With the purpose of fostering an open and inclusive environment we as the contributors and maintainers of this DSCI-310 project pledge to make participation in this project a harassment-free experience for anyone regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
We consider the following to be examples of expected behaviour:
- Being considerate.
- Taking responsibility for our words and our actions.
- Being collaborative.
- Asking each other for help when unsure.
- Gracefully accepting criticism.
- Use inclusive and appropriate language.
We consider the following to be examples of unacceptable behaviour:
- Disrespecting group mates.
- Engaging in personal attacks.
- Using derogatory comments.
- Publishing other group members' private information without explicit permission.
- Any unethical or unprofessional conduct.
Participants who work in this project have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned with this Code of Conduct. This also applies to other contributions that they consider to be inappropriate, offensive, or harmful.
Adopting this Code of Conduct means that any participant of this team will fully commit themselves to apply these principles in every aspect of this project. In any instance of violation of these values, the team will take the necessary steps that are outlined in the consequences section below.
If a participant engages in behaviour that violates this code of conduct, the following steps will be taken:
- All members of the team will have a meeting and openly talk about how this behaviour is negatively influencing the team and the community.
- The participant who engaged in this behaviour will be warned informally.
- If this behaviour continues the Teaching Assistants and the professor will be contacted and the participant will be warned again.
- If the participant keeps engaging in this behaviour the group will contact the professor again and request the removal of that participant from the team.
If you think that someone from this working group is violating the code of conduct, or have any other concerns you would like to report, please contact every member of the team by e-mail. Every member of this team has to share if they receive such an e-mail. The working group currently includes:
- Angela Machado ([email protected])
- Dalia Ahmad ([email protected])
- Rithika Nair ([email protected])
- Ece Celik ([email protected])