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Hello World

Bofu Chen edited this page May 12, 2019 · 13 revisions


This tutorial will share how to create a simple surveillance system in your home.


In this tutorial, we will use these HWs:

  • Raspberry Pi 3
  • RPi camera v2


After followed the steps in Installation, your RPi3 should be ready to run BerryNet.

Run BerryNet as Surveillance Application

Launch BerryNet

BerryNet starts an example detection application by default:

$ sudo supervisorctl status all
camera                           RUNNING   pid 12804, uptime 0:12:08
darknet-service                  RUNNING   pid 12800, uptime 0:12:11
freeboard                        RUNNING   pid 11981, uptime 0:20:46

All the services' status should be "RUNNING":

Launch Dashboard Client

Please refer to the open dashboard on your computer section in the Dashboard document for the details.

Launch Camera Client

Start to capture video stream from the onboard RPi camera:

$ mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t berrynet/event/camera -m stream_boardcam_start

The dashboard will keep updating the inference image and text results on it:

Please refer to the Cameras document for more details.


To stop the system, you can execute

$ berrynet-manager stop

If you want to do some data analysis, you can also enable Data Collector to collect the inference results.

Hoping that this starting point can help you create your own interesting project!

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