About: Uses polite package to scrape the NASAD website for a list of accredited art degree granting colleges and universities in the US.
Col1 | Col2 | Col3 |
id | index number | (numeric) |
school_name | name of the university | (character) |
street | street address for the university | (character) |
url | web address of art program | (character) |
degree_type | full list of the degree types and subjects unseparated | (character) |
about | about the university | (character) |
zip | zip code / US postal code | (character) |
state | state abbreviation | (character) |
degree.1 | degree type | (character) |
years | length of course of study | (character) |
subject | subject or major course of study | (character) |
school_type | school type, ie. public / private etc. | (character) |
Used to build the NASAD Art Schools Dashboard: Tableau
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