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CMIP5 data

Citing the data

Get the DataCite DOI for each model/experiment at this table.

"We acknowledge the World Climate Research Programme’s Working Group on Coupled Modelling, which is responsible for CMIP, and we thank the climate modeling groups for producing and making available their model output. CMIP data can be accessed at the ESGF website (https://esgf‐‐llnl/). For CMIP the U.S. Department of Energy’s Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison provides coordinating support and led development of software infrastructure in partnership with the Global Organization for Earth System Science Portals."

Model documentation

Global access

NCI access

  • Data download process/online form
  • The CoE data search tool (ARCCSSive) is documented here
    • At the GitHub repo there are extra scripts and
    • The download requests go to: /g/data1/ua6/unofficial-ESG-replica/tmp/pxp581/requests/
  • NCI /g/data/ FAQs
  • NCI training page
  • NCI ARCCSS training notes
  • ARCCSS CMIP wiki
  • NCI CMIP community page
  • To request access to different groups on NCI use this page
  • Help: [email protected], ARCCSS Slack
  • Example locations at NCI:
    • /g/data/ua6/drstree/CMIP5/GCM/CSIRO-QCCCE/CSIRO-Mk3-6-0/historicalMisc/mon/ocean/so/r9i1p6/ (old DRS)
    • /g/data/ua6/DRSv2/CMIP5/CSIRO-Mk3-6-0/historical/mon/atmos/r1i1p1/tas/latest/ (new DRS)
    • The CMIP5 replica Will eventually be moved from ua6 to al33. The CMIP5 Australian data is at rr3.


  • piControl (pre-industrial control): pre-industrial control run (>500 years)
  • historical (historical): similation of recent past (1850-2005)
  • historicalNat (natural-only): historical simulation but with natural forcing only (volcanoes, solar variability)
  • historicalGHG (GHG-only): historical simultaion but with GHG forcing only
  • historicalExt (historical extension): extension of the historical simulation through 2012
  • historicalMisc (various combinations of natural and anthropogenic forcings; abbreviations are included in the forcing global attribute)
    • Nat (natural forcing; a combination, not explicitly defined, that might include, for example, solar and volcanic)
    • Ant (anthropogenic forcing; a mixture, not explicitly defined, that might include, for example, well-mixed greenhouse gases, aerosols, ozone, and land-use changes)
    • GHG (well mixed greenhouse gases; a mixture, not explicitly defined)
    • AA (anthropogenic aerosols; a mixture of aerosols, not explicitly defined)
    • SD (anthropogenic sulfate aerosol, accounting only for direct effects)
    • SI (anthropogenic sulfate aerosol, accounting only for indirect effects)
    • SA (= SD + SI; anthropogenic sulfate aerosol direct and indirect effects)
    • TO (tropospheric ozone)
    • SO (stratospheric ozone)
    • OZ (ozone; =tropospheric and stratospheric)
    • LU (land-use change)
    • Sl (solar irradiance)
    • Vl (volcanic aerosol)
    • SS (sea salt)
    • Ds (Dust)
    • BC (black carbon)
    • MD (mineral dust)
    • OC (organic carbon)

To find the branch point for where the historical runs depart from the control run, the information should be in the global history attributes (branch_time global attribute). There's also a parent_experiment_rip which might refer to the relevant control run?? Sometimes this information is either missing or wrong, so Jonathan Gregory also maintains a pcmdi-ancestry document. Here is an example of it being used in Python.




  • soga: global mean sea water salinity
  • so: sea water salinity (units = psu)
  • sos: sea surface salinity


  • tos: sea surface temperature
  • thetao: sea water potential temperature (K)

Wind stress

  • tauuo: surface downward x stress (Pa)
  • tauvo: surface downward y stress (Pa)
  • tauucorr: surface downward x stress correction (Pa)
  • tauvcorr: surface downward y stress correction (Pa)

Surface radiative fluxes

  • rlds: surface net downward longwave flux (where ocean is ice free) ($W m^{-2}$)
  • rsntds: net downward shortwave flux at sea water surface ($W m^{-2}$)

Surface heat fluxes

  • hfss: surface downward sensible heat flux ($W m^{-2}$)
  • hfls: surface downward latent heat flux ($W m^{-2}$)
  • hfds: downward heat flux at sea water surface (net flux of heat entering the liquid water column through its upper surface, excluding any "flux adjustment") ($W m^{-2}$)
  • hfsithermds: heat flux into sea water due to sea ice thermodynamics ($W m^{-2}$)
  • There are also a bunch of other obscure flux variables (iceberg thermodynamics, frazil ice formation, snow thermodynamics, runoff...)
  • hfcorr: heat flux correction (positive indicates correction adds heat to ocean) ($W m^{-2}$)

Internal heat fluxes

  • hfy: ocean heat y transport ($W$)
  • hfx: ocean heat x transport ($W$)
  • Rare: hfnorth (use hfy), hfbasin (northward ocean heat transport)

Other variables of interest

  • pr: rainfall flux (ice free ocean)
  • evs: water evaporation flux (ice free ocean)
  • rhopoto: sea water potential density
  • msftmyz: ocean meridional overturning mass streamfunction (like hfbasin, lat/depth/basin)
  • msftyyz: ocean y overturning mass streamfunction (like hfy)


TOA radiative fluxes:

  • rsdt: toa incoming shortwave flux ($W m^{-2}$)
  • rsut: toa outgoing shortwave flux ($W m^{-2}$)
  • rlut: toa outgoing longwave flux ($W m^{-2}$)

Surface radiative fluxes:

  • rsds: surface downwelling shortwave flux in air ($W m^{-2}$)
  • rsus: surface upwelling shortwave flux in air ($W m^{-2}$)
  • rlds: surface downwelling longwave flux in air ($W m^{-2}$)
  • rlus: surface upwelling longwave flux in air ($W m^{-2}$)

Surface heat fluxes:

  • hfss: surface upward sensible heat flux ($W m^{-2}$)
  • hfls: surface upward latent heat flux (includes evaporation and sublimation) ($W m^{-2}$)

Surface wind stress:

  • tauu: surface downward eastward stress (Pa)
  • tauv: surface downward northward stress (Pa)

Other surface variables of interest:

  • pr: precipitation flux ($kg m^{-2} s^{-1}$)
  • evspsbl: water evaporation flux ($kg m^{-2} s^{-1}$)
  • tas: air temperature (K)

ocean fx

  • areacello: grid cell area
  • volcello: grid cell volume
  • basin: flag (i.e. integer value) specifying which ocean basin the grid cell is in
    • land = 0, southern ocean = 1, atlantic = 2, pacific = 3, arctic = 4, indian = 5, mediterranean = 6, black sea = 7, hudson bay = 8, baltic sea = 9, red sea = 10
  • deptho: sea floor depth
  • sftop: sea area fraction (for many models this is just 0 or 100)

atmos fx

  • areacella: grid cell area
  • sftlf: land area fraction
  • od550aer: ambient aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm


  • Monthly: Omon
  • Yearly: Oyr

Model overlap

From Heuzé & Heywood (2015):

  • ACCESS1.0 has the same atmosphere model code and configuration as HadGEM2 and the same ocean model code as GFDL CM3 and GFDL-ESM2M (but a different configuration).
  • CCSM4 and CESM1 (CAM5) have the same ocean model code but use a different atmosphere model code.
  • CMCC-CM and CMCC-CMS have the same ocean code and configuration and the same atmosphere code with different configurations.
  • GFDL-ESM2G and GFDL-ESM2M share the same atmosphere, land, and sea ice model codes. GFDL-ESM2M and GFDL CM3 share ocean codes that are roughly the same, whereas their atmosphere codes differ.
  • GISS-E2-H and GISS-E2-R have the same atmosphere model code but different oceans.
  • HadGEM2-ES is basically HadGEM2-CC with the addition of tropospheric chemistry.
  • IPSL-CM5A-LR and IPSL-CM5A-MR have the same ocean and atmosphere model codes, but the resolution of the atmosphere is higher in IPSL-CM5A-MR.
  • MIROC5 features a more recent version of the ocean model code than MIROC-ESM-CHEM and a different atmosphere model.
  • MPI-ESM-LR and MPI-ESM-MR share the same ocean and atmosphere model codes; however, MPI-ESM-MR has a higher horizontal resolution in the ocean and vertical resolution in the atmosphere.

General model details

Aerosol representation

Much of the information on the indirect effects and Ant source come from Wilcox (2013). There's also a table in Jones (2013) which has a good summary.

Model Institution First indirect Second indirect Ant source Reference Notes Web Email
CanESM2 Yes No E1 VonSalzen2013 Data download page on allows click, so they suggest downloading from ESGF ("show all replicas")
CCSM4 NCAR Model site, Data download page
CESM1-CAM5 NSF-DOE-NCAR Model site, CMIP5 forcing info, Data download page [email protected] (Barbara)
CSIRO-Mk3.6.0 Yes No E1a Rotstayn2012 Two funny grid points in North Atlantic (Didier)
GFDL-CM3 Yes No E1 Donner2011 CMIP5 site, Data download page
GFDL-ESM2G CMIP5 site, Data download page
GFDL-ESM2M No No E1 Dunne2012 CMIP5 site, Data download page
GISS-E2-H Miller2014, Schmidt2014 CMIP5 site, Data site, Forcing info [email protected]
GISS-E2-H-CC Miller2014, Schmidt2014 CMIP5 site, Data site, Forcing info [email protected]
GISS-E2-R Miller2014, Schmidt2014 CMIP5 site, Data site, Forcing info [email protected]
GISS-E2-R-CC Miller2014, Schmidt2014 CMIP5 site, Data site, Forcing info [email protected]
IPSL-CM5A-LR Yes No E1 Dufresne2013 CMIP5 site [email protected]
NorESM1-M Bentsen2013 Project homepage Contacts

HistoricalMisc specifics

Model rip forcing details forcing notes (" " means in file attributes) thetao status notes
CanESM2 r[1-5]i1p2 LU
r[1-5]i1p3 Sl
r[1-5]i1p4 AA NCI has data
CCSM4 [c] r[1,4,6]i1p10 AA Need to download from modelling group
r[1,2,4,6]i1p11 Ant Need to download from modelling group
r[1,4,6]i1p12 BC
r[1,4,6]i1p13 LU
r[1,4,6]i1p14 Oz
r[1,4,6]i1p15 SD
r[1,4,6]i1p16 Vl
r[1,4,6]i1p17 Sl
CESM1-CAM5 [c] r[1,2,3]i1p10 AA No AA for thetao
r[1,2,3]i1p11 Ant Could download from modelling group
r[1,2,3]i1p13 LU
r[1,2,3]i1p14 Oz
r[1,2,3]i1p16 Vl
r[1,2,3]i1p17 Sl
CSIRO-Mk3.6 r[1-10]i1p1 Ant NCI has data
r[1-10]i1p2 NoOz NCI has data
r[1-10]i1p3 NoAA "Ant, Nat (anthropogenic aerosols, including the indirect effect of aerosols on snow albedo, fixed at pre-industrial levels)" NCI has data
r[1-10]i1p4 AA "AA (anthropogenic aerosols, including the indirect effect of aerosols on snow albedo)" NCI has data
r[1-10]i1p5 AntNoAA Same as NoAA except AA emissions allowed to vary in Asian region NCI has data
r[1-10]i1p6 Vl NCI has data
CNRM-CM5 r[1-10]i1p1 Ant "GHG,SA,BC,OC" On ESGF (DKRZ)
FGOALS-g2 r1i1p1 Oz
r2i1p1 [b] AA Aerosol forcing only SA, BC, Ds, OC, SS (via conc) Copied from NCI bulk data (v20130314)
GFDL-CM3 r[1,3,5]i1p1 AA direct + indirect, from emissions: "SA,BC,OC" (i.e. forced by emissions, not concentrations) NCI has data but downloaded from modelling group (v20110601) due to time axis errors
r[1,3,5]i1p2 Ant NCI has data but downloaded from modelling group (v20110601) due to time axis errors
GFDL-ESM2G r1i1p3 noLU
r1i1p4 noLU
GFDL-ESM2M r1i1p2 Ant Downloaded from modelling group (v20110601)
r1i1p3 NoLU
r1i1p4 NoLU
r1i1p5 AA "SD,SS,BC,MD,OC" Downloaded from modelling group (v20110601)
r1i1p6 LU
r1i1p7 Sl
r1i1p8 Vl
GISS-E2-H [a] r[1-5]i1p1 NoAIE All forcings except aerosol indirect effects: "GHG, LU, Sl, Vl, BC, OC, SD, Oz (also includes orbital change - BC on snow - Nitrate aerosols - no aerosol indirect effects)" NCI has data
r[1-5]i1p102 Sl
r[1-5]i1p103 Vl
r[1-5]i1p104 LU
r[1-5]i1p105 Oz
r[1-5]i1p106 AA-direct Anthropogenic tropospheric aerosol: direct effect only (via concentration) Need to download from modelling group
r[1-5]i1p107 AA Anthropogenic tropospheric aerosol: direct and indirect effect only (via concentration) Need to download from modelling group
r[1-5]i1p108 BCsnow
r[1-5]i1p109 Ant NCI has data
r[1-5]i1p302 Sl
r[1-5]i1p303 Vl
r[1-5]i1p309 Ant
r[1-5]i1p310 AA Anthropogenic tropospheric aerosol via emissions of SO2, BC, OC, NH3 (i.e. forced by emissions, not concentrations) Need to download from modelling group
r[1-5]i1p311 SLG Anthropogenic tropospheric reactive gasses (emissions of NOx, CO, VOCs, CH4)
r[1-5]i1p312 ODS emissions of CFCs
r[1-5]i1p313 GHGnoCH4 Schmidt2014 says access now
GISS-E2-R [a] r[1-5]i1p1 NoAIE All forcings except aerosol indirect effects: "GHG, LU, Sl, Vl, BC, OC, SD, Oz (also includes orbital change - BC on snow - Nitrate aerosols - no aerosol indirect effects)" NCI has data
r[1-5]1p102 Sl NCI has data
r[1-5]1p103 Vl
r[1-5]1p104 LU NCI has data
r[1-5]1p105 Oz NCI has data
r[1-5]1p106 AA-direct Anthropogenic tropospheric aerosol: direct effect only (via concentration) Need to download from modelling group
r[1-5]1p107 AA Anthropogenic tropospheric aerosol: direct and indirect effect only (via concentration) Need to download from modelling group
r[1-5]1p108 BCsnow Schmidt2014 says access now
r[1-5]1p109 Ant
r[1-5]1p302 Sl Need to download from modelling group
r[1-5]1p303 Vl
r[1-5]1p309 Ant Need to download from modelling group
r[1-5]1p310 AA Anthropogenic tropospheric aerosol via emissions of SO2, BC, OC, NH3 (i.e. forced by emissions, not concentrations) Need to download from modelling group
r[1-5]1p311 SLG Anthropogenic tropospheric reactive gasses (emissions of NOx, CO, VOCs, CH4)
r[1-5]1p312 ODS emissions of CFCs
r[1-5]1p313 GHGnoCH4
IPSL-CM5-LR r[1,3]i1p1 noLU
r[1-3]i1p2 Ant Contacted modelling group (? on ESGF at DKRZ)
r1i1p3 AA Contacted modelling group (? on ESGF at DKRZ)
r[1-4]i1p4 noAA "Nat,Ant,GHG,Oz,LU" Contacted modelling group (? on ESGF at DKRZ)
r[1-5]i1p5 noOz
r[1-2]i1p6 GHGSA
NorESM1-M r1i1p1 AA Aerosol forcing only Contacted modelling group

a: For the GISS E2 models the p1xx anf p3xx are produced by model versions that differ in their treatment of aerosols and atmospheric chemistry (see here for details) b: For this simulation the r and p values were accidentally reversed c: For the CCSM4 and CESM1-CAM5 models all of the following are included in single forcing runs, but except for the species identified in the simulation shorthand column of the table, they are held fixed or cycled over the annual cycle consistent with 1850 values: GHG, Vl, Sl, LU SS Ds SD BC MD OC Oz and DMS-derived aerosols. Further information about the forcing included in various CCSM4 and CESM1-CAM5 model simulations is available at

NCI also has atmospheric historicalMisc data for the BNU-ESM model, which isn't listed by Schmidt2014

Branch times

Model ocean grid branch time
CanESM2 regular lat/lon Correct in metadata (171915 for historical and 1pctCO2 experiments)
CCSM4 curvilinear Wrong in metadata. Correct is 342005 for historical), 91615 for 1pctCO2: see
CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 regular lat/lon 29200 (historical), which is correct in most but not all metadata. (For rndt you need to start at year 220 to avoid step change in control.) 37595 for 1pctCO2.
FGOALS-g2 rotated pole? 175382.5 (visual estimate)
GFDL-CM3 rotated pole Correct in metadata
GFDL-ESM2M rotated pole Correct in metadata
GISS-E2-H (p1) regular lat/lon Time gap in control data. After removing data prior to year 2410, branch time is zero. (For OHC you need to start at year 2650 to avoid step change in control.)
GISS-E2-H (p3) regular lat/lon Time gap in control data. After removing data prior to year 2490, branch time is zero.
GISS-E2-R (p1) regular lat/lon Time gap in control data. After removing data prior to year 3981, branch time is zero. (For historical and 1pctCO2.)
GISS-E2-R (p3) regular lat/lon Time gap in control data. After removing data prior to year 3560, branch time is zero.
IPSL-CM5-LR curvilinear? Correct in metadata (for hfds must start at year 2370 due to missing hfls data).
NorESM1-M curvilinear Correct in metadata (255151 for historical and piControl)

Ocean model

Model details from Huang and Qiao (2015).

Model ocean model ocean grid ocean model details
ACCESS1-0 MOM4.1 BO, FS, FWF (Bi et al., 2013)
ACCESS1-3 MOM4.1 BO, FS, FWF (Bi et al., 2013)
BCC-CSM1-1 MOM4 BO, FS, FWF (Griffies et al., 2005)
BCC-CSM1-1-m BO, FS, FWF (Griffies et al., 2005)
BNU-ESM MOM 4.1 Wang et al (2014)
CanESM2 regular lat/lon BO, RL, VSF (Merryfield et al., 2013)
CCSM4 curvilinear BO, FS, VSF (Danabasoglu et al., 2012)
CESM1-BGC BO, FS, VSF (Danabasoglu et al., 2012)
CMCC-CM OPA8.2 BO, FS, FWF (Fogli et al., 2009)
CMCC-CMS OPA8.2 BO, FS, FWF (Fogli et al., 2009)
CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 regular lat/lon BO, RL, VSF (Gordon et al., 2010)
FGOALS-g2 rotated pole? BO, FS, FWF (Li et al., 2013)
GFDL-CM3 rotated pole BO, FS, FWF (Griffies et al., 2011)
GFDL-ESM2G BO, FS, FWF (Dunne et al., 2012)
GFDL-ESM2M rotated pole BO, FS, FWF (Dunne et al., 2012)
GISS-E2-R regular lat/lon NB, FS, FWF (Liu et al., 2003)
GISS-E2-R-CC NB, FS, FWF (Liu et al., 2003)
IPSL-CM5A-LR BO, FS, FWF (Dufresne et al., 2013)
IPSL-CM5A-MR BO, FS, FWF (Dufresne et al., 2013)
IPSL-CM5B-LR BO, FS, FWF (Dufresne et al., 2013)
MIROC-ESM BO, FS, FWF (Watanable et al., 2011)
MPI-ESM-LR BO, FS, FWF (Jungclaus et al., 2013)
MPI-ESM-MR BO, FS, FWF (Jungclaus et al., 2013)
MRI-CGCM3 BO, FS, FWF (Yukimoto et al., 2012)
NorESM1-M curvilinear NB, FS, VSF (Bentsen et al., 2012)
NorESM1-ME NB, FS, VSF (Bentsen et al., 2012)

BO = Boussinesq; NB = non-Boussinesq
FS = free surface; RL = rigid lid
FWF = freshwater flux; VSF = virtual salt flux

Data issues


  • /g/data1/rr3/publications/CMIP5/output1/CSIRO-BOM/ACCESS1-0/piControl/mon/ocean/Omon/r1i1p1/latest/hfds/ has a bogus time axis value at index 1682


  • Bad volcello data


  • Bad volcello data
  • Some of the CCSM4 piControl sea water salinity data files have units g/kg (as they should), while others (for the same run) have kg/kg (or 1).
  • For the CCSM4 model, r6i1p10 of historicalMisc only goes to 1999 (instead of 2005) and there are other experiments (e.g. historicalGHG) where some runs start at 1851 and others at 1850
  • Some of the historicalMisc (r1i1p10) monthly thetao data files have random zeros in places (in the 1860, 1910, 1920 and 1930 files)


  • In the CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 rcp85 (and probably other experiments) hfbasin data the position of the "global ocean" and "indian pacific ocean" regions are mislabelled. The "global ocean" data is the last of the three regions (i.e. Python index -1 or 2) and "indian pacific ocean" is the middle.


  • The time axis units in the FGOALS-g2 data is days since 0001-01. The lack of a day specifier causes problems with time related operations in Iris.


  • For the GFDL-ESM2M historical and historicalAA (r1i1p5) experiments, the parent experiment is listed as historicalMisc when it should be piControl


  • Bad volcello data for GISS-E2-R
  • For the GISS-E2-H and GISS-E2-R models, the sea surface salinity (sos) and sea surface temperature (tos) data is on the atmospheric grid rather than the oceanic. This means you need to use areacella instead of areacello.
  • For the GISS-E2-R model (haven't checked E2-H), the ocean surface variables that are on the ocean grid (e.g. hfds, areacello) are missing their land mask (zeros instead of the fill value have been used)
  • The Southern Ocean extends a long way north in the GISS-E2-R basin file, so don't use it.
  • The theato, r1i1p1 (haven't checked other variables/runs) piControl data is missing some files. It jumps from 363012 to 398101. The historical data branches at 398101.
  • For the GISS-E2-R model the branch time corresponds to the branch year, not the days since...


  • Bad volcello data


  • wfo wrong sign (I've only checked piControl, r1i1p1)


  • wfo wrong sign (I've only checked piControl, r1i1p1)


  • Bad volcello data