diff --git a/assignment/week02/assign2/index.html b/assignment/week02/assign2/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..086ada2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assignment/week02/assign2/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ 가계부
내역 추가
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assignment/week02/assign2/index.js b/assignment/week02/assign2/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47f9ef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assignment/week02/assign2/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+let history_list=[
+ {
+ category:"과외비",
+ detail:"10월 월급",
+ amount: 500000
+ },{
+ category:"식비",
+ detail:"서브웨이",
+ amount:-30000
+ },{
+ category:"용돈",
+ detail:"10월 용돈",
+ amount:100000
+ },{
+ category:"식비",
+ detail:"수육국밥",
+ amount:-10000
+ }];
+let filteredList=history_list;
+let clickedIncome=true, clickedOutcome=true;
+const total=document.querySelector("#totalMoney");
+let detaillist=document.querySelector("#detaillist");
+const income=document.querySelector("#income_tot");
+const outcome=document.querySelector("#outcome_tot");
+const inBtn=document.querySelector("#in");
+const outBtn=document.querySelector("#out");
+const addBtn=document.querySelector("#bottom div");
+const modal = document.querySelector('.modalWrap');
+var radio = document.getElementsByName("inout");
+const c_in = document.getElementById('category-in');
+const c_out= document.getElementById('category-out');
+const m_input=document.querySelector('#input-amount');
+const m_content=document.querySelector('#input-content');
+const submitBtn=document.querySelector('.modal-saveBtn');
+const closeBtn = document.querySelector('.modal-closeBtn');
+const closeModal = document.querySelector('.deleteModalWrap');
+let inputAmount=0;
+let inputContent="";
+let inputSign=1;
+let inputCategory="";
+ inputCategory=event.target.value;
+ inputCategory=event.target.value;
+ if(isNaN(event.target.value)){
+ window.alert("숫자 외의 문자는 입력할 수 없습니다.");
+ // 숫자아닌건 없애도록 replace하는 정규식
+ event.target.value=event.target.value.replace(/[^0-9]/g,"");
+ }else{
+ inputAmount=event.target.value;
+ }
+ inputContent=event.target.value;
+function infilter(){
+ clickedIncome=(!clickedIncome);
+ doFilter()
+function outfilter(){
+ clickedOutcome=(!clickedOutcome);
+ doFilter()
+function doFilter(){
+ detaillist.replaceChildren();
+ if(clickedIncome && clickedOutcome)
+ filteredList=history_list;
+ else if(clickedIncome)
+ filteredList=history_list.filter((each)=>each.amount>0);
+ else if(clickedOutcome)
+ filteredList=history_list.filter((each)=>each.amount<0);
+ else
+ filteredList=[];
+ makeHistoryList();
+function makeHistoryList(){
+ filteredList.forEach((each)=>{
+ const eachlist = document.createElement('div');
+ const category = document.createElement('div');
+ const detail = document.createElement('div');
+ const amount = document.createElement('div');
+ const xbtn = document.createElement('div');
+ category.innerText=each.category;
+ detail.innerText=each.detail;
+ amount.innerText=each.amount;
+ xbtn.innerText='x';
+ eachlist.appendChild(category);
+ eachlist.appendChild(detail);
+ eachlist.appendChild(amount);
+ eachlist.appendChild(xbtn);
+ eachlist.classList.add('eachlist');
+ detaillist.appendChild(eachlist);
+ each.amount<0 ? amount.classList.add('out') : amount.classList.add('in')
+ xbtn.classList.add('xbtn');
+ xbtn.addEventListener('click', deleteHistory);
+ })
+function deleteHistory(event){
+ closeModal.style.display="block";
+ let yes = document.querySelector('#closeYes');
+ let no = document.querySelector('#closeNo');
+ yes.addEventListener("click",(e)=>{
+ if(e.target.value){
+ detaillist.removeChild(event.target.parentNode);
+ const idx= history_list.findIndex(each => each.detail ===event.target.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling.innerText)
+ history_list.splice(idx,1);
+ closeModal.style.display="none";
+ doFilter()
+ calculateHistory();
+ }
+ })
+ no.addEventListener("click",(e)=>{
+ e.target.value && (closeModal.style.display="none")
+ })
+function calculateHistory(){
+ let init_balance=0;
+ let income_total=0;
+ let outcome_total=0;
+ history_list.forEach((each)=>{
+ init_balance+=each.amount;
+ each.amount<0 ? outcome_total+=each.amount : income_total+=each.amount;
+ })
+ total.innerText=init_balance;
+ income.innerText=income_total;
+ outcome.innerText=outcome_total;
+function addList(){
+ modal.style.display = 'block';
+function submitList(){
+ if(inputCategory=="" || inputAmount==""|| inputContent==""){
+ window.alert("아직 입력되지 않은 항목이 있습니다.");
+ console.log('null');
+ }else{
+ history_list.push({
+ category:inputCategory,
+ detail:inputContent,
+ amount: inputAmount*inputSign
+ })
+ window.alert("저장되었습니다.");
+ detaillist.replaceChildren();
+ makeHistoryList();
+ calculateHistory();
+ }
+closeBtn.onclick = function() {
+ modal.style.display = 'none';
+for(var i=0 ; i < radio.length ; i++){
+ radio[i].addEventListener('click', function () {
+ if(this.id === "add-in"){
+ console.log("in");
+ inputSign=1;
+ inputCategory=c_in.options[c_in.selectedIndex].value;
+ document.getElementById('add-category-in').style.display="block";
+ document.getElementById('add-category-out').style.display="none";
+ }else{
+ console.log("out");
+ inputSign=-1;
+ inputCategory=c_out.options[c_out.selectedIndex].value;
+ document.getElementById('add-category-out').style.display="block";
+ document.getElementById('add-category-in').style.display="none";
+ }
+ console.log(inputCategory);
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diff --git a/assignment/week02/assign2/style.css b/assignment/week02/assign2/style.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..435f7a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assignment/week02/assign2/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+body {
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ margin:auto;
+ font-weight: 600;
+body > header{
+ text-align: center;
+ font-size: 1.5rem;
+ background-color: lightcyan;
+ border-bottom: 3px solid lightgrey;
+ padding: 1rem 0;
+ background-color: lightcyan;
+ margin: 10px 30px;
+ border: 5px solid black;
+ border-radius: 10px;
+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ text-align: center;
+ font-size: 15px;
+#total strong{
+ font-size: 30px;
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: center;
+ margin: 10px 15px;
+#plusminus .sign{
+ background-color: white;
+ text-align: center;
+ border-radius: 100%;
+ padding: 0 5px;
+ margin:10px;
+#plusminus div:nth-child(1){
+ color: blue;
+ margin-right: 20px;
+#plusminus div:nth-child(2){
+ color: red;
+ margin-top: 1rem;
+ margin-bottom: 5px;
+ border-top: 3px solid lightgray;
+ border-bottom: 2px solid lightgray;
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: center;
+ align-items: center;
+ margin: 10px 0;
+#date img{
+ width: 30px;
+ margin:0 5px;
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ margin:0 20px;
+ padding:0 0 15px;
+ display: none;
+ padding:3px 10px;
+ border-radius: 10px;
+ border: 3px solid lightskyblue;
+input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label{
+ color: white;
+ background-color: lightskyblue;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ height: 40vh;
+ display: flex;
+ background-color: lightcyan;
+ margin: 5px 30px;
+ padding: 15px 30px;
+ border-radius: 10px;
+ text-align: left;
+ position: relative;
+.eachlist .in{
+ color: blue;
+.eachlist .out{
+ color: red;
+.eachlist div:nth-child(1){
+ flex-basis: 15%;
+.eachlist div:nth-child(2){
+ flex-basis: 60%;
+ display: block;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+.eachlist div:nth-child(3){
+ flex-basis: 25%;
+ text-align: right;
+ position: absolute;
+ top:0px;
+ right: 8px;
+ font-weight: 500;
+ position: fixed;
+ width: 100%;
+ bottom: 0;
+ background-color: ivory;
+#bottom div{
+ background-color: lightsteelblue;
+ width: fit-content;
+ padding: 0px 30px 10px;
+ border-radius: 30px;
+ justify-content: center;
+ vertical-align: center;
+ margin: auto;
+ color: white;
+ font-size: 50px;
+.modalWrap {
+ display: none;
+ position: fixed;
+ z-index: 1;
+ padding-top: 100px;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 0px;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
+.modalBody {
+ bottom: 0px;
+ position: relative;
+ margin: auto;
+ text-align: center;
+ width: 20rem;
+ height: 25rem;
+ padding: 1rem;
+ border-radius: 5rem;
+ background-color: #fff;
+#closeBtn {
+ float:right;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: #777;
+ font-size:25px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ display: none;
+#modal-btn button{
+ background-color: antiquewhite;
+ border: none;
+ margin: 2rem 1rem;
+.modalBody section{
+ margin-bottom: 1rem;
+ display: inline-flex;
+#modal-category header{
+ margin-right: 1rem;
+.deleteModalWrap {
+ display: none;
+ position: fixed;
+ z-index: 1;
+ padding-top: 100px;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 0px;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
+ top: 5rem;
+ position: relative;
+ margin: auto;
+ text-align: center;
+ width: 20rem;
+ justify-content: center;
+ padding: 1rem 3rem;
+ border-radius: 3rem;
+ background-color: #fff;
+.deleteModalBody *{
+ margin:1rem 0;
+ display: none;
+ padding:3px 10px;
+ border-radius: 10px;
+ border: 3px solid lightskyblue;
+input[type="radio"]:checked + label{
+ color: white;
+ background-color: lightskyblue;
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