Set of conda environments for KAUST linux machines and clusters at KAUST.
First of all install Miniconda following instructions at:
For each environment, an environment_$ENVNAME.yml
file is provided alongside with a
shell installation script install_$
Simply run:
./install_$ $PATH_TO_DEV_LIB
contains the path of the library to install in developer mode
(if empty, the library will be installed in user mode using pip or conda installers).
Scientific: CPU installation of basic scientific stack (customize this to your needs)
Azure_CLI: CPU installation of azure-cli (to be able to programmatically download Volve data)
MPI4PY: CPU installation of basic scientific stack with MPI4Py
PyLops: CPU installation of PyLops and its dependencies
PyLops_36: CPU installation of PyLops and its dependencies
PyLops_37: CPU installation of PyLops and its dependencies
PyLops_cupy: GPU-enabled installation of PyLops with Cupy (cuda11.1.0)
PyLops_cupy_cusignal: GPU-enabled installation of PyLops with Cupy + CuSignal (cuda10.2.89)
PyLops_cupy_cusignal_3090: GPU-enabled installation of PyLops with Cupy + CuSignal (cuda11.0 to be used with GeForce RTX 3090)
PyLops_cupy_mpi4py_3090: GPU-enabled installation of PyLops with Cupy + PyLops (cuda11.8 to be used with GeForce RTX 3090)
PyLops_gpu: GPU-enabled installation of PyLops-gpu with PyTorch + Cupy (cuda10.2.89)
PyLops_gpu_3090: GPU-enabled installation of PyLops-gpu with PyTorch + Cupy (cuda11.0 to be used with GeForce RTX 3090)
PyLops_diffusers_3090: GPU-enabled installation of PyLops-gpu with PyTorch + Cupy + Diffusers (cuda11.8 to be used with GeForce RTX 3090)
PyLops_dist: CPU installation of PyLops-distributed and its dependencies
Devito: CPU installation of Devito
EGS: Stanford GPU-enabled FD propagators and PDE-constrained inversion
- Jupyter Extensions: install Jupyter extensions (e.g., TOC)
- Curvelops: install FFWT, Curvelab and Curvelops (works only with PyLops_36 and PyLops_37)