- ac710ed: Update and improve exported Typescript types
- 4e972db: Add changeSvgPath method
- 8d9ecde: Support for ES5 Browsers when using a CDN
- a389a79: Proper support for unpkg.com CDN. (Set .mjs file as default)
- b326b64: Add test to npmignore
- 24337a5: Disable IntersectionObserver (used for increased performance) because most browsers other than firefox don't support path elements
- 2f35abb: scrollSvgNullable function
- a9d2bbb: JSDoc Added
- bee31ec: Performance Increase
- 255aa60: redraw method added and link to interactive demo
- edd32b6: Now works with all scroll containers, not just window.
- b1eb186: Scroll SVG is now full functional for all SVG paths.
- 7e33cff: Ability to remove event listener - Compatible with ReactJS
- a2dc4d5: Offset option and Speed option now functional
- f8e5078: draw_origin property now available
- 3dde162: Invert option and error checking and handling
- d063354: Animates an svg to appear at center screen
- 68990c5: Initial ChangeSet