippet class
+ \param props Dictionary of snippet properties
+ */
+-(SOObject*)createSnippet:(NSString*)snippetClass properties:(NSDictionary*)props;
+/** Sends a root assistant object
+ */
+-(BOOL)sendAceObject:(NSString*)className group:(NSString*)group properties:(NSDictionary*)props;
+/** Sends "request completed" to the assistant
+ */
+/** Sends views to the assistant
+ \param views Array of views to send
+ */
+/** Sends views to the assistant
+ \param views Array of views to send
+ \param dialogPhase Dialog phase, e.g. Reflection (will be replaced), Completion, Summary, Clarification, Error, Acknowledgement
+ \param scrollToTop Should scroll to top
+ \param temporary Temporary flag
+ */
+-(BOOL)sendAddViews:(NSArray*)views dialogPhase:(NSString*)dialogPhase scrollToTop:(BOOL)scrollToTop temporary:(BOOL)temporary;
+/** Create a snippet and send it immediately
+ \param snippetClass Name of the snippet class
+ \param props Properties for the snippet class
+ */
+-(BOOL)sendAddViewsSnippet:(NSString*)snippetClass properties:(NSDictionary*)props;
+/** Create a snippet and send it immediately
+ \param snippetClass Name of the snippet class
+ \param properties Properties for the snippet class
+ \param dialogPhase Dialog phase, e.g. Reflection (will be replaced), Completion, Summary, Clarification, Error, Acknowledgement
+ \param scrollToTop Should scroll to top
+ \param temporary Temporary flag
+ */
+-(BOOL)sendAddViewsSnippet:(NSString*)snippetClass properties:(NSDictionary*)props dialogPhase:(NSString*)dialogPhase scrollToTop:(BOOL)scrollToTop temporary:(BOOL)temporary;
+/** Create utterance (text) and send it immediately
+ \param text Text to send
+ */
+/** Create utterance (text) and send it immediately
+ \param text Text to send
+ \param speakableText Text to speak (different from what is displayed)
+ */
+-(BOOL)sendAddViewsUtteranceView:(NSString*)text speakableText:(NSString*)speakableText;
+/** Create utterance (text) and send it immediately
+ \param text Text to send
+ \param speakableText Text to speak (different from what is displayed)
+ \param dialogPhase Dialog phase, e.g. Reflection (will be replaced), Completion, Summary, Clarification, Error, Acknowledgement
+ */
+-(BOOL)sendAddViewsUtteranceView:(NSString*)text speakableText:(NSString*)speakableText dialogPhase:(NSString*)dialogPhase scrollToTop:(BOOL)scrollToTop temporary:(BOOL)temporary;
+/** Create utterance (text) and send it immediately
+ \param text Text to send
+ \param speakableText Text to speak (different from what is displayed)
+ \param dialogPhase Dialog phase, e.g. Reflection (will be replaced), Completion, Summary, Clarification, Error, Acknowledgement
+ */
+-(BOOL)sendAddViewsUtteranceView:(NSString*)text speakableText:(NSString*)speakableText dialogPhase:(NSString*)dialogPhase scrollToTop:(BOOL)scrollToTop temporary:(BOOL)temporary;
+/** Create utterance (text) and send it immediately
+ \param text Text to send
+ \param speakableText Text to speak (different from what is displayed)
+ \param dialogPhase Dialog phase, e.g. Reflection (will be replaced), Completion, Summary, Clarification, Error, Acknowledgement
+ \param listen Whether to listen for user response just after speaking the text. If YES, next request will be sent to the same SECommand.
+ \since 1.0.1
+ */
+-(BOOL)sendAddViewsUtteranceView:(NSString*)text speakableText:(NSString*)speakableText dialogPhase:(NSString*)dialogPhase scrollToTop:(BOOL)scrollToTop temporary:(BOOL)temporary listenAfterSpeaking:(BOOL)listen; //SINCE 1.0.1
+/** Returns a boolean indicating whether the current request has been completed (by calling sendRequestCompleted). */
+/** Returns an object which handled the request or nil if the request has not been handled yet. */
+/** Returns a string with refId of the current request. */
+/** Protocol specifying methods of an extension class representing snippet.
+ Instances of these classes will be created for every snippet creation request.
+ A class representing snippet can derive from UIView or just represent some proxy class creating it's UIView on demand.
+ Don't forget you really should prefix your class with some shortcut, e.g. K3AAwesomeSnippet!
+ */
+@protocol SESnippet
+/// Initializes a snippet by properties
+/// Returns a view representing snippet, can be self if the conforming class is already UIView
+/** Protocol specifying methods of an extension class handling commands.
+ Classes conforming to this protocol are initialized just after loading bundle and will remain in memory.
+ Don't forget you really should prefix your class with some shortcut, e.g. K3AAwesomeCommand!
+ */
+@protocol SECommand
+/** Allows the extension to react to recognized text.
+ \param text Recognized text
+ \param tokens An ordered array of lowercase tokens representing recognized words
+ \param tokenset An unordered set of tokens for fast search - recommended parameter for keyword-matching
+ \param ctx Context representing the current request also allowing to send responses
+ */
+-(BOOL)handleSpeech:(NSString*)text tokens:(NSArray*)tokens tokenSet:(NSSet*)tokenset context:(id)ctx;
+/** Protocol specifying methods for the NSPrincipal class of the extension.
+ */
+@protocol SESystem
+/// Register a command class
+/// Register a snippet class
+/// Returns the version string of AssistantExtensions
+-(NSString*)systemVersion; //SINCE 1.0.1
+/// Protocol specifying methods of the extension's principal class
+@protocol SEExtension
+/// The first method which is called on your class, system is where you register commands and snippets
+/// Extension author
+/// Extension name
+/// Extension description
+/// Extension website URL
+/// Minimal SiriExtensions version requirement
+-(NSString*)versionRequirement; //SINCE 1.0.1
+// vim:ft=objc
+file 12 Makefile
+include theos/makefiles/common.mk
+@@PROJECTNAME@@_BUNDLE_EXTENSION = assistantExtension
+@@PROJECTNAME@@_INSTALL_PATH = /Library/AssistantExtensions/
+include $(THEOS_MAKE_PATH)/bundle.mk
+ install.exec "killall -9 SpringBoard"
+file 9 control
+Package: @@PACKAGENAME@@
+Depends: firmware (>= 5.0), gsc.assistant | com.chpwn.spire, me.k3a.ae
+Version: 0.0.1
+Architecture: iphoneos-arm
+Description: @@AEDESCRIPTION@@
+Maintainer: @@USER@@
+Author: @@USER@@
+Section: Addons (AssistantExtensions)