Via ISO Image Install the default version Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS. Don't select any additional packages when prompted. During installation, create a user called "dshield."
Deploying As VPS Select the appropriate Ubuntu Server 22.04 package from your provider. You won't be prompted to install additional packages or add users when using this method. You'll need to manually add a user named "dshield" here as well:
adduser --disabled-password --gecos "DShield Honeypot" dshield
After Completing Installation Upgrade the base system and ensure git and openssh-server are already installed:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install -y git openssh-server
sudo reboot
Finally, clone the following Git repository and run the install script. Make sure to retrieve your API key from either or
git clone
sudo dshield/bin/
sudo reboot
For additional details, see the global file.