diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 10892da..b559b62 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -56,15 +56,14 @@ find_package(duneanaobj)
if(NOT duneanaobj_FOUND)
NAME duneanaobj
- GIT_TAG "patch-1"
- GITHUB_REPOSITORY dbarrow257/duneanaobj
+ GIT_TAG feature/Clingification_rebase2024
+ GITHUB_REPOSITORY luketpickering/duneanaobj
+ VERSION 4.0.0
-if(NOT TARGET duneanaobj::All)
- cmessage(FATAL_ERROR "MaCh3 DUNE Expected dependency target: duneanaobj::All")
+if(NOT TARGET duneanaobj::all)
+ cmessage(FATAL_ERROR "MaCh3 DUNE Expected dependency target: duneanaobj::all")
################################## MaCh3 ######################################
diff --git a/samplePDFDUNE/CMakeLists.txt b/samplePDFDUNE/CMakeLists.txt
index 711050c..175fc1b 100644
--- a/samplePDFDUNE/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/samplePDFDUNE/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ set(HEADERS
- samplePDFDUNEBeamNDGar.h
+ # samplePDFDUNEBeamNDGar.h
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ add_library(SamplePDFDUNE SHARED
- samplePDFDUNEBeamNDGar.cpp
+ # samplePDFDUNEBeamNDGar.cpp
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ if(NOT CPU_ONLY)
-target_link_libraries(SamplePDFDUNE MaCh3::All MaCh3DUNECompilerOptions duneanaobj::All)
+target_link_libraries(SamplePDFDUNE MaCh3::All MaCh3DUNECompilerOptions duneanaobj::all)
target_include_directories(SamplePDFDUNE PUBLIC
diff --git a/samplePDFDUNE/MaCh3DUNEFactory.cpp b/samplePDFDUNE/MaCh3DUNEFactory.cpp
index d14a04f..8ff6ffc 100644
--- a/samplePDFDUNE/MaCh3DUNEFactory.cpp
+++ b/samplePDFDUNE/MaCh3DUNEFactory.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#include "samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEBeamFD.h"
#include "samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEBeamND.h"
-#include "samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEBeamNDGar.h"
+// #include "samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEBeamNDGar.h"
#include "samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEAtm.h"
samplePDFFDBase* GetMaCh3DuneInstance(std::string SampleType, std::string SampleConfig, covarianceXsec* &xsec) {
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ samplePDFFDBase* GetMaCh3DuneInstance(std::string SampleType, std::string Sample
FDSample = new samplePDFDUNEBeamFD(SampleConfig, xsec);
} else if (SampleType == "BeamND") {
FDSample = new samplePDFDUNEBeamND(SampleConfig, xsec);
- } else if (SampleType == "BeamNDGar") {
- FDSample = new samplePDFDUNEBeamNDGar(SampleConfig, xsec);
+ // } else if (SampleType == "BeamNDGar") {
+ // FDSample = new samplePDFDUNEBeamNDGar(SampleConfig, xsec);
} else if (SampleType == "Atm") {
FDSample = new samplePDFDUNEAtm(SampleConfig, xsec);
} else {
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ void MakeMaCh3DuneInstance(manager *FitManager, std::vector &D
// Fixed xsec parameters loop
if (XsecFixParams.size() == 1 && XsecFixParams.at(0) == "All") {
- for (int j = 0; j < xsec->getSize(); j++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < xsec->getNpars(); j++) {
} else {
diff --git a/samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEAtm.cpp b/samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEAtm.cpp
index 7c481be..0032af3 100644
--- a/samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEAtm.cpp
+++ b/samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEAtm.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include "samplePDFDUNEAtm.h"
//Standard Record includes
-#include "StandardRecord.h"
+#include "duneanaobj/StandardRecord/StandardRecord.h"
//ROOT includes
#include "TError.h"
diff --git a/samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEBeamFD.cpp b/samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEBeamFD.cpp
index bf30829..6decd96 100644
--- a/samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEBeamFD.cpp
+++ b/samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEBeamFD.cpp
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ int samplePDFDUNEBeamFD::setupExperimentMC(int iSample) {
MACH3LOG_INFO("input file: {}", mc_files[iSample]);
- _sampleFile = new TFile(mc_files[iSample].c_str(), "READ");
+ _sampleFile = TFile::Open(mc_files[iSample].c_str(), "READ");
_data = (TTree*)_sampleFile->Get("caf");
diff --git a/samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEBeamND.cpp b/samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEBeamND.cpp
index 29ec264..87c063f 100644
--- a/samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEBeamND.cpp
+++ b/samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEBeamND.cpp
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ int samplePDFDUNEBeamND::setupExperimentMC(int iSample) {
MACH3LOG_INFO("input file: {}", mc_files.at(iSample));
- _sampleFile = new TFile(mc_files.at(iSample).c_str(), "READ");
+ _sampleFile = TFile::Open(mc_files.at(iSample).c_str(), "READ");
_data = (TTree*)_sampleFile->Get("caf");
diff --git a/samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEBeamNDGar.cpp b/samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEBeamNDGar.cpp
index 133521c..f4cb139 100644
--- a/samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEBeamNDGar.cpp
+++ b/samplePDFDUNE/samplePDFDUNEBeamNDGar.cpp
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ int samplePDFDUNEBeamNDGar::setupExperimentMC(int iSample) {
MACH3LOG_INFO("Input File: {}", mc_files.at(iSample));
- _sampleFile = new TFile(mc_files.at(iSample).c_str(), "READ");
+ _sampleFile = TFile::Open(mc_files.at(iSample).c_str(), "READ");
_data = (TTree*)_sampleFile->Get("cafTree");
diff --git a/scripts/DrawComp.cpp b/scripts/DrawComp.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index e267f8c..0000000
--- a/scripts/DrawComp.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2416 +0,0 @@
-// Compile with something like
-// g++ `root-config --cflags` -g -o DrawComp DrawComp.cpp -I`root-config --incdir` `root-config --glibs --libs`
-// Run on ND280 only fits to get xsec and beam posteriors prettified. Essentially a compiled makeTransferMatrixAll
-// ./DrawComp will tell you how
-// Should probably prettify this into something managable like classes, or at least some structs
-#include "TObjArray.h"
-#include "TChain.h"
-#include "TFile.h"
-#include "TBranch.h"
-#include "TCanvas.h"
-#include "TLine.h"
-#include "TLegend.h"
-#include "TString.h"
-#include "TStyle.h"
-#include "TH1.h"
-#include "TF1.h"
-#include "TH2.h"
-#include "TGraphErrors.h"
-#include "TVectorD.h"
-#include "TColor.h"
-// The input cross-section covariance matrix
-std::string XsecCov = "";
-// Check that xsecCov is set
-void CheckXsecCov();
-// Helper to put a name on the cross-section plots
-std::string GetXsecName(int xsecParamNo);
-// Helper to get the limits for each cross-section parameter
-void GetXsecLimits(int param, double ¢ral, double &prior, double &down_error, double &up_error);
-// Helper to plot the prefit limits
-TH1D* MakePrefit(int ndraw, int nFlux);
-// Get the highest posterior density numbers from a 1D posterior
-void GetHPD(TH1D * const post, double ¢ral, double &error, double &error_pos, double &error_neg);
-void GetArithmetic(TH1D * const hpost, double &mean, double &error);
-void GetGaussian(TH1D *& hpost, TF1 *& gauss, double ¢ral, double &error);
-// The main comparison functions
-void DrawComp(std::string inputfile, bool drawcorr = false);
-void DrawComp(std::string inputFile1, std::string title1, std::string inputFile2, std::string title2);
-void DrawComp(std::string inputFile1, std::string title1, std::string inputFile2, std::string title2, std::string inputFile3, std::string title3);
-// Decalring global variables to avoid copy pasting it 3 times.
-// Probably take these as user input instead!
-int BurnInCut = 20; //We cut 1/BurnInCut steps, we only consider steps after stationary state is achieved
-bool plotFlux = false; //Plot Xsec prefit postfit
-bool plotXsec = true; // You almost certainly want this to be true
-bool plotCovFull = false; //If true will plot full (xsec and flux) covariance
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- std::cout << "******************************************" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Will plot Xsec prefit postfit? " << plotXsec << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Will plot Flux prefit postfit? " << plotFlux << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Will plot covariance with flux and xsec? " << plotCovFull << std::endl;
- std::cout << "******************************************" << std::endl;
- if (argc != 2 && argc != 3 && argc !=5 && argc != 7) {
- std::cerr << "./DrawComp root_file_to_analyse.root drawcorr (root_file_to_compare_to1.root title root_file_to_compare_to2.root title)" << std::endl;
- exit(-1);
- }
- // Have implemented some good old hard-coding for comparing many fits; argc == 2 is 1 fit, argc == 3 is 2 fits, etc
- // Could additionally do fancy stuff; do we want beam+fsi+xsec params, do we want do draw a covariance matrix, etc
- if (argc == 2 || argc == 3) {
- std::cout << "Producing single fit output" << std::endl;
- std::string filename = argv[1];
- bool drawCorr = false;
- if (argc == 3) {
- drawCorr = true;
- }
- DrawComp(filename, drawCorr);
- // If we want to compare two fits (e.g. binning changes or introducing new params/priors)
- } else if (argc == 3+2*1) {
- std::cout << "Producing two fit comparison" << std::endl;
- std::string filename = argv[1];
- std::string title1 = argv[2];
- std::string filename2 = argv[3];
- std::string title2 = argv[4];
- DrawComp(filename, title1, filename2, title2);
- // If we want to compare three fits (e.g. binning changes or introducing new params/priors)
- } else if (argc == 4+3*1) {
- std::cout << "Producing three fit comparison" << std::endl;
- std::string filename = argv[1];
- std::string title1 = argv[2];
- std::string filename2 = argv[3];
- std::string title2 = argv[4];
- std::string filename3 = argv[5];
- std::string title3 = argv[6];
- DrawComp(filename, title1, filename2, title2, filename3, title3);
- }
- return 0;
-// All right, let's re-write this in a faster more efficient way!
-void DrawComp(std::string inputFile, bool drawCorr) {
- // drawCorr decideds if we want to draw correlations or not
- std::cout << "File for study: " << inputFile << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Draw correlations? " << drawCorr << std::endl;
- // Open the chain
- TChain* chain = new TChain("posteriors","");
- chain->Add(inputFile.c_str());
- //MCMC Burn-in cut
- int cut = chain->GetMaximum("step")/BurnInCut;
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << "step > " << cut;
- std::cout<<"MCMC has "<GetMaximum("step")<<" steps, burn-in is set to"<GetListOfBranches();
- // Get the number of branches
- int nbr = brlis->GetEntries();
- std::cout << "# of branches: " << nbr << std::endl;
- // Make an array of TStrings
- TString bnames[nbr];
- // Array of doubles containing the nominal values (first step for xsec)
- std::vector nom;
- nom.resize(nbr);
- // Have a counter for how many of each systematic we have
- int ndraw = 0;
- int nflux = 0;
- int nxsec = 0;
- // Loop over the number of branches
- // Find the name and how many of each systematic we have
- chain->SetBranchStatus("*", false);
- chain->SetBranchStatus("step", true);
- for (int i = 0; i < nbr; i++) {
- // Get the TBranch and its name
- TBranch* br = (TBranch*)brlis->At(i);
- TString bname = br->GetName();
- // Get first entry of this branch (i.e. systematic); this is the first reconfigure so should be the fake-data which it was generated for (for xsec this is true...!)
- //if(bname.BeginsWith("LogL") || bname.BeginsWith("ndd_")) continue;
- if(bname.BeginsWith("LogL")) continue;
- // Chechk how many xsec and flux params we have
- if(bname.BeginsWith("xsec_")) {
- nxsec++;
- //plotXsec = true;
- chain->SetBranchStatus(bname, true);
- chain->SetBranchAddress(bname, &(nom[i]));
- bnames[ndraw]=bname;
- ndraw++;
- }
- //Flux covariance is integrated in xsec covariance
- else if(bname.BeginsWith("b_")) {
- plotFlux = true;
- chain->SetBranchStatus(bname, true);
- chain->SetBranchAddress(bname, &(nom[i]));
- bnames[ndraw]=bname;
- ndraw++;
- nflux++;
- }
- /*
- } else if(bname.BeginsWith("ndd_")) {
- chain->SetBranchStatus(bname, true);
- chain->SetBranchAddress(bname, &(nom[i]));
- bnames[ndraw]=bname;
- ndraw++;
- }
- */
- }
- TFile *TempFile = new TFile(inputFile.c_str(), "open");
- TempFile->ls();
- //TTree* Settings = (TTree*)(TempFile->Get("Settings"));
- //Settings->ls();
- // Get the xsec covariance matrix
- //std::string *XsecInput = 0;
- std::string XsecInput = "/vols/t2k/users/ljw20/software/MaCh3_DUNE_datatype/MaCh3_DUNE/inputs/xsec_covariance_DUNE_systs_2023.root";
- //Settings->SetBranchAddress("XsecCov", &XsecInput);
- //Settings->GetEntry(0);
- //delete Settings;
- TempFile->Close();
- delete TempFile;
- //XsecCov = "../"+*XsecInput;
- XsecCov = XsecInput;
- // Get first entry in chain
- chain->GetEntry(0);
- nom.resize(nbr);
- /*
- //Count how many xsec and flux params we have
- //flux params name always starts with b_
- for(int i = 0; i < ndraw; ++i) {
- std::string tempString = GetXsecName(i);
- if (tempString.rfind("b_", 0) == 0) {
- nflux++;
- }
- else nxsec++;
- }
- std::cout << "# useful entries (flux, xsec, fsi): " << ndraw << std::endl;
- std::cout << "# useful entries (flux): " << nflux << std::endl;
- std::cout << "# useful entries (xsec): " << nxsec << std::endl;
- std::cout << "************************************************" << std::endl;
- gStyle->SetOptFit(111);
- // Open a TCanvas to write the posterior onto
- TCanvas* c0 = new TCanvas("c0", "c0", 0, 0, 1024, 1024);
- c0->SetGrid();
- gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
- gStyle->SetOptTitle(0);
- c0->SetTickx();
- c0->SetTicky();
- c0->SetBottomMargin(0.1);
- c0->SetTopMargin(0.1);
- c0->SetRightMargin(0.03);
- c0->SetLeftMargin(0.15);
- // Make sure we can read files located anywhere and strip the .root ending
- inputFile = inputFile.substr(0, inputFile.find(".root"));
- TString canvasname = inputFile;
- // Append if we're drawing correlations
- // Open bracket means we want to make a pdf file
- if (drawCorr) {
- canvasname += "_drawCorr.pdf[";
- } else {
- canvasname += "_drawPar.pdf[";
- }
- c0->Print(canvasname);
- // Once the pdf file is open no longer need to bracket
- canvasname.ReplaceAll("[","");
- // We fit with this Gaussian
- TF1 *gauss = new TF1("gauss","[0]/sqrt(2.0*3.14159)/[2]*TMath::Exp(-0.5*pow(x-[1],2)/[2]/[2])",-5,5);
- gauss->SetLineWidth(2);
- gauss->SetLineColor(kOrange-5);
- // Some TVectors with the means, errors and Gaussian parameters of the PDFs
- TVectorD* mean_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* err_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* gaus_mean_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* gaus_err_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* HPD_mean_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* HPD_err_p_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* HPD_err_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* HPD_err_m_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* xsec_nom = new TVectorD(nxsec);
- int covBinning = ndraw;
- //If we only plot correlation/covariance between xsec (without flux)
- if(!plotCovFull && drawCorr)
- {
- covBinning = nxsec;
- }
- // Only want to draw covariance of xsec parameters!
- TMatrixT* covariance = new TMatrixT(covBinning,covBinning);
- TMatrixT* correlation = new TMatrixT(covBinning,covBinning);
- for (int i = 0; i < covBinning; ++i) {
- for (int j = 0; j < covBinning; ++j) {
- (*covariance)(i,j) = 0.;
- (*correlation)(i,j) = 0.;
- }
- }
- // Output file to write to
- TString rootfilename = inputFile;
- if (drawCorr) {
- rootfilename += "_drawCorr.root";
- } else {
- rootfilename += "_drawPar.root";
- }
- // The output file
- TFile* file = new TFile(rootfilename, "RECREATE");
- file->cd();
- // Make a directory with the parameters
- TDirectory *params = file->mkdir("params");
- TDirectory *corr = gDirectory;
- if (drawCorr) {
- corr = file->mkdir("corr");
- }
- bool isXsec = false;
- // Remember which parameters we're varying
- bool *vary = new bool[ndraw]();
- for (int i=0; i < ndraw; ++i) {
- vary[i] = false;
- }
- // ndraw is number of draws we want to do
- for(int i = 0; i < ndraw; ++i) {
- isXsec = false;
- // If we're interested in drawing the correlations need to invoke another for loop
- if (drawCorr) {
- // Make an array of bools to book-keep what parameters are varied
- if(!plotCovFull && i>=nxsec) //Skip if we only want xsec
- {
- continue;
- }
- file->cd();
- int nbins = 70;
- double asimovLine = 0.0;
- std::string tempString = std::string(bnames[i]);
- if (icd();
- // Get the maximum and minimum for the parameter
- double maximum = chain->GetMaximum(bnames[i]);
- double minimum = chain->GetMinimum(bnames[i]);
- // This holds the posterior density
- TH1D *hpost = new TH1D(bnames[i], bnames[i], nbins, minimum, maximum);
- hpost->SetMinimum(0);
- hpost->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Steps");
- hpost->GetYaxis()->SetNoExponent(false);
- hpost->SetTitle(bnames[i]);
- // Project bnames[i] onto hpost, applying stepcut
- chain->Project(bnames[i], bnames[i], stepcut.c_str());
- // Apply one smoothing
- hpost->Smooth();
- // Get the characteristics of the hpost
- double mean, rms;
- GetArithmetic(hpost, mean, rms);
- double peakval, sigma_p, sigma_m, sigma_hpd;
- GetHPD(hpost, peakval, sigma_hpd, sigma_p, sigma_m);
- double gauss_mean, gauss_rms;
- GetGaussian(hpost, gauss, gauss_mean, gauss_rms);
- std::cout << mean << " +/- " << rms << " (" << peakval << "+/-" << sigma_hpd << " + " << sigma_p << " - " << sigma_m << ")" << " (" << gauss_mean << "+/-" << gauss_rms << ")" << std::endl;
- TLine *hpd = new TLine(peakval, hpost->GetMinimum(), peakval, hpost->GetMaximum());
- hpd->SetLineColor(kBlack);
- hpd->SetLineWidth(2);
- hpd->SetLineStyle(kSolid);
- // Make the legend
- TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.12, 0.6, 0.5, 0.97);
- leg->SetTextSize(0.04);
- leg->AddEntry(hpost, Form("#splitline{PDF}{#mu = %.2f, #sigma = %.2f}", hpost->GetMean(), hpost->GetRMS()), "l");
- leg->AddEntry(gauss, Form("#splitline{Gauss}{#mu = %.2f, #sigma = %.2f}", gauss->GetParameter(1), gauss->GetParameter(2)), "l");
- leg->AddEntry(hpd, Form("#splitline{HPD}{#mu = %.2f, #sigma = %.2f (+%.2f-%.2f)}", peakval, sigma_hpd, sigma_p, sigma_m), "l");
- if (isXsec && ((*xsec_nom)(i)) != 0) {
- mean = mean / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- rms = rms / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- gauss_mean = gauss_mean / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- gauss_rms = gauss_rms / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- peakval = peakval / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- sigma_hpd = sigma_hpd / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- sigma_p = sigma_p / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- sigma_m = sigma_m / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- } else if (isXsec && ((*xsec_nom)(i)) == 0) {
- mean = mean + 1.0;
- gauss_mean = gauss_mean + 1.0;
- peakval = peakval + 1.0;
- }
- (*mean_vec)(i) = mean;
- (*err_vec)(i) = rms;
- (*gaus_mean_vec)(i) = gauss->GetParameter(1);
- (*gaus_err_vec)(i) = gauss->GetParameter(2);
- (*HPD_mean_vec)(i) = peakval;
- (*HPD_err_p_vec)(i) = sigma_p;
- (*HPD_err_vec)(i) = sigma_hpd;
- (*HPD_err_m_vec)(i) = sigma_m;
- (*covariance)(i,i) = rms*rms;
- (*correlation)(i,i) = 1.0;
- hpost->SetLineWidth(2);
- hpost->SetLineColor(kBlue-1);
- hpost->SetMaximum(hpost->GetMaximum()*1.5);
- hpost->SetTitle(tempString.c_str());
- hpost->GetXaxis()->SetTitle((std::string(hpost->GetTitle())+" rel. nom").c_str());
- // Now make the TLine for the asimov
- TLine *asimov = new TLine(asimovLine, hpost->GetMinimum(), asimovLine, hpost->GetMaximum());
- asimov->SetLineColor(kRed-3);
- asimov->SetLineWidth(2);
- asimov->SetLineStyle(kDashed);
- hpost->Draw();
- hpd->Draw("same");
- asimov->Draw("same");
- leg->AddEntry(asimov, Form("#splitline{Asimov}{x = %.2f}", asimovLine), "l");
- leg->SetLineColor(0);
- leg->SetLineStyle(0);
- leg->SetFillColor(0);
- leg->SetFillStyle(0);
- leg->Draw("same");
- // Don't plot if this is a fixed histogram (i.e. the peak is the whole integral)
- /*
- if (hpost->GetMaximum() == hpost->Integral()*1.5) {
- vary[i] = false;
- delete hpost;
- delete asimov;
- delete hpd;
- delete leg;
- continue;
- }
- */
- // Store that this parameter is indeed being varied
- vary[i] = true;
- // Write to file
- c0->SetName(hpost->GetName());
- c0->SetTitle(hpost->GetTitle());
- c0->Print(canvasname);
- // cd into params directory in root file
- file->cd();
- params->cd();
- c0->Write();
- // Loop over the other parameters to get the correlations
- for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
- // Skip the diagonal elements which we've already done above
- if (j == i) continue;
- // If thie parameter isn't varied
- if (vary[j] == false) continue;
- std::string tempString = std::string(bnames[j]);
- // For xsec parameters get the parameter name
- if (jcd();
- int nbins = 70;
- TString drawcmd = bnames[j]+":"+bnames[i];
- std::cout << drawcmd << std::endl;
- double maximum2 = chain->GetMaximum(bnames[j]);
- double minimum2 = chain->GetMinimum(bnames[j]);
- // TH2F to hold the correlation
- TH2F *hpost2 = new TH2F(drawcmd, drawcmd, hpost->GetNbinsX(), hpost->GetBinLowEdge(0), hpost->GetBinLowEdge(hpost->GetNbinsX()+1), nbins, minimum2, maximum2);
- hpost2->SetMinimum(0);
- hpost2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(hpost->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
- hpost2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(tempString.c_str());
- hpost2->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Steps");
- std::string plotTitle = hpost->GetXaxis()->GetTitle();
- plotTitle += " vs " + tempString;
- hpost2->SetTitle(plotTitle.c_str());
- // The draw command we want, i.e. draw param j vs param i
- chain->Project(drawcmd, drawcmd, stepcut.c_str());
- hpost2->Draw("colz");
- // Get the covariance for these two parameters
- (*covariance)(i,j) = hpost2->GetCovariance();
- (*covariance)(j,i) = (*covariance)(i,j);
- std::cout << std::setw(10) << "covariance:" << (*covariance)(i,j) << std::endl;
- (*correlation)(i,j) = hpost2->GetCorrelationFactor();
- (*correlation)(j,i) = (*correlation)(i,j);
- std::cout << std::setw(10) << "correlation:" << (*correlation)(i,j) << std::endl;
- c0->SetName(hpost2->GetName());
- c0->SetTitle(hpost2->GetTitle());
- //we only want to plot correlation between xsec parames
- if(jPrint(canvasname);
- //if((j<25+nxsec && i<25+nxsec) || (j<25+nxsec && i>nflux) || (jcd();
- corr->cd();
- hpost2->Write();
- delete hpost2;
- } // End for (j = 0; j <= i; ++j)
- delete hpost;
- delete asimov;
- delete hpd;
- delete leg;
- }
- else { // If we arent't interested in drawing the correlations
- file->cd();
- int nbins = 250;
- double asimovLine = 1.0;
- std::string tempString = std::string(bnames[i]);
- if (icd();
- double maxi = chain->GetMaximum(bnames[i]);
- double mini = chain->GetMinimum(bnames[i]);
- // This holds the posterior density
- TH1D *hpost = new TH1D(bnames[i], bnames[i], nbins, mini, maxi);
- hpost->SetMinimum(0);
- hpost->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Steps");
- hpost->GetYaxis()->SetNoExponent(false);
- // Project bnames[i] onto hpost, applying stepcut
- chain->Project(bnames[i], bnames[i], stepcut.c_str());
- hpost->Smooth();
- // Get the characteristics of the hpost
- double mean, rms;
- GetArithmetic(hpost, mean, rms);
- double peakval, sigma_p, sigma_m, sigma_hpd;
- GetHPD(hpost, peakval, sigma_hpd, sigma_p, sigma_m);
- double gauss_mean, gauss_rms;
- GetGaussian(hpost, gauss, gauss_mean, gauss_rms);
- std::cout << mean << " +/- " << rms << " (" << peakval << "+/-" << sigma_hpd << " + " << sigma_p << " - " << sigma_m << ")" << " (" << gauss_mean << "+/-" << gauss_rms << ")" << std::endl;
- TLine *hpd = new TLine(peakval, hpost->GetMinimum(), peakval, hpost->GetMaximum());
- hpd->SetLineColor(kBlack);
- hpd->SetLineWidth(2);
- hpd->SetLineStyle(kSolid);
- TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.23, 0.57, 0.73, 0.87);
- leg->SetTextSize(0.03);
- leg->AddEntry(hpost, Form("#splitline{PDF}{#mu = %.2f, #sigma = %.2f}", hpost->GetMean(), hpost->GetRMS()), "l");
- leg->AddEntry(gauss, Form("#splitline{Gauss}{#mu = %.2f, #sigma = %.2f}", gauss->GetParameter(1), gauss->GetParameter(2)), "l");
- leg->AddEntry(hpd, Form("#splitline{HPD}{#mu = %.2f, #sigma = %.2f (+%.2f-%.2f)}", peakval, sigma_hpd,sigma_p, sigma_m), "l");
- if (isXsec && ((*xsec_nom)(i)) != 0) {
- mean = mean / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- rms = rms / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- gauss_mean = gauss_mean / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- gauss_rms = gauss_rms / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- peakval = peakval / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- sigma_hpd = sigma_hpd / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- sigma_p = sigma_p / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- sigma_m = sigma_m / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- } else if (isXsec && ((*xsec_nom)(i)) == 0) {
- mean = mean + 1.0;
- gauss_mean = gauss_mean + 1.0;
- peakval = peakval + 1.0;
- }
- (*mean_vec)(i) = mean;
- (*err_vec)(i) = rms;
- (*gaus_mean_vec)(i) = gauss_mean;
- (*gaus_err_vec)(i) = gauss_rms;
- (*HPD_mean_vec)(i) = peakval;
- (*HPD_err_p_vec)(i) = sigma_p;
- (*HPD_err_vec)(i) = sigma_hpd;
- (*HPD_err_m_vec)(i) = sigma_m;
- (*covariance)(i,i) = rms*rms;
- (*correlation)(i,i) = 1.0;
- hpost->SetLineWidth(2);
- hpost->SetMaximum(hpost->GetMaximum()*1.5);
- hpost->SetTitle(tempString.c_str());
- hpost->GetXaxis()->SetTitle((std::string(hpost->GetTitle())+" rel. nom").c_str());
- // Now make the TLine for the asimov
- TLine *asimov = new TLine(asimovLine, hpost->GetMinimum(), asimovLine, hpost->GetMaximum());
- asimov->SetLineColor(kRed-3);
- asimov->SetLineWidth(2);
- asimov->SetLineStyle(kDashed);
- hpost->Draw();
- hpd->Draw("same");
- asimov->Draw("same");
- // Make the legend
- leg->AddEntry(asimov, Form("#splitline{Input}{x = %.2f}", asimovLine), "l");
- leg->SetLineColor(0);
- leg->SetLineStyle(0);
- leg->SetFillColor(0);
- leg->SetFillStyle(0);
- leg->Draw("same");
- if (hpost->GetMaximum() == hpost->Integral()*1.5) {
- vary[i] = false;
- delete hpost;
- delete asimov;
- delete hpd;
- delete leg;
- continue;
- }
- vary[i] = true;
- // Write to file
- c0->SetName(hpost->GetName());
- c0->SetTitle(hpost->GetTitle());
- c0->Print(canvasname);
- // cd into params directory in root file
- file->cd();
- params->cd();
- c0->Write();
- delete hpost;
- delete asimov;
- delete hpd;
- delete leg;
- } // End the if(drawCorr) else
- } // End for ndraw
- // Make the prefit plot
- TH1D* prefit = MakePrefit(ndraw ,nflux);
- // cd into the output file
- file->cd();
- // Make a TH1D of the central values and the errors
- TH1D *paramPlot = new TH1D("paramPlot", "paramPlot", ndraw, 0, ndraw);
- paramPlot->SetName("mach3params");
- paramPlot->SetTitle(stepcut.c_str());
- paramPlot->SetFillStyle(3001);
- paramPlot->SetFillColor(kBlue-1);
- paramPlot->SetMarkerColor(paramPlot->GetFillColor());
- paramPlot->SetMarkerStyle(20);
- paramPlot->SetLineColor(paramPlot->GetFillColor());
- paramPlot->SetMarkerSize(prefit->GetMarkerSize());
- // Same but with Gaussian output
- TH1D *paramPlot_gauss = (TH1D*)(paramPlot->Clone());
- paramPlot_gauss->SetMarkerColor(kOrange-5);
- paramPlot_gauss->SetMarkerStyle(23);
- paramPlot_gauss->SetLineWidth(2);
- paramPlot_gauss->SetMarkerSize((prefit->GetMarkerSize())*0.75);
- paramPlot_gauss->SetFillColor(paramPlot_gauss->GetMarkerColor());
- paramPlot_gauss->SetFillStyle(3244);
- paramPlot_gauss->SetLineColor(paramPlot_gauss->GetMarkerColor());
- // Same but with Gaussian output
- TH1D *paramPlot_HPD = (TH1D*)(paramPlot->Clone());
- paramPlot_HPD->SetMarkerColor(kBlack);
- paramPlot_HPD->SetMarkerStyle(25);
- paramPlot_HPD->SetLineWidth(2);
- paramPlot_HPD->SetMarkerSize((prefit->GetMarkerSize())*0.5);
- paramPlot_HPD->SetFillColor(0);
- paramPlot_HPD->SetFillStyle(0);
- paramPlot_HPD->SetLineColor(paramPlot_HPD->GetMarkerColor());
- // Set labels and data
- for (int i = 0; i < ndraw; ++i) {
- paramPlot->SetBinContent(i+1, (*mean_vec)(i));
- paramPlot->SetBinError(i+1, (*err_vec)(i));
- paramPlot_gauss->SetBinContent(i+1, (*gaus_mean_vec)(i));
- paramPlot_gauss->SetBinError(i+1, (*gaus_err_vec)(i));
- paramPlot_HPD->SetBinContent(i+1, (*HPD_mean_vec)(i));
- double error = (*HPD_err_vec)(i);
- paramPlot_HPD->SetBinError(i+1, error);
- // Don't care about labelling beam for now
- if (i < nflux) {
- paramPlot->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, GetXsecName(i).c_str());
- paramPlot_gauss->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, (GetXsecName(i )+"_G").c_str());
- paramPlot_HPD->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, (GetXsecName(i)+"_G").c_str());
- }
- }
- // Make a TLegend
- TLegend *CompLeg = new TLegend(0.33, 0.20, 0.80, 0.50);
- CompLeg->AddEntry(prefit, "Prefit", "fp");
- CompLeg->AddEntry(paramPlot, "Postfit PDF", "fp");
- CompLeg->AddEntry(paramPlot_gauss, "Postfit Gauss", "fp");
- CompLeg->AddEntry(paramPlot_HPD, "Postfit HPD", "lfep");
- CompLeg->SetFillColor(0);
- CompLeg->SetFillStyle(0);
- CompLeg->SetLineWidth(0);
- CompLeg->SetLineStyle(0);
- CompLeg->SetBorderSize(0);
- file->cd();
- c0->SetBottomMargin(0.2);
- // Plot the flux parameters (0 to 100) if enabled
- // Have already looked through the branches earlier
- if (plotFlux == true) {
- prefit->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.6, 1.3);
- prefit->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("");
- prefit->GetXaxis()->LabelsOption("v");
- paramPlot->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.6, 1.3);
- paramPlot->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("");
- paramPlot->SetTitle(stepcut.c_str());
- paramPlot->GetXaxis()->LabelsOption("v");
- paramPlot_gauss->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.6, 1.3);
- paramPlot_gauss->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("");
- paramPlot_gauss->SetTitle(stepcut.c_str());
- paramPlot_gauss->GetXaxis()->LabelsOption("v");
- paramPlot_HPD->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.6, 1.3);
- paramPlot_HPD->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("");
- paramPlot_HPD->SetTitle(stepcut.c_str());
- paramPlot_HPD->GetXaxis()->LabelsOption("v");
- int nplots = 4;
- for (int i = 0; i < nplots; ++i) {
- int bot = (double(i)/double(nplots))*nflux+nxsec;
- int top = (double(i+1)/double(nplots))*nflux+nxsec;
- prefit->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(bot, top);
- paramPlot->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(bot, top);
- paramPlot_gauss->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(bot, top);
- paramPlot_HPD->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(bot, top);
- prefit->Write(Form("param_flux_prefit_%i", i));
- paramPlot->Write(Form("param_flux_%i", i));
- paramPlot_gauss->Write(Form("param_flux_gaus_%i", i));
- paramPlot_HPD->Write(Form("param_flux_HPD_%i", i));
- prefit->Draw("e2");
- paramPlot->Draw("e2, same");
- paramPlot_gauss->Draw("e2, same");
- paramPlot_HPD->Draw("e1, same");
- CompLeg->Draw("same");
- c0->Write("param_flux_canv");
- c0->Print(canvasname);
- c0->Clear();
- }
- }
- // Plot the xsec parameters (100 to ~125)
- // Have already looked through the branches earlier
- file->cd();
- if (plotXsec == true) {
- prefit->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.5 , 2.5);
- prefit->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("");
- prefit->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, nxsec);
- prefit->GetXaxis()->LabelsOption("v");
- paramPlot->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, nxsec);
- paramPlot_gauss->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, nxsec);
- paramPlot_HPD->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, nxsec);
- prefit->Write("param_xsec_prefit");
- paramPlot->Write("param_xsec");
- paramPlot_gauss->Write("param_xsec_gaus");
- paramPlot_HPD->Write("param_xsec_HPD");
- prefit->Draw("e2");
- paramPlot->Draw("e2, same");
- paramPlot_gauss->Draw("e2, same");
- paramPlot_HPD->Draw("same");
- CompLeg->SetX1NDC(0.33);
- CompLeg->SetX2NDC(0.80);
- CompLeg->SetY1NDC(0.20);
- CompLeg->SetY2NDC(0.50);
- CompLeg->Draw("same");
- c0->Write("param_xsec_canv");
- c0->Print(canvasname);
- c0->Clear();
- }
- delete CompLeg;
- c0->SetLeftMargin(0.1);
- c0->SetBottomMargin(0.1);
- TH2D* hCov, *hCovSq, *hCorr = NULL;
- if (drawCorr) {
- // The covariance matrix from the fit
- hCov = new TH2D("hCov", "hCov", covBinning, 0, covBinning, covBinning, 0, covBinning);
- hCov->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Covariance");
- // The covariance matrix square root, with correct sign
- hCovSq = new TH2D("hCovSq", "hCovSq", covBinning, 0, covBinning, covBinning, 0, covBinning);
- // The correlation
- hCorr = new TH2D("hCorr", "hCorr", covBinning, 0, covBinning, covBinning, 0, covBinning);
- hCorr->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Correlation");
- hCorr->SetMinimum(-1);
- hCorr->SetMaximum(1);
- hCov->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.015);
- hCov->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.015);
- hCovSq->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.015);
- hCovSq->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.015);
- hCorr->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.015);
- hCorr->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.015);
- // Loop over the covariance matrix entries
- for(int i=0; i < ndraw; i++) {
- if (drawCorr && vary[i] == false) {
- continue;
- }
- if (i < nxsec) {
- hCov->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, GetXsecName(i).c_str());
- hCovSq->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, GetXsecName(i).c_str());
- hCorr->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, GetXsecName(i).c_str());
- }
- for (int j=0; jGetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(j+1, GetXsecName(j).c_str());
- hCovSq->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(j+1, GetXsecName(j).c_str());
- hCorr->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(j+1, GetXsecName(j).c_str());
- }
- // The value of the covariance
- double cov = (*covariance)(i,j);
- double corr = (*correlation)(i,j);
- hCov->SetBinContent(i+1, j+1, cov);
- hCovSq->SetBinContent(i+1, j+1, ((cov>0)-(cov<0))*sqrt(fabs(cov)));
- hCorr->SetBinContent(i+1, j+1, corr);
- }
- }
- // Take away the stat box
- gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
- // Make pretty correlation colors (red to blue)
- const int NRGBs = 5;
- TColor::InitializeColors();
- Double_t stops[NRGBs] = { 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00 };
- Double_t red[NRGBs] = { 0.00, 0.25, 1.00, 1.00, 0.50 };
- Double_t green[NRGBs] = { 0.00, 0.25, 1.00, 0.25, 0.00 };
- Double_t blue[NRGBs] = { 0.50, 1.00, 1.00, 0.25, 0.00 };
- TColor::CreateGradientColorTable(5, stops, red, green, blue, 255);
- gStyle->SetNumberContours(255);
- c0->cd();
- c0->Clear();
- hCov->Draw("colz");
- c0->SetRightMargin(0.15);
- c0->Print(canvasname);
- c0->cd();
- c0->Clear();
- hCorr->Draw("colz");
- c0->SetRightMargin(0.15);
- c0->Print(canvasname);
- file->cd();
- hCov->Write("postfit_cov_plot");
- hCovSq->Write("postfit_covsq_plot");
- hCorr->Write("postfit_corr_plot");
- }
- // Then close the pdf file
- std::cout << "Closing pdf " << canvasname << std::endl;
- canvasname+="]";
- c0->Print(canvasname);
- // Write all the nice vectors
- file->cd();
- mean_vec->Write("postfit_params_arit");
- err_vec->Write("postfit_errors_arit");
- gaus_mean_vec->Write("postfit_params_gauss");
- gaus_err_vec->Write("postfit_errors_gauss");
- HPD_mean_vec->Write("postfit_params_HPD");
- HPD_err_vec->Write("postfit_errors_HPD");
- HPD_err_p_vec->Write("postfit_errors_HPD_pos");
- HPD_err_m_vec->Write("postfit_errors_HPD_neg");
- covariance->Write("postfit_cov");
- correlation->Write("postfit_corr");
- file->Close();
-void DrawComp(std::string inputFile1, std::string title1, std::string inputFile2, std::string title2) {
- std::cout << "File for study: " << inputFile1 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "File for nominal: " << inputFile2 << std::endl;
- // Open the chain for file 1
- TChain* chain = new TChain("posteriors","");
- chain->Add(inputFile1.c_str());
- // Open the chain for file 2
- TChain* chain2 = new TChain("posteriors","");
- chain2->Add(inputFile2.c_str());
- int nEntries = chain->GetMaximum("step");
- int nEntries2 = chain2->GetMaximum("step");
- // Use first 1/7 as burn-in
- int cut = nEntries/BurnInCut;
- int cut2 = nEntries2/BurnInCut;
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << "step > " << cut;
- std::stringstream ss2;
- ss2 << "step > " << cut2;
- // What entries are we interested in?
- // Here specifically 20k steps in, and events that have a logL < 5000
- std::string stepcut = ss.str();
- std::string stepcut2 = ss2.str();
- // Loop over interesting params; only need to do this for one of the files granted we have same params
- // Get the list of branches
- TObjArray* brlis = (TObjArray*)chain->GetListOfBranches();
- // Get the number of branches
- int nbr = brlis->GetEntries();
- std::cout << "# of branches: " << nbr << std::endl;
- // Make an array of TStrings
- TString bnames[nbr];
- // Array of doubles containing the nominal values (first step for xsec)
- std::vector nom;
- nom.resize(nbr);
- // Have a counter for how many of each systematic we have
- int ndraw = 0;
- int nflux = 0;
- int nxsec = 0;
- // Loop over the number of branches
- // Find the name and how many of each systematic we have
- chain->SetBranchStatus("*", false);
- chain->SetBranchStatus("step", true);
- for(int i=0; i < nbr; i++) {
- // Get the TBranch and its name
- TBranch* br = (TBranch*)brlis->At(i);
- TString bname = br->GetName();
- // Get first entry of this branch (i.e. systematic); this is the first reconfigure so should be the fake-data which it was generated for (for xsec this is true...!)
- if(bname.BeginsWith("LogL") || bname.BeginsWith("ndd_")) continue;
- // If we're on beam systematics
- if(bname.BeginsWith("xsec_")) {
- //plotXsec = true;
- chain->SetBranchStatus(bname, true);
- chain->SetBranchAddress(bname, &(nom[i]));
- chain->SetBranchAddress(bname, &(nom[i]));
- bnames[ndraw]=bname;
- ndraw++;
- //nxsec++;
- }
- /*
- else if(bname.BeginsWith("b_")) {
- plotFlux = true;
- chain->SetBranchStatus(bname, true);
- chain->SetBranchAddress(bname, &(nom[i]));
- bnames[ndraw]=bname;
- nflux++;
- ndraw++;
- }
- */
- }
- TFile *TempFile = new TFile(inputFile1.c_str(), "open");
- TTree* Settings = (TTree*)(TempFile->Get("Settings"));
- // Get the xsec covariance matrix
- std::string *XsecInput = 0;
- Settings->SetBranchAddress("XsecCov", &XsecInput);
- Settings->GetEntry(0);
- delete Settings;
- TempFile->Close();
- delete TempFile;
- XsecCov = "../"+*XsecInput;
- chain->GetEntry(0);
- nom.resize(nbr);
- for(int i = 0; i < ndraw; ++i) {
- std::string tempString = GetXsecName(i);
- if (tempString.rfind("b_", 0) == 0) {
- nflux++;
- }
- else nxsec++;
- }
- std::cout << "# useful entries (flux, xsec, fsi): " << ndraw << std::endl;
- std::cout << "# useful entries (flux): " << nflux << std::endl;
- std::cout << "# useful entries (xsec): " << nxsec << std::endl;
- std::cout << "************************************************" << std::endl;
- gStyle->SetOptFit(0);
- gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
- // Open a TCanvas to write the posterior onto
- TCanvas* c0 = new TCanvas("c0", "c0", 0, 0, 1024, 1024);
- gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
- gStyle->SetOptTitle(0);
- c0->SetGrid();
- c0->SetBottomMargin(0.1);
- c0->SetTopMargin(0.05);
- c0->SetRightMargin(0.03);
- c0->SetLeftMargin(0.10);
- // Write to a PDF file
- // Strip out the initial ../ if can find
- // Strip out the last .root
- inputFile1 = inputFile1.substr(0, inputFile1.find(".root")-1);
- while (inputFile2.find("/") != std::string::npos) {
- inputFile2 = inputFile2.substr(inputFile2.find("/")+1, inputFile2.find(".root")-1);
- }
- TString canvasname = inputFile1+"_"+inputFile2+".pdf[";
- c0->Print(canvasname);
- // Once the pdf file is open no longer need to bracket
- canvasname.ReplaceAll("[","");
- // We fit with this gaussian
- TF1 *gauss = new TF1("gauss","[0]/sqrt(2.0*3.14159)/[2]*TMath::Exp(-0.5*pow(x-[1],2)/[2]/[2])",-5,5);
- gauss->SetLineColor(kBlue-1);
- gauss->SetLineStyle(kDashed);
- TF1 *gauss2 = new TF1("gauss2","[0]/sqrt(2.0*3.14159)/[2]*TMath::Exp(-0.5*pow(x-[1],2)/[2]/[2])",-5,5);
- gauss2->SetLineColor(kRed);
- gauss2->SetLineStyle(kDashed);
- TVectorD* mean_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* err_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* gaus_mean_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* gaus_err_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* HPD_mean_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* HPD_err_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* HPD_err_p_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* HPD_err_m_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* mean_vec2 = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* err_vec2 = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* gaus_mean_vec2 = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* gaus_err_vec2 = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* HPD_mean_vec2 = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* HPD_err_vec2 = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* HPD_err_p_vec2 = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* HPD_err_m_vec2 = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* xsec_nom = new TVectorD(nxsec);
- // Output file to write to
- TString rootfilename = inputFile1+"_"+inputFile2+".root";
- TFile* file = new TFile(rootfilename, "RECREATE");
- TDirectory *params = file->mkdir("hpost");
- int nbins = 70;
- // ndraw is number of draws we want to do
- for(int i=0; icd();
- double asimovLine = 1.0;
- std::string tempString;
- if (icd();
- std::cout << bnames[i] << std::endl;
- double maxi = chain->GetMaximum(bnames[i]);
- double mini = chain->GetMinimum(bnames[i]);
- double maxi2 = chain2->GetMaximum(bnames[i]);
- double mini2 = chain2->GetMinimum(bnames[i]);
- // This holds the posterior density
- TH1D *hpost = new TH1D(bnames[i], bnames[i], nbins, mini, maxi);
- hpost->SetMinimum(0);
- hpost->SetTitle(bnames[i]);
- TH1D *hpost2 = new TH1D(bnames[i]+"_2", bnames[i]+"_2", nbins, mini2, maxi2);
- hpost2->SetMinimum(0);
- hpost2->SetTitle(bnames[i]+"_2");
- hpost->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Steps");
- hpost->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1);
- hpost->GetYaxis()->SetNoExponent(false);
- // Project bnames[i] onto hpost, applying stepcut
- chain->Project(bnames[i], bnames[i], stepcut.c_str());
- chain2->Project(bnames[i]+"_2", bnames[i], stepcut2.c_str());
- // Area normalise the distributions
- hpost->Scale(1./hpost->Integral(), "width");
- hpost2->Scale(1./hpost2->Integral(), "width");
- hpost->Smooth();
- hpost2->Smooth();
- // Get the characteristics of the hpost
- double mean, rms;
- GetArithmetic(hpost, mean, rms);
- double peakval, sigma_p, sigma_m, sigma_hpd;
- GetHPD(hpost, peakval, sigma_hpd, sigma_p, sigma_m);
- double gauss_mean, gauss_rms;
- GetGaussian(hpost, gauss, gauss_mean, gauss_rms);
- // Get the characteristics of the hpost
- double mean2, rms2;
- GetArithmetic(hpost2, mean2, rms2);
- double peakval2, sigma_p2, sigma_m2, sigma_hpd2;
- GetHPD(hpost2, peakval2, sigma_hpd2, sigma_p2, sigma_m2);
- double gauss_mean2, gauss_rms2;
- GetGaussian(hpost2, gauss2, gauss_mean2, gauss_rms2);
- std::cout << mean << " +/- " << rms << " (" << peakval << " + " << sigma_p << " - " << sigma_m << ")" << std::endl;
- std::cout << mean2 << " +/- " << rms2 << " (" << peakval2 << " + " << sigma_p2 << " - " << sigma_m2 << ")" << std::endl;
- // Set some nice colours
- hpost->SetLineColor(kBlue-1);
- hpost->SetLineWidth(2);
- hpost2->SetLineColor(kRed);
- hpost2->SetLineWidth(2);
- // Now make the TLine for the asimov
- TLine *asimov = new TLine(asimovLine, hpost->GetMinimum(), asimovLine, hpost->GetMaximum());
- asimov->SetLineColor(kBlack);
- asimov->SetLineWidth(2);
- asimov->SetLineStyle(kDashed);
- // Make a nice little TLegend
- TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.12, 0.7, 0.6, 0.97);
- leg->SetTextSize(0.04);
- leg->SetFillColor(0);
- leg->SetFillStyle(0);
- leg->SetLineColor(0);
- leg->SetLineStyle(0);
- TString rebinLeg = Form("#splitline{%s}{#mu = %.2f, #sigma = %.2f}", title1.c_str(), mean, rms);
- TString nombinLeg = Form("#splitline{%s}{#mu = %.2f, #sigma = %.2f}", title2.c_str(), mean2, rms2);
- TString asimovLeg = Form("Central, #mu = %.2f", asimovLine);
- leg->AddEntry(asimov, asimovLeg, "l");
- leg->AddEntry(hpost, rebinLeg, "l");
- leg->AddEntry(hpost2, nombinLeg, "l");
- TLine *hpd = new TLine(peakval, hpost->GetMinimum(), peakval, hpost->GetMaximum());
- hpd->SetLineColor(hpost->GetLineColor());
- hpd->SetLineWidth(2);
- hpd->SetLineStyle(kSolid);
- TLine *hpd2 = new TLine(peakval2, hpost2->GetMinimum(), peakval2, hpost2->GetMaximum());
- hpd2->SetLineColor(hpost2->GetLineColor());
- hpd2->SetLineWidth(2);
- hpd2->SetLineStyle(kSolid);
- if (isXsec && ((*xsec_nom)(i)) != 0) {
- mean = mean / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- mean2 = mean2 / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- rms = rms / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- rms2 = rms2 / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- gauss_mean = gauss_mean / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- gauss_mean2 = gauss_mean2 / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- gauss_rms = gauss_rms / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- gauss_rms2 = gauss_rms2 / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- peakval = peakval / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- sigma_hpd = sigma_hpd / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- sigma_p = sigma_p / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- sigma_m = sigma_m / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- peakval2 = peakval2 / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- sigma_hpd2 = sigma_hpd2 / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- sigma_p2 = sigma_p2 / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- sigma_m2 = sigma_m2 / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- } else if (isXsec && ((*xsec_nom)(i)) == 0) {
- mean = mean + 1.0;
- mean2 = mean2 + 1.0;
- gauss_mean = gauss_mean + 1.0;
- gauss_mean2 = gauss_mean2 + 1.0;
- peakval = peakval + 1.0;
- peakval2 = peakval2 + 1.0;
- }
- (*mean_vec)(i) = mean;
- (*mean_vec2)(i) = mean2;
- (*err_vec)(i) = rms;
- (*err_vec2)(i) = rms2;
- (*HPD_mean_vec)(i) = peakval;
- (*HPD_err_vec)(i) = sigma_hpd;
- (*HPD_err_p_vec)(i) = sigma_p;
- (*HPD_err_m_vec)(i) = sigma_m;
- (*gaus_mean_vec)(i) = gauss_mean;
- (*gaus_mean_vec2)(i)= gauss_rms;
- (*gaus_err_vec)(i) = gauss_mean2;
- (*gaus_err_vec2)(i) = gauss_rms2;
- (*HPD_mean_vec2)(i) = peakval2;
- (*HPD_err_vec2)(i) = sigma_hpd2;
- (*HPD_err_p_vec2)(i) = sigma_p2;
- (*HPD_err_m_vec2)(i) = sigma_m2;
- gauss->SetLineColor(kBlue-1);
- gauss->SetLineStyle(kDashed);
- gauss2->SetLineColor(kRed);
- gauss2->SetLineStyle(kDashed);
- // Set the maximum properly
- double max = std::max(hpost->GetMaximum(), hpost2->GetMaximum());
- hpost->SetMaximum(1.5*max);
- hpost2->SetMaximum(hpost->GetMaximum());
- hpost->SetTitle(tempString.c_str());
- hpost->GetXaxis()->SetTitle((std::string(hpost->GetTitle())+" rel. nom").c_str());
- hpost->Draw();
- hpost2->Draw("same");
- asimov->Draw("same");
- hpd->Draw("same");
- hpd2->Draw("same");
- leg->Draw("same");
- c0->Print(canvasname);
- // cd into params directory in root file
- params->cd();
- hpost->Write();
- hpost2->Write();
- delete hpost;
- delete hpost2;
- delete asimov;
- delete leg;
- delete hpd;
- delete hpd2;
- } // End the for ndraw loop
- file->cd();
- // vector of the mean values
- std::vector val;
- std::vector val2;
- // vector of the error values
- std::vector vale;
- std::vector vale2;
- // vector of the index
- std::vector ind;
- std::vector ind2;
- // No idea...
- std::vector inde;
- std::vector inde2;
- for (int i = 0; i < mean_vec->GetNrows(); i++) {
- val.push_back((*mean_vec)(i));
- val2.push_back((*mean_vec2)(i));
- vale.push_back((*err_vec)(i));
- vale2.push_back((*err_vec2)(i));
- ind.push_back(i);
- ind2.push_back(i);
- inde.push_back(0.0);
- inde2.push_back(0.0);
- }
- TH1D *prefit = MakePrefit(ndraw ,nflux);
- file->cd();
- // Make a TH1D of the central values and the errors
- TH1D *paramPlot = new TH1D("paramPlot", "paramPlot", ndraw, 0, ndraw);
- paramPlot->SetName("mach3params");
- paramPlot->SetTitle((stepcut+"_"+stepcut2).c_str());
- paramPlot->SetFillStyle(3144);
- paramPlot->SetFillColor(kYellow-3);
- paramPlot->SetMarkerColor(kMagenta-3);
- paramPlot->SetMarkerStyle(22);
- paramPlot->SetLineColor(paramPlot->GetFillColor());
- paramPlot->SetMarkerSize(prefit->GetMarkerSize());
- // Make a TH1D of the central values and the errors
- TH1D *paramPlot2 = (TH1D*)paramPlot->Clone();
- paramPlot2->SetName("mach3params_2");
- paramPlot2->SetFillStyle(3344);
- paramPlot2->SetFillColor(kBlue-1);
- paramPlot2->SetMarkerColor(paramPlot2->GetFillColor());
- paramPlot2->SetMarkerStyle(33);
- paramPlot2->SetLineColor(paramPlot2->GetFillColor());
- paramPlot2->SetMarkerSize(prefit->GetMarkerSize());
- TLegend *graphLeg = new TLegend(0.33, 0.10, 0.80, 0.40);
- graphLeg->AddEntry(prefit, "Prefit", "fp");
- graphLeg->AddEntry(paramPlot, title1.c_str(), "fp");
- graphLeg->AddEntry(paramPlot2, title2.c_str(), "fp");
- graphLeg->SetFillColor(0);
- graphLeg->SetFillStyle(0);
- graphLeg->SetLineColor(0);
- graphLeg->SetLineWidth(0);
- graphLeg->SetLineStyle(0);
- graphLeg->SetBorderSize(0);
- // Set labels and data
- for (int i = 0; i < ndraw; ++i) {
- paramPlot->SetBinContent(i+1, (*mean_vec)(i));
- paramPlot->SetBinError(i+1, (*err_vec)(i));
- paramPlot2->SetBinContent(i+1, (*mean_vec2)(i));
- paramPlot2->SetBinError(i+1, (*err_vec2)(i));
- // Don't care about labelling beam for now
- if (i < nflux) {
- paramPlot->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, GetXsecName(i).c_str());
- paramPlot2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, GetXsecName(i).c_str());
- }
- }
- file->cd();
- // Plot the flux parameters (0 to 100) if enabled
- // Have already looked through the branches earlier
- if (plotFlux == true) {
- prefit->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, nxsec);
- prefit->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("");
- prefit->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.7, 1.3);
- prefit->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Variation");
- prefit->SetTitle((stepcut+"_"+stepcut2).c_str());
- int nplots = 4;
- for (int i = 0; i < nplots; ++i) {
- int bot = (double(i)/double(nplots))*nflux + nxsec;
- int top = (double(i+1)/double(nplots))*nflux + nxsec;
- prefit->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(bot, top);
- paramPlot->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(bot, top);
- paramPlot2->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(bot, top);
- prefit->Write(Form("param_flux_prefit_%i", i));
- paramPlot->Write(Form("param_flux_%i", i));
- paramPlot2->Write(Form("param_flux_HPD_%i", i));
- prefit->Draw("e2");
- paramPlot->Draw("e2, same");
- paramPlot2->Draw("e2, same");
- graphLeg->Draw("same");
- c0->Write("param_flux_canv");
- c0->Print(canvasname);
- c0->Clear();
- }
- }
- file->cd();
- // Plot the xsec parameters (100 to ~125)
- // Have already looked through the branches earlier
- if (plotXsec == true) {
- prefit->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("");
- prefit->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.5, 2.0);
- prefit->GetXaxis()->LabelsOption("v");
- prefit->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, nxsec);
- paramPlot->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, nxsec);
- paramPlot2->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, nxsec);
- prefit->Draw("e2");
- paramPlot->Draw("e2,same");
- paramPlot2->Draw("e2,same");
- graphLeg->Draw("same");
- c0->Print(canvasname);
- c0->Write("param_xsec_canv");
- c0->Clear();
- paramPlot->Write("param_xsec");
- paramPlot2->Write("param_xsec_2");
- }
- // Finally draw the parameter plot onto the PDF
- // Close the .pdf file with all the posteriors
- c0->cd();
- c0->Clear();
- file->cd();
- // Close the pdf file
- std::cout << "Closing pdf " << canvasname << std::endl;
- canvasname+="]";
- c0->Print(canvasname);
- // Write all the nice vectors
- mean_vec->Write("FitParameters");
- mean_vec2->Write("FitParameters_2");
- err_vec->Write("FitErrors");
- err_vec2->Write("FitErrors_2");
- gaus_mean_vec->Write("FitParameters_gauss");
- gaus_mean_vec2->Write("FitParameters_gauss_2");
- gaus_err_vec->Write("FitErrors_gauss");
- gaus_err_vec2->Write("FitErrors_gauss_2");
- HPD_mean_vec->Write("FitParameters_HPD");
- HPD_mean_vec2->Write("FitParameters_HPD_2");
- HPD_err_vec->Write("FitErrors_HPD");
- HPD_err_vec2->Write("FitErrors_HPD_2");
- HPD_err_p_vec->Write("FitErrors_HPD_p");
- HPD_err_p_vec2->Write("FitErrors_HPD_p_2");
- HPD_err_m_vec->Write("FitErrors_HPD_m");
- HPD_err_m_vec2->Write("FitErrors_HPD_m_2");
- paramPlot->Write("postfit_params_plot");
- paramPlot2->Write("postfit_params_plot_2");
- file->Close();
-void DrawComp(std::string inputFile1, std::string title1, std::string inputFile2, std::string title2, std::string inputFile3, std::string title3) {
- std::cout << "File for study: " << inputFile1 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "File for study2: " << inputFile2 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "File for study3: " << inputFile3 << std::endl;
- // Open the chain for file 1
- TChain* chain = new TChain("posteriors","");
- chain->Add(inputFile1.c_str());
- // Open the chain for file 2
- TChain* chain2 = new TChain("posteriors","");
- chain2->Add(inputFile2.c_str());
- // Open the chain for file 3
- TChain* chain3 = new TChain("posteriors","");
- chain3->Add(inputFile3.c_str());
- int nEntries = chain->GetMaximum("step");
- int nEntries2 = chain2->GetMaximum("step");
- int nEntries3 = chain3->GetMaximum("step");
- // Use first 1/4 as burn-in
- int cut = nEntries/BurnInCut;
- int cut2 = nEntries2/BurnInCut;
- int cut3 = nEntries3/BurnInCut;
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << "step > " << cut;
- std::stringstream ss2;
- ss2 << "step > " << cut2;
- std::stringstream ss3;
- ss3 << "step > " << cut3;
- // What entries are we interested in?
- // Here specifically 20k steps in, and events that have a logL < 5000
- std::string stepcut = ss.str();
- std::string stepcut2 = ss2.str();
- std::string stepcut3 = ss3.str();
- // Loop over interesting params; only need to do this for one of the files granted we have same params
- //
- // Get the list of branches
- TObjArray* brlis = (TObjArray*)chain->GetListOfBranches();
- // Get the number of branches
- int nbr = brlis->GetEntries();
- std::cout << "# of branches: " << nbr << std::endl;
- // Make an array of TStrings
- TString bnames[nbr];
- // Array of doubles containing the nominal values (first step for xsec)
- std::vector nom;
- nom.resize(nbr);
- // Have a counter for how many of each systematic we have
- int ndraw = 0;
- int nflux = 0;
- int nxsec = 0;
- // Loop over the number of branches
- // Find the name and how many of each systematic we have
- chain->SetBranchStatus("*", false);
- chain->SetBranchStatus("step", true);
- chain2->SetBranchStatus("*", false);
- chain2->SetBranchStatus("step", true);
- chain3->SetBranchStatus("*", false);
- chain3->SetBranchStatus("step", true);
- for(int i=0; i < nbr; i++) {
- // Get the TBranch and its name
- TBranch* br = (TBranch*)brlis->At(i);
- TString bname = br->GetName();
- // Get first entry of this branch (i.e. systematic); this is the first reconfigure so should be the fake-data which it was generated for (for xsec this is true...!)
- if(bname.BeginsWith("LogL") || bname.BeginsWith("ndd_")) continue;
- // If we're on beam systematics
- if(bname.BeginsWith("xsec_")) {
- plotXsec = true;
- chain->SetBranchStatus(bname, true);
- chain->SetBranchAddress(bname, &(nom[i]));
- chain2->SetBranchStatus(bname, true);
- chain2->SetBranchAddress(bname, &(nom[i]));
- chain3->SetBranchStatus(bname, true);
- chain3->SetBranchAddress(bname, &(nom[i]));
- bnames[ndraw]=bname;
- ndraw++;
- //nxsec++;
- }
- /*
- else if(bname.BeginsWith("b_")) {
- plotFlux = true;
- chain->SetBranchStatus(bname, true);
- chain->SetBranchAddress(bname, &(nom[i]));
- chain2->SetBranchStatus(bname, true);
- chain2->SetBranchAddress(bname, &(nom[i]));
- chain3->SetBranchStatus(bname, true);
- chain3->SetBranchAddress(bname, &(nom[i]));
- bnames[ndraw]=bname;
- nflux++;
- ndraw++;
- }
- */
- }
- TFile *TempFile = new TFile(inputFile1.c_str(), "open");
- TTree* Settings = (TTree*)(TempFile->Get("Settings"));
- // Get the xsec covariance matrix
- std::string *XsecInput = 0;
- Settings->SetBranchAddress("XsecCov", &XsecInput);
- Settings->GetEntry(0);
- delete Settings;
- TempFile->Close();
- delete TempFile;
- XsecCov = "../"+*XsecInput;
- chain->GetEntry(0);
- nom.resize(nbr);
- for(int i = 0; i < ndraw; ++i) {
- std::string tempString = GetXsecName(i);
- if (tempString.rfind("b_", 0) == 0) {
- nflux++;
- }
- else nxsec++;
- }
- std::cout << "# useful entries (flux, xsec, fsi): " << ndraw << std::endl;
- std::cout << "# useful entries (flux): " << nflux << std::endl;
- std::cout << "# useful entries (xsec): " << nxsec << std::endl;
- std::cout << "************************************************" << std::endl;
- gStyle->SetOptFit(0);
- gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
- // Open a TCanvas to write the posterior onto
- TCanvas* c0 = new TCanvas("c0", "c0", 0, 0, 1024, 1024);
- c0->SetGrid();
- gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
- gStyle->SetOptTitle(0);
- c0->SetBottomMargin(0.1);
- c0->SetTopMargin(0.02);
- c0->SetRightMargin(0.03);
- c0->SetLeftMargin(0.10);
- // Write to a PDF file
- // Strip out the initial ../ if can find
- // Then strip out any additional /
- // Strip out the last .root
- inputFile1 = inputFile1.substr(0, inputFile1.find(".root"));
- std::cout << inputFile1 << std::endl;
- while (inputFile2.find("/") != std::string::npos) {
- inputFile2 = inputFile2.substr(inputFile2.find("/")+1, inputFile2.find(".root")-1);
- }
- std::cout << inputFile2 << std::endl;
- while (inputFile3.find("/") != std::string::npos) {
- inputFile3 = inputFile3.substr(inputFile3.find("/")+1, inputFile3.find(".root")-1);
- }
- std::cout << inputFile3 << std::endl;
- TString canvasname = inputFile1+"_"+inputFile2+"_"+inputFile3+".pdf[";
- c0->Print(canvasname);
- // Once the pdf file is open no longer need to bracket
- canvasname.ReplaceAll("[","");
- // We fit with this gaussian
- TF1 *gauss = new TF1("gauss","[0]/sqrt(2.0*3.14159)/[2]*TMath::Exp(-0.5*pow(x-[1],2)/[2]/[2])", -5, 5);
- TF1 *gauss2 = new TF1("gauss2","[0]/sqrt(2.0*3.14159)/[2]*TMath::Exp(-0.5*pow(x-[1],2)/[2]/[2])", -5, 5);
- TF1 *gauss3 = new TF1("gauss3","[0]/sqrt(2.0*3.14159)/[2]*TMath::Exp(-0.5*pow(x-[1],2)/[2]/[2])", -5, 5);
- TVectorD* mean_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* err_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* gaus_mean_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* gaus_err_vec = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* mean_vec2 = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* err_vec2 = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* gaus_mean_vec2 = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* gaus_err_vec2 = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* mean_vec3 = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* err_vec3 = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* gaus_mean_vec3 = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* gaus_err_vec3 = new TVectorD(ndraw);
- TVectorD* xsec_nom = new TVectorD(nxsec);
- // Output file to write to
- TString rootfilename = inputFile1+"_"+inputFile2+"_"+inputFile3+".root";
- TFile* file = new TFile(rootfilename, "RECREATE");
- file->cd();
- TDirectory *params = file->mkdir("hpost");
- int nbins = 70;
- bool isXsec = false;
- // ndraw is number of draws we want to do
- for(int i=0; icd();
- isXsec = false;
- double asimovLine = 0.0;
- std::string tempString;
- if (icd();
- std::cout << bnames[i] << std::endl;
- double maxi = chain->GetMaximum(bnames[i]);
- double mini = chain->GetMinimum(bnames[i]);
- double maxi2 = chain2->GetMaximum(bnames[i]);
- double mini2 = chain2->GetMinimum(bnames[i]);
- double maxi3 = chain3->GetMaximum(bnames[i]);
- double mini3 = chain3->GetMinimum(bnames[i]);
- // This holds the posterior density
- TH1D *hpost = new TH1D(bnames[i], bnames[i], nbins, mini, maxi);
- hpost->SetMinimum(0);
- hpost->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Steps (area norm.)");
- hpost->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1);
- hpost->GetYaxis()->SetNoExponent(false);
- TH1D *hpost2 = new TH1D(bnames[i]+"_2", bnames[i]+"_2", nbins, mini2, maxi2);
- hpost2->SetMinimum(0);
- TH1D *hpost3 = new TH1D(bnames[i]+"_3", bnames[i]+"_3", nbins, mini3, maxi3);
- hpost3->SetMinimum(0);
- hpost->SetTitle(bnames[i]);
- hpost2->SetTitle(bnames[i]+"_2");
- hpost3->SetTitle(bnames[i]+"_3");
- // Project bnames[i] onto hpost, applying stepcut
- chain->Project(bnames[i], bnames[i], stepcut.c_str());
- chain2->Project(bnames[i]+"_2", bnames[i], stepcut2.c_str());
- chain3->Project(bnames[i]+"_3", bnames[i], stepcut3.c_str());
- // Area normalise the distributions
- hpost->Scale(1./hpost->Integral(), "width");
- hpost2->Scale(1./hpost2->Integral(), "width");
- hpost3->Scale(1./hpost3->Integral(), "width");
- hpost->Smooth();
- hpost2->Smooth();
- hpost3->Smooth();
- hpost->SetTitle(tempString.c_str());
- hpost->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(tempString.c_str());
- hpost2->SetTitle(tempString.c_str());
- hpost2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(tempString.c_str());
- hpost3->SetTitle(tempString.c_str());
- hpost3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(tempString.c_str());
- // Get the characteristics of the hpost
- double mean = hpost->GetMean();
- double rms = hpost->GetRMS();
- double peakval = hpost->GetBinCenter(hpost->GetMaximumBin());
- double gauss_mean = gauss->GetParameter(1);
- double gauss_rms = gauss->GetParameter(2);
- double mean2 = hpost2->GetMean();
- double rms2 = hpost2->GetRMS();
- double peakval2 = hpost2->GetBinCenter(hpost2->GetMaximumBin());
- double gauss_mean2 = gauss2->GetParameter(1);
- double gauss_rms2 = gauss2->GetParameter(2);
- double mean3 = hpost3->GetMean();
- double rms3 = hpost3->GetRMS();
- double peakval3 = hpost3->GetBinCenter(hpost3->GetMaximumBin());
- double gauss_mean3 = gauss3->GetParameter(1);
- double gauss_rms3 = gauss3->GetParameter(2);
- // Set the range for the Gaussian fit
- gauss->SetRange(mean - 1.5*rms , mean + 1.5*rms);
- gauss2->SetRange(mean2 - 1.5*rms2 , mean2 + 1.5*rms2);
- gauss3->SetRange(mean3 - 1.5*rms3 , mean3 + 1.5*rms3);
- // Set the starting parameters close to RMS and peaks of the histograms
- gauss->SetParameters(hpost->GetMaximum()*rms*sqrt(2*3.14), peakval, rms);
- gauss2->SetParameters(hpost2->GetMaximum()*rms2*sqrt(2*3.14), peakval2, rms2);
- gauss3->SetParameters(hpost3->GetMaximum()*rms3*sqrt(2*3.14), peakval3, rms3);
- // Set some nice colours
- hpost->SetLineColor(kBlue-1);
- hpost->SetLineWidth(2);
- gauss->SetLineColor(kBlue-1);
- gauss->SetLineStyle(kDashed);
- hpost2->SetLineColor(kRed);
- hpost2->SetLineWidth(2);
- gauss2->SetLineColor(kRed);
- gauss2->SetLineStyle(kDashed);
- hpost3->SetLineColor(kGreen+2);
- hpost3->SetLineWidth(2);
- gauss3->SetLineColor(kGreen+2);
- gauss3->SetLineStyle(kDashed);
- // Perform the fit
- hpost->Fit("gauss","Rq");
- hpost2->Fit("gauss2","Rq");
- hpost3->Fit("gauss3","Rq");
- // Now make the TLine for the asimov
- TLine *asimov = new TLine(asimovLine, hpost->GetMinimum(), asimovLine, hpost->GetMaximum());
- asimov->SetLineColor(kBlack);
- asimov->SetLineWidth(2);
- asimov->SetLineStyle(kDashed);
- // Make a nice little TLegend
- TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.12, 0.7, 0.8, 0.97);
- leg->SetTextSize(0.03);
- leg->SetFillColor(0);
- leg->SetFillStyle(0);
- leg->SetLineColor(0);
- leg->SetLineStyle(0);
- TString nombinLeg = Form("#splitline{%s}{#mu = %.2f, #sigma = %.2f}", title1.c_str(), mean, rms);
- TString rebinLeg = Form("#splitline{%s}{#mu = %.2f, #sigma = %.2f}", title2.c_str(), mean2, rms2);
- TString rebinLeg2 = Form("#splitline{%s}{#mu = %.2f, #sigma = %.2f}", title3.c_str(), mean3, rms3);
- TString asimovLeg = Form("Central, #mu = %.2f", asimovLine);
- leg->AddEntry(asimov, asimovLeg, "l");
- leg->AddEntry(hpost, nombinLeg, "l");
- leg->AddEntry(hpost2, rebinLeg, "l");
- leg->AddEntry(hpost3, rebinLeg2, "l");
- TLine *hpd = new TLine(peakval, hpost->GetMinimum(), peakval, hpost->GetMaximum());
- hpd->SetLineColor(hpost->GetLineColor());
- hpd->SetLineWidth(2);
- hpd->SetLineStyle(kSolid);
- TLine *hpd2 = new TLine(peakval2, hpost2->GetMinimum(), peakval2, hpost2->GetMaximum());
- hpd2->SetLineColor(hpost2->GetLineColor());
- hpd2->SetLineWidth(2);
- hpd2->SetLineStyle(kSolid);
- TLine *hpd3 = new TLine(peakval3, hpost3->GetMinimum(), peakval3, hpost3->GetMaximum());
- hpd3->SetLineColor(hpost3->GetLineColor());
- hpd3->SetLineWidth(2);
- hpd3->SetLineStyle(kSolid);
- if (isXsec && ((*xsec_nom)(i)) != 0) {
- mean = mean / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- rms = rms / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- gauss_mean = gauss_mean / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- gauss_rms = gauss_rms / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- mean2 = mean2 / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- rms2 = rms2 / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- gauss_mean2 = gauss_mean2 / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- gauss_rms2 = gauss_rms2 / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- mean3 = mean3 / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- rms3 = rms3 / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- gauss_mean3 = gauss_mean3 / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- gauss_rms3 = gauss_rms3 / ((*xsec_nom)(i));
- } else if (isXsec && ((*xsec_nom)(i)) == 0) {
- mean = mean + 1.0;
- gauss_mean = gauss_mean + 1.0;
- mean2 = mean2 + 1.0;
- gauss_mean2 = gauss_mean2 + 1.0;
- mean3 = mean3 + 1.0;
- gauss_mean3 = gauss_mean3 + 1.0;
- }
- // Save the mean and RMS for histo and Gaussian fit
- (*mean_vec)(i) = mean;
- (*err_vec)(i) = rms;
- (*gaus_mean_vec)(i) = gauss_mean;
- (*gaus_err_vec)(i) = gauss_rms;
- (*mean_vec2)(i) = mean2;
- (*err_vec2)(i) = rms2;
- (*gaus_mean_vec2)(i)= gauss_mean2;
- (*gaus_err_vec2)(i) = gauss_rms2;
- (*mean_vec3)(i) = mean3;
- (*err_vec3)(i) = rms3;
- (*gaus_mean_vec3)(i)= gauss_mean3;
- (*gaus_err_vec3)(i) = gauss_rms3;
- file->cd();
- // Do the difference between 1 and 2
- double maximum = 0;
- maximum = std::max(hpost->GetMaximum(), hpost3->GetMaximum());
- maximum = std::max(maximum, hpost3->GetMaximum());
- hpost->SetMaximum(1.3*maximum);
- hpost2->SetMaximum(hpost->GetMaximum());
- hpost3->SetMaximum(hpost->GetMaximum());
- file->cd();
- hpost->Draw();
- hpost2->Draw("same");
- hpost3->Draw("same");
- asimov->Draw("same");
- leg->Draw("same");
- c0->Print(canvasname);
- // cd into params directory in root file
- params->cd();
- hpost->Write();
- hpost2->Write();
- hpost3->Write();
- delete hpost;
- delete asimov;
- delete leg;
- } // End the for ndraw loop
- file->cd();
- // vector of the mean values
- std::vector val;
- // vector of the error values
- std::vector vale;
- // vector of the index
- std::vector ind;
- std::vector inde;
- std::vector val2;
- std::vector vale2;
- std::vector ind2;
- std::vector inde2;
- std::vector val3;
- std::vector vale3;
- std::vector ind3;
- std::vector inde3;
- for(int i=0; iGetNrows(); i++) {
- val.push_back((*mean_vec)(i));
- vale.push_back((*err_vec)(i));
- ind.push_back(i);
- inde.push_back(0.0);
- val2.push_back((*mean_vec2)(i));
- vale2.push_back((*err_vec2)(i));
- ind2.push_back(i);
- inde2.push_back(0.0);
- val3.push_back((*mean_vec3)(i));
- vale3.push_back((*err_vec3)(i));
- ind3.push_back(i);
- inde3.push_back(0.0);
- }
- TH1D *prefit = MakePrefit(ndraw ,nflux);
- file->cd();
- // Make a TH1D of the central values and the errors
- TH1D *paramPlot = new TH1D("paramPlot", "paramPlot", ndraw, 0, ndraw);
- paramPlot->SetName("mach3params");
- paramPlot->SetTitle(stepcut.c_str());
- paramPlot->SetFillStyle(3001);
- paramPlot->SetFillColor(kBlue-1);
- paramPlot->SetMarkerColor(kBlue+10);
- paramPlot->SetLineColor(paramPlot->GetFillColor());
- paramPlot->SetMarkerStyle(20);
- paramPlot->SetMarkerSize(prefit->GetMarkerSize());
- // Make a TH1D of the central values and the errors
- TH1D *paramPlot2 = (TH1D*)paramPlot->Clone();
- paramPlot2->SetName("mach3params_2");
- paramPlot2->SetTitle(paramPlot2->GetName());
- paramPlot2->SetFillColor(kOrange-5);
- paramPlot2->SetMarkerStyle(23);
- paramPlot2->SetLineWidth(2);
- paramPlot2->SetFillStyle(3244);
- paramPlot2->SetMarkerColor(kOrange+8);
- paramPlot2->SetLineColor(paramPlot2->GetFillColor());
- paramPlot2->SetMarkerSize(prefit->GetMarkerSize()*0.75);
- // Make a TH1D of the central values and the errors
- TH1D *paramPlot3 = (TH1D*)paramPlot->Clone();
- paramPlot3->SetName("mach3params_3");
- paramPlot3->SetTitle(paramPlot3->GetName());
- paramPlot3->SetMarkerColor(kBlack);
- paramPlot3->SetLineColor(paramPlot3->GetMarkerColor());
- paramPlot3->SetMarkerStyle(25);
- paramPlot3->SetLineWidth(2);
- paramPlot3->SetMarkerSize(prefit->GetMarkerSize()*0.5);
- paramPlot3->SetFillColor(0);
- paramPlot3->SetFillStyle(0);
- TLegend *graphLeg = new TLegend(0.33, 0.12, 0.80, 0.40);
- graphLeg->SetFillColor(0);
- graphLeg->SetFillStyle(0);
- graphLeg->SetLineColor(0);
- graphLeg->SetLineStyle(0);
- graphLeg->AddEntry(prefit, "Prefit", "fp");
- graphLeg->AddEntry(paramPlot, title1.c_str(), "fp");
- graphLeg->AddEntry(paramPlot2, title2.c_str(), "fp");
- graphLeg->AddEntry(paramPlot3, title3.c_str(), "lfep");
- graphLeg->Draw("same");
- // Set labels and data
- for (int i = 0; i < ndraw; ++i) {
- paramPlot->SetBinContent(i+1, (*mean_vec)(i));
- paramPlot->SetBinError(i+1, (*err_vec)(i));
- paramPlot2->SetBinContent(i+1, (*mean_vec2)(i));
- paramPlot2->SetBinError(i+1, (*err_vec2)(i));
- paramPlot3->SetBinContent(i+1, (*mean_vec3)(i));
- paramPlot3->SetBinError(i+1, (*err_vec3)(i));
- file->cd();
- // Don't care about labelling beam for now
- if (i < nflux) {
- paramPlot->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, GetXsecName(i ).c_str());
- paramPlot2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, GetXsecName(i ).c_str());
- paramPlot3->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, GetXsecName(i ).c_str());
- }
- }
- file->cd();
- // Plot the flux parameters (0 to 100) if enabled
- // Have already looked through the branches earlier
- if (plotFlux == true) {
- prefit->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, nflux);
- prefit->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("");
- prefit->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.7, 1.3);
- prefit->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Variation");
- prefit->SetTitle((stepcut+"_"+stepcut2).c_str());
- int nplots = 4;
- for (int i = 0; i < nplots; ++i) {
- int bot = (double(i)/double(nplots))*nflux + nxsec;
- int top = (double(i+1)/double(nplots))*nflux + nxsec;
- prefit->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(bot, top);
- paramPlot->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(bot, top);
- paramPlot2->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(bot, top);
- paramPlot3->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(bot, top);
- prefit->Write(Form("param_flux_prefit_%i", i));
- paramPlot->Write(Form("param_flux_%i", i));
- paramPlot2->Write(Form("param_flux_gaus_%i", i));
- paramPlot3->Write(Form("param_flux_HPD_%i", i));
- prefit->Draw("e2");
- paramPlot->Draw("e2, same");
- paramPlot2->Draw("e2, same");
- paramPlot3->Draw("e1, same");
- graphLeg->Draw("same");
- c0->Write("param_flux_canv");
- c0->Print(canvasname);
- c0->Clear();
- }
- }
- file->cd();
- // Plot the xsec parameters (100 to ~125)
- // Have already looked through the branches earlier
- if (plotXsec == true) {
- prefit->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.5, 2.0);
- prefit->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("");
- prefit->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, nxsec);
- prefit->GetXaxis()->LabelsOption("v");
- prefit->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, nxsec);
- paramPlot->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, nxsec);
- paramPlot2->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, nxsec);
- paramPlot3->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, nxsec);
- prefit->Draw("e2");
- paramPlot->Draw("e2,same");
- paramPlot2->Draw("e2,same");
- paramPlot3->Draw("e1,same");
- graphLeg->Draw("same");
- paramPlot->Write("param_xsec");
- paramPlot2->Write("param_xsec_2");
- paramPlot3->Write("param_xsec_3");
- c0->Print(canvasname);
- c0->Clear();
- }
- // Then close the pdf file
- std::cout << "Closing pdf " << canvasname << std::endl;
- canvasname+="]";
- c0->Print(canvasname);
- // Write all the nice vectors
- file->cd();
- mean_vec->Write("FitParameters");
- mean_vec2->Write("FitParameters_2");
- mean_vec3->Write("FitParameters_3");
- err_vec->Write("FitErrors");
- err_vec2->Write("FitErrors_2");
- err_vec3->Write("FitErrors_3");
- gaus_mean_vec->Write("FitParameters_gauss");
- gaus_mean_vec2->Write("FitParameters_gauss_2");
- gaus_mean_vec3->Write("FitParameters_gauss_3");
- gaus_err_vec->Write("FitErrors_gauss");
- gaus_err_vec2->Write("FitErrors_gauss_2");
- gaus_err_vec3->Write("FitErrors_gauss_3");
- paramPlot->Write("postfit_params_plot");
- paramPlot2->Write("postfit_params_plot_2");
- paramPlot3->Write("postfit_params_plot_3");
- file->Close();
-// *****************************
-// Make the prefit plots
-TH1D* MakePrefit(int ndraw, int nFlux) {
- // *****************************
- // Get Xsec matrix (xsec+flux params)
- TFile *XsecFile = new TFile(XsecCov.c_str(), "open");
- XsecFile->cd();
- // Get the matrix
- TMatrixDSym *XsecMatrix = (TMatrixDSym*)(XsecFile->Get("xsec_cov"));
- // And the central priors
- TVectorD *XsecPrior = (TVectorD*)(XsecFile->Get("xsec_param_prior"));
- // And the nominal values
- TVectorD *XsecNominal = (TVectorD*)(XsecFile->Get("xsec_param_nom"));
- TMatrixT *XsecID = (TMatrixD*)(XsecFile->Get("xsec_param_id"));
- // Now make a TH1D of it
- int nXsec = XsecPrior->GetNrows() - nFlux;
- // Now drive in the actually fill
- double* XsecPrefitArray = new double[nXsec];
- // And the errors from the covariance matrix
- double* XsecErrorArray = new double[nXsec];
- for (int i = 0; i < nXsec; ++i) {
- // Normalise the prior relative the nominal: this is just by choice for BANFF comparisons
- if (((*XsecNominal)(i)) != 0) {
- XsecPrefitArray[i] = ((*XsecPrior)(i)) / ((*XsecNominal)(i));
- XsecErrorArray[i] = sqrt((*XsecMatrix)(i,i))/((*XsecNominal)(i));
- } else {
- XsecPrefitArray[i] = ((*XsecPrior)(i)) + 1.0;
- XsecErrorArray[i] = sqrt((*XsecMatrix)(i,i));
- }
- }
- double *FluxPrefitArray = new double[nFlux];
- double *FluxErrorArray = new double[nFlux];
- for (int i = 0; i < nFlux; ++i) {
- // The nominals are equal to the priors are equal to 1 for flux params
- FluxPrefitArray[i] = 1.0;
- FluxErrorArray[i] = sqrt((*XsecMatrix)(i+nXsec,i+nXsec));
- }
- if (ndraw != nFlux+nXsec) {
- std::cerr << "Number of requested drawn parameters are not equal to flux and xsec input" << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "ndraw = " << ndraw << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "nFlux = " << nFlux << " " << "nXsec = " << nXsec << std::endl;
- std::cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl;
- throw;
- }
- TH1D *PreFitPlot = new TH1D("Prefit", "Prefit", ndraw, 0, ndraw);
- for (int i = 0; i < PreFitPlot->GetNbinsX() + 1; ++i) {
- PreFitPlot->SetBinContent(i+1, 0);
- PreFitPlot->SetBinError(i+1, 0);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < nXsec; ++i) {
- PreFitPlot->SetBinContent(i+1, XsecPrefitArray[i]);
- PreFitPlot->SetBinError(i+1, XsecErrorArray[i]);
- PreFitPlot->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, GetXsecName(i).c_str());
- // Also scale xsec entries relative the error
- }
- // Set the flux values
- for (int i = nXsec; i < nFlux+nXsec; ++i) {
- PreFitPlot->SetBinContent(i+1, FluxPrefitArray[i-nXsec]);
- PreFitPlot->SetBinError(i+1, FluxErrorArray[i-nXsec]);
- if (i % 5 == 0) PreFitPlot->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, Form("Flux %i", i-nXsec));
- }
- PreFitPlot->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Variation rel. nominal");
- PreFitPlot->SetDirectory(0);
- PreFitPlot->SetFillStyle(1001);
- PreFitPlot->SetFillColor(kRed-3);
- PreFitPlot->SetMarkerStyle(21);
- PreFitPlot->SetMarkerSize(2.7);
- PreFitPlot->SetMarkerColor(kWhite);
- PreFitPlot->SetLineColor(PreFitPlot->GetFillColor());
- PreFitPlot->GetXaxis()->LabelsOption("v");
- delete XsecMatrix;
- delete XsecPrior;
- delete XsecNominal;
- delete XsecID;
- delete[] XsecPrefitArray;
- delete[] XsecErrorArray;
- XsecFile->Close();
- delete XsecFile;
- return PreFitPlot;
-// **************************
-// Function to get limits for a parameter from the input
-// Hard-code to +/-2 sigma
-void GetXsecLimits(const int param, double ¢ral, double &prior, double &down_error, double &up_error) {
- // **************************
- central = 0.0;
- double error = 0.0;
- double sigmas = 1.0;
- // Open the input covariance file to get the pre-fit error
- TFile *covFile = new TFile(XsecCov.c_str(), "OPEN");
- covFile->cd();
- TMatrixDSym *covMatrix = (TMatrixDSym*)(covFile->Get("xsec_cov"));
- TVectorD* prior_a = (TVectorD*)(covFile->Get("xsec_param_prior"));
- TVectorD* nominal = (TVectorD*)(covFile->Get("xsec_param_nom"));
- TVectorD* lower = (TVectorD*)(covFile->Get("xsec_param_lb"));
- TVectorD* upper = (TVectorD*)(covFile->Get("xsec_param_ub"));
- TMatrixT *id = (TMatrixD*)(covFile->Get("xsec_param_id"));
- if ( ((*nominal)(param)) != 0 ) {
- // Set the central to the nominal
- central = ((*nominal)(param));
- prior = ((*prior_a)(param));
- error = sigmas * sqrt(((*covMatrix)(param,param))) / central;
- } else {
- central = ((*nominal)(param));
- prior = ((*prior_a)(param));
- error = sigmas * sqrt(((*covMatrix)(param,param)));
- }
- // We might be passed the valid range of parameter
- // Do a check to see if this is true
- if (central - error < ((*lower)(param))) {
- down_error = (*lower)(param);
- } else {
- down_error = central - error;
- }
- if (central + error > ((*upper)(param))) {
- up_error = (*upper)(param);
- } else {
- up_error = central + error;
- }
- // Normalisation parameter are unlikely of going above 2 sigma
- if ((*id)(param,0) == -1) {
- up_error = central + 2*sqrt((*covMatrix)(param, param));
- }
- delete covMatrix;
- delete prior_a;
- delete nominal;
- delete id;
- covFile->Close();
- delete covFile;
-// **************************
-// Just a converter from xsec_i to a real parameter name
-// Use this when the conversion wasn't written to file :(
-std::string GetXsecName(int xsecParamNo) {
- // **************************
- CheckXsecCov();
- // Open the input covariance file to get the pre-fit error
- TFile *covFile = new TFile(XsecCov.c_str(), "OPEN");
- covFile->cd();
- // Get the array of cross-section parameter names
- TObjArray *xsec_param_names = (TObjArray*)(covFile->Get("xsec_param_names"));
- std::string returnString;
- if (xsecParamNo >= xsec_param_names->GetEntries()) {
- std::cerr << "You gave me a cross-section parameter number which was greater than what the xsec covariance matrix has dimensions" << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "Please revise!" << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "xsecParamNo = " << xsecParamNo << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "GetEntries = " << xsec_param_names->GetEntries() << std::endl;
- returnString = "INVALID";
- } else {
- returnString = std::string(((TObjString*)xsec_param_names->At(xsecParamNo))->GetString());
- }
- covFile->Close();
- return returnString;
-} // End function
-// **************************
-// Function to check the cross-section covariance matrix
-void CheckXsecCov() {
- // **************************
- if (XsecCov.empty()) {
- std::cerr << "Have not got a name for the cross-section covariance matrix" << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "Please specify as a global variable at the top of " << __FILE__ << std::endl;
- throw;
- }
-// Get the highest posterior density from a TH1D
-void GetHPD(TH1D * const hpost, double ¢ral, double &error, double &error_pos, double &error_neg) {
- // Get the bin which has the largest posterior density
- int MaxBin = hpost->GetMaximumBin();
- // And it's value
- double peakval = hpost->GetBinCenter(MaxBin);
- // The total integral of the posterior
- double integral = hpost->Integral();
- // Keep count of how much area we're covering
- double sum = 0.0;
- // Counter for current bin
- int CurrBin = MaxBin;
- while (sum/integral < 0.6827/2.0 && CurrBin < hpost->GetNbinsX()+1) {
- sum += hpost->GetBinContent(CurrBin);
- CurrBin++;
- }
- double sigma_p = fabs(hpost->GetBinCenter(MaxBin)-hpost->GetBinCenter(CurrBin));
- // Reset the sum
- sum = 0.0;
- // Reset the bin counter
- CurrBin = MaxBin;
- // Counter for current bin
- while (sum/integral < 0.6827/2.0 && CurrBin >= 0) {
- sum += hpost->GetBinContent(CurrBin);
- CurrBin--;
- }
- double sigma_m = fabs(hpost->GetBinCenter(CurrBin)-hpost->GetBinCenter(MaxBin));
- // Now do the double sided HPD
- sum = 0.0;
- int LowBin = MaxBin-1;
- int HighBin = MaxBin+1;
- double LowCon = 0.0;
- double HighCon = 0.0;
- while (sum/integral < 0.6827 && LowBin >= 0 && HighBin < hpost->GetNbinsX()+1) {
- // Get the slice
- LowCon = hpost->GetBinContent(LowBin);
- HighCon = hpost->GetBinContent(HighBin);
- // If we're on the last slice and the lower contour is larger than the upper
- if ((sum+LowCon+HighCon)/integral > 0.6827 && LowCon > HighCon) {
- sum += LowCon;
- break;
- // If we're on the last slice and the upper contour is larger than the lower
- } else if ((sum+LowCon+HighCon)/integral > 0.6827 && HighCon >= LowCon) {
- sum += HighCon;
- break;
- } else {
- sum += LowCon + HighCon;
- }
- LowBin--;
- HighBin++;
- }
- double sigma_hpd = 0.0;
- if (LowCon > HighCon) {
- sigma_hpd = fabs(hpost->GetBinCenter(LowBin)-hpost->GetBinCenter(MaxBin));
- } else {
- sigma_hpd = fabs(hpost->GetBinCenter(HighBin)-hpost->GetBinCenter(MaxBin));
- }
- central = peakval;
- error = sigma_hpd;
- error_pos = sigma_p;
- error_neg = sigma_m;
-// **************************
-// Get the mean and RMS of a 1D posterior
-void GetArithmetic(TH1D * const hpost, double &mean, double &error) {
- // **************************
- mean = hpost->GetMean();
- error = hpost->GetRMS();
-// **************************
-// Get Gaussian characteristics
-void GetGaussian(TH1D *& hpost, TF1 *& gauss, double ¢ral, double &error) {
- // **************************
- double mean = hpost->GetMean();
- double err = hpost->GetRMS();
- double peakval = hpost->GetBinCenter(hpost->GetMaximumBin());
- // Set the range for the Gaussian fit
- gauss->SetRange(mean - 1.5*err , mean + 1.5*err);
- // Set the starting parameters close to RMS and peaks of the histograms
- gauss->SetParameters(hpost->GetMaximum()*err*sqrt(2*3.14), peakval, err);
- // Perform the fit
- hpost->Fit(gauss->GetName(),"Rq");
- hpost->SetStats(0);
- central = gauss->GetParameter(1);
- error = gauss->GetParameter(2);
diff --git a/scripts/GetAsimovPlots_HPDOnly.C b/scripts/GetAsimovPlots_HPDOnly.C
deleted file mode 100644
index beb6b43..0000000
--- a/scripts/GetAsimovPlots_HPDOnly.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,502 +0,0 @@
-//Use on output of DrawComp to get different plotting style of postfit parameters
-//Run with something like root -l -b -q 'GetAsimovPlots_HPDOnly.C("outputFromDrawComp.root")'
-//Originally written by Clarence, with some changes by Will
-//Central postfit value taken is the Highest Posterior Density. Watch out for parameter names and number of parameters per plot being quite hardcoded
-// Rebin the plots
-const int nBinsSameSignMu = 11;
-const int nBinsSameSignE = 7;
-const int nBinsWrongSignMu = 5;
-const int nBinsWrongSignE = 2;
-double SameSignMu[nBinsSameSignMu+1] = {0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.0, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 5.0, 7.0, 30.0};
-double SameSignE[nBinsSameSignE+1] = {0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 1.5, 2.5, 4.0, 30.0};
-double WrongSignMu[nBinsWrongSignMu+1] = {0.3, 0.7, 1.0, 1.5, 2.5, 30.0};
-double WrongSignE[nBinsWrongSignE+1] = {0.3, 2.5, 30.0};
-TH1D* PrettifyMe(TH1D *One, int which) {
- TH1D* OneCopy = NULL;
- std::string Name = One->GetName();
- int offset = -1;
- switch (which) {
- case 0:
- OneCopy = new TH1D((Name+"_ND280_FHC_numu").c_str(), "ND280 FHC #nu_{#mu}", nBinsSameSignMu, SameSignMu);
- offset = 0;
- break;
- case 1:
- OneCopy = new TH1D((Name+"_ND280_FHC_numubar").c_str(), "ND280 FHC #bar{#nu}_{#mu}", nBinsWrongSignMu, WrongSignMu);
- offset = nBinsSameSignMu;
- break;
- case 2:
- OneCopy = new TH1D((Name+"_ND280_FHC_nue").c_str(), "ND280 FHC #nu_{e}", nBinsSameSignE, SameSignE);
- offset = nBinsSameSignMu+nBinsWrongSignMu;
- break;
- case 3:
- OneCopy = new TH1D((Name+"_ND280_FHC_nuebar").c_str(), "ND280 FHC #bar{#nu}_{e}", nBinsWrongSignE, WrongSignE);
- offset = nBinsSameSignMu+nBinsWrongSignMu+nBinsSameSignE;
- break;
- case 4:
- OneCopy = new TH1D((Name+"_ND280_RHC_numu").c_str(), "ND280 RHC #nu_{#mu}", nBinsWrongSignMu, WrongSignMu);
- offset = nBinsSameSignMu+nBinsWrongSignMu+nBinsSameSignE+nBinsWrongSignE;
- break;
- case 5:
- OneCopy = new TH1D((Name+"_ND280_RHC_numubar").c_str(), "ND280 RHC #bar{#nu}_{#mu}", nBinsSameSignMu, SameSignMu);
- offset = nBinsSameSignMu+nBinsWrongSignMu*2+nBinsSameSignE+nBinsWrongSignE;
- break;
- case 6:
- OneCopy = new TH1D((Name+"_ND280_RHC_nue").c_str(), "ND280 RHC #nu_{e}", nBinsWrongSignE, WrongSignE);
- offset = nBinsSameSignMu*2+nBinsWrongSignMu*2+nBinsSameSignE+nBinsWrongSignE;
- break;
- case 7:
- OneCopy = new TH1D((Name+"_ND280_RHC_nuebar").c_str(), "ND280 RHC #bar{#nu}_{e}", nBinsSameSignE, SameSignE);
- offset = nBinsSameSignMu*2+nBinsWrongSignMu*2+nBinsSameSignE+nBinsWrongSignE*2;
- break;
- case 8:
- OneCopy = new TH1D((Name+"_SK_FHC_numu").c_str(), "SK FHC #nu_{#mu}", nBinsSameSignMu, SameSignMu);
- offset = nBinsSameSignMu*2+nBinsWrongSignMu*2+nBinsSameSignE*2+nBinsWrongSignE*2;
- break;
- case 9:
- OneCopy = new TH1D((Name+"_SK_FHC_numubar").c_str(), "SK FHC #bar{#nu}_{#mu}", nBinsWrongSignMu, WrongSignMu);
- offset = nBinsSameSignMu*3+nBinsWrongSignMu*2+nBinsSameSignE*2+nBinsWrongSignE*2;
- break;
- case 10:
- OneCopy = new TH1D((Name+"_SK_FHC_nue").c_str(), "SK FHC #nu_{e}", nBinsSameSignE, SameSignE);
- offset = nBinsSameSignMu*3+nBinsWrongSignMu*3+nBinsSameSignE*2+nBinsWrongSignE*2;
- break;
- case 11:
- OneCopy = new TH1D((Name+"_SK_FHC_nuebar").c_str(), "SK FHC #bar{#nu}_{e}", nBinsWrongSignE, WrongSignE);
- offset = nBinsSameSignMu*3+nBinsWrongSignMu*3+nBinsSameSignE*3+nBinsWrongSignE*2;
- break;
- case 12:
- OneCopy = new TH1D((Name+"_SK_RHC_numu").c_str(), "SK RHC #nu_{#mu}", nBinsWrongSignMu, WrongSignMu);
- offset = nBinsSameSignMu*3+nBinsWrongSignMu*3+nBinsSameSignE*3+nBinsWrongSignE*3;
- break;
- case 13:
- OneCopy = new TH1D((Name+"_SK_RHC_numubar").c_str(), "SK RHC #bar{#nu}_{#mu}", nBinsSameSignMu, SameSignMu);
- offset = nBinsSameSignMu*3+nBinsWrongSignMu*4+nBinsSameSignE*3+nBinsWrongSignE*3;
- break;
- case 14:
- OneCopy = new TH1D((Name+"_SK_RHC_nue").c_str(), "SK RHC #nu_{e}", nBinsWrongSignE, WrongSignE);
- offset = nBinsSameSignMu*4+nBinsWrongSignMu*4+nBinsSameSignE*3+nBinsWrongSignE*3;
- break;
- case 15:
- OneCopy = new TH1D((Name+"_SK_RHC_nuebar").c_str(), "SK RHC #bar{#nu}_{e}", nBinsSameSignE, SameSignE);
- offset = nBinsSameSignMu*4+nBinsWrongSignMu*4+nBinsSameSignE*3+nBinsWrongSignE*4;
- break;
- }
- OneCopy->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Variation rel. nom.");
- OneCopy->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("E_{#nu} (GeV)");
- OneCopy->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(OneCopy->GetXaxis()->GetTitleOffset()*1.2);
- OneCopy->SetFillStyle(One->GetFillStyle());
- OneCopy->SetFillColor(One->GetFillColor());
- OneCopy->SetMarkerStyle(One->GetMarkerStyle());
- OneCopy->SetMarkerSize(One->GetMarkerSize());
- OneCopy->SetMarkerColor(One->GetMarkerColor());
- OneCopy->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.7, 1.3);
- //OneCopy->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels();
- for (int j = 0; j < OneCopy->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ++j) {
- OneCopy->SetBinContent(j+1, One->GetBinContent(j+1+offset));
- OneCopy->SetBinError(j+1, One->GetBinError(j+1+offset));
- }
- return OneCopy;
-void PrettifyTitles(TH1D *Hist) {
- for (int i = 0; i < Hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ++i) {
- std::string title = Hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i+1);
- if (title == "MAQE") title = "M_{A}^{QE}";
- else if (title == "2p2h_norm_nu") title = "2p2h norm #nu";
- else if (title == "2p2h_norm_nubar") title = "2p2h norm #bar{#nu}";
- else if (title == "2p2h_normCtoO") title = "2p2h norm ^{12}C/^{16}O";
- else if (title == "2p2h_shape_C") title = "2p2h shape ^{12}C";
- else if (title == "2p2h_shape_O") title = "2p2h shape ^{16}O";
- else if (title == "2p2h_Edep_lowEnu") title = "2p2h Edep Low #nu";
- else if (title == "2p2h_Edep_highEnu") title = "2p2h Edep High #nu";
- else if (title == "2p2h_Edep_lowEnubar") title = "2p2h Edep Low #bar{#nu}";
- else if (title == "2p2h_Edep_highEnubar") title = "2p2h Edep High #bar{#nu}";
- else if (title == "Q2_norm_0") title = "Q^{2} norm 0";
- else if (title == "Q2_norm_1") title = "Q^{2} norm 1";
- else if (title == "Q2_norm_2") title = "Q^{2} norm 2";
- else if (title == "Q2_norm_3") title = "Q^{2} norm 3";
- else if (title == "Q2_norm_4") title = "Q^{2} norm 4";
- else if (title == "Q2_norm_5") title = "Q^{2} norm 5";
- else if (title == "Q2_norm_6") title = "Q^{2} norm 6";
- else if (title == "Q2_norm_7") title = "Q^{2} norm 7";
- else if (title == "CA5") title = "C_{5}^{A}";
- else if (title == "MARES") title = "M_{A}^{RES}";
- else if (title == "ISO_BKG") title = "Non-res I_{1/2}";
- else if (title == "ISO_BKG_LowPPi") title = "Non-res I_{1/2} Low p_{#pi}";
- else if (title == "CC_norm_nu") title = "CC Norm #nu";
- else if (title == "CC_norm_nubar") title = "CC Norm #bar{nu}";
- else if (title == "nue_numu") title = "#nu_{e}/#nu_{#mu}";
- else if (title == "nuebar_numubar") title = "#bar{#nu}_{e}/#bar{#nu}_{#mu}";
- else if (title == "CC_BY_DIS") title = "CC BY DIS";
- else if (title == "CC_BY_MPi") title = "CC BY Multi #pi";
- else if (title == "CC_AGKY_Mult") title = "CC AGKY Multi #pi";
- else if (title == "CC_Misc") title = "CC Misc";
- else if (title == "CC_BY_MPi") title = "CC BY Multi #pi";
- else if (title == "CC_DIS_MultPi_Norm_Nu") title = "CC DIS/M#pi norm #nu";
- else if (title == "CC_DIS_MultPi_Norm_Nubar") title = "CC DIS/M#pi norm #bar{#nu}";
- else if (title == "CC_Coh_C") title = "CC coh. ^{12}C";
- else if (title == "CC_Coh_O") title = "CC coh. ^{16}O";
- else if (title == "NC_Coh") title = "NC coh.";
- else if (title == "NC_1gamma") title = "NC 1#gamma";
- else if (title == "NC_other_near") title = "NC oth. ND280";
- else if (title == "NC_other_far") title = "NC oth. SK";
- else if (title == "FSI_INEL_LO") title = "FSI Inel lo";
- else if (title == "FSI_INEL_HI") title = "FSI Inel hi";
- else if (title == "FSI_PI_PROD") title = "FSI Pi Prod.";
- else if (title == "FSI_PI_ABS") title = "FSI Pi Abs.";
- else if (title == "FSI_CEX_LO") title = "FSI Cex lo";
- else if (title == "FSI_CEX_HI") title = "FSI Cex hi";
- else if (title == "EB_dial_C_nu") title = "EB Dial C Nu";
- else if (title == "EB_dial_C_nubar") title = "EB Dial C Nubar";
- else if (title == "EB_dial_O_nu") title = "EB Dial O Nu";
- else if (title == "EB_dial_O_nubar") title = "EB Dial O Nubar";
- Hist->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, title.c_str());
- }
-TH1D* MakeRatioPlot(TH1D* OneCopy, TH1D *TwoCopy) {
- TH1D *Ratio = (TH1D*)OneCopy->Clone();
- Ratio->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("(x_{fit}-#mu_{Prior})/#sigma_{Prior}");
- Ratio->SetMinimum(-1.5);
- Ratio->SetMaximum(1.5);
- for (int j = 0; j < Ratio->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ++j) {
- if (TwoCopy->GetBinError(j+1) != 0) {
- Ratio->SetBinContent(j+1, (TwoCopy->GetBinContent(j+1)-OneCopy->GetBinContent(j+1))/OneCopy->GetBinError(j+1));
- } else {
- Ratio->SetBinContent(j+1, 0);
- }
- double up = (TwoCopy->GetBinContent(j+1)+TwoCopy->GetBinError(j+1)-OneCopy->GetBinContent(j+1))/OneCopy->GetBinError(j+1);
- double down = (TwoCopy->GetBinContent(j+1)-TwoCopy->GetBinError(j+1)-OneCopy->GetBinContent(j+1))/OneCopy->GetBinError(j+1);
- double maximum = up-Ratio->GetBinContent(j+1);
- double minimum = Ratio->GetBinContent(j+1)-down;
- //Ratio->SetBinError(j+1, std::max(maximum, minimum));
- Ratio->SetBinError(j+1, 0);
- }
- Ratio->SetFillStyle(0);
- Ratio->SetFillColor(0);
- Ratio->SetLineColor(TwoCopy->GetFillColor());
- if (Ratio->GetLineColor() == 0) Ratio->SetLineColor(kBlack);
- Ratio->SetLineWidth(2);
- Ratio->SetTitle("");
- Ratio->SetMarkerSize(1);
- Ratio->SetMarkerStyle(20);
- Ratio->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(30);
- Ratio->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(43);
- Ratio->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(2.0);
- Ratio->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(43);
- Ratio->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(25);
- Ratio->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
- Ratio->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(5,2,0);
- Ratio->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(30);
- Ratio->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(43);
- Ratio->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(4.0);
- Ratio->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(43);
- Ratio->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(20);
- return Ratio;
-void GetAsimovPlots_HPDOnly(std::string FileName1) {
- TFile *File1 = new TFile(FileName1.c_str());
- gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
- TCanvas *canv = new TCanvas("canv", "canv", 1024, 1024);
- canv->SetLeftMargin(0.12);
- canv->SetBottomMargin(0.12);
- canv->SetTopMargin(0.08);
- canv->SetRightMargin(0.04);
- canv->Print((FileName1+".pdf[").c_str());
- TPad *p1 = new TPad("p1", "p1", 0.0, 0.3, 1.0, 1.0);
- TPad *p2 = new TPad("p2", "p2", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.3);
- p1->SetLeftMargin(canv->GetLeftMargin());
- p1->SetRightMargin(canv->GetRightMargin());
- p1->SetTopMargin(canv->GetTopMargin());
- p1->SetBottomMargin(0);
- p2->SetLeftMargin(canv->GetLeftMargin());
- p2->SetRightMargin(canv->GetRightMargin());
- p2->SetTopMargin(0);
- p2->SetBottomMargin(0.25);
- TH1D *One = (TH1D*)File1->Get("param_xsec_prefit");
- TH1D *Two = (TH1D*)File1->Get("param_xsec_HPD");
- One->SetFillColor(kRed);
- One->SetFillStyle(3003);
- One->SetMarkerStyle(7);
- One->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
- One->SetLineColor(kRed);
- Two->SetMarkerColor(kBlack);
- Two->SetMarkerStyle(7);
- // Make a Legend page
- TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
- if (One != NULL) leg->AddEntry(One, "Prior", "lpf");
- if (Two != NULL) leg->AddEntry(Two, "Postfit", "lpf");
- canv->cd();
- canv->Clear();
- leg->Draw();
- canv->Print((FileName1+".pdf").c_str());
- delete leg;
- int nBins = One->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
- // Make eight flux plots
- const int nFluxPlots = 0;
- TH1D* OneCopy[nFluxPlots];
- TH1D* TwoCopy[nFluxPlots];
- int nFluxParams = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < nFluxPlots; ++i) {
- OneCopy[i] = PrettifyMe(One, i);
- if (Two != NULL) TwoCopy[i] = PrettifyMe(Two, i);
- canv->cd();
- p1->Draw();
- p1->cd();
- p1->SetLogx(true);
- OneCopy[i]->Draw("e2");
- if (Two != NULL) TwoCopy[i]->Draw("e1,same");
- //OneCopy[i]->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels();
- OneCopy[i]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.);
- OneCopy[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
- OneCopy[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
- canv->Update();
- TGaxis *axis = new TGaxis(OneCopy[i]->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(OneCopy[i]->GetXaxis()->GetFirst()), gPad->GetUymin()*1.05,
- OneCopy[i]->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(OneCopy[i]->GetXaxis()->GetFirst()), gPad->GetUymax(),
- gPad->GetUymin()*1.05, gPad->GetUymax(),
- 510, "");
- axis->SetLabelFont(43);
- axis->SetLabelSize(25);
- axis->Draw();
- canv->cd();
- p2->SetLogx(true);
- p2->Draw();
- p2->cd();
- TH1D *Ratio1 = MakeRatioPlot(OneCopy[i], TwoCopy[i]);
- Ratio1->SetMarkerColor(Ratio1->GetLineColor());
- Ratio1->Draw("p");
- TLine *line = new TLine(OneCopy[i]->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), 0.0, OneCopy[i]->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(), 0.0);
- TLine *line2 = new TLine(OneCopy[i]->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), -1.0, OneCopy[i]->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(), -1.0);
- TLine *line3 = new TLine(OneCopy[i]->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), 1.0, OneCopy[i]->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(), 1.0);
- line->SetLineColor(kRed);
- line->SetLineStyle(kDashed);
- line->SetLineWidth(2);
- line2->SetLineColor(kRed);
- line2->SetLineStyle(kDashed);
- line2->SetLineWidth(2);
- line3->SetLineColor(kRed);
- line3->SetLineStyle(kDashed);
- line3->SetLineWidth(2);
- line->Draw("same");
- line2->Draw("same");
- line3->Draw("same");
- canv->Print((FileName1+".pdf").c_str());
- nFluxParams += OneCopy[i]->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
- delete axis;
- delete line;
- delete line2;
- delete line3;
- delete Ratio1;
- }
- canv->cd();
- canv->SetLogx(false);
- canv->Clear();
- canv->SetBottomMargin(canv->GetBottomMargin()*1.7);
- /*Hard code Eb to be relative to 'neut nominal', which is 25(27) MeV for targetC(O). It's a bit messy because we already shift by one as nominal is 0 in the fit. But basic idea is for the priors (Histo named One) for the nu parameters we undo that shift in central value, scale the central value and error by 1/25(27), then reapply the +1 shift.
-For the nubar parameters we don't need to undo/redo the shift to the prior as it's already just 1 anyway. So we just scale the errors by 25(27).
-Then for the postfits (Histo named Two) they haven't been shifted yet. So we do the scaling then shift the central value.
- */
- // Do some fancy replacements
- PrettifyTitles(One);
- const int XsecPlots = 7;
- //int XsecOffset[XsecPlots] = {nFluxParams, nFluxParams+10, nFluxParams+10+12,nFluxParams+10+12+16, nFluxParams+10+12+16+4, nBins};
- int XsecOffset[XsecPlots] = {0, 22, 28, 51, 56, 107, nBins};
- std::string titles[XsecPlots-1] = {"Genie systs", "2p2h", "Non-Resonant Pion Production", "BeRPA + xsec ratios", "Flux Params" , "Flux Params"};
- One->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Variation rel. nom.");
- One->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(One->GetYaxis()->GetTitleOffset()*1.2);
- TPad *p3 = new TPad("p3", "p3", 0.0, 0.4, 1.0, 1.0);
- TPad *p4 = new TPad("p4", "p4", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.4);
- p3->SetLeftMargin(canv->GetLeftMargin());
- p3->SetRightMargin(canv->GetRightMargin());
- p3->SetTopMargin(canv->GetTopMargin());
- p3->SetBottomMargin(0);
- p4->SetLeftMargin(canv->GetLeftMargin());
- p4->SetRightMargin(canv->GetRightMargin());
- p4->SetTopMargin(0);
- p4->SetBottomMargin(0.50);
- //This was from a time I set the nominal xsec values of a fit to be the best fit from the last analysis (this was for det cov binning anyway studies, which we didn't want to tune on data). Anway what I wanted was the prior in these plots to be hardcoded to show any deviation in the fit so you can prolly just ignore this. Cheers thanks, Will x
- // double bestfit[34] = {0.94, 1.07, 1.0, 1.65, 0.8, 0.95, 1.85, 1.67, 1.25, 1.55, 0.9, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.3, 0.85, 0.85, 0.9, 1.2, 1.3, 1.0, 0.72, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7, 1.1};
- //for(int i=0; i<32; i++){
- // One->SetBinContent(nFluxParams+i+1,bestfit[i]);
- //}
- TVectorT *yvalues_v= (TVectorT*)File1->Get("postfit_params_HPD");
- TVectorT *pos_errors_v= (TVectorT*)File1->Get("postfit_errors_HPD_pos");
- TVectorT *neg_errors_v= (TVectorT*)File1->Get("postfit_errors_HPD_neg");
- double xvalues[nBins];
- double yvalues[nBins];
- double yvalues_ratio[nBins];
- double pos_errors[nBins];
- double neg_errors[nBins];
- double pos_errors_ratio[nBins];
- double neg_errors_ratio[nBins];
- double posx_errors[nBins];
- double negx_errors[nBins];
- for (int i = 0; i < nBins; i++) {
- xvalues[i] = i+0.5;
- yvalues[i] = (*yvalues_v)(i);
- pos_errors[i] = abs((*pos_errors_v)(i));
- neg_errors[i] = abs((*neg_errors_v)(i));
- posx_errors[i] = 0.5;
- negx_errors[i] = 0.5;
- }
- TGraphAsymmErrors *AsymErrors = new TGraphAsymmErrors(nBins, xvalues, yvalues, posx_errors, negx_errors, pos_errors, neg_errors);
- for (int j = 0; j < Two->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ++j) {
- yvalues_ratio[j]=(Two->GetBinContent(j+1)-One->GetBinContent(j+1))/One->GetBinError(j+1);
- pos_errors_ratio[j] = abs((*pos_errors_v)(j)/One->GetBinError(j+1));
- neg_errors_ratio[j] = abs((*neg_errors_v)(j)/One->GetBinError(j+1));
- std::cout << "Param: " << j << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Up error: " << pos_errors_ratio[j] << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Down error: " << neg_errors_ratio[j] << std::endl;
- }
- TGraphAsymmErrors *AsymErrors2 = new TGraphAsymmErrors(nBins, xvalues, yvalues_ratio, posx_errors, negx_errors, pos_errors_ratio, neg_errors_ratio);
- for (int i = 1; i < XsecPlots; ++i) {
- canv->cd();
- p3->Draw();
- p3->cd();
- One->SetTitle(titles[i-1].c_str());
- One->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(XsecOffset[i-1], XsecOffset[i]);
- One->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-.2, 2.3);
- if(i==3)
- One->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-.2, 2.3);
- One->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.);
- One->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
- One->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
- One->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.2);
- One->Draw("e2");
- AsymErrors->SetFillColor(kRed);
- AsymErrors->SetFillStyle(3003);
- AsymErrors->SetMarkerStyle(7);
- AsymErrors->SetLineWidth(1);
- AsymErrors->SetMarkerColor(kBlack);
- AsymErrors->SetLineColor(kBlack);
- AsymErrors->Draw("P");
- //if (Two != NULL) {
- // Two->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(XsecOffset[i-1], XsecOffset[i]);
- // Two->Draw("e1,same");
- //}
- canv->Update();
- TGaxis *axis = new TGaxis(One->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(One->GetXaxis()->GetFirst()), gPad->GetUymin()+0.01,
- One->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(One->GetXaxis()->GetFirst()), gPad->GetUymax(),
- gPad->GetUymin()+0.01, gPad->GetUymax(),
- 510, "");
- axis->SetLabelFont(43);
- axis->SetLabelSize(25);
- axis->Draw();
- canv->cd();
- p4->Draw();
- p4->cd();
- TH1D *RatioOne = MakeRatioPlot(One, Two);
- RatioOne->SetMarkerColor(RatioOne->GetLineColor());
- RatioOne->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-1.5, 1.5);
- RatioOne->Draw("p");
- AsymErrors2->SetMarkerStyle(7);
- AsymErrors2->SetLineWidth(1);
- AsymErrors2->SetMarkerColor(kBlack);
- AsymErrors2->SetLineColor(kBlack);
- AsymErrors2->Draw("p");
- TLine *line = new TLine(RatioOne->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(RatioOne->GetXaxis()->GetFirst()), 0.0, RatioOne->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(RatioOne->GetXaxis()->GetLast()+1), 0.0);
- TLine *line2 = new TLine(RatioOne->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(RatioOne->GetXaxis()->GetFirst()), 1.0, RatioOne->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(RatioOne->GetXaxis()->GetLast()+1), 1.0);
- TLine *line3 = new TLine(RatioOne->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(RatioOne->GetXaxis()->GetFirst()), -1.0, RatioOne->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(RatioOne->GetXaxis()->GetLast()+1), -1.0);
- line->SetLineColor(kRed);
- line->SetLineStyle(kDashed);
- line->SetLineWidth(2);
- line2->SetLineColor(kRed);
- line2->SetLineStyle(kDashed);
- line2->SetLineWidth(2);
- line3->SetLineColor(kRed);
- line3->SetLineStyle(kDashed);
- line3->SetLineWidth(2);
- line->Draw("same");
- line2->Draw("same");
- line3->Draw("same");
- canv->Print((FileName1+".pdf").c_str());
- delete axis;
- delete line;
- delete line2;
- delete line3;
- delete RatioOne;
- }
- canv->Print((FileName1+".pdf]").c_str());
diff --git a/scripts/plotLLHscans.py b/scripts/plotLLHscans.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e3be904..0000000
--- a/scripts/plotLLHscans.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# plot the results of "LLH_scan"
-import os
-import sys
-import fnmatch
-import ROOT
-from ROOT import TFile, TIter, TKey, TCanvas, TGraph, TMath
-if (len(sys.argv) != 3):
- print "Useage: " + str(sys.argv[0]) + " /path/to/llh_scan.root /path/to/output"
- quit(1)
-### main
-data_loc = sys.argv[1]
-output_loc = sys.argv[2] + "/"
-out_name = os.path.basename(data_loc)
-out_name = os.path.splitext(out_name)[0]
-print "-------------------------------------------"
-file1 = TFile(data_loc)
-nextkey = TIter(file1.GetListOfKeys())
-canv = TCanvas("llh_scans_ps","") #,1366,768)
-canv.Print(output_loc + out_name + ".ps[")
-ppp = 6 # Plots Per Page
-pc = 1 # Plot Counter
-for key in nextkey:
- if (str(key.GetClassName()) == "TGraph"):
- print key.GetName()
- llh_plot = key.ReadObj()
- canv.cd(pc)
- ROOT.gPad.SetGrid()
- # set the min and max
- llh_plot.SetMaximum(TMath.MaxElement(llh_plot.GetN(), llh_plot.GetY()))
- llh_plot.SetMinimum(TMath.MinElement(llh_plot.GetN(), llh_plot.GetY()))
- llh_plot.SetTitle(key.GetName())
- llh_plot.SetLineColor(4)
- llh_plot.SetLineStyle(3)
- llh_plot.SetMarkerColor(4)
- llh_plot.SetMarkerStyle(7)
- llh_plot.SetMarkerSize(1)
- llh_plot.Draw("APC")
- pc = pc + 1
- if (pc > ppp):
- canv.Print(output_loc + out_name + ".ps")
- pc = 1
-canv.Print(output_loc + out_name + ".ps]")
-os.system("ps2pdf " + output_loc + out_name + ".ps " + output_loc + out_name + ".pdf")
-print "finished!"
diff --git a/src/EventRates.cpp b/src/EventRates.cpp
index 47f8c1d..859e0de 100644
--- a/src/EventRates.cpp
+++ b/src/EventRates.cpp
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
#include "samplePDFDUNE/StructsDUNE.h"
void Write1DHistogramsToFile(std::string OutFileName, std::vector Histograms) {
- auto OutputFile = std::unique_ptr(new TFile(OutFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE"));
+ auto OutputFile = std::unique_ptr(TFile::Open(OutFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE"));
for(auto Hist : Histograms){
diff --git a/src/Fit.cpp b/src/Fit.cpp
index 97dd7cb..9bbb043 100644
--- a/src/Fit.cpp
+++ b/src/Fit.cpp
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
std::vector PredictionHistograms;
std::vector sample_names;
- auto OutputFile = std::unique_ptr(new TFile(OutputFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE"));
+ auto OutputFile = std::unique_ptr(TFile::Open(OutputFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE"));
for (unsigned sample_i = 0 ; sample_i < DUNEPdfs.size() ; ++sample_i) {
@@ -64,129 +64,37 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
- // Set covariance objects equal to output of previous chain
- std::vector oscparstarts;
- std::map > parstarts;
- int lastStep = 0;
+ //MCMC
- bool StartFromPreviousChain = GetFromManager(FitManager->raw()["General"]["StartFromPos"], false);
+ std::unique_ptr MaCh3Fitter = std::make_unique(FitManager);
- if(StartFromPreviousChain) {//Start from values at the end of an already run chain
- //Read in paramter names and values from file
- MACH3LOG_INFO("MCMC getting starting position from {}",FitManager->raw()["General"]["PosFileName"].as());
- TFile *infile = new TFile(FitManager->raw()["General"]["PosFileName"].as().c_str(), "READ");
- TTree *posts = (TTree*)infile->Get("posteriors");
- TObjArray* brlis = (TObjArray*)posts->GetListOfBranches();
- int nbr = brlis->GetEntries();
- TString branch_names[nbr];
- double branch_vals[nbr];
- int step_val;
- for (int i = 0; i < nbr; ++i) {
- TBranch *br = (TBranch*)brlis->At(i);
- TString bname = br->GetName();
- branch_names[i] = bname;
- if(branch_names[i] == "step") {
- posts->SetBranchAddress("step",&step_val);
- continue;
- }
- MACH3LOG_INFO("Loading {}",bname);
- posts->SetBranchAddress(branch_names[i], &branch_vals[i]);
- }
- posts->GetEntry(posts->GetEntries()-1);
- std::map init_pars;
- for (int i = 0; i < nbr; ++i) {
- init_pars.insert( std::pair(branch_names[i], branch_vals[i]));
- }
- infile->Close();
- delete infile;
- //Make vectors of parameter value for each covariance
- std::vector covtypes;
- covtypes.push_back("xsec");
- for(unsigned icov=0;icov covparstarts;
- std::map::const_iterator it;
- int iPar=0;
- while(it != init_pars.end()){
- it = init_pars.find(covtypes[icov]+"_"+TString::Format("%d",iPar));
- if (it != init_pars.end()) {
- covparstarts.push_back(it->second);
- }
- iPar++;
- }
- if(covparstarts.size()!=0) parstarts.insert(std::pair >(covtypes[icov],covparstarts));
- else MACH3LOG_INFO("Did not find any parameters in posterior tree for: {} assuming previous chain didn't use them",covtypes[icov]);
- }
- std::map::const_iterator itt;
- // set the oscillation parameters
- itt = init_pars.find("sin2th_12");
- oscparstarts.push_back(itt->second);
- itt = init_pars.find("sin2th_23");
- oscparstarts.push_back(itt->second);
- itt = init_pars.find("sin2th_13");
- oscparstarts.push_back(itt->second);
- itt = init_pars.find("delm2_12");
- oscparstarts.push_back(itt->second);
- itt = init_pars.find("delm2_23");
- oscparstarts.push_back(itt->second);
- itt = init_pars.find("delta_cp");
- oscparstarts.push_back(itt->second);
- lastStep = step_val;
- }
- //###########################################################################################################
- // Back to actual nominal for fit
- // If starting from end values of a previous chain set everything to the values from there
- // and do acceptStep() to update fParCurr with these values
- //
- if(GetFromManager(FitManager->raw()["General"]["StartFromPos"], false)) {
- if(parstarts.find("xsec")!=parstarts.end()) {
- xsec->setParameters(parstarts["xsec"]);
- xsec->acceptStep();
- }
- else {xsec->setParameters();}
- }
- else {
- xsec->setParameters();
+ bool StartFromPreviousChain = GetFromManager(FitManager->raw()["General"]["StartFromPos"], false);
+ if (StartFromPreviousChain) {
+ std::string PreviousChainPath = FitManager->raw()["General"]["PosFileName"].as();
+ MACH3LOG_INFO("MCMC getting starting position from: {}",PreviousChainPath);
+ MaCh3Fitter->StartFromPreviousFit(PreviousChainPath);
- //###########################################################################################################
- // MCMC
- //mcmc *MaCh3Fitter = new mcmc(FitManager);
- std::unique_ptr MaCh3Fitter = std::make_unique(FitManager);
- //if(lastStep > 0) MaCh3Fitter->setInitialStepNumber(lastStep+1);
- // add samples
+ //Add samples
for(auto Sample : DUNEPdfs){
- //start chain from random position
+ //Start chain from random position
- // add systematic objects
+ //Add systematic objects
+ MaCh3Fitter->addSystObj(osc);
if (GetFromManager(FitManager->raw()["General"]["StatOnly"], false)){
- MaCh3Fitter->addSystObj(osc);
MACH3LOG_INFO("Running a stat-only fit so no systematics will be applied");
else {
- MaCh3Fitter->addSystObj(osc);
- // run!
+ //Run fit
return 0;
- }
diff --git a/utils/draw_LLH_scans.C b/utils/draw_LLH_scans.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 03397bc..0000000
--- a/utils/draw_LLH_scans.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-// Quick plotting script to show the affect of marginalising 2D distributions
-// Give this exe a reduced chain and it'll draw th23 vs. dm32 and show the 1D
-// and 2D best-fit points and make panels either side of the main canvas
-// showing the 1D distributions
-#include "TFile.h"
-#include "TGraph.h"
-#include "TLegend.h"
-#include "TAxis.h"
-#include "TMarker.h"
-#include "TH2F.h"
-#include "TCanvas.h"
-#include "TStyle.h"
-#include "TTree.h"
-#include "TROOT.h"
-#include "TColor.h"
-#include "TImage.h"
-void draw_LLH_scans(TString dir, TString infile){
- gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
- gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.15);
- gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.15);
- gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.06);
- gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.1);
- gStyle->SetPalette(51,0);
- gStyle->SetNumberContours(104);
- TFile *f = new TFile(dir+infile, "READ");
- TH2D* dis_llh = 0;
- TH2D* dis_llh_cont = 0;
- //TGraph* dis_true = 0;
- //TGraph* dis_bestfit = 0;
- //TH2D* app_llh = 0;
- //TH2D* app_llh_cont = 0;
- //TGraph* app_true = 0;
- //TGraph* app_bestfit = 0;
- f->GetObject("dCP Th23 LLH", dis_llh);
- //f->GetObject("true", dis_true);
- //f->GetObject("bestfit", dis_bestfit);
- //f->GetObject("llh_scan_dcpth13", app_llh);
- //f->GetObject("true_dcpth13", app_true);
- //f->GetObject("bestfit_dcpth13", app_bestfit);
- TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1", 1200, 800);
- c1->cd();
- dis_llh->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("sin^{2}#theta_{23}");
- dis_llh->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
- dis_llh->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
- dis_llh->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
- dis_llh->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.9);
- dis_llh->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("dCP");
- dis_llh->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
- dis_llh->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);
- dis_llh->GetYaxis()->SetTickLength(0);
- dis_llh->GetXaxis()->SetTickLength(0);
- dis_llh->GetYaxis()->SetMaxDigits(3);
- dis_llh->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("-LLH");
- dis_llh->GetZaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
- dis_llh->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
- dis_llh->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);
- dis_llh->Draw("colz");
- //gStyle->SetNumberContours(25);
- //Clone histograms so we can draw nice contours
- std::cout << "Maximum is " << dis_llh->GetMaximum() << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Minimum is " << dis_llh->GetMinimum() << std::endl;
- double llh_min = dis_llh->GetMinimum();
- double contours_dis[10] = {80, 160, 240, 320, 400, 480, 560, 640, 720, 800};
- //double contours_dis[10] = {llh_min, llh_min+1, llh_min+4, llh_min+9, llh_min+16, llh_min+25, llh_min+36, llh_min+49, llh_min+64, llh_min+81};
- dis_llh_cont = (TH2D*)dis_llh->Clone("dis_llh_cont");
- dis_llh_cont->SetContour(10, contours_dis);
- dis_llh_cont->SetLineColor(kGray+2);
- dis_llh_cont->SetLineWidth(2);
- dis_llh_cont->SetLineStyle(1);
- dis_llh_cont->Draw("CONT3 SAMES");
- //Now draw true and best-fit points
- //dis_true->SetMarkerStyle(29);
- //dis_true->SetMarkerColor(kGray+2);
- //dis_true->SetMarkerSize(2);
- //dis_true->Draw("P SAMES");
- //dis_bestfit->SetMarkerStyle(29);
- //dis_bestfit->SetMarkerSize(2);
- //dis_bestfit->SetMarkerColor(kRed+1);
- //dis_bestfit->Draw("P SAMES");
- //TLegend *leg_dis = new TLegend(0.48, 0.48, 0.85, 0.59);
- //leg_dis->AddEntry(dis_true, Form("True values: sin^{2}#theta_{23} = %1.3f, #Delta m^{2}_{32} = %2.3e", dis_true->GetPointX(0), dis_true->GetPointY(0)), "p");
- //leg_dis->AddEntry(dis_bestfit, Form("Best-fit values: sin^{2}#theta_{23} = %1.3f, #Delta m^{2}_{32} = %2.3e", dis_bestfit->GetPointX(0), dis_bestfit->GetPointY(0)), "p");
- //leg_dis->Draw();
- c1->Print("Test_LLH_dis.pdf");
- c1->Print("Test_LLH_dis.png");
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- app_llh->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("sin^{2}#theta_{13}");
- app_llh->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
- app_llh->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
- app_llh->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
- app_llh->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.9);
- app_llh->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#delta_{CP} [radians]");
- app_llh->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
- app_llh->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);
- app_llh->GetYaxis()->SetTickLength(0);
- app_llh->GetXaxis()->SetTickLength(0);
- app_llh->GetYaxis()->SetMaxDigits(3);
- app_llh->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("-LLH");
- app_llh->GetZaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
- app_llh->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
- app_llh->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);
- app_llh->Draw("colz");
- //gStyle->SetNumberContours(25);
- //Clone histograms so we can draw nice contours
- std::cout << "Maximum is " << app_llh->GetMaximum() << std::endl;
- double contours_app[10] = {3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30};
- app_llh_cont = (TH2D*)app_llh->Clone("app_llh_cont");
- app_llh_cont->SetContour(10, contours_app);
- app_llh_cont->SetLineColor(kGray+2);
- app_llh_cont->SetLineWidth(2);
- app_llh_cont->SetLineStyle(0);
- app_llh_cont->Draw("CONT3 SAMES");
- //Now draw true and best-fit points
- app_true->SetMarkerStyle(29);
- app_true->SetMarkerColor(kGray+2);
- app_true->SetMarkerSize(2);
- app_true->Draw("P SAMES");
- app_bestfit->SetMarkerStyle(29);
- app_bestfit->SetMarkerSize(2);
- app_bestfit->SetMarkerColor(kRed+1);
- app_bestfit->Draw("P SAMES");
- TLegend *leg_app = new TLegend(0.45, 0.82, 0.85, 0.94);
- leg_app->AddEntry(app_true, Form("True values: sin^{2}#theta_{13} = %2.3e, #delta_{CP} = %1.3f", app_true->GetPointX(0), app_true->GetPointY(0)), "p");
- leg_app->AddEntry(app_bestfit, Form("Best-fit values: sin^{2}#theta_{13} = %2.3e, #delta_{CP} = %1.3f", app_bestfit->GetPointX(0), app_bestfit->GetPointY(0)), "p");
- leg_app->Draw();
- c1->Print("Test_LLH_app.pdf"); */
- return;
diff --git a/utils/oscMatrixMaker/makeOscMatrix.py b/utils/oscMatrixMaker/makeOscMatrix.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 27c1b73..0000000
--- a/utils/oscMatrixMaker/makeOscMatrix.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-import ROOT
-import math
-import sys
-if len(sys.argv) != 3:
- print "Sorry, I need two arguments"
- print "./makeXSecMatrix.py input.xml output.root"
- sys.exit()
-tree = ET.parse(sys.argv[1])
-fromxml = tree.getroot()
-osc_param_names = ROOT.TObjArray()
-osc_param_nom = ROOT.TVectorD(maxelements)
-osc_error = ROOT.TVectorD(maxelements)
-osc_stepscale = ROOT.TVectorD(maxelements)
-osc_sigma = ROOT.TVectorD(maxelements)
-osc_flat_prior = ROOT.TVectorD(maxelements)
-osc_baseline = ROOT.TVectorD(1)
-osc_density = ROOT.TVectorD(1)
-nelem = 0
-for child in fromxml:
- if( child.tag == 'parameter'):
- # Get the name attribute
- name = ROOT.TObjString(child.attrib['name'])
- # Add the name to the TObjArray
- osc_param_names.AddLast(name)
- osc_param_nom[nelem] = float(child.attrib['nom'])
- osc_error[nelem] = float(child.attrib['error'])
- osc_stepscale[nelem] = float(child.attrib['stepscale'])
- osc_sigma[nelem] = float(child.attrib['sigma'])
- osc_flat_prior[nelem] = float(child.attrib['FlatPrior'])
- nelem+=1 #Only have this line once par par
- if( child.tag == 'experiment'):
- #KS: sligtlhy hardcoded but we can have only one baselin and earth density
- print "Setting baseline to be"
- print(float(child.attrib['L']))
- osc_baseline[0] = float(child.attrib['L'])
- osc_density[0] = float(child.attrib['density'])
-# Resize the vectors to a reasonable number of elements
-osc_cov = ROOT.TMatrixD(nelem, nelem)
-# Loop over the elements
-for i in range(nelem):
- # The diagonal entries in the covariance is simply the error squared
- osc_cov[i][i] = osc_error[i]*osc_error[i]
-# Make the TH2D covariance matrix
-hcov = ROOT.TH2D("hcov", "", nelem, 0, nelem, nelem, 0, nelem)
-# Set the content
-for i in range(nelem):
- for j in range(nelem):
- if (osc_cov[i][j] >= 0):
- hcov.SetBinContent(i+1, j+1, math.sqrt(osc_cov[i][j]))
- else:
- hcov.SetBinContent(i+1, j+1, -1*math.sqrt(abs(osc_cov[i][j])))
-for i in range(nelem):
- hcov.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i+1, str(osc_param_names[i]))
- hcov.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel(i+1, str(osc_param_names[i]))
-# Set the covariance matrix pretty
-hcov.GetZaxis().SetTitle("#sqrt{|V_{ij}|}#times sign(V_{ij})")
-# Write the output file
-file = ROOT.TFile(sys.argv[2], "RECREATE")
-osc_param_names.Write("osc_param_names", 1)
diff --git a/utils/oscMatrixMaker/osc_covariance_DUNE_PDG2021_v1.xml b/utils/oscMatrixMaker/osc_covariance_DUNE_PDG2021_v1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b5a712..0000000
--- a/utils/oscMatrixMaker/osc_covariance_DUNE_PDG2021_v1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@