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Releases: DIRACGrid/DIRAC


12 Feb 09:09
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FIX: (#7457) jobID type issue in JobAgent


FIX: (#7452) dirac-proxy-init printInfo without the dirac group


FIX: (#7449) getQueue() overriding the CE tags


09 Feb 12:09
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v9.0.0a23 Pre-release



FIX: (#7458) jobID type issue in JobAgent


FIX: (#7454) getQueue() overriding the CE tags


FIX: (#7451) dirac-proxy-init printInfo without the dirac group


08 Feb 08:25
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FIX: (#7444) get pilot logging info with a token from an AREXCE


FIX: (#7438) correctly set the duration of tokens in cache


FIX: (#7435) JobDB: fix mismatch of string and integer jobIDs. In some cases API calls would fail because JobDB.getJobParameters and JobDB.getJobsAttributes return dictionaries with integer keys, while the function was called with a string jobID. This fixes for example the StalledJobAgent being unable to reschedule matched jobs.
FIX: (#7434) StatesAccountingAgent: skip the first iteration in order to avoid double commit after a restart
FIX: (#7415) Each job has its own JobReport in JobAgent
FIX: (#7415) JobAgent exits when all the jobs have been processed


CHANGE: (#7431) moved to weekly indices for agent and service monitoring


07 Feb 21:15
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v9.0.0a22 Pre-release



FIX: (#7448) get pilot logging info with a token from an AREXCE


FIX: (#7447) Each job has its own JobReport in JobAgent
FIX: (#7447) JobAgent exits when all the jobs have been processed
FIX: (#7446) StatesAccountingAgent: skip the first iteration in order to avoid double commit after a restart
CHANGE: (#7439) SandboxStore: remove external SE feature
FIX: (#7436) JobDB: fix mismatch of string and integer jobIDs. In some cases API calls would fail because JObDB.getJobParameters and JobDB.getJobsAttributes return dictionaries with integer keys, while the function was called with a string jobID. This fixes for example the StalledJobAgent being unable to reschedule matched jobs.
NEW: (#7425) TornadoPilotLoggingHandler modify the handler to accept VO name sent by a pilot. Required in a case where the VO cannot be guessed from a proxy. This change requires DIRACGrid/Pilot#230
NEW: (#7421) SandboxDB: add VO field
CHANGE: (#7414) move the content of SubmissionPolicy in SiteDirector


FIX: (#7443) correctly set the duration of tokens in cache


FIX: (#7441) make sure OwnerDN is defined before trying to access its value


CHANGE: (#7432) moved to weekly indices for agent and service monitoring


28 Jan 08:53
Choose a tag to compare
v9.0.0a21 Pre-release



CHANGE: (#7417) write the diracx CsSync config in the CS instead of taking the yaml file from diracx repo


CHANGE: (#7413) removed Proxies persistency flag


FIX: (#7412) Adding VOMS extensions without having environment variables set
NEW: (#7412) Add DIRAC_DISABLE_GCONFIG_REFRESH environment variable to prevent gConfig being accidentally used
FIX: (#7409) Use proxy lifetime for tokens from legacy proxy exchange (DIRACGrid/diracx#130)


FIX: (#7409) Add DiracX to payload proxies used by compute elements (#7402)
FIX: (#7406) SiteDirector should not interact with CEs if there is 0 pilot to submit


CHANGE: (#7407) JobDB simplifications
CHANGE: (#7405) Removed Private Pilot functionality


18 Jan 07:30
Choose a tag to compare
v9.0.0a20 Pre-release



FIX: (#7399) JobAgent rescheduling wrong jobs
FIX: (#7387) JobAgent interaction with JobMonitoringClient


CHANGE: (#7396) PilotAgentsDB: move from OwnerGroup to VO
FIX: (#7379) The callback for the Stager was failing, because of a type mismatch in the jobID used to retrieve the status. Jobs never came out of Staging.
NEW: (#7375) pilotWrapper: using CVMFS_locations for discovering the pilot files


FIX: (#7391) send notifications for expiring proxies

Documentation on how to deploy a third party tool (fluent-bit) to grab, format and send Dirac current logs to ElasticSearch and/or splitted logs files


FIX: (#7376) AREXCE should break when a valid delegation ID is found


FIX: (#7374) Converting p12 files with filenames containing special characters


18 Jan 12:34
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FIX: (#7397) JobAgent rescheduling wrong jobs


FIX: (#7394) Correctly collect platform list from queues


08 Jan 10:44
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FIX: (#7380) JobAgent interaction with JobMonitoringClient


FIX: (#7378) The callback for the Stager was failing, because of a type mismatch in the jobID used to retrieve the status. Jobs never came out of Staging.


19 Dec 10:17
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FIX: (#7372) Converting p12 files with filenames containing special characters


NEW: (#7371) pilotWrapper: using CVMFS_locations for discovering the pilot files


FIX: (#7367) AREXCE should break when a valid delegation ID is found


11 Dec 14:50
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FIX: (#7365) make sure the WLCG accounting file is json
FIX: (#7348) remove valid argument from setToken
FIX: (#7289) get batch system details from local cfg instead of environment variables


FIX: (#7359) added SiteDirector option for CVMFS_locations
FIX: (#7302) JobAgents will set jobStatus=Failed/Payload failed if and only if the job was previously Running
FIX: (#7300) correctly handle UTC in JobLoggingDB float timestamp
FIX: (#7291) ElasticJobParametersDB: do not configure the IndexPrefix name


NEW: (#7358) introduce addPilotReferences() in PilotAgentsDB
FIX: (#7304) Use copy+remove in PilotSync agent to avoid SELinux problems


FIX: (#7353) wrong service uptime calculation
FIX: (#7339) send notifications for expiring proxies


NEW: (#7342) Introduce DIRAC_MYSQL_CONNECTION_GRACE_TIME to specify the grace time of the MySQL connection pool


NEW: (#7341) added doc for PreInstalledPilotEnv
FIX: (#7309) just use pip install DIRAC for DIRAC client install
FIX: (#7309) updated picture for py3 stack


NEW: (#7336) add an index on Status and Type for the TransformationDB.Transformations table


FIX: (#7320) Lower log level for printing version in submitJob
FIX: (#7317) Improve performance of job delete/kill/reschedule API